The Assassins (2024) s01e12 Episode Script

The New Sultan

The magic plant.
The plant of the other world.
On Hassan's way inviting
to his new school of thought.
He discovered a plant that
was named by Zaid Ibn Suhon.
The magic plant.
Just as I expected,
I found it here.
The magic plant.
The plant of the other world.
"If you wish to go to paradise"
It will guide you.
Hassan Al-Sabbah with a
small group of castle electees.
Managed to defeat the
mighty armies of the earth.
Armies of thousands
of conventional soldiers.
Including horses and equipment.
Nizam Al-Mulk sent to him
The strongest armies
of the Sultanate
But Al-Sabbah triumphed.
The Sultan's soldiers
fled from the strength and
brutality of the chosen
ones of Alamut castle.
An event that will
be recorded in history.
And spoken about by
the masses for centuries.
And spoken about by
the masses for centuries.
Stay with me, stay
with me, you won't die.
We're going to the castle.
Hassan the strong, smart man.
He will not let an
event like this pass unnoticed.
With those who
survived, let them go.
Take their weapons and horses, and
let them leave the castle unharmed.
Let them live.
They are the ones who witnessed.
The greatest armies on earth.
Defeated by the chosen
ones of our faith.
Let them herald our message.
Let them herald our message.
Hassan is a man who
exploits opportunities.
No matter what they are.
- Allahu Akbar.
- Allahu Akbar.
Barzak Amide
The loyal, and faithful.
Mawlana told me about
your triumphant return.
Praise be to Allah, our master.
Praise be to Allah, our master.
The whole world knew
the power of the Sheikh
of the mountain and
his faithful followers.
The Sultan and his minister
knew the strength of Alamut castle.
And history will remember that
a small group of believers
managed to defeat the
strongest armies on earth.
We won by the
blessings of the Imam.
And the blessings of
our master Hassan Al-Sabbah.
All believers are enthusiastic.
Anticipating the coming victory.
Today is a celebration day.
No training or maintenance.
And from tomorrow.
There will be a
different kind of training.
Meaning there is something our
master sees but has not announced.
I foresaw victory before
it even happened, Zaid.
And saw the armies of
King Shah fleeing and screaming.
And I saw the regret
in the king's regime
before his forces
surrounded the Alamut castle.
And I saw you before
I saved you in Isfahan.
Leave us.
Alamut castle won't fight again.
Do you know what's the most dangerous
thing Alamut castle can do, Zaid?
Not that it defeats a large army.
But that it topples great nations.
Imagine a single believer
from Alamut castle.
With a dagger and faith.
Capable of toppling a
strong nation that's been
established for years
with army and wealth!
It's terrifying and exciting.
And it changes the entire world.
You don't need to fight
a country to defeat it.
But to behead it
Mawlana wants to kill the Sultan.
The country's head
needn't be its Sultan.
The head might be
a thinker or a scientist.
Or a minister.
Hassan Al-Sabbah defeated our army.
And Arslan Tash retreated
with the remaining soldiers.
What's this, Sultan's minister!
An army of conventional fighters
defeated the Franks
Opened up countries
no Muslim has reached.
Is defeated by a group of 300 men!
Why? Who is this Hassan Al-Sabbah!
The entire world will talk about
the miracle this man has done.
The entire world will talk about
the miracle this man has done.
With a small number like this.
Breaking the strongest
armies on earth.
- My lord
- Quiet.
Stay in your home.
Until I decide what to do with you.
How for a man hiding in a castle
to defeat an army we
couldn't defeat it oursleves?
Your Majesty
Luck and intelligence
Play vital roles in battles
I don't want to wait for luck and trickery
I won't repeat what
has happened before
Your Majesty
I have an idea
Let's send a delegation to the castle
Asking for their loyalty to us
In return, we will help
them in their battles
Against Sultan Malik-Shah
Commander Harun.
Commander Harun.
Opened his eyes.
Thank god you lived.
I was going to send your
family news of your death.
I have no family.
I wish I had died!
I wish I had died instead
of returning like this.
No, Yahya.
You're neither a
coward nor a deserter.
You're neither a
coward nor a deserter.
Thank god you lived.
Our escape with you injured
amidst them is a miracle, Yahya.
The war isn't over yet.
I have only one breath
left, and it will take towards them.
Just get well
And I promise you, we will avenge
those who left us one by one.
You remind me of a brave,
rebellious girl. She was just like you.
You remind me of a brave,
rebellious girl. She was just like you.
But she turned her
courage into a different life
A life she can live without a heart
Without pain
Or regret or love
A rebellious young woman who
wanted to break out and rebel
What will be her punishment?
But I'll give you another chance
to live
As long as none of
the believers saw you,
this is a sign for me
to give you this chance
But the price of your new life
But the price of your new life
is to be the link
between me and the girls
Any mistake by any one
of them will be your responsibility.
Which means her death
Or her life…
will be on you
- But I'm not able to
- I don't want to hear your voice
And remember well,
this is not forgiveness
I'm just continuing the
game of fate with you
Either continue your
life as I want
Or make another mistake
and I end your life
As I want.
