Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Diamond Cuts Diamond

[bird screeches]
[plane whistles]
[theme music playing]
Si-o, how's it going?
I'm sorry for not calling you back.
[daunting music playing]
[phone vibrates]
Are you all right?
Don't come any closer.
Did Beom send you here?
I need to bring back sample
of the antidote.
Make sure they know
that the antidote is mine and mine alone.
I made it on my own.
I won't have Pavel interfering.
You what?
-[bone crackles]
The antidote is mine alone.
I won't give it to anyone.
-Not to you. Not to Pavel.
[pained scream]
-[flesh pierces]
-[blood splatters]
This Nozh, do you know
what they look like?
We don't.
You don't?
How do you know that they're in Korea?
We've been following Pavel for years.
But they murder anybody
who might talk to us.
So no information
about their organization ever gets out.
However, we know they communicate
with an Enigma machine cypher.
[Daniel] And one of our agents
was able to decrypt a message.
Nozh is in Korea. We're certain.
Assume from here on out,
they're always watching.
Let them watch me, then.
They can knock themselves out.
You must be extremely careful.
If you need a weapon
don't hesitate to ask.
[tense music playing]
[deep exhale]
[detention officer]
Mr. Shin Gang-su is dead.
[dramatic music playing]
[camera shutter clicking]
-What happened here?
According to a witness,
he had a seizure immediately
after drinking from that bottle.
He'd just seen an attorney.
He must have decided there was no hope.
-An attorney came here?
-[detention officer] That's right.
[Hee-sik sighs]
Start the autopsy right away.
And send me whatever you got
on this attorney.
Shin Gang-su
didn't kill himself.
[tense music playing]
[line dials, rings]
[Nam-soon] This is the antidote.
It's the same thing Nam-in took.
Galchi was found dead.
We've lost our witness.
My smartwatch footage has proof.
It shows me taking the jacket.
No, I'm not going to do that.
It would put you at risk.
[phone vibrates]
Yes, hello?
[Sun-bae] Galchi has been taken care of.
[door closes]
[fading hum]
Have lunch with me today.
I've booked somewhere you'll like.
Are we, uh, celebrating today?
Just a problem that was dealt with.
Now, I only need Hwang Geum-ju
to die, and we'll be perfect.
[uneasy music playing]
[Geum-ju] She's here.
Just as we expected.
Will the stand-in be okay on her own?
[suspenseful music playing]
[both grunting]
[Daniel] She worked
for the National Intelligence Service.
She's proficient in taekwondo,
hapkido, and kendo.
[both grunting]
[knife swishing]
[both yelling]
Tell your friends
that Hwang Geum-ju is alive and well.
-[tableware clinking]
-[knife slicing]
[feints delighted moan]
Can we be friends?
[Nam-soon] He cannot be serious.
Of course.
We're friends. I'd like nothing more.
What's friendship mean to you?
[hums in wonder]
A real friend is someone
who keeps my secrets
and is on my side no matter what.
I had a friend
just like that.
But I lost him when I was ten.
A Russian friend?
I met him while I was in Russia,
but he wasn't Russian either.
[Si-o] He was in the same boat as me.
But life took us in different directions.
I don't even know where he is
or what he's doing.
I'm not very good at
friendship or love.
I've made it this far without either.
But whenever I look at you,
and love
they seem possible.
[phone vibrates]
Are you gonna answer that?
[both chuckle]
[Jeong-suk panting] Hwang Geum-ju
has made fools out of us.
The patient that was
in the hospital, she was a fake!
Tell me what happened.
Have you
[dark music playing]
failed me?
[loud thump]
You all right?
So I'm a fool, am I?
Hwang Geum-ju.
You're dead.
-You can take a break.
[phone beeps]
Come in.
[door opens]
Get everyone together with Sun-bae.
Mr. Yoon will brief you on Hwang Geum-ju.
I want to have all of her businesses
under surveillance.
The station, the hospital, Gold Blue.
As well as everyone in her family.
Of course, sir.
[door opens]
Hwang Geum-ju.
I need to track down her daughter.
[tense music playing]
How do you plan on finding her?
With a mom in the hospital,
you'd expect her daughter would visit.
But she never came once.
That tells me the daughter was aware.
Hwang Geum-ju told her about the fake.
