T.P BON (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

Hyperspace Castaway

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
- [whimsical music playing]
- [bird squawking]
[owl hooting]
[Yanagisawa] I'm going to
tell you a true story.
It's a story my grandpa used to tell me.
When he was a boy,
Grandpa used to go foraging for mushrooms
in the local mountains.
One evening, he and his friend Taro
were walking back together
when Grandpa looked up and Taro was gone.
Everyone in the neighborhood
searched and searched for the boy.
- [dramatic sting]
- But no one ever saw Taro again.
- And there were lots of other people
- [Yoko murmuring]
[Yanagisawa]who were
spirited away back then.
What does that mean?
That a person suddenly disappeared.
They ascended to the heavens
or descended underground.
Or, perhaps, they were all
snatched away by ghosts.
That's super creepy.
His grandpa probably made it up.
No way. I'm telling you,
it really happened.
- I can't believe this doesn't scare you.
- Why would it?
Yanagisawa can usually tell
a pretty good horror story,
but I guess his tricks don't work on Yumi.
- I've lost my touch.
- [Yumi giggles]
I think we should probably go home.
If we stay out too late,
we might get "spirited away" ourselves.
[murmurs nervously]
- [dog barking]
- [yelps, whimpers]
- [door opens]
- [nervously] I'm back.
[door closes]
[door squeaks open]
Hey. What's going on, Ream?
Did we get a new mission yet?
[Ream] Mm-hmm.
But you don't have to come with me
on this one if you don't want to.
Huh? I don't have to come? Why's that?
- [Ream] Because it's dangerous.
- Aren't they all?
What time period? And where?
Who knows? The target is a time-tripper.
Come on out!
[hatch clanks, whirs]
You know, you can't just throw around
words like "dangerous" and "time-tripper"
and not give me a real explanation
that actually makes sense.
- [hatch whirs, clanks]
- [dejectedly] Oh, all right.
Time-trippers can find themselves
in different times and places.
- [Bon grunts]
- They're trapped in a temporal vortex
and keep drifting
in the sea of hyperspace.
[Buyoyon] It's like they're riding
in a tornado.
You really don't wanna
get too close to 'em. It's not safe.
[Ream] Several Time Patrol agents
have gone after time-trippers
and become lost themselves.
[Bon] So how are we supposed
to rescue our target?
[Ream] We wait until they show up
in an accessible time period
and go get them.
You're right.
The whole thing does seem risky.
- So I'm definitely going with you.
- [gasps]
- Thank you, Bon.
- [rustling]
[Bon grunts]
If I never make it back home
from this mission, what will people think?
Will they think I was spirited away?
[Time Boats whir, whoosh]
Our rescue target
is a man named Ambrose Bierce.
He was a writer
who turned into a time-tripper.
Okay, then. So that means somebody's
already figured out where he is, right?
The people at headquarters
spotted him in their monitors.
They tagged his location
with a space-time gun.
The marker will keep emitting
a stream of tachyon particles,
and the censors in our boats will lock in
and track it on autopilot.
We believe Bierce started drifting
after he went to Mexico in 1913.
He was last seen falling pretty quickly
through the 1940s.
So have time-trippers existed
throughout human history?
- [Buyoyon] Of course.
- [Ream] There are too many to count.
The most famous
is probably an English woman
named Charlotte Anne Moberly.
She was a well-respected
college principal.
On August 10th, 1901,
she visited Paris with one of her friends,
and they claimed
they traveled back in time
while they were in the gardens
of the Palace of Versailles.
The two women said they watched a scene
that took place on October 15th, 1789,
during the French Revolution.
Some later research proved
that the details of their story were true.
[Bon] Wow.
[Ream] I also heard about a case
where someone claimed
to have traveled from the past.
Back in 1945, a man was taken
to a hospital in Boston.
He insisted that he was actually
an English sailor from the 1850s.
And evidence was found
to support what he said as well.
There are many stories of people
and objects disappearing without a trace.
It happens everywhere.
That's true.
A lot of people used to go missing,
especially back in the old days.
[Buyoyon] Well, some of them
might have actually been time-trippers.
Any update on
where Ambrose Bierce might be now?
