The Interest of Love (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

What's on your mind?
Why call if you don't want to talk?
Those two…
They're dating, right?
Sang-su and Su-yeong.
Did you know?
I know everything you know, Gyeong-pil.
Hold on.
Then why haven't you
said anything this whole time?
You're not some naive 20-year-old.
Why would you be so foolish?
Is that being foolish?
Does giving your entire heart
to someone make you foolish?
I turned a blind eye to protect our love.
Was it foolish of me
to expect him to give up on her?
Then you shouldn't have
gotten hurt in the process.
I thought he'd be different.
makes you feel anxious.
Good luck.
I'm rooting for you.
I really am.
What about Su-yeong?
How is your relationship…
these days?
Love sways your heart.
It must be sad for you, though, Mr. Jeong.
Doesn't it feel empty without her?
Don't you feel empty, Sang-su?
And in the end…
you get caught because of love.
Stop the car. We need to talk.
We'll talk later.
I said we'll talk later.
-We have to do it today.
-Today is my birthday!
I have feelings for someone.
And it's not you.
I told you I wanted to talk later!
Do you really think that I don't know?
Do you think I have no idea
where your true feelings lie?
They're living together.
Su-yeong and Mr. Jeong
are living together!
I'm sorry.
Let's break up.
Who is she anyway?
What on earth does she mean to you?!
This isn't about her.
It's about how I feel.
This is only happening
because you have feelings for her.
It's not like that.
Then why do you want to break up?
Is it because you don't love me anymore?
Don't act like…
you fell out of love with me.
You never loved me in the first place.
We didn't get together
because you loved me.
That part hasn't changed.
So that's not a valid reason to break up.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You gave me your word.
You said you'd try.
So I need you to try again
from the beginning.
Do you really like me?
Why would you ask me that?
I'm just curious.
Are your feelings for me…
out of love…
Or compassion?
Do you think I don't feel any love
for you?
What about you?
Is love the only emotion…
you feel toward me?
Did you get home safely?
Can you talk?
Are you okay?
No. I'm not okay.
Where are you right now?
I'm home.
Is Ms. Park okay?
You're here
to tell me something, aren't you?
I just wanted to walk with you.
That's why I came.
It looks like you're in pain.
Yes, but that's okay.
You haven't left yet?
I'm waiting
for Mr. Yuk's approval on something.
Can I drink this?
I'm sorry for how we left last night.
Sang-su wanted to spend time with me
since it was my birthday.
We chatted until late last night,
so I'm a bit tired.
Let's set up another date
and have something tasty.
Please tell Mr. Jeong that I'm sorry.
Mr. Yang, are you out of your mind?
How could you taint
our reputation like this?
This branch
is just full of dating couples.
Men and women matters
are the root of all problems here.
So tell me.
Whom has Seok-hyeon decided to live with?
His ex?
Or the FSS vice president's daughter?
How would I know?
People are scary these days.
Now everyone knows Mr. Yang
and his ex's private information.
Where they went to school, their families…
See? This is how scary relationships are.
Just don't date anyone.
I'm more scared
of this month's credit card bill.
Stop gossiping, will you?
Mr. Yang is the talk of the town
at all the other branches.
We should support him
since he's one of us.
Wash my car!
Hey, leave him alone.
Gosh, he's done for.
What do you mean?
Mr. Yang has been suspended.
HQ found out about the scandal.
He's been suspended for two months.
So this is the outcome.
Banks are too conservative.
One scandal here could ruin your career.
He would've been promoted
and received financial support
from his in-laws.
I don't get why he did that.
Me neither. He knew he'd regret it.
-Please fill that out.
Ms. Ahn.
Ms. Ahn?
I'm sorry. Could you fill this out?
Sang-su, what are you doing?
You should sit on that side.
Jeez. You're so dense.
Seok-hyeon, what do you want?
Order anything you want. It's on me.
What's done is done.
