Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Off the Rails/The Thieves of Tharnaka

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
[Force rumbling]
[Kai, Lys, Nubs straining]
[all sigh]
Those logs made of Tenoo tree roots
are heavy.
That's because roots are
the strongest parts of Tenoo trees.
They'll be perfect for building new homes
out in the forest village.
-[speaking Poobian]
-[Kai] Yeah.
Helping to build homes
for people who need them,
and riding a train to get there?
I love this mission already.
[bell dings]
That means it's time to go.
[Lys] Come on.
[all exclaim]
-[Nubs cooing]
-[Kai chuckling] Ooh.
The best part of being on this train
is seeing how beautiful Planet Tenoo is.
-And seeing all the creatures too.
-[creatures twittering]
[Nubs coos]
[all gasp]
-[speaking Poobian]
-I don't know.
Sounds like it came from the roof.
Better check it out.
[Taborr] Pord, EB-3, follow me and
[groans] Of course.
[groans] Of course.
What could you possibly want
on this train?
Those logs.
We'll be taking them back to Yarrum now.
The other pirates are gonna be
so impressed.
[speaking Poobian]
Not gonna happen, pirates.
EB-3, there's no engineer on the train.
It drives itself.
Open that panel
and see if you can take control.
Pord and I will handle these three.
-[Lys grunts]
-[Pord squeals]
[Kai grunts]
You're not gonna stop us this time,
[both shouting, grunting]
[both straining]
[Lys grunting]
[Pord squeals]
Oh, great. This looks complicated.
Gonna take a while, Taborr.
[both grunting]
-Figure it out, EB.
-[Kai grunts]
Wizard move, huh?
I've been practicing.
[Taborr] Not enough.
[both grunting]
[grunting continues]
[Kai grunting]
-Oh, no!
-[all gasp]
-[Nubs gasps]
-[Kai, Lys straining]
-Oh, no!
[Lys] Kai!
Nice work, Jedi.
Now we're stuck
in the middle of the forest.
Me? I wasn't the one trying
to steal the train.
We weren't stealing the train.
We were stealing the logs.
And look, I did! Ha!
Now I just have to call EB-3 and Pord.
Huh? My comm's broken.
You just had to do that thing
with your laser sword.
What are you doing?
This is no time for sitting.
Master Zia teaches us to calm down
and take a breath when things feel tough.
[breathes deeply]
Tough? [scoffs]
You Jedi have no idea.
Everyone loves the Jedi.
Pirates have to earn respect.
Stealing from people and scaring them
is no way to earn respect.
Not the Jedi way, right?
[scoffs] Don't you get tired of
following rules all the time?
Being a pirate means no rules.
I do whatever I feel like.
[breathes deeply]
[wind howling]
A control lever.
I wonder if this means we can move
this thing without the engine.
Little help?
[sighs] If it means getting those logs
back to my crew faster, then fine.
Those logs are going to the people
who need them.
We'll see about that.
[both grunting]
[EB-3] Taborr?
Taborr, are you there?
It appears his comm is not working.
We must find a way to get this train
to go back and get them.
Uh, you're not gonna do anything
to this train, pirates.
You could break it and make us crash.
[speaking Poobian]
Kai will be okay, Nubs.
He'll find a way back to us.
-I know it.
Move aside.
I must get control of this train.
That's not going to happen.
If that's the way you Jedi
want to do this, then
[both grunting]
-Why is this so hard?
-[Kai grunting]
Well, we wouldn't be here
if it weren't for you.
What was that?
None of this would have happened
if you weren't so selfish, Taborr.
Those logs will be used
for people's homes.
Wait. They're for homes?
[scoffs] Whatever.
You call me selfish. What do you know?
I know that you're a pirate.
You take things that aren't yours.
Seems pretty selfish to me.
You don't know everything, Jedi.
[Kai] What are you doing?
[Taborr] Moving this train car by hand
will take forever.
Got to be a way to charge it up
and make it go faster.
