The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e12 Episode Script

El partit

[Lorena] I want to leave, Mom.
I'm suffocating in this town.
Do you know what Emma's asked me?
She wants to know
who her biological mother is.
[Emma] They found me on the street.
Laila, they found me in a dumpster.
-[Flor] What's up with her mother?
-[Lorena] She has schizophrenia.
-[Terrats] How are you?
-They've lowered the dosage.
My mind feels clearer now.
She can't know
about what happened between us.
But you're separated, right?
Hey, I don't care
if you and Júlia are going out.
There's nothing between us.
You have to make out with Flor.
[cheering and laughing]
-[Gina] Is that a hickey?
-Gina, come on, don't start again.
This has to stay between us.
You have to make the cut for the OK Liga.
Otherwise, it's your last season.
-Do you want to save the team or not?
Then let's practice as much as we can.
[Anna] If you play this well
against the Olímpic, you'll win.
What's wrong?
They know we aren't as good as them.
They're going in for the kill.
Well, staying in the club
is what's at stake for us.
If there's one thing I know for sure,
it's that together we are unstoppable.
-[Berta] We'll win
-[All] Together!
[Lorena laughs]
[Flor] Hey, girl!
You want it all, but you can't have it.
Oh, Gigi, stay here a bit longer.
Okay, girls, I'm going to go study.
I don't think I'll be able to concentrate,
I'm nervous about the game.
Chill, we'll have enough time
to study for our SAT's.
Get some rest,
tomorrow's the big day.
Okay. Bye.
-[Lorena] Goodbye.
-[Terrats] Bye, Raquel.
Lorena, Flor.
There's a scout that's been looking
for new talent these past few days.
He's coming to the game tomorrow.
He didn't say anything, but I could tell
that he's interested in you.
[Terrats] I know there's a lot at stake,
but I hope this motivates you
to give 200%.
[Terrats] Okay?
Don't let me down.
[ecstatic laughing]
[Lorena] Woah, dude!
Take that! Take that!
I think I'll stay up late
training tonight.
That's great, right?
But damn, I wish this could've
happened last season
because I have different goals
in mind now.
Like what?
I'm thinking about traveling the world
using the money
I get from selling my dad's house.
Hey, I've just barely made up my mind.
Yeah, 'cause you're so impulsive.
What about the team?
I'll give it my best tomorrow,
but I need a change of scenery.
I'll buy a one way ticket
and return when I feel like it.
I'll figure it out.
That's awesome, Lorena.
It's going to be a great experience,
besides, you need this
after all that's happened.
You can join me
whenever you want, okay?
That depends on where you go.
Traveling is expensive,
but we'll video chat.
Of course, distance isn't
a problem nowadays.
[Lorena] You're the best,
you know that, right?
[casino machine music]
Do you know where
the rock climbing equipment is?
You're leaving? I thought
you just got back from practice.
I'm going rock climbing with Putxi.
Tell Mom that I won't be home for dinner.
Who the fuck put this here?
What, you couldn't find a better place?
Can you stop acting like a spoiled child?
Excuse me?
You're never home and you always do
whatever you want ever since Dad died.
Mom needs us right now, Lorena.
Yeah, sure, okay.
You may be at home all day,
but you're always gambling online.
I'm sure you're great company.
At least I'm not abandoning her
to travel around the world.
You're selfish, Lorena.
Always looking out for yourself, always.
Dad would've approved.
Don't talk about Dad, okay?
That house is all we have left of him,
and you want to sell it.
You're not the only one in mourning,
you know?
[slams door]
[Paulina] Hi, sweetie.
[typing noises]
Please tell me they're ham and cheese.
[Paulina] You're favorite.
I'm boring like that, I know.
Careful, they're hot.
Someone's happy.
It's just
Give me a second.
Well, wait until you hear this.
I have good news, Florencia.
We're going back to Buenos Aires.
I talked to my old boss
and he said there's an opening
in one of the his stores.
They're offering me
a position starting July.
Aren't you glad, honey?
We're going home.
Isn't that what you wanted?
-Yes, Marc, you're worth so much.
