Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Ruby Ring You should know better who's who.
Listen carefully.
The person on this bed is Ruby! Ruby! Ruby! Nurse! Nurse! You're Runa.
You're Runa, aren't you? Tell me, Jeong Runa.
Why? Why? Cheers.
Episode 12 Excuse me.
One more, please.
You've had enough.
You're drunk.
Just one more.
Just one last bottle.
Baby? Ms.
Jeong Runa wasn't pregnant, but Ms.
Jeong Ruby was.
She suffered a miscarriage.
This is a work of art.
The mole on the bottom of your foot.
I've never seen anything this.
That's because I'm a work of art.
What is this? Not here.
Stop it.
Not here.
The recipient's phone is off.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected, charges will accrue.
Jeong Runa! Why? Why? Why, kiddo? Why? What is your reason? I can't lose you.
I will never lose you.
You should know better who's who.
The person on this bed isn't Ruby.
You're Runa.
You're Runa, aren't you? Tell me, Jeong Runa.
Why? Why? What's wrong, Ruby? What is it? Don't worry about a thing.
I'm right here.
I'll be by your side until the very end, okay? Don't worry.
Hi, Gilja.
What are you two doing here? It's our day off.
Hello, Mrs.
Are you okay, Ruby? Yes.
Thank you, Soyeong.
You didn't have to come.
Sit over there.
Oh, right.
The diaries.
What for? Who knows? She wanted them.
There must be something important only she knows about.
Ruby's voice is odd.
She sounds like a different person.
It's because her vocal cords are damaged.
But still Gilja, we're going to check on Runa.
Let's go.
Ruby, I'll be right back.
I'm going to get some coffee and water.
Try having some of this if you can.
I know you can speak now.
Answer me, Jeong Runa.
I'm not Runa.
You're not Runa? Really? Don't lie to me.
You're mistaken.
Jeong Runa! Do you take me for a fool? Do you have to see for yourself? The mole on your foot.
That's right.
You were a work of art.
A work of art.
A hidden mole no one knows about.
You're the one who was pregnant, and you're also the one who has a mole on the bottom of your foot.
If you still won't admit to it, I'm going to tell everyone so we can all make sure that you're Runa, not Ruby.
Diaries? Jeong Ruby's? Of course.
You must have a lot of studying to do.
December 2006.
It's when they went on their first trip together.
So where did they go? Where? Tell me.
Tell me.
That I beg you.
All you have to do is look the other way.
You said you loved me.
You said I was your everything.
So please just look the other way.
I'm begging you.
You're really It was true.
Why? Why are you doing this? I don't want this life.
I don't want a sorry, pathetic life.
I want a rich, glamorous life.
Sweetheart, Ruby may never emerge from her coma.
She may even die, so why shouldn't I live her life? So please look the other way.
I can give you whatever you want.
It'll be fine so long as you keep quiet.
Are you crazy? Let's go.
Let's go tell everyone you're Jeong Runa, not Jeong Ruby.
Don't be like this.
Don't do this to me, Insu.
What is wrong with you? If you call yourself a human being, how can you defraud your own family? I loved you with all my heart.
I wanted to marry you and live happily ever after.
How can you do this to me? Enough.
The charade's over.
How long do you think you can keep up this lie? Runa, let's get married.
Enough with this pathetic ruse.
Just marry me.
Couldn't you be more understanding? All I need is your understanding.
I swear.
Please look the other way for me.
Please leave me alone if you love me.
Come to your senses.
As Ruby, you'll have to marry her fiance, not me.
I'll only be going through the motions.
It's you that I love.
You know that.
After getting pregnant, I told you I was getting an abortion, but I couldn't get myself to.
Do you know why I couldn't? Because I love you.
I wanted to have the baby too.
So please help me.
I'll be indebted to you for life.
And I'll repay the debt.
Did you ever really love me? Yes.
I did love you.
I still love you.
Don't lie.
How can you do this to someone you love? You never loved me.
You merely used me.
Admit it.