Huh? How about that?
[Taborr] A power source.
That might just work.
Be right back.
-What should I do?
-[scoffs] Nothing.
Whoa! Taborr! [panting]
The look on your face!
Well, I thought you fell.
You Jedi worry too much.
Whoa! [grunts]
[Force rumbling]
-You're welcome.
[clears throat] Okay.
Change this. Switch over that.
[system whirs]
[Kai] It's working!
Something's wrong!
Turn it off!
Oh, no! The logs are slipping.
[Kai gasps] We've got to secure them.
-[system powers down]
[Kai] What are you doing?
[Taborr] You'll see.
You did it! Good job!
[sighs] Not good enough. Look!
[Kai gasps]
[Force rumbling]
[strains] They're too heavy.
[exclaims] We got to get that last log!
[scoffs] No, we don't.
It's gone.
Each of these logs is needed
to build someone's home.
I won't leave until we bring them all
to the village.
[Taborr] Hmm.
You coming or what?
Going after this last log?
Guess you're not so selfish after all.
I'm doing this for me.
No one else.
Don't you get tired of
stealing all the time?
[Taborr grunts]
You can choose something else, you know?
It's not that simple, okay?
I have plans. Big plans.
You wouldn't understand.
Yeah, I would.
I have big plans too.
I wanna be a great Jedi Knight.
Well, maybe I wanna be
something great too.
just because you've done bad things before
doesn't mean you can't choose to do good.
The only person stopping you is you.
Come on. Let's get this log back up.
[both straining]
[both sigh]
[chuckles] Thanks for your help.
We're not out of this yet.
We need to go twice as fast
if we're going to catch up to the others.
Okay, if I adjust the receiver coupling,
that might work.
Stand there.
When the meter's all green,
hit that button.
[system whirs]
We did it! It's charged up!
[Taborr] Let's catch up with the train.
-[Lys grunting]
-[Pord squeals]
-There they are, but we're coming in fast.
-[Force rumbling]
[grunts] I can't slow us down.
-[chuckles] Oh, no!
We've got to slow them down.
They're gonna crash into us.
As much as it pains me to admit it,
we should all work together.
-[both grunt]
-You're right.
We'll use the Force
to slow the train down.
You two use your strength to connect it.
Let's go!
[both breathe deeply]
[Force rumbling]
[train screeching]
Come on! Come on!
[Lys straining] Almost there.
[Pord snorts]
-We did it!
-[EB-3] Well done.
[Taborr] Finally.
-[Kai] Hey!
[Lys] Kai!
[both grunt]
-[Lys grunts]
-[EB-3] No, no, no, no.
-Not so fast.
I really should be thanking you, Jedi.
We never would have gotten those logs back
without your help.
Taborr, you can't
[breathes deeply]
You can still choose to do good, Taborr.
I can sense that you want to.
I want to do whatever I feel like.
And I feel like [sighs]
leaving these silly logs.
More trouble than they're worth anyway.
[Pord snorts]
EB-3, Pord, let's go.
-But But
What about the logs?
You heard what I said.
Now let's go.
[speaking Poobian]
I'm okay.
I'm glad you're safe too.
[Force rumbling]
[Kai, Lys, Nubs straining]
-[Lys] That's the last of 'em.
-[Nubs grunts]
Kai? Is everything all right?
I don't know.
First Taborr helped me get the logs back,
then he decided not to take them.
That's not something Taborr usually does.
[speaking Poobian]
I wonder if there might be more to Taborr
than we thought.
I wonder.
All right. Come on.
-We've got some houses to help build.
-[Lys] No problem.
-[Nubs speaking Poobian]
[all grunting]
I still can't [stammering]
believe we're finally here.
The legendary caves of Planet Tharnaka.
I've wanted to see them for so long.
Thanks for bringing us along, OG.
I'm really excited to learn about
the people who used to live here.
[speaking Poobian]
[grunts] That's right, Nubs.
