Roswell s01e12 Episode Script

Into the Woods

- Previously on Roswell - I don't know if it means anything.
Course it means something.
We all recognize it.
This is the closest we've ever come to any kind of connection with our - With your home? - Yeah.
[River Dog.]
The man who lived in this cave when I was a boy was not like us.
He was invited into the sweat, just like I invited your friend.
His reaction was quick and severe.
But when you told me he was sick, I knew he was another visitor.
That's an interesting way to put it.
In my language, the word is Nasedo, so that's what I called him.
It's a map.
[Thunder Crashing.]
#[Hard Rock.]
[Electric Buzzing.]
[Liz Narrating.]
I hate the start of a cold that little tickle that tells you something's about to happen that you know you can't prevent.
Something that could be mild if you did all the right things or could knock you off your feet if you're not careful.
You're late.
Liz, today is the first day of the rest of our lives.
- Spending time with your mother again? - No, I mean it.
Aren't you tired of being a slave to men? - Definitely your mom.
- Tired of spending every waking moment pining over them just for us to get our hearts crushed in the end? It is time to branch out, to explore other possibilities.
- You and me, babe, together.
- Maria, what are you - Ta-da! - Oh, my God! We are turning over a new leaf.
We are enjoying our wild and crazy years to the fullest.
You know, having fun for a change.
But skewering my navel is not exactly my idea of fun.
Relax, honey.
You think I'd let anyone get near me with a needle? [Sneezes.]
- You still pumping that echinacea I gave you? - Yeah, like four times a day.
- Hey, could one of you give me a hand over here? - Sure.
- Oh, my God! - [Laughs.]
- Don't worry, Dad.
It's fake.
- Anything else I should know - like a tattoo, maybe? - No.
You've been so busy with school and new friends - we don't even get a chance to talk.
- I know, Dad.
- We can make up for it this weekend.
- This weekend? Isn't that the fathers' camping weekend? - I saw it listed on your school calendar.
- Yeah, right.
- It is this weekend.
You're right.
- You still want to go? Yeah, Dad, I would I do want to go.
It's just that, you know, not that many people I know are actually gonna be going because they've sort of, like, outgrown it.
Is that how you feel? - Where's Max Evans? - I thought he worked for you, dude.
! You're Max's girlfriend, right? - She is? - No, no, not really.
- I have to find him.
- Why? What's going on? Just everything we've been waiting our entire lives for.
There's been a sighting.
It was here, out in Frazier Woods.
A close encounter.
How many of us can say we've had that? - How'd you find out? - Police scanner.
You can never trust the law to share information.
- Well, who reported it? - Some hiker named Buzz.
So it could all just be a hoax.
Oh, no.
It's real, all right.
There's corroboration.
Two motorists, a family that was camping and a fly fisherman by the name of Rocky Calhoun.
I've seen a lot of hoaxes, Evans.
I can smell 'em a mile away.
This is no hoax.
Frazier Woods is a big place.
Not when you know where the cops are looking.
Near the Indian reservation, huh? What exactly did these witnesses see? [Man.]
A flash oflight.
Can you describe it in any more detail? - No.
- Well, how big was it? Did it have a color? How long did it last? Listen, I ain't one of those nuts that see spacemen coming out from behind every tree.
- Of course not.
- You know what they do with those people? They lock them up tight in the loony bin.
You don't have to worry about that, Rocky.
- You mind if I call you Rocky? - Everyone does.
Look, Sheriff, there's been dry lightning all over these woods for days.
Did this look like dry lightning to you, Rocky? All right.
Let me turn this off.
Now it's just between you and me, okay, Rocky? You just tell me what you saw from the beginning to the end and I swear on my badge no one will ever have to know.
It was a white-hot light, kind of like an X ray.
Hey, Maria.
! - Whoa.
! Check it out, baby.
! - Ooh! Hey, hey, Maria.
! It's an aqua bra.
You know, all the fun of implants, except without the invasive surgery part.
