The Bionic Woman (1976) s01e12 Episode Script

The Jailing of Jaime

Good afternoon, miss.
May I help you?
Hi. Jaime Sommers
to see Dr. Hatch.
That's her.
You're right, Mr. Goldman.
She's the last person
in the world
anyone would suspect
that we'd use
for this assignment.
Maybe a bit young
and pretty for such
but as you say,
what better disguise
could there be?
Thank you.
Just follow this road.
Another guard
will show you to
Dr. Hatch's office.
HATCH: Well, Miss Sommers,
what do you think?
Does that look like
three years' work
and nearly $40 million?
Looks like
a garage door opener.
I suppose when
you plug that
little goody in it,
it does all kinds of
exotic things, huh?
As a matter of fact,
that does about cover it.
it's Dr. Hatch's
cryptograph analyzer.
HATCH: Plugged into
the right computer,
that goody can break
any code in the world.
And if it does
what Dr. Hatch
says it does,
it will be invaluable
to NATO's defense.
Other people
think so, too.
There's been an attempt
made to steal it
over the past month.
Luckily, the guards here
spotted it, but we can't
take any chances.
Jaime, tomorrow morning
a special military convoy
will escort it
to Mojave Secret Center
for testing.
And I get to ride
on a truck with
400 Marines, right?
We're gonna steal
a little old idea
from the British.
At the turn of the century,
there was a fabulous diamond
called the Star of Africa.
The British knew
that thieves
were after it,
so they apparently
sent it to London
under heavy guards.
What they actually did
was simply mail it
parcel post.
Nobody knew the difference.
It arrived safely.
So I'm gonna be
your basic plain
brown wrapper, hmm?
Mr. Goldman suggested
this plan of delivery.
With three years of
my work on the line,
I was doubtful.
But he finally
convinced me.
Listen, don't feel
bad about that.
I'm gonna have
badges printed up
about that big, and
they're gonna say,
"Oscar talked me into it."
You'll be met by
General Frank Partridge.
You will sign the usual
security receipts in
All right.
The second one's there.
The third one
goes to Dr. Hatch
for his files.
Thank you.
This goes in here.
Now, it's in your care.
Some girls
have all the luck.
Oh, Oscar,
there's one thing
I wanted to ask you.
If the Mojave Secret Center
is a secret, how do I find it?
There's a helicopter pilot
waiting at the base.
He knows the route
and the landing codes.
You'll leave after dark.
Dr. Hatch, it was
a pleasure meeting you.
And don't worry
about your brainchild.
I'll take good care of it.
The courier just left.
It's a woman.
Yeah. Mid 20's, pretty.
Too bad it's the
last delivery
she'll ever make.
MlLLY: I can't buy the tickets
until we have the money.
All right. Then we'll
buy them together at
the airport tomorrow.
This must be my passenger.
Got to go.
Hey, if you think
you're leaving
without a sample of
what's in store for you
when we get to Mexico,
you're crazy.
Ooh! Sorry, kids.
Love you.
You too. Bye.
I'm Ted Ryan.
Jaime Sommers.
Can I ask
who sent you?
Oscar Goldman.
Then I guess
we're meant for
each other. (CHUCKLES)
Where are we going?
Mojave Center.
Well, if you don't know
where this place is,
we're both in
a lot of trouble.
Oh, I've been there
three times this month.
Why's a nice girl like you
going to a place like that?
Gathering samples
for my snake collection.
Yeah. Right.
Ask a dumb question
Well, shall we whirly?
Oh, I thought
you'd never ask.
RYAN: The desert test area
should be just ahead.
That's it.
JAlME: I don't see
any buildings.
You're not supposed to.
The whole center
is underground.
It's a great duty
if you're a mole.
May I see your
lD, please?
Thank you, Miss Sommers.
ID confirmed, sir.
Good evening.
I'm Frank Partridge.
You have a package for me
from my good friend,
Oscar Goldman.
Certainly do, General.
Ah, yes.
I imagine you're as glad
to get rid of this
as we are to get it.
(LAUGHS) I couldn't have
said that better myself.
You have the receipt?
Okay. If you'll sign
there, please.
Your thumb.
Thank you. Now the
bottom copy is yours.
Tell Oscar hello for me,
and ask him to send
you back to us when
we test the decoder.
