The Bad Kids (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Jiao Luo

Captain Ye
There are signs of fighting
in the equipment room too
Where is Zhu Chaoyang
He's outside
The kid hasn't said a work yet
Keep looking for evidence
Mom Mom is here
Are you okay
Say something
Are you okay
Can I take him home first
Can we talk about it tomorrow
Let me see what happened to your hand
What happened to your hand
In a bizarre dream ♪
I happily become wind ♪
and glide back and forth ♪
waiting for something ♪
Everything familiar ♪
How will it change ♪
The young and the beautiful ♪
disappear in a wink ♪
Please don't say ♪
It's just rain ♪
leaving traces of droplets ♪
on the cheek ♪
Still can't figure out ♪
why they left ♪
All I remember is ♪
your starry eyes from last night ♪
Following her ♪
Being young is sweet ♪
To be running ♪
and playing like a child ♪
Let's praise ♪
the blazing flame ♪
Tomorrow is always just tomorrow ♪
What is lost will not return ♪
I'm giving out transcripts
for this term on Ms Tang's behalf
When I call your name
come and take yours
Lu Jing
Song Yan
Zhu Chaoyang
I know what you just went through
I also believe
that you will make the right choice
It's me
Yan Liang
I don't know if you can hear me
I'm here to say goodbye this time
After today
I might not be able to see you again
Didn't you hope I would be a good guy
I don't actually know
what it means to be a good person
Chen said
that I'm just like you
What do you think
I'm leaving
Have this pear
Please hand me the grade list for the class
Here you go
Thank you
Hello Mr Zhang
We're here today
to ask you about Zhu Chaoyang
Hello Please have a seat
Have a seat
Mr Zhang
Do you still tutor him at your place
Not anymore
His one-on-one ended a while back
Have you noticed anything different
I don't think so
He turned in homework on time too
He studies very hard
What happened to him
Nothing really
Just standard questions
By the way Mr Zhang
Do you have his attendance record
Yeah I'll get it for you
Thank you
Mr Zhang your hand
I got engine oil on it
when I was fixing the car
Engine oil
sure is hard to remove
That's true
You fix cars
in your free time?
Yeah I do
If it's not a big problem
I would just do it myself
Mr Zhang If it's fine by you
may I take this with me
Yeah sure
Thank you
That's it
Thanks for your cooperation today
If anything comes to mind
contact us anytime
I will
If your daughter needs anything with school
come to me anytime
Sure Sure
See you
Mr Zhang
I'm not used to
seeing you not wearing glasses
I told the police
that Wang Yao still suspected me
She took me to the cold storage
I couldn't stand the pain
so I passed out
Why did you lie
Just tell police the truth
I want to start fresh
just like what my dad hoped for
Do you want to tell the police
I owe Pupu one
They can't die for nothing
All right
Why are you checking this case all of a sudden
They were Zhang Dongsheng's parents-in-law
You think he's involved
Get me Xu Jing's autopsy report
Check if she had been taking glimepiride
It's for lowering blood sugar
It causes sudden drop in blood sugar if misused
go to the Liufeng Mountain
Bring back the CCTV footage
at the entrance the day it happened
Mr Zhang
This is Zhu Chaoyang
How did you get out
Tomorrow morning at seven
I'll wait for you on the Youling Cruise
Why should I listen to you
Did you forget
I still have the other copy
I see
See you tomorrow
See you tomorrow
Does it taste good
Slow down
Be careful of the fish bones
Slow down
I got my report from the summer class
I was top of the class again
Aren't you happy
I'm happy
I'll make you proud of me
Captain Ye
We found Yue Pu
Find Zhu Chaoyang
Arrest Zhang Dongsheng now
I'm here
Where are you
Keep walking down the corridor
You'll see me
Is Yan Liang there too
Is he ready
Ready for what
Ready to arrest me
You're your dad's good son
Don't you want revenge him
Don't you mention my dad
It's all because of you
Because of me?
