The Circle (2020) s01e12 Episode Script


[soft piano music builds]
[soft piano music playing]
Rebecca." Wow!
I'm the first?
This is sick.
I am stoked the five of us can get
the chance to meet.
And I'm hoping all four of them were
who I thought they were.
[Seaburn] I'm nervous
because they're gonna meet Seaburn
and then know I was a catfish.
I'm dreading this part.
Is someone coming in?
- Shubby.
- Joey?
Oh, my God!
- [laughs]
- [Seaburn] Hi.
How's it going, man?
- Hi.
- That was good.
I was so nervous to meet you,
because I was like,
- "Oh, Shubham is this super-cool dude"
- No. Yeah, yeah.
I'm like, "Oh, I really hope
he would be my friend."
No, I mean [laughs]
No, I
For sure. It's just so crazy,
'cause we talked for so long.
[Seaburn] Yeah.
I'm sorry. It's just so trippy to me.
The way that we actually talked,
I was really being truthful.
- So, the connections were real.
- So, the connection was real,
but it was just my girlfriend's photo.
And, Rebecca, what is your real name?
I'd love to know.
Hi. My name is Seaburn.
Seaburn? Oh, I love that. Shubham.
My question is:
if you were playing as yourself,
why didn't you come in as yourself?
So, it's funny because I came in
with this principle and this idea that,
where I'm from, showing your emotion
is a sign of weakness.
- [Shubham] Okay.
- And it's like
to be able
to wear your heart on your sleeve
- and genuinely be able to do that
- Yeah.
will it resignate more
as me being a woman
than it would being a man?
Guys are always told
not to show their emotion.
Why can't we?
I really wanted
to get that message across,
which I did.
Look, we're sitting here,
- and we're able to verbalize it.
- I get that.
And at the end of the day, it's a game,
and I respect the fact that you did it.
I was like,
"I hope that he'll see my truth
and know that genuinely,
I really do care about you."
- I was like
- For sure.
You remember day one, I was a mess, dude.
I got ranked eighth.
- Yeah.
- When you were there for me the next day,
and just saying
It just felt so good
that we had each other's backs.
There was no other crap
we were putting in.
There was no other nonsense.
It was just straight from heart to heart.
Yeah, and I really, genuinely was like,
"I want to make him my friend."
So, my thing was coming in,
if I could come as myself
and show you that you didn't have
to do anything else except be yourself.
It was more than enough.
So I think in the same way
that your belief got you here
is the same thing of mine got me here,
and it's interesting.
I called myself Sharky Shubham actually,
'cause I was a catfish hunter
in the beginning.
But there was a philosophy question
I debated halfway through
"If I knew someone,
like you or Joey was a catfish"
"would I have really changed anything
at the end?
Because if the connection was real,
and you were truthful in that"
- Would it have made a difference?
- Would it have made a difference?
Obviously, it's crazy
that you weren't her,
but, I mean, the connection,
I think, is all that matters, you know?
Yeah. I was like,
"Yo, I really do love him like a brother."
It was weird, 'cause in a way,
you and me, we were the ones
who protected each other.
Obviously, it wasn't what I expected,
but I have no regrets.
- I was like, "Oh, what if he hates me?"
- Yeah.
"What if he just is like, 'You're not
the girl that was in the picture'?"
And to know
that it didn't turn out that way,
and that you can see
that my heart was in the game,
and that it was pure, and it's like
To know that, I'm like,
"Yo, I'm so much happier."
No, I want you know that I felt like
Not sister now, obviously,
- but brother.
- But brother.
It was a sick relationship, man.
I really meant it.
Bros, you know.
Coming into The Circle, I had no idea
that I was gonna make it
all the way to the end.
I just hope that I am what they expected.
I'm so nervous.
It's Rebecca.
- No fucking way!
- [Seaburn laughs]
[Sammie] No way!
Give me love.
You're so handsome.
- [Seaburn] How are you?
- [Sammie] Good.
- Sammie, what's up?
- [Sammie squeals]
- I've been wanting to do this
- Thank God you're real.
- Oh, my God!
- Thank God you're real.
All I've been saying this entire week
is I can't wait to squeeze your butt.
Just like that, but I think
I was like Oh, my God!
- It's good.
- So, I'mma be real.
Having girl talk with you,
- I was freaking out.
- Why?
Because it was, like, my girlfriend
When the whole idea
of Mother Nature started coming up, right?
- The period thing?
- [Seaburn] Yeah, I was like
"Oh, shit!"
At one point,
I was kind of questioning it, you know?
I was like,
"This girl is way too emotional for me."
So I was like, "Let me just chill out."
And then we talked, and I was like,
"Nah, I'm good. She's cool for me."
- [Seaburn] Yeah.
- "I like it."
I was literally freaking out.
Like, "They gonna try to beat me up."
I was like, "They're gonna
Joey is gonna hold me down.
He's gonna say, 'Sammie, grab his legs.'
And Shubham is gonna be like, 'Bam! Bam!'
And Chris is gonna be like,
'Get him, bitch!'"
I'm dead.
Guys, it was the hardest thing
I've ever had to do in my entire life,
- because
- Being a girl?
- Imagine
- [Seaburn] Being a girl is hard,
'cause now, I'm like
"Yo, I have a new, profound respect
for women." I'm like
"Mom, I'm sorry.
I didn't know it was this deep."
- Weren't you in love with her?
- No, I wasn't. I really wasn't.
No, it was like we were siblings.
I told him what I hated most
about this game
was all the bullshit flirting
for manipulation,
and that was mine and Rebecca's thing.
And you too.
I was so sick of how everyone
was talking about your looks.
You are so much more than that.
Always, all the time.
I'm like, "Guys, I'm getting my master's.
I'm not just a face."
I'm extremely happy that you're real.
- Me too.
- [Sammie] 'Cause I was like
- "I love him."
- In the beginning,
it was a nightmare for me to come in.
You opened up to me and
We're gonna get married.
- It came out of nowhere, our connection.
- Yeah.
I had to save Rebecca.
I had to save Joey.
For a second, I really did doubt you.
I really did doubt your emotions.
'Cause at one point, Chris came to me
and was like, "I'm not buying it."
