Survive (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Where Memories Live

[monitors beeping]
- Am I alive?
- MAN: Yes, you're alive
but we need your name, miss.
- Jane.
- MAN: Jane who, miss?
- Salas. Salas.
- MAN: Where are you from, Jane?
- Uh New Jersey.
- MAN: OK, we're gonna get you
something for the pain, Jane.
You're in Montana, we found you on
the edge of Marshall wilderness.
We believe you're the only survivor
of a plane crash.
- I am. Paul, where's Paul?
Where's Paul, Paul, Paul Hart?
Paul, I need him. I need Paul!
Paul Hart!
- MAN: Miss, Paul survived?
- Yeah, he carried me here, to the road.
- MAN: OK, Something for the pain.
It's OK, it's OK.
- Dad? Dad?
No one knows the path our lives will take.
What will become of us?
What will become of the child?
- Hi, Daddy.
- What are you doing up?
Time for sleep, Pumpkin!
[girl giggling]
How about a riddle?
- Yes, please.
- OK, here it is.
I can bring tears to your eyes
bring the forgotten back
make you smile and reverse time.
I form in an instant but last a lifetime.
What am I?
- I don't know.
- A memory, Pumpkin.
True memories are forever
because they don't live in your head,
they live in your heart.
[clock ticking]
that sound is me everyday.
You keep this to remember me, OK?
- Good night, Daddy.
- Good night.
I love you.
- I love you, Daddy.
- JANE: Fate would tell you
that he was gone,
that his life had ended,
but I now understand
what he was trying to tell me.
I shouldn't let fear and the terrible
tricks that plays on your mind,
convince me that death was the end.
Until now I blamed him
for all my sadness but
I know beneath the grief and pain
he caused, there was only me.
And me, this person
that innocent girl became
she had the power to change everything.
To remake the world
like she remade the mountain.
I'm here now
asking forgiveness
but also ready to walk into the sun
with her hand in mine.
- [whispers] Oh, my little Janey!
Oh, baby girl!
- JANE: Mom, where am I?
- MOM: You're in a hospital in Montana.
They found you on a road in the woods.
You had lost a lot of blood.
- How long was I asleep?
- Two days.
- Oh, my God!
- MOM: No one
no one could have walked down
that mountain,
that's what they say.
- Mom, I need you to listen to me
really carefully, OK? There is a boy.
His name is Paul.
Why are you looking at me like that?
- Paul
Paul Hart?
- Yeah.
- They found him
the morning after they found you.
I'm so sorry.
He left something for you.
He left you this.
- Uh
- MOM: Careful.
- PAUL: Hey, Jane.
I'm so cold, and tired, and hungry.
I can't think.
I wish you were here next to me.
I know you won't quit on me
because that's behind you.
This mountain gave us something.
You can't deny it.
We'll never forget
what it means to be alive.
I can't say how I know
or even if it makes sense
but you will survive
because that's who you are.
That's who you've always been
and now you know it.
I feel it now.
And it's all right.
You know, I found your note
from the plane.
I'm glad I didn't end up being
the last person you spoke to.
I'm so grateful to have had you be mine.
It's funny.
If you had gone through with it
that night,
I think, people would have said
fate had it's way.
But because you didn't
we found each other
and you found your destiny.
I hope you live a life good enough
for the both of us, Jane.
And I'll always be with you
where ever you go
in your heart
where memories live.
- JANE: It's strange
how people look up to the sky
like it's heaven.
It isn't heaven they see
it's love.
When you let someone
to actually see you
when you let someone into your heart,
we will see them
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