Snowdrop (2021) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Kids, cameras are over there.
-It's a rabbit!
-It's a rabbit!
-It's a rabbit!
-It's a rabbit!
-Hi, Rabbit.
-Where are you going?
-Where are you going?
-He's leaving.
-Where are you going?
-Where are you going?
Mr. Lee, do you copy?
Mr. Lee.
Hey. Have you delivered all?
Yes, to six newspapers
and two TV stations.
Good job. Stay safe.
A newspaper or a TV station,
just one of them needs to cover it.
About Kang Cheong-ya…
Well, what do you think of her?
She seems to be wavering,
but how can we trust her?
Leave her to me.
Would you like some hot tea?
As I thought…
It was my father, wasn't it?
If you believe
his order to kill me is right…
kill me now.
Director Lim Ji-rok of the UFD…
is your father?
Comrade Director!
We got this message
from Hosu University dorm last night.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
He's indeed a son of a reactionary.
Don't tell Deputy Director Choi Su-ryeon.
Understood, Comrade Director.
Why don't you eat something
and get some sleep?
I may have decided not to kill you,
but don't trust me too much.
Because the party still trusts me.
Do you believe
your life is yours?
It's the life the party planned out
for you. It's not the life you chose.
Stop living as Kang Cheong-ya
or Moran Hill 1.
Live as your real name.
I'll help you get out through the shrine
without anyone knowing.
Escape here while Nam Tae-il
still believes you're locked in here.
And leave for another country.
That's your only way out.
Now that…
you've disobeyed the party's orders,
going to another country is
your only way out too, isn't it?
I'm sure you already know
that I can't do that.
You got the accounts for the secret funds?
There's not much time.
Get 300 million dollars ready by today.
I will after telling the President.
Are you saying you'll disobey my orders?
Disobey? Of course not.
I'm just saying
I was appointed as new chief
of the OPC just a few hours ago,
so I'm afraid I can't withdraw
such a huge amount of money
without the President knowing.
I told you,
you can just put it as working expenses.
If it won't be a problem,
why is it top secret
and why must it be kept
between you and me?
And why can I not ask
the President for approval?
Before I have answers to those questions,
I can't withdraw
such a huge sum of money just like that.
I mean, Chief An.
That money will be sent
to the North in a week anyway.
The President is also aware of it.
I'm just…
sending it a little early. That's all.
All right, sir.
I'll try my best to get approval
from the President and have it--
God, what an inflexible punk.
This is Eun Chang-su.
Your agent who's being
held hostage in the dorm
is persistently ruining our plan.
It seems he's convinced Lim Soo-ho
to turn the dorm into some haven.
Are you saying Lim Soo-ho has joined
hands with Lee Gang-mu?
It seems those two are trying
to ruin the election scheme together.
I got a message that they already started
carrying out their plan to ruin it.
Plan to ruin it?
I understand. I'll see what we can do.
He got a message?
But who sent it from the dorm?
You can take your time
to get 300 million ready.
Are you going to the scene, sir?
That damn bastard!
He joined hands with a communist?
When he came out,
we should've just shot him to death!
We should jam radio signals first.
Hurry up with the jamming
so that no one can contact anyone inside.
I'm afraid we can't do that, sir.
There's someone spying for us inside.
That's not important right now.
We need them if we want to know
what's going on inside--
That reminds me.
The dorm's telephone operator
tried to tell me
something about Soo-ho and Gang-mu.
I think she was trying to say
they joined hands.
Why didn't you tell us sooner?
When was it?
-Before we got the camcorder?
-Yes, before that.
Then the students probably found out
it's an election scheme.
You're right. I think they did.
No wonder they didn't seem scared
laughing and chatting. What do we do now?
What do you think?
We should kill them all.
Bring in the EOD team
and plant bombs all over the dorm.
We'll blow them all up if need be.
Blow them up?
Even if we use high-capacity bombs,
we can't guarantee they'll be all killed.
Send in the SWAT team
and rescue my daughter first.
Then send in an EOD specialist
to plant bombs
and make sure they kill them all.
More than 30 people will die.
So we must make it look
like it's the spies' doing.
