The Devil Judge (2021) s01e12 Episode Script

I Hope You Are Lonely

I'd like to think about it over a smoke.
Will you give me some time alone?
ID, please.
I'm Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon from WAIS.
You're clear.
Kang Yo-han?
Step back.
You. Get up, now.
Ga-on, what are you doing?
Why are you here?
-Tell me. Why are you here?
It was a suicide.
We only discovered her after we came here
to inquire into her crime.
Are you going to arrest us?
Yoon Su-hyeon.
We need to go.
This is Yoon Su-hyeon.
Minister Cha took her own life
in her office.
I'll preserve the scene.
Send backup immediately.
Hold on. What did you say?
Cha Gyeong-hui is dead?
There is a file I'd been working on.
I'll hand it over to Kang Yo-han.
Send someone to her office right away.
I'm sure she kept it near her.
Find it at all cost, got it?
Cha Gyeong-hui, Minister of Justice,
was discovered dead in her office
minutes before a warrant
for her arrest was issued.
A WAIS detective who had come
to inquire into her crime was the first
to discover the scene.
There are no criminal suspicions
over the late Minister's death,
with clear evidence of a suicide.
The police are currently investigating
the exact motive…
Now are you relieved?
Kim Ga-on.
I'm sorry.
I know you're not to blame, sir.
I know it's hard,
but what happened has happened.
Just forget about it.
Forget about it?
Yes, forget about it.
And focus on the next step.
We have failed this time.
Cha Gyeong-hui's files
would have ended up
in Heo Joong-se's hands.
Why did Minister Cha
enjoy smoking so much
when cigars are no good for your health?
What a pitiful death.
Su-hyeon, please.
Do you know what I did because of you?
I destroyed evidence. Me!
How could you…
How could you let me see that?
I'm sorry, Su-hyeon.
I really am.
What are you and Kang Yo-han up to?
I never…
want to see you again, Ga-on.
Congratulations, Young Master.
Cha Gyeong-hui has been eliminated
as you wished.
Yes, good work. I owe it all to you.
Wow, did I just hear you thank me?
But we're only just getting started.
Now that our candidate
for presidency is gone,
the old weasels at the Foundation
will look for an alternative.
So leave it to me.
"Since it's come to this,
let's push for Kang Yo-han."
I'll set it all up.
But since it's come to this,
how about just make me
the chairman of the Foundation?
I'd like to participate in
the Dream Base project.
You greedy man.
Don't rush yourself.
One step at a time, all right?
Yes, Judge Kang.
-Find Kim Ga-on.
He's probably not himself right now.
Find him and bring him to me.
Before he does something foolish.
Yes, sir.
You're off late today.
What brings you here?
As far as I know,
Cha Gyeong-hui's case has been settled.
Immaculately by your hands,
Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon.
Stop this right now.
If you don't, I'll arrest you.
With my own hands.
Please leave Ga-on alone.
Please don't ruin him. Please.
Hands off.
I said hands off.
Thank you.
Look over there.
Isn't it that young judge who was on TV?
Gosh, you look even more
dashing in real life.
-May we get a picture with you?
-I'm sorry, please sit back down.
Oh, come on. Just one.
We really enjoy your show.
Come on, we're your fans.
One, two…
-Judge Kim.
Looks like you had too much to drink.
Did Judge Kang order you to come find me?
In case I cause trouble?
I'm sorry if it offends you.
So Cha Gyeong-hui paid for
her sins in the end.
With her own hands.
Well, I feel nothing.
I lived my entire life for revenge,
and now that it's been realized,
I feel empty.
Judge Kim.
Don't get too deeply involved.
What do you mean?
I have nothing to lose,
but you're different, aren't you?
Stay with Judge Kang,
and you'll lose everything in the end.
Including yourself.
You're here.
I heard you went to see Yoon Su-hyeon.
With all the eyes watching us,
how could you go see her?
-Are you out of your mind?
