The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

O Encontro Final

Good morning, finalists!
What a beautiful day to win 300,000 reais.
I can't hear you!
Good morning!
Wake up, finalist!
We're in the final, everybody!
Good morning, Circle!
Tell us how the final will be.
Keep believing in Luma.
Of course.
The prize is ours, God willing.
Thank you, God.
I'm in the final!
This is crazy. How did I get here?
Wow, you look like a champion, Dumaresq.
I'm ready.
Let's start our day.
Nice video clip.
I directed it myself.
"The newsfeed has been updated!"
Circle, open my newsfeed.
"Before leaving, Ana left a message."
Of all the players,
my most awaited message
is yours.
Now I wanna see
my fellow players flabbergasted with Ana.
Circle, play Ana's message.
Is Ana really Ana?
I'm already screaming.
Hello everybody. I'm Ana.
Obviously, I'm not Ana.
My name is Raf, I'm Ana's best friend.
And she's everything I portrayed.
She's funny, beautiful, smart.
I chose to be Ana because
she's the most popular person I know.
My face is like
I think my face says it all, right?
I admit I had a lot of fun with you all.
Especially with those lame hashtags
you guys use.
Those catchphrases, mottoes
When will it stop?
Damn! I want to be your
I want to be your friend, man!
And there's more:
when will you guys at the bottom
stop strengthening the people at the top?
Wake up.
At least we're here
with our lame hashtags.
Check it out.
Read what that balloon says.
We're very proud
of what we've done so far.
Actually, I find everyone unbearable,
and I'm rooting for no one,
but I think I like Marina more.
Another one rooting for me, is that so?
Oh, I find everyone unbearable, too.
Kisses to you all. Good luck to you all.
Good luck at the final.
I can't wait to meet you all.
I'm not sure we would like
to actually meet you.
Because you seem very dull, too.
Very annoying.
Aw, Ana! I love you!
That message is a wake up call.
They all are.
No, that one was
a lot more straightforward.
This is The Circle.
The message was sent. What now?
Being truthful or strategic?
- Alert!
- Alert. Oof
Here they come again with an alert.
Alert? Why?
"It's time for the final ratings."
I'm desperate! Help!
"Your final rating
will determine the winner"
"the winner of"
"The Circle!"
Who deserves to win?
So exciting.
Marina, it's the final rating.
Are you aware of that?
Holy crap!
Circle, open
my rating.
I can't believe it's the last time
I'm saying these words.
Circle, in fourth place,
We considered her a strong player,
but she started talking nonsense
and getting involved in fights.
In second place, I'll put Marina.
We're the same.
We've put our asses on the line,
we exposed ourselves too much,
we put ourselves in danger.
In first place, I'll put Marina.
I'm happy with this placement
because besides being strategic,
it's very honest and from the heart.
Circle, in second place,
We're the most honest here, I can't deny.
A lot of people don't like that.
I'll put JP in third because
he's a threat to me.
Going up in the ranking
is that wonderful Manauara.
First place goes to Ray.
Ray in fourth place.
I never talked to Ray.
I know nothing about her.
I only saw you kissing everyone's asses.
in first place, I'll put Luma.
She always played a fair game.
In third place, I want to put Luma.
If I give her a bottom placement,
I might have a chance to be at the top.
In third, Dumaresq.
There's no point in scheming,
in thinking about stuff,
then doing some random stuff
and hoping for the best.
And in first place
I've always trusted you.
I don't know what you have, but I'm like,
"Honey, I just trust you."
Circle, confirm rating.
- Now it's in God's hands.
- God Almighty.
There's no point in praying anymore.
The die has been cast.
- Alert!
- Alert!
The results are already in, Circle?
Is it time already?
I don't want the results now. No!
Oh God.
"Your final rating is complete."
Yes, it is.
"Before knowing the results"
- "you are"
- "invited to"
- "the last Circle"
- "Chat."
What's in the last chat, guys?
Oh, my God.
I don't even know what to say.
I'll tell everything. Like, "You guys!"
It's so crazy that it came to this.
What do you mean?
"Get ready to meet
the other finalists in person."
Wow! I'm having goosebumps!
Whoa, the final meeting will be amazing.
Now Luma wants to meet everybody.
She will say, "You guys
Check out the real Luma."
So let's get ready to find out
who's real and who's a catfish.
I'll get ready and look perfect.
- Go, Luma! Do something!
- This is so crazy.
I didn't pack for this.
I'll go to this meeting looking so good.
Is there another catfish?
How will they react when they see Luma
is actually two bearded dudes?
- And Luma can also be surprised.
- Yeah.
Girl, I look great!
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
who's the true finalist among them all?
You are, my queen.
And also Ray, Marina, Luma, and JP.
