The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Count Me In

[door opens]
[Ashley] Oh, no, Tad! Crutches.
-What was the diagnosis?
-Well, it's hard to say.
You can tell me.
No, the-- the word is hard to say.
It's partially torn.
The doc says if he rests,
keeps the leg elevated,
and does his physical therapy,
he can probably play football Friday.
Scouts are coming, so, fingers crossed,
he's recovered by then.
I can't believe our first official date
might have ended your football career.
I wouldn't change a thing
except for the whole
possibly-ending-my-football-career part.
[cell phone chimes]
From my dad. He's good
with me staying here until game day.
His parents are out of town.
They're on a cruise
to save their marriage.
They go every year.
I feel so bad. Can I do anything?
No. They have to work this out themselves.
Tad's living under our roof.
You will help him with his rehab.
Aw, poor baby.
And the only thing
that's gonna get physical here
is the therapy.
Make sure he keeps ice on his knee.
But be careful with the ice machine,
because it spills ice all over the floor.
[scoffs] Silly ice machine.
That's not where ice goes.
Does Tad know
it was my melted ice that he slipped on?
-Not yet.
-[Ashley] Well, don't tell him.
I wanna tell him myself.
I should've listened to you.
Yes, you should've.
And you shouldn't have missed curfew.
Not to mention, you messed up
a very important football game.
Tío Victor, I am so sorry.
I deserve any consequence
that you're going to give me.
I feel so guilty.
That. Keep feeling that!
That's your consequence.
Just like I planned.
All right.
There's still a chance
Tad will play Friday if--
If I slip on my own piece of ice
and hurt my brain
and lose my job at JPL, thus restoring
the karmic balance in the universe?
I was gonna say
if you get him to do his physical therapy.
Starting tomorrow,
two hours in the morning,
two hours in the evening.
And remember, you gotta be tough with him.
How hard can that be?
No, no, no, no, no!
Please don't make me do my exercises!
Tad, you know
how important these exercises are.
You wanna play Friday, right?
This game will get you
to the next round of playoffs.
Fine, I'll do the exercises, but
can I have a little breakfast first?
Sure, what do you want?
-It's 9:00 a.m.
-[Tad] Right.
I'm usually eight meatballs deep by now.
Okay, meatballs.
-Coming right up.
-[Tad] And
not like this.
Like this.
Got it.
Making meatballs—how hard could it be?
[inhales sharply]
Oh, better not say that again.
[theme music playing]
Well, Tad's out,
so we're stuck with Cash as quarterback
who's great
as long as he doesn't have to throw a pass
or make decisions. [sighs]
Stick, what the heck are you doing?
Salsa dancing.
That's not salsa
that's mayo.
[sighs] You're right. I can't do this.
Hey, buddy.
So, you're not a dancer.
I'm bad at at
We're talking about you, not me.
It's just
auditions for the school musical
are coming up,
and Brooke always gets the lead.
I figured if I could get cast
opposite her,
we could spend more time together.
If I don't get cast, I'll never see her.
She'll be gone, rehearsing all the time.
Our whole relationship could fade away,
like it never happened.
You will dance.
You just said I'm not a dancer.
Look, I want you and Brooke
to have the chance I just missed out on.
You just wanna help me
because Ava abandoned you
for a frozen tundra of endless darkness,
and you're sitting in your house alone,
while everyone else around you is happy?
Do you want me to help you or not?
Tad's in a pretty good mood.
He wasn't mad when you told him
he slipped on your ice?
-[pan clatters]
-You haven't told him yet?
I know I have to, but I'm afraid.
You've got to tell him.
You can't keep this from him.
But if Tad doesn't get better,
he won't play, and he won't go to college,
and it'll be my fault
his whole life is ruined.
Wow, yeah, never tell him.
But on the other hand, I feel guilty.
Well, stuff it down. Stuff it way down.
Don't tell Tad anything
unless he's all better.
Right. I just have to make sure
he gets better as soon as possible.
Here you go, Tad.
-[TV clicks off]
Meatball, meatball
Trick-or-treat ball ♪
Miami Heat ball, Sesame Street ball ♪
Wake up in the morning
Have a bowl of Cream of Wheat ball ♪
Nothin' left to do
Except eat, eat, eat ball ♪
Thanks, Ashley. I like that they glisten.
-[Ashley] Brooke, what are you doing?
-Yeah, get your own meatballs!
They're not yours yet.
Ash, don't you see?
He doesn't get a single one
until after he does his exercises.
But I was in a terrible accident,
through no fault of my own.