Are you afraid in case
I whistle-blowed on your plans,
Judge Kang?
You think this battle is a joke, do you?
Even if we risk our everything,
it's do or die.
How long must I play along
to your child's play?
I risked my everything too.
Do you even know what I'm suppressing
when I'm helping you, Judge Kang?
There's a dead person
right before my eyes,
but the first thing
that came to my mind was…
First we…
We need to find that file.
What kind of a monster am I becoming?
I know it's hard, but it can't be helped.
You know what kind of bastards
we're up against.
And they're probably now
in high spirits too.
Who knows what they will do next?
Your childhood friend…
came to see me today.
She said she'll arrest me if I don't stop.
If you want to save the world,
cut off Yoon Su-hyeon from your life.
You can't choose to be with her
if you're going to help me.
is my world.
Did you have a fight with Yo-han?
It's not like that.
Then why are you leaving?
I can't board here forever.
I have my own place too.
Still, this is all too sudden.
It's not like I care,
but someone might want to get revenge.
Like one of Jukchang's guys, for example.
You'll find this place to be pretty safe
because Yo-han bolstered security
so it's like a fortress,
probably because he feels guilty.
There are surveillance cameras,
security alarms…
I'm sorry
for not being able to
be with you till the end.
I really am.
So you're really leaving?
How about you come visit me sometimes?
I'll cook you something delicious.
How can I go in this state?
Though I don't believe in God,
I prayed to
whoever may be out there that night.
If it gets too tough,
make sure to tell me.
Did you have a nightmare?
Are you all right?
That a peaceful rest free of nightmares
and tears
may be granted to those in this house.
Why did you throw him out?
He left on his own accord.
It was his choice.
But this house is safer and much better.
Why did you make him leave after
making him do all those dangerous things?
Since when did you worry
so much about others?
You could have tried
holding him back at least once!
He's not your father.
-You heard me.
He's not your father.
You'll end up hurt
if you continue to delude yourself.
I apologize. I shouldn't have said that.
Shut up!
What's gotten into you anyway?
The Yo-han I know never apologizes.
Just be your normal self.
Now will you get lost?
Here's to wishing that
our late Minister Cha may rest in peace.
So, you think we should burn some incense?
Anyway, we owe it all to you,
Chairwoman Jung.
Honestly, Cha Gyeong-hui
was just running wild
like a mad horse.
She'd given me such a headache!
I was only doing my work.
How could I ignore a threat
to the Foundation?
Every time she glared at me
with her laser eyes,
I'd get heartburns.
I would have died if she hadn't!
Now you can have
a good night's sleep, President Park.
Sure, money is nice and so is power.
But human needs to live like a human.
Holding your weakness against you
and blackmailing…
No wonder the end wasn't so good for her.
Just how many weaknesses did you have
to shake like a jelly, President Park?
Speak for yourself.
Don't you think I know you're trying
to acquire Dominican citizenship?
Sure, lucky you for already having one.
Why are you here if you're not Korean?
Go back to your country!
Oh, please.
Enough of your bickering
because the game isn't over yet.
Chairwoman Jung,
shouldn't we move onto the next step?
What next step?
There is still one remaining threat
against the Foundation, isn't there?
Kang Yo-han!
Right, we'd been raising
a tiger cub all this time.
Rather than remove him,
it'll be safer to drag him in.
-He's grown too big.
-But how?
How will we drag him in?
He's an ambitious man.
In fact,
he's revealed them before, hasn't he?
Does it have to be Cha Gyeong-hui?
Does it really have to be Cha Gyeong-hui
who guards your wealth?
Cha Gyeong-hui is gone now.
If we promise him
the next presidency, Kang Yo-han--
Do we really need the next president?
Mr. President, there are just
two years until the next…
Hold on.
Do we really need an election?
When a nation is in crisis,
democracy is a luxury.
That's true, yes.
What do you mean by a crisis?
What is it?
