The A List (2018) s01e12 Episode Script

Run, Mia, Run

[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[narrator] I always liked the morning.
Early. Before anyone is up.
The promise of a new day.
And the hope that it'll be a better one.
[pop song playing]
Our dreams will burn ♪
Inside us like a fire ♪
Like a fire ♪
This world will turn ♪
Like the tides ♪
When we rise ♪
When we rise ♪
[siren blaring]
[narrator] But today belongs to Amber.
So, who will still be here by nightfall?
-Luka, we're in trouble.
-Who isn't?
Don't get comfortable. You're not staying.
Maybe she's hungry.
Birds could mean "chicken."
Kitchen's closed.
Remind me, did I say,
"Drop in any time, bring your friends"?
Because I thought I said,
"Don't tell anyone I'm here."
Why not?
-Because I'm a wanted man.
-Wanted for what?
For what I do to people
who ask too many questions.
Okay, we get it. You're an outlaw,
you're off the grid, whatever.
But Mia says you have a boat,
and we need to get off this island.
Then I hope you're all good swimmers.
Because you're not getting my boat.
You got that, right?
Yeah, we got it. Good one.
But you need to do your
strong and silent thing and just listen.
Whatever you're running from,
Amber is worse.
She gets inside people's heads
controls them
and then they're not themselves any more.
You know you shouldn't eat random
mushrooms you find in the woods, right?
You're in danger, too.
Amber won't stop until she's turned
everyone on this island.
She breaks people.
More birds!
Tweet. Tweet. Tweet. Tweet.
Today's the Peregrine Hunt.
A year ago,
it ended with a horrible accident.
The peregrines hunt, and the doves hide.
When they're caught,
they become peregrines, too.
So, who are our doves?
The doves have already flown
into the woods.
Brilliant! [chuckles nervously]
[Mia] Amber is reliving last year.
We don't know exactly what she's planning,
but it is not gonna be good for us.
Zac and Brendan are looking for Dev,
but there's no sign of him.
Not since last night.
Then, he's with them
with Mia.
We've asked nicely,
but we could just take your boat.
Calm down, hero.
I know you're trying to be the big man,
but there's a hole in the hull.
The good ship Luka isn't going anywhere.
We know.
We brought tools.
Once we get back to the mainland,
you can sail off wherever you want.
Better than being stuck here
with no way out, Amber on the hunt,
and you running out of food.
[Luka] Should be able to repair it
in a few hours.
Do you have life jackets?
[Mia] Okay.
So, we stay hidden until the boat's fixed,
and then we're out of here.
[Luka] Not quite.
The battery on the motor's dead,
so it won't start.
Without it, we have to wait
till the tide turns.
How long before your peregrines get here?
[sing-song] Mia and Alex hiding in a tree.
[Alex] No.
Not Mia and Alex.
Alex and Petal.
I need to tell you something.
I don't even know
if you're hearing me right now, but
I need to tell you I'm sorry.
I'm here, she's here.
I'm sorry I reacted like I did.
I wish I knew myself
as well as you know yourself.
I wish I'd said this before
I wish I'd let myself follow
my feelings wherever they led.
Follow Petal.
I wish I had.
Follow Petal, find Mia.
It probably just needs charging.
-If we can get an electricity supply--
-[Mia] No.
We're not going back to camp.
We can wait for the tide.
It's a big island and Amber doesn't know
where we are.
[Alex] Yes, she does or she will soon.
Amber and Petal are still linked from
[Petal] Warmer.
-[Alex] You know.
-[Petal] Colder warm again.
[Alex] She's using Petal to track us
like a homing signal.
Amber can tell when she's getting closer.
We need to lead Amber away from the boat.
And buy me time to patch the hole.
Go now, I'll take care of it.
[scoffs] Yeah, right.
We're gonna leave you with all the tools
so you can repair the boat
and sail off without us.
I'm gonna stay here and mend it with you.
Whatever you say, hero.
But you better be back in time,
because when that tide turns, I'm gone.
That boat isn't going anywhere
without all of us.
Dev, Luka's right.
When the tide turns, you have to go,
whether I'm back or not.
Just like the promise I made Alex.
So long as one of us makes it, we all do.
And you can get help and come back for me.
But if Amber finds this boat
we're never getting off this island.
And she'll make you her king forever.
-I'm not leaving without you.
No fairy-tales, remember?
Petal, come on.
Shall we?
They're on the move.
Where are you going, Mia?
Where are you running to?
What are we going to do when we find them?
Then the hunt will be over.
And I finish what I've begun.
[emotionless] Yay. Fun.
I have an idea on how to charge
this battery without going back to camp.
There was electricity in the lab.
I could hook something up.
[Alex] It's not far and we wouldn't have
to wait for the tide.
If we're quick,
maybe we can stay ahead of Amber.
There is another way to lose Amber.
-No way!
-Alex, it is the only way.
Petal's a human tracking device.
As long as she's with us,
Amber can find us.
But by herself, she's the perfect decoy.
She's not a decoy, she's a person.
Petal is gone. We have to save ourselves.
That's the plan we made, remember?
I don't care. I'm not leaving her.
[laughing maniacally]
Now, you have to go back to camp
and become peregrines, too!
[laughing maniacally]
I caught the doves! [squawking]
Guys, we have to get to the lab
before Dave tells the others.
[Mags] Don't come any closer.
-Where's Amber? Is she with you?
She's on the Peregrine Hunt
looking for us.
Go ahead, do your thing.
[inhales sharply]
It's just all such a mess!
Mags, why are you here?
What is this place?