- You have officially lost it.
- No, I have found it, babe, okay? - I've had three phone numbers.
It's only second period.
- What? - Hey, Maria.
- Hey, Neil.
Do you see what I'm saying? - Do you want to try this thing on? - I don't know.
L Who's Max meeting in the eraser room? - Lx-nay on the ining-pay, remember? - No, I am not pining.
I'm just I am just curious.
That's all.
I hate not knowing what's going on with Max.
His decision, if I recall.
No wonder he couldn't make a commitment.
Okay, I give up.
What are we staring at? This is an aqua bra.
Would you like to try it on, Alex? Yeah, maybe later.
Here, have a flyer.
If I pass out enough of them, I can raise my P.
Grade from a "C" to a B-minus.
"Father camping weekend"? I don't suppose either of you would be Did I mention that I'm not very athletic, except for dodgeball? - No dad! - I hope mine has finally outgrown it.
[Bell Rings.]
Oh, gee, look at the time.
I gotta go.
I'll see you guys.
Like a puppy in heat.
- I know.
- He is my next project.
Hey, are you, uh, walking this way? Actually, I'm walking this way.
This way works for me.
How's it going? - It's going fine, Alex.
- Great, great.
- So, movies.
- Movies? Yeah, I was wondering if, uh Do aliens enjoy cinema? Alex.
Yeah, right.
The "A" word.
Anyways, there's this Fellini retrospective at the art house theater this Friday night.
I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to, uh, go.
No, I'm not really into that.
You want to just see a regular movie instead? Yeah.
That'd be great.
See you later, Alex.
Yeah, whatever you say.
Can't believe I'm in the eraser room with you two.
We need a safe place to talk.
I found out a lot about the sighting from Milton.
Told you that place would get to you.
Five people saw a big flash in Frazier Woods.
- Five basket cases.
- Then why has Valenti already closed off a four-square-mile area of the forest near the Indian reservation? You mean near the cave? - Max, you don't think this sighting - It was no coincidence.
So we need to get there before Valenti does in case there's something to find.
We don't know how many guys he has patrolling.
If anybody saw us, then it would just make him more curious.
What do you do in Frazier Woods? You hike, you fish, you camp out.
I can't believe I'm actually gonna suggest this, but - we could go on that camping trip this weekend.
- You're kidding me, right? If anybody found us, we would just be kids missing from our school group.
There's only one problem: It's a fathers' weekend.
Get to know your dad kind of thing.
Guess that lets me out, huh? [Door Closes.]
Hey, sweetie? You in here? - Hey, now! - Oh, Dad.
! Oh, gosh.
- Oh, I should've knocked.
- No, it's all right, it's okay.
- I gotta get better at this privacy thing.
- It's no big deal, Dad.
Did, um, did you want something? Uh, listen, sweetie, about this camping weekend.
We shouldjust go and take advantage of the time together.
I wouldn't miss that for anything.
I was actually gonna say the same thing.
And I can get to know that guy Max you've been hanging out with.
- He has a sister too, right? - Isabel.
- And the guy with the hair? - Michael.
- Michael, yeah.
- Yeah, but I really doubt they're even going.
Well, I guess some fathers just aren't as involved in their kids' lives.
- Well, thanks.
- Sure, Dad.
There's no milk! [Hank.]
Use beer.
! I thought I told you to wash the dishes.
Hey, I'm eating dinner.
- That's what you call dinner? - Yeah, like you care.
What did you say? - [Woman.]
Keep it down.
! - Hey, you shut up! Hey, wait! What are you doing here? - Did you see it? - What are you talking about? - Did any of you see it? - See what? It was real.
Would you quit talking in riddles? What was The sighting.
How do you know? I've seen it before.
Running away from home? Maria, I am begging you for mercy.
- Please come with me.
- Dude, I told you my idea of the great outdoors is rolling the windows down in my car on the way to the mall.
Come on, I love your dad.
You love your dad.
Yes, I do, I love him, but, like, in the normal father role.