Is this not enough?
Shall I make it a real crisis
once and for all then?
Chairwoman Jung, I'm awfully disappointed.
Promise him the next presidency?
That bastard Kang Yo-han?
Still, Kang Yo-han is a pawn worth using,
-so instead of removing him--
-So you slept with him.
You so did. Didn't you?
How could you be so vulgar?
Why are you getting so irked up?
We were just joking.
Exactly, so why did you have to
come to his defense like that?
We were just joking.
Chairwoman Jung.
Do you know what Cha Gyeong-hui said to us
when she barged into our offices
before she died?
What did she say?
She said if we don't help her,
she'll hand all the files on
what went around in the Foundation
over to that Kang Yo-han!
And Kang Yo-han had demanded
the same to Cha Gyeong-hui!
Kang Yo-han was trying to take us down.
All of us!
Including you!
He'd been using you all this time,
yet you go ahead and launch
that support committee or whatever…
Wake up, all right?
Damn it…
I mean, stop acting like a desperate wench
who's craving some asshole's attention!
Get a grip on yourself!
Do you think you're doing a good job
because we're always cooing over you?
You're here.
What's this?
It's rare for you to call me, Su-hyeon.
So how have you been?
What is it?
Is there something going on?
Did you call for me, sir?
Have a seat.
What could this be about?
What have you been forcing Ga-on into?
Do you know what that child
has been through?
He had survived hell
to make it to where he is today.
Every man has his hell, Justice Min.
And he's not a child. Just so you know.
I won't overlook this.
I'll dig into this, and--
If you do that,
Ga-on will also end up getting hurt.
Since it's a crime.
I see you haven't heard the details yet.
Did you hear it from Ga-on directly?
So you heard it from Yoon Su-hyeon.
What did she say?
She said you seem to be forcing Ga-on
into doing something dangerous,
but I see now that
this is beyond dangerous.
Did you just say crime?
It was you, Justice Min,
who forced him into danger.
You sent him to me, didn't you?
How could you be so blatant?
And so shameless?
Do you honestly believe
what you're doing is serving justice?
I never deluded myself
into thinking that I'm justice.
I'd been merely making decisions.
And until now,
I didn't have many options.
So either I chose to accept it all,
or fight it all.
And he too had made his own decision.
So whether he chooses to continue or stop
will also be his decision.
Fight it all?
You must think
you're battling this monstrous world,
but stare deep into the abyss
and the abyss too,
will stare deep into you.
You need to stop.
You are…
ruining this world.
If I may correct you,
I am the abyss.
Yes, Judge Kang.
I need you to keep an eye on Min Jeong-ho.
Keen an eye on Ga-on too.
Yes, Judge Kang.
Anger. That, I understand.
Even if no one else in this world does,
I do.
I understand that feeling.
I wanted you to be on my side.
If I needed to, I would have gladly
gone to farther lengths,
be it switching him with someone else.
That's my way of doing things.
And that will never change.
This isn't just for revenge.
Then what?
I want to fight against
this distorted world.
What kind of a monster am I becoming?
What are you doing?
Do you want some too?
I have my own, thank you.
What is that?
It's something Master Ga-on
prepared before he left.
Stir-fried pork and soybean paste soup.
My goodness.
Come sit down.
If it looks delicious.
Join me before you go.
-Just kidding.
You never used to make such jokes.
Are you getting old too?
They say absence makes
the heart grow fonder.
The house feels so empty without him.
You should have treated him well
while he was here.
Are you sure?
You'll regret it.
-Don't lie.
-I'll give you one last chance.
I know you're just saying that.
Oh what? Not again!
Were you born to be a police officer?
How come you always pick robber each time?
-I'll kill you!
Actually, make that a thug.
That was a deathly blow.
You'll kill many with that.
-Hey, Ga-on.
-Oh, you're here.
Fine, I'll join in too.
-Elijah, you bet your pocket money.
-Gosh, I'll be rich this month.