That'd be a thrill.
This is for the pilot.
Dispatches for the base.
Nothing priority.
Thanks again, Miss Sommers.
Have a safe trip home.
Pleasure meeting you, sir.
Dispatches for the base.
OSCAR: Hello?
Mission complete.
Good. Go home
and get some sleep.
I'll send a car by later
to pick up the receipt.
Much later, please.
This is one tired little girl.
My legs even have
metal fatigue. (LAUGHS)
JAlME: Go away.
Come on.
Hello. This is a recording.
I am not at home
at the moment,
but if you care to leave your
name and your number
at the sound of the beep,
I may call you
when I wake up. Beep.
Jaime. Jaime,
will you cut that out.
This is Oscar.
Listen, there's
something wrong here.
I just got a call
from General Partridge.
He says that you
never arrived.
Oscar, I put that decoder
right in his hand,
and he signed the receipt
in the normal way.
And you have that
receipt with you?
Yeah. It's in my purse.
Hey, what's going on, Oscar?
All I know is that everybody
from the Secretary on down
says the decoder is missing
and nobody knows
what happened.
Well, you can put me
on that list too, huh?
I'll tell you what.
I'll send a car over
right away.
Hold on a minute, Oscar.
Oh, boy!
Oscar, the car's
here already.
That must be the
National Security Bureau.
You go with them
and I'll meet you
at their office.
Hey, am I in some
kind of trouble?
Nothing that we can't fix.
Don't worry, babe.
Yeah, every time I hear
someone say, "Don't worry,"
the first thing I do is worry.
I'll see you there. Bye.
Miss Sommers, this is
Chief lnvestigator Gregory.
How do you do?
Now, Jaime, you say
you got a receipt
from General Partridge.
Do you have it
with you?
I think this will
clear things up.
Verify this
May I ask you
what's going on?
Uh, why is the Security Bureau
involved in this?
Nobody will tell me anything.
Just routine, Miss Sommers.
Sometimes organizations
are incapable of
policing themselves.
You know, club members
protecting other
club members,
doctors for doctors,
lawyers for lawyers,
police, politicians,
generals, and everybody.
I see.
And you're afraid
the OSl is incapable
of judging who, me?
I'm sure we can clear
this up very quickly.
One way or another.
Please be seated,
Miss Sommers.
Now, Miss Sommers,
exactly what happened?
You say you
delivered the decoder.
What happened then?
The pilot flew me
back to the base.
Well, ask him.
He can verify it.
The pilot hasn't
been found, Jaime.
We've got an APB out for him.
Miss Sommers, your story of
everything being routine
just doesn't match the facts.
Do you have any theories
as to how the decoder
was stolen?
Stolen? Wait a minute.
As far as we know,
it's still missing.
Ask Dr. Hatch to come in.
Would you repeat
what you told me, Doctor?
A colleague in Paris
called my office
this morning.
It's rumored that an espionage
broker named Alex Martine
now has the decoder.
Apparently Martine has
already made a deal to
sell it to our enemies.
What do you have to
say to that, Miss Sommers?
Nothing. She's got nothing
to say about it because
it doesn't concern her.
This man, what's
his name, Martine?
Got it from
General Partridge after
Jaime delivered it.
Do you hear me? After.
That's possible.
What does General Partridge
look like?
He's in his 40s,
he's about 5'11."
He's got sandy grayish hair,
he's about 170 pounds.
Well, Oscar,
you know him. Help me.
I've never met him, Jaime.
I just talked to him
on the phone.
He told me you
were good friends.
GREGORY: Then let me
introduce him.
Oscar Goldman,
Brigadier General
Frank Partridge.
Goldman. Miss Sommers.
Um, I don't know who
that man was I met then.
Alex Martine, apparently.
The computer says
this is his thumbprint.
How much did he
pay you, Miss Sommers?
Just a minute.
You got no call to say that.
We disagree.
Miss Sommers, you're
gonna be detained pending
further investigation.
(LAUGHS) Are you telling me
I'm under arrest?
Detained, until we find
the pilot and get his story.
This is Kent.
I've found a
wrecked helicopter.
I think the pilot's
the one wanted on the APB.
He's dead.
Easy, babe. Easy.
Oscar, what is
happening to me?