-No, I'm worthless.
-No, that's not true.
-Of course it is.
[on TV] I have to find something to do
with my life and stop being worthless.
But what should I do? It's just
I left some food in the fridge.
[Sílvia] Thanks.
[conversation on TV]
Please eat something.
It'll do you good.
Okay, Mom.
Have you thought about what Lorena said?
What are you going to do?
What can I do?
You also have a legal right
to that property.
You don't have to sell the house.
Yeah, right,
and have her hate me forever?
[Rosa chuckles]
Remember when you and Pela
left to travel the world?
You weren't much older than Lorena
and you didn't know any better.
I know, Mom,
but we didn't even make it to Madrid.
That motorcycle was falling apart.
I don't know how we made it
through Monegros.
I can't even imagine.
I shudder every time I think about it.
We felt like adults.
But I still think of Lorena
as my little girl.
Sílvia, that will never change.
The years may go by
but you will always be my little girl.
-Oh, Mom.
Thank you for being there for me.
[Rosa sighs]
I was saving this for a special occasion,
and I think this is it.
[glass clinks]
[approving grunt]
Don't worry,
I'll open another one in a bit.
No, no, no. I'm not worried.
But you, me, misery
and a couple of glasses of wine
You know where this is going, right?
Hey, I'm kidding.
-We can talk about what happened, right?
-[Santi] Yes, yes, yes.
-We're friends.
-Of course, yes, yes.
-But you're still uncomfortable, right?
-Are you sure?
-[Santi] Are you okay?
Yes, I am.
I'm just nervous
Because of the elections.
Hey, do you want me to talk to Enric?
He's mad at me,
but maybe if I talk to him,
he'll let you stay
as physical therapist if he wins.
-[Santi] Look, Júlia,
I'm not doubting you,
but I don't want you to lose your job.
I mean, without having
something to fall back on.
Yeah, you've made that clear.
I'll figure something out.
I still have an ace under my sleeve.
-Just watch your back.
It's not going to be easy
but I'm already pulling some strings.
Give me some time.
[keys rattling]
-Hi, Núria.
-[Núria] Júlia, how's it going?
-Great, great.
I'm good
I just had the worst taxi ride.
Everything okay?
[both] Yes, yes.
-Where are the girls?
-Emma is inside.
-We weren't expecting you back so soon.
I'm going to say hi.
[Santi sighs]
[woman on TV]
Hey, you're back late.
I know, but I told Óscar
that I wasn't going to be back for dinner.
I know, but
[on TV] Like many Japanese tourists,
she was fascinated by Barcelona.
Her intention was to stay
for a short while,
but she quickly realized
that the city had captivated her.
At the time she was staying
at Escuela Massana
[continued chatter on TV]
Sounds interesting.
Do you want some?
Mom, I'm I'm not leaving.
I think I'll stay here for now.
Are you sure?
I mean, I don't want you to feel forced.
No, no. I want to stay here with you.
I don't want you to be alone, Mom.
[applauses and cheering]
Olímpic! Olímpic! Olímpic!
Olímpic! Olímpic! Olímpic!
[cheering continues]
-[Nil] Hey!
-What's up?
Hey, are you guys stressed out?
Yeah, between finals and this game,
I feel like I'm going to explode.
I didn't know if I should drink coffee
or have some tea.
I already have a plan
for times like these.
I play with myself and done.
Yes, dude, it never fails me.
I always did it before I competed.
It relaxes and clears the mind.
It works.
"The benefits of masturbation"
by Gina Camps.
Hey, I'm not lying. It's awesome.
I don't know, I've never done it.
I've been fingered by other people,
but I've never done it to myself.
Dude, you have to try it sometime.
Who better than you
to know what you like?
Hey, when are you going to tell the others
that you're leaving?
No, no. I've decided to stay.
It was a crazy idea.
-Yes, yes. I'm staying.
-[girls laughing]
Did you tell Gina,
or are you also going keeping that quiet?
Really, dude? Come on.
Not a word.
So, how are you feeling?
-[Berta] Nervous.
-[Anna breathes in]
-[Anna] Ready?