A long time ago,
this whole planet got flooded,
and the Tharnakan people disappeared,
but nobody knows where they went.
[Kai grunts]
all the water dried up recently.
Now we can finally look for the long-lost
Tharnakan Story Stone. [grunts]
It'll tell us more about
the mysterious people who lived here.
[grunts] W-W-We're going to put it
in the Jedi Archives at Tenoo.
It'll be safe there, and then the Jedi
can learn more about the Tharnakans.
[Lys, Nubs grunting]
[coos, grunts]
[all grunting]
[all grunting]
T-T-That's a long jump for an old droid.
-Be brave, OG. You can do it.
-[Nubs coos]
I I-I-I can.
-Oh, no!
-[Kai screams] OG!
[groans] Got ya.
[Kai, Nubs straining]
[Kai sighs]
[OG] Whoa. [chuckles]
Thanks, everyone.
Now, a-a-according to my data,
the Story Stone should be just ahead.
[Lys] It's pretty dark in there.
We can use our sabers to light the way.
[Lys] Wow! Amazing!
Look at those!
-[Lys] Whoa!
-[Nubs exclaims]
Those are cave drawings of the Tharnakans.
So that's w-w-what they look like.
Huh. Marvelous.
And that must be
-[OG] The Story Stone.
-[Nubs gasps]
-It's beautiful.
I know the Tharnakan people
disappeared a long time ago,
but do you think we should leave it here
in case they come back for it?
I want it to b-b-be safe,
and it will be once we get it
to the Jedi Archives on Tenoo.
-[thunder rumbling]
-[Nubs whimpers]
-I think a storm is coming.
We'd better take the Stone and leave fast.
The electrical storms here
are very dangerous for vehicles,
especially starships.
If we take too long,
we'll get stuck here for a while.
[all groaning, coughing]
[thief] I've got the Stone!
Let's go!
Thieves! They're stealing the Story Stone!
We got to catch 'em!
They're getting away!
I-I-I have an idea.
I haven't used this in a while.
Hold on tight to me.
Up we go!
[all screaming]
[all grunting]
Oh, no!
They escaped!
I c-c-can't believe thieves have
the precious Story Stone.
All I wanted for it was to be safe.
We got to get it back somehow.
-[thunder rumbling]
Except now the storm is here.
We won't be able to make it back
to my ship before the storm gets worse.
We should find shelter.
[Kai, Nubs whimpering]
Ah, there we are.
E-E-Everybody warm?
This is great, OG. Thanks.
[speaking Poobian]
We'll just wait until the storm passes
and then go back to my ship.
-Is that a campfire?
-[Nubs coos]
This planet was abandoned long ago.
There should be no one else here except
The thieves that took the Story Stone.
Of c-c-course. They couldn't leave
because of the storm either.
We've got to get to those thieves
before the storm passes.
[thief 1] What are you talking about?
[thief 2] It's very sacred to my people.
[thief 1] We have to just stick
to what we're doing.
[thief 3] Mesa thinking we change plans
and sell the Stone.
Wesa making more money that way.
[thief 1] No, we came here to get
the Story Stone for Ishbul.
[Nubs gasps]
-[thief 1] Did you hear that?
[thunder rumbling]
[thief 3] Issa just thunder.
[thief 1] No, not that. It's
Wait a minute. Is that
Kai? Kai Brightstar?
Is that you, kid? [laughs]
I'd recognize that hair anywhere.
Ace Kallisto?
[OG] Kai, w-w-who is this?
She's a
Well, this is Ace.
Ace, this is Lys, Nubs and OG-LC.
Hey there.
Your little buddy Kai and I met
a while back.
Had quite the adventure with Master Zia.
Because you stole her shuttle.
[chuckles] You say stole. I say borrowed.
We came here to find the Story Stone, Ace.
OG wants to keep it safe so that Jedi
can learn more about the Tharnakans.
Does he now?
And I can't believe you'd steal
something so important.
[speaking Poobian]
[thieves laughing]
Stealing the Story Stone?