Which is like five minutes at a time, just a few times a day.
Not for an entire weekend with no TV.
I've always found fathers grossly overrated myself.
And he has been getting so nosy lately.
It's like he wants to know like every single detail of my life.
He even asked me about Max and Michael and Isabel.
That's why me and my mom have the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
I'll pay you.
- How much? - Twenty-five bucks.
- One hundred.
- Uh, fifty.
- Seventy-five.
- 62.
- How do you do that math so quickly? - Okay, 62.
50 and then I'll do your math homework for an entire week.
You're good.
- [Sneezes.]
- Ooh.
Hey, I brought you some more echinacea and threw in a little goldenseal too.
The bus leaves at 5:00.
- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.
Here's your root beer, son.
- Hanson, I'm 16.
- I'm sorry.
Here's your root beer, sir.
You sure you want to wait? He knows we've got to get a new tent.
- He told me to meet him here 15 minutes ago.
- It's been crazy around here.
You know, the sighting.
He is a walking bundle of stress.
- That's my dad.
- [Valenti.]
! Coffee.
That son of a bitch hiker.
He spilled his guts to the Roswell Gazette.
USA Today picked it up off the wire.
Now Rocky's negotiating with Dateline.
Hey, Kyle.
I guess that means you won't be returning Agent Stevens's call first thing? Get Miller on the phone.
Tell him to rush the search.
I want every inch of that woods combed before Agent Stevens sends his "Feebee" goons out there.
Shouldn't you be in school or something? I have third period free, remember? We have exactly 36 minutes to buy this tent unless something more important has come up.
- Oh.
Listen, Kyle, about this weekend - You mean fathers' weekend? - The only two days in a row we spend together all year? - Yeah.
- You know, I wouldn't do this if it wasn't an emergency.
- What's the emergency? Come on, you can tell me.
I'm family, right? Is it the big invasion? Mayor Higgins on the line, sir.
I'll be right there.
Look, Kyle I don't know what this is yet but I can't have anybody else find out first.
You can't or you won't? I tell you what.
You go on ahead without me.
I'll call Coach Clay.
I'll make sure he takes care of you out there.
Thanks for your effort.
See you on Monday.
So River Dog saw the light.
- The Dog himself.
- [Isabel.]
And he said it was real? - You know what this could mean? - Our first real proof.
Could even lead to actual contact.
- If we haven't had it already.
- What do you mean? Why is River Dog following me? Why does he care? Because he knew the fourth alien.
- Yeah, that's what he said.
- And you don't believe him.
How does he know so much? How did he know to heal me when I was sick? I mean, that's some memory from when he was a kid.
And where'd he get those stones from? Maybe River Dog's the guy we've been looking for all along.
- The fourth alien.
- I think he's our father, Maxwell.
- Michael, I don't think so.
- Why, because you and Max already have one? No, that's not what I'm trying to say River Dog knows more about us than Philip Evans ever will no matter how many camping trips you guys take.
Okay, okay, okay, is she looking at me? Oh.
Um, she's not she's not really looking at you.
Isabel Evans and Alex Charles Whitman out on a date? That's like so miraculous, you know.
This is the biggest moment of Alex Charles Whitman's life.
- Why don't you take some deep breaths, okay? - [Exhales.]
It's just It's amazing, you know? It's totally amazing.
It's It's too amazing.
Oh, God! It's a joke, isn't it? It's a practical joke.
You two are in on it.
- You bastards.
- Alex, Alex, Alex.
Your paranoid schizophrenia, it's kicking in.
I'm gonna go to the bathroom and go have a little talk with myself.
See what I'm saying? These Czechoslovakians have way too weird of an effect on us.
If you don't stay away from them, I'm gonna be picking up the pieces of your heart for the rest of your life.
No, you're not, because I am staying away from him, Maria.
Max and I haven't even talked to each other for days.
- Really? - Yes.
- Then why has he been staring at you since he came in? - He has? [Sighs.]
