Talentless Nana (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

The Invisible Blade Part 3

She's still breathing.
If I just leave her here,
she might die on her own.
No If she dies now,
that will hurt my mission.
She would hurt my mission!
"Talentless Nana"
Her pulse is weak and her fever is high.
She's even dehydrated.
If she doesn't get help soon,
her life really might be in danger.
What happened to her?
Don't worry. I don't need to save her.
I just need to revive her,
so I can ask her what happened.
I still don't know why she's been
acting strange since yesterday.
Episode 12: The Invisible Blade Part 3
Excuse me, sir.
Michiru is sick with a high fever.
Oh, no, that's terrible!
Where's the doctor?
When I enrolled, my pamphlet mentioned it,
but there's a doctor stationed here, right?
Yeah, unfortunately,
the doctor is back at HQ right now.
Wait, did all the other
teachers leave the island, too?
They just went back to the faculty dorms early.
This has nothing to do
with the murders, for realsies.
Don't worry, okay?
I probably caused this.
This may sound strange, coming from me,
but maybe you should ask Onodera for help?
Sorry, but I'll be busy for a while.
Are you examining Ryuji's body?
I want to pinpoint a time range for his death.
Well, do you at least have some medicine?
Michiru has a high fever
and seems nauseated, too.
I do have meds. What do you want?
I'm not sure if she's got a cold,
but I'd like to try an
oral acetaminophen type drug.
You sure know your drugs.
I-It's common knowledge.
Okay, fine. I'll be back.
Damn it!
All I need now is water.
And some food with salt and sugar.
Some vegetables or eggs for nutrition
Excuse me!
Excuse me! Could you please let me in?
I could always come back in the morning
The Talented always push their luck.
They take shortcuts to avoid
hard work, they turn back time
Could she really develop the
power to bring back the dead?
"Michiru Inukai"
"Potential kill count:
Sorry I took so long.
How's she doing?
I'm not sure.
What do you think?
Not sure.
Doesn't seem like she has a bacterial infection.
She really should go to the hospital.
Just keep calling out to her for now.
Her fading consciousness worries me.
Michiru? Michiru!
By the way, the room looks a bit messy.
Oh, that's because
I was looking for a change of clothes for her
Nobody keeps clothes in their desk drawers.
Michiru! Michiru!
When she came to see me,
she clearly had something on her mind.
It sounded like she and
Hiiragi were at odds, too.
I'd hoped it was because she noticed
Hiiragi's crimes, but I guess I was wrong.
You crazy girl. You're so high-maintenance.
You made me waste an entire day.
Kyoya is distracted by the
murder mystery right now.
I'm missing my chance to strike.
Come on. Just wake up.
Scary stuff, man.
Ishii's throat was slit, right?
Yeah, a solid slash from Ishii's left to right.
He also has a stab wound in his back.
That's right, I've been seeing dead rabbits
and dogs near the school, too.
Their throats were slit. Morbid, right?
Think the same guy did it?
An even bigger mystery is how you guys were
able to listen to Moguo for five hours straight.
You're telling me.
Our feet fell asleep from sitting on them,
and we had headaches from Moguo's loud voice.
Was Moguo orating so loudly that
he could have been heard next door?
He was heard. Ishii complained a couple times.
I'm surprised you put up with him.
He can be cool sometimes, you know
Hey. Why're you digging through my trash?
Just wondering which
male-accessories are in style right now.
A personal curiosity.
You shouldn't just snoop in--
Well, I don't suppose the murder
weapon would just fall out of the trash.
What a relief.
Her fever has gone down.
Her nausea is gone, too.
"What a relief"?
What is it?
Just wondering if there were any
further developments in the case.
Kyoya's handling it.
I haven't left Michiru's bedside all day.
Is her wound healing up okay?
How is her "wound"?
Why did you assume she's wounded?
Uh, well
I just assumed this was connected
to what happened to Ryuji, so
I see.
You just can't get him
out of your mind, can you?
And how are you feeling?
You look rather pale.