If you have even an iota of conscience, you will tell me the truth.
Do you really want to know? You're right.
I never loved you, not even for a second.
The reason? Because love is a foolish illusion.
So forget me.
So leave me.
If you don't, I'll kill myself.
Kill yourself then.
You're better off dead than living like this.
Let go.
I will do it.
I'm going to kill myself.
Let go.
Hello, Mrs.
What's going on? I stopped by on my way to see Runa.
She got worked up about her sister.
I'm sorry.
Ruby, lie down.
She's gotten very edgy.
Whenever we mention her sister, she says it's her fault and gets upset.
I'm sorry.
When did you get here? Please take a seat, Mr.
Call me Insu.
When Runa emerges from her coma, I'll be part of the family.
So you'll be my sister-in-law.
I'm glad that Ms.
Jeong, I mean, Ruby, has gotten much better.
Please take care then.
I can't thank him enough.
He still wants to marry Runa despite the condition she's in.
Runa's a lucky girl.
Hello, everyone.
I'm your reporter, Jeong Runa.
No, no, no.
Don't move your shoulders so much.
Stand still.
Hello, everyone.
I'm your reporter, Jeong Runa.
Try again.
Hello, everyone.
I'm your reporter, Jeong Runa.
- Okay.
- Nice to see you.
Did you ever really love me? Do you really want to know? You're right.
I never loved you, not even for a second.
The reason? Because love is a foolish illusion.
So forget me.
So leave me.
What's going on, Mr.
Na? We have editing to do.
We won't make the deadline.
Insu, where are you? It's crazy here.
Call me unless you want to get fired.
Hello? Mr.
Na Insu? Registered mail.
So get that set up.
Oh, has Mr.
Na called? No, not yet.
What about the China footage? I just barely managed to get an extension.
I have a bad feeling something's wrong with Mr.
Me too.
Maybe it has something to do with what happened to Ms.
Jeong Runa.
But why isn't he answering his phone? Now, his phone's turned off altogether.
Everyone's looking for him.
Love can be so painful.
It's because Insu's too nice and naive.
I know.
"Nice" is no longer a compliment these days.
So that's why you've become mean.
What's going on? Have you gotten in touch with Mr.
Na? No, not yet.
So why are you still here? The higher-ups are up in arms.
Go and find him right away.
Yes, sir.
I love you, baby.
I love you too.
Runa, do you love me? Of course.
Let's get married.
Marriage is the coming together of two souls.
There's no such thing called love.
Love's just a front for business dealings.
I never loved you, not even for a second.
I'd be prying if I were to ask you what happened, right? It's your occupational illness, again, asking people too many questions.
You shouldn't have brought me to the hospital.
Thank you, Ms.
I'm indebted to you.
Why are you getting up? You need more rest.
I feel stuffy.
Your stomach's not well yet.
You shouldn't have coffee.
You must hate me.
I'm so relieved to see you again that there's even an inkling of love.
Love I have to run.
Thank you.
I know what you're about to say.
Don't worry about me.
Don't overcomplicate things.
There's not much to life, you know? Are you studying philosophy now? I'm off.
The weather's amazing.
Isn't it nice to be out? We're moving you to Seoul tomorrow.
Why are you so quiet? Are you still worried? Look.
See how beautiful and lovely you were.
Are you taking pictures of me? - Gorgeous.
- Stop it.
Hold still.
I'll make sure you're just like this again.
I'll make sure your life becomes even happier and more perfect.
Don't worry.
So long as the surgery goes well, you'll go back to being an even lovelier and more beautiful self.
Do you trust me? Do you? Couldn't you be more understanding? Please look the other way for me.
Please help me.
I will, Jeong Runa.
I'll keep an eye on how shamelessly you lead someone else's life.
I'll make you realize how painful and agonizing that is.
You can't run from me.
I'll follow you to the ends of the earth and make sure you go through living hell, slowly but surely.
From Ruby's diary to her voice Your hard work and drive are commendable.
What are you doing? But would this change anything? You know there's a monster lurking inside you.