Wonderful table. Look at that.
Marina will sit here.
Where's my seat? This one is Ray's.
I found my seat!
Some small treats.
My princess Luma will sit here.
The princess of Acre.
Northerner and Northeasterner
side by side?
I can't believe it.
Let's sit down and wait.
Let's wait. I'll be so happy
when I see the next player walking in.
Why am I the first one?
I'll be super nervous waiting for them.
JP, didn't you notice
there's an extra chair?
Hey. Good evening.
- Who are you?
- Who am I?
Who do you think?
- Yes.
- Holy shit! Wow!
- How are you?
- What's up, bro?
- I thought you were a catfish
- Holy cow.
- but you aren't.
- Wow.
- I said, "JP"
- The other Luma is here.
Wait. No way.
- What's up?
- Are you Luma?
What the hell?
- Wait.
- Could you imagine?
I'm freaking out, man!
Lucas, Marcel.
- Lu, Ma.
- Yeah.
Lucas and "Marcelo?"
You both tricked me so well!
- Yeah
- Let's sit down.
Wow, I'm so shocked.
So, Luma
- is our feminine side.
- Yes.
A mix between Lucas and Marcel.
Hence Luma. She's one
of our best friends in Acre.
Luma is real, lives in Acre,
but we had to adapt her story.
- But everything we said is real.
- Right.
We didn't fake it.
I talked to Luma many times,
and I'd say
"Man, I really like" I felt comfortable
talking to her because
I said "her," but there are two dudes.
We're already used to it.
Yeah. So, when I talked to her,
it felt so great because we were so alike.
I lost count of how many times
I sent her kisses through the screen.
Luma was created for the game,
she could do anything.
- Yeah.
- When the show airs,
I'm scared people will be mad.
We impersonated a profile.
They have to realize it's a profile.
Bro, one of the things
that struck me the most recently
When Gaybol left, he went to my apartment.
When he opened the door,
he came in so excited, and I thought,
"Damn! I can't believe it, man!"
When you see a person behind a screen,
you can't imagine
We judge too much, don't we?
You didn't even wait for me!
But you're late!
- Wow!
- So awesome, man!
Let the orgy commence!
Who am I?
Who am I?
- I can't wait to see.
- But you're not just one profile.
- We are.
- Only one profile?
- Who are we?
- Say it.
- Is it Luma?
- Yes!
Lucas, Marcel.
- So cute!
- When they came in
- What's up?
- You're so cute!
This is crazy. I'm shocked.
He went straight for a hug.
Hey, are you from Recife?
- No, I'm from Natal.
- Right.
- I go
- Is your profile real?
All real, but I'm actually straight.
I suspected that, girl.
I swear.
When I saw your profile, I said, "Damn.
He's so authentic, so honest.
He's awesome."
Since we're telling the truth
We judge the profiles.
No one has to take it personally.
When Luma arrived,
you scolded Auntie
because she only talked about men.
Gosh, that was so
Then you started doing the same thing,
and I said, "What? Dumaresq?"
In her first chat,
Luma was going to talk to you.
We thought you wanted brownie points
- for defending a cause.
- Right.
We were gonna say,
"Show us who you are first."
But we didn't have to. You changed.
I was playing. I just chatted with people
to get something from them.
Then I said, "What the hell am I doing?"
- You realized that.
- I noticed you changed a bit.
Then I stopped.
I started enjoying the apartment
I said something touching one time.
- Luma has a heart, too.
- Tell me.
"Look, Marcel. Duma
is a fem gay that is always there
defending trans women,
while we, masc gay guys"
- I hate that term.
- Yeah.
"He fights for them.
That's why he says this stuff."
- That was unfair.
- Yeah.
That's really cool.
And you're here on this show,
- showing that other side. Cool.
- Yeah.
I'm here, bitches!
- Marina!
- Wow!
- My God!
- I put a lot of makeup on
because if Dumaresq is real,
we're gonna have a competition!
- And who is this?
- Who is who?
- Who is who?
- Let her guess.
You look like brothers.
- Twins.
- Twins?
Who are they?
- Whoa, JP is real.
- I'm real.
He looked a bit taller.
- Now these two. Let her guess.
- Who are they?
and Luma.
We're only one.
Yeah, they're only one person.
Who are they?
- Luma?
- Lucas, Marcel. Luma.
What the hell?
Crazy, huh? It messes with your head.
- Your head gets all messed up.
- What the hell?
- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- I'm Luma.
- Look at this woman.
When we saw your photo on the beach,
Marcel and I were like,
- "Damn."
- "Damn, what a woman."
And you're prettier in person.
- I'm surprised.
- What? Am I what?
- Prettier in person.
- Thank you!
- This is so fancy.