You should stay strong.
I'm sorry.
I'm not trying
to criticize you or anything.
I'm just curious.
You're crazy, aren't you?
How could you do something like that?
If you liked her that much,
you should've just stayed with her.
Can you please shut up?
Just think about it.
You were set for life.
Did you like her that much?
What were you thinking?
Are you a fool for love? Is that it?
I didn't want to regret it.
I didn't want…
I didn't want to lose her.
That's why I did it.
I'm sorry.
Have you given it some thought?
You're the one who should think about it.
I already gave you my answer.
My dad seems to be waiting for your call.
When is a good time for you?
You know as well as I do.
It's over for us.
How can you say that
after seeing what happened to Mr. Yang?
What if you end up like him?
I don't care.
Then what about Su-yeong?
Are you okay with her getting hurt?
Didn't you see how people
bad-mouthed Mr. Yang's ex?
And she didn't even work at the bank.
Because she didn't have an affair
with a married man,
do you think she'll be okay?
If we break up and you start dating her,
you'll go through
what Mr. Yang went through.
Don't you want
to keep working at the bank?
You could lose…
a lot more than you might expect.
So think this through more carefully.
Then what about you?
Are you okay?
Are you really okay with dating me…
when you already know how I feel?
Anything is better
than breaking up with you.
We haven't seen each other in a while.
That's true.
I was so shocked that day
that I just left in a hurry.
You seemed like it.
As you already know, our family is…
Compared to yours, we're…
You know.
I came here today to ask
what you plan to do.
What do you mean?
Our adult children are dating.
As parents, we can't help
but consider their future.
They're still young.
We don't need to think that far ahead.
Goodness. Ms. Han.
Are you drawing a line?
No, not at all.
I think we're being hasty
when they haven't been dating for long.
They've been together for some time now.
I found out a long time ago.
I see.
Hold on.
Don't you approve of Mi-gyeong?
Goodness. This is unbelievable.
Aren't you against them getting married?
Yes, but it's a different story
when you're against it too.
When you think about it,
shouldn't I be the one who's against it?
What is it?
You have a pimple.
Oh, no.
I must've been really stressed.
It's so big.
-Hey, Jong-hyeon.
-Come on. Hold on.
-Jong-hyeon has told us a lot about you.
If you're free, please stop by!
-Please come!
-Why did you do that?
I'm sorry, Su-yeong.
I'll come there. Where are you?
Once again, it's nice to meet you.
By the way, is today a special occasion?
It's our 50-day celebration.
Didn't you know?
We have 50 days until the exam.
So how long…
-have you two been going out?
-How did you meet?
-Stop asking her.
We met at the bank.
We work at the same place.
No way.
-Jong-hyeon has skills.
He has everything.
Well, I'm more envious of her.
She's pretty, works at a bank,
and also dates Jong-hyeon.
I'm so jealous.
-Hey, stop drinking.
Thanks to you,
my mock exam scores have shot up,
so I'm in a great mood.
You were laughing at my jokes
up until a while ago.
Su-yeong, it's okay
to make him laugh, right?
He told me
that he was the most grateful to you.
But he said he had the most fun with me.
He laughs a lot when I'm around.
Hey, what's gotten into you?
-Su-yeong, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry about today.
What for?
I shouldn't have let you come.
You ended up paying for everything.
It's not a big deal.
Do you live around here?
I live nearby too. Up there.
Do you want to go on a date tomorrow?
But your exam is around the corner.
Let's go on a date before I get too busy.
All right.
Let's do that.
Your palm is sweaty.
Let's go in.
They're living together.
Su-yeong and Mr. Jeong
are living together!
What's this?
They're tarts. You can have them.
Did you get them for me?
They looked good, so I bought some.
Stop what you're doing and sit down.
Today, Mi-gyeong's mom came for a visit.
They seem to think
marriage is on the table.
Am I right?
I just want to know
what your thoughts are about this.