So that there won't be any controversy.
So that we'll be able to win the election!
-Yes, sir.
Gye Bun-ok.
Gye Bun-ok! Open the door.
You can't just barge into my room!
Where's the radio? Give it to me.
The ANSP guy took it,
so go ask him to give it back.
Don't do anything stupid again.
We're trying
to get all of us out of here alive.
So don't try to survive alone
or play any tricks.
That's rich coming from you.
Didn't you hide the radio away
to save your own skin?
If you keep being this way,
I won't be able to protect you anymore.
Protect me?
You ordered me around, looked down on me,
and used me. You call that protecting?
Is that why you pulled the trigger?
You didn't know it was unloaded?
How stupid.
Did that doctor promise
to save your father?
She gave you an unloaded gun
because she didn't trust you.
She's the one who looked down on you
and used you!
Don't you find Ms. Pi strange?
Why is she like that to Gizzard?
Tell me about it.
I thought she'd drag her out right away.
"I don't need
to be supervised by you, do I?"
Yet she couldn't say anything
to that arrogant wench.
Yeong-ro, do you know anything about it?
You said Ms. Pi knows
Bun-ok threatened us with a gun.
-Yes, you did.
She saw Bun-ok pointing
a gun at me.
-Even at you?
-But she and you were very close.
Guys, I think
Bun-ok has something big on Ms. Pi.
When I was singing in the cafeteria,
I saw Ms. Pi and the ANSP guy
whispering and found it weird.
Gizzard caught them kissing secretly.
Come on.
Who knows?
Being in this kind of crisis together
made them think it was love
and kiss.
No one but you would do that.
The ANSP might be trying
to kill us out there.
But what? The ANSP guy and Ms. Pi kissing?
By the way,
is the ANSP really going to kill us all?
They even shot innocent people to death
to win the election.
They're capable of anything.
Hey! I don't think
they're crazy enough to kill us
to win the election.
The Director must be crazy enough.
-I'm so scared.
-So am I.
Why do you look so down?
Are you not feeling well?
I have an upset stomach.
An upset stomach? All you had today
is a bowl of cup noodles.
You're right.
Is it the chicken you had last night?
Do you want some medicine?
I'm fine.
I need to go to the restroom.
But will they really kill us
to regain power?
Are you serious?
You still don't know
what they're really like?
Anyway, we need to find a way to survive.
How? Anything in your mind?
I'll think about it from now on.
What did you pray for so hard?
I prayed that we'll get out of here safely
and you'll get to see your sister
and live a normal, free life
like other guys your age.
I prayed for that.
I promise
I'll keep you safe.
Everyone including your friends
will be all right.
At the next Open House,
we should play fun games
and dance together.
But Soo-ho,
who will keep you safe then?
Don't worry. You know I'm like Superman.
You can't even fly.
Look who's here.
Didn't you say you didn't take
what the fortuneteller said seriously?
But you ran over here
as soon as you buried your son.
I never imagined it'd be possible
for 13 people to be killed
unless war broke out.
But ever since
the hostage situation began,
I've been getting the feeling
that exactly 13 people will die.
Aren't you also here
because you're worried about that?
You just lost your child. How could you…
It's not that I didn't know,
but you're indeed cold-hearted.
Oh, right.
Are you aware
that An has become the Chief of the OPC?
It seems Mr. Eun also didn't know
that An was going to be appointed.
He had no idea one of his subordinates
was loved by the President.
He might end up
getting stabbed in the back at this rate.
The ANSP is not required
to disclose the details of the budget to
the Ministry of Finance or the Assembly.
But they keep all the money in the bank
and receive a puny interest.
I think it's such a shame.
Pray with all your heart
and pick out a few companies to invest in.
I'm sure
the deity will give you directions.
Oh, my.
My goodness. Thank you so much.
Well, when I come to see you next time,
I should get you a new car key.
Hello, sir!
You must have a strong stomach.
Have you two made up already?
Why don't you just go
if you're done with him?
If I'd known in advance,
I would've sent you some flowers.
The President gave my husband
a bouquet when he appointed him.
And that's more than enough.