And then, um Yeah.
And then, Ed and Joey called you out,
and I was like,
"Damn! So that's four people now
that's not buying it."
So at one point, I was questioning it,
and I wanted to hit you up
and be straight up.
No, it's funny, because I was like,
"Yo, honestly, Sammie is my girl."
I was like, "Without a shadow of a doubt,
- I'mma make sure I have her back 100%."
- Yeah.
Through and through, I was like,
"Shubham, you, Joey."
All the time.
- That was me.
- That was me from the beginning.
[Sammie] Every time.
No, but right? It was literally
Yo, I was like, through and through,
it was just They're it.
I was not expecting you to be
- I was like, "Joey or Chris."
- [Shubham] Yeah.
[Chris] I'm so excited
to meet all of these people,
whether they're real or not.
Finally see each other face-to-face.
[Seaburn laughing]
- Chris!
- Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Hi, honey!
[loudly] Oh!
Thank you, God.
Oh, you knew it?
Oh, my God! I'm so glad you're a catfish.
[both laughing]
I am so glad you're a catfish.
How are you doing, my love?
Miss Sammie is real.
Yes, it's me. Of course I'm real.
Shubham is real.
- Bless your heart!
- [Shubham] Thanks.
- You're real.
- Yeah.
Yay! We're freaking real, man!
Oh, my God! You guys! That's amazing.
Hi. I'm Seaburn.
- I'm Chris Sapphire. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, Chris.
It's a pleasure.
- You guys, I'm so excited.
- [Shubham] Shubham, you're like
I was in my room, and I was like,
"Oh, my gosh!
I feel like I'm giving birth
or something."
That whole anticipation is wild.
Tell us about you.
Oh, my God! I'm from Dallas, Texas.
Dallas, Texas. Single since I was 15.
That was real?
You really were serious about that?
- [Chris] Yes, single since I was 15.
- Wow!
Everything I said about myself is real,
I said, "I'm going in here,
and I'm going to just be myself."
I'm very spiritual, too.
I found God when I was 14.
My whole journey has been about that.
Everything I've ever wanted to do
in my life,
- I pray about it, and it manifests.
- Yeah.
[Chris] No, I'm so excited. I was shaking.
I was like, "This is so wild."
I felt like,
"You're walking into the unknown.
You don't know who's gonna be there
and all that." But
Oh, my gosh! I'm so glad you're a catfish.
- I'm so glad because
- I'm not.
the last few rounds
of this amazing game,
some things were not
adding up with me, you,
and I was like,
"Am I becoming paranoid about this shit?"
And, um, I was like,
"Crying over a guy you just met?"
And then when you were like,
"I'm not buying that biscuit," I said
- [Sammie] Soggy biscuit.
- "Buying that biscuit."
- "me, you, Ed, Joey."
- Ed and Joey.
I was like, "So, it's not me
thinking something is wrong with Rebecca."
- [laughs]
- [Chris] I'm so glad.
I'm hoping he's not I'm gonna be
- [Seaburn] I was like
- This one!
"I can't wait to meet Chris."
He's last, and this is what's scaring me.
Dude, if Joey's a catfish, I'm done.
[Seaburn laughing] Shubham
[Joey] I honestly, right now,
can't even imagine what's about to happen.
There's just no way
everyone is who they say they are.
No matter who it is,
I wanna give everyone a big hug and kiss.
What's up?
- You're real!
- [Seaburn] Joey!
- You're real!
- I'm in here!
- [Chris] You're real!
- I'm real!
- Freaking real, man!
- Oh, my God! I'm so excited you're real!
Hi, sweetie.
- Shubby!
- You're real! Yes!
- Oh, my God!
- What's going on?
- Rebecca.
- [Joey] Rebecca?
Joey. What up, baby?
First of all,
I wanna say congratulations to you,
'cause you had me, dawg.
I'm telling you, you had me.
Bro, first, let me introduce myself.
- I'm Seaburn.
- How you doing, Seaburn?
- Pleasure to meet you, my friend.
- [Seaburn] The pleasure was mine.
- Can I just say, I'm so glad you're real?
- Thank you.
At the end of the day, I felt
with this game,
you can't trust anybody 100%.
But now we've seen each other, it's like,
"God! It's real. Thank God. Yes!"
- This is so insane, man.
- Insane.
I came in here saying
"I am who I am.
That's who I've always been."
You being honest 100%,
I respected that
every single step of the way.
And I don't even
You're my Broey Joey.
Dude, you're my boy, baby.
Yo, can I just say? This entire time,
all I've been looking forward to
- Was this.
- [Joey]was this.
- [Sammie] Literally this.
- Yes.
For sure. Man!
I genuinely feel the love in this room,
the connections that we made.
Like, the thing I love
about this table right now,
why I think it's perfect,
is we're all so different but so similar.
- Yeah.
- [Joey] And it's a beautiful thing
that I just know,
after this is all said and done, man,
- this is going to continue.
- I'm coming to Cali.
I'm going to Dallas.
- Yes.
- [Seaburn] I'm going everywhere.
The final cheers,
I honestly thought, coming into here,
I'd be sent home day one.
So, when I saw the eighth ranking,
I thought I was going.
Every single one of you,
I connected on a real level.
I have no regrets.
I have none, even though you're
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- [all laugh]
- It gets real.
- Shubby! He got me!
I really have no regrets, like you,
which is why
I came here as myself,
and if that shows the world
that it worked for all of us.
Honestly, the way I look at this, guys,
this has been an unexpected,
beautiful adventure in life,
something that I genuinely feel
is gonna be something we'll all remember.
- We gonna be old and crunchy, baby.
- This is special.
[all toasting]
Love you all.
[toasting in Spanish]
- [Joey] All right, baby, I'm with it.
- I don't know. I'm with it.
- Fuck it.
- I got nothing.
[narrator] It's time for the final five
to pack those suitcases,
'cause I'm ready to go deep
with each and every one of them.
Whoa! Their last night was intense.
I'm exhausted just from watching.
Now it's time for the finalists
to leave The Circle,
and I cannot wait to meet all the players.
[audience cheering]
Not long from now, we will know
which finalist has won that 100K.