Am I gonna have to do an intervention with you? Liz, make him think that you are over him, that your life is so exciting.
Lie if you have to.
It's for your own good.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Um, thanks.
Haven't seen you in a couple of days.
Uh, yeah.
It's been kind of busy.
She means she's been kind of busy.
Actually, we've both been kind of busy.
Yeah, I can see that.
You know, getting ready for the big weekend and all.
You have a big weekend? Dates.
We have dates.
- With men.
- Men? These college guys that we met during winter break and they're taking us out for dinner an expensive dinner.
Well, have a good time.
- Maria, I know you're just trying to be helpful, but - But nothing.
Liz, trust me.
It's for your own good, okay? - Yeah.
- Oh, great.
So, Isabel Another one being sucked into the alien abyss.
- Listen, about our plans for tonight - Oh, God.
Alex, I'm so sorry.
My dad is insisting we go on this lame camping trip together.
- I have to cancel.
- Cancel? - Yeah.
I'm really sorry.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Not at all.
Don't worry about it.
It's funny, because I was just about to tell you that I was gonna have to cancel because of this fathers' camping weekend fiesta.
I mean, you know how dads can be sometimes.
You're going camping? - Some coincidence, huh? - Huh.
Pop! Let me go get my dad, and then I'll get the tags for that.
Pop! Hey, I'm glad you could make it on such short notice.
You sure you wanna do this, Alex? - Yeah, I'm sure.
Come on.
- But we're not really prepared.
Oh, our parkas, two sleeping bags the wind at our backs what else do we need? Are you sure you guys really want to do this? We've been looking forward to it.
Yeah, absolutely.
Mosquitoes, pit toilets and animal droppings.
Yes! Well, I can't say it doesn't make me happy to see you two joining in like this.
That's our new policy, Dad.
We're joiners.
- Right, Max? - Joiners.
Maria, I am so glad you're gonna come with us.
- Yeah, me too.
- Because there's something that we should all talk about and it'll be good to get away - from all the outside influences that you've been - Oh, my God! Distracted by.
What the Oh, my God! [Panting.]
Maria, what am I gonna do? He's here.
No problem.
Let's tell them that the two college guys had midterms and we're gonna meet them next week in Albuquerque.
Having a life is one thing, but having a whole fantasy life is just a little bit troubling, don't you think? [Man.]
! Butler.
! - Hey, Valenti.
! - Hey, Coach.
I understand we're gonna be bunking together this trip.
Pinch me.
I'll take it from here, Coach.
- New tent, right? - Right.
So, I thought you had to work.
They'll get ahold of me if they need to.
I'll go check us in.
Squeezed another year out of it, huh? Oh, yeah.
You know, you're lucky you got a boy.
- Hello, Sheriff.
- Hey.
This weekend it's Jim.
- So, Frazier Woods, huh? - Yeah.
I don't know about you, but it makes me a little nervous.
Why? It's a well-marked campsite.
I mean about the sighting.
Isn't it close to where we're going? It's three, maybe four miles.
It's nothing to worry about.
[Coach Clay.]
! Daskal.
! Evans.
! I don't know what to do.
He's gonna find out.
- They're going alphabetically, Marie.
- Kalinowski.
! Parker.
! Perris.
! Pullman.
! Ruhl.
! No, uh, expensive dinner? Actually, there's been a change in plans.
And we were making such progress.
Everyone on the bus, please! Load up, everyone! Yeah, it's me.
Tell Miller to put some extra men on the perimeter.
I think something might happen tonight.
I want to be ready.
Hey, hey.
This looks like a good one.
What about over there? It's closer to the trees.
Good call.
It'll be easier to get away if we're near the woods.
This is crazy, Max.
Valenti is right here.
That's exactly why we have to do this, Isabel.
If that sighting is real and there is something out there, then we have to find it first.
We have no choice.
I'm gonna break the all-time record.
Last year I ate five bratwurst.
This year I'm gonna eat six.
How about you? Dad.