You came to ask me
if 13 people will really die, didn't you?
Oh, my goodness!
How did you know? You're so good!
So you want me
to ask the deity about it for you?
Let's see…
Here. Pick one.
There's only one question,
so it's okay for only one of you to pick.
Who'll pick first?
I outrank you, don't I?
It's about the Gonyeo Eun Clan.
I should do it.
You've just been bereaved. It's bad luck.
I've had it. How dare you, you wench!
What was that? How dare you do that
in the presence of the deity?
It doesn't matter who picks first.
It could turn into bad luck
depending on what you pick.
It's very auspicious.
Your wishes will come true.
-My wishes?
-My wishes?
Everything will go as you wish.
-As who wishes?
-As who wishes?
The deity always
helps the more desperate one.
It means everything depends
on your sincerity and effort.
My goodness. Then,
should I do some rites?
You think rites work every time?
Once you're done
setting up the bombs, radio me.
We have set up bombs
all around the dorm. Over.
Park Mu-yeol,
the Aemin Party's candidate, said
he won't condone the spies' hostage-taking
and will prevent the North's provocations
expected to happen before the Olympics.
To hold the Seoul Olympics successfully
and make the whole world
remember it forever…
I doubt TV stations
gave up on such a scoop.
I think something went wrong.
Breaking news, my foot.
Nothing related to it is being covered.
Arrest Jang Han-na.
Arrest Han-na?
I wondered why a veteran agent like Soo-ho
decided to betray his country.
This was it.
Did you forget about the agreement?
We agreed to killing all the spies.
Reporter Gal must've recorded this.
Soo-ho must have listened to this.
They started trying to ruin our plan
by sending this out to TV stations.
They're inside the dorm. How did they--
Jang Han-na?
No wonder they kept asking for her.
Arrest her.
Yes, sir.
Come here.
What's up?
Mr. Eun wants to see you.
For what?
Well, you'll know when you see him.
All right.
Start the car!
I'm sure
they're watching all the entrances.
But they can't cover all the windows.
But we don't know
which windows they're watching.
We can't just test it out.
Is it the recording tape
that makes you this reckless?
Didn't you learn you'd be awarded
the Hero of the Republic
if you died for your country?
If you die, your family will live well.
So why did you change your mind
and make things more complicated?
Stop talking nonsense
and cut to the chase.
Cut to the chase?
Let me talk to Gang-mu.
Put that communist bastard on the phone!
You'll accuse me of being a communist?
That makes you a true communist.
You schemed with the high-ups of the North
to win the election.
Am I wrong?
Listen to this guy.
You're really something
just like they say.
If you're being like that,
I'm going to have to kill you.
Listen carefully.
Bombs have been set up
all around the dorm.
How dare a mere pawn like you
try to ruin the scheme for the election?
If you try anything funny,
I'll blow the dorm up.
I'll blow all of you to bits.
Soo-ho, you heard him, right?
He's threatening to blow the whole dorm
to bits. You think that's possible?
The explosive power will be dispersed.
Yes, you're right.
To completely destroy a building,
you must install bombs
on pillars inside it.
You bastards.
We've set up high-capacity explosives!
Then the sound of the explosion
will be really big. That's good.
Even kids will know
the bombs exploded outside the dorm.
Then people will find out
it's an election scheme without our help.
You know, people in Seoul are quite smart.
You bastards!
This is Eun Chang-su.
We collected all of the recording tapes
that had been sent to the press.
Didn't you know our agents were stationed
at all of the newspapers and TV stations?
One more thing.
If you're worried about the safety
of Jang Han-na, your messenger,
you'd better not do anything from now on.
Mr. Eun…
You set up bombs?
Only to use them to threaten the spies.
We need to talk.
We could just talk inside.
Why did you have to make me come out?
Should I pull the trigger?
I lost my beloved son,
and my daughter is in there.
You think I have anything to fear?
Listen. I don't intend
to set them off anytime soon.
As you know, Dr. Kang is in there.
She's my doctor.
We must send in the SWAT team secretly.
But you told them about the bombs?
When we rescue your daughter,
we must get Dr. Kang out too.