That means Hwang Geum-ju
and her daughter are working together.
Okay, um
If you do track them down,
do you think you're gonna kill them?
You ate lambs in Mongolia, right?
Those poor Mongolian lambs
and Hwang Geum-ju
are exactly the same for me.
The time has come for them to die.
All of them.
[tense music playing]
[detention officer] All the licenses
turned out to be forgeries.
And he was using another lawyer's name
from the Bar Association directory.
[phone vibrates]
Yes, hello?
Madam Kim came into the hospital.
She was trying to kill me
and wound up fighting
the fake patient instead.
[phone vibrates]
[phone chimes]
[Geum-ju] That's the location of the woman
who sold me the antidote.
Tread carefully. We can't afford
to jump the gun on this.
Are you sure we should try to arrest her?
They'll just kill her
like they killed Shin Gang-su.
Which is why
this is the perfect time to bring her in
when they don't have eyes on her.
[Hee-sik] I have her location.
Listen up.
Galchi's attorney wasn't a real lawyer.
-Then what?
He was actually an assassin.
[tracker beeping]
[engine revs]
[tires screech]
[tires screech]
Han Min-jung, you're under arrest
for Narcotics Control Act violation.
You're police?
Who else?
Worried the Heritage Club had you followed
for running off with their money?
[phone vibrates]
[Hee-sik] Hello?
They're doing Galchi's autopsy now.
I'll meet you there.
Wait, Galchi
is dead?
How could he have died
if he was in police custody?
Try to run for it and see
how fast those bastards get to you.
The choice is yours.
But I'd say the only sure-fire way
to survive is to stay close to us.
Wouldn't hire an attorney if I were you.
That was how they got to Galchi.
[line dials, rings]
This is Kang Hee-sik from the Drug Unit.
I need a suspect's car picked up.
I really don't know anything.
I just followed orders from Madam Kim.
What kind of orders? Let's start there.
Galchi died by forced suicide.
Baldy died the same way.
I assume you don't want that for yourself.
[forensic scientist] Here.
Acute heart failure
caused by an overdose of indenol.
-Cardiac arrest.
Often, it's taken to treat anxiety.
[forensic scientist]
Most often in pill form.
Drinking it from a bottle
is basically suicide.
[Young-tak] Ah.
So Ryu Si-o snuck it in.
There's no surveillance equipment
installed in the attorney interview room.
So that's where they coerced
Galchi into suicide.
Hold on.
What on earth did they say
to make Galchi do that?
Pavel isn't just another gang.
They're quite sophisticated.
[papers rustle]
[Dong-seok] To uproot the source
of the drug, we need to catch Ryu Si-o.
Mr. Ryu Si-o's in an organized crime ring?
Jesus Christ almighty.
[line dials, rings]
Hello. Commissioner General An
for Prosecutor Moon.
-[phone vibrates]
I didn't wake you
because you looked so tired.
You can go home.
That's your phone.
[phone vibrating continues]
[drawer slides open]
[drawer slides close]
[Beom in Russian]
Did you locate the missing puffer jacket?
Not yet.
[Beom] So you'd rather die?
The police found out.
[Beom] Do you call this doing your job?
If things go south
You'll have me killed?
[Beom] Anton.
[in English] I'm not Anton. I'm Ryu Si-o!
[disturbing music playing]
From now on,
I'm through taking orders from you.
Are you all right?
[Nam-soon] Who was that on the phone?
You're acting crazy, ranting and laughing.
You ever rebelled against your parents?
Does that mean you were talking
to your parents just now?
I thought you didn't have any.
You're right.
I don't.
Then who was it?
And Anton, who is that?
[serious thrumming music playing]
It's my Russian name, Anton.
Whatever happens
I need you by my side.
[Joong-gan] He had a gastroscopy done,
and the internist said
they have never seen a stomach
in such pristine condition.
That for all she knew,
it could've belonged to a newborn.
That's just how my son is.
Apparently, all his internal organs
are practically spotless.
Gall bladder, kidneys, all like new.
Good for him.
At least his organs are healthy.
So we'll stick with the same prescription?
Of course, yes.
You know what?
Why not throw in more of the good stuff?
His sister has a lot of money, you know.
Too much, if you ask me.
She even built a building
in my son's name.
