Rubicon s01e12 Episode Script

Wayward Sons

No chance he just skipped town? No, no.
And Travers? Alive and well.
He just left his apartment a few minutes ago.
We need to put the operation on hold, at least until we iron out this wrinkle.
We're past that.
We couldn't stop this now if we wanted to.
This is out of control, this whole situation.
Do not mistake fluidity for chaos.
There is no jeopardy here.
Just sit tight.
Sit tight? You pretentious son of a bitch.
This whole business has been one sloppy mistake after another! The train crash, Katherine- Travers knows our names, for Christ's sake! Travers is under control.
You left us exposed! Calm down.
Both of you.
Stop it! Yes? When? Are they already there? Good.
I'll be over 20 minutes.
I have to go.
It's started.
What about Travers? He'll be handled.
Oh, sorry.
Don't be sorry.
Someone tried to kill me last night.
What happened? Listen, you're in danger here.
Is there someplace else you can go? Uh, I don't know.
Uh, a hotel? Hotel, that's fine.
Let's get you in a hotel.
I-I found something.
A note from Tom.
What does it say? Well He says he hopes I'll continue to celebrate our wedding anniversary.
How'd you celebrate your anniversary? What'd you do? Nothing.
Most years, we just had a meal and then we We watched the same movie we Saw together on our first date.
What movie? Meet me in St.
Do you have it? Somewhere.
It's probably in storage.
We need to find it.
Find that movie.
Hello? You need to get in here.
Is that safe? It's the safest place you can be.
Besides, we need you doing your regular job today.
Listen, I'm with our friend.
She needs someplace secure- how about a hotel? No.
No hotel.
I'll take care of her; Just get here.
What the hell is going on out there? Half of Washington is here.
We had a situation.
Several, in fact.
You know my garage on 8th street? Mm-hmm.
I need you there in one hour.
I'm not gonna waste your time- as you've probably gathered, we have a known Al Qaeda operative inside the United States, and a tidal wave of chatter that makes it pretty clear he's not here on vacation.
Kateb, also known as Joseph or Joe Purcell, crossed the border two days ago in el Paso using his own passport.
27 years old, five feet 11, blue eyes, grew up in new Jersey; He's an American citizen.
We are all hands on deck Until this boy is in handcuffs or a body bag.
We are also moving to protocol delta four.
So we've got enhanced clearance authorization and a blank check.
Not to be an alarmist this could be Times Square, are we clear? This could be the Statue of Liber this could be golden gate bridge.
Sullivan, you and team D are assigned to support TSA, in case this boy tries to get on an airplane.
Travers, I'm sending you and Grant Test with the FBI to harbor beach, new Jersey setting up a temporary field office there to interview some of Kateb's friends and family.
Team g, going to be working with NSA.
That's all I have for now.
Odds are he's gonna do whatever he's gonna do 20 P.
New York time.
Today, tomorrow, the next day Exactly.
Who the hell knows? Why is Spangler having me take Grant? It's unclear.
Do you trust him? Grant? Yeah.
Do you? Oh, I don't trust anyone.
How are we doing with our friend? I'm taking care of her.
Ant, you and I are headed to harbor beach, new Jersey.
We are gonna meet some of Kateb's nearest and dearest.
Miles, I need you, Julia, Tanya, put your heads together and figure out what this guy's up to, okay? What happened to your head? Nothing.
Will Travers? Yes.
I'm special Agent Madero.
This is Agent Tompkins.
I'm your Baby-sitter.
Well, this is Grant Test, and he's going to be accompanying us, so we'll meet you downstairs in five minutes.
My orders are not to let you out of my sight.
Well, then you'll have to look at us through the window 'cause our work here is highly classified.
I'll wait in the hallway.
Thank you.
Miles, you have any thoughts? Hi.
I need, uh, two hotter than hell dogs, three bodacious beef burgers, uh, two large fries, some chicken lickin' fingers, and a large cherry coke, and a chocolate milkshake.
Look at this.
I shouldn't be here.
You'll be fine.
You should have brought Tanya.
Brought you.
Who are you calling? Lisa? No.
Grant, it's okay.
I'd do the same.
What are you going to tell her? Not to take the subway, or to leave town or something.
If I lost them We're setting up our command center here.
Give me a minute to get you two badges? You're going to have to bear with me today.