Sorry, Kyle.
What were you asking? What is that? What are you doing? I promised Miller I'd stay in touch tonight.
You know what? The reception's low in this area.
- Let's try a different site.
- But I picked this one.
- Kyle.
- L Hey, look at us.
We're campin'.
Okay, here we go.
Now we're ready to have some fun.
Hey, you got space for a few more around here? This'll do just fine, son.
Jeff! Over here.
Come on.
We'll make a party of it.
I don't think that's such a good idea.
Look, there's Alex.
Come on, it'll be fun.
I can get to know your friends.
That summer, they found five cows all mutilated with surgical precision on Hattie Wexler's farm.
When she died two months later, they did an autopsy.
Sure enough, they found perfectly bored holes in her skull just where she claims the aliens made them when they abducted her that night.
That skull is now buried deep somewhere within Area 51.
Got 'em on the edge of their seats, son.
- Where'd you hear that? - It's one of Grandpa's favorite ones, isn't it? I'll see your nickel and raise you a quarter.
I fold.
I know better.
Too rich for my blood.
What are you hidin', Max? Got some power over these guys makes 'em do exactly what you want? Well, I call.
Full house.
Jacks and eights.
Two pair.
You win.
That was a good bluff, but I saw through you.
And then to the right of the Milky Way - that's Orion.
- Oh, wow.
- And see the North Star? - Yeah.
Okay, now look a little to your left and a little further out that small group of stars right there, that's the Cygnus constellation.
It's the furthest we can see from here.
- It's amazing.
- What is? Staring at the stars with you.
I used to look up there, and stars were just stars.
One was just as good as the next, but somehow with you, I mean it's so wondrous, you know? Each star is is a mystery you know, and so full of possibility.
- This is so much better than seeing a movie.
- Thanks.
Hey, listen, um since we didn't get a chance to go out on our date tonight I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do something together - on Friday.
- Our what? Well, not a date.
That's probably the wrong word.
I just thought we were going to the movies, you know to hang out, to have fun and talk like real friends.
- Well, yeah, me too.
- It can't be a date, Alex.
Don't you understand? It can't be anything like that.
Always be prepared.
Well, contrary to what some people might think gum is not a dental hygiene alternative.
Liz, wait.
Is this the way things are gonna be between us from now on? I think you were the one that wanted it this way.
No, I didn't.
I wanted us to slow down, not screech to a halt.
Well, then you should let me in, Max.
You know, I know what's going on.
I've been I have been waiting for you to be the one to bring it up, but you don't.
You're here because of the sighting, Max.
- No one else can know.
- I know you think that we shouldn't be together and maybe you're right but you made me a part of this.
It's time.
I thought you were washing up, sweetie.
I'm finished.
What are you doing? I'm looking for these.
Can you explain this? Yeah, I can.
Um It's echinacea, Dad.
You take it when you're getting a cold.
- Why? What did you think? - Nothing.
It's just that l - You thought it was drugs.
- I didn't know what to think.
You're so grown up all of a sudden.
I just feel like I'm not a part of your life anymore, that's all.
I guess it's just that, like, privacy thing.
[Liz Narrating.]
I guess everyone has their reasons for keeping people away an instinct to protect yourself from getting hurt.
It's part ofhuman nature.
I just wish Max would understand that that he would realize that he's not that different from us at all.
Maybe then we'd have a chance.
[Owl Hoots.]
You almost scared me to death.
How do you think you made us feel? - Go back right now.
- Max, this matters to me too.
What matters is that we find out what this sighting is all about before anyone else can.
Don't leave me out of this, Max, please.
This is a mistake, Max.
Getting everyone involved like this is just Oh, great.
That's great.
Why don't we just send out a flare? I figured you guys would be having a little woodsy tryst.
I hope you're here to talk them out of it too.
- Maria, they're here because of the sighting.
- That was real? That's what we have to find out.
You can stand there explaining it to them all night.