- I could hardly wait for this moment.
- I was biting my nails off.
- Me, too.
JP, wait a minute.
Okay, you're both Luma,
but I thought you were a catfish.
- Me?
- We thought the same thing.
You looked like a catfish.
- He's not Gaybol.
- Do you really sing hip hop?
Yes. Wait, there are a lot of lies.
I'm gonna tell you.
Tell us!
- Here we go.
- Was Marina real?
Marina was real,
but she's not 22, she's 25.
Marina is not a singer.
Marina sings. And pretty well, by the way.
I could see that because of your rhymes
Wait, I need to speak now
and explain something.
- I wanna explain som
- Akel told Luma
you said you had a group chat
with Lucas and Lorayne.
That's why I thought,
"Damn, Marina is spilling the beans."
Then, I drew the tongue on the painting.
Oh, it was you. I cried so much.
And you said it was me!
- Go hug her.
- Exactly.
- Let me tell you
- I was pissed.
I want to say something else!
It was Lucas who made the drawing.
- It was a nice drawing.
- You know what?
I loved the painting,
but the hashtags were too much.
- I kept thinking, "What did I do?"
- It was just the hashtags,
but that tongue represents
being a hot-lips.
- I wanted to see how you play.
- Yeah. Let me tell you
But that painting of Luma
was really adorable.
I sat on the couch
with the brushes, feeling guilty.
I think someone's missing in this party!
- She's real!
- She's real!
- Twirl.
- Oh, my God.
- Wow, girl
- You're so beautiful!
Why weren't you like this?
What the hell is that? There are two.
- Now the secret is out.
- Who are they?
- Who are they?
- The secret is out. Who are we?
What the hell? Who Wait.
Oh, my God! You're Luma! Damn!
- Lucas and Marcel. Luma.
- Girl!
What's up?
Oh, my God!
Holy shit!
- You're here.
- Thank Lord Ana left.
- Luma won't like that! Hey!
- Hey!
- Be careful!
- I'm gonna enjoy it.
Don't let her steal him from you!
Ray in the game wasn't half
of who you are right now.
- She was so cold.
- I felt the same.
- But
- I thought,
"She's one of those brainy girls
who texts like this"
- Uh-huh.
- Brainy girl?
Girl, let me tell you something.
That was autocorrect.
I want to say that I hated all of you.
When Ana left and said
that everyone here is unbearable
I agreed.
I even screamed, "Exactly! I agree!"
Because before we met,
we couldn't feel each other's energies
for real. You know?
It's not the same as this meeting.
- We were interacting behind a screen.
- That's the bottom line, right?
Our dream came true.
- We're in the final.
- We're in the final!
So, nice to meet you. I'm Ray-slayer.
You guys, being here is
such a unique thing in our lives.
Do you guys realize how unique this is?
And when I talk about energy,
it's because I believe that.
We attract good things, for real.
It was super worth it.
For me, it's very gratifying to be here.
I never liked to judge people,
I was never a close-minded military.
I respect everybody.
Everybody was born to be happy.
We judge a profile,
we assume stuff because of a photo
or something a person says,
and we take all these wrong ideas.
Because of that,
everybody here has faced prejudice,
- heard things they didn't want to.
- Yeah.
And how are we doing this?
We judge everybody
through a screen. I even said,
- "Dude"
- We look for tiny flaws.
- Any flaw.
- We become monsters in the game.
I never thought
I'd have such an experience. And like
Seeing you all here,
I remember I hated all of you once.
- But look at us now.
- Me, too.
This is so crazy!
But besides all that,
we are here,
after an intense battle, right?
After feeling so much adrenaline.
I had no idea I could feel that.
- After many eliminations.
- Correct.
And after a final talk,
where everybody vented, right?
- Yeah.
- Exactly.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
- Now we're in a circle!
- It's a circle!
- To The Circle!
- Yeah!
Wow. That meeting was incredible, huh?
You think they have an extra chair for me?
Well, it doesn't matter.
What matters is that I'll meet
all the tenants of the building in person.
Right now.
I'm feeling more nervous
than an at-risk player.
I can't wait to find out
who's gonna win 300,000 reais.
This is the final stage
of The Circle Brazil.
Hello, my beloved players!
You are all real!
- Yes! Some of us!
- Not everything is what it seems!
It's so great to see you all in person!
- Totally.
- It's great to see their faces.
- Right?
- Maybe some of them are still fake.
You guys
Well, on this side
we have the blocked players.
Ana, I mean, Raf,
who is the most beloved
"unbearable person" in Brazil, right?
Unbearable. I agree with you.
He's a heartthrob and smells nice.
According to the polls, not me.
- According to the polls.
- Yeah, I'm not saying anything.
That's me.
The wonderful Ana Carla.
