Pact of Silence (2023) s01e12 Episode Script


[printer whirring]
- Here you are.
- Thanks, Matilde.
You're welcome.
[tense music playing]
Thanks to this, we have enough
to charge Irene Bustamante.
The night my brother was killed,
she was wearing this button
they found next to his remains.
They were together that night.
This guy. Maybe he killed my brother
to defend his girlfriend?
Maybe Irene helped him
get rid of the body, or they all did.
[quietly] I don't know.
It should be in the past, I know.
But I still want justice
for my parents, at least.
There's no way
that the police are going after Irene.
She understands the law. She's cunning.
She'll just claim that the button
could've belonged to anyone.
I don't think leveling charges
is the right plan.
What is, then?
[quietly] Let's get inside their heads.
Let's make them paranoid.
Let's make them turn on each other.
That's not gonna happen.
They still haven't told you
who your mom is.
This is different.
Now we're talking about murder.
[woman hushes, echoes] Silence.
- [church bells ringing]
- [wings flapping]
[Alex] And this is
where you'll stay while you're in Puebla.
- After you.
- [Sofía] Thanks.
As you can see,
the room's pretty spacious.
There's a coffee maker
you can use just over here,
and it has a little sitting area.
Go make sure the bathroom's stocked.
- We can ask for anything you need.
- Okay.
[tense music playing]
[Alex] Check for bubble bath
and all that stuff.
Everything looks perfect.
Thank you so much.
[tense music building]
[takes a deep breath, grunts]
[cell phone chimes]
[cell phone chimes]
[line ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [sighs]
[cell phone chimes]
Another bite, okay?
- Ah!
- [cell phone chimes]
There you go.
[tense music building]
[Manuel] Hold on, Cami. There's more.
Cami, you're not finished, okay?
[Martina] That's beautiful, Cami.
Who did you draw?
That one is my Daddy, and that one is me.
Where's Mommy?
[laughs] A dinosaur ate Mommy.
[both chuckle]
Have you ever thought about having kids?
You'd make a great mom.
Ah. I'll stick to goddaughters.
I don't wanna have kids either.
[Martina] You don't have to, Sam.
Fortunately, those days
are in the past now.
Used to be motherhood was the only way
for a woman to show her value.
These days, you can do whatever you want.
I'm not so keen on getting married.
Not to a woman and not to a man.
What do you want?
How do you imagine your future?
Well I wanna be free
and not have to answer to anyone.
[both laugh]
But with my mom,
that's basically impossible.
Fer only wants to protect you.
Mothers can't act
like your godparents or your friends.
That's tricky.
They have to be your mothers, you know?
It's not easy.
- Yeah.
- [Omar] Sorry.
- I'm off. Need to see a patient.
- [Martina] 'Kay.
- Mm.
- I'll take your car?
- Sure.
- Okay.
- Bye, Sam.
- Bye.
Bye, Cami.
- Say, "Bye, Uncle Omar."
- [giggles]
Bye! He's gonna be your uncle.
Hey. Is it true
that you're only marrying Omar
to keep him from getting deported?
No. No, honey.
His immigration issues gave us a push.
- So we moved the date up.
- [Sam] Mm.
Things are moving quickly,
but we're getting married
because I'm madly in love.
And he loves you?
What? I mean, obviously. I hope he does.
Why do you ask?
Oh, I don't know.
It's just that I never
thought you'd get married.
[sighs] It's a funny thing.
Samantha, your whole life you knew
that your godmother
hated romance and marriage.
And look at her now.
[sighs] She's head over heels in love.
Now she believes she's gonna spend
the rest of her life with that man.
What is she thinking?
- [chuckles] Nah, it's okay.
- [Martina] Yeah.
[knocking on door]
- [tense music playing]
- Hi.
- Enrique, what are you doing here?
- [Enrique] I got here as soon as I could.
No, no! Wait, wait. Hang on.
Who Who told you I was staying here?
Are you making a joke or something?
[sighs] Come on.
- Let's go.
- No! Enrique.
- Just wait!
- [panting]
Wait! Who told you I was here?
