Gokusen (2002) s01e12 Episode Script

Goodbye, Yankumi

- What?
- Hey!
I don't know what happened,
but you've kicked him so many times
and it's enough.
It's not reasonable
if we just walk away now.
Keep taking photos
Over there
Now! Go!
Punch them!
This will sell well!
(Final Episode)
Education is about nurturing
peoples' hearts.
Education is about love and trust.
Education is about duty
and humanity!
Thank you!
- Thank you very much!
- That's Shirokin's speech?
Isn't it just awful?
But representing your school
to give a speech in the educational
symposium is something remarkable.
No, it's not that remarkable
Miss Yamaguchi.
Your speech moved my heart.
I will bring a video camera
on the day.
No, thank you.
Speaking of which, you said someone
interviewed you the other day?
You mean Wednesday Weekly, right?
- When will it be on sale?
- I think it's tomorrow.
Tomorrow? I can't wait to read it.
I'll buy every single one
from the book shop.
Oh, don't buy all of them,
Mr. Shinohara!
We've got a problem!
Out of my way!
We've got a problem!
No running in the corridors!
Good lord!
We've got a problem!
We've got a problem!
I said, no running in the corridors.
Don't do it, or you'll set
a bad example for the students.
What is it? Why are you making
that face?
- Look at this
- What?
What is it?
I can't breathe
- Which page?
- My heart
My pills
What the heck?
What the heck?
Good morning.
Good morning
What's the matter?
It's Wednesday Weekly!
Hey! Let me see
Oh, gosh! You guys have
bought it already?
Frankly, I am embarrassed.
If reporters keep calling to ask me
to do interviews,
it'll cause you guys trouble again.
Oh, what should I do?
(Shocking Truth!)
(Violence in front of her student!
This Teacher Scuffled with Thugs!)
(This Hot-blooded Teacher is the
4th Boss of a Yakuza Group!)
I'm sorry, even if you say so
Please don't shout at us.
We are still investigating
whether it is true or not.
We didn't know anything
about it either.
Yes, but
I am very sorry.
Miss Yamaguchi.
Mr. Washio would like to
ask you something.
Excuse me
Miss Yamaguchi
Is this true?
- It isn't.
- It's not true?
I am not the 4th boss,
I'm the granddaughter of
the 3rd generation boss.
It's the same thing.
Let's do our best!
Good morning!
- Well
- Yankumi.
We've seen it!
- About that
- You're not very photogenic.
When you take photos,
don't face the camera, turn to
the right by 45 degrees.
Got it?
You really aren't attractive at all.
No, not at all.
It should have been photos
with part of her panties showing.
It doesn't matter.
Even though your family
is a yakuza group.
They all said that it didn't matter.
You are who you are, right?
Yes, you are Don't worry
- I am very sorry.
- It's okay.
I'd braced myself that this day
would come, sooner or later.
The problem is the chairman.
- The chairman?
- Yeah.
He is Mr. Sawatari's father.
He cares about honor and
what people think about
Shirokin Gakuin more than anyone.
Mr. Sawatari is so strict
because he'll be the principal,
then the chairman one day
and continue to run
Shirokin Gakuin.
It's the chairman's instructions
and he is obeying them.
You'll see
that he seems to have
a heart of stone.
I deeply apologize for causing you
so much trouble.
I am terribly sorry!
How could this happen
under your supervision?
I am terribly sorry!
You have brought us big trouble.
But Chairman,
I think Miss Yamaguchi's family
doesn't matter, does it?
That is not what I mean.
"This hot-blooded teacher
scuffled with thugs."
She is a member of
our teaching staff,
it's unpardonable that
she resorted to violence!
It was because the thugs were going
to punch me, so I defended myself.
But it doesn't say that
in the article.
My point is, you are a member
of our teaching staff,
and people think that you use
violence, and that is the problem.
Are you telling me, Chairman,
that I should do nothing when my
precious student is being beaten up?
Now listen.
Anyone who brings disgrace
on our school,
whether it's a student or a teacher,
we do not need them.
You are going to quit your job here.
However, you are still very young.
As the chairman, firing you at
my own discretion is very easy.
But if you think about your future,
rather than the school
making you quit,
it won't do you as much harm
if you quit voluntarily.
Write your resignation letter.
It's because firing her would make
the school look bad, isn't it?
I don't think it's right to make her
quit without a good reason.