Girl, you're even prettier in person.
- Look who's talking.
- How is that possible?
- #CallAuntieJulia!
- What's up?
Call Auntie, dude!
Our lovely Rob.
- Beautiful!
- Me!
- How are you, Lolo?
- I'm all sparkly.
So cute. The "ROFLMAO" girl.
- People won't stop commenting about that.
God help me.
Akel or "Akhel."
- No one knows.
- It's both. I don't know either.
Lucas. Or Paloma or Loma,
to close friends, right, babe?
Call me Loma, babe.
Call me Loma.
MC Lolo!
Or as his mother calls him, Gabriel.
Yeah, Gabriel. If you're mad at me,
- call me Gabriel, too.
- Got it.
Well, you guys
- Me.
- I really would like to know
- Oh God.
- who's the most persuasive.
JP on all those chats,
or Akel, after he was blocked,
during that meeting
You know what I'm talking about, right?
Who's the most persuasive?
Akel struck me as very honest.
I felt he was being sincere.
And the snake
The snake on The Circle,
the person who kept scheming was JP.
Don't tell me otherwise.
Always badmouthing in people's ears,
slithering like this
- He played his game.
- He did.
- He was smart.
- Dirty player.
Will the wedding be
in the Holy Mother of God's Church?
- Your dad can take care of this.
- So crazy.
That was so crazy.
It's hard to get involved with someone
you've never met before.
- Yeah.
- I'd always ask myself if she was real.
But when you follow your heart,
the heart will speak for itself,
and things start to work out.
I don't regret it.
Wonderful. This is great.
- Renan.
- Hey.
Do you think you should've gotten
involved with someone
to be in the final?
You didn't have much time, right?
Yeah. When I arrived,
the alliances were already formed.
For someone with my personality,
it was very hard
to get involved with someone.
I tried, I made a breakfast. Sorry.
And she felt a bit guilty
- for getting a breakfast from Renan.
- She even lied.
- Yeah.
- Right?
Paloma. Or Lucas.
Who is the real Playmaker on The Circle?
- Akel.
- What? Thanks!
Look at that!
It's totally Akel!
Gaybol, what about you?
If The Circle was a video game,
who would be the big boss
you would have to beat?
I think it would be Rob.
Look at his size, dude.
- Rob? But he's so cute!
- He's a beast!
But he pretended to be Auntie.
That was terrible.
A sheep in wolf's clothing.
He's so cute. I think you're so cute, Rob.
Thank you, honey.
Was it hard to pretend
to be a woman in the game?
No. Because I like women, I love women.
I did that for women and for my family.
I'm pretty happy with it.
So cute.
There's the sheep. The sheep is talking.
The sheep is talking.
- Ana Carla.
- Hey.
You said in the show
that you're always judged by your looks.
Do you think the photo you picked
for your profile on The Circle
was the wrong one?
Do you think it jeopardized you?
That was the real me. I only have
I'm a model, I have a lot of photos
I don't take pictures with no makeup on.
- I looked pretty.
- You looked so beautiful.
I would've thought you were a catfish.
For sure. I would've said,
"A woman like that
couldn't possibly be here."
- Hey.
- You were the last blocked player.
I thought Ana was so funny,
I thought you were funny.
I want to know what was
the lamest hashtag in the game.
- Ugh, "Grati-light."
- "Grati-light."
Give me a hug!
Who wrote that hashtag?
Somebody I love. It was Marina.
Guys, I loved talking to you.
I would never stop. But some people
are missing this Circle Chat.
That said
I'll invite to the stage
our gorgeous, wonderful
Our finalists!
Our first finalist is so amazing,
he became an influencer
the most amount of times.
Not everybody can do that.
Make way, Dumaresq is coming!
So gorgeous!
Our second finalist
is a firefighter who most fought fire
on The Circle.
Even though sometimes he got angry easily,
he showed that he's pretty chill.
The Circle is on fire,
so come over here, JP!
- Thanks.
- You may sit, JP.
The next finalist, as she says herself,
"is a typical Brazilian."
She came in with guns blazing
and finished the game
the way she likes the most: slaying.
Come slay on the stage, Ray!
She's wonderful.
You're amazing!
Thank you.
- Make yourself at home.
- Thank you.
Between tears and screams of joy,
the next finalist showed she's flexible,
not only in the game
but also with her own body.
Come to the stage, beautiful carioca!
So pretty!
- How are you?
- Make yourself at home, Ma.
As for our last finalist, let's see
She's two for the price of one.
This dynamic duo managed to create
a beautiful and empowered queen,
and everybody #FellForThat.
Come join the other finalists,
princess of Acre
Lucas and Marcel.
Give me a big hug.
- Welcome.
- Thank you very much.
