The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Then I Became Lord of a Domain

Ah, how nostalgic!
There's nothing like the air of a battlefield!
Oh, my.
Master Cain!
I know.
It's past here, isn't it?
That's where he is.
I'm waiting for you,
follower of the old geezers.
The game has already begun.
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
"Then I Became Lord of a Domain"
Master Cain.
I will handle things here.
You can go after the ringleader.
Seth Will you be okay on your own?
Yes. I will summon my underlings.
We may lose a bit of the forest,
however. Is that acceptable?
As long as it's just a bit
Just don't go too far, okay?
Is that not
what I should say to you?
I'm counting on you!
And we shall go, as well.
Follow me, Dalmatia!
At once!
Hurry! Hurry!
Don't let a single one of them
get near the town! Got that?!
Hey, are you able to sense
how many monsters are left?
Every time I think there are
fewer monsters, more show up!
And at a blistering pace!
I'm going to the forest!
What are you saying?!
Well, no matter how strong Cain is,
we don't know how many
monsters are out there!
Even I
Even I
want to act the way a
maestra ought to for once!
I'll go, too.
How'd I get such a reckless sister?
Now I have no choice but to go with you.
You don't mind, right?
You know I don't! Let's go, slowpoke!
We'll meet the monsters in the
forest and stop their advance!
Just you wait, monsters!
Summon! My loyal subjects!
What can we do for you?
It is unusual for our Prince of Darkness
to summon us, the Four Heavenly Kings.
What has caused this—
What is this?!
A friend requested my help.
Sorry to ask, but get things
under control here.
A f-friend asked you?
How great this friend must be, to make
a request of the Prince of Darkness!
It is good to see you all again.
Lord Dalmatia!
The legendary demon general!
Great General Dalmatia
Why are you here?!
I was also asked by Lord Seth's friend,
the one who entered into
a contract with him.
What?! Someone made a
contract with Lord Seth?!
Also, this friend asked for your help, too?!
Who is this person?
Yes, great demigod.
That friend is God's Chosen.
Th-The Prince of Darkness entered
into a contract with God's Chosen?!
I'll explain everything later.
More importantly, the Chosen One
has ordered me to protect this place!
Which means
What other choice do we have?!
Man, I'm getting nowhere at all!
So it's you.
You are the one who took such
good care of my brethren.
I'd expect nothing less from
the old geezers' pet dog.
You got here faster than I expected.
It's you, isn't it?!
You're the one who started this onslaught!
Black dragon no, former
God of Amusement
Sadly, though, only part
of me has been revived.
It's absolutely infuriating that I had
to borrow the body of this thing!
Aaron! Stop the monsters!
N-Not that he'd listen to me, I guess
What did I tell you?
This is a game to see whether all the
humans get devoured by the monsters.
And you ask me to stop the monsters?
You amuse me!
Now, I wonder how long your
friends can hold out!
People are floating in the air!
Don't joke at a time like this!
It's not a joke! Just look up!
Those people
Are they getting rid of
some of the monsters?
So they're on our side?
They may be friends
of Cain.
Ah. Of course.
Lord Seth! There are too many!
Take out as many as you can!
At once!
We'll have to let the
humans handle the rest.
More than I can count.
Start the incantation!
We won't make it in time!
We'll get the ones in front!
Here they come!
It's infuriating.
Those eyes Your eyes.
They're the same as the eyes
of the people who sealed me.
You mean my mother and father?
I thought I'd wait until
I got to see you suffer
But would you just go away right now?
The monsters All he did was touch them!
Did I get him?!
I realize
I'm not at my full strength,
but still, did you think such
magic would work on me?
I need to work more magic into it!
Are you going to have time for that?!
Air Cutter!
Ice Blizzard!
How long is this gonna go on?!
I dunno!
But I bet we'll get to drink some mighty
tasty booze when it's all over!
I'll let you this time!
Can't wait
I can't wait
until I can have a drink with Cain!
How long?
How long can you keep that up, I wonder?
Summon! Haku! Gin!
Quit darting around!
You're in the way!
Damn you!
How long is this gonna last?!
At this rate
I'm out of magic I can't move
Don't worry about us! Retreat!
Shut up!
You only get one life!
Don't be so quick to give it up!
Seriously, how long is this gonna go on?!
We can't—
Everyone all right?!
You've been holding off the
monsters' advance all this time.
Thank you.
Reinforcements are here!
The town's defenses are solid.
From this point on, I, Tijuana
will defend the front line!
I appreciate it.
But I won't let you do that alone.
If it's gotta be protected,
we all protect it together!
That's what my good friend always says!
Don't get cocky!
Haku! Gin!
Shut up! That kind of thing annoys me!
Annoys you?
Annoys you?!
If someone's your friend, you protect them!
If you love someone, you protect them!
What part of that could be annoying?!
Quiet, dog of the old geezers!
The gods have nothing to
do with this! I just want
all of them
to be able to smile! That's all!
That light
I-It can't be! The same light from back then?!
Saint Sanctuary!
Protect everyone!
What is that light?!
What is that?
Oh, gods!
I'm going to protect all their smiles!
Mom Dad
Give me more strength!
What is it, Haku, Gin?! I'm busy right now!
How awful.
Yes, how very awful.
We came to see what had happened
Was this really necessary?
Indeed. God's Chosen or not,
you must learn to discern what
you should and shouldn't do.
But the black dragon
Chosen One!
Where do you see a black dragon?
Don't "huh?" us!
So then
The onslaught?
The monsters fled to the forest,
and the town is safe.