So exciting!
I'm Michelle Buteau,
and this is the finale of The Circle.
Oh, my God!
They may have been blocked
from The Circle,
but tonight, they've accepted
my friend request.
It's the blocked players, everybody.
Oh, my God! So nice to meet you guys IRL.
I can't even stand my life!
Ed and Tammy, oh, you guys!
- How you doing?
- [Michelle] I'm good.
I got my plus-sized frock on. I'm amazing.
I'm so impressed that
you guys sussed out Rebecca right away.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- [Michelle] How did you know?
- My gut.
After that first like conversation
in the group chat,
I was like, "Rebecca! No!
No! No way!"
And ever since then,
I had it out for her.
- I was just
- You really did, though.
She was just too nice.
She was always crying,
too sweet, too kind.
Like, who's that nice?
So, Ed called it out right away.
- Nobody in your neighborhood.
- [Tammy] Yeah.
Now, Ed, do you think you would have done
a better job without your mommy?
Now, I'm gonna be honest here.
It was good having my mom.
She's lovely. She's an awesome person.
But I mean, I feel like anybody,
after that many days alone
with your mom
you know?
That would drive
anybody a little bit crazy.
- [Michelle] Yeah.
- And we did butt heads,
but I think, at the end of the day,
we had a good time.
- It wasn't bad.
- And wait.
I had to actually see my son flirt
with all these beautiful women.
It was weird.
It was a little weird. I'm not gonna lie.
But good for you. Mazel!
Miranda, who are you most excited to meet?
Of course, I'm really excited
to see Joey tonight.
I already got to meet him a little bit,
and we got to connect
on a different level, unlike
Yeah, I saw all the levels.
Yeah, we all saw the levels, honey.
- Now, Sean.
- Yeah.
- I love you so hard.
- Thanks, bb. I love you, too.
I was a little bummed
that you didn't come in as yourself.
- Aw
- Do you regret that at all?
Um, no, because like I'm 100% me
all day, everyday IRL,
but this is The Circle.
This is a game, you know?
And, like, I love who I am. I'm glad
I got to get my pictures out there,
'cause I'm real cute too?
You know what I mean?
But my life is on social media.
I see the trolls.
People just have those little biases
in their head.
Do you know what I mean?
And I didn't wanna have to wade
through that bullshit, you know?
- Okay. I'm not mad.
- [Sean] Thanks, girl.
- Hey, girl.
- Hello.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- [Michelle] How you doing?
- Good.
Are you bummed
you were the first one blocked?
I was the first one blocked.
- Have you been eating tacos ever since?
- I've been eating tacos all day every day.
- You do not eat tacos all day.
- Every day.
- Bill.
- What's up?
- Oh, my How are you?
- I'm good.
You were so new to the game,
and you just called everybody fake
right away.
- I did.
- What is your deal?
It was just eye-rolling.
Every single comment was just like,
"I love you," "Loyalty,"
all this and that,
and I'm like
- You don't like love? What's happening?
- Love in the first day? I don't know.
I don't think I believe in that, so
Oh, my God! Who hurt you?
- Adam, Alex, what do I call you?
- Take your pick.
- How you feeling tonight? Aroused?
- [Alex] Whoo.
Adam is very aroused
with all these beautiful people.
Alex, happily married. Uh
Can't possibly be aroused.
I mean, maybe a little bit, but Shh.
[Michelle] Okay.
- Antonio.
- [Antonio] What's up?
[Michelle] I'm so surprised
you got blocked so early on in the game.
- I know. Me too. It's crazy.
- Why do you think that happened?
I believed everyone was everyone in a way.
- I think that bit me in the ass.
- Okay.
Except for me.
Hi, squirrel-friend.
So, are you happy
with the final five right now?
- Um, yes. I'm a little biased.
- [Michelle] Okay.
I'm Team Chris.
Rebecca, I just said from the beginning,
this Cinderella, princess of the ball
- like, yeah, this is bullshit.
- Okay.
Shubby was like a little brother to me,
so it was different. It was good.
- Well, it's time to meet them, honey.
- [Karyn] Let's go.
They say everything is bigger in Texas.
And if we're talking heart, spirit,
and love,
they'd absolutely be correct
about our first finalist.
As they say in Texas,
he ain't bitin' around a cookie, honey.
It's Chris!
[audience cheering]
Oh, my God!
Hi, beautiful. How are you?
Oh, my God!
Come sit down over here.
Oh, my God!
- Y'all are gonna make me cry.
- Oh, good.
- How are you?
- It'll ruin your makeup, though.
I know. Oh, my God!
So, normally, I'm very zen and chill,
and right now, I'm so adrenaline.
I'm like, "Oh, my God!"
Why do you think you're still here,
one of the finalists?
Girl, I'm still trying to figure that out.
I really came into this blind.
I didn't know how to play the game.
I had never heard of it. I was at home
I keep telling my story.
I was at home in some stretchy shorts,
eating sunflower seeds, chilling,
and then, next you know, here I am.
I love this so much.
You were just yourself.
That's it. I try to be.
Just eating seeds in comfortable shorts,
just figuring out what life is.
Messed up hair, no makeup,
chilling, documentaries.
Is it weird talking to people
face to face now?
'Cause it's always, "Message and send."
And now, it's IRL.
Uh, a little bit.
Well, I love meeting people
out in the real world.
I'm such a people person.
I could be at the restaurant, "Hey!"
All that good stuff.
But it's just been so surreal.
You were such a good friend to people.
Thank you for that.
That makes me feel good.
I was always trying to watch what I said.
I'm like, "I don't want to hurt nobody"
- You were trying to watch what you said?
- I tried.
That was you holding back?
I'm always trying to think,
"I don't want to hurt no one's feelings."
Because I remember
when I was a little kid, um,
somebody threw a big, old ball
at my head in gym.
I thought it was this girl,
and I just went nuts,
and she started crying.
I didn't know she had a crush on me.
And ever since that,
I said, "I am never going to try
to hurt anyone's feelings."
- So, I try to keep it real, but
- Well, you definitely kept it real.
You were full
of love, and light, and laughter,
and we're gonna see some of this
right now.