A beautiful eight-story building
in Seocho-dong.
If we evict the café there now,
I know someone who could have
a clinic on the first floor.
I don't know
if you can evict tenants like that.
[disappointed exhale]
You seem to be missing the point, my dear.
[creature growls]
What I'm saying
is that it sure would be good
if you and I were to become in-laws
in the near future.
I wondered where this was going.
A sweet apartment in Apgujeong
would be perfect
as your first marital home, hmm?
[awkward chuckle]
Now, my dear, you're not already
with someone, are you?
Not currently.
[funky music playing]
The more I look at you,
the more perfect you are.
[door closes]
Ryu Si-o said he wants
to hurt my whole family.
You'll be safe at my place.
You can move in.
I need to be home protecting my family.
If you go home right now,
you'll put them in danger,
instead of protecting them.
Besides, that son of a
[Hee-sik exhales deeply]
That monster thinks you live
at my place anyway.
So this how you ask me to shack up?
Ryu Si-o has taught me to be direct.
Oh, yeah? Great.
What's wrong?
I've been doing good, haven't I?
It's just
You act like he could sweep you away.
Gan Home-sik, that's
What happened to that strength?
You should've pushed him away.
[playful music playing]
Aww, you're jealous, huh?
I am not jealous, I just really think that
even spies should have a line
that they never cross, though.
Nah. The first time will be
with the man that I really, really love.
Your first time?
It's a family tradition, dude.
To have a healthy daughter,
the first time has to be
with the man you really love.
Hey, aren't you looking too far
into the future?
You asked.
I'm just giving you
an answer to your question.
Are you scared?
I'm not scared.
Yeah, you are.
Huh, what
[giggles] Put on your seat belt.
[clears throat]
Let's go. Let's go home.
[engine revs]
-[knocks on door]
-[door opens]
Ms. Jung,
stay at the Geumju Hotel for now.
The house isn't safe anymore.
All right.
I've put you in a difficult situation.
I'm sorry.
You'll have a security team.
There's no need for that.
I've had enough self-defense training
to look after myself.
All right, then.
It was so much fun to be on the news.
It was always my dream
to be a news anchor.
I was surprised.
You have talent.
[gentle music playing]
-[door opens, closes]
[gasps, chuckles]
[vehicle approaching]
[serious music playing]
We were sent by Ms. Hwang Geum-ju, sir.
[motorcycle approaching]
Hwang Geum-ju placed an order.
[phone vibrates]
Where are you now?
Where else? The photo studio.
-[Geum-ju] Inside or outside?
Outside? What for?
[Bong-go] For cleaning.
Who are these people?
Why did you send so many here?
Are you crazy? No more cleaning
outside at night from now on!
And close the studio until I call you.
Pass the phone to Nam-in.
Eat whatever you want no matter your size.
You're my cute little one.
My boy.
[Geum-ju] But never eat anything
given to you by a stranger.
That's how Snow White
got into trouble, remember?
Delivery guys are strangers though.
"No more cleaning outside
at night from now on."
What does she think I am, her underling?
Is she my drill sergeant
or something like that?
Oh, Dad, let's have fried chicken. Yeah!
-[Nam-in] Chicken.
-Fried chicken. Fried.
-Fried chicken. Fried.
[foreboding music playing]
You know the code?
Yeah, 121208.
Go and get some rest.
You're going back
to the station, aren't you?
For the antidote seller's statement?
Whoa, you're basically a detective now.
You've got the whole process figured out.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, right. I have the road test
for my driver's license next Tuesday.
Does that mean
you've passed the written test?
Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, good.
-[Hee-sik] I'm proud of you, Hillary Khan.
-[bell chiming]
[sweet music playing]
Come back soon, huh?
I'll stay up late and wait for you.
-[bell chimes]
Oh, wow.
He only touched my head, but I'm tingling.
[Beom] Are you out of your mind?
Instead of sharing the antidote business,
operating out of Doogo's
research lab with Pavel,
you've gone and independently registered
it without Pavel's permission?
Why do I need its permission
when Pavel has contributed nothing?
It was my own research.
[Beom] If you're not careful,
you'll receive orders from the Bomba Tsar.
Without me, Pavel can't make its money.
Poor Pavel.
They can't kill me.
[dramatic sting]
We always targeted wealthy clients.