Don't be rude to the chairman!
I did not do anything that makes me
have to quit my job as a teacher.
So, you insist that you are not
going to quit voluntarily?
Is that what you mean?
This is bad! The guys in 3D
went outside to the press!
Are you the students of 3D?
Please talk to us!
Guys, don't get into a fight.
Did you know that Miss Yamaguchi
was the heir to a yakuza group?
How would we know?
Does Miss Yamaguchi use violence
on you guys?
She seems pretty good at fighting,
what do you think?
I think it's none of your business!
Hey, don't do this.
Ultimately, her students
use violence too?
You're that reporter
who came the other day, right?
Why did you write all that nonsense?
I am offended. I didn't lie
about anything.
You were watching, right?
Yankumi fought those thugs
to protect me!
Well, my job is to write articles
that fascinate the readers.
So you can write anything
if it is fascinating?
Apologize to Yankumi!
Your class teacher can't even teach
her students how to talk to people?
Darn you!
Stop, Kuma!
Hey, let go of them!
Hey, what are you doing?
Hey! Stop it now!
He wrote something so awful about
Yankumi, we can't keep quiet!
Apologize to Yankumi right now!
Boys, just step back!
They are even worse than I thought!
I had no idea that
they were so violent!
Rather than high school students,
they're more like thugs!
You call my precious students thugs?
What did my boys do?
What did they do that got all of you
to chase them around?
The chairman!
Expelled from school?
We'll hold an urgent
board meeting tomorrow
and officially make the decision to
expel the whole of Class 3D
as their punishment.
Wait a second!
It can't be avoided
after what's happened.
It's too severe to
expel them from school!
The students only protested against
what happened to Miss Yamaguchi.
People call what
they did "violence".
I don't know what people think,
but what they did wasn't violence!
I feel sorry for them. The
of their class teacher
caused the students
to receive this punishment.
But we have to settle the matter
in one way or another.
Such a big problem has occurred,
letting the teacher escape from
the responsibility
and the students aren't punished,
isn't what we can afford to do.
What I said just now,
Miss Yamaguchi,
you should know what I mean.
You mean I have to take
the responsibility?
That is what I mean.
If you take the responsibility
and resign,
I won't hold the students
for the chaos they caused.
Ponder on your answer tonight.
You can write anything
if it is fascinating?
Apologize to Yankumi!
Your class teacher can't even teach
her students how to talk to people?
Darn you!
Stop it!
Wow, it was shocking.
Perhaps the teacher lacked
teaching skills,
but I got the impression that those
students will come to no good.
Young people who get angry
so quickly.
This represents what young people
in Japan nowadays are like
Good grief! These people keep saying
whatever they want, Big Bro.
Yes, indeed! They all make me laugh.
Right, Minoru?
Shin is here.
Sawada is here?
Your room is pretty tidy.
What's the matter?
I thought you might be depressed.
You always blame yourself
for everything,
and then you get depressed.
They will decide what our punishment
is tomorrow, right?
I'm sorry that we caused that chaos.
But it wasn't your fault.
Why are you apologizing?
You guys didn't do anything wrong.
It was my fault.
It was
- all my fault.
- I told you.
You blame yourself for everything.
I won't let them expel you guys
from school.
I promise, I won't let them.
Sorry for coming at
such a late hour.
Thank you.
They won't make you resign,
will they?
You won't be fired because of
what we did, right?
Of course not.
See you.
Take care going home.
I am going to protect you guys.
No matter what it takes,
I am going to protect you.
She's here!
Please say something about
your students using violence.
(Resignation letter)
This is bad!
Yankumi submitted
her resignation letter!
What the heck?
What are you doing, guys?
You should be in class.
Go on, return to your classroom.
You shouldn't do this
without telling us!
Why did you resign?
It's our fault, isn't it?
You have to take the responsibility
for what happened yesterday?
No, it's not like that.
Why did we receive no punishment?
It's because
It's because it wasn't necessary
to give you a punishment.
But that's not right!
The reason I resigned
has nothing to do with you guys.
Tell us, then.
Why did you resign?
Did you do something that
made you have to resign?
You didn't, did you?
But you still resigned?
This is not like you at all!
It was you who taught us
that we have to be honest
with how we feel.
But are you honest to yourself now?
Aren't you deceiving yourself?
He's right! Don't resign!
Don't resign, Yankumi!