- [cell phone chimes]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [elevator bell dings]
- [tense music swells]
[elevator bell chimes]
Hello. Room service.
- [kissing]
- Sofía?
Manuel! [gasps]
I don't know
what the hell you're doing here.
But it's fine.
- It's time you knew about me and Sofía.
- Enrique, that's enough!
Who's this piece of shit?
Her mentor.
I'm a writer.
Something you will never have
in common with her.
We've been in love
since long before you met her.
The only reason
she's still with you is for Camila.
Don't say my daughter's fucking name!
No! Just wait.
Don't let him get to you, please!
- Let me explain!
- Explain what?
Can you explain
how years of marriage have gone to shit?
I asked you what was going on,
and you never said a thing!
That's because you're nothing
but a deadbeat pothead!
- [Manuel] Shut up!
- [Sofía] No! No! Enrique!
[both grunting]
Stop it, please! Manuel!
That's enough! Please, stop! Manuel!
Let go. Stay out of this!
[Enrique moans]
[both grunting]
Get off him!
Manuel, please! That's enough!
- Hey, here. Let me.
- [Manuel] Don't touch me!
- [panting]
- [tense music playing]
Please don't go. Just talk to me.
Let me explain. I have to explain.
I don't want to have
anything to do with you.
- [grunts]
- [Enrique groans]
[Enrique, weakly] Ah, Sofía.
Please help me.
- Sofía.
- [Enrique] Sofía
What's going on? What happened?
[Enrique moans, coughs]
- [Sofía crying softly]
- [somber music playing]
I think somebody must've messaged Enrique
from my cell phone.
Okay. But how? Did you lose your phone?
I just don't understand.
Enrique shows up
out of nowhere, and then Manuel?
I mean, it's possible that
that Manuel was the one who set you up.
No. No, no.
He wouldn't do something like that. Ever.
Well, maybe he suspected
you were cheating,
and he wanted to see
if it was true or not.
I can't stay.
[Enrique] I'm the victim here.
Keep your hands off me.
I'm coming with you.
Sofía, you can't just leave me here.
You were the one who invited me!
I can destroy you, and you know it!
[interviewer on TV]
Mr. Ramírez, as I'm sure you know,
you're currently trending
with the hashtag "Ramírez is a bastard."
Any response?
Manipulation of this sort
must be the work of Ricardo Carvajal.
But, sir,
this reflects quite badly on you.
Revealing family secrets
in order to undermine the campaign
of your closest rival. Right?
Ricardo has always been in the public eye.
He owes everything to the people.
So, when his wife, Ms. Bustamante,
tries to hide this, they are both lying.
They are shamelessly lying
to the people of this city.
[interviewer] I understand
what you're saying, sir.
But keeping knowledge of a disease private
is hardly indicative of corruption.
[Ramírez] Listen. This was done for Irene.
Everyone knows that a vote
for her is, in fact, a vote for Ricardo.
Well, I have reactions from our audience,
and they're accusing you, sir,
of trying to take advantage of this news.
That you don't care
about those suffering from Parkinson's
or their loved ones.
There are fifty cases
of Parkinson's per 100,000 in Mexico.
And need I remind you
that the words of Ricardo Carvajal
have moved the entire nation.
"I can smile and murder while I smile."
- [interview continues on TV]
- [Irene] Hmm?
They're not my words.
They're William Shakespeare, Henry VI.
That's all well and good,
but we can't claim victory yet, my love.
I have to agree with Mom.
- Ramírez isn't finished yet.
- [Ricardo] Just wait.
Ramírez will be buried alive by this.
[Brenda] How'd it go?
All according to plan.
Sofía's marriage is pretty much done.
[sighs] Well, we did Manuel a favor.
He's a decent person who deserved
more than Sofía cheating on him.
Especially with that creep Enrique.
Hey. You'll never believe
what I found out.
We've got evidence that Irene
was there when Pedro was buried.
Great. So what's the plan?
Send her to jail
because she buried a predator?
Well, that's what César wants.
Why the attitude?
Look, Brenda. What happened
at the hotel messed with my head.
I feel like a piece of shit.
[somber music playing]
I shouldn't have asked you to do all that.