All the people in the town were saved.
The onslaught
is over!
Thanks to you, Chosen One.
Dear husband!
protected all of their smiles.
Here in this world
I can help people!
Good grief.
What a remarkable Chosen One
the gods have sent.
Yes, but he is a good Chosen One.
Yes, you are absolutely right.
He's a good Chosen One.
He truly is.
That pillar of light rising to the sky!
What was that?!
I was told that it was visible
even from the capital!
It was you! You did it, didn't you?!
Well, um
I was fighting a black dragon in the
forest, and I fired off a spell
Some mistakenly believed that the
radiance of that light pillar
meant the gods had descended upon this land!
I'm sorry. Intermediate
magic wasn't strong enough,
so I used emperor-level magic
Cain! Don't use outlandishly powerful magic!
Have I not repeatedly told you
to practice self-restraint?!
I'm sorry.
Also! A man was seen casting
magic spells in midair above the forest!
Who was that?!
The Prince of Darkness.
I summoned the Prince of Darkness to help.
The Prince of Darkness?! To help?!
Magna, I'm exhausted.
Cain's going to be marrying
Telestia, anyway.
Can't I just yield the
throne to him already?
No, you can't.
Then I must give Cain something
I believe you considered a domain?
Oh, yes!
As a reward for your exploits,
and for the future of my Telestia,
I will grant you a domain of your own!
Cain von Silford.
Yes, Your Majesty.
I hereby name you a viscount and
grant you the domain of Dorinthol.
You will henceforth be known by the
name Cain von Silford Dorinthol,
and will further devote yourself
to the kingdom's service.
I humbly accept, Your Majesty.
For the prosperity of the Kingdom of Esfort,
I will devote myself in full to
the governing of this domain.
What?! Dorinthol?!
It just had to be Dorinthol
Dear husband!
What? What's the problem?
The adventurers' guild likes to throw
its weight around in Dorinthol.
Countless nobles have been put in charge
of that town, only to flee from it!
You mean I'm just being
shipped off to Dorinthol?
This is cruel!
I'm going to protest to Father!
Wait a minute.
I'm actually kind of excited.
I mean, I get to build a new town, right?
A brand new town where everyone can smile!
Master Cain
Dear husband!
Let's all build it together!
Of course! We'll make a wonderful town!
Just don't overdo it.
Okay, let's go!
To Dorinthol!
What?! Y-You're A-rank?!
Welcome to Dorinthol! Please, come on in!
What happened to him then?!
Upon arriving in Dorinthol,
Master Cain was assaulted by the guild
under the pretense of a "welcome party."
Try to dodge this!
The arena was heavily damaged
Heavily damaged?!
And later, at the Cat's Repose
Did you hear what happened
to the arena today?
Oh, yeah, I heard!
Apparently, some guy who
debuted at silver just
Are you okay, mister?
Yo! Over here! Get a move on!
Here I am!
Took you long enough!
You really shouldn't do that.
he became outraged and kicked
the adventurers out, one by one.
And if only that had been the end of it
What?! The guards arrested him?!
Yes, that's just how bad Dorinthol is.
When I was taken there the first
time, I couldn't believe it.
Master Cain! Please help me!
What happened, Seth?
He has horns That must mean
This is the Prince of Darkness?
He looks quite battered
for a Prince of Darkness.
Master Cain!
My wife learned of my infidelity
and kicked me out of the castle!
And you came to me?
So this is where you went.
Are you not aware of the trouble
you're causing by doing this?
A pleasure to meet you.
I am Lefahne von Dalstein.
I apologize for what my husband has done.
How beautiful!
How dashing!
Nice to meet you. I am
Cain von Silford Dorinthol.
Master Cain, I will get an
explanation from my husband later.
For now, allow me to get right to the point.
What do you think of him as a man?
It's inexcusable.
Well, of course it is!
How could you even think
about any other woman
when you have an
unparalleled beauty like this?!
Oh, my! Unparalleled beauty, you say?
She was such a sweet girl
before I married her
You'd best be careful, as well, Master Cain.
Women change after marriage.
Lord Seth, I don't think you should
talk like that after cheating on her.
I bet you said all kinds of sweet things
to her before marrying her, didn't you?
Exactly! Like, "You're the only one I see"
And, "I'll treasure you forever!"
Once you've exchanged your wedding vows
betrayal is unforgivable!
Why do I feel this way?
It's not like I'm the one
who did wrong here
What a relief!
You said everything that I wanted to say!
And, Master Cain, if you ever do
anything to make these girls cry
You know what will happen, don't you?
Yes, ma'am!
Now, dear, you're coming home with me.
What? I can?
Just this once! And only
because everyone is watching!
Well, then, farewell.
Come visit us again!
We'll send you a proper
invitation to tea next time!
Master Cain! Try not to take
things too far yourself!
But then Master Cain
He stormed into the church, complaining
that they demanded too much in tithes.
The church?!
When the guild and the underground guild
came to attack the priest
under the cover of darkness,
he was already there
and turned them away with utmost ease!
Things went that far?!
Oh, no! Master Cain took things
even further than that!
He built a wall!
A wall?
You're all right with this?
Of course.
There are still many things
we need him to do.
But, dear husband
Building a castle even more
impressive than Father's?
Isn't this
taking things a bit too far?!
Master Cain!
Too far?
Yes! Why was this necessary?!
Because I reincarnated into this
world with all my past memories
and became an off-the-charts noble
with level-10 protections from all the gods.
But that's a story for next time.
Master Cain!
I'm seriously so sorry!
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