It's not like you!
Yankumi, come back!
I am so sick of taking care
of all of you!
It didn't occur to me that being
a teacher was such a nuisance!
You guys
need me to take care of you
so much and I had no idea!
I don't want to be
a teacher any more!
- Stop making up lies!
- It's not a lie!
Don't be ridiculous!
You promised us, didn't you?
That you would take care of us
until the end!
You said that you would get our
whole class to graduate together!
Hey! Say something!
Hey, Yankumi!
Do we just let her leave us?
What can we do?
Is there anything
that we
can do for Yankumi?
This is crazy. She really resigned.
She is so straightforward
that she's almost an idiot.
She's a weird person.
Rather than being like a teacher,
she was more like a student.
I'm impressed that you employed her
though, Principal.
When I interviewed her, I thought,
this person could change our school.
(Resignation letter)
Why could she do so much
for students like those guys?
Miss Yamaguchi resigned from
her school.
Somehow, I can't believe it.
(High School Gangsters
Assault Reporters!)
(Under the Mask of a Hot-blooded
Teacher is the Successor of a Gang!)
MaybeI will succeed
the Oedo Family
- Missy
- Really?
I have lost my job now and I can't
laze around for too long.
I'll start by helping Tetsu and the
others to collect money tomorrow.
What nonsense are you talking?
You said that you would be a teacher
for the rest of your life, right?
Was your dream something that
can be thrown away so easily?
- Boss, I think you went too far.
- Tetsu!
Missy resigned for
her students' sake.
And that's why she should be
the 4th generation boss?
I suppose you do feel some regret
about your job as a teacher.
Do not decide something so important
with a half-hearted attitude.
Do not rush it.
This is your own life.
I want you to really treasure it.
So that there won't be any regrets.
The scandalous affair caused by the
teacher and students of our school,
it was sensationalized by
the mass media
and created a sensation.
I sincerely apologize for that.
The person concerned, who was
a member of our teacher staff,
according to her own wishes,
we have allowed her to
resign her post yesterday.
Regarding the student's punishment,
we have decided to overlook
their mistake this time.
The children have
a brilliant future,
teaching them with
a tolerant heart
is the job of educators like us.
Please listen to what
we have to say.
Get out!
We won't move an inch
until you listen to us.
Anyway, this isn't the right place.
- Say what you want later.
- Just go outside.
Please don't make
Miss Yamaguchi resign.
Get out!
Go outside now!
Go. Okay?
- Go outside!
- Please!
Listen to us!
Calm down.
Listen to us!
The whole Class 3D has
marched into the hall!
The boys did that?
They are asking the chairman
to not accept your resignation.
They are all desperate!
Please, come right away!
I am not
Are you really sure, Yankumi?
Listen to us!
Listen to us!
Let Yankumi come back!
Chairman, listen to us!
We all need Yankumi!
- Let her come back!
- Please!
Don't let yourself regret anything.
See you
Miss Yankumi!
Please get in. You're going
to the school, right?
Thank you!
Please listen to us, Chairman!
Please listen to us!
You are crazy to stand up
for a violent teacher like her!
Someone like her can't possibly
teach her students as a teacher!
It doesn't matter!
Kumiko Yamaguchi might be
the granddaughter of a yakuza group,
people might label her as
a violent teacher,
but we do not care at all!
She taught us so many things.
Adults can't be trusted.
Teachers can't be trusted.
That's what we'd always thought.
But Yankumi let us think
that it is not the case.
We thought maybe we could trust her.
We thought
maybe we could show her
what we really think.
She was the first one.
She was the first teacher
who didn't judge us by
our appearance or grades!
So far, many teachers
have punched me,
but only Yankumi was serious
when she punched me!
Do not do anything so nasty
as taking someone's money!
You guys are a disgrace
to the bad guys.
You can make a fool of your teacher.
You can fight if you like.
You should never do
something like a coward!
Play fair!
You should hold your head high
as a bad guy!
There is no other teacher who would
deal with us as seriously as her!
He's right!
I didn't know how I should
treasure my friends.
I didn't, until Yankumi
told me how to!
Nobody can do anything on their own.
That's why we hang out with friends.
But in return,
no matter what happens,
you have to stay with your friends
till the end!
If she hadn't been here
I would have quit school
and made my mom cry.
Don't be a spoiled child!
Has your mom ever run away from
any problem you caused?