We're going to break up.
It's already over on my part.
But Mi-gyeong isn't ready yet,
so I'm giving her some time.
What kind of person is she?
The person whom you truly like.
What kind of woman is she?
I don't know when it started,
but I'd run simulations in my head.
No matter what the issue is,
I'd always imagine the end result first.
I'd imagine the worst possible scenario
and worry about whether or not
I could handle it.
I only feel at ease
once I come up with a solution.
But with her…
that's not possible.
I feel anxious…
and uncomfortable…
about this situation…
and my feelings.
And yet…
none of that matters when I'm with her.
End of confession.
Can I get back to that?
Shall we?
Excuse me.
Back up!
-You should eat too.
-I will.
-Why did you hit him?
-Oh, dear.
Stop that.
Hush. There are other customers here.
Apologize to your brother.
-Give me the phone.
-You were saying?
Never mind. Enjoy the food.
He apologized. Now be quiet.
-It's over.
-Be quiet. We're in public.
What is it?
I have something to give you.
Do you not like it?
No, I like it.
Does it not fit?
I think my finger is a little swollen.
I'll try it on again later.
Thank you.
Hello, ma'am.
Should I apologize
for calling you out on the weekend?
That's okay.
By the way, what did you want to tell me?
It's nothing serious.
First, let me check off
a few things from my bucket list.
I'd sometimes get jealous
of my friends who have sons.
They go on shopping dates, you see.
I see.
Goodness, Sang-su. Follow me.
-It's okay.
Isn't it just perfect?
Your son is very handsome, ma'am.
Is he not your son?
Yes, he is.
Sang-su, go try this on.
I have something to tell you.
What is it?
Hey, you're here.
We went shopping together.
Why didn't you invite me?
We stopped midway
because he had something to tell me.
You shouldn't call him when he's busy.
He should be with me instead.
I had something to say too.
What is it?
To be honest,
I liked you from the moment
I first laid my eyes on you.
So I've decided
to fully support your marriage.
Are you moved by what I said?
Did I startle you?
They say parents
always give in to their kids.
And I agree.
I'm sorry.
For what?
Don't do it.
Don't cut him off. That's rude.
I'm listening, Sang-su.
Mi-gyeong and I…
have decided to break up.
I'm sorry.
We need to talk.
How could you do this?
My mom liked you so much
that she wanted us to get married.
Did you have to…
let her know like this?
Pretending like everything was fine
would've been more dishonest.
I'm truly sorry.
I'm aware of how much I hurt you.
I can't keep going like this.
Why can't you…
just love me?
Even though you want to break up,
and you're in love with someone else,
I still love you.
So why don't you love me back?
What did I do that was so wrong?
It's not your fault
that I feel this way, Mi-gyeong.
What about Su-yeong?
Is she going to break up too?
If you break up with me,
will she leave Mr. Jeong and come to you?
Sang-su, I…
I really tried my best.
I wanted to be a good person
because that was easier to do.
But I won't be like that anymore.
I'll do whatever it takes…
to get the love I deserve.
I won't be out long.
And I couldn't tell you earlier,
but I'm going
to look for a place again soon.
Maybe not as big as my old house,
but I could find a smaller place.
I'll also pay you back soon.
All right.
Can I ask you for a favor?
Move a bit more to the side.
To your left.
This is an important photo, though.
Going to a photo studio might be better.
This is fine.
I think I'll do better on the exam
if you take the photo.
I'm going to take it now.
Do you really like me?
Do you love me?
I won't give up.
So can we start over?
I love you.
Good night.
How's Seok-hyeon doing these days?
He's going on a trip.
More like going into exile if you ask me.
I don't have to worry
about you, Sang-su, do I?
Don't follow Seok-hyeon's footsteps.
You might not suffer as much as he did,
but you'll be done for if you offend
anyone in Ms. Park's family.
What's with the long face?
Did you guys argue?