What's poppin', everybody?
It's my boy, Chris.
Good morning, girls.
[in sing-song]
How are you?
We all know there's only one Beyoncé.
Dun, dun, dun!
Aim for the drain.
That's what I always say.
I love Chris.
Girl, you got a homie right here.
He definitely is nice
for reaching out to me.
I woke up feeling fresh as a lettuce.
Chris can relate to every single person,
which is something I can't do by far.
That is true.
"You are absolutely gorgeous.
God makes no mistakes,
and he didn't start with us."
That is a powerful message, Chris.
Top five just being myself.
[audience cheering and applauding]
So a lot of people thought
you were people-pleasing
- because you were so nice at one point.
- Yes.
- What do you think about that now?
- No, it's just me being me.
What would Jesus do?
You know, keep it real. Be nice.
Give everybody a fair chance.
Don't judge folks.
I've been called everything in the book
in my life.
I've been called fake.
I've been called real.
I've been called ugly, handsome.
I used to have acne. I've been called fat.
I've been called
everything you can think of.
But the definition of me comes from God,
and that's where I get my confidence.
It's called godfidence.
It's a little bit different.
Put it on a magnet. I'm into it.
That's it. It's godfidence.
I can feel it now.
I feel it coming through my body.
I'm like, "I'm feeling it."
I love you so much.
- [Chris] Thank you.
- [Karyn] Yes!
Thank you so much. Virgo power!
What are you gonna do with the money
if you win it?
Oh, please don't make me cry.
I feel like you've almost started to cry
a couple times right now.
I feel like I'm on Oprah. This is so wild.
Look under your seat.
There's nothing there!
I was like, "Is there some cash?"
Pay a bill.
No, you know, I grew up
We didn't really have too much money,
and my parents have given me the world
and my brother the world.
And it breaks my heart sometimes
when I'm hanging out with my mom,
and she's eating
and she kind of is choking a little bit.
And so we don't have money
to do that kind of stuff.
Implants are so expensive.
And I thought,
"I want to bring my mom's smile back
because she's given me a smile
every day of my life."
See? I'm telling you, don't make me cry.
And I would like to build a tiny home.
- Build myself a tiny home.
- Oh, my God.
I think that's what I would do
with that money.
I feel you've built a large home of love,
and everybody wants
to come through your doors,
'cause you are amazing.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you. Thank you so much.
Give me a hug.
Now, go sit with the blocked players.
Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- [Karyn] Go, Chris! Let's go, baby!
Let's go, papi! It's all about you, baby.
I told you.
- I told you, baby!
- Thank you!
Now, our next finalist.
She's the Cabrini-educated queen
of the friend zone.
Y'all, it's Sammie.
[audience cheering]
[Michelle] Hi, boo!
How are you?
- Come over here.
- Oh!
I know. Look. It's your face.
- Congratulations
- Thank you.
on being the last real woman standing.
[audience cheering]
That's usually how it is.
Why do you think
you're the last woman standing?
How did you think you made it that far?
- I don't know. I was just myself.
- [Michelle] Mm-hmm.
And I just tried as hard as possible
to be genuine,
so I feel like
that's what got me here. I don't know.
What was that dinner like?
I was nervous for you.
It was intense. I was scared,
because I was so scared going in there
I had a feeling that
there was obviously gonna be people
in there that weren't gonna real.
And I was just praying that Shubham
and Joey were gonna be real.
- That's all I was worried about.
- [Michelle] I loved watching you
because you had such a strong sense
of what's right and wrong.
Do you think that made the game easier
or harder for you to play
because, you know, you were so decisive?
Um, I would say it made it easier,
because I was able to just make up my mind
about a lot of things.
I would talk myself through it,
but at the end of the day, I was like,
"I'm not gonna not be myself."
You know what I also love?
I love how you were not into the flirting,
not even a bit.
No, I'm so bad Well, I'm not bad.
I'm better at it in real life.
I can do it,
but having to not only say it,
and then read it, and decipher it,
I was like, "Oh, my God! That's so"
We have the receipts, honey.
Let's roll that tape.
- [Sammie] Oh, fuck me!
- [Michelle laughs]
"What up? What up?"
Gagging already over him.
Please don't try and flirt with me.
I'm kind of grossed out
by the "aroused" part.
Too much for me.
I'm not into that romantic stuff.
I think he just wants to get turned on.
Oh, my God! No, Adam!
[retching loudly]
God! This is
He totally reminds me
of the douches I went to college with.
No way! Get out of there!
Shut it down.
- [audience cheering and applauding]
- [Michelle imitates retching]
I do that about everything. I literally
That's my ultimate thing. I just gag.
But not Well, you know,
that's not what I meant.
But what's your type then?
What would you consider romantic?
- My type?
- Yes.
I'm not romantic at all.
Literally, it's really, really bad.
It's actually sad a little bit.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- I feel like you have two sides, right?
- [Sammie] Mm-hmm.
You talk about your good girl side,
your bad girl side.
- Absolutely.
- You're getting your master's.
- I am.
- But you got a lot of booty shots.
Oh, yes.
Do you think girls have a hard time
on the internet?
If they post a sexy picture,
that's inviting people to flirt?
Absolutely, it's hard.
Because on one end, I'm like,
"I wanna be sexy and post a picture
because I'm comfortable with myself,
and I don't care."
But at the same end, it's like,
my day job, I can't post things like that.
So, then people are like,
"Wait. Don't you work with kids?"
- So, it gets
- [Michelle] Finding that balance.
Yeah, it gets hard.
- Live your life, girl. That's what I say.
- [audience whoops]
You had your doubts early on
about Rebecca, and you were proved right.
Do you think
you should have gone in harder
on Rebecca like Ed did,
- you know, like Joey did the one time?
- Yeah, I feel like, um
I felt like, at one point,
I was set on it.
I was like,
"Okay, I have my mind made up."
But then after talking to her,
and after thinking about it,
and sleeping on it,
and thinking about all these things,
my head gets into it,
and I'm like,
"Well, she's really, really emotional."
That was my hardest issue. It was like,
"This girl is way too emotional.
I can't get with it."
So, you didn't wanna hurt her feelings?