I'm not going to repeat myself.
This an important game, yes.
But remember to have fun, okay?
Play like losing is not an option.
But, most importantly,
remember that we're a team.
[claps] Come on.
-[Berta] We skate
-[All] Together!
-[Berta] We play
-[All] Together!
-[Berta] We win
-[All] Together!
[crowd cheers and applauds]
[Anna] Youssef.
I thought I forgot the muscle rub.
I've been trying to calm Laila down,
but the truth is, I'm also nervous.
Youssef, don't worry.
Our team is first class.
We're going to crush it. You'll see.
Come on.
Germán, I don't know
if I'll be able to play.
-I don't feel well.
-What's wrong?
My My stomach hurts a lot.
Emma, that's normal, okay?
But I need you out on the rink
now more than ever.
-I know, but but I can't.
-Hey, hey, hey.
You know the Minervas.
You know their weaknesses
and strategies, everything.
Outside they're your friends,
but in here they're your rivals, okay?
Hey, come on.
Let's win this.
Come on, cheer up.
[Berta] Come on, Lore, get in there.
Lore, over here.
[Lluc] Go, Berta!
[Óscar] Come on, you can do it!
Come on, girls!
Yes! Goal!
[Germán] Wake up, girls!
[whistling and cheering]
Oh, shit, I don't know
who I'm to supposed to cheer on.
-I feel bad because of Emma.
-Yeah, yeah. Tell me about it.
I never thought
I would be in this position.
-I know.
-Minerva has always been my team.
-Can you guys believe this?
-They're crushing the Olímpic, dude.
Put more pressure on them. Come on!
What's wrong, Ricou?
Can't you play against your friends?
[boys] Minerva! Minerva!
[Nil] Careful, careful.
[Janina] Yes!
[crowd cheers]
You just had to say something.
That was good, girls. Come on.
Keep it up!
[Lorena] Hey!
[Germán] Go, go, go.
Flor, Flor, Flor.
[crowd cheers]
[Putxi] No! Fuck!
[whistling and applauding]
That was good, Janina.
Very good. Keep it up.
Olímpic! Olímpic!
Olímpic! Olímpic! Olímpic!
We still have time.
There's plenty of time, girls.
-[Bernat] What's happening?
-[Óscar] They need to counterattack.
They're playing dirty and Anna's
not doing anything about it.
It's bullshit!
Stick together, block them. Come on.
Come on Milena. Yes! Good!
[Germán] Block them. Block their path,
block their path. Concentrate.
Damn it!
They're bunching up, like rats.
The Minerva's strategies
won't work against that.
[hard tackle]
Hey, careful.
Take it down a notch, will you?
[crowd booing]
[Lluc] Attack now!
Hey, penalty! Foul, foul!
Go to hell, loser!
-Hey, referee, that was a foul.
-Seriously, ref?
That was clearly a foul.
They want to play dirty?
Let's play dirty then.
-Nice one, referee, nice one.
-Hey, Flor, chill.
[Putxi] You're having fun, huh?
Son of a bitch. Pass it already!
[Germán] Come on, go. Let's go, Milena.
[Germán] Let's go!
-Flor, pass it to Berta!
-Flor, over here!
Come on, come on.
Let's go, girls! Come on!
[Anna] Berta, good, good.
[Lluc] Come on, everybody on offense.
[crowd cheers and applauds]
[continued cheering and applause]
Okay, girls, good job.
We're doing great, okay?
Germán knows us very well.
He knows that we don't play dirty
and is taking advantage of it.
[Anna] We can't fall in their trap, okay?
Don't let all the work we've done
these past months go to waste.
I believe in this team.
Do you believe in it?
Okay. Do you remember our first meeting
in this locker room?
You weren't with us yet, Gina,
but they do remember.
I didn't know where to stand.
I was so embarrassed.
But you gave me a second chance.
[Anna] Girls, you have no idea
of how much you've taught me.
I'm not speaking to you
as your coach, but as Anna.
We didn't make it all the way here
just with my tactics
it was because of your willingness
to fight and play every day.