Don't you get it, Brenda?
These women aren't the only ones
we're hurting.
Camila's just a kid,
and we fucked up her family.
We did?
Sofía's the one who fucked up her family!
But you know what?
If that's not already clear to you,
then stay out of the whole thing.
After all, it's my mess, not yours.
Why get your hands dirty?
This doesn't concern me?
You're my sister! You know what?
It's time to stop all of this. I mean it.
It's for your own good.
When we started, we didn't know
you'd end up getting close to Sam.
Or to Camila.
And we didn't predict you'd fall in love.
I'm not walking away!
Why don't you get it?
What about Adriano?
Do you love the guy or not?
[Brenda scoffs] Wow.
Accuse me of whatever you want,
but don't you dare question
my feelings for him.
Fine, then make a decision.
You got with him
because of some hidden agenda.
One of you is gonna end up hurt.
Do you want your revenge?
Or do you want Adriano?
Has it occurred to you that Tomás
could turn you in if he wakes up?
- Tomás is surrounded by his entire family.
- Hmm.
Don't worry. I'll figure out a way
to keep him under control.
I just hope you know what you're doing
with him because when it comes to Brenda
Enough about Brenda!
[tense music playing]
We're not gonna hurt her.
Not now. Not ever.
Listen to me, you imbecile.
Brenda's not about to give up
fighting this war.
I'll keep an eye on her.
You will, huh? [laughs]
That isn't enough when dealing with her.
No. She's fucking obsessed
with her hatred of us.
She has every right to hate us.
When she was a baby, they abandoned her.
You need to protect Irene,
so get that into your skull.
Remember everything she's done.
She raised you after you
After my mother died?
When you didn't let me cry?
[tense music playing]
I was teaching you to be strong.
One day, you'll be the one campaigning.
You'll be president
like you've always dreamed.
That isn't my dream.
It's yours.
It's always been about what you want.
Ever since you got sick,
you've been using us
to cling to your fucking power.
- How dare you say that?
- Because you can't do it alone!
You don't speak to me like that!
That woman's gotten in your head.
You're asking me to commit murder
for your ambition.
Look, Adriano. Believe me.
This isn't what I wanted for you,
but who can be trusted
with something so important? Right?
Tell me why you're so worried
about Brenda.
I want the truth.
Is she Irene's daughter?
No. No, no, no, no.
Your mother didn't wanna tell me
which of her friends was
in the middle of this high school mess.
But she's involved somehow.
How can you be so sure
Brenda's not her daughter?
Because she swore it.
I believe her. I trust her.
Are you satisfied?
Now, the most important thing
is that we ensure nobody finds out
those teenagers abandoned a little girl.
You want to protect Irene.
And that's fine.
But I'm protecting Brenda.
If you hurt her,
you may win this goddamn election.
But I promise you'll lose your son.
[music swells]
[somber music playing]
[Manuel, echoing] I wish that
things like the house
and money didn't come between us.
[crying softly]
[Manuel] Where were you?
Where do you think? With Brenda.
[Camila] He said his name was Enrique.
[Manuel] Who's Enrique?
[Sofía] A colleague.
[Manuel] Is there anything else?
[somber music building]
[echoing] Manuel!
[Manuel] It's like
an alternate universe, Sofía.
Or maybe you're right,
and we just have a lot going on right now.
It's obvious you see me
as a deadbeat loser.
[somber music swells]
- [birds singing outside]
- [music fades]
[Sofía] I don't know where he is.
He packed up all his things
and left the house.
[Irene] Did you call his family?
Maybe they know.
Yeah, I checked.
They haven't heard from him.
Sof, you know
the three of us would never judge you.
But who are you having an affair with?
I mean, you never told us about this.
Manuel caught me with Enrique.
Enrique, the teacher?
[tense string music playing]
Wait, hold on. How is it possible?
Sof, when did you start seeing him again?
How long has this been a thing?
[sniffles] It never ended.
We never stopped seeing each other.
[Sofía] We stayed in touch.
The whole time he was in prison.
- I even went to visit him a few times.
- [Irene] Are you kidding?
They locked up that predator
because he abused little girls.