Is that what you thought?
We're not stealing it, kid.
We're saving it.
Saving it? From whom?
You, apparently.
We thought you were trying to steal it.
[gasps] Um
Allow me to explain.
This is my crew. Meet Tooba Jinx.
How do yousa do?
And Ishbul Ekwesh.
He's a Tharnakan.
-[Nubs gasps]
-Wait. What?
This This is amazing!
I thought the Tharnakans disappeared.
[chuckles] Not exactly.
I have so many questions.
Well, since you wanted
to learn more about my people,
perhaps we could start with a story.
A long, long time ago,
our planet was covered
in rolling grassy plains.
But then the great floods came,
and we were forced to leave our world.
In our rush,
we left behind the Story Stone.
But the floods kept us from coming back.
But now that the great storms
have begun to fade,
my people sent me
to get back our precious Stone.
And Ishbul asked me to help him.
We know it's not right to take things
that belong to someone else,
but we didn't know
there were any Tharnakans left.
We thought they had all disappeared.
I am terribly sorry, Ishbul.
I had no idea.
We were just trying
to keep it safe t-t-too.
It's okay.
I understand, OG.
Can we save this sweet moment for later?
I think the storm is passing.
-We need to get back to my ship
-[speeder powers up]
-[Ace gasps]
-[Kai] Huh?
-Tooba, what are you doing?
-[Lys gasps]
Oh, just stealing the Stone.
Mesa figure why give it to the Tharnakans
when mesa could sell it?
-[Ace] Tooba!
-[Lys] What?
-Where's he going?
[groans] He's gonna take my ship
and fly off with the Story Stone.
If he does that, the Tharnakan people
will never get it back.
[speaking Poobian]
That won't happen,
because we're gonna stop Tooba.
Together, kid.
Let's ride.
He's fast.
Everybody, hold tight.
[Nubs groans]
[Kai grunts]
-We're getting closer!
-But it's not enough.
Tooba's almost to your ship, Ace.
We got to stop him!
We're running out of time.
Hey, OG,
if you use your grappling hook
to latch on to Tooba's speeder,
maybe we can stop him.
[OG groans] We're moving too much.
[grunts] This is going to b-b-be tricky.
This is our best chance, OG.
You can do it.
We'll use the Force to help you.
[OG] Okay.
Here goes.
[Force rumbling]
[both straining]
Whoa! [chuckles] We did it!
I'm gonna hit the brakes.
[OG] Hold on to your bolts!
[Lys, OG shouting]
Huh? [screams]
[Ace panting]
[panting] Mesa almost there.
[Ace] I'll take that.
-Give that Stone back!
[both grunt]
Ace, you okay?
[panting] I'm fine, kid.
Not so fast, Tooba.
Got it.
[chuckling] Ace. Ishbul.
Yousa know selling that Story Stone
could be making us all rich.
Wesa could split the money.
This Stone is sacred to my people
because it tells our story.
It's far more important than money.
We'll make sure you don't steal
anything else, Tooba.
And it's time we get you four
back to your ship.
Let's get a move on.
Ishbul, I'm sorry again
for almost t-t-taking the Story Stone.
Oh, it's okay, OG.
My people will be happy to have it back,
and that's thanks to you.
[sighs] I know my mission
was to get the Stone,
but I've discovered that sometimes
we must change our plans
w-w-when we learn something new.
Besides, I got to make
a brand-new Tharnakan friend.
That is much more exciting.
Nice to see you again, Ace.
I'm glad you weren't actually stealing.
Maybe you really have changed.
Maybe. Thanks, kid.
I can't wait to show this
to the other Tharnakans,
and to tell them a whole new story too.
-Oh, what story is that?
The story of a brave droid,
a good friend,
and the Jedi who helped me return
the long-lost Story Stone to my people.
That w-w-would be a great honor, Ishbul.
I would love to meet your people
someday too.
And that would be our great honor.
A great honor indeed.
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