To your room
How did you get in here?
Al-Hadi changes the world with
his own hands, like his father!
Why is Al-Hadi not happy?
I'm bored, I want friends
my age to play with
I can play with you
And we can change the world
with our hands both of us
Let Al-Hadi, son
of Hassan Al-Al-Sabbah
fly from Baghdad to Isfahan
and sit in the place
of the Sultan and the Caliph
You are an adult playing an
adult game, I want friends my age
Don't you have
friends to play with?
I do.
And I play with them
And I play with them
Who are they?
They are
They change over time
But you like to sit with them
and see them from time to time.
In Isfahan, when I hit my
friend my mother got mad at me
And she told me
that a friend has rights
Over his friend, and
I didn't understand anything.
Friendship is not
an easy thing, Al-Hadi!
And a friend truly
has rights over his friend
And a friend truly
has rights over his friend
What are these rights?
For instance, don't upset him
Don't hurt him
Don't betray him
What does it mean not betraying my
friend! Does it mean not hurting him?
Betrayal means that
there's eating, living,
and drinking between
you and your friend
And secrets
And in a moment
you forget all of that
And in the midst of him trusting
you and turning his back
You hurt him or let
someone else hurt him
You hurt him or let
someone else hurt him
Is it possible for someone to
hurt his friend or betray him?
Anything in this
world is possible, Hadi.
Except for one thing
That you allow someone to
fail you or hurt you again.
Protect yourself all the
time from the enemy
And from the friend
What's wrong, Tusi?
You sleep less and you worry more
When a person grow
His trouble grow with him
What trouble?
The trouble of life
As a person grow older
His wisdom increases, and his
understanding of matters increases
But his worry increases
It increases, Julnar
Every time I hold
something with my hands
And I think I own it
I discover that the thing
is much larger than I thought
I discover that I
haven't owned anything
Politics and being close to the
Sultan has always been dangerous
His trust in me
diminishes day by day
And his conflicts
with the Caliph
Don't end
And it goes on
And it goes on
And it has been ended
by Al-Sabbah's victory
He banished me, Julnar
That's better!
Better, leave everything
Stay at your home
Just be an ordinary person!
And who will let
Nizam Al-Mulk rest?
You, Tusi, who wants to stay in
the battle until the last day of your life
You, Tusi, who wants to stay in
the battle until the last day of your life
This is my fate
My fate is the struggle
Struggling to prove my efficacy, and
to show my loyalty to the Sultan
And my struggle now
Is to regain the
Sultan's trust in me
A struggle that never ends
Except by the end
of Nizam Al-Mulk
And Hassan Al-Sabbah?
Hassan Al-Sabbah has
become a legend, Julnar
Hassan Al-Sabbah
Has become a legend
What's the matter, defeated one?
A miracle!
It's not a miracle, master.
It's not a miracle, master.
But it's cunning planning
and remarkable perseverance.
We were fighting against
fearless people.
And who have a
strong belief in falsehood.
If it wasn't for the army's
ethics, order and strategies.
We might have eradicated
this fortress from its roots.
But we were fighting people.
The devil is driving them.
You're a liar!
You're a Seljuk leader!
You're a mere pawn.
You talk about the allure and
beauty of a man who broke her.
I don't want to
see your face again.
Write a detailed report.
Write a detailed report.
Recuse yourself in it.
If it weren't because
I don't want people to
say that the Sultan
is killing his leaders.
I would have hanged you on
the palace gate as a lesson.
Our Lord tells you that
He is pleased with you.
And tonight is a night
of joy and happiness only.
There's no training.
Stay up late and enjoy.
A night where joy
and happiness are allowed.
A night where joy
and happiness are allowed.
And He promises you a great day,
where the victory will be complete.
A day when the ancient laws will be lifted
and the resurrection will take place.
A resurrection you
will live happily, with no
restrictions or conditions,
Halal or Haram.
And until that day arrives,
enjoy a restricted joy tonight.
And from tomorrow we resume our
training, our targets, and our ambitions.
- Long live Hassan Al-Sabbah!
- Long live our master Hassan Al-Sabbah!
- Long live the crusher of the Seljuks!
- Long live the crusher of the Seljuks!
- Long live the crusher of the Seljuks!
- Long live the crusher of the Seljuks!
- Long live the holder of the paradise key
- Long live the holder of the paradise key
What's every man's dream, Barzak?
And where can one find
rest, wealth, and happiness?
Certainly not in this world!
In the afterlife!
In paradise!
In paradise!
And since we're
still in this world.
And since we're
still in this world.
What can we offer to our loved
ones for the dream of paradise?
A dream that promises and assures
them that paradise is possible.
And he who presents
the dream of paradise
Can achieve their
entry into paradise!
Who can offer this dream?
The keeper of the key to paradise.
And he who sees the dream.
Will always long for the truth.
Will always long for the truth.
- That's why I ordered
- The time for talking is over.
It's time to make dreams.
Who among the young
men has more faith
in the holiness and inspiration
of the keeper of heaven's key?