No, I was just like, "There's no way
that one person is this emotional."
But on the other end,
I was thinking about it,
"Okay, well, I'm so unemotional
when it comes to
the things
that she was being so emotional about."
I was like, "I can't look at her
and frown upon her being
on one end of the spectrum
of being so upset."
We keep talking about it like it's her.
- Right? I know!
- [Michelle] Now that the news is in
- that it's not her. It's Seaburn
- I know. I was upset.
- Right?
- Mm-hmm.
How do you feel about Seaburn?
I was upset. Yeah.
It wasn't like
a super-angry kind of thing,
but at one point,
I had her all the way up here.
And so the fact that I kept her
all the way up here in my head
because I just felt like
I couldn't judge her on her emotions
[Michelle] Right.
Then I was like, "Damn!
It wasn't even real the whole time."
Right, it's a game.
What have you learned about social media?
What's the biggest lesson
you've taken away?
Don't trust nobody.
- Nobody can be trusted at all.
- [Michelle] Yeah.
Not even myself at some points.
Thank you so much, Sammie.
I love all the lessons learned.
- You're amazing.
- [Sammie] Thank you.
- [audience cheering and applauding]
- Oh, boy!
Oh, my God!
He came in as a social media naysayer,
but after being an influencer four times,
he became a social media hey-sayer.
It's Shubham.
[audience cheering]
["Hold Me Now" playing]
[Michelle] Hi. Welcome.
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
Come sit over here.
Oh, my God! Shubby! Can I call you Shubby?
Yeah, go ahead.
- [Michelle] It's good to see you.
- Yeah, you too. Yeah.
So, you really weren't on social media
at all.
- I wasn't, yeah.
- [Michelle] And you actually thought
social media was the devil. Is that right?
Social media is social Medusa, yeah.
That was my phrase, yeah.
Welcome to hell. How does it feel?
Hey, it feels good to be here.
[Michelle laughs]
So, you have very little experience
with social media, right?
- Yeah.
- Do you think that helped you or hurt you?
I think it helped me tremendously.
Coming here, I knew
that I had a point to prove.
I think it's because I had
those strong points
that I think social media is just
the bubonic plague of our modern time.
So, I think that helped me tremendously.
I mean, coming in here, I was so nervous.
These group chats were alien to me.
I hate flirting.
I don't understand flirting.
I don't know how to write witty comments.
I don't know emojis.
I really did think
I was going out night one,
and I was at peace with it.
I said, "I'd rather be myself
and be blocked day one
to get to the end being fake."
Once you got those likes,
I felt like you were feeling yourself.
- Yeah, well
- So, then you understand, right?
The serotonin is popping.
You're like, "Oh, my God!
I'm connecting with people."
No, I don't get the digital likes.
I never will.
But, like, for me, I'm a competitor.
I love to compete more than anything.
I knew I had to fight hard.
I built relationships.
I put everything I could in those bonds.
It showed. Everybody loved you,
and we also got the receipts
to prove that. Play 'em.
I get so excited in these private chats.
Message Rebecca, "I really like
how honest and open you and I are
at the beginning of this."
"I feel like we can form a real connection
and work together in an alliance
till the end."
"Bro, it's crazy how in-sync we are.
You're my boy, Blue."
[imitating drum beats]
He just squishes my heart.
Oh, this is adorable.
This guy continues to amaze me.
"Shubby, I would die for you."
Oh, that's so sweet.
You can't not like him.
"I love you with all my heart,
and I know you've always had my back."
Yay! My brother Joey still loves me.
That's how I feel.
Rebecca's been my day one.
She's like a night light
when you're a little kid,
and you put it in your room
so you can fall asleep
when all the scary stuff happens.
The player I'm saving is
[audience cheering]
- Shubby
- Yeah?
Look, I know you don't like social media
and what it's doing to us,
but I have to say,
you played a great game.
You're really good at it.
And you connected with people real hard,
- I tried. I did everything I could.
- [Michelle] You did it.
You especially fostered a relationship
with Rebecca.
Yes. Yeah, I did. Yeah.
Have you had some time to
sort of figure out what that whole
Becky bombshell situation is about?
I mean, yeah.
I saw Rebecca, or Seaburn,
and it threw me off my feet.
I won't lie. It hurt me. It did,
because Rebecca, for me,
was like the sister,
the same way I saw Sammie, right?
And, like, I don't know
what Rebecca did for me.
She's made me feel so safe in this
from the beginning to the end.
So to see Rebecca at the end be Seaburn,
it kind of hurt.
But talking to Seaburn,
I knew he came from the heart 100%.
So the way I look at it is
it's everything was the same.
It's just Rebecca was Seaburn.
But it's a game.
He played his ass off,
so I think the connection
was there for me.
I know it was there from him.
Did you fall
for Rebecca just a little bit?
No, I really didn't.
I said this from the beginning.
I really had no romantic interest
for anyone, and I
'Cause it seems like
you really took care of her, right?
You friend-zoned yourself when Adam
Yeah, the Adam thing.
came in the picture.
You know what I mean?
- You went hard for her.
- Yeah, well, I mean, it was just like
You come into the game,
and you build these relationships,
and you don't realize how much of yourself
you're putting into those bonds.
And for those four, Chris, and Sammie,
and Joey, and Rebecca,
for me, at the end,
it was like more than anything.
I don't know.
Another bond I really enjoyed watching
was you and Joey.
- Yeah, Broey Joey. Yeah.
- Broey Joey.
You guys had that bromance poppin'.
Now, which came first,
the alliance or for the friendship?
It was the friendship. It always was.
Okay, so the friendship just turned
into alliance.
'Cause it felt like you guys were
running stuff for a bit.
I mean it probably did,
but at the end of the day,
Joey and me were completely honest
with each other since day one.
And yeah, I mean, it was the friendship.
I think, in this game, it's the friendship
that takes hold of everything,
and the alliance
is like a bonus sprinkle on it.
- You're really good at strategy.
- [Shubham] Sure.
So let's just say, hypothetical situation,
you were to be a catfish.
I am fascinated who you would pick.