New deal. You get a meatball
after you do your clamshells.
[clicks tongue]
I'm not a fan of this deal.
[takes a deep breath, grunting]
[yelps, yells]
One meatball, please.
Tad, if I give you a meatball
for every clamshell you do,
that could be 100 meatballs a day.
I'm okay with that.
[to rhythm] Quick, quick, slow
Quick, quick, slow ♪
Dance like me ♪
Just like this ♪
[claps to rhythm] No. Now, left foot.
No. No, now, right--
No, no!
[quietly] No. Stop.
-You never start with your right foot.
-It's just so confusing.
Yeah, right and left
a problem that's stumped
our greatest minds.
Okay, okay. I think I got it.
This time, I promise,
I will not start with my right foot.
Five, six, seven, eight,
o-- Are you kidding me?
You know, I think I know how to fix
your right-foot problem.
Now, you will never step first
with your right foot again.
And if you do, all that'll happen is this.
This can't be the only way to do this.
When you learn the pattern,
you just go up and back
in a straight line.
Stay in your lane.
Any questions?
Why do you have so many mousetraps?
You think you're the first person
I've taught to dance? Hmm?
You know Bruno Mars?
I taught his pastry chef to dance.
Enough questions.
[salsa music playing on cell phone]
Oh, my God,
look at me.
That's better, Stick.
What is he doing?
I'm dancing.
[both] That's not dancing.
Hey, Stick!
God gave you hips
sort of.
Move them. Then you'll be dancing. Hm?
Ah. Ha!
I think I see. All right.
Like this.
I got it. [chuckles]
Okay, Tad,
let's see where your flexibility is.
The doctor says you can play Friday
if you're able to do a full squat
and sit on this table.
But right now, we're only gonna get you
to sit on this end table.
Okay, I'll try.
[takes a deep breath]
-[both exclaim]
[giggling] You did it!
[Tad] Mm!
You're making so much progress, Tad,
but let's not push it.
Keep it up, and you'll be playing
in front of the scouts against SaMo.
All because of you, Ash.
You know,
it kind of is all because of me.
You see, Tad
when you got hurt,
when you slipped in the kitchen,
it it
Created a seemingly terrible situation
that ended up bringing us closer together?
I know.
[laughs nervously]
[chuckles softly] Now, remember,
salsa dancing is all in the hips.
Inside that box is a secret weapon
that will turn you into a dancer.
You wanna dance or not? Put 'em on.
No way, not with my hammertoes.
And there's no way they're my size.
Oh, they're your size.
They fit. [chuckles]
One glance at an ankle,
I know the shoe size.
It's a gift.
Now, let's see how you salsa in those.
But, Coach
It's impossible to walk in heels
without moving your hips.
I'll try this
but I've never been more sure
that I am on a hidden-camera show.
[salsa music playing on cell phone]
Quick, quick, slow
Quick, quick, slow ♪
How am I doing?
Oh, my God, he's dancin'!
I'm dancing?
You're dancing!
Left foot.
Well, this is new.
He's trying to get male lead
in the school musical.
As a surprise for Brooke.
Please don't tell her.
Oh, no one would believe me. [chuckles]
Tío, Tad and I have to show you something.
Come on.
Here, show tío Victor what you did.
Drop it low.
Control, control.
This is great!
If you can do this,
you can play in the game on Friday.
Game on Friday.
Ow! Oops! Oh, no, that hurts! [grunts]
Oh, no, I've pushed you too far.
I'm sorry, Coach.
I don't know
if I'll be able to play Friday.
It's okay, Tad. [chuckles sadly]
No one's trying to rush you.
Take all the time you need to get better.
Hey, guys.
Is it just me,
or do my calves look amazing in these?
-Killin' it.
-Slay, boy.
Just you.
I guess my reputation precedes me.
There's a new drama teacher,
and at first, I was nervous
that she wasn't going to know
the thespian pecking order.
But today, she personally asked me
to audition for the lead.
I should start working on my surprise face
for when they put up the cast list.
[takes a deep breath]
"What? [gasps]
This is amazing. I
[sighs] I can't believe it."
That's what you said when I got you
that Tamagotchi for Christmas.
Well I really couldn't believe it.
How's it going with Tad?
I got him to do all his exercises,
but he still won't be well enough
to play Friday.
-Ugh. It's all my fault.
-[Brooke] Ash,
stop beating yourself up over an accident.
You tried really hard to get Tad better.
There is my friend
[loudly] and my girlfriend!
