Parallel World Pharmacy (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

Those He Couldn't Cure

Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
What is it? I do not need to be
told the alarm bells are ringing!
Holy Knights from Nederland
have invaded the city!
Holy Knights?! What is their number?
Five? A mere five?
Can we not simply crush such a small force?
Your Majesty, given Nederland's involvement
and the reported rogue ship,
we ought to consider this an
intentional infection mission.
Afterward, I shall have Your Majesty
take the new medicine for the
Black Death as a prophylactic.
Very well.
Still, I do not understand it.
What is Nederland's aim in this?
That nation has long since
been allied with the Empire.
It has no reason to launch a surprise
attack with five holy knights alone.
The previous monarch only just died.
There has been no notice
abrogating the alliance.
So then who is behind this?
It must be someone well acquainted
with how the Black Death operates.
It would take special knowledge
to set up this scheme.
I take it you have someone in mind?
I heard that three years ago, Nederland
engaged a certain commoner pharmaceutist.
His characteristics,
and the treatments he employed,
match those of an abominable
pharmaceutist I know.
Would this, perchance,
be the man who was expelled
from the Novalout College of Medicine?
The very same.
He was a brilliant pharmaceutist
who established
numerous new treatment methods
and gained renown as a genius.
However, at the same time, he also
conducted gruesome human experiments.
He was a man remarkably lacking
in both humanity and morality.
For his atrocities,
he was seized by inquisitors,
had his Divine Arts sealed away,
and was cast out as a commoner.
Before he was expelled,
he was using large numbers of prisoners
of war to research poisons.
Poisons, you say?
The objects of his research included poisons
that could jump from person to person—
in other words, epidemic diseases.
If this individual is the same pharmaceutist
who appeared in Nederland,
he might have had some involvement
with the previous monarch's demise.
And who is this man, exactly?
My erstwhile schoolmate
and seemingly admirable colleague
Do you still not see it?
The beautiful truth of this world!
Camus de Sade.
His is the one life I ought to have taken!
Parallel World Pharmacy
Final Episode
Those He Couldn't Cure
Gale of the Anemotheos!
Trampling Flame!
Here they come! Capture them!
Holy Whirlwind!
You shall not escape.
Fury of the Earth!
I can't move!
Oh! He arrived!
His Excellency, leader of the
Archdiocese of the Imperial Capital,
Archbishop Salomon!
The highest-ranking member
of Saint Fleuve's Temple?!
Why would he show up?
You who have turned against
the Temple's doctrine
are no longer fit to wield the gods' arts!
Accordingly, in the name of the Guardian
Deities, I strip you of your Divine Power!
Lord Cédric, what should we do?
This bell pattern indicates an attack.
Do you think people might
be in need of medicine?
There must be injured people
Y-Yes, but well
Oh! That's near Parallel World Pharmacy!
And there are lots of
dangerous medicines there!
And And
If something were to happen to you,
it would grieve Lord Farma!
Is that
The quarantine station's been breached!
How far? How far has the plague spread?
Blue lights Infections have taken root!
Huh? What is that?
That's not just a squirrel.
It's a flying squirrel!
That gliding is gonna make it
much tougher to deal with!
Oh, Farma. Welcome back.
How is Marseirre?
I left Lady Eléonore in charge,
so it will be fine.
I'm more concerned about
What was your objective?
Nederland borders the Empire.
Bringing the Black Death here
will doom Nederland as well!
The Black Death?
What are you talking about?
What? You don't know
what it is you've done?!
We just did what he told us to do.
We don't know his objective.
How incredibly foolish.
He's holding the populace hostage.
He has the power to kill thousands
of people in the blink of an eye.
He's possessed. Possessed by an evil spirit!
An evil spirit?
This man, does he have turquoise hair,
a burn on his left cheek, and one eye?
We carried out our end.
Now our people can
Give them a burial.
Father, you know who's behind all this?
Camus de Sade. A heretical
pharmaceutist with a sick mind.
So that fiend became
an evil spirit in the end.
Oh! The alarm bells have stopped!
Hurray! Hurray!
I'm going back to the pharmacy!
Hey! Come back!
To deal with what's coming,
I think I should go and begin
producing more of the medicine—
What's this ominous feeling?
What is that?
A black shadow?
What's wrong?
I'm sorry! I need to get to my pharmacy!
Oh, no!
Don't stop the alarm!
Keep the bells ringing!
Camus is in the capital!
To view the results of his experiment.
I must strike him down,
even if he kills me in the process!