This is your last warning.
We must rescue my daughter first.
No matter what.
All right.
That damn bastard…
-Move your car!
-Move it!
Our plan was leaked.
It means we have a mole inside the dorm.
Except you, I, and Yeong-ro,
we can't trust anyone in here.
If they've set up bombs,
Eun Chang-su might send in the SWAT team
to rescue Yeong-ro tonight.
We must find the mole before that.
I'll gather the hostages in the prayer
room. Take care of the southern side.
I'll watch Comrade Kang and my guys.
This side isn't blocked.
-Lead the way.
-Wait, stop.
We're up against
an ANSP team leader and a spy.
There must be something here.
I'm sure this is a trap.
How is this a trap?
But I don't see any trap here.
There are invisible booby traps too.
Depending on how you set them up,
-there are many various types.
Don't lie.
You're chickening out, aren't you?
I am not.
Are you going to escape or not?
-How can I escape like this?
-Let's escape!
Everyone in the dormitory,
gather in the prayer room now.
I repeat.
in the dormitory,
gather in the prayer room now.
…to carry out our duties…
Let's go to the prayer room.
Hey, let's go.
My goodness.
What is it this time?
At the moment, agent Lee Gang-mu,
the ANSP team leader,
is being held hostage in the dorm.
He is a veteran agent
experienced in anti-communism,
I'm sure he's trying his best
to save the students from the spies.
With our good agent Lee Gang-mu,
we will save the hostages no matter--
I spoke with Nam Tae-il on the phone.
He already knew
Gang-mu and I had joined hands.
No wonder
they're bringing up Gang-mu on TV.
They must've decided to kill him.
He'll be killed later anyway.
If people think
he's died saving the hostages,
they'll think highly of the ANSP.
They also know about our plan
to ruin the election scheme.
They even set up bombs around the dorm.
Are you suspecting me?
I want to give you
a chance to live a new life.
But if you've betrayed me…
one of us two must die.
Why are you
dying to save the South Koreans
who have nothing to do with us?
Because of Yeong-ro?
You'll never end up with her.
You know that.
paid too harsh a price for me.
All she did is risking her life
to save my life and helping me.
I don't…
want her to suffer anymore.
So what on earth is your plan?
Let's say you get out of here alive.
What's next?
You must think about what's next.
I'll go back.
If I don't go back,
my sister Su-hui will be killed.
Are you insane?
You think Lim Ji-rok will let you live?
If I go back,
he'll let Su-hui live.
You must bear with it
until we catch the mole.
All right. Everyone is here, right?
I don't see Ms. Oh.
Ms. Pi, have you seen Ms. Oh?
You slept with her last night.
I saw her in the morning.
Has anyone seen her since then?
I saw her not long ago
in the restroom on the second floor.
In the restroom?
Ma'am, I'll go.
It's an emergency.
All of you should stay here.
That's the safest.
So don't leave the room until I get back.
An emergency? What's going on?
I'll tell you after finding Ms. Oh.
What did Cheong-ya say?
I don't think it's her.
You don't think?
Did you question her right?
She even got a big shot like Nam Tae-il.
She wouldn't change her mind easily.
To be honest,
I suspect her the most.
If she'd sent the message,
she would've killed me this morning.
She did have the chance,
but she did not.
What about your side?
Ms. Oh disappeared.
Ms. Oh did?
What are you doing here?
Someone stole chickens.
Last night,
someone stole chickens.
Come out here. Now.
I can't.
Those who steal food are the worst.
Wait until I catch them. I'll…
Come out here.
But I need to put them back in here.
Or they will thaw.
But I must guard the kitchen.
Just a bite.
Chicken from the South is really good.
Put that away.
-Just a bite.
-Put that away, you bastard!
Comrade Joo.
Do you have a death wish?
You must've had a good night's sleep.
You can hear now.
I understand how you feel.
But surviving is most important right now.
Our team leader's betrayed the country,
so we're done for.
Didn't you hear our country
and the South are scheming to kill us?
I trust Comrade Lim.
He's trying to save our lives at all cost.
Our country decided to kill us,
so how will he save us?