[exhales] I mean,
I would have come as an old person,
'cause I think
there weren't many old people,
and I would have loved
to see an older person
to connect with them, because I think
We miss that, having that older person,
who has all that life experience
and could have taught us a lot.
I don't know a lot.
I have so many flaws,
and it would have been nice
to connect with his older person.
I would've liked to be that,
but I wouldn't have been a catfish.
I never will be,
and I would have been myself.
Oh! Stay sweet and don't change, Shubby!
- [audience cheering]
- Get over there! I can't with you!
Thank you so much.
Get! Go!
Next up,
it's our resident bromander-in-chief
whose beauty routine is on point.
It is Broey Joey.
[audience cheering]
[upbeat music playing]
Come on! Let me hear it! Come on!
[cheering continues]
Yes! Hello.
How are you? I'm good. How you doing?
Living the dream, baby.
[Michelle] You are living the dream.
That's right, honey.
- How you doing?
- I'm good.
- Doing good?
- [Michelle] Yeah. You look good.
I had a little something in the closet.
I figured why not.
I'm ready to buy health insurance
from you. You are giving it to me.
Let's do this. Come on.
Let's get it going.
Let's get it poppin'. Let's go.
Oh, my God! Did you ever think
you'd be one of the finalists?
No, I was having a heart attack
every day.
- Really?
- Every day.
- Is that why you were wearing sunglasses?
- Yeah.
Well, yeah, I mean, you gotta throw in
the sunglass vibe every now and again.
Actually, I was gonna
wear them out tonight, but I figured,
"You know what?
Let's keep it a little classy."
- Okay.
- A little classy.
Speaking of classy, you flirted a lot.
- Who?
- [Michelle] You, honey.
I said, "Hello."
You flirted with almost everybody.
That's true. Yeah, that is true.
- [Michelle] You know what I mean?
- [Joey] Yeah.
You think it helped or hurt you?
Uh, I think it could have went both ways.
I mean
you see attractive women, you say hello,
and get a little chemistry
going back and forth
and see what happens.
- [Michelle] Yeah?
- Yeah.
You flirted with Alana right away.
- Alana was my girl.
- [Michelle] Yeah.
- What up?
- Hi, Joey.
Some of your flirting was next level.
There was a few moments.
- [Michelle] Like with Miranda.
- Yes.
You told her you had a real connection
with her,
- but then you didn't save her.
- No.
[Joey] I didn't.
- It was a real connection.
- Yeah?
- Yes, absolutely.
- [Michelle] Miranda?
- Hey.
- [Michelle] Are you still okay with this?
Of course I am.
- [Michelle] Really?
- Yes.
[audience] Aw!
It also didn't take him long
to make it up to you.
- [laughs] Not long at all.
- Yeah, roll that tape.
Now, let me ask you
I'm always a complete gentleman,
but I am crazy attracted to you.
[laughs] Just get out of here.
Is there any chance you would want
to give me a goodbye kiss?
I would love to.
- Just one, because I'm a gentleman.
- Just one.
And there's no one watching.
Win it.
You got a little makeup on your lip now.
- I like the makeup.
- Good.
I don't wear it often,
but I had to for you.
Oh, my God!
Can I walk you to the door?
[Miranda] Please do.
[audience cheering and applauding]
[Michelle] Excuse me.
I mean, did you ever think that
you would make a connection like that?
No, I did not, to tell you the truth.
I mean,
Miranda is still just so hot and bothered.
Miranda is amazing, honestly amazing.
- That's what was hard
- I'm gonna cry.
factoring in you have
a personal connection with someone,
but you have to remember it's a game.
And loyalty to me is everything,
and both Sammie and Chris were there
for me early on, had my back,
and I had to do what I had to do
in that moment. It was
You gonna go on that date
and take her home to Mom Sasso?
A hundred percent. We're going.
A hundred percent.
I hope you like meatballs.
A hundred percent.
Um, another lady
you made a connection with was Sean.
"Hashtag I got your back,"
is what you said,
and then you stabbed her in that back.
I did. Yeah. Explanation?
No, I did feel a real connection to her.
But what happened was
I didn't know where I stood with her,
because, in my mind,
she did something
so courageous and heroic,
I would think everyone's gonna
have her back and be there for her,
and I didn't know until I was talking
to her one-on-one
that she really did feel that connection
to me.
And that's what's hard
when you're losing things over text.
- Sean?
- Yeah.
So, the fact that Joey put
both of you guys, you and Miranda,
in situations, right?
Do you think he was really
just playing the game with his heart,
- or do you think it was all strategy?
- It's hard, because
It was kind of like
the worst kind of irony to be honest,
'cause Joey didn't know where I stood,
but I had him at number one that night.
It just really goes to show
you have no idea what's going on in here.
Of course, there's probably
a little bit of gameplay,
but I played the game too.
You know? And I do think Joey
has a good heart overall, honestly.
One of the friendships that you made
was probably one of my favorite,
you and Shubby.
[yells] Shubby! Shubby!
I love that kid.
[Michelle] Could not have been cuter,
I mean, the bromance.
Like, would you guys have this connection
in real life, do you think?
The thing is Joey and I,
we're different in so many ways.
It's the truth. You put us together,
we're two peas in a pod
that shouldn't be together.
But with me and Joey, I understood
where he was coming from from day one.
Someone who was so up front,
so honest, so himself.
Broey Joey was my best friend.
He was my brother in that.
Towards the end, I would have
probably given my game for him.
- Love you, bro.
- [audience cheering and applauding]
Yeah. Joey, what do you have
to say to that?
Honestly, like, I totally think
we would be friends
if we met out in the world.
I have so many friends
that are different every sort of way,
and honestly, I don't like hanging out
with people like me
'cause I think they're annoying.
[audience laughs]
- Joey, if you win
- [Joey] Yeah.
what will you spend the money on?
I have a brand-new apartment
that I just got
that needs to be furnished.
I'm basically going back, starting over.
It's a new chapter.
Moved out of my old place.
Also, I have an aunt who I love dearly,
who probably needs some help,
and my parents,
who've been there for me since day one.
Oh, my God! I wanna come
to Christmas at your house.
- Thank you, Joey. you're amazing.
- Thank you.