At the end of the day,
they're the only ones who had the cash.
Where do you get the antidote?
That I don't know.
To be honest, I just did
whatever Madam Kim requested of me.
What I do know
is that the antidote business
is completely controlled by Doogo.
Is the list of people
you sold it to on this phone?
How many people are we talking about?
I'm in charge of 100.
But if you added up the customers
on the lists of the other distributors
In Korea, there are plenty
of other distributors
who sell these pills for Madam Kim.
Then that's how widespread
this weight-loss drug pill is?
Oh, one more thing I know.
The antidote is made from sea slugs.
"Sea slugs"?
From their blood.
[serious music playing]
-[doorbell chimes]
-[Young-tak] Delivery.
-[door lock chimes]
-Agent Gang, hi.
Hee-sik wanted to send you some clothes.
-See you.
-[Nam-soon] Mm-hmm.
[Young-tak] All right.
[door lock chimes]
[bell chimes]
Aww, he's so cute.
[dark music playing]
[Byeong-ho] One of the Drug Unit kids
has caught a dealer,
so there'll be a search
and seizure warrant application
landing on your desk soon.
Ryu Si-o is said
to be part of a Russian mafia.
Lying bastard.
[phone vibrates]
[serious music playing]
-I can explain it in person.
-[door opens]
-Have you located her family?
-[Kyle] Mostly, sir.
Her ex-husband, her son,
her mother, her brother, everyone.
Everyone except for her daughter that is.
You'll be accompanying me today.
Where are we going?
[Si-o] The Prosecutors' Office.
[Si-o] Tsetseg, I think
I'm going to be late today.
See you this evening.
If he's going to be late today,
what do I do there by myself?
[twinkling music playing]
Wait, that means
I can also get there late.
Mm-hmm. That's right. Yes.
[knocks on door]
So what is it you have to say to me?
Is it better if I sit or should I stand?
Do you sell drugs?
You little prick.
[Seong-u] Are you part
of a criminal group as well?
Here I thought you were just
a rich kid at our poker night.
Now I know what you tried to buy.
Listen, asshole.
You think you can jerk around
a state prosecutor?
I'll have you know
my specialty is narcotics.
You stupid brat.
You're done for, asshole! You hear me?
Name, Moon Seong-u.
Began as a prosecutor
for Seoul Eastern District in 2003,
moved to the Gangneung branch
of Chuncheon in 2007.
2009, Suwon Prosecutor.
Worked for the Supreme Prosecutor by 2013,
then after moving to the Seoul Central
District Prosecutors' Office in 2015,
he became the Deputy Prosecutor-General.
[Si-o] You have a daughter
studying in the US.
And you live with your wife
in Seorae Village
with a dog named Tori, I think.
What is the meaning of this?
You knew I used drugs.
We took them together.
What the hell are you talking about?
We took drugs together?
[dark music playing]
You should learn to control
your temper for a state prosecutor.
This is the last recorded will
of a dying detective.
Can't be throwing that around, can we?
If you even think about
trying to screw me, you're dead.
What? You think I'm afraid
of scum like you
Mr. Prosecutor.
You were struggling to pay
for your daughter to study abroad.
[Si-o] I did my best to help you.
Was it too little?
Are you insane?
If I'm a drug dealer,
that makes you a junkie.
And the drugs I sell
can't even be detected in your body.
Think about that.
All those times we hung out
at the Heritage Club together?
The testimony of a living man
is stronger than a corpse's.
I'll tell everyone
I saw you using
I've never taken any drugs.
Ha, don't be stupid now.
If I say otherwise, who'd believe that?
Mr. Ryu
You're right. I'm a criminal.
Your daughter in the States, your wife,
that mistress you're hiding.
Would you like them all dismembered?
Your dog that's just had surgery,
he can live.
We don't kill animals.
And you know why?
Dogs don't wag their tongues.
They just bark.
If you can stick to barking,
you can live.
"A friend who has nothing
for you to borrow
can be likened to a blunt knife."
"A friend who has nothing for you
to borrow is as useless as a blunt knife."
It's a Russian proverb.
So you better sharpen yourself for me.
Accept your situation.
Because very soon,
they're about to shove a jacket
in your face as evidence.
