Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Gangs of the Sea

[foreboding music]
Not how you expected this
to work out, is it, "Lord Ras"?
All praise the Good Empress.
[Rapton] Everything's ready.
Just as you ordered.
We must beat the Ninja
to those three Dragon Energy Cores.
Then we'll be able to destroy them
once and for all.
Of course, but
Uh, is it possible to be
too focused on the Ninja?
The Claws of Imperium. [scoffs]
Shouldn't we be, maybe,
capturing dragons?
The Ninja defied me.
Humiliated me.
They will pay.
And then no one will be able to stop us
from getting any dragon we need.
Of course. Uh
I'll send everyone immediately.
All hail the Good Empress.
[tense music]
[Nya] We think
the three Dragon Cores
can be found somewhere here,
here, and here.
We have to find all of them
if we want to stop
the MergeQuakes
and stabilize the world.
So, we have to split up
into three teams.
-Now, how do you wanna
-Me and Sora.
Yeah, me and Nya.
-And Riyu. We're a team.
-[Riyu panting, growls softly]
Then me and Arin will be a team.
Sounds good.
Then that leaves
-With him?
-With her?
-Don't get us into trouble.
-Don't get us into trouble.
I will remain here
at the Monastery
to deal
with any MergeQuakes that arise,
and to also work on figuring out
the Portal Gates.
There is a high percentage chance
the Gates are tied to the Merge.
Perhaps since I woke
on the Imperium side of the Gate,
they will be the key
to finding the other Ninja.
And Pixal.
Thanks, Zane,
that could change everything.
-Sora, let's go!
Oh, right.
I guess
Sora should be coming, too.
[soft growl]
I was talking to Sora.
Ooh, the other Sora.
Not that Sora.
[soft growl]
Both of you! Ugh.
[Nya] We're headed out.
-Me and Sora
-Which one?
The person.
Us and Riyu are gonna travel
by dragon.
Which includes Sora.
Which one?
The dragon!
This name thing is gonna be
a problem.
[Nya grunts]
[soft growl]
If they're traveling by dragon,
then so are we.
We will ride
on my family, Heatwave.
Wait, wait, wait,
where am I gonna sit?
The obvious place. Behind me.
-But I'm older!
Behind me is a good place
for the afternoon naps
someone your age needs.
I'm not that old!
And for the record,
naps are awesome.
Glad I'm not in that group.
You and I are gonna take
the Destiny's Bounty.
Flying by airship
should be easy.
Smooth sailing ahead!
Fewer distractions from my work.
[frustrated groan]
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[lightning crackles]
[birds chirping]
[thrilling music]
The Dragon Core is supposed
to be out across the ocean.
[chirping continues]
So I think
we're on the right track.
Should be smooth air.
What are we gonna do
in the meantime?
I know just the thing!
Uh, this is fun and all,
but maybe we can do
something less close
to sleeping?
Mindfulness is
about being awake.
Paying attention
But that reminds me.
Remember in Dorama's theater,
when you somehow gave Spinjitzu
power to an inanimate object?
I haven't been able
to do it since.
I'm starting to think
I imagined it.
No. You did that.
And there's no reason
you can't do it again.
Your self-taught Spinjitzu
is a bit wonky
but it's incredible
you learned it on your own.
It makes sense to me
that you have other skills
you haven't tapped into yet.
We just have to learn
what's holding you back.
Throw it. And try to give it
Spinjitzu power.
It's okay.
Remember your mindfulness.
Focus and try again.
[tense music]
-[Arin grunts]
Don't worry, one less plate
for me to wash.
[suspenseful music]
Come on, focus. You can do this.
What did you do
when you did this last time?
I can't breathe.
[exhales deeply]
I did it!
That was the last of our dinner plates.
[Lloyd] Ah.
What happened?
I'm thinking the plate spun
right through the engine.
Well, the good news is
I gave it Spinjitzu power?
[loud thud]
[engine whirs]
[Arin and Lloyd yell]
[tense music]
Remember when we said
this would be a smooth ride?
-Keep it steady!
[both grunt]
[loud thud]
[birds chirping]
the hull's still good,
so we're not gonna sink.
I hope.
But the engines are cooked,
and there's no way to fix them
without equipment.
And without engines,
there's no way to fly,
and no way to call
anyone for help.
We just have to paddle
our way out
with this!
No, wait.
With this!
Don't we have any paddles
on this ship?
Airships usually
don't need them.
we do have these.
Oh, yeah.
[waves crashing]
[Arin] Hey, Lloyd.
Check this out.
This must be a mix
of the blue ocean of Ninjago
with red water
from some other realm.
And it all came together
in the Merge.
The Merge just makes
everything so weird
-Hey! We need help!
-Down here! Stop!
[engine revs]
How could they not see us?
What kind of clown
is flying that ship?
What is that?
That looks like a place
we might find some help.
[waves crashing]
Hello? Hi!
Our ship's engines
have taken damage!
Which was sorta, kinda,
a little, totally my fault!
[both grunt]
[ominous music]
Destroy the interlopers!
I'm guessing
they're not interested
in helping us.
I'm getting the same idea!
We gotta get out of here!
[Arin] There's a little bit
of a hiccup
in the
"getting out of here" part!
