Taxi Driver (2021) s01e12 Episode Script

A Colleague's Funeral

-Mr. Sim?
-I found out.
Gu Yeong-tae is pure evil.
Do you know what he did with the body?
-Mr. Sim? What's wrong?
-Ms. Kang, save me.
Damn it.
Spare me, please.
I won't say anything about Yeong-tae.
I'll disappear.
-Too late.
-Don't kill me.
The phone last pinged
near Gyeongdong Market.
-I'm close. I'll head over there now.
-Our priority is ensuring Sim's safety.
Yes, I'm aware. I'll keep him safe.
Please be careful.
Don't worry about me.
Please drive safely.
Damn you!
That darned pig.
What the hell are you doing?
-If you don't want to die, run!
-That hurts!
I know you're in here.
I'll spare you if you come out now.
Hey. If I find you first, I will kill you.
Come on out.
I know you're in here.
Where are you going? Come here!
Come here, you scum!
I told you I'd kill you if I caught you!
You little asshole!
Stay still! Stay still, jerk.
I told you I'd kill you if I caught you!
Here you go!
Mr. Sim. I'm sorry for coming so late.
Are you okay?
-Thank you for waiting.
You little prick.
Damn it.
You asshole!
Hey, asshole!
You win! You win.
My guys, you're so tenacious.
Did that stupid prosecutor send you?
Watch your words.
Your lips aren't worthy to mention her.
Come with me calmly.
You thug. You're laughing?
Watch your back!
Give me the knife.
Why didn't you come sooner?
Goddamn it. What a joke.
Come over here, jerk. Get over here!
Why you little…
Come over here.
Why isn't he answering?
He should be there already.
Did you ask for me?
Yes, one more bottle.
Yes, coming right up.
I came to pick him up, so where did he go?
Sim U-seop?
He was sent to the prosecution already.
He was sent to the Northern District,
but this isn't their jurisdiction.
A female prosecutor came
and picked him up.
A female prosecutor?
No, your prosecutor.
She keeps calling me in. It's annoying.
Who says you won't see me again?
I heard you got another DUI.
Did you get out of it?
Thanks to a softie prosecutor,
I'll be let off with a fine.
I see.
Lucky you.
I know.
-Have a drink.
Oh, my beautiful prosecutor.
What brings you here?
Have a seat.
You're laughing?
-You killed him, and you're laughing?
Let go.
You scumbag!
-Arrest him!
-Yes, sir. Gu Yeong-tae.
You're under arrest for abducting
Sim U-seop and murdering Wang Min-ho.
You have the right to an attorney
and a chance to defend yourself.
Gosh, he's so moody, you know.
But if I bring him ice regularly,
he tips pretty well.
That's why I bring it to him
every 15 minutes.
-Every 15 minutes?
And he was there each time you went?
Yes, you saw it on the entrance CCTV.
-Thank you.
You believed that,
so you didn't summon him to be questioned?
Bring the witness here right now.
We can't arrest a witness.
We're checking
if the CCTV was tampered with,
so please calm down.
It'll be faster
to get that prick's confession.
Where's Sim U-seop?
Why are you looking for a guy
who left while we were drinking?
He disappeared after he met you.
And my colleague was murdered
while looking for him.
But you had nothing to do with it?
I killed him.
But do you have proof?
You can't lock me up anyway.
You'll have to let me go again.
The real idiot is the one who died.
Prosecutor Kang!
What the…
Holy shit!
How can a prosecutor in Korea
beat up a person like this? How?
What are you doing? Get her!
Damn it!
I decided
to let Gu Yeong-tae go.
That's what we agreed upon
with his lawyer.
You can't do that.
We don't have any evidence.
He has an alibi at the hostess bar too.
We have a clear motive and circumstance.
But he gets to go because we lack proof?
It was manipulated.
-I'm going to find out the truth.
-I'm giving this to another prosecutor.
-Why don't you take a few days off?
It's in place of disciplinary action.
We'll arrest Mr. Wang's murderer
even if it means we have to get
everyone at our office involved.
So try not to think about it and get rest.