[Anna] You've acquired
a brilliant technique
and you've finally understood
that being different makes you unique.
Berta, to this day you continue to be
this team's heart and soul.
No one can dominate you.
And you, Raquel, do you remember
what I told you that day?
Now tell me, how many goals
have you stopped since?
That's right.
[Anna] Lorena, you've suffered a lot.
You've gone through hell
but you came back stronger.
[Anna] And all of you stood by her side.
You came back so much stronger
because of that.
[Anna] Gina.
It's been a long road
but now you can say that this is
as important to you as it is to them.
And you, Florencia, Flor
don't let them break your focus.
You're a beast.
But you can only win together.
Girls, the Olímpic girls are amazing.
They're great players, yes,
but throughout this season you've proved
that you have two things they don't,
passion and a reason to keep going.
Do you want to save the team?
Well, guess what?
You've already done that.
[Anna] You've restored dignity
to the female division.
[Anna] We picked ourselves up
when everyone said we couldn't.
It's done, girls.
We've won our place here at the club,
and no one can take that away from us.
[Anna] Can't you see?
Together, we're unstoppable.
-Okay? So get out there
-and do what you love to do, play.
-[All] Let's win! Let's win!
[Anna] Good, Flor. Very good Flor!
[Berta] Good! Good!
Come on, come on, come on!
Come on, damn it! Come on!
[Núria] Okay, good, good.
They're tied for now.
The truth is everyone is doing
an amazing job.
I mean, Anna's team
has an excellent technique.
And Emma's team
has a great defense, right?
Both teams are playing great.
You've got to be kidding me.
You become a hockey fan
now that we're separated?
Yes. Funny, isn't it?
Who would've thought?
Life is funny that way.
-Between spending weekends together
and getting a second mortgage,
no one would ever think we're separated.
[Germán] Go, go , go!
Come on, girls! You can do this!
That's a foul!
[crowd cheers]
-[Janina] Goal! Yes!
[Janina] That's it! Yes, yes, yes!
Brilliant, Emma!
Great hook throw. Bravo.
[Lluc] You can do this!
-Five more minutes. Come on, girls!
-[Bernat] Let's go, girls!
[Anna] Come on, Raquel, it's okay.
Don't worry about it.
[Anna] Come on, girls, keep it up.
-Come on. Pass it to Flor!
[Flor] Lore, I'm here!
-Come on, Berta. Go, Berta!
-Come on, come on.
Come on, Flor, come on.
Come on, girls! Come on!
[Anna] Flor, put some pressure.
Come on, girls.
What the fuck was that?
Come on, Maradona!
[Terrats] Yes, yes, yes! Yes!
[crowd cheers]
-We did it!
[Laila] Good job, girls!
All right, let's go.
20 seconds.
Come on, get out there. Quickly now.
[Germán] It's just you!
[Germán] Emma!
[boys cheer]
Well done, Raquel!
[Lorena] Yes!
[end of game whistle]
-We're going into overtime.
-[Laila] Overtime?
-Good job, girls.
-Come on!
Can you believe this or what?
We're switching Gina with Laila.
-What are we going to do?
-[All] Win!
-And where are we going to win?
-[All] In the overtime!
Okay, let's go.
They're closing in!
They're closing in!
[Germán] Come on, we're almost there.
[Janina] Goal!
Hey, we've got this, guys!
The game is ours!
[Janina] Fuck yeah! Yes, yes!
-[Janina] Goal!
-[Flor] Fuck!
[Raquel] Come on, girls!
Okay, girls, let's go.
-Come on, girls. Fuck. Let's go.
-Come on, there's still time.
[Berta] Girls, get over here.
-Alligator, okay?
Come on.
Hey, hey. It's a play.
We have to cover Lorena and Flor.
-Shut your mouth, Ricou.
Come on, Flor, Flor.
Lorena, Lorena!
Alligator, Alligator, Alligator!
[cheering] Goal!
Yes! Yes! Good job, Flor!
[end of overtime whistle]
Let's go, girls, we've got this.
Okay, Youssef,
we're going into penalties.
Yes. Let's do this.
