Poltergeist: The Legacy (1996) s01e12 Episode Script

The Bell of Girardius

[thunder rumbling]
[crows cawing]
[thunder rumbling]
[woman] [softly]
It's too soon.
[man] [softly]
It's okay.
-Cemetery's closing
for tonight.
Opens again
tomorrow morning at 8:00.
[thunder rumbling]
[objects clattering]
Hello? Somebody in there?
[suspenseful music playing]
Who the hell are you?
What in the name of God
do you think you're doing?
This is a desecration.
[man screaming]
Since the beginning of time,
mankind has existed between
the world of light and
the world of darkness.
Our secret society
has been here forever,
protecting others
from the creatures
who inhabit the shadows
and the night.
Known only to the initiated
by our true name,
The Legacy.
[opening theme music playing]
Did they hit any other
display rooms in the hall?
Uh, I don't know.
You'd better speak
to the detective on the case.
I'm just the assistant curator.
I'm sorry, Dr. Rayne,
I know how much
this gallery means to you.
Well, where are the police?
Why aren't they here?
Well, they've come
and gone already.
What did they find?
Did they
test it for fingerprints?
Well, in a museum, they said
it would be hopeless.
There'd be so many.
Who would do something
like this?
Is there anything missing?
Unfortunately, we were
just about to start
our yearly inventory.
But with all the labels missing
and everything
in such disarray,
it's going to take
twice as long.
Well, if I can be of any help,
you let me know,
Miss Blake, was it?
Miranda Blake.
Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you.
[music playing]
[door opens]
Mother, I'm home.
Hey, Ernie.
Is everything all right?
Who is it?
It's It's just me, Mom.
Oh. Miranda.
-[phone ringing]
-Oh, I'll get it.
[man] [raspingly]
Who is this?
It's probably
that same prank.
Please, who is this?
All I could hear
was his breathing.
Is everything okay?
So, uh, how's
your new medication?
I didn't take it.
It's too big.
How are you gonna
get any better
unless you do
what the doctors say?
Where are you going?
I'm going to
wash up for dinner.
Well, the police are looking
into the incident,
but they think
the whole thing's very unusual.
In what way?
Well, usually, the thieves
are after a specific piece.
[Derek] Only this time,
they decided to stop
and create a little mayhem.
Exactly. As if they came in
purposely to destroy things.
We'll have to see
when the inventory comes in.
What do you think of,
uh, Miranda Blake?
Mmm, competent.
A bit flustered,
but that could
have been your fault.
Now, don't be silly.
As soon as she completes
the new inventory,
I want to know.
Depending on what's missing,
it might give us a clue
as to who the thief is.
Then we should also consider
what's been destroyed.
And if you come up
with anything,
even a hunch,
I want to know.
[Mrs. Blake]
For heaven's sake,
you don't have to treat me
like a child.
I am perfectly capable
of putting myself to bed.
I know you are,
Why don't you get
a good night's sleep?
You need your rest.
Pretty soon,
it's all I'll be doing.
I wish you wouldn't say that.
Well, it's the truth.
You spend too much time
worrying about me.
Ever since Anton--
You need to get out more,
find yourself another
young man.
I don't want another.
Nonsense. Course you do.
Good night, Mother.
[CD tray opens, closes]
[serene violin music
[thunder rumbling]
[opens window,
thunder rumbling]
Where are you now, my love?
[playing classical tune]
[feet shuffling,
objects clattering]
[man speaking indistinctly]
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, man. Yo, get out of there!
Hey, yo. What,
you deaf or stupid, man?
-I said get--
Let me go!
Come on, let me go!
Please, somebody!
[bones crunch]
Alex, is that inventory
done yet?
Well, that's
what I came to tell you.
It's been two days,
and I haven't heard a thing.
Have you called Miranda Blake?
Well, twice. I left a message
on her voice mail.
She hasn't called back.
This is Miranda Blake.
The Winston Rayne Hall
of Antiquities
is presently closed.
If you wish to leave
a message,
please do so at the tone.