You should at least understand
a bit how your mom feels!
Yankumi taught us the difference
between a fight and violence!
There is no other teacher like her!
The basics of a fight is a
one-to-one match using your fists.
Don't compare it with
some dirty violence.
Fighting is something you do
to protect what you care for,
and it is done with passion.
No matter what happens,
she has always been on our side.
You have got friends
who would run around for you all
night long when you are in danger.
Why don't you show them
your vulnerability a bit?
They are all prepared to
be there for you.
I thought that I could
quit school anytime I wanted.
But since she came,
I have started to think that school
is where I like to go most.
Me too.
Me too!
There is no other teacher like her!
Is that all you want to say?
If you don't take back
your decision of firing Yankumi,
no matter what,
our whole class
will quit school.
(Notice of withdrawal)
This is ridiculous!
Come on, teachers, pick them up.
Don't take photos!
What are you doing?
Pick the letters up now!
Guys, wait a second!
(Notice of withdrawal)
How dare you do something so stupid!
Chairman, Mr. Sawatari.
Would you give me a moment?
There is something I want to say.
You have nothing to do with
our school any more.
Get out.
Get her and all those students out
I'll let you talk.
What did you say?
She caused such a big fuss,
so isn't it better to
get her to apologize
in front of all these people here?
Miss Yamaguchi.
We caused a chaos at the important
event of the educational symposium,
and I sincerely apologize for this.
I resigned from my job
as a teacher yesterday.
My only regret is, I won't be able
to see my students graduate.
I would like to ask you a favor.
Teachers of Shirokin Gakuin,
please give these boys the support
they need until they graduate.
Teachers who attend the symposium,
please don't abandon students
like them.
They are still immature.
That's why they make mistakes,
and they do things
that are wrong as well.
please don't label them as bad guys
and abandon them
just because of that.
They just make more mistakes
than other people.
And that's one of
their characteristics.
It has been just three short months,
but I really enjoyed
every single day,
and it was satisfying.
That I could be the class teacher of
Shirokin Gakuin's Class 3D,
I could be the teacher of the boys
who possess such honest hearts,
and I feel honored from
the bottom of my heart.
Then why did you resign?
If you're not here, it's pointless
coming to school!
A school without you is boring!
You idiots!
Don't say something so ridiculous!
What boring?
School isn't a place for you
to have fun,
it is where you learn!
You don't learn to get high marks
in exams.
You learn,
so that you won't run away from
anything trying and unpleasant!
Nobody can live on their own.
That is why you have to learn
how to live with your friends.
School is a place for you
to learn that.
So you have to go to school
and graduate from it.
Boys, listen carefully.
you don't do well academically,
perhaps you're not
excellent students,
You all have the most valuable thing
as a person.
In here.
So, boys
Be confident.
Be open and aboveboard and live
with your head held up high.
(Resignation letter)
What are you doing?
This is the first time,
but I don't agree with what you did.
We need Miss Yamaguchi
as a teacher in our school!
Mr. Sawatari
Can you still fire her after this?
I'll let you off today.
But don't think this is over.
Yankumi doesn't have to quit now?
Of course she doesn't!
Let's go!
Keep going!
Yankumi! Hey, don't drop her!
Yankumi! Yankumi!
Watch it
Yankumi! Keep going!
Keep going!
What a relief!
Keep going!
(To celebrate Yankumi's comeback,
we have an extracurricular lesson)
We'll play kick the can
in our extracurricular lesson!
What a relief! I'm so glad
to see that she's back.
I'm really glad too.
Guys, run!
One, two
She is the best teacher in Japan!
I want to be Missy's student too.
Me too!
Missy said that she likes you
Found you!
Mr. Shinohara,
but I am not going to give up
pursuing Missy.
All right.
Bring it on.
What? Both of you want to
pursue Miss Yamaguchi?
Then the three of us are rivals.
I'm sorry,
but there are four of us.
Mr. Sawatari, I think better
of you now.
There is something nice about you.
I did it on an impulse there.
Oh, come on!
You are pretty shy.
He is blushing again!
You're adorable
Let's go!
Are you guys making a fool of me?
Oh, no!
Guys, run!
I'll expel all of you from school!
Mr. Sawatari!
Guys, let's go!
That's it!
Guys, follow me!
I will get all of you to
graduate together!
(All characters appearing in
this work are fictitious)
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