-You're both dead.
-Let's go then.
Let me shuffle
because you don't know how to.
All right, let's do it.
Here we go…
I don't care if mankind goes extinct
as long as I have you.
Your call cannot be connected
at this time.
Please try again later.
Granny, hello.
You're back again.
-Now are you happy to see me?
-Happy? Please.
Why do you keep on asking about
that horrible fire that took many lives?
It's gruesome.
Granny, I've been tracking the people
who worked at the cathedral down
but I can't seem to find any information
on Jung Joseph.
I think it's his Christian name.
I can't find anything about him.
Do you perhaps know his real name?
Or where he's moved to?
Jung Joseph…
Jung Joseph?
Yes, Judge Kang.
Min Jeong-ho is up to something.
He's been meeting with the members
of the Opposition and journalists too.
All right, keep watching.
If you see any worrying articles,
-prepare for a rebuttal right away.
-Yes, sir.
And there's also something else
that's odd.
Is this about Jukchang?
You knew?
He fled, did he?
He smashed his electronic tag and fled,
but neither the police
nor the prosecution are on it.
-It must be Heo Joong-se's doing.
-Does he have nothing to stop him now?
He must be up to something big.
Full throttle.
Justice Min,
don't you think this is too early?
We haven't secured enough evidence yet--
It's too late to wait
for the right timing.
Let's at least raise it as an issue
even if we should fail.
We should at least make it known
that there were other voices in this era.
Should we not?
All right, Justice Min.
I'll call the journalists.
Judge Kang Yo-han
is driving this country toward
violent madness.
Students are playing games where
they tie up their peers and flog them.
The entire nation is engaged
in a manhunt using the Dike app
to track down the offender.
His trials are not grounded on definite
evidence and cautious proceedings,
but on surprise revelations
and incendiary propaganda.
This is…
not justice.
There is no easy justice in our world.
As a justice of the Supreme Court,
I call upon the disbandment of
the Department of Live Court Show.
Kang Yo-han…
must step down.
Wow, talk about timing.
That was fast. Give them a call.
There's something else we need to do.
We demand Min Jeong-ho to step down!
Step down, step down!
The Live Court Show must go on!
I think we should request the police
to escort you when you leave the office.
-Things aren't looking so good.
-It's all right.
There is no need to go so far for me.
Justice Min Jeong-ho.
Who are you?
How dare you defame our Judge Kang?
You have a death wish, do you?
How dare you blackmail me?
You're not taking me seriously, are you?
Then how about I ask your wife
and children the same question?
Your place is quite cozy, Justice.
Are you squeaky clean or just pretending?
Yes, are the police on their way yet?
This is urgent!
This morning, Justice Min Jeong-ho
was rushed to the hospital
after he was attacked by a man
near his residence.
The attacker is suspected to be
one of Judge Kang Yo-han's fanatics.
Justice Min had been
harassed with protests and blackmail
from those who oppose his opinion
ever since his press conference yesterday.
This is totally unacceptable
and barbaric in our civilized society!
But first, I wish Justice Min
a speedy recovery.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
A fanatic of a specific judge
is now exerting violence? How…
How could this be?
I ask the Supreme Court to
reconsider continuing to leave
the Department of Live Court Show
in his care.
After all… I mean, it's not like
there's just one great judge
in our country, is it?
Isn't it time we promote our K-judges?
Well, I say it's time to!
You should just lie down.
Last time you left
as if you'll never see me again.
You're okay, right?
The doctors said
your injuries aren't critical.
Who cares what happens to me?
Don't say that now.
But they're now tormenting my family
who's nothing but innocent.
They made my family's profile
public online,
and my daughter's struggling
to even go into work.
I didn't know
Kang Yo-han would stoop so low.
But Professor, I'm sure
this wasn't Kang Yo-han's doing.
-He's not--
-How can you still take his side?
I will never… forgive him.
This is the guy
who's been looking into you.