-Damn, this is crazy, man.
-[Putxi] It's a tie.
My god, what a game.
[Anna] Okay, girls. Okay, okay, okay.
We've trained for this.
We know what to do.
-I can never make it go in, Anna.
Just think about the goal
and nothing else, okay?
-That's right!
-Do we all have to go?
-Yes, Gina, yes. You can do it.
-Come on, girls.
If we score five goals
we'll save the team.
-[Anna] That's it.
-We've got this, Lorena.
Hey, Raquel, Raquel.
You won't be alone, okay?
We're all with you, you know it.
Always, dude, always.
Okay, we're five penalties away
from entering the OKLiga, all right?
We're the best at penalties.
Destroy that goal post, okay?
Come on.
Come on!
Come on, Minervas.
We've fought and come this far, okay?
-[Flor] Come on, come on.
-[Anna] Come on, let's go.
[tense music]
[cheering] Yes!
That's it, Raquel!
Come on, Berta, Berta, Berta
[cheers and applause]
Miss! Miss! Miss!
-[crowd] Goal!
Don't worry, Raquel. Don't worry.
-Come on, Gina.
-You can do it.
You can do it, you can save this.
[loud cheering]
It's okay, it's okay.
[All talking]
Come on! You can do it!
-Come on, Laila!
-[Bernat] You can do it, Laila!
I did it!
Damn it!
[Lorena] Yes!
[crowd cheers]
[Germán] Goal! Yes!
Bravo, Emma!
-¡Lore-na-na-na! ¡Lore-na-na-na!
[cheering for Lorena]
Come on, Lorena. You've got this.
Come on.
[loud cheering]
[muffled cheering]
Hey, Anna.
We played the best game of the season.
Champions, champions!
Champions, champions!
The league is ours!
We're moving up!
You're pathetic, Ricou.
You'd rather celebrate with them
than with your own team.
You've been sabotaging us
during the whole game.
-You don't deserve to wear these colors.
-What the fuck?
I scored one of the winning goals,
all right?
-You know what the saddest part is?
That they're probably
better off without you.
No one wants you,
you're just dead weight.
Are you stupid?
What the hell is your problem?
-Come here.
-[Emma] I'm going to kill you.
-[Germán] Stop!
-[Anna] Emma! Emma!
[Emma] You're an asshole!
You're a liar! You're a fucking liar!
Stop, stop! Emma, stop!
Look at me.
-Look at me, Emma, look at me.
-[Emma] I can't, I can't.
-Yes, you can.
-I can't, Anna, I can't.
Breathe, Emma. Stay with me.
Don't screw this up, please.
-Don't screw this up.
-I can't.
Don't screw this up, Emma, please.
-No! No!
Anna, no!
-Emma, stop it!
Emma, enough! Breathe! Stop!
-Emma, stay with me, okay?
-Stay with me.
-[labored breathing]
Please, Emma. Think about
the game you've just played.
What's the fucking point, Anna?
Nobody wants me in that team.
-What? That's not true. It's not
-Of course it is! Damn it, Anna!
Can't you see that I'm always
yelling and cursing at everyone?
Would you really want someone like that
in your team? 'Cause they don't.
-Emma, what you're saying isn't true.
-[Emma] Isn't it, Anna? Isn't it?
Because it's been clear
since the day I was born.
I'm a piece of shit.
You can tell by looking at me.
-Emma, that's not true.
-Oh, really?
Then how come my parents
abandoned me in a dumpster?
[Emma] Do you know why?
Because I don't.
[breathing heavily]
Okay, listen to me.
Emma, I love you, okay?
I love you very much.
And I'm proud to be your sister.
I want you to understand
that you're an amazing person.
You're brave, unique;
you're a fighter
and you're full of life, Emma.
And you have a family
that loves you very much.
Then why the fuck
did they abandon me?
Did they want me to die?
No, honey, I'm sure they didn't.
Can I tell you something?
I'd love to be like you.
Yes, yes, yes,
I want Gálvez to join the board.
Yes, I'll talk to her right now,
I just passed by her.
No, you'll see.
The elections are going to go smoothly.