I'm going, okay? - Well, are you staying here or are you gonna come with? - You're going with them? Make up your mind, Maria.
I've made up mine.
You can't let go of him, can you? I don't want to.
Wait! Okay.
We've been, like, hiking for over an hour.
- We're getting close.
- It is officially freezing out here.
- It's not that cold, okay? - Really? 'Cause I'm now wearing an ice bra! - Whatever! It's uncomfortable! - [Dogs Barking.]
Is that coyotes? Search dogs.
Come on.
We're close.
Come on! Lizzy.
Come inside, sweetie.
It's too cold.
Liz, listen, I'm sorry about before.
Oh, geez.
Liz? - [Dogs Barking.]
- Hold up now, boys.
- You found something? - [Dogs Barking, Men Talking.]
- Can't outrun them.
They're too fast.
- What are we gonna do? - I don't know.
- You guys just keep going.
- What? - Maria and I will stay here so they can catch us.
- Liz, no.
- It's all right.
We'll say we got lost in the woods.
This is too important.
Keep going.
- Are you sure? - Yeah.
The important thing is you find what you're looking for.
- I will.
- All right.
Isabel, go.
! - We're here! Hello! - We're over here! Come on, find us.
! - We're here! - We're over here! [Barking.]
My mom's gonna love this, really.
Just over there.
Hey, are you all right? Give me your hand.
- [Grunts.]
Whoa! - What, what, what? L-I think I broke my ankle.
It's It's about a mile north of here.
You keep going.
- [Groaning.]
- Why don't you fix it? - What? - Your ankle.
What are you talkin' about? - Why don't you tell me the truth? - The truth about what? About who you are.
- You think I'm Nasedo.
- You know everything about us.
You knew what was wrong with me when I was sick, and you knew exactly how to fix it.
How do you know all those things? And why would you wanna help us if you weren't I'm sorry, Michael, but I'm not your father.
Just had to make sure.
[Thunder Crashing.]
You can walk now.
Thank you.
Now we're even.
I don't think we'll ever be even.
Better go.
Let's go.
You two scared me to death.
- I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
- I am so sorry, Mr.
I had to go to the bathroom.
I couldn't handle the pit toilet so I asked Liz to come with me, and next thing you know It's okay.
I'm just so glad that you guys are all right.
- Officer, you didn't find anyone else? - Only that guy over there.
- [Dog Barks.]
- I'm a scientist! Found him wandering around the woods with a metal detector, looking for spaceships.
You're making a big mistake, friend! You're all in grave danger! I'm missing my kids: Max and Isabel.
No, sir.
We're here.
It's the cave.
Kyle, what the hell are you doing here? Just wanted to see what was more important than me.
- You don't understand.
- No, I don't.
I don't understand why you're hunting Max Evans why you can't just tell me.
- What are they doing here? - They came on their own.
All right.
- This is where it'll be.
- What are we looking for? Kyle, you get the hell outta here right now.
How many times have I heard the stories, Dad? How many times you sitting at home listening to Grandma cry while Grandpa spent the night chasing spacemen out in the woods? That's my role now, isn't it? - It's ironic.
- Kyle, wait.
Now I know why you never wanted to see Grandpa again 'cause to him you were just a low priority.
Oh, my God.
It's the symbol from the cave.
- The white light or whatever the hell that was caused this? - Yes.
It's a sign.
- It was meant for you.
- What does this mean? That he's back.
Nasedo's here.
- [Leaves Rustle.]
- Someone's here.
- What do you want? - Step out of my way.
Do as he asks.
Something was here.
What were you looking at? We've been lost for hours, Sheriff.
Thank you for finding us.
#[Man Singing, Indistinct.]
Can I help you? Yeah.
I'm here to seeJames Valenti, Sr.
And you are? I'm his son.
That's him.
- Dad? - Damn pears are slippery.
Dad, it's me.
It's Jimmy.
Been awhile, huh? - A long time.
- Yeah.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe you were right all along.
And I'm sorry.
I can help you with those.

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