I will get back to you
as soon as possible.
-Told you.
Hi, Miranda.
This is Derek Rayne.
Can you please call me,
so we can discuss
whatever items
may have been taken
during the recent break-in
at the museum?
-Antiquities, Miss Blake.
How are you?
Better, thanks.
I've been monitoring
my calls,
trying to finish
this inventory.
-How's it coming?
-Almost complete.
In fact, I was just about
to call you.
Excellent, um
How soon can we see it?
Uh, hopefully this afternoon.
Good. I'll send a car.
Why don't you bring it out?
Bring it? Myself?
Right. So we can
go over it together
before we reopen
the collection to the public.
Yes. Of course.
I'll see you
this afternoon, then.
Say, around 3:00?
I look forward to it.
Me too. Bye.
It's just nice to know
she talks to one of us.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
So, you made it.
Dr. Rayne.
Yes. Thank you.
Call me Derek, please.
I've always wanted
to see the inside
of this house.
Well, be my guest.
Oh, is that
what I think it is?
The armor of Edward,
the Black Prince.
Who wore it at his first
great victory over the French
at Crecy in 1346.
So did you come to specialize
in the Middle Ages
by chance or by design?
Both, I guess.
I was visiting
Winchester Cathedral
when I realized this is what
I wanted to do with my life.
I was looking up
at the stained-glass window
-over the main altar.
The blue ground,
with the figure of St. George
battling the dragon.
-You know it?
-Oh, very well.
On weekends, I used to take
a train down from Oxford
to study the windows.
-You were at Oxford?
So was I.
My room looked out
toward the river.
It was the most beautiful
view I'd ever seen.
Well, my room had a view
of a brick wall.
So do you work all the time
or occasionally take time out?
Um, until recently,
I was engaged.
Oh, I see.
And that has been broken off?
Oh, I almost forgot.
The inventory.
Any serious damage?
So far, no.
All that mayhem
and nothing destroyed?
That's curious.
Well, I I suppose
that it is.
I guess I hadn't
considered it.
I was
I was simply relieved.
And what's missing? Surely
something must have been taken.
No, nothing.
Well, there must be something.
No. No, nothing.
I'm certain.
I expect to have the records
collated by tomorrow,
uh, Thursday at the latest.
Um, I'm sorry. I
I've really gotta go.
I have so much work
to do at the, uh
at the museum.
Of course. I understand.
[bells tolling]
Hopefully, next time
you can stay a little longer.
Yes, I'd like that
very much.
[crows cawing]
[whispering] Anton?
[thunder rumbling]
[Mrs. Blake] Thank you
for bringing her home.
She's had a terrible shock.
She needs rest.
This, um,
Anton Lazaroff.
She knew him well?
Well, they were engaged.
Was his death unexpected?
Anton isn't dead.
He's not?
Of course not!
I've heard
what people have said.
But that was just
to hide the fact that
Anton left Miranda
because of me.
Why would you think that?
It's the truth.
If Miranda didn't
have me to care for,
why, he would have married her
without a second thought.
Do you have any idea
how difficult it is
to get old, Mr. Rayne?
The strangest thing.
You wake up in the morning,
and you lie there in bed,
and you think of all the things
you have to do,
and you feel
just the way you did at 25.
And if you stay there
long enough,
you could almost believe
you haven't changed at all.
Then you have to get up
and go wash your face,
and there in the mirror
is a stranger
staring back at you.
And you ask yourself,
"Who could this stranger be?"
Well, life is for the living,
Mrs. Blake.
No matter your age.
What makes you so sure
Anton is still alive?
Well, I spoke to him.
This morning.
Right after Miranda
went to work.
I told him I was sorry
he went away,
and that all I wanted
for Miranda
was her happiness.
What did he say?
He hung up.
You know, I've been
over this material
three times already,
and it still doesn't add up.
What doesn't?
The inventory documents
sent over from the museum
don't match our own archives.
Really? Who did them?
The assistant curator,
Miranda Blake.
The thing is, it doesn't look
like someone's being careless.