He will.
I believe Comrade Lim is going to save us.
Have you forgotten
he saved the dying comrades
on Mount Puksubaek?
Pick up the pace!
Damn it.
-Please spare us!
-Save us!
This is your last task.
Those who couldn't kill the traitors…
Kill them all!
Only ten of you
will become warriors
who will make our republic proud.
Comrade Geum-cheol…
Didn't you hear my order?
Lim Soo-hyeok!
What do you think you're doing?
What are you doing, Eung-cheol?
Attack him!
Lim Soo-hyeok.
I know what your order means.
But I can't kill him.
You little bastard.
Are you disobeying the party?
I will kill as many traitors
as you want me to.
But the person you're ordering me to kill
is a warrior of our country.
Everyone here is my comrade
who survived the hellish training with me!
Don't you know how important it is
to be mentally armed?
When the party orders you,
you must obey without question!
The party…
would never order us to kill our comrades.
The party cherishes
every one of its people!
It would never abandon
warriors of the Republic
who finished the harsh training!
Ever since then,
he's always been likely
to betray our country.
why did the party not kill him?
They punished the instructor
because they thought Lim was right.
Why did they not kill him?
Thanks to his father,
he wasn't killed
even after disobeying the party.
Lim Soo-ho
could commit treason any moment.
Watch him closely all the time,
and if you sense
any change in his ideology,
kill him.
The party abandoned him.
And you abandoned your family for him?
If the party finds out you've turned,
all your family members will be taken
to the political prison camp.
Comrade Lim.
What'll happen to my family?
Don't worry.
I told the party
that I betrayed them alone.
So your family will be safe, Eung-cheol.
You told the party?
The North must be aware anyway.
Someone informed them
I'd joined hands with Gang-mu.
Someone in the dorm.
There's a mole in here?
Our plan
to let people know
about the election scheme.
The ANSP already knew about it.
Damn it. Who was it?
Who the hell told them?
Come clean.
I'll kill you when I catch you.
Sit down.
Ms. Pi.
Is there any other walkie-talkie
in this dorm that I don't know about?
No. Not that I know of.
It's impossible
to contact someone outside without it.
From now on,
we'll search your rooms
where you slept last night.
-What? Why do they have to?
-Searching our rooms?
Are they suspecting us?
-Searching our rooms?
-Is he suspecting us?
I told you.
The radio is Ms. Pi's.
Why are you not suspecting her?
I have that radio.
We need to see
if there are any other radios in here.
We all slept on the second floor.
But Bun-ok slept in her room alone.
You should search her room first.
Damn it. Stay out of it.
You don't know anything.
If there's a mole among us,
it must be you. Who else would--
Don't you know
Ms. Pi is on the ANSP's side?
Bun-ok. Shut it.
When I turned on the radio,
they said your name. I heard it clearly.
You're a spy for the ANSP. Am I wrong?
She's a spy for the ANSP?
-A spy for the ANSP?
-But really?
But that doesn't make sense.
Hold on.
Ms. Pi. Is what she said true?
You turned a blind eye
to Bun-ok's stealing.
So I wondered why.
Is this why?
Yes, what she said
is all true.
-It's true?
So it's true?
-What, is she out of her mind?
-I can't trust anyone.
They even wiretapped the dorm
and had me keep an eye on you.
God, that's scary.
-Is that true?
-Even wiretapped?
But I swear I've never sold
any of you out to the ANSP.
If you were not going to do that,
why did you spy for them?
I'm sure…
she had to obey them
to protect all of the students.
I see.
You searched all our rooms
with the spare keys.
Was that also to protect us?
Was it?
Jeong-min, shut it.
We must find the mole first.
I'll watch the students.
You should go search the rooms.
I'll leave them to you.
-I can't believe this.
-Can you believe her?
Bun-ok, stop right there!
One more step forward,
and that proves you're the mole.
How am I the mole?
You spied for the ANSP.
You must be the mole.
She is not!
If Ms. Pi ever wanted to harm us,
all the student protesters among us
would've been arrested.
Jeong-min and Hye-seong
would have already been arrested.