Try not to think about it?
Get rest?
How can I do that?
My colleague died,
so how can I do nothing?
I'm a prosecutor, you know.
How can I do that?
The cause of death was excessive bleeding
from stab wounds in his chest and abdomen.
Seeing that he had bruises here and there,
he must've been in quite a fight.
I found a few samples,
but they've been badly contaminated.
Do you think…
he suffered…
for a very long time?
Get out of there right now.
It must be so hot in there…
My gosh.
My poor baby…
Oh, no. What should I do?
No. Don't go!
My poor baby…
Poor thing…
Thanks for coming.
No need to thank me.
Can you imagine the sadness
of losing your one and only son?
Our foundation
will take special care of her,
so don't worry.
Mr. Wang was
too good of a man to die like this.
It is all my fault.
-Because of me--
-Did he die while bringing justice?
While he was catching a bad guy?
He died doing a good deed,
so he'll meet much better parents
in his next life and live comfortably.
That's all I want.
Please catch the killer.
He was exceptionally responsible.
That way he can die
in peace.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
Have you been having
a tough time emotionally?
"What would I have done
if I had gone through that?"
"Could I have lived through it?"
Nothing like that should ever happen.
If you want to stay here for a long time,
you cannot be broken.
Bamboo trees are too upright,
so it breaks with a gust of wind.
But no matter how windy it is,
the grass always gets back up.
Act upright like a bamboo,
but have a heart like grass
that gets back up.
Please endure this.
Until the end.
Do not be broken.
Please help us
by making him pay for his crime.
Please, Prosecutor Kang.
Please avenge him.
Please do it for my brother
just this once.
You have a sure suspect
and the circumstances are clear…
We have a clear motive and circumstance.
We know that without evidence,
you can't catch us.
But he gets to go because we lack proof?
The people we couldn't catch.
That's because we don't want
anyone to be wrongfully accused.
Even if that means
letting go of 100 criminals.
Then what about those
who got hurt by those 100 criminals?
What can you do for…
the people who were hurt
by those 100 criminals?
There's a case I have been investigating.
At our office,
we called it the Bodiless Murder Case.
It literally means
that we had the circumstance
of the victim's murder,
but we don't have a dead body.
That's why
we can't prosecute anyone for murder.
Ms. Kang, save me.
Sim U-seop,
who was cooperating with me, was abducted.
And my colleague…
was murdered by him.
But there's nothing I can do.
If my way doesn't work,
I'll go with your way.
Get revenge
on Gu Yeong-tae.
First off, thank you for visiting
Rainbow Deluxe Taxi.
Let me share a few precautions
for the safety of our passengers.
While we work on your request,
the taxi meter will continue to go up.
You will pay your fare
once the job is finished.
Depending on the situation,
you may be charged extra.
After you use our taxi service,
you must not tell anyone else
about what happened with Rainbow Taxi.
Please keep this secret.
Now, if you wish to get your revenge
on the people who harassed you,
push the blue button on the left.
If you don't want to punish them,
push the red button on the right.
Please make your choice.
Prosecutor Kang
will surely punish him by law.
Isn't that right, ma'am?
You've made your choice.
Now, let's get on the deluxe taxi
to get your revenge.
How could this be?
The prosecutor is requesting the case
that the pastor almost requested?
The Bodiless Murder Case
in which Mr. Ko Dong-hui was murdered,
the murder of Mr. Wang,
and the kidnapping of Sim U-seop.
They were all done by one person.
Gosh, he's really evil.
Gu Yeong-tae will try to kill Sim U-seop.
We must stop that.
What do you all think?
I don't like
that the prosecutor requested it, but…
-Saving him comes first.
-I agree too.
It's a unanimous vote. Let's do it.
But how will we find Sim U-seop?
At this rate, he will become
the next victim
of the Bodiless Murder Case.
If we find out
how he made the body disappear,
we may be able to find Sim U-seop too.
If we do that,
we can get Gu Yeong-tae too.
Then, let's look
into the Bodiless Murder Case first.
SEOUL 24M5283
Car 5283, now on duty.