But, unfortunately for them,
this jacket wasn't obtained legally,
which makes it inadmissible.
That leaves them
without a shred of evidence,
and their witnesses are all dead.
[deep inhale]
You have a guest here in your office
and you haven't offered them a coffee.
Pity. I would have stayed.
[Si-o] Your shoelace is undone.
I've seen a lot of junkies look like this.
Shoelaces, undone zipper.
Missing buttons.
You need to stay on top
of these things, my friend.
People could talk.
Well, then,
I'll be getting out of your hair.
I'm curious.
What's your favorite Korean food?
All right, let's have bulgogi, then.
[Daniel] Pavel is the only
organized crime group in the world
that offers its members
a white-collar education.
It educates its operatives systematically
in law, politics, and finance.
Their business methods and goals
are completely different from those
of ordinary criminal organizations.
Assume from here on out,
they're always watching.
Let them watch me, then.
They can knock themselves out.
One more thing.
Before Opulentia, what did you do?
I suppose
you'd find out sooner or later.
[action music playing]
Now, go to Madam Kim and confess
about the money you stole.
Tell her you tried to take off with it.
But that you promise never to do it again,
and then give her the money back, okay?
When you do that, she'll believe it.
By this time, they'll be running around
like a chicken with its head cut off.
They won't have the wherewithal
to be suspicious.
And then, what do I do?
We want customer lists
from all the other dealers.
Every single dealer in Korea
has a customer list
and we want you to get these to us,
do you understand?
That is the one condition
attached to your release.
[frantic music playing]
Go! Go look over there.
All right.
Ma'am, look. Here it is.
[screams] Shit!
Find any others!
[Jeong-suk] What are you doing?
Keep searching!
Here. I found another one!
-[grumbles, shrieks]
-[bug clanks]
Search everything.
Bathrooms, artwork,
flower pots, everything!
-[Jeong-suk yells]
-[phone vibrates]
Yes, hello?
Oh, Tae-ri?
Where have you been?
[man] A kimchi stew you can mix rice into,
the Seven Minute Kimchi Stew.
Let's get into it.
Right, we'll start with the star
of the show, kimchi.
Slice it up with a knife.
Since we have to mix rice into it
[comical music playing]
-[liquid boiling]
Now that hits the spot!
-[phone vibrates]
[Si-o] Where are you?
[gasps] Oh, Si-o. I'll be right there.
[door opens]
I thought it would be better
for me to come here
than to invite you all to headquarters.
The Commissioner General is watching you.
But when I move, he has no idea.
The ceremony to appoint a new
commissioner general is in a week.
As you may know,
I'm the one they'll choose.
Just hang on another week.
The warrant application,
will it be denied?
Probably. For insufficient evidence.
[Jeong-sik] Commissioner General An,
the deputy chief prosecutor,
even the presiding judge,
they're all connected to Ryu Si-o.
We need to play a different card.
We have physical evidence.
A jacket they smuggled the drugs with.
If there's no proof the item itself came
from Doogo, they'll waive it away.
And then, you're back at square one.
[Jeong-sik] Just hold off for a week.
I swear, I'll have your backs
on this thing.
[mouse clicking]
Oh, god.
Hey, Hee-sik.
Why don't you head out, huh?
You're completely exhausted.
Get some rest.
Yeah, go ahead.
We got things here.
[Young-tak] Go home, man.
-[deep exhale]
-[phone vibrates]
Gan Home-sik, I'm going to work.
I was waiting for you
to come home, but you didn't.
So I ransacked your fridge
and cooked a nice meal for you.
You're welcome.
Why does that make me uneasy?
Why? What does?
Why are you uneasy?
Gang Nam-soon has cooked me a meal.
-She's been staying at my place.
What? Whoa, whoa, whoa!
-What, are you guys living together?
-I knew it. Don't be surprised.
These two are like Oh, yeah. [moaning]
They're going at each other
all night long. Uh-huh.
-Get a load of this guy.
-No, no, no. It isn't like that.
-Kids these days are so different, guys.
They move in together
before getting married, you know.
-Oh, yeah.
With all her strength,
she must have overpowered you.
-No, she didn't.
-[Young-tak] Speaking for myself,
I'm a big fan of Agent Gang.
-I support these two all the way.
-I announce my support as well.
