The Following s01e12 Episode Script

The Curse

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
Has Roderick told you what I'd like you to do for me? He said you wanted me to follow Ryan Hardy.
- Molly.
- Hey, neighbor.
You don't want to do that, Claire.
Take me to my son.
What's next, Joe? Enjoying my family.
Now that you have your family back, can I tell the others we're ready to start? Not just yet.
I got a delivery.
Can I go? Make it quick.
What is this place? A military armory.
Training grounds.
- For what? - Killing.
My men are securing the building now.
It's like they're running some kind of boot camp.
I want every inch of this place processed.
The FBI discovered the camp.
Vince led them there.
It's impossible.
You don't make decisions anymore, Roderick.
I am here now.
Joe would like you to join him for dinner tonight.
Want to see your son? Make an effort.
Please let me see Joey.
Good try, Claire.
This is going to continue to be a charade until I see my son! Bring me my son! I really do believe that you will love me again.
Mom! Oh, my god, Joey.
Oh, baby.
What are we doing? Where are we going? Come on.
Running away.
Remember? We're going home.
Oh, damn it! Here.
You go first.
I'm right behind you, ok? Is there a problem, Claire? Something I can help you with? Uh, we were just going for a walk.
Little early for that, don't you think? Joey.
You must be freezing.
You're in your pajamas.
Come on.
What do you say we go inside and get warmed up? Any shortness of breath, blurred vision, dizziness? No.
Why? It's too low, Ryan.
Eh, sometimes, i have trouble breathing, and, you know, just a little tightening here.
You still taking your beta blockers, digoxin? Oh, yeah.
And when was your last echo? I'll make an appointment.
Of course you will, and I will stop nagging you.
Really? I will see you the next time you blow through town.
Molly, I-I really do appreciate your help.
Thank you.
Just don't get yourself killed.
You know you can't run off like that, Claire.
Just makes both of us look bad.
This is gonna allow you to go a good 50 feet from the house before the alarm goes off.
If you do decide to go AWOL again, you're not gonna get back to that gate.
We're always watching, Claire.
I see that, Sheriff Nelson from Havenport, Maryland.
You're not going anywhere.
Morning, Claire.
I understand that you and Joey went for a little walk this morning.
I do hope it wasn't too cold for you.
It was fine.
Trust, I'm afraid, must be earned.
Donovan here? And the entire D.
Office along with the DEA, the NSA, and a few other high-ranking blowhards.
Hey, Ryan.
You remember Brad Pitt.
That was a "Fight club" reference.
I got that.
Almost immediately.
How you feeling? Yeah, I'm good.
You know, it only hurts when I walk or talk or breathe.
Sorry about Claire.
This is Roderick as well as I can remember.
He's 5'10", 175 pounds, blond hair.
He's a generic white guy.
Put his face through the recognition software.
Nothing yet.
He had a regional cadence, no traditional southern, maybe midwest.
Military brat? Well, how else do you explain the military presence? Somebody recruited these guys for Joe.
This is not Carroll's M.
We know who owns this place? Us.
It's government property.
It's an old armory they closed 15 years ago due to environmental hazards.
It's what you thought, a boot camp where they studied and trained.
Come see.
We found training videos, programs, recruitment interviews.
It was a full-on militia cell.
Look at this.
I'm hungry! Please! Typical cult indoctrination, food and sleep deprivation.
Everyone was coded with an alias, so IDs are tricky, but we've connected So the explosives, the military training, how does this connect to what we know about Joe Carroll? There's more.
"Tell-tale Heart," "Pit and the Pendulum," "Mask of the Red Death.
" Carroll's message is alive and well here.
The idea of emotional salvation through death.
See, Joe's stealing from various religions.
You see these images? They suggest several afterlives.
They're degrees of heaven.
I see Islamic and Mormon beliefs, Scientology even.
committed suicide for Joe.
The greatest honor is bestowed on those who sacrifice their lives.
That's how you reach the highest level of Carrollism.
Did you just give Joe's religion a name? Got to call it something.
Aaron! Do you have a phone? Right.
Thank you.
Hang on one sec.
Hello? Ah, Ryan, good morning.
How are you? Um, Ryan, I need your help.
Hello, Joe.
What is it? Mitchell, I need you to run a trace on Ryan's cell.
I've been getting rather frustrated.
I've been working away on our novel, and, uh, and as I- as I come towards the end, I'm struggling somewhat with the- with the hero's character arc, the emotional through line, if you will.
Well, you're the literary scholar.
And you are our hero.
I- I really don't want you to be the standard, stock do-gooder fighting injustice.