There are a total of three CCTVs
that captured the crime scene.
There aren't any blind spots.
If Ko Dong-hui left the office,
he would have been caught by one of these.
But he wasn't.
That means he couldn't have driven himself
out of that place.
-Unfortunately, yes.
-That's why the prosecutors were sure
it was a murder
although they couldn't find a body.
This is so bizarre.
What on earth happened in there?
There's a scuba diving store
below the crime scene.
I'm Haeundae Dolphin.
Let's go.
-How do I look?
-Oh, wow. You look professional.
Excuse me, sir.
-You're wearing it backwards.
-What are you talking about?
The zipper is on the front.
It can be confusing if you're a novice.
Where are the flippers?
Oh, the flippers? Over there.
-The flippers.
-Do you have a size 260mm?
-Here. These work well.
-There's so much mold on your ceiling.
-I know.
They must've kept
the water running all day.
Water kept dripping from the ceiling.
I thought our place would flood.
You're the police?
Didn't you finish
the investigation already?
Do you remember anything new?
Oh, there is one thing.
Come over here. Over there. Come here.
Yes, over there.
Do you see that hole there?
There was always steam
coming out of that thing every day.
It was almost as though
they were cooling off some hot machinery.
-Thank you.
-It's nothing.
What is that?
What was in here instead of water?
Maybe it's a liquid
that can get rid of the body
but requires a lot of water.
-Something that evaporates water.
-Is it sulfuric acid?
Sulfuric acid?
When it absorbs water,
it becomes exothermic.
If he got rid of the body
with sulfuric acid
and cleaned up the scene with water,
that would explain the steam.
You can't get sulfuric acid easily.
Especially one that's strong enough
to melt a body.
Sulfuric acid?
It is still a hypothesis.
But we can't figure out how Gu Yeong-tae
got a hold of sulfuric acid.
That means he trafficked it somehow.
Did you find anything suspicious?
Sim U-seop's company.
He said one of their ingredients
was sulfuric acid.
He could get it through Sim U-seop.
As you know, MH is just a paper company.
The company that keeps lending them money
is called Nakwon C&C.
Gu Seok-tae is a senior manager.
Gu Yeong-tae's twin.
We found out
how he purchased sulfuric acid,
but it's a bit off.
The expenditure details show
trivial things like food and gatherings.
The only regular expenses
are purchases from Namsan Industries.
Sulfuric acid.
What did you just say?
What? Namsan Industries?
A regular expense?
He didn't just purchase it once?
He wasn't even making dehumidifiers,
but he kept buying sulfuric acid.
Gu Yeong-tae didn't happen
to buy the sulfuric acid from Sim U-seop.
He had an ulterior motive
for starting that company.
Could this be…
A serial murder?
Is this where
the sulfuric acid was delivered?
These jerks are bold.
-There are so many people.
-That's why it was so inconspicuous.
Hurry up and load them.
-I'm hungry.
He got it here and moved it to his base.
-What now?
-I'm sure he's planning his next crime.
Then, he'll need sulfuric acid too.
An order was made
from Sim U-seop's company.
They just left.
When they get to the destination,
search it.
They may have a hostage,
so do it secretly.
Prosecutor Kang.
Ms. Baek's meeting is taking longer,
so I came here to pass on her apologies.
I killed him.
I just met you, but you look familiar.
Since I see Mr. Gu Yeong-tae often.
Ms. Baek is here.
It's Chairman Choi Gyu-won.
He's doing well for someone
who got a stay of execution for cataracts.
How surprising.
I wonder why you wanted to see me.
It's always one of two cases.
They either want money from me
or want to give me money.
Do you remember a company called MH?
You invested in the company.
Not really.
Mr. Gu takes care of
corporate investments.
Mr. Gu? You mean, Mr. Gu Seok-tae?
The CEO of that company has gone missing.
His name is Sim U-seop.
-Have you ever met him?
-No, never.
-I guess he ran off with investors' money.
-It's closer to abduction than fraud.
That's what happens
when you steal people's money.
Why do people love freebies so much?
Find the person who's invested the most.
I bet that person is the culprit.