God help you eat this time!
There is no hunger.
There hasn't been
hunger since yesterday!
What's wrong?
What am I doing here?
You're teaching the young men.
And clarifying the true religion.
Because it's your
role as a scholar.
You save young men from ignorance.
Or for the sake of money?
And prestige?
And proximity to the Sultan?
Imam Ghazali said
Imam Ghazali wrote
I often wonder if all this
I often wonder if all this
is genuinely for God's sake?
You are more aware than I am
about the importance of knowledge.
Is it science
or the scientist?
Could it be that
while I teach people
I am learning?
All that I do
for the love of knowledge
or for the love of this world?
It feels like I'm climbing
a mountain barefoot.
And once I reach the top
I throw myself into the
biggest pit of fire beneath it!
Oh my dear, I'm
with you whatever you choose.
But I don’t like
seeing you like this.
Then there is no
other choice but to leave.
The Sultan and Nizam
Al-Mulk won't accept it.
I truly want to perform pilgrimage.
And nobody will
refuse me performing it.
And afterward, I
will go to Damascus.
Maybe I'll find myself there.
O Allah, I intend
to go on a journey
with the intention of
pilgrimage, God willing.
with the intention of
pilgrimage, God willing.
O Allah, cleanse my heart
from hypocrisy and showing off.
Show us the truth as truth
and grant us to follow it.
Show us falsehood as
falsehood and grant us to avoid it.
He is ready for the mission.
Are you reassured?
Are you reassured?
I'm reassured.
Has he done his training?
Has he fasted, prayed,
and read the verses?
He shall enjoy it
waiting for the order.
My lord Zaid Ibn Suhon,
the greatest missionary!
By yourself!
Who knows who else
you might see, and your
eyes will be delighted
to behold their sight!
Our master.
Come closer, Saad.
Sit down.
Open your palm, Saad.
The scent of the thresholds of
paradise is a gift from our master.
The scent of the thresholds of
paradise is a gift from our master.
Come closer, Saad.
Come closer.
Come closer, Saad.
Oh, Saad!
It's time for the chosen one
to enter the dream of paradise.
It's time for the chosen one
to enter the dream of paradise.
Oh, Saad!
I was created especially for you!
I was created especially for you!
I've been waiting for
you for 30,000 years!
30,000 years of love.
30,000 years of longing.
Oh, Saad!
We guarantee you go to it.
And guarantee your return to it.
Finally, God has written
for me to see you!
This is the grace of God.
He gives it to whom He wills.
Praise be to God
In a single day
You entered paradise and saw me.
I can't believe
Because you are my beloved
Are you ready?
I miss you.
I miss you.
Just as you saw me here.
You will find me there,
opening the door for you.
And you're still alive?
Come on.
The matter is bigger
than your imagination.
Tomorrow, with the first
rays of dawn, I will be on
Tomorrow, with the first
rays of dawn, I will be on
my way to the Abbasid
caliphate palace in Baghdad.
He must be confined to his borders.
My master.
I have previously
warned against the
foolishness of something
like this happening.
I warned him!
He may flee to any
place before I reach him.
And he has asked
for a two-month extension.
Not a day!
My master.
The sultan of the earth does
not retract a decision he has made.
The sultan of the earth does
not retract a decision he has made.
Tomorrow, I will be
on my way to Baghdad.
I will move at
my own pace and hunt.
He will be fortunate
with my slow movement.
To enter Baghdad
While he is not in his palace.
And you must travel with me.
What have we hunted
as we entered Baghdad?
Many deer, my master,
and a strange-looking animal.
A strange-looking animal!
A strange small animal.
Bigger than a cat
and smaller than a deer.
He has many horns, my lord.
What would it taste like?
You will taste and decide.
What's on our minister's mind?
My lord, the Sultan.
This place, my lord
Many companions fought
here in the time of our master,
Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may
Allah be pleased with him.
And a great number of
them were martyred here.
And a great number of
them were martyred here.
So, its sand is valuable.
Then let me be blessed
by this precious sand!
May I have permission
to move, my lord?
Allah is the greatest.
Allah is the greatest.
Give from your Lord's
bounty, our master.
Increase from your
generosity, our master.
Grant us from
your gifts, our master.
Grant us from
your gifts, our master.
Leave them.
We won't ignore anybody
on the face of this Earth.
Give us, our master.
Increase our share of
your good, our master.
Give to me, my lord.
From your bounty, master
Injustice rules the world.
We made a covenant to change it.
Men's nature is to uphold pacts.
But there are no
pacts with traitors.
There's no pact with
those who reject the truth
and support the oppressor
against the oppressed.
and support the oppressor
against the oppressed.
There's no pact
with Nizam Al-Mulk
My soul is a sacrifice
to the key bearer of heaven!
Our master!
And the damned rebel was killed on
that day of the month of Ramadan.
By the hands of
the chosen martyr boy, Saad.
By our command.
My lord.
My lord.
My lord.
And the Seljuk Sultan, Malik
Shah, followed him to hell.
With a poison we
secretly set from our spirit.
Praise be to Allah.
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