There's a lot going on, and I'm not going to have time to explain it all.
You have to follow me carefully.
I want you to assume that her home is being monitored.
Monitored? Watched, listened to.
Do not use my name or your name or Will's name try not to frighten her, but she has to come with you.
Yes? Hi.
You must be Katherine.
So if you wanted to go look at that apartment, we could go anytime.
Wait just a second.
I can go now.
Just let me get my purse.
It doesn't make any sense.
You can't start with a tactic.
The target follows the tactic.
It's not the other way around.
The order is to assess population clusters vulnerable to a single But Al Qaeda isn't after dy count.
You assess whatever clusters you need to, but we've got a few thousand pages of Kateb-related intercepts from the past six months.
That's where the answer is.
That is not the priority.
It's our priority.
Our orders are to work with you to identify vulnerable population centers that Kateb could hit in the next 72 hours.
Where? Exactly.
In the United States.
All right, so let's divide it up.
I can do Pacific time zone.
No, we're not doing this.
Aren't all of you supposed to be helping us, not the other way around? Tanya, I got this.
We're helping each other.
No, you're wasting our time.
Opportunity is not a meaningful criteria.
We have to identify the objective, and then, design We have to know why Kateb is here before we can figure out where.
I didn't know he was in Indianesia.
Last time dad heard from him, he was still in Yemen.
How long ago was that? I don't know.
Five, six years.
And there's been no contact since then? I know.
I mean, I thought he was probably dead.
Or, like, abducted or something.
He didn't do anything bad, did he? We just want to find him.
We think he might be in danger.
I told him not to go over there.
Those people scare me.
You can't smoke in here.
No? It's a school.
Listen, uh, maybe you can tell us about Joe's conversion to Islam.
You grew up what? Uh, Lutheran? We didn't really grow up nothing.
I mean, we weren't, like, religious, really.
Especially Joey.
The Islamic thing started after 9-1-1.
He joined a group to try and, like, talk to the Muslims.
His friend Maddy lost an uncle in the trade center, so they joined together.
To talk to the Muslims? Yeah.
So they could get them to stop hating us.
I guess he was good at it.
I mean, that's what everyone said.
What he said.
Finally found something he was really good at.
He was never really good at stuff.
I mean, not like a total loser, but not like good.
You'll stay here for a while, until I sort a few things out.
Why am I hiding? You're not hiding.
You're just staying out of sight for a little while.
Where's Will? Will's in new Jersey.
He's doing something for work.
We all work together.
For API? Yeah.
Do you need a glass of water? Please.
I just want to know why all this is happening.
It's because of your late husband, I'm afraid.
Tom? You knew Tom? No, I didn't, but I'm familiar with the circumstances.
Do you know Roman history? Cato was a leader in the Roman senate, known to be incorruptible, a man of honor.
During the war in Gaul, some of his colleagues began to fear that Caesar had grown so powerful, he might become a dictator.
They ordered him to disband his army.
Caesar refused, and turned his army south across the Rubicon river toward Rome.
Now, for Cato, defeat was inevitable.
But he himself refused to surrender.
He chose to take his own life so that those he loved could make peace with Caesar and a life of their own.
Tom killed himself to protect me? I believe so.
I have to go.
Maggie will stay here with you.
Do not open that door for anyone but me.
I'll come back.
We have no indication that he had that kind of training, that Has anyone seen Kale Ingram? Uh, no, sir.
How's it going? Uh, we're doing our best, sir.
Can I help? Well, sir, there do seem to be conflicting priorities.
Well, I guess not priorities.
I mean, we-we all want to stop this guy.
But-but conflicting strategies.
Go on.
I believe our best hope is to use the known information about Al Qaeda's goals, and what little we know about Kateb's history to quickly hone on a list of potential targets.
Well, our colleagues from uptown think that this is too slow and unreliable, and that we should make a top ten list of worst case terrorist scenarios, and then, work that list.
So, if Kateb picks the 11th worst case scenario, we're screwed.
Now, to be fair, I mean, they're all guesses, but then, some guesses are Who's your direct? Perlmutter.
Get him on the phone, hmm? It's Elice.
I need perlmutter.
Chet? Truxton Spangler.
Listen, I'm pretty sure you have a better use for my top analysts than having them rework the same list you must have made 100 times before.
Oh, that's That's what I thought.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, I'll-I'll tell them.