Right. That's you.
I guess
I should find him then.
Is that why you came to see me?
You think I did it?
No, I have a different suspect in mind.
What I want to know is,
why a big shot like you
invested in that company.
It's got to be one of these two cases.
You're either careless with your business,
or you're lying.
Yes, careless.
I guess that bothers you more.
You said you invested in Mr. Sim's company
just because Mr. Gu said you should.
It's a paper company.
I can't believe this.
How dare she tell me
that I'm careless with my business?
I'm warning you. I'm in a bad mood today.
So if you called me here
to say something stupid,
don't even start.
-Where's Mr. Gu?
-I sent him back as you said.
He has no idea I'm meeting you here,
so don't worry.
-What did you need to tell me?
-Gu Yeong-tae killed someone.
You called me here just to tell me that?
I told you. It's not true!
What if it's true? What will you do then?
Then I'll get him myself.
We're on the same page.
Damn it!
-Any news?
No signs of him yet.
Maybe he caught on.
Let's wait and see.
Was it
Kim Do-gi?
Stop right there. Can you slow it down?
-What? There…
-Who are they?
They came and left.
Hello, Namsan Industries.
Hello, I'm calling from MH.
I'd like to reschedule.
You mean, the delivery?
It's set for 2:00 p.m.
You want to change it?
-I can't do it over the phone.
-Oh, right.
I've sent our request
with our business license.
Oh, yes. I got it.
I can make it happen.
Great. Could you delay it just by an hour?
Sure, will do.
Thank you.
-You're new.
-Right, they sent us today.
The company has many employees.
We loaded it all up.
Good job.
Please call again!
-Hire us again!
The package has been delivered.
-Good luck.
-Thanks, great job.
-Hello, sir.
-Hello, sir.
It's a beautiful day.
Nice catch.
What the hell?
What is this?
Who are you people?
Hey! Untie me!
Yeong-tae! Yeong-tae, I'm sorry!
No, don't!
Don't do it, you rat!
What's wrong? Is everything okay?
Mr. Kim, can you hear me?
Why aren't you answering?
Mr. Kim, answer me!
My son, I love you.
Hey, Go-eun!
I figured out the motive.
Are you okay?
They extracted organs
and got rid of the bodies
using sulfuric acid.
This is
an organ-trafficking ring's
secret place of operation.
Ms. Kim, let's get started.
Pass me the pencil.
Who are you?
How did you get in here?
Ring the alarm.
Oh, my.
Wake him up. Now.
I can try,
but he's under anesthesia.
What the…
Who are you?
Damn it!
Hey! That hurts!
What's the matter? Does it hurt?
I haven't even started.
You little…
Catch me if you can.
Damn it!
-Gu Yeong-tae fled?
-He didn't come to the front.
-Is there another way out?
-This rat.
How did he get out?
-Prosecutor Kang.
-Mr. Kim?
12 Gopyeong-dong, Icheon.
Send an ambulance. Hurry!
You're here.
What about Sim U-seop?
All his organs have been extracted.
Sir, can you come out for a moment?
What is it?
They're coming out!
Did you really arrest
a large organ-trafficking ring?
How many victims are there?
Please give us a statement!
News that a large organ trafficking ring
working out of Korea
was arrested by the prosecution
is shocking the nation.
They abducted
and murdered ordinary civilians
to extract their organs.
They brutally dismembered the victims,
so the police are having
a difficult time identifying them.
The police have deployed all of
their forces to capture the prime suspect,
Gu, who has fled the scene.
Reporter Lee Dae-ho--
Did you know that this was going on?
Did I know about it?
I'm the one who started
the organ trafficking business.
-I sold the organs of all the dirtbags
you brought in.
-Baek Seong-mi, how--
-Just their corneas and livers.
-I made sure they could still live.
-Are you serious?
How could you sell human organs?
You were punishing them anyway.
What I did is no different.
I helped good people
with those scumbags' organs.
What's wrong with that?
Cho Do-cheol was the only one we killed.
We had no choice.
You know that better than I do.
I'm the one who's utterly shocked now.
I never hurt any innocent civilians.