It's starting to look
as though you
were framed, my dear.
That pilot took you
to a fake airport.
You gave the decoder
to an impostor.
Well, I'll buy that,
but how are we
gonna prove it?
Who all knew I was
on that assignment?
I thought of that.
I was the only one originally.
Then Dr. Hatch knew,
then General Partridge.
But there must
have been others.
There probably was a leak.
Maybe in the Secret Center.
Maybe Dr. Hatch's lab.
Maybe even the OSl.
Phone call, Mr. Goldman.
I put a call in
to the Secretary.
I asked him to
release you so that we can
work on this together.
Anything, just get me
out of here.
Good morning, Mr. Secretary.
Oh, I didn't know that
you spoke to Mr. Gregory.
No, I have
no further evidence
that refutes his
But I do have a plan.
I thought maybe
you'd let Jaime go
Pardon me, sir, but
may I respectfully ask why?
Very well, Mr. Secretary.
I will. Thank you.
What happened?
Can't believe this.
He doesn't want me
to interfere with
the investigation.
He was talking
with Gregory.
Martine's thumbprint
evidently is incriminating.
He says that
I can't be objective
in this assignment
because of
my high regard for you.
And he wants me to
go to Washington for
a Board of lnquiry.
Wait a minute.
What happens to me?
You mean I'm stuck here?
For the time being, yes.
Oscar, I can't just
sit in here with
my neck in a noose.
This thing would open up
like a sardine can.
Listen, listen.
You do that and you really
will look guilty.
Then assign someone
to find that helicopter pilot.
Listen, I can't assign
a janitor to empty
a wastepaper basket,
not on this case.
Oscar, please don't
leave me here.
Listen, it won't be long.
And don't do anything
foolish, huh? Promise?
I'll be back
as soon as I can.
And don't worry.
I think it's time
I got worried.
Dr. Hatch.
I hope you'll reserve
judgment on Miss Sommers.
I'll try. The whole thing
is a shock. I liked her.
Doc, I'd trust her
with my life.
Well, you trusted her
with three years
of my life's work.
Look, let me give you a lift.
My car is here.
We can talk about this.
Don't worry about me.
My assistant's
picking me up.
That's strange. For the
first time in several years,
I've nothing to do.
With the decoder on
the open market,
its secrets are obsolete.
The whole project
was a total waste.
The government
gave my company
$40 million for nothing.
Oh, have you met
my assistant, Mr. Naud?
Oscar Goldman.
How do you do,
Mr. Naud?
How do you do,
Mr. Goldman?
What happened, Doctor?
They arrested
the courier.
I see.
Well, he certainly had
the opportunity.
It was a girl.
A girl?
That is surprising.
I'll call you when
I get back from
Washington, huh?
Nice to meet you,
Mr. Naud.
Miss Sommers.
We found Ted Ryan.
He was killed
in the crash
of his chopper.
We found this
in the wreckage.
It's covered with
your fingerprints.
Yeah, that fake general
told me it was dispatches
for the base.
Oh, did he now?
It's over $100,000.
It's not a bad paycheck
for one night's work.
What else did
you give him?
Oh, that's cute.
This is for the pilot.
He tricked me into
getting those prints.
Miss Sommers, you can probably
save Oscar Goldman's career
by making a full confession.
He's a valuable man.
Why drag him down with you?
I'm telling you the truth.
Look, if you don't believe me,
then let me talk to somebody
who will, all right?
I'd like to call a lawyer.
The OSl will provide
an attorney for you.
That's standard
lnternal Affairs procedure
for an agent that
gets in trouble.
And I call this trouble.
So do l.
Boy, I'm hungry.
Don't even get bread
and water around here?
We only handle special
prisoners down here.
Don't have a mess hall.
We'll send out
for something later.
Well, the last time
I heard it,
people were innocent
until proven guilty.
Now, has that changed
since this morning?
What's your point?
I've made it! I'm hungry.
I mean And my stomach
has rights too, doesn't it?
There's gotta be some
kind of a machine upstairs
that sells sandwiches
or candy.
And a cup of coffee
would be nice. Please?
Don't go away.
Mmm. Was hoping
he wouldn't say that.
I just talked to Washington,
and she's a very special lady.
This is just a sample
of what she can do.