Do what he says, hmm? It's been five years since any of us have spoke to Joey, so, I-I don't have any information.
There's been no recent contact? You have some sort of problem with your hearing? You said you hadn't spoken to him, but perhaps you have had other contact.
Look at all this stuff.
How come we don't have any stuff? Is this the mother's brother, or the father's? Father's.
Unless you tell me what's going on.
Calm down, sir.
I am not calming down.
Because this is total bull.
Your lawyer's been contacted, sir.
He's on his way, but you're not under investigation here.
We are simply trying to locate your nephew.
Why? We need to speak to him.
Do I look as dumb as you seem to think I am? Sir, who in your family was Joe closest to? Does all this strike you as totally disorganized? Totally.
We-we know this guy.
John Walker Lindh, Omar Hammami, Adam Gadahn.
Smart but troubled teenager finds meaning in jihad.
But why does a kid do that instead of, say, becoming a skinhead, or an ecoterrorist or a marine? Right, or an intelligence analyst.
I don't know.
Same be-a-part-of- something-bigger impulse.
I think it's because they're afraid of women.
All men are afraid of women.
No, nothing really.
What about you? You making any progress? Eh, a little.
Hey, did you see these travel records for Tanaz that Langley dropped on us? Whoa, what are you talking about the ones that put her in Sofia with George and Yuri? No, no, that's old.
There's a whole new set.
I guess now that she's dead, they don't mind telling us about her.
This lady must have more frequent flier miles than God.
Riyadh, Capetown, Montreal.
She ever set foot in the U.
? Uh Yeah, New York, Washington couple of times.
Uh, what's, what's the most recent? Just hold on a second.
Can you see if these agency guys have full travel records for Tanaz? Sure.
Thank you.
Miles? Seems like the most recent is, uh, last fall September '09 New York and D.
, maybe a u.
General assembly meeting or, uh, bill Clinton's thing.
Okay, check the list for both.
We need to find out what she was doing here.
Will do.
Thank you.
Doubtful, but they're looking.
Why, what are you thinking? I have a hunch.
Feel like sharing? No.
Hey, Maggie, it's Will.
Listen, I need you to do me a favor.
It's a pretty big one.
I need you to get something for me.
I can pick it up tonight.
Actually, it has to be right now, and I can't do it.
I'm with Mrs.
She's safe, but I can't leave her.
Maggie, this is important.
Where, where are you? Where are you guys, at the safe house? Yeah.
Okay, she's going to be okay.
Tell her to stay put.
I will meet you back at the office.
Now, let me talk to her.
Um, it's Will.
Listen, did you find it- the tape? No, not yet.
We need that tape.
Your friends are telling me that I have to stay here.
Well, they're right, you should just stay put, and, uh Don't worry about it.
We'll find the tape later, okay? I'll talk to you later, bye.
I hope he told you.
I have to go.
Promise me you'll stay here.
Keep the door locked.
I'll be right back.
This came in from the atlas courier.
Ingram? Back in the building.
I'm sure he's on his way.
What? You wanted to see me.
Come in.
Cl close the door.
40 years in the intelligence business, I Somehow thought I was past being surprised.
I couldn't find you earlier.
My apologies, I was No, no.
I was simply reminded how profoundly I-I rely on you.
I don't know how we'd manage without you.
Nothing to worry about.
API is just as much my home as it is yours.
I don't imagine either one of us leaving until they carry us out.
How are we progressing downstairs? We're working hard.
Is there anything else? Thank you.
What for? Everything.
Andy Yes.
Hi, I'm Maggie, um, Will Travers' assistant.
Will Travers, the disappearing historian? I guess so.
He, uh, he said he, um, left something here that he wanted me to pick up.
He sent you to get his stuff? Just a book.
Some military historic thing, blue cover.
He said he left it by, uh, the bed.
I'll look.
Hey, do you mind if I, uh, use your bathroom? Go ahead, it's on your right.
It wasn't there.
Oh, really? Really.
Uh I'll tell him.
Thanks, I'm sorry if I bothered you.
Are you sleeping with him, too? No.
We just work together.
This is a waste of time.
I have to get back to API.
I'm ready when you are.
No, you need to stay.
Neither of you can leave right now.
I don't have anyone to drive you back.
Find someone; I' be outside.
We're on.
He was never really my boyfriend, but we were friends and I always really liked him.