Has he drifted ashore anywhere yet?
He's wandering downstream,
caught in the flow of time.
In other words,
he's still traveling toward the future.
- [tense music playing]
- Hey.
What's it like at the end of time?
Do you have any idea?
[Buyoyon] Haven't you learned
anything yet?
The end of time rushes
into a pitch-dark hole,
like a raging waterfall.
He's lying to you.
There are no reports
of anyone going to the end of time.
- [Buyoyon] Buyo.
- Why is that?
It's a complicated journey.
Going back in time is much easier.
Time-traveling into the future
is like rowing upstream in the rapids.
That's the reason why headquarters tries
to avoid sending agents into the future.
- [bong]
- [Ream gasps]
- [beep]
- Is something wrong?
[rapid whizzing]
- This current
- [alarm drones]
it's a space-time vortex!
- Huh?
- [Ream] Turn the boat around, Bon!
[Time Boats whir]
Ream! What's going on?
- [rumbling]
- Uh.
Huh? Huh?!
- [rumbling intensifies]
- [ominous music playing]
- Bon, the mission is over.
- [Time Boats whoosh]
[music swells]
[both gasp]
- [Ream] Oh no! I can't read the indicator!
- [beeping]
We're getting swept away
to the farthest edge of the time!
Hold on back there!
I can't control the boat!
[tense frenzied music playing]
- [rapid beeping]
- [ominous music continues]
[both screaming]
[both grunting]
[skidding subsides]
[murmuring nervously]
[Ream gasps in horror]
[groaning softly] Huh?
[Bon gasps in horror]
[Buyoyon, echoing] What is this place?!
[unsettling music playing]
The sky is so red,
and the sun looks so ominous.
No way. This is still Earth?
How far into the future did we go?
[Buyoyon] There's nothing growing here,
not even weeds.
The meter can accurately measure
as far as 3,000 years downstream.
We're probably tens of thousands
beyond that.
- Or hundreds of millions, even.
- [Buyoyon] Talk about serious trouble.
- [Timeceiver beeps]
- Headquarters, please come in.
Can anybody hear me? Please, come in!
Let's try to go back,
back to our own time.
- [Bon 2] Hey!
- [Bon 1 gasps]
[Bon 2] It's pointless to try to do that!
If you think it's pointless,
then why did you suggest it?
I don't think it's pointless.
You just said it was.
[all gasp]
[Bon 1] Hey! Any people out there?
[Ream] We're lost! Please, help us out!
[Buyoyon, echoing] Hello!
[bleak ambient music playing]
Well, I guess we imagined it.
[Time Boats clank, whir]
Let's go home.
- [Time Boats whoosh]
- [crash]
- [Bon grunting]
- [Ream, weakly] What was that?
[groans] Did we just ricochet
back down to earth?
That's so strange. What is going on?
- [Buyoyon] Psst. Get up.
- Huh?
Come take a look at this.
[grunts] What in the world?
Is that?
Yeah, it certainly looks like us
and our Time Boats.
And that means that, somehow,
we just traveled back in time a little.
[Buyoyon] They're doing
everything we just did.
It's pointless to try to do that!
[Ream] Let them figure it out.
We don't need to
make things more complicated.
[Time Boats whir]
[Bon] I wonder if all the rivers
and oceans have dried up.
[Ream] The sky is getting darker fast.
[Buyoyon] Where are we heading?
We still have a time-tripper
we need to rescue.
He's probably somewhere on this planet.
But what do we do if we find him?
We don't know how to rescue ourselves.
[Ream] We're going to find other humans
living in this future world.
And they're going to live
in amazing cities,
full of scientific advances
we can't begin to imagine.
- [whirring]
- [Bon] But, Ream
[Ream] All we can do now is keep going
and keep our hopes up.
[Bon] I can't see a thing out there.
- It's so lifeless.
- [Buyoyon munches]
Has there ever been such a grim landscape
in the history of mankind?
[Buyoyon chewing]
Now we know
what the end of the world will look like.
I guess the future literally looks bleak.
Hmm. [gulping]
Om. Mm. [chewing]
I can see why you call it emergency food.