If she's gone bad,
I want her found.
Warn everybody she's
extremely dangerous.
Tell them to act accordingly
and not take any
unnecessary chances.
I want her taken alive.
If possible.
Operator, I'd like to
make a long distance
call, please.
You can
No, you'll have to
reverse the charges.
I have a collect call
for anyone from Jaime Sommers.
Will you accept the charges?
I'll accept the
charges, operator.
JAlME: Oscar?
Listen, and don't be
upset with me, please.
But I couldn't stay
in that place any longer.
Ooh, I wish
you hadn't done that.
You might make things worse.
I'll tell you what, though.
I have a meeting
with the
Board of lnquiry
this afternoon.
I'll see what I can
do on this end.
Okay. But listen,
there's something
I can do on this end.
Now there was a girl
with Ryan at the airport
the other night.
She knew he was
expecting some money
because they were
talking about going
to Mexico together.
Well, maybe she's in on it.
Do you know her name?
Uh, Milly.
Mille 3 was on
the license plate.
Betty, check the California
personalized license plate
Mille 3.
Oscar, I'll call you back.
CARLSON: She's not here.
How could she get away?
Yes. Yes, operator,
I accept the charges.
Put her on.
Jaime! Are you all right?
Yeah. Boy, and now I know
how Bambi felt on the
first day of deer season.
Listen, did you
trace the license?
Yes, I did.
Here it is.
The car is registered
to Milly Wilson,
963 Peck Road.
NAUD: Milly!
MlLLY: I'm upstairs.
What happened to Ted?
(SlGHS) Okay.
Ted was supposed to
crash the chopper,
for the cops to find.
I don't know.
He must've had trouble
when he tried to bail out.
I had nothing
to do with it!
Well, I had better not
find out that you did.
Oh, come on.
I know you loved the guy.
But accidents happen.
There's no figuring that.
What, are you packed
or what?
To go where?
I was going to Mexico
with Ted, remember?
NAUD: You're still going.
We don't need any
loose ends around here
for them to trace.
Hey, I'll go with you
as far as Mexico City, huh?
Can you get away now?
Sure. I can get away now.
We're gonna close the lab
and let everyone go anyway.
There's nothing to do
till we get a new contract.
Look, Milly,
I'm sorry about Ted.
I really am.
But everything else
has gone great.
They even bought
the frame on that girl.
I mean, we're home free,
if no one loses
their nerve, huh?
So, come on.
Come on. Let's go.
Base, this is Seven.
Your suspect,
Jaime Sommers,
has just entered
the grounds of the
Hatch Research Lab. Over.
All right, Seven.
Hold surveillance,
but don't spook her.
I'll be there
in a few minutes
with back-up units.
Seven. That's a roger.
Please be quiet,
Dr. Hatch.
Of course.
I'd be foolish to
do anything else.
How'd you
get out of jail?
Doesn't matter now.
I know who stole
that decoder.
So does everybody else.
It wasn't me
and I can prove it,
but I need your help.
Miss Sommers, if you know
something important,
tell it to Mr. Gregory.
I just found out the identity
of the man who posed
as General Partridge.
It was your
assistant, Naud.
John? Oh, that's ridiculous.
It's true,
and I can prove it.
He used an overlay
of Martine's thumbprint
to frame me.
And that helicopter pilot
was working for him.
Are you sure
about all this?
So sure that we are
going to call Oscar
in Washington
and let him
take care of it.
I may be a fool,
but I believe you.
Mr. Goldman,
this is Dr. Hatch.
Jaime Sommers
is in my office.
Yes. She says my assistant
impersonated General Partridge
and paid off
the pilot.
I'll be right there.
Let me talk to him
for a minute.
Oh, sorry,
he just hung up.
But he's delighted
and he'll be here
just as soon as he can.
Hello, Russ.
When'd you get back?
Oh, about 10 minutes ago.
The F-111,
the fastest jet
I could find.
Well, what happened
in Washington?
I didn't stay to find out.
I was there and I thought to
myself, "Jaime's in trouble.
What am I doing in meetings?"
So I came back.
Well, what's the Secretary
gonna say about that?
I don't really care.
He has my resignation
if he wants it.
Backing the people
who trust you is
more important than a job.
Get Gregory on the phone.