Oh! Master Farma must have returned!
The alarm is sounding again!
How strange Is it another enemy?
For now, let's hurry inside!
Something isn't right.
Neither the gate nor the door was locked
Wait, Lotte! Let me check things out!
Master Farma!
Master Farma?
M-Maybe I imagined it
Lotte, I told you to wait for me.
What's that? Don't tell me
Is that an evil spirit?
What's it doing in my lab?!
What a nasty feeling.
I sense a powerful light.
Lotte! Cédric!
I'll draw his attention.
Use that time to help them.
Here I go!
Flying Frozen Bullets!
It's been a while,
Bruno. Have you come to interfere?
How foolish.
All people die eventually.
And that is why people live.
To support their bright, shining lives
is why we pharmaceutists exist!
Crystalline Ice Spears!
What is this? What's going on?
If I don't identify it soon,
it'll be too late!
Crystalline Ice Prison!
Chemical poisoning!
An inorganic compound.
Organic compound.
An alkaloid.
A fast-acting, deadly poison
easily obtained in this world
Eliminate aconitine!
Multiple poisons? How many are there?
Tetrodotoxin, saxitoxin,
palytoxin, amanitin
Are you kidding me?
E-Eliminate batrachotoxin!
I can't believe it was an arrow poison.
Bruno, why can't you see it?
Ill people on their way
to death are beautiful!
W-Wait! Camus!
Debilitation, despair, death
And the actions of the few winners who
withstand an illness to keep life going
All of it makes humanity hardier.
Therein lies the beauty of life—
its essence!
This lab is wonderful.
Look how many unknown poisons it contains.
Now, time for humanity to
take another step forward.
Time for an experiment!
Eliminate white phosphorous!
That is not what an experiment is.
It's no use.
Not with you
You're incurable!
Master Farma looks so angry.
No He looks, somehow,
very sad.
And just what
are you going to do about it?
Why? Why don't you see?
How can you have so much power
and yet not appreciate my ideas?
You're a seeker of truth,
like me! I know it!
We're the only ones
who can appreciate the truth of this world!
The ordinary people
will try to get rid of you!
Just as they did with me!
None of them could
Nobody could understand me!
You'll eventually end up like me—
an evil spirit that exists outside
the laws of the human world!
Even if that's true,
I choose to keep curing people!
So this
is death.
That light
Could that be Cleansing Sanctuary?
Numerous abilities appear in the legends
passed down about the Panac-rhabdos.
Chief among them is the
power of purification.
According to the ancient texts, the wand,
in tandem with the Panactheos's own works,
destroyed the evil spirits in the air
and quelled an epidemic.
So then perhaps
Yes. I expect this is
the Panactheos's power.
You stupid idiot.
Master Farma
Welcome back.
Afterward, the response to and treatment
of the Black Death continued earnestly.
Elen's inspection of the vessels
arriving for the Saint Fleuve Fair
completely prevented any influx
of the disease from the port.
I produced additional doses of
levofloxacin to treat the Black Death.
Compounding Pharmacy
Guild members carried out
free distribution of the treatment
in contaminated districts.
However, that didn't
mean we saved everyone.
Some people couldn't be saved.
Still, the capital's recovery
proceeded steadily.
The threat of the Black Death is receding.
At the School of Pharmacy,
bacteria that produce streptomycin
and other antibiotics have been found,
and they are currently in the process
of isolating and culturing them.
At the same time, vaccine development for
all sorts of infections is proceeding as well.
I'm sure that in the not-too-distant future,
the Black Death will cease
to be an incurable disease.
And now, two months later
On this occasion, I declare that the
Black Death epidemic has ended!
And so, starting today, Parallel
World Pharmacy resumes operation!
Everyone, give me an
enthusiastic cheer! Yeah!
We were closed for far too long.
Not that we had another choice.
Hopefully people didn't
forget about our shop.
Yes. I pray we won't need to
have any more special closures.
Hey there, Mr. Proprietor!
Commodore Jean! Thanks for
your support at the port!
Aw, shucks. Don't call me "Commodore."
It's been so long since
we've seen all of you!
Hey there, Lotte! I missed seeing you.
Here you go! A souvenir from the Fair.
Thank you very much!
Now then, allow me to perform
my dance of gratitude!
Though it was delayed, it's thanks to you
that the Fair could be held at all, Farma.
Another impressive performance!
No, it was because everyone worked together.
Oh, don't be so modest! Come on!
Please come in! Welcome to
Parallel World Pharmacy!
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