Something wrong, Joe? You sound desperate.
I need some- some more backstory to help the reader understand what motivates our hero.
What defines Ryan Hardy? This plague of death t hat surrounded you clearly started at an early age with your mother.
We know that, but, what's really interesting me is your- your father.
He was a cop, recently retired when he got gunned down at a local convenience store.
Would you mind telling me a little bit about that? How did it affect you? I mean, after all, you were only 17 at the time.
What's wrong, Joe? Hey.
Are you upset that we found the armory? Yeah.
It's, uh, quite a setup you got here.
I'm getting closer, aren't i? What was that all about? He's unraveling.
He'll get sloppy.
I'll just be a minute.
You need anything? No, I'm good.
All right.
Hey, guys! Hey, guys! I think I have something.
- What is it? - So our military cult peeps, the ones who went after Mike, They're all part of freedom 13.
The militia? The one led by Daniel Monroe? Joe Carroll is associated with Daniel Monroe? You got to be kidding me.
Catch me up.
Who's Daniel Monroe? He's a black market arms dealer.
He's been on the FBI's radar for years.
And he started a militia out of West Virginia, violent separatists.
They were heavily monitored.
Monroe was and is suspected of black market contraband.
They broke up a few years ago.
So you think that's how Carroll found and organized his resources? It explains the entire militant presence.
We need to find him.
will have tabs on him.
So what are the FBI gonna find there? Most of our artillery and explosives, training records, manifestos.
Uh, in a word, everything.
You could be a little more upset about it.
I'm freaking out inside.
Can they use that information to find this house? I don't see how.
And besides, I'm monitoring the FBI through state police.
They're nowhere near this place.
What about Daniel? Daniel? Your friend Daniel the militia man? There's no way the FBI's gonna find Daniel.
I beg to differ.
The illegal contraband could easily trace back to Daniel, and don't forget he helped us find this house.
They can trace it all they want.
They're not gonna find him.
So how am I gonna find him? I don't even know.
He's off the grid.
That's how he operates.
Damn it, Roderick, he knows too much.
Joe, we can trust him.
I know how to find him.
He's a friend, Joe.
This is precisely why I won't be asking you to kill him.
I'll do it.
I'll do it myself, but, uh, you two, you come with me.
You stay here and monitor the FBI.
Joe, you cannot leave the house.
It's too risky.
That it may be.
Not half as risky as leaving it up to you.
You ok? Yeah, I'm fine.
Because if you need more time Now you sound like my dad.
I just mean you don't owe anything to anybody.
Do you know my dad? It's like you're channeling him right now.
He's on with CIA.
Monroe was last tracked internationally.
Trying to get his location.
What about his friends and family? We did find an IP address in the database here.
Came from a house in Maryland.
Property records indicate that it's owned by a Gloria and Ronald Fowler.
Yeah, and? Bryan Fowler.
Their son, is a member of Freedom 13.
We need to talk to him.
No phone, but I do have an address.
- Who wants it? - Yeah.
Stay in touch.
Well, what's wrong with you? Nothing.
You scared of the wife? I'm not scared.
I'm just trying to find the right moment to talk to her, be respectful.
Like when you slept with her husband? Ex-husband.
Why are you such an ass? What's past the trees? More trees.
When are we gonna try leaving again? Right now, we just need to act as normal as we can, and hopefully we'll get out of here soon, ok? And how is everybody doing in here? Sweetie, why don't you go over there and get a game for us to play? - Ok.
- Ok.
You, uh, enjoying your stay so far? Having a good time? So I take it you are Joe's second in command.
Joe and I go a ways back, but I'm not sure second in command is how he'd describe me right now.
You really a sheriff? Yes, ma'am, I am.
Why be a part of this? You seem like a normal, functioning person.
Here I feel normal.
Not so much anywhere else.
What about- what about these people? Are they, um, you know Cold-blooded killers? Yeah.
It's a mix.
There's a few hardcore psychos, some first-timers, groupies.
What's the point here? What is Joe hoping to get out of this? Well, for me, it's about having a safe place where I can belong, where I don't have to be ashamed of my basic human nature, no matter how flawed.
As for your husband, I don't know.
You should ask him.
All he seems to do is sit and write his book.
He's my ex-husband.
Well, I'll leave you to your son.
You know Joe can't be trusted, right? Hey.
What are you doing? That's breaking and entering.
Thought this was Ryan Hardy approved.
I blame you for that.
Freeze! What the hell was that? I owe you 6.
Can you do me a favor? Can you just stand over- Stand over at that door and just let me know if somebody's coming down the hall, ok? So, Brian Fowler.