It looks like
the confusion's deliberate.
What, you think
that she purposely messed
with the records
to hide the fact
that she took something?
Maybe the idea of making it
look like simple vandalism
takes pressure off
what really happened.
Is that right?
[Nick] You're back.
Is everything
all right?
I'm not sure.
I need you to do
a complete rundown
on a man named
Anton Lazaroff.
-The violinist?
-[Derek] Uh-huh.
I thought he was dead.
I'm sure I read an obit on him
a couple of weeks back.
You did.
Only I'm not sure it's true.
Why not?
Because he was engaged
to Miranda Blake.
And after she was here today,
I followed her to the cemetery.
Anton's body
isn't in the crypt.
You think somebody
snatched it?
Or maybe he isn't really dead.
[Anton yelling]
How can this be?
I've made my peace.
Accepted my fate.
What right did she have
to rip me
from my eternal rest?
Was it love?
Is that the reason?
Then she must be taught
to grow old together
is a lie!
To die together,
that's the only truth!
I must make her understand.
Death is the only path.
United for all eternity.
The time has come, my love,
to set you free.
Derek, you shouldn't
have come over.
How are you feeling?
And you shouldn't have
followed me to the cemetery.
I'm just trying to help you.
I need you to tell me
the truth.
The truth about Anton Lazaroff.
What's there to tell?
He was my fiance.
He died.
I don't want your pity,
and I don't want
your condolences.
All I really want
is Anton back.
It cannot be done, Miranda.
So they say.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, we can talk
some other time.
-Get some rest.
Do you believe
that the dead forgive us?
For what?
For our folly.
Yes. I'm sure they do.
How is she?
Shaken, but she'll live.
What did you find out
on Anton Lazaroff?
Among other things,
his obituary.
According to the Chronicle,
he was a world-class violinist.
Old money, parents dead,
he was an only child.
How about cause of death?
An aneurysm,
without any warning.
He died on-stage
during a rehearsal
of an adagio
he recently composed.
They say he was
a pretty eccentric guy.
He even demanded
to be buried with his violin.
Well, they said
when Paganini played,
he had the devil himself
on-stage to assist him.
nothing here indicates
that Anton went that far.
But if he's not
in the crypt,
how can you be so sure?
[glass breaking]
[snarling, barking]
[Anton grunting]
Are you sure this is everything
in the current collection?
Well, the numbers
have been altered,
to conceal this.
The Bell of Girardius.
[Alex] It's the only piece
still missing.
Remember what
it was used for?
Yeah, vaguely.
Services for the dead,
wasn't it?
Close. Summoning of the dead.
It was made in 1412
by the goldsmith Girardius.
He made it
for this mad Austrian countess,
whose only son had died.
Oh, yeah, I remember now.
The bell was buried
in the boy's grave
to absorb the aura of death.
And then when the bell
was dug up and rung
three times,
the boy came back to life.
Well, assuming
it really worked.
Supposedly, the boy went mad,
and the only way to stop him
was to ring the bell again.
Is that what killed him?
According to the legend.
So Miranda
stole the bell
to bring Anton
back to life.
That's what I intend
to find out.
[doorbell rings]
[Mrs. Blake]
What's going on?
Are you there, Miranda?
I'm here, Mother.
Everything's fine.
-Go back to sleep.
-[doorbell rings]
Miranda? Open the door.
I need to talk to you.
I don't believe
the omission was accidental.
I believe it was intentional.
But who would do that?
You would, Miranda.
To keep us from discovering
the Bell of Girardius
had already been taken.
And then you staged
the entire act of vandalism
to cover up the theft.
But I am a curator.
Do you honestly believe
that I could deliberately
destroy artifacts?
That's what gave you away.
Despite the mayhem,
nothing was
actually damaged.
Why would I do such a thing?
To bring your lover
back from the dead.
You buried the bell
in his coffin
then rang it to wake him.
you have to send him back.
The bell's created
enough havoc.
It must end now.
I don't know what you mean.
You saw the body
in Anton's crypt.
Who do you think killed him?