Come to daddy.
Before we start, I want these two
meeting each other.
I think you're waiting for this,
right, Marina?
Lolo, come hug your friend.
- I'm gonna cry!
- Please!
- Girl, I can't believe it!
- Oh, my God!
Wow. This is intense.
Aw, girl. This is so nice.
- So cute.
- Don't ruin your makeup.
You can't cry.
I've already cried a lot.
Get out of my face.
- And they're both sparkly tonight.
- Yeah.
- So in sync!
- I'm a Virgo. I can't just
It's awesome, right? Because
being part of such an experience
and forming a real friendship
- It must be different.
- Yeah.
And it was very real
because we had our ups and downs.
There were days I called her fake.
Well, I called everybody fake.
- But
- We know.
It was a friendship like
"I'm here for you, for real."
- Count on me.
- Count on me.
Marina taught us
that if life wants to put you down,
you better go down twerking, baby.
Because who's from Méier ain't silly!
Right, Marina?
Excuse me. This is my moment.
Party is my middle name!
You're so bendy, girl!
Count on me, babe.
I love it.
No way!
I needed that human warmth, you know?
Yeah, forget about the boys.
It's a trap!
Let the games begin.
Did you think I was kidding?
Respect me, bitch.
Look at me.
You cried, you danced, you screamed.
The only thing missing was a somersault.
- Do it now.
- Yeah.
No, you guys!
I want to know something.
You played this game with your heart,
but did you use any strategy?
I was being myself, so
if that was a strategy, I don't know,
because I had no idea what I was doing.
I would say something,
but I would do something else.
I was very confused.
Whether it was strategy
or your heart, you don't know.
You only know you're in the final.
- Exactly!
- And it was worth it.
If it was strategy, it worked.
Duma even broke a record
with the amount of times
he was an influencer.
- Four-times influencer.
- Hell yeah!
What is your secret?
You think that being a good listener
and giving people advice
helped you become an influencer
- four times?
- I think the secret is being gay.
I think the secret is being gay
- because
- Being gay is everything.
Who doesn't want a gay friend?
And Ray joined the game
with a really good strategy, right?
You would be friends with everybody,
but you would also be two-faced.
- Exactly.
- Right?
Did you ever think you could get blocked
because of that?
Like, "Crap, they found out
I'm not a friend, I'm two-faced."
Yeah. I even peaked. My peak was when
I was being friends with everybody,
trying to start a conversation
with everybody,
but then one time,
I wanted to talk to Akel.
I started talking to him
because I heard he was on the fence.
Everybody commented about the guy,
so I wanted to talk to him.
Then, we had a conversation.
Poor guy, he only cared about Lolo.
- Yeah!
- No, but
He wasn't even focused on The Circle,
he only cared about Lolo.
I was tested.
She came with her strategies.
I was tested, and then I said,
"Calm down, Akel."
I joined the game with a strategy
of attacking everybody.
We saw that.
Then when I started talking to him,
he was very into Lolo.
- I said, "Damn, dude"
- I'm loyal.
- I want to make that clear.
- What a gift.
Then I said, "I'm done here."
to connect with people,
you need to create a good group chat
and think about good hashtags.
I want to know
which group chat
had the best name on The Circle.
The #CardsOnTheTable.
For sure.
- Because
- Yeah.
It was the only group chat
where everybody laid cards on the table.
- True.
- Luma wanted
to explain things,
then people started to vent out.
It was the first time where everybody
- unleashed their emotions, right?
- Yeah.
JP vented out, Ray vented out.
Marina started to vent out, too.
- And then it was Dumaresq's turn.
- Come, Duma.
Lord have mercy.
Look how powerful a hashtag is,
how powerful
- the name of a group chat is.
- Yeah.
A very important group chat
that strengthened us and brought us here
- was She Fights.
- She Fights.
- Exactly.
- Totally.
Now, were you scared to leave
the Playmakers group chat?
Because the boys were worried
when you said, "Bye, you guys.
- I'm leaving."
- I woke up that morning,
and then some guy invites me
to a group chat called "Playmakers,"
calling people "defenders."
Please respect my life story, everybody.
And the best thing was,
you didn't want to stay there
just to see what was going on.
Because you could be
I was stupid.
Because you could've checked out
the men's strategy
and also hung out with the ladies, but no.
- You were so pissed that you
- Me, too.
- just left the group chat.
- Actually,
I wasn't pissed, I thought
it would be more iconic
if I just left those men there
- It was iconic.
- instead of talking to a bunch of guys.
What about you, JP? How did you manage
to deal with all that tension? Gym?
I started working out in the morning
to cast out the bad energy. Like,
"I'll start my day very energetic."
And I'd run to the gym,
I'd start doing some treadmill,
then hit the weights.