It's almost too awful to eat.
But I guess it gives us
the calories we need to live. Om.
[Buyoyon] It tastes perfectly fine to me.
[sighs dejectedly]
I am so beat.
It feels like I left home
years and years ago.
Who would've thought
I'd get spirited away?
Oh, wow. Now I've become
a Time Patrol agent turned time-tripper.
- [Ream] I'm so sorry.
- Uh!
Because you wouldn't be in this whole mess
if I hadn't gone to your house
and gotten you involved.
Don't talk like that.
You're not to blame for any of this.
[Buyoyon] Please don't cry.
- [melancholy music playing]
- [murmurs appreciatively]
[sobbing softly]
But I knew what the risks were.
I knew that better than anyone else.
- Do you remember
- [Bon] Huh?
we were talking one day
and I told you about a Time Patrol agent
I used to work with?
[Bon] Uh
Oh, right!
The one who originally trained you.
[Ream] Exactly.
I really looked up to her.
I worked as her assistant,
and we used to team up on jobs
in the Rescue Unit.
She taught me everything I know
about working in the field
as a Time Patrol agent.
Even after she transferred
to the Anomaly Handling Unit,
we still remained close.
She was more than a friend.
She was my idol.
But she never returned
from her last mission
for the Anomaly Handling Unit.
I learned she was suddenly swallowed
by a space-time tear,
and that she then disappeared.
She's still missing.
Headquarters considers her
a time-tripper now.
They continue to search for her,
but they have no leads.
That's awful.
One reason I wanna keep working
as a Time Patrol agent
is so I can find her someday.
Now you know why I shouldn't have
brought you on this assignment.
So I apologize.
But, Ream, I chose to join you
on this mission.
We knew it would be a challenge,
but we didn't let that scare us.
[Bon] Yeah!
We wanted to face it as a team.
[Ream] Mm.
[Bon] And now our challenge
is to get some rest.
Everything else can wait until tomorrow.
I think we just need to
get a good night's sleep.
All right, you two.
Good night, and sleep well.
- Night, Ream.
- Nighty night!
- Mm.
- [doors whir]
Bon! Come on, Bon!
Wake up, or you'll be late for school!
- [rumbling]
- [groans]
- Stop shaking me so hard, already!
- [rumbling intensifies]
Guh! Ah! Uh! [grunts]
- [dramatic music playing]
- [Ream] Bon, get up!
Huh! Ream?
- We have to get out of here now!
- [Bon grunting]
[crashing, cracking]
Bon! Hurry it up!
- [Bon murmuring anxiously]
- [Buyoyon] That's it! You're almost down!
- [crash]
- [Ream yelps]
Whoa! Aah!
[Bon grunting]
Aah! Whoa! [pants]
- [rumbling intensifies]
- [music swells]
[music crescendoes]
- [music ends]
- [rumbling subsides]
[shaken] That was way too close.
- [Buyoyon] Look!
- Hmm?
- Aah!
- [smoke hissing]
- [horrified] Oh!
- [Bon whimpering]
That was my boat!
This isn't good. Your boat is ruined,
and mine got swallowed by a crack.
We're just gonna have to go on foot.
[whines] My boat.
You were so good to me, buddy.
- [somber music playing]
- [footsteps plodding]
[Buyoyon whizzing]
[Bon] We've been walking around forever.
What is it you hope to find?
How is all this walking
going to make anything better?
Look, we have to keep moving.
It's the best option we have.
What are the chances
that headquarters will come to rescue us?
- Zero.
- They won't even try?
I told you,
traveling into the future is very hard.
And the future
that we seem to have landed in
is way past the time
that headquarters is in.
- [Buyoyon] Hey!
- [wearily] Huh?
Quick, quick, quick, guys! Come over here!
- Look what I found!
- [Ream panting]
- What is it, Buyoyon? Huh?
- [Bon grunts breathlessly]
[Ream] Footprints.
Must be the time-tripper.
[Buyoyon] Let's follow them.
- [Buyoyon, glumly] Buyo.
- [hurried footsteps]
[Bon] Oh no.
Now we can't tell where they went.
We'll just have to keep searching.