I take it your parents don't live here anymore.
Where's Daniel Monroe? Daniel? Haven't seen that guy in months.
He's lying.
See, the thing is it just seems like there's more than one person living here.
So? So we know that you were both members of Freedom 13, And we know you remain friends.
- He's not here! - Where is he? I'm not doing your job for you.
Take it easy.
Come on.
What's going on with you? Weston, Weston! Go stand over there.
This place is such a dump.
What's with all the alarm systems? What do you got so valuable you got protect? I'm gonna take a look around.
I'll get Nick on the phone, Get his team here.
Go with Ryan.
Don't move.
Drop your gun.
Daniel Monroe? I'm fBI.
I just want to talk to you.
Drop your gun.
You drop your gun.
Let's talk.
Having trouble? You block the signal? You have a cell jammer? Maybe.
Not a big fan of cell phones.
If you walk to the street, you should be ok, though.
What the hell was that? Is there more of you? - Hello, Claire.
- Denise.
It's Emma.
Her real name's Emma.
Where have you been? Hey, Joey.
I was just giving you and your mom some alone time.
I would like to talk, Claire, if-if you have a moment.
I can't Imagine what you must feel about me, about all of this.
I bet it's really awkward.
Awkward? You kidnapping my son is awkward? He was safe, Claire.
I took good care of him.
I always have.
Isn't that right, Joey? Do not talk to him, do you understand? Don't even come near him.
You're upset, and I get it.
What do you want? We lived together for two years, Claire.
That was the first time i felt like I was part of a real family.
I always had the deepest respect for you.
I considered us friends.
Just shut your mouth right now, You sick little girl.
It's too soon.
You need more time.
We'll try again.
I'll see you later, Joey.
Stay here.
Emma, make no mistake.
I don't need any more time.
From this point forward, you will have nothing to do with my son.
Don't even look in his direction.
That's not your decision to make.
I was just trying to be nice here.
- Stay away from my son, or I- - or what? Oh, you stupid bitch.
Ladies! I- I will kill you.
I will kill you! Ladies.
So what is this place? It's my office.
It's your office, huh? And all these Military-issue assault weapons I see, they're for your new militia or what? There's no militia.
It was dissolved in 2009.
So now you're an independent contractor, online sales? Are you arresting me for something? Because I'd like to see a warrant.
We know you've been helping Joe Carroll.
Do you have any proof of that? We found the armory.
And we connected 5 of your men to his cult.
I have nothing to do with Joe Carroll and his house of psychos.
House? What house? I don't want to say any more until I, uh, speak with my lawyer.
Listen to me.
There's not time for that.
You got to tell us now.
Where is joe carroll, Where is this house? Not until I speak to my lawyer.
You need to start talking now.
What the hell is that? Somebody's down here.
Stay with him.
I'm gonna check it out.
Well, this sucks.
Don't try it.
Mike! Hello, Ryan.
This is an unexpected surprise.
Take him out, Ryan.
Just do it.
Tell me, agent Weston, Did my boys do to this to you, hmm? Does it, um does it hurt? Kill him, Ryan! I don't care if he's dead! Kill him! Aah! He's not gonna kill you, Mike.
He needs you to get out of here.
Oh, you are very, very bright, Ryan.
Now, now! Don't be crude.
Hey! Why don't you come out here and deal with me, huh? Come on! No.
This This is not the time, Ryan.
Today wasn't-wasn't really meant to be.
You know, these, uh, these chance encounters that we keep having, no matter how enjoyable they are, they really do have to stop.
Is there anyone else out there with you, hmm? It looks like it's, uh-it's just you and-and me.
It-it's not the time to end.
You know, the story is still being written, and frankly, it is, uh-it is proving quite challenging.
That's what I was calling you about.
Your character is in question.
See, we've got to get it right.
The death of your father, that was your defining moment, am I correct? You do realize that the FBI's about to descend on this place? You're done, Joe.
Well, then there is, uh, absolutely no reason to keep this battered little boy alive, is there? Shall I kill him? Shall I kill him, Ryan? Stop, stop! - What? - Ok, ok! Hello.
It looks like you took a pretty nasty blow to the nose there.
Jacob Wells.
It's nice to finally meet you.
I see you made it out of the farmhouse in one piece.
What about your friend Paul? Well, he wasn't so lucky.
And Emma? Where's she? Really? You want to chat? We can be friends and stuff? I am going to kill you.
Indulge me.
Help me to understand what happened to you.
Paul and Emma, it's easy to see the trouble in their past, but you you're a golden boy from a golden family.
It's not so obvious.
Why'd you drop out of medical school? Because I didn't want to be a doctor.