Hee-sik hit the jackpot
because his girl's loaded!
I can't wait to welcome her
into the family.
[Young-tak] But tell me.
Agent Gang, does she have any siblings?
She does.
Ooh, yeah!
A brother.
You know, that's fine.
No problem. I can make it work.
-Are you really that broke, dude?
I told you your rent was too expensive.
Quit while you're ahead, man.
-Jeez, someone's a bit sensitive.
-Hey, come on.
Let's go eat with the newlyweds.
-Come on. Let's go.
-Let's go.
-Get him up.
-Let's go eat.
-Let's go for breakfast.
-[Hee-sik] What's wrong with you guys?
[Seok-ho] I wanna try something
your lady's cooking.
Why are all the ingredients
just tossed in whole?
-Bon appétit.
-So let's try Agent Gang's kimchi stew.
-[quirky music playing]
[elephant trumpets]
-[sweet music playing]
-[birds chirping]
That taste, what is that?
Is it seasoned with ketchup or something?
I did notice the ketchup bottle was empty.
Wow, out of everything
I've eaten in my whole life,
this has got to be the worst.
Why not just make it
with water and kimchi?
Why did she have to get
so creative with this, huh?
It's not too bad.
It tastes like tom yum goong a little.
Tom yum goong?
Hey, the Thai Embassy's
gonna take you to court for that, bro.
Well, at least we know he loves her.
I think it's good.
[sneaky music playing]
Let's tidy up.
[door opens]
[Nam-soon] Si-o!
Have you had lunch?
Mm-hmm. Just now. Have you?
I have.
Hey, Tsetseg.
That friend you're living with,
it's not a man, is it?
Oh, it's a girl.
A cute and very pretty girl.
You know, I can help you
get Korean citizenship.
Thanks, but you don't need to.
I can handle it.
It's only because I want to help you.
'Cause I want to make you happier.
That's all right.
Uh, it's just that I like to stand
on my own two feet.
My Mongolian parents raised me like that.
Then let me help you
get your own apartment.
I'll do that at least.
No, thanks.
I'm good where I am.
[deep inhale]
How much closer do we have to get
before you let me do you any favors?
If you tell me something more
about yourself.
Something deeper.
But I already have.
I've told you things I never told
anybody about myself.
You have?
Then why do I still feel like
I know nothing about you, Si-o?
All right, then.
What do you wanna know?
I'll answer any question.
Doogo's research.
We're a distribution company.
Why do we have a research department?
What is it for? What does it do?
[tense music playing]
Why do you want to know that?
Why? Because I want to be good at my job.
Doogo doesn't distribute pharmaceuticals.
Okay, then.
I'll take you there.
[sneaky music playing]
Why come here of all places?
Hi there.
What are you doing lurking around?
Answer me.
[sighs] Allergies.
[Bread sniffles]
[phone vibrates]
Hmm? What is it?
[Hong-do's voice cracking]
Mr. Song, I've been caught.
[Geum-ju] Listen up, Bread Boy.
I want you to come meet me
at Gold Blue right now.
Will do.
[sighs] That stupid little idiot.
Nam-gil, can you come in?
Yes? Ms. Hwang?
Nam-gil, do what you can with him.
-[heart thumping]
-[enchanting music playing]
[mouthing] Does it hurt?
My throat.
Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do ♪
Give that a try.
[sings in cracking voice] Do, re, mi ♪
Fa, sol ♪
La, ti, do ♪
-Do ♪
-Do ♪
-Do ♪
-Do ♪
-[Geum-ju] Oh, shut up!
-[loud thump]
Oh, well.
Go take that outside!
You've been injured.
Your Adam's apple, I think.
[enchanting music playing]
[in high-pitched voice]
I sound like a chicken.
[Hong-do croaks]
You're both ridiculous!
-Oh! Goodness me.
How did this happen?
How about some lunch?
Really, you're being far too kind.
[cool music playing]
Mr. Song, you're here.
What's wrong with your voice?
Were you inhaling helium?
Afraid not, sir.
Hwang Geum-ju ambushed me,
and crushed my throat with her bare hands.
You let a woman beat you up?
Seriously, Hong-do.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Where can I find Ms. Hwang?
-Show me in.
-Over there.
[Bread] He's a pathetic worm,
I'd never understand.