Whoever removed Anton.
Or Anton himself.
No. That's impossible.
Nothing is impossible.
If Anton were alive,
he would never be
capable of murder.
He was
He was gentle and caring.
Whatever's come back
from the dead, it's not Anton.
It's something else.
I think you better go.
Don't be foolish.
Think about what I've said.
We'll talk again
in the morning.
[door opens, closes]
[objects clattering]
You brought me back.
It worked.
How? Why?
The Bell of Girardius.
Because I love you, Anton.
Ours was strong.
Do you still love me?
Oh, yes.
No matter what?
Yes. Always.
What have I done?
I need to take you back
with me.
The bell.
Where is it?
It's in my room.
You rang it?
Yes. Three times.
And if you ring it again?
Then you will return
to the dead forever.
Together in death.
Never to part.
Now. Forever.
Oh, Anton, please. Please.
I could never go on
without you again.
Even in my coffin,
I wanted you with me.
I need time.
I need time. I have to say
goodbye to my mother.
And you've gotta understand.
Just wait here
for five minutes.
Five minutes?
Five minutes.
You can wait here.
I know how I look.
But all this will disappear
once you come with me.
You'll see.
is so much sweeter than life.
Oh, no!
I had to kill him.
He wouldn't stop.
Miranda, don't leave!
Open the door, Miranda!
I want to save you, Miranda!
We were meant to be married,
It's still possible,
even in death.
Together, forever!
[doorknob rattling]
[Derek] You left him there?
Alone in the cellar?
It's me he's after.
He wants me to return
to the dead with him.
So I bolted the door.
I told my mom
not to leave her room.
I don't know what to do.
You've gotta help me.
Give me the bell.
You must confront Anton
and ring the bell again.
Three times.
Are you up to it?
If you'll go with me.
Every step of the way.
[music playing]
Are you in there?
Is that you?
[Anton] No, Mrs. Blake.
It's Anton.
Miranda said
that you were here,
but I didn't believe her.
She said
not to let you out.
Why would she say that?
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Why don't you open the door,
find out for yourself?
No, I
I don't think I should do that.
I think I should wait
for Miranda,
and she'll know what to do.
I'm very thirsty.
Can I have some water?
And then, of course,
I will come right back here.
All right.
But you'll have to go
right back
until Miranda comes home.
I understand.
Just open the door,
and let me get
a drink of water.
And then I will go
right back.
I'm sure Miranda
will understand.
This bolt is very stiff.
[tires squealing]
-Take the bell.
Let me get him
to the mausoleum first.
-I owe him that much.
-What if he doesn't want to?
Then we'll do it your way.
[gasping and muttering]
She's going
to be all right.
I don't think
he hurt her.
I mustn't
I mustn't
We can't take
any more chances with this.
Go to the car
and get the bell.
Anton's got
to be here somewhere.
We have to finish it.
It's all right.
No, no.
She'll be very angry.
It's all right.
[Anton] I knew
you would come back!
[tires squealing]
Yes. I need an ambulance.
[tires squealing]
Let go of me!
Let me go!
[screaming and sobbing]
We have so much to share now
in death.
I was wrong, Anton.
Our chance is over.
I don't wanna die.
You know nothing
about death.
How could you?
How could anyone?
is silent and serene.
It's nothing like this.
No decay.
No change.
It's like music.
No longer playing,
yet haunting
in its melody.
It's like nothing
I could say in words.
[elegant violin music playing]
Where could you go
that I couldn't find you?
Anton, you're hurting me.
-Please! Anton!
[both grunting]
The bell!
Put it down!
Don't do it!
Do it!
It's your only chance!
No, Miranda.
I'm sorry, Anton.
[door closes]
Thank you, Derek.
I'm so sorry
for everything.
It's done now.
It is.
It's strange.
Until now, I believed
that love was strong enough
to overcome anything.
Even death.
But it isn't.
No. It isn't.
Love has no past,
no future.
Just the present.
Cherish the moment
when it comes,
for all too soon,
it may slip away.
[theme music playing]
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