Like your father? Your family is truly golden.
Jacob, tell me what it is i'm not seeing.
Open your mouth again, and I stab you.
Is this really the time to play games, Joe? You father, retired from the Albany PD, goes into a corner store during a robbery.
If you know the story- Well, where were you? This is sloppy of you, Joe.
This is insane of me.
Now your father, he walks into the store, hmm? Where were you? Ok.
I was outside.
I was in the car.
I- I-I heard gunshots.
I just stood there, and I knew he was gonna pull the trigger but he didn't.
You were spared.
Why do you think that was? He panicked, he was on drugs, pure luck, I don't know.
Luck is a word you should never be allowed to use, Ryan.
Do continue.
Blood was everywhere.
I'd never seen blood like that.
And he was still alive? Yeah.
He was still breathing.
I knelt down, but there were a lot-a lot of people around him trying to help him, so I just watched.
Watched? Watched what? What the hell? I watched him die.
And this was the first person you- you had seen die.
And there was nothing you could do about it.
You couldn't save him.
What about the man who robbed the store? What happened to him? They found him 3 days later.
Drug overdose.
Drugs bought with the money obtained from the robbery.
A kind of justice prevailed then, and the world is- is sometimes fair.
Why do you think you are surrounded by death? Seeing your father dying, did it not fuel you? I don't know, Joe.
Did it not motivate you to- to want to do good? It is clearly why you want to help others, save others.
Every life is- is Ryan Hardy's responsibility.
Ryan, the narcissism in that is- is truly beautiful.
That's not true.
Then what What drives you? What drives you? Death.
Death does.
It, uh, it fuels me.
Me, too.
Isn't that what you want to hear? It fuels me, too.
We both seek it out.
No, no.
I don't- i don't seek it out.
Oh, yes, you do.
It motivates your- your every move, Ryan, But why? That's-that's what we all want to know.
What did you do t o deserve your place in life? Nothing.
It just is.
We are so alike, Ryan.
It is through death that we both live.
I got worried.
You've been down here a long time.
I'd been wondering when you'd work that one out.
Somebody killed Vince.
Here's how we're gonna do this.
If Ryan so much as moves a hair, put a bullet through the pretty lady's head.
I think you should put your gun down.
Now kick it to me.
It's a fine story, Ryan.
I shall have to embellish it somewhat, add a twist, a little-pffooo-flair, something anyway, but thank you.
It's, uh, been a great help to me.
I'm good.
Go! So Daniel Monroe wasn't a member of Carroll's club, but he helped set it up.
He introduced Carroll to some of the Freedom 13.
So you think Joe's in the area? According to Monroe, he is.
Let's comb the county.
How's the, uh You know, I played softball as a kid.
I walked into a bat once.
It's a little worse than that.
Just wanted to let you know that I was back.
Joey-bless him- fast asleep.
How was your day? I can't.
I can't, Joe.
Mine was particularly, uh difficult.
Will you, uh- will you drink with me? I've done all the pretending I can do today.
I've barely seen you today.
It's not gonna work, Joe.
Oh, come on.
We've been through all this.
Your plan.
The one you're writing about in your new book.
I read it.
It's not- It's not done yet.
Do you honestly think you're gonna get away with this? You shouldn't have read that, Claire.
Believe me, it wasn't easy.
I guess you haven't really learned anything since your last book.
Don't- As Joe Carroll's murderous rampage continues, we are slowly learning the identities of this killer cult.
One of his followers is Jacob Wells.
The son of a prominent Virginia surgeon, Jacob lived a life of privilege and wealth, yet he became one of Carroll's most devoted followers after dropping out of medical school.
Enraged by that decision, his father cut Jacob off financially Hello? Hello? Dad.
Jacob, is that you? Jacob? I know you're upset with me.
You've been ignoring me.
Yes, I have.
How you feeling? They're taking me to a local hospital.
Want to run some tests, but I'm fine.
You had me worried today.
I went too far, I know.
Not used to almost dying.
Makes it harder to do the right thing.
Isn't always black and white.
You just got to make sure that you don't do something you can't live with because then you're gonna spend your whole life just trying to make it right.
You mean, your dad.
I mean, you were young.
What could you have done about it? I don't need no more.
Just a little more.
Come on.
I'm good.
Come on.
Take it.
Just a little bit more.
Take it.
Hey, Ryan.
I want to introduce you to someone.
All right.
Get some rest, huh? This is sheriff Nelson of Havenport, neighboring town.
So you really think Joe Carroll and his people are in the area, huh? We think it's worth checking out.
Whatever we can do to help.

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