Have you eaten anything today?
Shall I watch over Inukai for while?
Please, you should get some rest.
No, thanks.
But you mustn't risk your own
health in the pursuit of helping her.
But you must surely be traumatized
by the death of your boyfriend.
I hope she feels better soon.
One possibility is that Michiru
was involved in Ryuji's murder.
And Fuko tried to silence Michiru.
If that's true, then I really
have to surveil Michiru now.
No. This doesn't make sense.
I don't know what's going on,
so please, wake up.
Wake up.
Can you see me?
Nana- shan ?
You fainted in the shower.
Did you help me?
I was healing a wounded cat and
A cat?
When I got back to my room,
two cats were waiting for me.
One of them had a horrible cut on his neck.
The other kept meowing at me.
Almost like it was asking me for help.
Cat was that Jin Tachibana?
I saved the cat on time and
they both ran out of my room.
But then I got really cold so I took a shower.
Then, my memory cuts out there
I was worried you were attacked.
So, you fainted because you used your powers?
I've been wondering,
you've been looking really troubled recently.
Were you just not feeling well?
Yeah, that's probably it.
I've been feeling lightheaded a lot lately.
Kyoya said you went to see him
Oh, I just went to ask if he had any meds.
Is that all? Jeez.
Completely unrelated to the murder.
Way to freak me out.
Anyway, you should stay in bed for a while.
Nana you're hurt?
It's just a cut! Let it heal on its own!
Using your power shortens your life!
Shouldn't fainting be a wake-up call?!
You were out all day!
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to
Uh, were you by my side all day?
Nana- shan ?
If you have the head space to worry
about others, you should be okay.
Your fever's gone, too.
You should go wash your face.
Your hair's a crow's nest.
You've also got a crow's nest.
Huh? So tangled
Wh-What? When did it get this bad?
Wh-What's so funny?
I'm sorry!
You're just always so well-groomed,
it's funny seeing you such a mess.
I guess everyone has their dorky moments.
Oh, you're the queen of dorks, Michiru!
Let me fix your hair, madam!
Hey! Cut it out, Nana!
Take that!
Before you run off, tell me.
I don't care who you plan
on killing after Ryuji Ishii.
I won't chastise you for it.
I can't call the kettle black.
However, I am an animal-lover.
I even brought one of the cats
you harmed to Michiru for healing.
Even though I knew it would shorten her life,
that's how desperate I was to save it.
So I need you to stop hurting the animals.
We are all the same.
We are all non-human. We're lower-life forms.
I couldn't find any useful data in Nana's phone.
It was rigged to be unable to make calls.
So I doubt the person she called cut her off.
It was probably just a meaningless number.
This "potential kill count" thing, too
Objectively, they appear to be random numbers.
However, sometimes a person can be
tricked into thinking a stone is a diamond.
So, who sold Nana a stone,
convincing her it was a diamond?
And where is this conman right now?
I think we've let this go on long enough.
According to our reports, Nana Hiiragi
has killed about five to six people in total.
Pretty impressive, for a little girl.
I assumed she'd wimp out of her first kill,
then run back to us crying, delaying the plan.
Mr. Tsuruoka, you have trained her beautifully.
We received a distress call from
one of the island faculty yesterday,
Are you still going to go
personally on an inspection, sir?
Of course I am.
Nana is like family to me.
Hey. Running errands for Moguo?
Oh hey.
Yeah. He asked me to buy him some juice.
You and the late Ryuji were friends, right, kid?
He helped me meet girls.
Was Ishii seeing anyone
else besides Fuko Sorano?
Absolutely not! Ishii was a super-gentleman!
The last time he set up
a mixer for us, he was like
"I'll pass. You guys have fun without me."
Oh, come on! You should join us.
I have more fun snuggling with Fuko.
What a man, right?! They don't
make stars like him anymore!
He was smart, funny,
and like, unbelievably
a good guy
You know.
This soup you made is really good.
Do you mean it?
Well, actually
it might be a little too salty.