What was it about him? Well, uh, he was so lost But not in a sad way, just confused.
He really wanted the world to make more sense.
He wanted to find his It was like he just couldn't figure things out.
And you liked that? It was sweet, you know, sincere.
We were 16 or 17, and other boys just wanted to get drunk or fool around, but Joe was different.
He he always called me Virginia, never gonna like everyone else, so yeah, I liked that.
What happened? I mean, why didn't you get together? Oh, well, uh When he started with the Muslim stuff, things really changed.
Changed how? I don't know, exactly.
Um, he told me that Allah believed in him.
Believed in him? Yeah, he said, "I believe in Allah and Allah believes in me.
" That's what he said.
What do you think he meant? I think he just wanted someone to tell him that he was the special one, that he had a purpose.
Whatever day it is, it'll probably be afternoon, 20 eastern.
Why? Because that's what he does.
That's not in any of the reports.
Yes, it is.
You just didn't see it.
I've been very thoroughly briefed.
You know what? It's all right.
We've been working this for months.
There's-there's no way you could get caught up this fast.
I'm caught up.
I'm just saying it wasn't in the report.
Do you want me to show it to you? I'd like to see some supporting evidence for that kind of suggestion.
Tanya? Yeah? Will you tell him about the 4:20 thing? Um Kateb's attacks all take place at 21:20 GMT.
20 eastern.
Like, in new Jersey.
What happened? I had to get Will.
You left her? No.
I-I-I'm going back.
Don't bother.
Stay here.
Damn it, Maggie.
You get the papers? Yeah.
You okay? Uh Yeah, yeah.
How are you? Good morning.
I need everybody out.
Right now.
Miles, stay.
You stay.
Could you guys move quicker, please?! Tanya, close the door behind you.
Tanaz's travel records? You have them? Will? I here, here, here.
September 2009.
She arrives in new York on the 15th.
Stays for four days.
February 2010? Washington on the ninth.
They're working together.
Who? Will, what are you talking about? I got him! I got that son of a bitch.
Donald bl Will? I pulled these records for you.
Kale, it's Will.
Will : Listen to me.
Bloom and Tanaz.
They were working together.
Are you calling from the office? No, no, no.
Don't you get it? It's all connected.
All of it.
All of it.
The crosswords.
It's all connected.
It's all the same thing.
What was the Houston problem? David Hadas's paper on Houston.
What was that about? Why? Bloom was in Houston.
Every time he saw Tanaz, he came from Houston.
What was David writing about? Damn it.
Vulnerabilities in the oil supply.
Uh, import, refining, distribution.
Houston was the bottleneck.
You sink a tanker in Galveston bay, block it up for months, domino effect will cripple the nation.
That's it.
That's where Kateb is headed.
Galveston bay.
Turn on the TV.
What? Anchorwoman: Reports from Galveston bay, Texas, where terrorists appear Turn on the TV.
To have attacked and blown up an American oil tanker.
What channel? Any one of them.
We're getting conflicting reports.
I think we have Mark on the ground there.
Mark, are you there? Well, Beth, police have stopped me about two miles from the scene.
But even from here, I can see smoke billowing into the sky.
Have you heard any reports from the site itself? I've been told the flames are shooting into the air at least 50 feet, and that thick clouds of smoke are hindering efforts to extinguish the conflagration.
Oil is spilling into the bay as the tanker lists and starts to sink.
Homeland security officials in Washington seem to have been taken completely by surprise.
A severe, or red, terrorist alert has been declared.
Our borders and airports have been closed.
The FBI and Texas state troopers are rushing to the scene.
Of course, the greatest fear is that this is merely the start of something even worse, a coordinated attack of some kind, reminiscent of 9/11.
I've just heard that all major bridges in New York city A boat? All this to sink a boat? Closed, creating massive traffic jams One-quarter of America's oil supply moves through Houston.
Cleaning up this mess is going to block the harbor for at least three months.
BP just dumped a zillion gallons of oil into the Gulf, and this is supposed to scare us? That was just a nosebleed.
This is the jugular.
An aneurysm in the energy system.
To sum things up, it appears our worst nightmare is realized.
The United States is once again under attack.
Sorry, sir.
They're calling from Langley and fort Meade and the Pentagon.
That's fine, it's fine.
We can wait a few minutes.
Yes, sir.

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