Why did you have me followed?
First, tell me why did you pretend
to be injured with that fake?
You and Mr. Ryu Si-o,
what's your connection?
-Ms. Hwang Geum-ju
-You informed Ryu Si-o
about my body double
in the hospital, didn't you?
Which is why Madam Kim paid me a visit.
"Madam Kim"?
Remind me, which hostess bar
does she work for again?
[hopeless exhale]
You think this is a joke?
Ms. Hwang Geum-ju.
Why don't we
just stop beating around the bush?
I agree.
My exact sentiments.
When did it start for you?
What do you mean?
Don't pretend like you don't know.
Ms. Hwang Geum-ju.
Won't you
like to go out?
[sensual music playing]
You set up the whole body double thing
to grab my attention, didn't you?
[Bread] And God knows how long
you've been doing your research about me.
You even managed to dig up
an old photo of me
that no one knows about.
[sighs in disgust]
Let's do it. We should date.
I don't even care.
You're not really my type.
[Bread chuckles]
I mean, I usually date younger.
But you know what, I'm willing to explore
everything you've got to offer.
You little sweet bun, you.
Listen, Mr. Bread.
Exactly who the hell do you think you are?
Why are you doing this to me?
Isn't this what you wanted though?
First off, that photograph of you
and Ryu Si-o in Russia.
What is that photograph's context?
Ryu Si-o this. Ryu Si-o that.
Who the hell is this guy?
[Bread] I'm getting jealous.
Then tell me about this photograph!
Explain it to me.
That photo
is a secret.
Unless you date me, of course.
[cheeky chuckles]
You're completely insane.
[Seok-ho sighs]
Let's take it to the press.
Take them by surprise.
"Doogo's export jackets are secretly
filled with drugs", how's that?
You know Director Jung Dae-cheol
is a member of the Heritage Club.
And the press is all behind Ryu Si-o.
Then we'll fight fire with fire.
I'm headed out for a bit.
I think we'll give this a try.
See how it works.
Man, it's really an enormous jacket.
You think that's because
it's made for Russians?
It's because it's not made
to be worn, right?
It's made to hold drugs instead.
-You genius.
[chuckles] Nice one.
-Where are you going now?
-Running off by himself again.
Do you need some backup?
No, let him go.
[playful music playing]
[feet screech]
Oh, god!
What the hell is going on?
[thrilling music playing]
I've called the reporter, Mr. Kim.
Come to the studio.
Let everybody know
we're going to broadcast live.
[Na-young] Yes, ma'am. Will do.
[driver] Where to, Miss?
Number 8, Dosin-daero 34-gil.
[driver] Sure thing. Got it.
[engine revs]
[phone vibrates]
[uneasy music playing]
Yes, Ms. Hwang.
Na-young, I've sent a car for you.
Oh, I'm already in a taxi.
[Geum-ju] Why would you do that?
It's fine, Ms. Hwang.
[Na-young] I'll be there soon.
Don't worry about me.
[dark music playing]
[Sang-cheol] It's done.
So then, are we done
hanging out for today?
Unfortunately, I think so.
But I'll see you tomorrow.
[incidental music playing]
See you later.
See you.
[Si-o] Tsetseg is all you need.
With her, you can win
against Pavel right now.
[intense music playing]
[operator] The person you are trying
to reach is not available.
Your call will be forwarded
to an automatic voice messaging sys
[door lock chimes]
[door lock chimes]
[sweet music playing]
Stay with me.
And for a little while,
save your strength.
[romantic music playing]
Hwang Geum-ju has a daughter.
[Si-o] Find Gang Nam-soon.
[Nam-soon] Gan I-sik, I'm sending
something by express courier.
Anyway, I'm sending it,
so try and make sense of it.
[Jun-hee] There's something important
I have to do today.
Gil Joong-gan is my woman.
[Guk-jong] You son of a bitch!
[man 1] All at once or one by one?
[Sang-cheol] Yes, one at a time.
Let's start with the easiest.
[Joong-gan] But tell me. Who sent you?
[Hee-sik] If you wish to take
disciplinary action, go ahead.
I'm going to quit.
[Si-o] I'm putting my trust in you.
You wanted to know about the research?
[Beom] Who is she that you've
brought her all the way here?
[Si-o] She's one of mine.
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