We're bound to find more clues.
[wind gusting]
- Uh.
- Where did he go from here? Uh.
What is it?
What's out there?
[Buyoyon] Well, it's a big, uh
[Ream] A big cloud of sand?
And we are in big trouble!
That enormous storm is coming right at us,
at speeds over 220 miles per hour!
[Ream and Bon] Wah-ah-ah-ah!
[wind gusting]
- [Buyoyon] Buyo!
- [both panting]
- [Buyoyon groans] Run fast! Run!
- [both grunting]
It's already right behind us!
We're not gonna make it!
- [Buyoyon groans]
- [both panting]
[Bon] Ream! Over there!
- [Buyoyon] Hurry! Hurry!
- [both panting]
- [wind howling]
- [Bon grunts] In here!
Huh! Whoa! Ah! Aah!
[Bon] Huh-unh!
[Ream murmurs anxiously]
[Bon straining]
[Buyoyon straining]
[all screaming]
[wind howling, gusting]
- [Bon grunts]
- [man] Are you all right?
You best get inside, quick!
[all gasp in relief]
[Buyoyon sighs] We're safe now.
- Mm.
- Thank you for that.
Mm Anyone would have done the same.
May I ask, are you,
by any chance, Ambrose Bierce?
The American writer
who went to Mexico in 1913
and then mysteriously disappeared?
I am indeed who you say.
But how I came to arrive
in this foul, forsaken world
is a puzzling mystery to me as well.
[wind gusting]
[footsteps plodding steadily]
[Ambrose] Ahh.
So you call yourselves the "Time Patrol."
What an intriguing occupation
you have chosen.
How far does this cavern go?
[Ambrose] This path will lead us
to a place where we can stop
and take a rest until the storm passes.
- [Buyoyon whirring]
- [footsteps continue]
- [Ream] I can't see a thing.
- [Ambrose] Take care not to hit your head.
- [clatter]
- [Bon] Doh!
[Buyoyon] He just warned you
to be careful.
Oh, shut up.
- See that?
- [Bon] Uh.
- It's a light.
- Where? I don't see any
- [clank]
- [all grunt]
[Bon] Whoa!
[Buyoyon] It's so bright in here!
[Ream] Someone built this underground?
[Ambrose] The technology down here
is quite astounding.
I imagine this was once
a transportation system.
Yet, how brightly it glows
years after being abandoned.
[Bon] How are you so calm?
You've experienced
one abnormal event after another.
Doesn't anything faze you?
[Ambrose] For a writer,
curiosity for the unknown
triumphs over everything else.
It's that simple.
The normal and the abnormal
are always a pair,
separated by a fine line.
Most ordinary people spend
their entire lives unaware of that fact.
Well, come along.
This will lead us back up to the surface.
[bleak ambient music playing]
[wind gusting gently]
[both murmur]
Marvelous. It appears
that the sand storm has passed.
[ominous sting]
[ominous sting]
Where are we now?
What year is it?
Are there any people left?
I'm afraid, I don't have all the answers.
Although, I can tell you
that this once flourishing city
withered into a dead and forgotten place,
abandoned by its residents
and reduced to ruin.
But I cannot tell you
why human civilization ceased to exist.
[softly] All humans ceased to exist?
How could people
just disappear from the world?
[Ambrose] Isn't it obvious now
that our civilization
was but a fleeting dream?
[stomach growling]
By any chance, do you happen
to have any food, my friends?
Mm. [munching contentedly]
Unusually flavorful.
- They're meant for emergencies.
- [Buyoyon] Mm. Mm.
And we don't have
any more left after this.
That's all right.
I can't imagine having
a more ideal setting for a last supper.
You think this is our last supper?
[Ambrose] Wouldn't that be
absolutely amusing?
- I'm not really amused.
- [Ambrose laughs]
- [rumbling]
- [all gasp]
[laughing heartily] Hmm?
- [rumbling]
- What's that?
[debris crashing]
[Buyoyon] This is bad! All bad!
[ground, rumbling, cracking]
- Aah!
- [gasps] Ream!
- [Ambrose] Whoa-oh-oh-oh.
- [Bon yelps]
- [all screaming]
- We're in deep trouble!