I let JP be the way he is.
- Yeah, very upbeat.
- Yes.
During the game,
you were always upbeat, cheerful,
- happy with everything that was going on.
- Exactly.
Nothing wore me down.
I'd give those two a kiss.
I kept saying,
"Luma, baby. My princess of Acre."
I'd give them a kiss through the screen.
I'd give Ray a kiss, too.
- I said
- What about me?
You too, honey.
And I
- Do it now.
- Of course.
That's so cute!
Don't let them, Ray!
For Christ's sake!
Even though you're a firefighter,
you fanned the flames sometimes, right?
Let's check.
Whoa there!
Gotta take care of my big scowl,
so I don't get wrinkles.
He's very handsome.
My body is burning, by the way.
I'm on fire, JP.
If you like waterfalls, raise your hand.
Holy shit!
I'm seeing some things.
Zoom in.
Good night, princess of Acre.
We have a princess from Acre
and a princess from Manaus.
Welcome, plus-size princess!
Sassy Northeasterner.
No sweat?
"No sweat" means no stress, chill.
Circle, send.
Ray, you hit on JP for real, right?
I hit on him so much!
- Everybody.
- You weren't joking?
When I saw JP in Speedo, I was, "Ah, JP!
Let's make out right now!"
Everybody was impressed
with that photo of him in white Speedo.
Good thing everybody was in the pool.
- Especially Raf. Right?
- Good thing I was in the pool.
- What?
- What's up, cutie?
How are you?
I mean, Ana!
Now, Marina
Oh, my God.
We were so sad when you found out
that Lucas was in fact Paloma.
How are you, babe?
- Babe!
- I don't Babe!
Lucas was not my type,
but he was hitting on me,
- so why not?
- He was available, right?
Right? Why not?
I gave myself completely!
- I gave myself completely.
- Now let's talk to Luma.
Lucas and Marcel.
Since the start, you made it clear
that a good player can't get involved
emotionally with anyone.
Luma had
It was great. There's the emotion
and there's the reason.
We found a balance after a few fights.
Just some fights.
But everything worked out,
and Luma found a balance.
She didn't get herself too involved,
and nothing went south.
At times, one of you got too involved.
Then the other would say,
- "Take it easy. Don't get too involved".
- Exactly.
- "Wake up, you're in a game!"
- "Earth is calling!"
When we sent messages
- It was wonderful.
- Christ Almighty.
"Luma doesn't say that stuff!"
"Of course she does!"
- "Who is Luma?"
- "She's not thirsty!"
"Yes, she is thirsty!"
"Yes, she is needy!"
- "She's needy!"
- "Yes, she'll fight with Ray!"
Well, if the princess of Acre
was just fiction,
for me, she seemed too real.
Check it out.
- Wonder Twin powers
- Activate.
Lucas and Marcel, hence Luma.
I'm here!
Go, Blue Team!
Two guys
pretending to be a girl
and being finalists, it's incredible.
- #Believe
- It.
Luma is such a catfish name.
- See?
- Write it down.
It's hard to pick someone.
Stop being soft!
Marcel, wake up.
Luma is truth.
Luma is energy.
Bottom line, Luma is the best thing
Marcel and I can create together.
A very well designed profile.
I love it!
- I love it.
- It was fun from beginning to end.
Luma is pretty, isn't she?
- She is, I give you that..
- She really is!
You know what is amazing?
Every time Luma appeared, they were like,
"Luma looks wonderful!"
"You look beautiful, Luma!"
The princess should keep her head high.
Did you find it hard
to play a woman in the game?
- No.
- Not at all.
- No.
- Sometimes we said,
- "How's it going, bro?"
- "What's up, dude?"
Take a step back.
"Hey bro! Hey sis!"
- We almost slip up, but
- You have to pay attention.
The wig helped.
- We would really embody her.
- You'd embody her.
I loved it. When you opened the chat,
you would put the wig on.
Two guys.
With beard.
Now Duma, honey,
you're like a work of art.
- You think so?
- I am absolutely sure.
How many sequin suitcases do you need
to create a Dumaresq?
Because I want your eye shadow,
everything you have.
- Let's trade. Alright by me.
- Let's trade.
The secret is, you get one outfit
and turn it into three.
Wear this way, turn inside out
and everything.
It was an adventure figuring out
which makeup and clothes I would wear,
which character I would play,
if I would be playful, cheerful,
or if I would be
modern and fashionista.
So, it was really incredible
to experience all of those days
- because it's important
- Yeah.
to recharge your batteries.
And the clothes helped me a lot
in creating this character.
I could communicate through my looks.
They thought I was part of the decor.
"Where's Dumaresq? Oh, on the couch.
I thought he was a cushion."
