Paranoia Agent (2004) s01e12 Episode Script

Radar Man

Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Sora ni migoto na kinoko no kumo
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Komichi de e wo
hamu kotori no gogo wa
Komorebi no
shiba ni te wo furete
Kimi to katarou
Hora ranchi no benchi no ue de
Yume wa hana saku
Nami no oto wo sono mune ni
Yuutsu wa shizumete
Hashi wo asu ni nobashi
Tsunami nado anzuru kotonaku
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Sora ni migoto
na kinoko no kumo
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Komichi de e wo
hamu kotori no gogo
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Ranchi no benchi de sodateta yume
Raa-eee-yaa Ra-ra-e-yo-ra
Komorebi no hi ni umareta gogo yo
Must not run away.
Must not turn your back on him.
He appears in front of a person
who's been driven into a corner,
with nowhere to go.
Must not talk about him.
Must not think about him.
Rumors help him grow.
Imagination nurtures him!
I never thought he
would've grown so much!
No, don't think.
I can't defeat him with
the skills I have now.
What do I need to do?
Ancient Master,
my strength alone is no longer
Please guide me!
A bunny
Dance with a bunny.
Ancient Master!
Ancient Master
May you rest in peace.
I will defeat him,
even if it costs my life.
Magazine for Intelligent
Investors Trader Monthly
He hasn't come home yet.
Then you faced
Shonen Bat on your own?
How on earth
What happened to him?
How did you drive him back?
Please tell me Mrs. Ikari,
it's important!
The same
I said he was the same as
that sleepy-eyed dog.
Mr. Maniwa, please.
Please find my husband!
Shonen Bat and
Maromi are the same?
Our next news story is
about an adorable dog.
Maromi, the character
modeled after a pet dog
has now become a
social phenomenon.
Countless ad balloons
are floating in Tokyo.
It's rather a nostalgic sight,
but if you look closely
you'll notice they're actually
all Maromi. These balloons are
"Mellow Maromi" CD,
On Sale Soon
I'm in front of a record store.
Look at this line.
"Mellow Maromi" CD,
On Sale Soon
They are all here to
buy the Maromi CD
The CDs were completely
sold out in just 20 minutes.
Soothing? Slacking?
A Character Becomes a Hit
Well, I've been standing in line
since the night before last.
Maromi's the best!
It's his favorite, our house has become
full of Maromi, and the other day, he
A fight between excited fans turned
into big trouble the other day, and
Many robbery cases, targeting stuffed
Maromi dolls have been reported.
These robbers have been
dubbed the "Maromi-gang"
Well, I guess he gives a sense
of security, and I'm also rather
I'm also
High School Girls in Tokyo
We heard that a friend of our
friend couldn't buy it, and
High School Girls in Tokyo
She caused such a scene.
Yes, that's right!
Maromi is dangerous!
Romance Shopping Strip
Maromi Sold Out
Maromi Sold Out
Amazing how popular he's become!
How do you feel?
Are you surprised?
We have Ms. Tsukiko Sagi
here with us today.
We'll have her tell us about
how Maromi came into being.
The character that has
become so popular
throughout the nation.
But before that, let's hear
from the news department.
But before that, let's hear
from the news department.
Oh, hello.
Greetings from the news department.
Greetings from the news department.
Oh, yes!
Yes, of course!
Early yesterday morning, a woman
was attacked and murdered
Oh, yes!
Yes, of course!
Early yesterday morning, a woman
was attacked and murdered
on a street in Shinagawa Ward by
an unidentified person or persons.
The police are proceeding
with their investigation
considering a possible connection
to the recent string of street attacks
that have been taking place,
and at the same time
Shonen Bat and
Maromi are the same
Shonen Bat and
Maromi are the same
We heard that you've always
liked to draw pictures
ever since you were a child.
And Maromi is modeled after
the pet dog you had back then?
As a special treat
she's brought with her some of the
precious illustrations she did back then.
Oh, I see a few characters
that look kind of like Maromi.
Oh, this one looks almost
like Maromi, doesn't it?
- That's
- And
Ah, this one even more so.
Over here.
Over here, over here.
Come on.
Over here.
Look above you.
Follow me.
That's right.
A bunny
"Dance with a bunny."
All this
Did you?
Don't bother talking to him.
That man is just a doll.
Forget about him.
That's right.
He's a doll.
Don't mind him, meow.
He's not capable of doing anything
unless we're watching him.
Who are you girls?
Your friends!
I heard everything that
you said, with these ears.
Bunny could hear the voices
of all the cornered people.
And we wanted to help them
somehow, meow. But
Look who we have for our master.
We knew it.
We knew it,
but we couldn't do anything.
Until you came.
We have to stop him.
Stop Shonen Bat, right now!
Booting meganecco
OK, let's begin.
What on earth
We're going to solve the mystery.
The mystery of Shonen Bat.
What does it mean that the
Shonen Bat and Maromi are the same?
Why is there a drawing of him
in Tsukiko's sketchbook?
We have to investigate.
Halo is an expert on
collecting intelligence.
Yes, a detective's network.
That's great.
What do you mean?
I borrowed your resources a little.
Fans would kill for this, you know.
Searching Complete
Fans would kill for this, you know.
All right, bingo!
We got one relevant result.
Elementary Schoolchild
Attacked with a Metal Bat
Elementary Schoolchild
Attacked with a Metal Bat
A schoolchild?
Elementary Schoolchild
Attacked with a Metal Bat
Another victim?