Okay, I'll call you when
everything's ready.
Okay, bye, bye. Hugs.
Enric, you can't get rid of the team.
Let's be honest,
it's clear that we've never liked you.
[Flor] But you have to admit
that you've never liked us either.
But you can't do this to us.
Hockey is the best thing we have.
You can't leave us out to dry.
This is our whole life.
Girls, we made a deal
at the beginning of the season.
Okay, yes, Enric, yes.
Maybe we screwed up,
but we didn't mean to piss you off.
We just didn't want to lose our team.
I'm sorry, girls, a deal is a deal.
We agreed that if you didn't qualify
for the OkLiga, you couldn't continue.
There's no place here for you.
And now, if you'll allow me,
I have important business to attend to.
That's it, girls, it's over.
Fuck, if only I had scored.
[Flor] Hey, that's enough, dummy. Enough.
Everyone fails sometimes,
but today we gave it our best.
[Laila sighs]
The penalty
Damn it, I'm so sorry.
I didn't know what to do.
Don't worry, we understand.
[Flor] You're like me, a beast.
You fought hard on the rink,
just as you should.
[Raquel] What a hit, though.
We should learn from you.
I didn't even see it coming.
Now that we don't have a team,
you could all sign up for figure skating.
-In your dreams.
[Gina] Well, it's either table tennis
or petanque.
Hey, girls, remember when we filmed
a video at the beginning of the season?
-[Laila] Enric wanted to kill us.
-In the end, it didn't help much.
-[Berta] That's not true.
We managed to stay
and play another season.
And during that time,
we became much better, girls.
Yeah, Anna pulled through, right?
You guys are really good now.
Any club out there would want you.
Don't worry about it.
Yeah, but it won't be the same.
I'm sorry, girls, I have to go.
I want to be home
before my mom gets back.
-I should get going too.
-I'll walk with you.
But just halfway, okay?
I have tutoring.
[Flor] Okay, bye.
Wait for me, Flor.
[Raquel] We could go to the movies.
Or we could get back to studying
for our SAT's, but I don't feel like it.
Raquel, I think I'm going to go
meet my mom downtown.
I'll study for the SAT's
tonight at home. Alone.
I'm sorry, but with everything that's
happened, I just want to see her.
[Berta] See you tomorrow.
[Berta] Bye.
I need to ask you something, Flor.
Is there something
between you and Lorena?
This whole situation
is killing me inside.
We made out once
that day at the cottage.
But that was it.
You can hate me if you want.
I don't hate you, Flor.
I'm just a little jealous.
Because of your relationship.
Thank you for being honest.
I couldn't bring myself
to ask Lorena directly.
But I suppose
I already knew the answer.
I feel like an idiot. To be honest,
I've always known Lorena was like that,
she does whatever the fuck she wants.
But I'm the bigger idiot
for putting up with it;
always putting a smile on my face.
Well, you know what? She can to go
to fucking China for all I care.
Gina, you need to talk to Lorena,
right away.
[Lorena] Pasta putanesca.
But I don't know if they're good.
I haven't tried it yet.
I'm sure it's excellent. Allow me.
Let's see.
[Sílvia coughs]
Okay, spit it out, spit it out. It's okay.
It's good, sweetie, but spicy as hell.
Damn, maybe I put too much garlic.
You put You put cayenne.
Wait, but
This isn't paprika?
Damn, Mom, talk about a fail.
I put half a bottle of this stuff.
Look. Óscar.
Óscar, come.
Come here.
Try the pasta, it's really good.
Did you make it?
[laughing and giggling]
I thought you liked pasta putanesca.
That's not a putanesca, dude,
that's fucked up.
Oh, come on.
Let's throw it away,
I'll make you an omelet.
I'll just grab a bite later.
You, beat the eggs,
and you, peel some potatoes.
I'll chop the onion.
Pass me a bowl.
[Sílvia] Yeah, here.
Dad would've eaten them.
Well, yeah,
but Dad was like a bulldozer.
His fridge always looked
like a hurricane just came through.
[beating eggs]
Hey, I'm sorry
that I wanted to sell the cottage.