You were one of those girls.
- No. He never forced me to.
- [Fer] Look, Sofi.
I think you were too young
to see it, but what he did to you
It was abuse.
I tried to leave him, but
He begged me not to.
I don't know what brought him
to the hotel.
And then Manuel showed up there.
Wait a sec. I'm lost.
If you weren't meeting them,
why were you in Puebla?
Well, I was supposed
to meet up with Brenda
because we had an interview,
but I never got to see her.
Brenda, Brenda. Once again, it's Brenda.
- [Sofía] Do you think she
- [Martina] I do. Look.
Brenda hasn't posted anything
about being in Puebla.
Influencers are always tagging
their locations.
Because she probably
wasn't even in Puebla.
It was all a lie. A trap.
Be careful, Martina. You might be next.
Thanks for coming over.
I didn't wanna leave
things the way we did. Um
- I am so sorry, Adriano,
- No, no. You don't need to be sorry.
I shouldn't have asked you
to leave with me. Maybe that wasn't fair.
I just I would really like that.
To run away with you.
- [sighs]
- Forget everything.
[dramatic music playing]
Adriano, you said that
the pressure was getting to you.
Yeah. Everything with the campaign.
It's just a lot.
Well, I think I'm making things worse.
Your life's harder because of me.
So, I thought things through,
and I think it's best if we end it.
Look. [chuckles]
I have a feeling you're saying this
because of my family, but it's all right.
They won't bother you again.
I'll make sure of it.
No. It has nothing to do
with your family. It's about me.
I wanna be alone.
But that's not what you told me.
You said you didn't want to fight
when you texted.
I didn't know what I wanted
when I wrote that,
but I've been thinking,
and I don't feel the same way you do.
I know you're lying right now.
Adriano, I hated your idea
of us running away together.
It made me ask myself
if I wanna spend my whole life with you,
and the truth is, I don't.
- I'm willing to give up everything for us.
- But I'm not!
I'm just not! There are things
I'm not willing to give up for you.
I can't. Not for anything.
What things?
My space, for one.
My my time and my career.
But I'm not demanding
you give any of that up for us!
I don't love you, Adriano!
There. Is that what you wanna hear?
It was fun, and we had a good time.
Yes. But it isn't enough.
I don't love you enough.
[dramatic music building]
[music fades]
- [tense music playing]
- [birds singing in distance]
["Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major"
by J. S. Bach playing]
[gasps inaudibly]
Looking for something?
- And so what if I was?
- Mm-hmm.
- Wouldn't you like to know?
- Mm.
[classical music fades]
[tense music playing]
[music ends]
[César] I heard there was news.
I came as soon as I could.
You didn't bring your lawyer?
Did I have to?
You didn't, no.
You have the relationship with the victim,
and you filed the statement.
So does that mean we were right?
They were my brother's remains?
[suspenseful music playing]
[music swells]
[music fades]
[girl] Brenda!
I can't believe
I actually got a selfie with Brenda!
- [Brenda] No, thank you.
- [girls giggle]
[girl 2] Look at the one I got.
It looks like she's glowing.
Sam, I haven't heard from you in days.
[huffs] I can't stop thinking
about what happened
to my brother
and if I could've helped him or what.
Keeping secrets from my parents
was a mistake.
[Brenda] Look, why don't we talk about it?
I'll buy you lunch. You can tell me
No, I don't have time.
I've gotta go to the hospital
and then to my godmother's wedding.
I have to be there.
Sam, you know that I miss you
and want to help you.
And that no matter what you need,
I'm here.
Brenda, what I need right now
is for you to leave my mom alone.
What are you talking about?
I haven't done anything to your mother.
Well, that's not what she thinks.
She says you hate her guts.
I mean, she's my mom. I believe her.
No matter what, I'm on her side.
[suspenseful music playing]
[seat belt clicks]
[engine starts]
[speaking inaudibly]
[high-pitched ringing]
I mean, Alex felt terrible about
what happened with Sofía,
and that was that.
I can't put that pressure on him.
And especially not after Itzel.
- No. That wasn't your fault.
- [Brenda] Yes, it was.