What brings you here? Oh, I popped in on my way to see Runa.
Hello, father-in-law.
Keep up your health.
Dad this is Runa's fiance.
Nice to meet you, sir.
I've heard a lot about you.
Nice to meet you too.
Well, I'll get going then.
Runa's getting her bandages removed too.
We won't be seeing this office anymore after this week.
I've grown attached.
It's all good though.
We all get to go to Seoul together.
By the way, have you found a place? Yes.
I'll be rooming with a friend for now.
Seo, what's going to happen to Ms.
Jeong? They'll probably set a date for the wedding.
That's great.
Our director is really remarkable.
He nursed her for a year with such devotion, and now, they're getting married.
He really is a cool guy.
If I could find a man just like him, I'd marry him in a heartbeat.
That's me.
I'm right here.
Are you kidding me? A man is what a woman makes of him.
Stop it.
You know very well I'm single.
Enough with your lovers' quarrel.
Just get married already.
This is so good.
What's wrong, Soyeong? No appetite? It's not that.
What is it? You're moving to Seoul soon.
We got an apartment in Seoul.
What about it? It's just that I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
What do you mean? I have nowhere to go.
I have to get a new job, but I can't live without you and Mrs.
Just thinking about it Soyeong.
What am I going to do, Chorim? Where am I to go? Soyeong.
Don't leave me, Chorim.
Take good care of yourself.
You're making me lose my appetite.
Stop it.
Who cares about your appetite? How can you be so callous? Don't you have any sympathy? She's right.
Chorim and I may have had our disagreements, but we're like family now.
How dare you? You're so mean.
Right, Chorim? Yes, Soyeong.
Calm down, will you? I'm the chef, you're the head waitress.
Dongpal, what are you talking about? It's not Dongpal anymore.
It's Chef.
I'm Chef Noh, and you're the head waitress.
Yu hasn't told you yet? I thought she had.
We're all going to Seoul together.
Really? Really, Dongpal? Yes, really.
I'm so excited! Wait.
We need to raise a toast.
Darn it.
So our bloody battle will continue in Seoul? Oh, man.
This unfortunate tie with Soyeong must have carried over from our past lives.
Jeong Chorim.
What? I'm just being frugal as the new chef.
All set.
You can get up now.
There's nothing for you to worry about anymore.
You still have some scarring, but it'll all go away with laser treatment.
- Ms.
- Yes? - Hand her the mirror.
- Yes, doctor.
Thank you.
Jeong Runa It's me, Ruby.
Trust you're well.
I'm getting married next week.
You can despise me.
I won't ask for forgiveness.
This is our destiny.
Oh, you're here.
I had to make a quick call.
Look, didn't I tell you to never leave my sister's side? What if she wakes up and no one's around? I'm sorry.
If you see any changes in her, call me first immediately.
I will.
Thank you.
Don't forget to keep me updated regularly.
I won't.
Oh, right.
Has her fiance come by? Yes.
He comes every day.
He was just here.
Take good care of her.
Hello, Ruby.
What brings you to see your sister? Isn't it only normal that I visit my sick younger sister? I have to run.
We haven't seen each other in ages.
How about coffee? You're perfection itself, Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
You've actually gotten prettier.
What's the matter? I'm your future brother-in-law.
Stay out of my life.
You're the one who ruined my life.
How was the treatment? What did the doctor say? He said everything went well.
There's some scarring left, but he says laser treatment will take care of that.
What a relief.
It's still upsetting though.
I used to have great skin.
You're prettier now.
The surgery's turned you into a new person.
Are you sure I look prettier? Yes.
And your personality has changed too.
Let's go.
Everything feels so new.
You're full of surprises.
Is this what you go for? I don't care for a wedding this complicated and crazy.
I don't want to do this anymore.
I don't think it'll work out for us.
Let's call it quits.
Even your face has changed since the accident.
I asked you to help me.
I asked you to give me a chance.
If you die, I can be an even more perfect Jeong Ruby.
See you next time
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