[audience cheering]
- [Joey] So nice meeting you.
- You too.
Good God!
It's time to meet our last finalist.
Armed with a picture of his girlfriend,
a stuffed animal called Sir Bear Bear,
and a questionable knowledge
of Mother Nature's monthly bill
That's a period.
It's Seaburn!
[audience cheering]
Too shy, shy ♪
Hush-hush eye to eye ♪
Too shy, shy ♪
Hush-hush eye to eye ♪
[Michelle] Whoo!
Seaburn! Come have a seat.
I love you, Rebecca!
What do I call you Seaburn, Rebecca?
Oh, man! You can call me Seabee.
Okay, you're the last catfish standing.
- I am the last
- [Michelle] How does that feel?
[Seaburn] Uh, it's like
catfish winning, baby!
Eyebrow lick.
Have you lost track
of where Rebecca begins and Seaburn ends?
Well, it's crazy,
because you have to make the
You have to decipher
between who you are and who Rebecca is.
It's almost like having two brains
at one time.
What is your girlfriend like in real life?
Oh, man! In real life,
she's not that emotional.
Uh, no, definitely not.
She's more like noodle arms
and poke you in the side kind of,
kind of girl.
- So, she messes around a lot.
- Yeah.
She really is a joker.
Would you say you're actually
the emotional one in the relationship?
Oh, man! Heck, no.
I don't have that many emotions at all.
It's like that was a new territory for me.
- It was foreign land.
- Yeah.
It was like, oh
I couldn't really get my head
around the whole idea
of unleashing so many emotions
at one time.
Well, you seemed to have
a lot of emotions for Shubby.
Oh, Shubby was
Yeah, you guys definitely
called each other day one from day one.
[Seaburn] Well, coming out the gate,
it was just like
instantly, I was drawn to him.
And it was like just knowing
that I was drawn to him,
like, over time,
we kind of just formed this bond.
It was 100% real, and that's my day one.
Was it hard to keep lying to him, then?
Uh, honestly, it was terrible,
and I felt the strain, because it was like
to know that you created
this real, actual, genuine bond with him,
and then it's like
you're not really who you say you are.
- [Michelle] They're going to bat for you.
- Yeah, and it's like
Don't get me wrong.
I went to bat for him 100%,
and I always had his back,
but it was like to know
that I had to lie about being this person,
it sucked.
So, when Sean revealed herself
as a catfish,
didn't you think, "This is a good time
for me to come clean"?
Honestly, when Sean revealed herself,
I gave her all props,
and I really was genuinely there for her,
and I was like,
"Dang! For her to do that was just
It took a lot of courage."
And I absolutely fell in love with her
from then.
But it was like I was too far into it
to really come out.
And I was like, "I'm too deep.
I'm too knee-deep in it."
You were like the movie Tootsie deep.
You were in it.
- Yeah.
- You were Mrs. Doubtfire deep.
There was some mishaps,
and we got the receipts.
Roll the tape.
"Do you think Chris is cute?"
"Baby girl, he's gay."
"Is he?"
"Honestly, I woke up this morning
with the worst cramps."
Oh, my gosh!
"The only thing that happens is
my left side starts to hurt really bad."
Whoa! I have never heard that.
Your left side?
Is that where your appendix is?
That usually means you're slapping skin.
Rebecca, you are a poet.
It's like
her innocence is a little too much,
and I don't quite buy it.
[Alex squeals] My man!
"I was absolutely heartbroken
to know that Adam was not real."
"Ain't Rebecca, like, 20-something?"
"Is it genuine?"
"I knew not to cry over a guy
when I was two."
I'm not buying it.
"Who is the person behind you?"
"Honey, that's a Adele. LOL."
That's Adele.
[audience cheering]
Oh, my God! Seaburn!
Okay, first of all, so many things.
What were you thinking cramps were
on your left side? What was that?
It's funny, 'cause my girlfriend,
when she does hit that Mother Nature,
you know, blockage, right?
Blockage? It's a flow.
Yeah. It's the opposite of a blockage.
[Seaburn] She actually does
Her left side actually really does hurt.
- Okay.
- So I was coming from a place of memory.
Yes, she should check that out.
You also didn't know who Adele was?
It was crazy, 'cause I'm like
It's half her face, and I'm like,
"Who is that half lady
in the picture with Joey?"
I was like, "That's Gaga,"
and I'm like, "The half lady is who?"
Oh, my God! Well, introducing
that half lady. Adele, come on out.
Just kidding. We ain't got that budget.
I be out like, "Sorry!"
I know.
I feel like Chris grabbed his titties.
He was like, "Oh, my God!"
So, one of the highlights for me
was watching Rebecca have a dinner date
with Adam.
Like, "Are you even kidding?"
Hi, Adam. Like, look,
what would your wife
and your girlfriend say
about you guys flirting with each other?
Oh, she would absolutely freaking laugh
and clown me.
I mean, we kept it pretty PG.
I don't feel bad about it. You know?
Do you think, Seaburn,
that you would have made the finale
if you would have played
the game as yourself?
Honestly, now coming into it, it's like
I wouldn't have done it any other way.
Like, coming in as a catfish,
it was a lot more fun,
because it did keep you on your toes,
and it did make you anticipate
that somebody was gonna come and see you,
and you'll be found out.
It's like, how would you recover
from being found out?
And, like, I wouldn't have changed it.
I really wouldn't have changed it,
because I did get to make genuine bonds
with the rest of With everybody,
and it's like, to now know
that I was able to do that as Rebecca,
I do have that question,
"What would have happened
if I came in as myself?" But it's like
- You know? I wouldn't have changed it.
- [Michelle] Okay.
You played an amazing game, Seaburn.
Thank you so much.
Now, go join your friends.
We gotta get this place set up
for the big winner reveal moment.
Boys, get in here
and move these couches.
Do you guys remember where it all started?
Me either.
But here's the video that's gonna recap
all that stuff and so much more. Yes!
[audience cheering]
[Michelle] In the beginning, eight players
entered The Circle apartments.
Damn, Gina!
Yo, this is amazing!
[yelling] Yeah, money!
[Michelle] And once they worked out
how to activate The Circle
Hello, Circle.
it was time to build their profiles.