- [Bon] Aah!
- [Ream] Wah-ah-ah!
[Ambrose laughing]
[air whooshes]
- [fanfare plays]
- [Time Boats whir]
- [Ream] That's my boat!
- [whoosh]
[Ambrose] Yee-he-he-he-he-he!
He-he Unh!
[Buyoyon] Your boat came to save us!
It must have heard you screaming!
Let's get outta this place!
- [epic music playing]
- [Ambrose] Huzzah!
- [Bon] Wah!
- [Ambrose] Whoa-oh-oh!
- [grunts] I gotcha!
- [Buyoyon murmurs]
[Time Boat whooshes]
[Buyoyon strains]
Ream, hurry!
- [Buyoyon] Watch out!
- [Ream] Hmm!
[epic music continues]
[Time Boat whirs]
[music crescendoes]
[Ambrose] Woo-hoo!
I believe we slipped the noose!
[laughing heartily]
You saved us, Ream. Thanks.
- [Ambrose laughing]
- We've been a good team, Bon.
Now this is a truly fascinating vehicle.
- [Ream] Hmm.
- [Ambrose] Ahh.
- [whirring nearby]
- What's that up there?!
[whir increasing]
[Ream] Hmm?
[man] Do I have the honor
of speaking to Agent Bon Namihira,
Agent Ream Stream, and Mr. Ambrose Bierce?
The honorable Buyoyon is here too!
[descending whir]
[hisses, clanks softly]
- [Bon murmurs nervously]
- [footsteps]
- [Ambrose] Ahh
- [Ream] Hmm.
[mysterious music playing]
Pleased to meet you, past predecessors.
- "Past"?
- Uh. "Predecessors"?
[man] Certainly,
it shouldn't come as a surprise
that Time Patrol still exists
in the future.
Time Patrol
Is still going on missions?
- That's right.
- [ping]
[Buyoyon] So does that mean?
[both] We're getting rescued!
The future Time Patrol
is doing remarkably well,
and continues to use the traditions
that you established in the past.
Do you know how this place fell apart?
Ah, yes.
Well, humankind eventually emigrated
to all corners of the Galaxy.
the Earth became uninhabitable
and had to be abandoned.
[Bon] So that's what happened.
However, time-trippers
still occasionally show up here,
so we keep an eye out
and help anybody who needs to be rescued.
[Ambrose] How utterly intriguing!
[clears throat]
It may not make sense,
but your tale
has completely fascinated me!
I have that effect.
Well, it's time to complete my mission
and return you to the eras you came from.
[all] Oh, yes!
- [Ambrose] Absolutely not!
- [Bon] Wah!
This is an opportunity
I shall never see again
and cannot pass up!
Take me! Take me along
to your planet of the future!
I'll do whatever it takes! I beg you!
- [man] Personal space.
- He just can't be stopped.
It just goes to show, you can never
take the curiosity out of a writer.
That was a job well done!
You helped out too.
Well, I guess I was kind of
the ring leader on this mission, huh?
[Bon] Okay, don't push it.
[soft instrumental music playing]
[Time Boat whooshes]
[grunts] Ahh.
I'm actually back in my own room!
I've never been so happy
to be home in my entire life.
You must be exhausted, Bon.
You deserve to sleep like a baby tonight.
Oh, I will.
[Ream] Okay, then. Goodbye.
I'll see you next time.
[Ream] No, this is really goodbye.
I'm done. I'm leaving the Rescue Unit.
I'll be part
of the Anomaly Handling Unit soon.
So you see, this is the last time
you and I will ever work together, Bon.
What are you talking about?
No one told me it was the last time!
[Buyoyon] Well, now you know.
So what do I do now?
You'll become
an official Time Patrol agent.
[poignant music playing]
[Ream exhales despondently]
Bon it has been a pleasure
to work with you on our missions.
- [music swells]
- [Time Boat clanks]
But, Ream
Take care of yourself.
[music crescendoes]
[Ream] Be the best
Time Patrol agent you can be.
[music fades out]
[Ream] Goodbye, Bon.
- [breeze gusts softly]
- [curtain rustling gently]
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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