Actually, I like it when he does that.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
someone wrote my number
on the bathroom wall,
and I've been getting
some weird phone calls.
I know Tad's not all better yet,
but I really wanna apologize to him.
He's missing a huge opportunity
because of me.
[bag thuds]
[scoffs] Wha--
What are these?
I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason
why he has lady heels.
Could Stick be seeing another girl?
With enormous feet?
No, he wanted to surprise you.
Those heels are for you.
These huge heels?
They look like they're from CVS.
thanks for telling me.
Now I have time to prepare.
[takes a deep breath]
[gasps] "Oh, my God!
Stick, are these shoes for me?
You shouldn't have."
Wow. [chuckles]
No wonder you get the lead in every play.
I make it look easy,
but it's not.
[salsa music playing over speakers]
-[music stops abruptly]
Ow! What was I thinking,
dancing on my bum knee?
Wrong knee, Tad.
It spread to the other! Ow!
Both knees!
So, you're not injured?
Were you ever injured?
I was really hurt
for a couple of days,
but after a couple hard sessions,
I started to feel better, and
and then it hit me.
The days I thought
I wasn't gonna be able to play
were the best days of my life.
What was so good about being hurt?
Well, you know
how that scout's coming Friday?
My whole life,
there's always been a scout coming.
Since my dad signed me up for Pop Warner
when I was seven.
But sitting on your couch,
my leg up,
a ball of meat in each hand,
binge-watching Murder, She Wrote?
That's the last time
I can remember feeling no pressure.
But I thought you loved football.
[Tad] I thought I did, but
today I realized
that little voice in my head saying,
"Football is everything," and
"Vaccines are a conspiracy"
that's my dad's.
For the first time,
I'm gonna do something I wanna do.
I'm gonna try out for the school musical.
Wow, I had no idea you wanted to do that.
After watching Stick try something new,
I started thinking to myself,
"What does Tad Cameron really wanna do?"
And then Tad told me
that it'd be fun to be a chorus boy.
You know, I wouldn't have to be the best,
I'd just be
Tad, dance boy.
I think that's great.
You should tell your father
you're done with football.
March right up
and tell him you're done doing
what he wants you to do
and that vaccines are good.
Tad, what is it?
What was I thinking?
I can't tell my dad any of that.
this is what you really want.
Ash, life's a lot easier if I just play.
your dad doesn't have to know
you're all better.
No one does.
We could just keep pretending you're hurt.
You mean lie?
Your dad is leaving you no choice.
That'd mean
you'd have to lie to your uncle.
I don't wanna make you do that.
People are more important than football.
This is a lie for the greater good.
Wow, Ashley, hearing you say that
means a lot.
You're the most honest person I know.
You fell because of me.
I left ice on the floor,
and you slipped on it.
The guilt's been eating me alive!
So, you're the reason
I discovered I wanna dance?
As long as no one finds out you're better,
we're all good.
Yeah. How's anyone gonna find out?
How's anyone gonna find out? ♪
How's anyone gonna find out? ♪
How's anyone gonna find out? ♪
[snaps fingers] Right, right.
I'm-- I'm injured.
Wrong knee.
Take off the heels.
Stick, you don't need 'em.
I said no.
Well, you can't audition in them,
so give me--
Man, you're nimble in those things.
If anyone wants me
to take these heels off,
they're gonna have to pry 'em off
my cold, dead, hammertoed feet.
-Oh, hi, Brooke.
-"Oh, hi, Brooke."
[blows raspberry]
She's, uh
she's right behind me, isn't she?
Are those yours?
[clicks tongue] Uh-huh.
Oh, thank God. [exhales]
I thought you were giving them to me
as a present. [scoffs]
No. Uh, Coach got 'em for me.
He's teaching me how to salsa
so I can audition
for the musical on Monday
and maybe get a part so we can
be in the show together.
-But unless I'm in the heels,
I'm no good.
Never gonna make it into the musical.
Stick, I get it.
The heels make you feel confident.
How'd you know that?
That's just how heels work.
They give you confidence, and
and lower-back pain.
But you don't need the heels.
I don't?
No, you just need the right partner.
[salsa music playing on cell phone]
You're not bad.
I have a great coach.
He does.
-You really did all of this for me?
-Not too many people I'd wear heels for.
-[chuckling] Think I'm ready for Monday.
-Awesome. What's your audition song?
My what?
-Hey, Ash.
-Uh, where's Tad?
How'd he get there without his crutches?
Is his knee better?
Walking himself to the bathroom?
Can he play tomorrow?