Sink the ship!
Destroy the interlopers!
What is that?
A crab.
It's like a crustacean
I know what a crab is!
They're not usually
as big as a house!
[Lloyd] Look out!
[Arin] How'd they get
a giant monster crab?
Destroy the interlopers!
I don't know, but it looks like
that guy's controlling it
with that crown!
We have to get it off the ship!
[grunts] Hold on!
[soft growl]
They should really put up a sign
if they don't want visitors.
It's no use.
After the damage from that fight,
our ship's barely treading water.
We gotta fix our ride
or we'll never get anywhere,
let alone find the Dragon Core.
Sounded like something hit us?
[thudding continues]
[gentle music]
They seem friendly.
How so?
They're not shooting arrows at us.
Or attacking us with a giant crab monster.
Hey there!
We, uh, have a problem with our ship.
Is there anyone here
that could help fix our engines?
Reckon we got a good news,
bad news situation.
I could work on your engine,
but I'd need to get back
to my shop.
Which is impossible.
Why? Where's your shop?
You happen to pass by
a big floating structure
overrun by nasty jerks with arrows
and a giant crab guarding it?
That's where.
[Dale] That used to be our home.
At least 'til that
Merlopian Gang showed up.
The leader of the gang controls
a giant crab,
if you can believe it.
[ominous music]
[all screaming]
[Dale] They took over our home.
And we've been stuck floating
on this thing ever since.
We ran into the same gang.
And their obnoxious crab.
We're just
peaceful algae farmers.
But ever since the Merge,
strange characters
have been coming through.
Like that Ocean Gang.
They've stolen our village
and they're eating
all our algae.
If we don't find land soon,
we'll all starve.
Why don't you just fight
and take your home back?
What, take on that gang
and their crab?
We're farmers.
We ain't fighters.
We can help you
get your village back.
You need a place to live
and we can't go anywhere
until our engines get fixed.
So we can solve both problems
by going back
and kicking Ocean Gang butt.
As long as you are willing
to stand up and fight.
[Lloyd] We'll train you
with the materials
you have on hand.
[water splashes]
[action music]
[action music continues]
[all cheer]
[suspenseful music]
It's too dark to read
[Arin sighs]
It says "look behind you."
That's what it says?
Hmm. Maybe it's time for me
to finally get
reading glasses
[Lloyd] Now!
[all yell]
Any sign of the leader?
[Arin] No, but he has to be
around here somewhere.
[Lloyd] We need to find him
and get his crown
before he can call
the giant crab.
-[all whimper]
Too late
[ominous music]
[Lloyd grunts]
[all yell]
[Arin] We can take 'em!
Stay focused!
Just like we practiced!
This isn't gonna work!
There's too many of them!
[Arin] They're not that tough!
This is your home! Fight for it!
I promise this is gonna be good.
This is gonna be bad.
Destroy the interlopers!
[Lloyd grunts]
There he is.
I'll go get him
and that control crown.
[Arin] And I'll stay here
and keep that monster busy!
Um, I will, uh, try to keep
that monster busy
somehow, maybe
[Lloyd grunting]
Hey! Call off your crab!
So, I'm doing this the hard way.
[Lloyd] Oh, come on
Where you going?
Call off your crab monster
and give the people back their village.
Destroy the interloper!
Why do you keep saying that?
It sounds so weird.
[Arin] You guys again?
[all grunt]
Just like I practiced
Hey, our new plates!
We just got those!
[Arin] So, not like I practiced.
[giant crab growling]
[Arin] Is there any other place
we could go?
Not really, no.
[both grunting]
[Lloyd] Gotcha.
Thank you.
I never thought I'd escape the creature.
[Lloyd] Wait, what?
[giant crab growls]
[Lloyd] The gang
wasn't controlling the monster,
the monster was controlling the gang!
Yes. The crab is the mastermind
behind this.
It made us take over so it could feed off
the processed algae.
[Arin] That tooth.
It's gotta be the source
of its power.
[Lloyd] Yeah. Probably
how it was mind-controlling the gang.
[Arin] That tooth doesn't match
any of the others.
Which means someone put
that thing in its mouth
to give it power.
But who would do something like that?
[giant crab growls]
[leader] Merlopians and villagers!
Team up!
Work together so that monster
can't blast us
or control anybody ever again!
[Lloyd grunting, groans]
Ugh. That monster is so annoying!
We've tried everything,
but we haven't tried that.
Hey, crab!
Hey! Over here! Over here! Look at me!
You see me? Huh? Huh?
You're not looking!
[Arin whimpers]
Lloyd! Now!
[Arin grunts]
[all cheer]
[Dale] Almost done.
Once I'm through,
reckon your engine will run
better than ever.
[Lloyd] How much for your work?
Nah! This job's on the house.
You didn't just save us
from a monster.
You brought us together
into one big happy family.
And you're more than welcome
to stay with us.
Sounds fun, but we're
on a very important mission.
The fate of the world is at stake.
Just know if we succeed,
we couldn't have done it
without your help.
Thank you.
[upbeat music playing]
I sure hope the other Ninja
are having an easier time
on their mission than we are.
-This is totally your fault.
-This is totally your fault.
[closing theme music]
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