I had no idea
they were running this side hustle.
Gu Yeong-tae, that scumbag…
Hold on.
Seok-tae was the only one
who knew about it.
That can't be.
When Sim U-seop was abducted,
Mr. Gu was there.
So the two of them conspired against me
and deceived me?
We'll take care of
Gu Yeong-tae and Mr. Gu.
I'll take care of Seok-tae myself.
It's a serial murder
and organ trafficking case.
This case can't be handled
like the other cases.
I'll catch Gu Yeong-tae
and hand him over to the prosecution.
You can't do that.
They might discover our private prison.
Even so,
we can't just lock him up in that prison.
Why go through the trouble to catch him
just to send him home?
We also have to find
all the victims he killed.
Let's think about it.
There must be a way.
Do you still think
your methods are right?
Mr. Kim.
Did you take Gu Yeong-tae?
The Regional Investigation Unit
is on the case.
Holding him hostage
could get you into trouble.
I don't have him.
All right, then.
You saw what he did, right?
"Will the Court give him
the kind of punishment that he deserves?"
I thought about it
over and over again.
And your conclusion?
You still called me.
Because you need me
to identify all the victims.
Am I wrong?
Aren't you getting revenge
for other people instead of your own?
Don't jump to conclusions.
But why does it seem like
you're taking out your anger on them?
I apologize for what I said.
You're someone
who puts the victims first.
I will show you
how the law will convict someone
with a sentence
that everyone can accept.
My, what a beautiful day.
It's the perfect day to take care of this.
Don't worry. I got this.
I even got a new car.
You can count on me.
It's the key to the prison.
You can hold onto it now.
Are you sure?
There's no one
to keep an eye on it anyway.
Just pay the rent on time.
As for Seok-tae,
I'll drug him with sleeping pills.
You can take him then.
-Have a seat.
-Yes, ma'am.
We'll move in after she drugs him.
Can we trust Ms. Baek?
She's someone
who works based solely on trust.
She'll gain nothing
from choosing him in this situation.
But we should be prepared.
That's why we set up the cameras.
Are you okay?
Yes, ma'am.
This place is spooky.
If I stay here,
I may go crazy too.
I know, right?
You punks.
You should've lived like
decent human beings.
No one has been with me
as long as you have.
Do you know why?
Because people always get greedy
when they work with me.
I get it though. It's a lot of money.
I put my trust in you
because you know your place.
I'm flattered, ma'am.
I am willing
to forgive you once
even if you make a big mistake.
Yeong-tae's side gig…
Were you really in the dark?
Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry.
Don't be.
It's not like you did it.
Let's drink.
Yes, ma'am.
You see, forgiveness is
all about timing, Seok-tae.
I just gave you a chance,
and you blew it.
Take a long nap.
You'll kick yourself every single day
for losing this opportunity.
This is my revenge, Seok-tae.
Did you see that?
What's wrong?
Are you shocked that I'm still awake
when I should be fast asleep by now?
-Baek Seong-mi!
How dare you hand me over to those jerks?
-After all I've done for you?
-It doesn't change!
-Get back here!
Let go of me! Help me!
-What's going on?
-What does he want?
-What happened?
-They fooled us.
It was pre-recorded?
Did they lure us here because…
The jail.
Mr. Choi, are you all right?
-What happened?
-They took them all.
-Mr. Jang.
-What the hell are you doing?
Don't worry about your prisoners.
I'll take good care of them.
Just think that
I'm holding onto your things like before.
Why on earth are you doing this?
What are those brothers to you?
Do you think I'm doing this
to save Seok-tae?
I'm the one
who planned this whole thing.
I plan to be compensated for this.
-Be prepared, Mr. Jang.
-Let's find the prisoners first.
What will you do then?
The prison is gone.
-I found you.
-I can't reach Go-eun.
Where are the prisoners?
Bring me Gu Yeong-tae.
You told me to get him, so why--
-I must do something.
Do you want to get revenge?
-What a fun setup.
-What's your plan?
Obviously, it's revenge.
Escort him out!
If you want to save your colleagues,
come out now.
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