For now, it's best for all of us
not to leave this room
so that Mr. Lee can find the mole.
That damn b.
Hey, you two. Follow me!
You little…
Where do you think you're going?
-Let go. Let go of me!
-Come here.
-Come here.
-Let go of me!
-Take her inside!
-Come on.
I'm really not the mole!
This money…
You gave it to her, right?
You made Soo-ho believe you'd turned,
and use her
to inform Nam Tae-il of our plan.
Didn't you keep me tied
in the office all night?
I didn't even have a radio.
And even if I did,
what if she'd tell Tae-il
that I was a Northern spy?
You think I'd risk that?
You have another radio, don't you?
Where did you hide it?
It wasn't me.
I'm not the mole!
Why are you suspecting me and not
the ANSP informant? Am I an easy target?
You looked down on me
on the group blind date too!
Apparently, I'm guilty
of the National Security Law violation,
threatening to kill, illegal possession
of firearms, and attempted murder.
I resent the fact
that my life's been ruined
because of you,
so I beat my chest all night.
My chest is all bruised.
Do you want to see it?
Why the hell did you come back?
You left the dorm safely
on the day of the Open House.
Why did you have to come back?
Because of Yeong-ro?
You came back to see Yeong-ro.
Why do I have to
be sacrificed for your love?
Why? This is so unfair!
December 3.
The day of the Open House.
Did you really leave the dorm?
Yes. Why?
"Dormitory has been searched.
A high risk of exposure.
Hoping to go to the North
as soon as possible."
The ANSP wiretapping team
intercepted this message.
On December 5.
I naturally thought
you sent it from the dorm.
That's why I came here to catch you.
Then even before this hostage situation--
There was a spy in here.
Lim Soo-ho betrayed alone.
Guarantee Su-hui's safety.
If she is harmed,
I cannot guarantee Moran Hill 1's safety.
Is this bastard
threatening me right now?
He must be worried you might kill Su-hui
because he's betrayed the party.
He wants Su-hui to be the broadcaster
of the numbers station starting today.
For fear we'll kill her
after recording her voice,
he says he'll send us an
additional four-digit number
three hours before every broadcast.
He's trying so hard.
I'm not worried about Moran Hill 1.
I'm sure Nam Tae-il will save her.
Then I'll leave the numbers station
to the usual broadcaster.
We should.
I, Lim Ji-rok, shouldn't let
a puppy like him push me around.
Send word to Haegeumseong 1 in the dorm
that if the ANSP fails,
they're to kill the traitors
and return to Pyongyang.
Who on earth is it?
How can there be a mole?
How long do we have to stay here?
Be quiet, will you?
I said one sentence.
What if it's among us?
Among us?
Anything unusual?
Before coming to work here,
he was a construction worker
in the Middle East.
What about Ms. Oh's résumé?
She came to the South
during the Korean War.
I think she commutes
to the dorm every day.
Did you search the cafeteria?
Someone stole chickens.
Last night, someone stole chickens.
This is Director Eun.
He must've taken it from her.
Come to your senses, Gang-mu.
What do you gain by turning against us?
You're digging your own grave.
Let me ask you something.
These innocent students…
Are you really planning to kill them all?
Why would we kill the innocent students?
You heard the recording.
We agreed to save the hostages.
Do you expect me to believe that
when you've set up bombs?
They're just for threatening.
Don't you trust the ANSP?
My father was
shot to death while chasing a spy.
I followed suit and joined the ANSP
to catch all those communists.
But rather than catching communists,
the agency framed innocent people
for espionage to produce results.
So I ran away.
"Fine. All I have to do
is catch real communists."
Telling myself that,
I wandered around.
What do you think I should do now?
The ANSP is trying
to kill the innocent students.
Where should I run to this time?
You ran away pretending to have no idea.
Do that this time too.
Just as you've been doing.
I don't think we can locate Yeong-ro.
Proceed as planned.
Yes, sir.
Where do you belong?
I have no idea.
I dont know. Why are you doing this to me?
I'm not it!
Stop pretending to be insane!
Stop it!
Why would she be pretending to be insane?
And she's normally really cold and edgy.