Oh dear. It seems your fever
warped your sense of taste.
Just kidding. I'm sorry.
Cooking isn't exactly my thing.
She really wasted a lot of my time.
I should target Fuko Sorano next.
She'd be an easy kill.
I could make it look like suicide.
Where are you going?
I thought I'd be a good leader
and check up on everyone.
Would you mind staying here a bit longer?
I still don't understand why I fainted.
I'd kind of appreciate the company.
Oh, right! Would you like to
play a game to pass the time?
I have a Shogi set.
Let me just go take a shower first.
I should nip any feelings
I have for Michiru in the bud.
If Tsuruoka saw how I've been
acting the past couple days
The thought scares me.
So, Michiru,
why are you such a good person?
It's been bugging me for a while.
Takanashi treated you horribly,
but you were so desperate to save her.
Well, that's because
Because I think everyone deserves to be saved!
Who's "Hitomi- shan "?
Heh? How'd you?
I heard your inner-voice.
Ohh. Now I get it.
Hitomi- shan saved my life.
I want to hear the whole story.
Uh, it's a long one, though.
I don't mind.
Before I came to the island
I think it was three years ago?
There was this boy in my class who scraped
his leg and I used my talent to heal him.
Then, for some reason,
I guess what I did was inappropriate.
Because the girls said
Did you hear? Michiru licked Takashi's leg!
Talenteds always think they're all that!
She should just go to war already.
I wish
I wish I wasn't a Talented.
It's a pupper!
What're you doing?
That was Hitomi Hosokawa. She was in my class.
Everyone was scared of her.
I even saw her threaten to beat up a boy once.
So my first instinct was
to run for it. But then
Hold up, hold up.
Dude. Hold up.
Did you save him just now?
Dang, that's an awesome talent!
You can help so many people!
Hitomi was particularly fond of that dog.
So ever since that day, Hitomi
started coming to my rescue a lot.
Don't you talk shit about my Michiru!
Michiru! Come eat lunch with me, dude!
She used to ditch school all the time.
But she started showing up for me.
See, it's like this
Mom's been sick for a couple days.
Could you heal her?
I'm sorry. I can't heal sickness.
If there were some definite wound, I could.
So that's how it works.
How weird
But I still think your power is awesome.
There are so many people,
waiting for you to save them.
So dude!
Have some self-confidence!
Hitomi gave me the push I needed.
After she said that,
I started healing lots of people.
I helped out at my dad's hospital,
and I even went to a research
facility in the next city over.
Sadly, Hitomi and I grew further apart
She never did have great attendance.
But I was also so busy with my own stuff
Our reunion was a bit unexpected.
I fainted after I healed someone
who was critically injured.
"Nami Umino" "Ayu Harukawa"
"Michiru Inukai"
That was actually how I discovered
that using my powers drains my own life.
So that time, I was the patient in the hospital.
Hitomi- shan ? What are you doing here?
Actually, I've been staying here all along.
This's a wig, by the way.
Hitomi had cancer.
She had it before we even met.
She was out of school because she was sick.
I wish I knew
So, you went to school for me?
Instead of resting in bed,
you went to protect me from bullies?
You did all of that and still went to chemo?
Don't be silly, dude.
You know how they say if you
eat junk food, you'll die young?
It's the same concept, really.
We know it's bad for us,
but it's okay to live a little, right?
Why have you been so good to me?
Right back at you.
You saved my dog. And you didn't even know me.
That's just plain heroic.
I'm not the hero. You are!
So listen, dude. I'm not very
good at touchy-feely stuff
but my desire to help people in need
that's what helps me act strong.
I'm glad you're here.
I'm glad I got to see you again.
I may look cool, but I get scared on
nights when I'm alone just like everybody.
Soon after that, Hitomi passed away.
My talent was useless,
when it mattered the most.
That's why
I keep pushing myself!
I'm going.
Nana- shan ?
Michiru Inukai
Potential kill count:
Michiru Inukai
Potential kill count:
Next episode: Revival
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