It was me.
The Circle is a voice-activated system,
but it seems like Ray thought
it was scream-activated.
This party is so me!
I'm the prom queen.
Awesome, sis. Let's do this.
Ray is simply wonderful.
Be careful, Lorayne.
I'm the apple from
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:
beautiful on the outside
and poisonous on the inside.
I'll hit on all these boys.
Man, Ray is gorgeous.
JP, come over!
I want to kiss your lips right now!
I saw a boundary here
and I danced a samba on it.
A toast
to myself, right, Circle?
Honey, you're so fierce!
You said it yourself
that you're the apple from
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:
beautiful on the outside
and poisonous on the inside.
What was the most poisonous thing
you did on The Circle?
At first, I was playing.
I wanted to be articulated.
I wanted You know?
To come up with amazing strategies.
When I noticed that it wasn't working,
I simply woke up and said,
"No, girl. Wake up, it's time to
bounce back."
I think the worst thing you did
was when you
- wrote to Akel
- Yeah.
- You wanted to form a ship.
- That day was the worst.
- RaKel.
- RaKel.
- Yeah.
- I wrote to him,
- "Hey Akel"
- Homewrecker.
- What a snake.
- I became the infamous homewrecker.
if you could pick
a blocked player to
pay you a visit, who would that be?
This is super sad
because Luma didn't have any visitors.
Not even one.
But who would you pick to visit you?
It's hard to say because Lu Oof
- Pick one.
- Luma would want Renan!
- Luma had a final talk
- Sorry, I won.
We were really hoping for Renan,
because we had just talked.
"Renan will come over."
Luma brushed her teeth,
wore perfume. She had cake!
- Poor Luma, Renan!
- But he didn't come over.
Marina, is there anyone who surprised you,
positively and negatively?
- Look. Julia
- I want names.
- Julia!
- Whoa.
I hated Julia throughout the entire game!
In my opinion, she was being
super negative in the game,
and then suddenly,
this upbeat person shows up,
so cheerful, what a nice guy.
He's my Uncle now, from the heart.
Duma, what about you?
What were you most worried about?
Finding out who was a catfish
or who was playing?
At the start of the game,
all we care about is targets.
The main targets are the catfish.
Then, Loma even gave us an advice
when she said,
"Stop hunting for catfish
because they can become allies."
It was very well put, right?
Very much. It was wonderful.
- For example, Luma
- Luma felt really good at that moment.
Luma was an ally,
- and she was a catfish.
- Exactly.
Nope, she's real.
Don't even start, woman!
But she was playing fair
- Exactly.
- she didn't play dirty,
- and she was a catfish, right?
- Yeah.
And if it was up to Dumaresq,
The Circle would be filled with one thing:
good vibes.
Do I hear screams?
I hope it's not me.
The Circle Brazil!
Who's the prettiest queen?
I'm the prettiest queen.
He's cool, he's nice.
He's a threat to me.
If there's something
I really dislike
is that whole hetero persona.
The only balls I know of
aren't used for soccer.
But I agree to manage
the cheerleaders.
Dumaresq is incredible! Holy shit!
He's so crazy.
I was born to be here.
Duma, when you look back
on this whole experience on The Circle,
what will you remember immediately?
You know those artists
who always dream of being famous?
And being around famous people?
Give me a kiss.
This world is really fun.
It's a world that appeals to me a lot.
So for me, being here is surreal.
It's the Universe's answer
for everything I sowed.
Because we're never going to experience
something like this again.
And I want to remember this any way I can
because everything
that happens from here on out
- All the best to you!
- Everything.
You'll remember everything.
- Yeah, everything.
- Everything was wonderful.
JP, you were considered a strong player.
Did you plan on being strategic
from the beginning?
No, I really didn't. I
I joined the game just to be myself,
with my essence,
my personality,
but overall,
I tried to get closer to people
that I identified with the most.
I'd never get closer to people that
- I didn't like
- That you didn't relate to.
Yeah, but always looking
into strengthening one another,
in a positive way.
Always being commendable.
Never manipulating anyone,
never badmouthing people.
"Never," huh?
No! Cut!
We can see that he was the only one.
Never manipulating
- Me?
- No.
- Because
- I think he was the only one.
No. Because the way they said it
They said I was a puppet master,
I was playing with puppets,
and it was nothing like that.
Was Luma a puppet?
Was Ray a puppet? Never.
They were just players
in a group of people I related to.
So, we protected each other
and raised ourselves to the top.
Well, we know that a relationship
between siblings is not always peaceful.
And you two lived together
for many days, 24 hours a day,
locked in an apartment.
Was there any tension between you two?
We've been living apart
for quite a while now,
so this experience
brought us together again.
We were doing everything together
and only talking to each other.