Oh, uh
No, he didn't walk
to the bathroom on his own.
That's crazy.
So, how'd he get to the bathroom?
I carried him.
Owie! My-- my knee! The pain!
[inhales sharply]
Remember how I carried you
to the bathroom?
You carried him?
She cradled me like a baby.
-Like a baby possum.
-I played dead.
On my back.
[chuckles] Tad's twice your size.
Ash, I'm sorry,
but I just can't picture you being able
to do this.
Then we'll show you.
I gotta see this.
Hop on.
-I can't believe
I ever doubted your strength!
She's an animal, Coach!
[grunts, panting]
I saw the crutches there,
and I thought maybe you were gonna play.
-Sorry I got your hopes up, Coach.
So, is the team gonna be okay without me?
How's Cash looking as QB?
The only thing you gotta worry about
is resting and getting well.
The team's in great shape.
Oof. Cash is totally ready.
Cash sucks.
But earlier this afternoon,
you said that he--
I know what I said.
[sighs] I'm sorry, Ash.
There's just lots going on.
I know.
You feel bad Tad won't get a chance
in front of the scouts,
but he'll be okay.
I didn't wanna make this a big deal,
but the scouts are coming to see me too.
I'm on the shortlist
for a coaching job at Chapman.
One of my dreams is to get back to the NFL
as a coach,
and coaching at the college level
would be a big step towards that.
[sighs] But to have a shot
at the Chapman job,
the team's gotta win big on Friday.
And if Tad doesn't play,
you'll lose?
Not if my new trick plays work.
In one,
Cash pretends to faint,
and when everyone goes
to see if he's okay,
Kezler just casually walks
into the end zone.
[sighs] We're toast, aren't we?
Tío, I had no idea
the scouts were coming to see you.
Don't make it about me.
He got hurt. It's fine.
There's nothing we can do about it.
It's not like someone can wave
a magic wand and make Tad better.
[door opens]
I think I'm all better.
What are you talking about?
You're still in pain, right?
[Victor] Oh, my God.
You are better. What happened?
Ashley fixed me.
Sometimes, all the therapy just clicks,
and, bang, you're cured.
[kisses] You're a miracle worker!
Gotta go steam my lucky suit.
You heard what my uncle said
about the coaching job, didn't you?
You don't have to play
just because of him.
It's still your choice.
I know, and I'm gonna play.
You're right.
People are more important than football,
and this is about people
like Coach and the guys on the team.
Yeah, but you're important too.
If you guys win tomorrow,
you'll have to play more games,
and you won't be able to audition
for the musical.
Playing tomorrow night's what I gotta do.
Ash, can I steal my QB?
We've got a lot to go over.
Okay, first,
you gotta call Cash
and tell him he's not playing.
Heads up, he's a crier.
You got it, Coach.
I'm so psyched for tomorrow.
With you out there, Tad,
there's no way we can lose!
Yeah, we lost
but it's not the end of the world.
So, we're out of the playoffs.
So the scouts weren't wowed by Tad.
So, I'm not even getting an interview
for the Chapman job,
but let me ask you this:
Who wants free burgers?
[group cheers]
No, I can't give away that many burgers.
What four people want free burgers?
-[girl] Me!
-[boy 1] Pick me!
-[all clamoring]
-[boy 2] Over here! Over here!
Tad, you played your heart out.
I'm so proud of you.
And if Bernie didn't drop the pass,
you would've won.
Oh, don't blame Bernie.
It's not his fault.
All his sweat glands are in his hands.
I got a favor to ask, Ash.
Could you make me one batch of meatballs?
Might psych me up
when I'm trying out for the musical.
Check your pocket.
Secret meatball?
-You so know me.
-[Ashley chuckles softly]
-Go get 'em, my little chorus boy.
-[both laugh]
You know, I was really nervous
about this whole audition thing,
but then Coach told me
there's unlimited human potential,
and I can accomplish anything I want to.
And I mastered dancing. I'm ready.
So, you picked your song?
Oh, yeah.
Found something I really connect to.
It's my grandfather's favorite song.
This one's for you, Pop-Pop. [kisses]
[out of tune] Round and round
The mulberry bush ♪
The monkey chased the weasel ♪
The monkey thought it was all in fun ♪
Pop ♪
Goes the weasel! ♪
Wow, that's--
I’ve got no time to plead and pine ♪
I’ve got no time to wheedle ♪
Just kiss me quick, and then I’m gone ♪
Pop! ♪
Goes the weasel, ha! ♪
So good.
That's acting.
[theme music playing]
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