She started behaving that way after
the hostage-taking. Isn't it suspicious?
Well, she was always quite moody,
and after the gunfire and everything,
she must've been so shocked.
Look. It's been so long
since the war ended.
Have you ever been in a war?
She's from the North.
While fleeing to the South,
she lost her father, mother,
and brother from bombings.
Their bodies were ripped
to pieces in front of her.
That's why even the sound of airplanes
still frightens her into a fit.
Hey, it's all right.
You can come out here.
-Come out now.
-I don't know…
I'm sorry…
-Hey, don't cry.
-I'm sorry…
I'm sorry…
I'm sorry…
I'm sorry…
Ms. Oh is the mole?
She was a Northern spy.
It's so scary.
Then we've been eating
what a Northern spy cooked?
the mole's been caught,
so you're free to go back to your rooms.
But refrain from leaving your rooms
except when you go to the restroom.
It's so scary.
It looks like PTSD.
Post-traumatic stress disorder.
A weak-minded person like her was a spy?
Do you believe it?
We weren't able to become spies
because we were strong from the beginning.
It's because we were trained so.
It's almost time to cook dinner…
This is the end of a secret agent
who dedicated her life to her country?
What's your plan?
Are you going to go to war with the ANSP?
Bombs have been installed around the dorm.
The SWAT team might break in
to rescue you tonight.
I will
go meet my father.
Let me convince him in person.
If he changes his mind,
we'll all be able to live.
No. If you meet him,
your father will try to get you out.
Once his daughter is out,
they'll blow up the dorm.
But you said
the SWAT team might break in tonight.
You're just two. Will you be okay?
Before you decide to fight,
we should try everything you can.
Let me do this.
If you found out
where Yeong-ro and Dr. Kang are,
it would've made this a lot easier.
You boasted about your informant,
but what is this?
Gang-mu took her radio from her.
Why is that--
Ready to go in.
Yeong-ro wants to meet you.
Come to the shrine in five minutes. Alone.
If you try anything stupid,
she'll be hurt.
You must come alone.
If anything goes wrong, you might die.
All that's left for us now is all-out war.
We have no choice.
I know it's a long shot,
but we have to try it.
I should bring the minimum number
of agents, or they'll catch on.
I only brought two marksmen, sir.
But this could be a trap.
It's dangerous to go in alone.
Why don't you wear this bulletproof vest?
I'll go in first.
I'll shout "Yeong-ro" as a signal.
Then come in through the shrine.
We must kill him.
Understood, sir.
Kill the target only. Mr. Eun and
his daughter's safety is our top priority.
Over and out.
Will you be all right?
Are you all right?
Are you hurt at all?
Put the gun down.
Have you ever seen
the ANSP director carrying a gun?
Is it true
that you're going to kill us all?
Of course not.
Who told you that? That's absurd.
Please stop it.
I know all you're thinking about
is winning the election.
What are you talking about?
I really want to save you.
Not just me. You must save my friends too!
The students!
There are more than 30 students
in the dorm!
And they're innocent. You know that.
Please save us.
It's all my fault.
Why do you think that way?
Don't move.
And my brother…
died because of me.
If my friends die too,
I won't be able to…
I don't have the power
to decide everything on my own.
But I'll do my best
to persuade them not to hurt anyone.
Don't move!
Can you trust me?
Don't shoot! Yeong-ro!
Come in!
-Come in!
Move back!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot! Hold fire!
I'm the ANSP director! Hold fire--
Director Eun Chang-su of the ANSP
was shot by the armed spies
near the Hosu University dorm.
-How's Eun?
-The wound is severe,
so they'll know for sure
after the surgery.
So? Is he going to make it or not?
Eun is still not conscious.
Since he's out,
it's a perfect opportunity for Nam.
He only cares about saving his daughter.
We can't leave our fate to him.
In ten minutes, we will
retake the dorm.
Taking a hard line? Does that mean…
They're making up a reason to kill us off
including the hostages.
How are the two of them
going to protect us?
What do we do now?
They'll frame us for killing the hostages.
We should get ready to fight now.
What if they really
break in to kill us all?
What do we do then?
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