It's an old research station
for monitoring the island.
But now, there's
there's something else.
Amber is not who she seems.
Oh, I don't know.
She seems to be a shape-shifting maniac
who controls the minds
of everyone around her.
-Am I close?
-[Alex] We know about Midge.
Sounds like you do, too.
[sighs] I was part of the team
that treated Midge after her accident.
We tried an experimental procedure
to regenerate the parts of her brain
that were damaged.
It worked
but not the way we expected.
Her brain did regenerate, but--
-But by becoming Amber.
The Amber personality emerged,
not just mentally, but physically.
Like Jekyll and Hyde
and with incredible powers.
When we saw she was heading
for Peregrine Island,
-I was sent to observe her.
-You knew.
You knew all this time
how dangerous Amber is!
And so you left us here with her,
like lab mice.
It's a huge scientific breakthrough!
And I was always watching.
And when her powers grew too strong,
I sent up a signal
to say things were out of control.
So we're saved. Someone's coming.
No. They sent a message back.
-Who's "they"?
-The people I work for.
[stammers] I can't say more. Come on.
They use a code
because everything is so sensitive.
Those numbers mean "Stay in position.
Await further instructions."
Doesn't matter.
We can send a message to the police
or someone
It's not the internet.
It just receives those codes.
We're on our own.
So, Mia, she's your girlfriend, yeah?
You must be really into her.
Ready to fight for a boat
and row her across to the mainland.
-But, hey, man, I get it. She's hot.
-It's more than that.
Wouldn't expect you to understand.
So, just shut up
and concentrate on what we're doing.
Relax, hero. Just making conversation.
Knowing Mia's the only thing
we have in common.
How do you know her, anyway?
Been helping each other out.
You know how it is.
She scratched my back, I scratched hers.
I looked after her when she was lost
and crying in the woods.
She looked after me when I was injured.
-Let me stay in her tent.
-[tool clatters]
It's no use. It's completely dead.
We only need enough power
to start the motor,
but it won't charge at all!
What motor?
Do you have a boat? You do, don't you?
Look, I want you to get out!
It's all gone too far.
There are batteries in these.
They're not strong enough.
But this logo,
it's the same as the drone I saw.
Uh, yeah, that's part of this whole thing.
Drones have small,
but very powerful batteries.
If we can get one to fly to us
They're controlled from the mainland base.
I can't bring one here.
Maybe I can.
The drone probably runs via that laptop.
If I can hook up the walkie talkies,
I might be able
to get on the same frequency.
[exclaims] Warm again.
We have to keep moving,
so we can make it back to the boat.
You go.
I'll get a drone
and strip out the battery.
-Meet me back at the boat.
-Are you sure about this?
It's dangerous.
Kayleigh knows where the lab is.
I'm not sure about anything.
This is our only shot, right?
And, yeah, I'm terrified,
but I have been for days.
So, I might as well be terrified
and get us out of here.
Go on.
I'm doing this.
So, it's like a basic remote control unit.
I used to build RC planes.
All I do is lock the signal
onto our co-ordinates.
Then we go up top,
wait for the drone and we're off.
I'm not coming.
My orders are to stay in position.
I'll be okay here.
I have food and a camp bed.
But you go.
-Good luck.
-You, too.
-[door opens]
[Amber] Hey, Mags.
I've missed you.
That's it. All shipshape.
The tide's gonna turn soon.
Your girlfriend's running out of time.
-You don't know Mia. She'll make it.
-But what if she doesn't?
What if Amber's caught her?
You really gonna leave her behind, hero?
So, this is where you've been hiding.
What are you doing down here, Mags?
I've been working on a way to help you.
I don't need any help.
You do.
I was there
at the hospital.
We saved your life.
But something's gone wrong.
Come back with me
and let Mia and the others go.
Mia was here?
-What's she planning?
-I don't know.
-Then you're no use to me.
Listen to me.
Just stop.
I know you're still in there.
-Midge, please.
-Midge is dead.
You killed her.
-[Amber] You
and the other doctors, with me
locked inside, desperate to get out.
[whispers] No.
Now you're gonna know how that feels.
tell me
what Mia is planning.
They have a boat.
[Jenna] Spread out by the water.
Mia and Dev have a boat.
Stay here and be ready.
You gonna fight them all by yourself?
You really are a hero.
They can't find this boat.
I know what Amber wants.
I can end this. Queen takes king.
Just don't leave without Mia.
Take me to Amber.
It's Dev. I'll catch you up.
-Come on.
-Mia, it's okay.
-Everything's all right.
Amber's given up. She's letting us go.
It's all over.
I went to see her. I talked to her.
Made her see
that we don't belong here with her.
She can have the island,
but we can leave together.
I can't believe it.
We can go?
We're going?
I think it all just got out of hand.
She doesn't know
how to control her powers,
so she was glad to have a reason to stop.
But let's hurry
before she changes her mind.
[Mia] Wait, Dev.
-Dev, this isn't the right way.
-Yes, it is.
No, the boat's over there.
This is a shortcut.
No, it isn't.
This is the way to the cliffs.
It's fine. Just follow me.
-Not you.
-Mia, it's okay.
It isn't.
Nothing's okay.
Come with me, Mia. It's time.
[narrator] Run, Mia, run.
The day isn't over.
And the end has just begun.
[pop song playing]
Everything has a cause ♪
The place it all begins ♪
[Mia] Luka!
Now, my whole world is caving in ♪
We must be strong ♪
It's only just begun ♪
It's not over yet ♪
This battle's only begun ♪
Ooh ♪
Ooh ♪
It's only begun ♪
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