Is he?
He's been helping Kang Yo-han
since a long time ago.
He even used the WAIS chief
to obtain the records
on your mother's case.
Even as we speak, he's looking into you.
On your father's case,
and even Seo Jeong-hak's too.
All right.
Good work.
Chairwoman Jung.
Why does your voice
sound so welcoming today?
Let's proceed with what you suggested.
Yes, I told you!
We need to just go for it.
And I'm expecting the Foundation
to give me a push, all right?
All right.
Oh, and I also have a small favor to ask.
When Jukchang's undertaking
this assignment,
could I ask him to do
a little chore for me too?
Sure, all right. Fine.
Thank you.
Now smile.
You blend into this house quite well.
Hello, Young Master.
What makes you call me
this early in the morning?
How cold.
Now that Cha Gyeong-hui is gone,
you're done with me, are you?
No way.
We'll need to keep seeing each other.
Then how about we see each other now?
Let's go on a date.
There's something
I'd very much like to show you.
Yes, hello?
Judge Kim Ga-on?
Yes, this is he.
If you wish to save Justice Min Jeong-ho,
come to the slums in Hyeongsan-dong.
Who are you?
Right now.
The number you are trying to…
Stop right there, bastard!
My fellow Koreans, the deadly virus
was once again discovered
in the slums of Hyeongsan-dong.
I ask for your full cooperation
with the quarantine authorities
for your safety, please.
I repeat. The deadly virus
was once again discovered
in the slums of Hyeongsan-dong.
I ask for your full cooperation
with the quarantine authorities
for your safety, please.
We can overcome this.
No matter what crisis we face,
we will prevail.
You're here.
How romantic.
For a morning date, that is.
I knew you'd like it.
Not bad, right?
What about your necklace?
You're so attentive.
I put it away somewhere safe
since it's such a precious gift.
What if someone were to snatch it?
Would anyone dare to?
Do you think so?
-Are you scared of me, Young Master?
Why would I be?
This is nice.
I love it when you're
so nice with me, Young Master.
So, Young Master…
Why did you do that?
Why couldn't you be
a little nicer with me?
Judge Kang!
Judge Kang!
What's the meaning of this?
I thought we'd agreed to go
all the way to the top together.
Two years. I said we just needed to
wait two more years.
Then we'll be able to have
everything in this world.
There's nothing that I particularly want.
Oh, I see.
You just wanted to ruin everything.
But why?
Even if you clean up the trash now,
the remaining trash
will come to replace them.
Being the ringleader of trash
isn't really my thing.
I see.
That's too bad.
Kill him!
Judge Kang!
Judge Kang…
Judge Kang!
Judge Kang, don't come here.
Judge Kang, no! Judge Kang.
Judge Kang!
Judge Kang, no! Judge Kang!
Judge Kang, please.
Please don't come here, Judge Kang!
Judge Kang, please don't come here…
Please don't come here, Judge Kang.
Judge Kang…
Don't come here, Judge Kang.
No! It's dangerous.
Please don't come here, Judge Kang.
Don't come here!
Put that down.
You know,
I wish you were lonely like me,
Young Master.
Perhaps then you'll stay by my side
when you have no one left.
Help us!
Mister, not him! Mister!
Are you all right? Get out.
-Are you all right?
Thank you.
-This way.
-Thank you.
It's been a long time.
It's me. Don't you remember me?
I will…
make sure you die
in the most lonely, pathetic way.
A death that suits you.
Goodbye, Young Master.
Judge Oh, just get ready for it.
We are being attacked.
This is only the beginning, Young Master.
Will you just sit back and watch?
That news? It's all fake.
The Foundation manipulated it.
Without their stage,
they are just an average person.
Mr. Jung Joseph? Wait.
The government has been blinding you.
Stop it right now! Right now!
What Kang Yo-han is really after, is…
I will summon you to the Live Court Show
and expose all of your schemes.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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