I don't know, my head's a mess sometimes
and I can't think straight.
I know that, dummy.
It's just that
It's still too soon.
See? Teamwork.
This omelet's going to be to die for.
[videogame sounds]
Hi, sweetie.
Stop it, Mom, stop.
Thanks for coming.
That was a hell of a game,
you didn't deserve to lose.
That's life, I guess.
Sometimes you win,
and others you lose, right?
Who are you, and what have you done
with my daughter?
[Paulina] You've never reacted like this
to losing a game.
It's like you've grown a little
this past year.
Yeah, but I'm just as stubborn as usual.
I won't allow him to disband our team.
You don't have to worry about that.
It's not your concern anymore, Flor.
I don't want to go back to Buenos Aires.
Because of hockey?
There are plenty of teams over there.
[Flor] But the one here is my team.
I never felt like I belonged anywhere
moving around so much,
but now I have friends, real friends.
Florencia, people come and go.
But I'm tired of it, I want to stay.
That's impossible.
I already quit my job here,
and I've accepted
a new one in Buenos Aires.
Forget it.
Then, you go.
I'm 18. I can make my own life
and be by myself.
[Flor] But I don't want to go, Mom.
This is my place.
Honey, you did everything you could.
I know, I know.
Maybe it's for the best.
I'll be able to focus 100%
on my studies.
I mean, if I do end up
going to med school,
I wouldn't be able
to continue playing hockey.
Yeah, sometimes a door has to close
for another one to open, right?
Listen to me.
Everything is going to change now,
and I'm still your mother.
I want to be by your side.
I've been discharged from the hospital.
-You don't You don't have
Yes, I still have it, but it's been
under control for years.
I don't have episodes anymore.
[Olga] I feel better, and the doctors say
that I don't need to be here anymore.
Listen to me, Berta.
You and Júlia have always been
by my side.
Knowing that I could count on you
has helped me so much.
Others should be so lucky.
[Olga] I feel better than ever, sweetie.
I want to live my life again,
and start over.
Yeah, but
They can treat you here and I
I don't if I can take care of you, Mom.
But you're not the one's who's supposed
to take care of me, honey.
You've done more than enough
and I've missed
too many important moments in your life.
I want to go back home,
to live with you and Júlia.
"But don't stop now."
"Life is now, it happens every second."
Every second?
That's bullshit!
[music playing]
[Santi] Emma, can you come here
a moment, please?
Yeah, sure.
[voices on TV]
When was this?
This? You must've been four years old.
I didn't know we had videos
from when I was a kid.
Summer vacations are over.
But I had fun today
because my sister and I
played with the hose.
But my parents are leaving tomorrow,
so I'm leaving too,
but I'm not going until Thursday.
Back then, we filmed everything.
Every new word you'd learned,
Every family trip we took.
The first time you wore skates,
-We should watch these more often.
After a while,
we forget about many things.
But do you know what I'll never forget?
The first time you grabbed my finger
with your tiny hand.
The first time I held you between my arms,
and when we brought you home.
You pressed on it so hard, I thought:
"She's my daughter, she's my daughter."
Oh, Emma, we love you so much, honey.
So much.
Me too.
[Núria] Listen, you can always ask us
anything you want to know, okay?
Anything. About when you came here,
when you were a kid Anything.
You have a family, sweetie.
We are your family.
You've never seen this?
Of course I have.
You look like a chick pea.
How would you like to train
one of our peewee teams?
What do you mean?
The girls' team won't be here next year,
but you've proved your worth.
What if I can't get used to living
with my mom?
-[Lorena] What is it?
-We're not a good couple.
-We're too different.
-Hey, what are you talking about?
-I'm getting into med school for sure.
Word has gone around, and the party
doesn't want to be associated
-with corruption or favoritism.
-It was Terrats, wasn't it?
Everyone's busy with their lives,
no one cares about the team anymore.
It's not our fault that you haven't
figured out what to do with your life.
You don't know anything about me.
What if Enric wins?
Would this be over?
[Judge] The members have decided
with 150 votes
that the presidency will go to
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