Find out the latest
word on Jaime.
HATCH: You were absolutely
right, Miss Sommers.
Naud did impersonate
the General.
And you were in on it.
Why would you want to
steal your own decoder?
Because, Miss Sommers,
it was a piece of junk.
After $40 million
in funding
and three years of
imaginative progress reports,
I couldn't afford to
have it tested.
We can all live
very comfortably
on what I've skimmed
off the 40 million.
We'll lock her
in the safe.
It's rigged with
a self-destruct charge.
The OSl has rigged
many super-secret
vaults that way.
They reason it's wiser
to destroy certain
research materials
rather than have them
fall into enemy hands.
And in this case,
I must say
I agree with them.
will know the safe
was blown purposely.
No. With the research
files missing,
he can't prove the decoder
wasn't everything I claimed.
We'll say that
she broke in to
steal something else
and accidentally
detonated the charge.
What else can he prove?
Miss Sommers?
Would you rather
he shoot you right there
and drag you in?
Set the timer
for five minutes.
Take it.
Closing that door
started the firing sequence.
We've got to get it open.
Not till I get
the phony research
on your decoder.
Naud! Open the door!
JAlME: Forget it.
They'll never hear you
through this four inches
of solid steel.
(GRUNTS) Come on,
help me with this.
It's stuck.
Stop the timer.
I can't stop it
without the key.
Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Well, I think your friends
just proved they aren't.
You've locked them in.
I know I locked them in.
Look, the old man
was gonna get the
big slice of the money.
Now, what's left
of the 40 million
goes to us.
Okay? Come on.
We gotta get outta here.
What're you doing
with that?
We're gonna be killed.
I can get us
out of here.
All you have to know
is that I can.
Well, then do it.
Not until you get the files
that prove your decoder
was a fake.
Your office told me
Jaime Sommers was here.
She's locked in
the vault with Hatch.
The destruct sequence
has been activated.
Jaime, can you hear me?
Yes, Oscar.
You can't hear me.
The safe is about to blow
in just over three minutes.
Get those files and
I'll get us out of here.
What, do you want
a demonstration?
Right. Now, get
those files.
All right. All right.
There's only a minute
and a half left.
Get your men
out of here.
All right.
Everybody out!
Hurry up!
All right. All right.
If anybody reads these,
they'll know that decoder
couldn't work.
Now, please,
get us out of here!
Just stand back, please.
All right.
Jaime! There's only
seconds left.
Get us out of here.
This is gonna be harder
than I thought it was.
Hurry, will you?
Jaime! Hurry!
Hurry. Get us out of here.
Come on! Get out!
You're under arrest.
Tell me about it
after you read this.
You almost went out
with a bang.
(LAUGHS) Oh, I hoped you
wouldn't say that.
I think that's for me.
Well, yes.
Yes, put him on.
It's the Secretary.
Good afternoon,
Mr. Secretary.
Yes, I agree with you,
Mr. Secretary.
I think we all owe
Miss Sommers an apology.
Thank you very much
for calling.
Oh, by the way, would you
like to talk to her?
She's right here.
Just a minute.
(WHlSPERS) Oscar, come on!
I'll get her.
Hey, this would be
a great time to ask
for a new raise, huh?
No. I can understand
you perfectly.
I think you have
a delightful accent.
No, as a matter of fact,
I do feel
that everyone jumped
to conclusions about me,
and nobody gave me
the benefit of any doubts.
Hmm. That's all right.
Don't worry about it.
Everybody's entitled
to one mistake, you know.
(LAUGHS) I'm just
glad it's over.
Okay. Oh, that's
very nice. Thank you.
All right. Thank you
very much for calling.
He's gonna send me
his letter of commendation
and his personal apologies.
And you're gonna get one
from General Partridge
and Gregory as well.
Oh, my.
I seem to be the most
wronged little girl
around here.
I mean, it was terrible.
Everyone deserted me.
Everyone but you.
I really thank you for
sticking by me, Oscar.
Think nothing
of it, babe.
There's only one thing
you really did wrong through
this whole case, you know.
What? What?
There's only one.
Well, you gave me
some terrible advice.
What are you
talking about?
That was a perfect
opportunity for me
to ask for a raise.
I mean, who knows
when I'm gonna get
another chance like that.
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