We were sweet to each other,
but just a little.
Deciding what to eat,
what to say, who to block.
- Oh God.
- You missed each other and said,
"Wow, we're together again.
But not too much."
He didn't let me sleep in his bed.
Guys, I loved talking to you all.
It was really great.
- Nice.
- And after being locked
in their own apartments,
communicating only through the Circle,
can you imagine how these players
slayed the competition?
If you think you spend too much time
on social media,
can you imagine living inside one?
Nine players accepted this challenge.
My goodness.
I'm on The Circle!
This is The Circle.
Each one of them set up their profile
with utmost honesty.
Dude, we're perfect.
But not really.
Julia will draw more attention
if she's single, right?
Let him who never wanted to be popular
cast the first hashtag.
I'm ready to be an influencer.
What's wrong with these people?
But to be an influencer
doesn't mean having a lot of followers.
With great power
comes great responsibility.
I don't agree with you.
You might be three times bigger than me,
but I'm three times braver.
The person we've decided to block is
This is so sad.
I didn't want to leave this experience.
I'm livid. That's how I'm feeling.
And if some players are blocked,
no worries.
The Circle always adds new friends.
- "Luma has joined the chat?"
- "Luma has joined the chat?"
What the hell is that?
The Circle is like a mother's heart.
There's room for more.
I can't with these people
coming and going.
But in the game,
not everything that sparkles is a like.
Do we a have deal?
I won't form an alliance with you,
my brother.
Business is business.
You're a catfish and a phony!
Aw, don't be #Upset.
We can always say,
"Long time no see, stranger!"
We're flirting.
Bring your hose and put down the fire!
This is so sexy, you guys!
I'm into him, for real.
Sometimes the stranger
can knock on your door.
I can't imagine myself leaving this place
without kissing you.
But when the guest isn't the person
you were waiting for
Oh, my God!
Holy shit!
Who's a catfish?
Here, an emoji can speak
for a thousand words.
Hurrah, The Circle!
I think I'm already drunk.
But the show must go on.
- Alert!
- Alert!
Because there's nothing like
being a finalist.
- "Congratulations"
- "you are the finalists of The Circle!"
No way!
Holy cow!
Yeah, I'm in the final!
I deserve it a lot!
But only one can be a winner.
You guys have been through a lot, huh?
And only five of you I mean, six
have made it to the final.
We're about to reveal
the winner of The Circle.
The most popular player,
chosen by the finalists themselves,
will take home 300,000 reais.
Chatting with friends
has never been so worthwhile, right?
- Right?
- I want more.
Are you ready?
Oh God, alert!
- Oh no!
- Oh no!
I can't anymore!
- Enough!
- Whoa, is that right, Circle?
"It's time to reveal the results."
Oh, my God.
- Are you ready?
- Oh, my God.
In fifth place
Oh, my God!
Give me a kiss.
The drinks are not on us!
Are your hearts racing, peeps?
- So much.
- A lot.
- I'm gasping for air.
- I'll need two hearts.
I'm gonna faint.
What are you guys thinking right now?
Everything will change,
we won't be poor anymore.
- Everything can change.
- Everything will change. It already has.
True, it has changed.
In fourth place
You are amazing.
You're the heart of The Circle.
Oh, my God.
- He's the leading role here.
- Exactly.
Now there are only three finalists left.
And Marina.
And in third place
We're in the final!
Oh, my God.
I'm having goosebumps right now.
Two women in the final!
- She fights, am I right?
- She fights.
and Ray.
You were the two players best rated
by the group.
Only one of you
will win a prize of 300,000 reais.
And the winner of The Circle Brazil is
You are the winner
of The Circle Brazil, Marina!
Holy cow, I wasn't
- Man
- How do you feel?
I wasn't expecting that.
- Really?
- Really.
I was myself, I was being real,
I tried to give my best,
I followed my heart
rather than my mind, and man
Now I don't know how to cry, how to smile,
but I'm really happy.
Guys, I want us to be friends
for the rest of my life.
I don't know what to say anymore.
you'll have plenty of time to decide
how you're going to spend
the 300,000 reais.
- It's so much money!
- But tell me
what is the first thing you'll do
with the 300,000 reais?
I'm tired of living with my parents.
For the love of God, I want to get out.
The first thing I'm gonna do
is to get an apartment!
Congratulations, honey.
- No wonder you came here all sparkly.
- Yeah.
Guys, this dress
- was covered in dust.
- Twerk!
I'm not gonna twerk, baby.
- Excuse me. Give me some space.
- Go!
Go, Marina!
Congratulations, winner Marina!
You rock!
I'm so happy to be part
of this experience with you all.
You guys made me proud!
Circle, message.
- Send!
- Send!
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