This is my problem,
and I shouldn't be dragging
other people into it.
[music swells]
César, I'm sorry.
Was I not clear about our relationship
or something? Did I?
[César] I just wanted to support you.
They finally identified the corpse.
[music intensifies]
And now, we move on to the next step.
[Camila] Daddy, when are we gonna have
another sleepover?
Well, I already told you.
I'm gonna be far away for work, Cami.
[Camila grunts]
But you don't worry about that, okay? Hmm?
[both laugh]
[Camila] Do you wanna see my new dress?
I'm gonna be Auntie Martina's ring bearer.
Whoa! Are you? Put it on.
Run! Hurry up! Put it on.
Run, run, run, run!
- Manu
- I'm just here to see my daughter.
But we have to talk about what happened.
I really don't care what you have to say.
Look, someone set me up.
My phone disappeared, and then
then someone must've texted you.
Him too.
Do you really think it matters
who asked me to meet you?
The things that man said about me
you must've told him.
Did you whisper in his ear about
how much of a failure your husband is?
[crying] No! I wouldn't.
It wasn't like that!
Because you must've talked about me,
about my failures.
Because that's all I am to you, right?
I'm a loser, a freeloader, a fuckup
who can't even take care of
his own fucking house.
No. Manu, I never said that.
Things just got out of hand
But what you couldn't see
was that I always loved you.
That money isn't everything.
That things would only work
because of me who would shop
and make food
and bring our girl to school,
help with her homework.
Because the author of the house
could never be bothered!
Manuel, you've been
nothing but the best to us.
And yet, all I can think about is,
while I was taking care of Cami,
you've been betraying my trust.
You've been fucking that guy.
- Manu, I'm so sorry. Forgive me.
- [Manuel] Forgive you?
Or what? Okay. How long has it been?
A year?
Two years?
The whole time?
Don't tell me, I don't wanna know.
You disgust me, Sofía. You disgust me.
This is How can I?
[Camila] Daddy, look!
The princess is here!
[Manuel] Okay. Let's see.
[Camila giggles]
- You are just perfect.
- [Camila giggles]
The prettiest princess in the world.
The whole world, in the universe.
[monitor beeping]
[doctor] Your son
has suffered a severe concussion.
Before we can do anything else,
we need to wait for the swelling
around his brain to go down.
[inhales sharply, sighs]
Doctor, do you, um [sniffles]
Do you think there'll be any
any permanent damage?
We're taking it one day at a time.
Is he able to hear me?
There's no way to know, unfortunately.
We've managed to remove
all of the clotting.
But we'll need to keep monitoring him
very carefully,
keep him ventilated,
and the feeding tube as well.
Do whatever you need to do for our son.
He's in your hands now.
[doctor] Of course.
We have complete faith in you.
Try not to worry. If you'll excuse me.
- Hello, Samantha.
- Good morning.
[Sam] I'm here, Tomás.
- [Fer sighs]
- Hey, Mom.
Why don't you go to Martina's wedding?
No, honey, I can't.
I'm not in the right headspace.
No, Fer, you should go.
At least for a bit.
Why not go with Samantha?
You haven't left the hospital
at all since we got here.
No. What I want
and what I need is to be here with my son.
Yeah, but, Mom,
today is really special.
She's your best friend.
- Bon appétit! Enjoy.
- Thanks.
- What's going on, man? How are you?
- Hey.
- How you been?
- Well, you know
Same old?
No, not at all. It's bad.
You can't
You can't even imagine
how many excuses she has.
Nothing but excuses, man.
Someone took her phone.
Someone set her up.
I don't even know what's true anymore.
I'm not going back to that house
except for my daughter. That's all.
Just her.
Listen, Manuel, are you
Where are you living?
Are you at the boardinghouse?
I don't know what to do, man.
It's crazy how much you have to
give them just to rent an apartment.
It's totally impossible.
Well then, look.
Just tell me how much you need.
[woman] Sir?
No. Absolutely not.
I can't take any of your money.
No, you've got so many expenses
with Tomás.
Especially with
the private hospital now. No.
Okay. That's fine.
How about you come
and live with me instead?
