The Apothecary Diaries (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Kangan to gijo

What should we do?
What do you think, sir?
After the execution
of Fengming, her relatives
were robbed of their wealth,
and were sentenced to varying degrees
of corporal punishment.
The crime was said to be committed
by Fengming alone,
and it was fortunate that her master,
Ah-Duo, was not questioned.
And now,
I have the names from Fengming's family
and anyone with connections to the family.
The list contains names of the customers
who conducted business with the family.
They did a wide variety of business,
not just beekeeping.
There are about 80 people with connections
in the rear palace.
Eighty people out of 2,000, huh?
That's quite a blow.
The party where the Apothecary was
sold off to after being kidnapped
had connections to the family.
We can cover this up if you'd like.
"If you'd like."
Of course, what else?
It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong.
Whatever I say will happen.
She's clear about the divide
between commoners and nobility.
She'll follow whatever order
is given to her.
It's simple for me
to strike down any order.
I can just decide right now.
If I cover this up,
I can keep her in the rear palace.
But what if that's not what she wants?
If she learned she was forced
to remain where she didn't want to be,
how would she react?
I'm afraid of deepening the gap
that already exists between us.
Sir Jinshi.
I thought she was
just a convenient chess piece.
- A mass firing?
- Yeah, that's right.
All the daughters of parents
that did business
with that family have to quit.
It's going to be a large number of girls.
I see
There's a lot of girls who are panicking
because they have to quit suddenly.
Looks like that family did business
with a lot of people.
I have a bad feeling about this.
I'd be in a bind if I was fired right now.
The timing is bad.
After Lihaku's visit,
I haven't been able to send
any wealthy customers to Grams.
If I go back now
I'm home!
Here's a customer!
I'll definitely be sold off
When I checked last time,
my registered family was
listed as a merchant family
that conducts trade.
If Fengming's family are bee farmers,
they may have some kind of
Sir Jinshi!
What's wrong? You're out of breath.
- Well
- Calm down. Your face is all red.
I need to talk to you.
Fine. Let's talk inside.
It's about the mass firing, right?
- What'll happen to me?
- Here's the registry.
So I'll be fired?
What do you want?
I thought she was
just a convenient chess piece.
Ever since I became
Lady Gyokuyou's attendant,
I can taste test, and have access to
the medical office.
I enjoy the life I have now.
But I'm just a palace woman.
I'm in no position to request
not to be fired.
I can't look like I'm begging
I'm just a palace woman.
Whether it's menial work,
cooking, or taste testing,
I'll do whatever you say,
if it's an order.
"If it's an order"
That's right.
As long as it's an order,
I can get through this.
I won't complain
even if my salary goes down.
If I can buy some time
before I'm sold off, I can survive.
So, don't fire me!
I understand.
I'll pay as much as I can.
- Oh
- Negotiation failed.
Maomao has been fired.
All right, then.
How long are you going to stay like that?
You should have stopped her.
Don't say anything.
The week after she was dismissed,
Xiaomao returned to the pleasure district.
I hear she was courteous
and said goodbye to all the people
that took care of her.
I won't help you even if you regret this.
He lost his favorite toy.
It'll be a lot of work to find
an interesting replacement toy for him.
I want the other one!
Perhaps that girl isn't a toy after all.
He didn't make her stay
because he didn't want to use her.
What a burdensome master I have.
He's a lot of work.
If I can't find a replacement
Perhaps I'll ask that soldier.
Depressed, sulking, gloomy
See. You look better without freckles!
I'll lend you my lipstick.
I never imagined that I would ever
get ready for a banquet with Maomao
Our work tonight is
a banquet for the nobility
held outside of the brothel.
It costs that much money to
invite courtesans to one's mansion.
Not only that,
one night of entertainment costs
a year's worth of salary for a common man.
To call the Three Princesses of
the Verdigris House at the same time
Some people are just really rich, huh?
I might be going with you,
but I'll just be there to
support you, Big Sisters.