Elementary Schoolchild
Attacked with a Metal Bat
No, this newspaper
article is 10 years old.
Ten years old?
There was a very
similar attack 10 years ago.
The article is small, but it seems
that the assailant was never arrested.
See, here's a photograph of
the child that was attacked.
"The victim was Tsukiko Sagi, age 12."
"A sixth-grade student
at Hokube Elementary School. "
Do you think it'll help?
Did you get something?
Thanks. I have to go.
I have to go and make sure.
Oh, no!
What happened, meow?
He's unconscious.
He's hurt, meow!
Leave it to me.
It's my chance to
show my stuff, at last!
Bat Express
Shonen Bat and
Maromi are the same.
Maromi was Tsukiko's pet dog.
And that street attack 10 years ago
There's something in Tsukiko's past!
When are you going to
show us your next character?
I'm begging you, Tsukiko.
I know perfectly well
that you're busy.
But that's beside the point.
We can't afford to make
them wait any longer.
There has been another
victim of Shonen Bat.
This evening, a resident
in the area found a dead man
This evening, a resident
in the area found a dead man
Hey, are you listening, Tsukiko?
On a street in Setagaya Ward
and contacted the police.
On a street in Setagaya Ward
and contacted the police.
The next character!
On a street in Setagaya Ward
and contacted the police.
The man's wounds
which were all over his body
appear to be caused by repeated
beatings with something like a bat.
The police are taking the recent
series of Shonen Bat attacks into
Thank you very much.
When are you going to
stop acting like a big shot?
What do you think you are,
the sun?!
You think the world
revolves around you?!
No, you're the moon, aren't you?
You're just barely floating
thanks to a sun called Maromi.
What kind of look is that?
"It's thanks to Maromi that
you're making a decent living?"
Yeah, that's right
that's why I've been putting up with
you and letting you have your way.
Going so far as acting like
your personal slave!
But there are limits to everything!
How long has it been since you
said you'd design another character?
We're a business!
Trust matters!
Do you understand that?!
I'm sorry, Tsukiko, sweetheart.
But I'm up to my ears in it, too.
Please, please understand.
Forgive me.
Just forget about it, please.
I'm counting on you
for that new character!
I never told the police
what I've just told you.
I never told the police
what I'vejust told you.
Maybe I was too strict with
her when she was a child
and she had no mother figure
to offset my harshness.
That once, when it happened,
I couldn't bring myself to scold her.
I just pretended
that I believed her
and carried that thing
around with me every day
telling her that I'd get her
revenge on the attacker.
I know it sounds stupid,
but as a parent, I
I thank you for your guidance
Ancient Master.
Did you see the police
come to talk to her again?
So, he's the one who did it, right?
Well, he appears to a person
who's feeling cornered.
But I heard that Hatomura looked
at peace when he died.
He wasn't the type who
would feel so cornered.
But he was feeling cornered
for some reason, I think.
Yeah, so that means
There must be someone who
drove him into the corner, right?
I mean, look at that prude.
Looking as if she had
nothing to do with it.
I don't think she understands
who drove him into that corner.
The victimizer pretending
to be the victim.
She doesn't even think
it's her fault.
Such an annoying woman.
It's not your fault, Tsukiko.
It's all his fault!
There's nothing you
should be blamed for!
Take this!
You know I'm always on your side.
It's OK, don't worry.
Hello, M &
I solved the mystery.
The mystery of Shonen Bat.
I don't know what you're
I met your father.
He told me everything.
The truth.
He knew everything
from the beginning.
Let's stop this now.
I have a message for
you from your father.
"You don't have to
suffer alone any more"
Don't listen to him!
I don't know
I don't know what you're
It's not my fault!
No, Tsukiko!
Don't think!
Run, Tsukiko!
I've been waiting for you,
Shonen Bat!
Do you know what this is?!
An ancient sword held by a man
who sees through the deception.
I'll send that
deception into oblivion!
Surrender and submit to justice!
Now you've revealed
your true form, monster!
This way! This way!
No, wait!
Keiichi Tomomi
Oh, Tomomi.
What, don't you know?
Ikari says he likes you, Tomomi.
Oh, you're blushing!
Tsukiko, this way!
I think he's all right.
He's very athletic.
Oh, wait, Tomomi!
I'll protect you.
I'll protect you, Tsukiko.
Where did he go?
Where did he go!
Maromi Out of Stock
Early this morning, all the Maromi
ad balloons floating in various places
around Tokyo,
disappeared all at once.
While more people believe that
it may be a crime committed by
some enthusiastic Maromi fans
others believe it is part of
an even larger criminal activity.
Due to the fact the balloons were taken
from various locations simultaneously.
The police are asking the public for
any information regarding this matter.
They plan to proceed
with the investigation
and see if there's any
connection with the recent theft
of a large quantity of Maromi goods
that took place in Musashino.
What, the old man is dead?
Are you saying that
it's my fault as well? Hello?
It's done!
The patient suffered a heart attack
brought on by cardiovascular disease.
What's the patient name?
Ma'am, can you tell us your name?
Your name!
Please specify the floor
you wish to go to.
My husband
Where my husband is
To begin
The karma of the people
swallowed up by the jet-black
shadow that finally reveals itself.
The cries coming from the source.
A purgatory filled with
bright red blood.
Are they for the eternal goodbye?
Or the first cries of the
newly-born shoes of gold?
The final episode of a dream,
an illusion, a bubble and a shadow.
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