[upbeat music playing]
What? No way, man.
That's crazy. I can't do that. Come on.
Just hear me out. I'm serious.
Fernanda and I are never there now.
We spend all our time at the hospital.
You could help me look after Samantha.
- Are you sure?
- Of course.
Well, that's Look, I mean
If I could be useful I mean
Yeah, man. Let's do it!
Yeah. Hey. Hey, thanks.
- Enough.
- No. Come here.
Ah, man!
So, any news from Brenda?
- You manage to get a hold of her?
- No.
I texted her,
and I texted her manager too,
but they just said she was very busy
right now, and that I'd have to wait.
You know, they've got you on the hook.
I know, but I have to keep pushing them.
I still wanna publish the book.
Hey. What if you quit?
I mean, what does your contract say?
[cell phone ringing]
[Martina] Hey, this one, or this one?
The pearls, right?
Yeah. The big ones, I think.
- [Martina] Who is it?
- Enrique.
He won't stop calling me
ever since the hotel.
Sofía, just block his number.
You have to end this once and for all.
[sighs] I know.
Anyway, I don't want
to bother you with this.
It's your day.
We should be celebrating you.
I still can't believe it. [chuckles]
I'm so much more emotional
than I thought I'd be.
Love looks good on you. You look happy.
And I'm pretty nervous too.
We invited my whole family.
My mom's even more of a bridezilla
than me.
You know what she's like.
She never thought I'd get married.
I'm telling you.
Mom, it's a happy day.
I know. I just
I'm worried your brother's going
to wake up while I'm not at the hospital.
It's okay. Dad's there with him, remember?
Look, just focus on getting ready.
Your friends need you too, Mom.
[tense music playing]
[Sam] What's wrong?
I'm looking
for your grandmother's necklace.
- You know the one. Have you seen it?
- [Sam] No.
Anybody else been here
since I've been gone?
Well, yeah. Me, Martina, and her fiancé.
Why'd you say it like that?
Is he weird, or
[Sam] No. I'm not accusing him
or whatever.
Well, we have to find it.
It's worth a fortune.
Help me look for it.
[suspenseful music playing]
- Thanks.
- There you go, man. Looking good.
Would you check out that killer suit
your lady got you! Huh?
Hey. I'd love to be there,
but I'm pretty sure
if I was, she'd recognize me, you know?
I'm not getting married, Antonio.
You know that.
Man, I would if I were you.
Wouldn't do what Brenda says.
She'll never forgive me if I don't.
I made a deal with her.
Just think about it, bro.
Who's gonna make you richer,
Brenda or Martina?
I just don't get what Martina
did to make Brenda so angry.
It doesn't matter.
That's between the two of them.
Just think
No, I told you. I'm not betraying her.
What happens if Brenda
tells Martina the whole thing is a lie?
At that point,
it's her word against yours.
I mean, we're supposed to be good
at telling women what they wanna hear.
So first, you tie the knot,
and then [snaps fingers]
[upbeat music playing]
Thank you so much for coming
to our daughter's wedding, Ricardo.
- It's an honor.
- Well, the pleasure's all mine, Eugenia.
Ricardo, you shook the entire country
with that speech.
Well, it must have shaken Ramírez too.
- [group laughs]
- The man's in big trouble now.
[excited chatter]
- Daddy!
- [Manuel] Hey!
Hey, hey! Oh! Hey, baby!
[laughs] Aw. Let me have a look at you.
You know what I think?
You're the prettiest princess
at this party.
- Mm-hmm. [laughs]
- [giggles]
[Fer] She's so cute.
Say thank you.
Come on. Let's go over here.
- [Sofía] Fer, hi.
- Mm.
I'm glad you made it.
Well, mentally,
I'm back at the hospital,
but glad I could come.
Where's Martina?
She's still inside.
Obviously, she'll be last out.
[Fer] Obviously.
Well, look. The officiant's here.
So all we're missing now
is the lucky groom.
Oh, so exciting.
How's my beautiful mom doing?
[mom on phone] Son,
I've been trying to call you all day.
Your aunt Laura is very, very sick.
We had to take her to the hospital,
and you know how expensive medicine is.