Here you go, Maomao.
I was able to get more money than
I imagined when I left the rear palace.
That's why I was able to prevent
being sold off.
A supporting role is very important.
Let's work hard, Maomao!
You're really cute!
It's almost time! Hurry up
Hey, you look better than usual.
I can get you a customer
right now, if you'd like.
Looks like Grams really wants me
to be a courtesan.
Go earn us some money!
I can't sing poetry,
and I can't play erhu.
Never mind dancing.
I'm just an apothecary's daughter
who's only interested in medicine.
But she keeps approaching me with offers
these past few years
As expected of nobility.
This house is packed with
super-expensive furnishings!
I'm sure they won't notice if I take one
No, I shouldn't.
It's this room right here.
I hear they're high court officials
who are friends of Lihaku's.
But they're younger than I imagined.
All right, let's go.
If he knew someone this rich,
he should've introduced me earlier!
If they're Lihaku's connections,
then some of my debt might've been
taken away.
All right, I have to work.
I know it's work, but it's tiring
to smile all the time.
Oh? Isn't he entertained?
Excuse me.
Leave me alone.
I want to be alone.
Huh? His voice sounds familiar
Sir Jinshi?
Why are you running away?
You can't touch courtesans.
Don't you know?
Has anyone ever told you that you look
really different with makeup?
I get that a lot.
Why are you dressed like that?
I'm earning money.
- At a brothel?
- Yes.
Could it be, you?
He must be in the habit of
questioning people's chastity.
I don't take any personal customers.
- Yet.
- Yet
Shall I buy you, then?
What? You've got to be kidding
Wait, that might be a good idea.
It won't be so bad to work
in the rear palace again.
I thought you quit
because you didn't like it there.
What? When did I say that?
I said I wanted to keep working there.
You're the one that fired me.
Yes, it was annoying work,
but not anyone can become a food taster.
My only complaint was
I couldn't experiment with my poisons.
You shouldn't experiment with poison.
His expressions are really childish today
That's right.
That's the kind of person you are.
What do you mean?
Are you ever told that you don't
explain yourself enough?
I get that a lot.
Why are you running from me?
It's the rules.
- It's just a little.
- It's against the rules.
- It won't cost you anything!
- My willpower.
Just one hand. Just the fingertips!
I forgot how stubborn this guy was
Just the fingertips, okay?
This dude
Now I'm blushing too!
Oh, when did that happen?
- You should've told us, Maomao!
- So embarrassing.
Hey, Big Sisters! Sir Gaoshun?
I was in so much of a frenzy
I don't really remember
what happened after.
- Who was that?
- How do you know him?
Geez. You're good!
I just remember that Big Sisters'
interrogations were
All right, next
I'll make some just in case.
Nothing good ever happens
without my freckles.
That must've been last winter
I was surprised to be kidnapped,
but to think I was sold off
to the rear palace
Not only that, I also got promoted to be
an attendant.
I was supposed to stay out of people's
business until my term was up
Maomao. Is it ready?
Yeah. Here it is.
I need you to see a patient.
Can you do it?
The rear palace, huh?
That's the one place I never wanted
to get involved in
I hope everyone's doing well.
I'm leaving now.
Stay put. You only have so many chances
to bathe here.
So what are your plans now?
I'll pay back my debt.
Of course you will.
Are you going back to the rear palace?
I don't know.
But maybe, the rear palace
and the pleasure district
Are not so different.
I see.
Can't sleep?
I'm going to get some fresh air.
- Be careful.
- Yeah.
The rear palace, the pleasure district,
it's all the same
It's a flower garden, and a bird's cage
What will happen next?
So cold
A few days later,
a beautiful nobleman comes to
the capital's pleasure district.
Equipped with enough money to
make even Grams happy,
and, for some reason
a strange plant growing out of an insect
All this man wished for was one girl.
Next Episode,
"Serving in the Outer Court."
Subtitle translation by: Yukimi Ohashi
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