If it weren't for your warning letter
none of them would have died
And I wouldn't be here today
Zhu Chaoyang
I know why you're meeting me here
Then why did you come
I want to help you
I got back from grocery shopping
The bag was thrown in the moment I stepped in
I thought it fell from upstairs
Then I ran out over there
and didn't see anyone
The money is for Xin's surgery
Please hand this over
Sorry that I disappointed you
Innocent people suffered for my selfishness
Zhang Dongsheng is a murderer
but the evidence is gone now
I won't let them die in vain
I can't let you be my guardian anymore
Thank you for trusting me
Yan Liang
Yan Liang is dead
Come on
Do it
Come on
Revenge your father
Just missed a bit
Come on
Come on
Come on
Don't fall for it
If you kill him
there will be no turning back
Yan Liang
What I regret the most
is to open that door for you
Come on Zhu Chaoyang
I killed your dad
Shouldn't you kill me
Yan Liang
Don't listen to him
Kill me
I told the police everything
There's no escape for you
I won't kill you
I'll let you guys live
And live the way I do
Mr Ye
Pupu is not dead
I sent her to the hospital already
Don't be another Zhang Dongsheng
Hurry up and do it
The police are almost here
Zhu Chaoyang
Come over here
Come here
-Stay still -Zhu Chaoyang
Drop the knife
We'll shoot if you keep moving
You can believe in the fairy tale
You brat
I didn't
I didn't become a bad person
Today is the first day of school citywide
I believe everyone had an unforgettable summer
We have a request for a song
the Little White Boat
by the Children's Palace Choir
Look here's the hypocrite
Leave him alone
Pupu and Xin is a match
They'll do the surgery next week
Do you want to visit them with me at Ha City
Thank you Chen
Chen Chen
Where's your manner
Who do you think you are
Fine Uncle Chen
I'll promise you
I will pay you back for it
If you really want to promise me
then promise
that you will go back to school
after we come back from Ha City
Can you do that
Yea I promise
You're still young
Give yourself a goal
Only when you are strong enough
can you then help others
-Uncle Chen -Yeah?
I have a goal
What is it
When I grow up
I want to be a police officer
just like you
What do you think
It doesn't matter if you're a cop
Sit up straight first
I hope you're doing well
I'm writing this letter
to say a proper thank you
Thank you for not turning us down
when Yan Liang and I
needed help the most
Yan Liang always told me
that you're kind and faithful
I believe so too
So I hope
we could be best friends forever
I hadn't smiled for a long time
after my parents left
Until I met you guys
I could be happy again
I also know
that because of us
you got into a lot of trouble
In order to help me Yan Liang and you
did things that you didn't want to do
I know how much you love your parents
and how much you're afraid to lose them
I'm also writing this letter
to let you know
that I didn't tell Yan Liang
what happened at the Children's Palace
And I wouldn't tell anyone else either
I will keep this secret for you forever
But I still hope one day
you will have to courage to let it out
Because only then
can you really have a fresh start
Isn't that right
She fell off
Where was Zhu Jingjing standing
She was
standing over there
Then what happened
How did she fall
She missed a step
so I ran over there
but it was too late
When you raise ♪
the silver sail ♪
and sink down the sea with the sunset ♪
The youth and distress ♪
that you have owned ♪
will be mentioned no more ♪
The innocent songs ♪
Who are they for ♪
You innocent people ♪
Where are you ♪
Flow with the wave ♪
And let it go ♪
There's no other side ♪
to land on after all ♪
The innocent songs ♪
Who are they for ♪
You innocent people ♪
Where are you ♪
Flow with the wave ♪
And let it go ♪
There's no other side ♪
to land on after all ♪
Under the blue sky and the galaxy ♪
there is a little white boat ♪
On the boat is an osmanthus tree ♪
with playing white rabbits ♪
The oars are invisible ♪
and the boat has no sail ♪
It is floating out of the sky ♪
It is floating out of the sky ♪
It is floating out of the sky ♪
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