Mom, don't worry. I'll send you the money.
I promise I'll get you here real soon.
You'll have the life you deserve, Ma.
[somber music playing]
Oh, you look beautiful.
You're the most beautiful bride
in the whole world.
I'm so glad you're here, Fer. Thank you.
There's no way I'd miss this.
I want to apologize, Martina.
All that stuff
I said to you was so horrible.
No, no, no.
- That's behind us now.
- I wasn't myself.
[both chuckle]
Nothing you ever say will take away
from what we've been through together.
All four of us.
[Martina sighs, chuckles]
But that's enough about our past.
We need to be focusing on your future,
which is looking pretty wonderful.
Yeah. But when you're thinking
about the future,
it's hard not to reflect on the past.
We went through so much at school.
Yeah, we did. But enough with the sadness.
No, no, no. I'm happy. I promise.
I'll actually say that today
is one of the best days of my life.
[all chuckle]
It just feels like I'm starting
to find a way to forgive myself.
Like I have faith again.
Omar helped me heal
that part of my heart that was broken.
And thanks to him,
I've learned to trust again.
And he just he just makes me feel
so safe, you know?
[Fer] Mm-hmm.
You're amazing. You deserve that.
I had no idea you loved him so much.
But yes, it's true. You deserve it.
Doesn't she?
- You amazing lady, you.
- Yes!
Listen. I know that the two of you
are having a rough time at the moment.
But I want us to make a new pact.
No matter what happens next,
we'll try to be happy.
All of us.
- Yes, indeed.
- Sound good?
- Yes.
- Yep.
[tense music playing]
[all chuckle]
[in unison] All of us or none of us!
[all laugh]
[engine revving]
[horn blares]
[tense music playing]
Move it, asshole!
- Hey! Relax.
- Start the car, fucker!
- It's okay. I'll pull over to the side.
- Son of a bitch! I said move it!
[Omar] Okay. Take it easy, man.
Come on. Would you stop pointing
that thing at me?
Where are you running off to, Omar?
You look dapper.
You knew I'd keep an eye on you,
didn't you?
We've been tailing you
ever since you left.
I had to make sure you'd follow the plan.
Well, I was gonna
I was just gonna leave the car there.
- At the wedding.
- Leave the car?
Ah, no. It's okay.
Just relax. I thought this might happen.
I assumed that at some point,
you'd think marrying Martina
would be a better deal.
No, no, no.
Let me guess.
You've fallen head over heels in love?
So much so
that you started stealing from her too.
We're watching you, Omar.
We hacked your accounts.
You've been robbing her blind,
haven't you?
And I am just dying
to tell her everything.
You want that?
You want to end up in prison?
With your mommy on the street?
No. Of course I don't.
Yeah. That's what I thought.
So this is how it's gonna go.
We're leaving your car right here,
and you're going with my friend.
We'll see if you can make
the right choice.
[music swells]
[guests cheering]
["Canon in D Major" playing]
[woman] Isn't her dress gorgeous?
Hi, sweetie. You look so cute, hon!
Where's Omar?
He was supposed
to be here five minutes ago.
- You want me to text him?
- Please.
[tense music playing]
[quietly] Why is she here?
- Did you invite her?
- [phone ringing]
- It's Omar.
- Pass it.
Where are you, love?
[Omar] I'm at the airport.
[dramatic music playing]
I'm going home.
Home? I don't know what you mean.
I've been thinking.
I come from a decent family, you know?
We're upstanding.
I can't marry a woman like you.
A woman who goes out and hooks up in bars.
Martina, I thought I could do this.
I really did.
But I can't.
You're not the kind of woman men marry.
Everything I told you was a lie.
I don't love you.
And no immigration papers
are worth the sacrifice
of being with someone like you.
Martina? What's going on?
- [music dissipates]
- [Fer] Hey! It's okay!
Leaving so soon? Don't you dare.
You don't know me, Brenda.
I'd do anything to protect my friends.
You have my word.
I already know all about that.
And I know that you helped bury
the gardener who raped Martina.
- [Irene gasps]
- [tense music builds to a crescendo]
[closing theme music playing]
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