"Professional basketball player."
Some played themselves
You can tell
that guy's got a nice toothbrush.
[Michelle] and some chose to play
as a completely different character.
I'm using my girlfriend's pictures
because she's gorgeous.
This is gonna be dope.
But whoever they were,
the name of the game was
to become the most popular player.
I already know
who's going to be my number one.
[Michelle] And being in the top two
made them an influencer.
What's an influencer?
And being an influencer felt good.
- Oh, my God!
- Yes! I
Oh, my God! I'm an influencer.
[Michelle] But life as an influencer
had its ups and downs as well.
Oh, no!
I have such a big target on my head.
[Michelle] Trust a social media hater
to pick up on that.
I've hated influencers my whole life,
and I think they're everything wrong
with social media.
But with great power
comes great responsibility.
"Influencers, you must now decide
which at-risk player you wish to block
from The Circle."
- Oh, my
- God!
The one thing they wanted to avoid,
The Circle proclaiming, "You have been"
[Circle beeps]
[Michelle] And waiting to see
if The Circle was coming for you
never got easier.
I am not ready to go home yet.
My heart just dropped out of my ass.
One by one, their games came to an end.
[Circle beeps]
Oh, shit! Damn!
Oh, no!
Moment of silence.
Moment gone. Next.
Not so fast,
'cause those who were blocked
could take a parting shot.
Some in a face-to-face meeting.
Oh, shit!
Are you kidding me right now?
Grudges were aired.
I'm very mad at you.
- Why?
- You blocked me!
Catfish met catfish.
[Alex squeals] My man!
An online fantasy
became reality.
But when players got blocked,
new players arrived.
Oh, my God! We made it!
Circle, Circle.
Circle, I'm here. I arrived.
Who the fuck are Sean and Bill?
One even brought his mom along.
- The TV.
- [Ed] Oh, shit!
Just to keep him in check.
"You got me smiling too,
you son of a gun."
No, don't call her a son of a gun.
[Michelle] In The Circle,
they had each other's backs.
I feel a connection starting.
I feel like me and Chris
are really getting along.
"Girl, you got a homie right here."
She has a good vibe to her.
Oh, I'm in love.
The real me is in love.
The love was real.
I've never had
a relationship like this before,
and it means everything
to have you here as a sister.
Even if the people weren't.
Oh, my gosh!
I feel like she almost might be
hitting on me a little bit.
But as we got deeper into the game,
plans started to fall apart.
I didn't know there was a catfish filter.
I don't know what to believe
about anyone right now.
Whatever, Bill.
"I nearly cried
when I seen your package."
Something about that just seems insincere.
I'm not buying it.
Every picture I see of him,
he looks completely different.
Oh, my God! They think I'm catfishing.
That is hilarious.
He only reached out to me to be tactical.
"Hashtag everyone knows you're fake."
And people got in their feelings.
I can't take this.
I am not an actual crier this much.
Thank you. That was a wonderful reply.
I appreciate it.
- We love you.
- Gina! Blooper! Ah!
I hope they follow in your footsteps,
because you are making
your dreams a reality.
Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
But hey, come on now. It wasn't all bad.
Oh, my God!
The Circle showed its guests a good time.
There's cake everywhere.
We're doing it one trip.
We did it!
I am so excited.
Oh, you're interrupting dinner.
I love this kid.
"Hold up.
Comma Jacuzzi."
Welcome to The Circle.
"Amen, sis!"
Watch this all day long.
And now, we're down to our final five.
"I wanna raise a toast
to the four that I love most.'
Where one will win $100,000.
[all] Cheers!
And that's the way you do it.
[audience cheering and applauding]
Okay, people, this is it.
We're about to reveal
the winner of The Circle.
One person will walk away with $100,000,
and hopefully,
they'll be buying me a new booty,
new teeth, a new house.
- [alarm blares]
- Oh, we got an alert.
Not that shit again.
[Michelle] It's time to reveal the winner
of The Circle.
- I don't want it.
- [Chris gasps]
Guys, are you ready?
- No.
- [Chris] Let's do it.
- Hold me.
- No, I need a rewind.
In fifth place
[Sammie gasps]
[Seaburn] Oh, gosh!
I'm not looking. Tell me.
[Circle beeps]
[Michelle] Rebecca AKA Seaburn.
Thank you so much.
- [Joey] I love you, buddy.
- Love you too, baby.
You played a great game, Seaburn.
Thank you so much.
[audience cheering and applauding]
Are you guys okay?
- No.
- We're making it.
[Circle dings]
In fourth place
[Circle beeps]
[Michelle] Chris.
I am so sorry.
[audience cheering and applauding]
[Chris] It's okay.
- It's okay.
- [Michelle] Thank you so much.
Good luck, you guys. Good luck to you.
- We're both with each other.
- Come here.
[Joey exhales]
And in third place
[Circle beeps]
- [Chris] Oh!
- Sammie.
I'm so sorry, Sammie.
[audience cheering and applauding]
- [Michelle] You guys.
- Yeah?
Did you ever see this happening?
[Joey and Shubham] No.
You guys are the top two rated players.
your fellow players rated one of you
as the most popular in The Circle.
- I can feel your hand shaking.
- Terrible.
And that person will be taking home
[suspenseful music playing]
[Michelle] Circle
tell us who the winner is.
[suspenseful music continues]
[Circle beeps]
[audience cheering]
[Michelle] It's Joey!
Oh, my God!
[audience cheering and applauding]
Good for you, Joey!
Come here.
Joey, come here.
- Oh, my God.
- Come on, you guys. Gather around.
[audience cheering]
One hundred thousand dollars!
You guys, that's it.
Every single person here
has been amazing.
I'm really gonna miss you guys.
Sammie's eye rolls, Chris's blazers,
Seaburn's take on periods.
And, of course, the bromance
between Shubby and Joey was amazing.
- You guys, congratulations.
- Thank you so much.
- [audience] Let's go, Joey!
- So good. I'm Michelle Buteau,
and this has been The Circle.
Message, "Good night. Winky face emoji."
[all cheering]
[all chanting]
Joey, Joey, Joey!
[theme music playing]
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