About the Yeongmin Group's loan deal,
have you read the documents?
Yes, I started.
I'll finish up before lunchtime.
Are you busy?
I came to apologize.
I found out you were living
with Jong-hyeon…
when I visited your house the last time.
I told Sang-su about it.
You know why I did that, right?
But still, I'm sorry.
It was a personal matter.
But I used it to my advantage.
I tried to resent you.
And I did a bit.
That's okay.
You can resent and despise me.
That would make me feel better.
That's exactly why…
I don't want you to feel better.
I want you to feel bad,
knowing that I like you.
Let that be a reason
to think twice about him.
I want you to continue feeling guilty.
I'm going to keep liking you.
When I was in college,
there was a girl whom I liked.
First love for both of us.
I knew she was from a wealthy family.
But one day, her cousin visited me.
That was when I found out
how incredibly rich they were.
Well, the rest of the story is obvious.
"You're not good enough for her."
He told me to break up.
But I didn't listen, and I think it was
the third time he visited me.
I've never told this to anyone before.
Then why did you tell me?
Because I'm so bored.
Gosh, why don't we ever see
any students come to the bank?
Do I need to reach out to them?
Gosh, this is a problem.
You haven't left yet.
You didn't have to hang up.
By the way…
whom were you calling?
I was wondering if it was Ms. Park
because she'll be out soon.
I'm going to see Su-yeong now.
Then what about Su-yeong?
Are you okay with her getting hurt?
Because she didn't have an affair
with a married man,
do you think she'll be okay?
Is Su-yeong going to break up too?
If you break up with me,
will she leave Mr. Jeong and come to you?
I'm near your house.
Can we meet for a minute?
Can you go to the subbranch?
Ms. Ahn suddenly took the day off,
so I asked if anyone
would be willing to sub for her.
But then everyone
became busy all of a sudden.
Look how busy they are.
So how could I ask them…
What is it?
Are you suddenly busy too?
Should I go instead?
No, I'll go.
Okay. Thanks.
Please fill in the blanks I checked.
Why are you here?
I'm subbing for her.
I have a question.
Do you really like me?
Do you love me?
I like you.
It wasn't a mistake,
and I don't regret it.
Don't follow Seok-hyeon's footsteps.
You'll be done for if you offend
anyone in Ms. Park's family.
Banks are too conservative.
One scandal here could ruin your career.
He would've been promoted
and received financial support from
his in-laws. I don't get why he did that.
Me neither. He knew he'd regret it.
That's exactly why…
I don't want you to feel better.
Think twice about him.
I want you to continue feeling guilty.
I'm going to keep liking you.
It looks like you're in pain.
Yes, but that's okay.
It's me.
I know.
Where are you?
Where are you going?
Can you close up alone?
Have you thought this through?
No. I'm done thinking.
I decided that a while ago.
Did you take the day off?
I miss you.
You know I love you, right?
You came to the right place.
Of course. You're here.
Do you want some steamed silkworms?
There's some over there.
It's okay. I'm full. I had a heavy lunch.
I was sick of the ocean
when I lived in Tongyeong.
But I always think of it
when I'm struggling.
Are you struggling?
You made a nice sand castle.
I made them a lot as a kid.
Sand is free, after all.
Do you know what I realized…
while making a sand castle?
That one day,
it will eventually get washed away.
Despite knowing all that…
I was always worried
after carefully building one.
"What if someone destroys it
once I return home?"
"What if it gets swept away by the waves?"
I was worried sick all night long.
So guess what I did?
What did you do?
I destroyed it myself.
That way, I wouldn't have to worry.
If I destroyed it myself…
You could be wrong.
The sand castle…
could remain there for a very long time.
You've changed, Mr. Ha.
Can you get me something hot to drink?
The wind is picking up. It's chilly.
Mr. Ha.
Thank you.
I'll be quick.
Excuse me.
One minute, please.
Excuse me. I'd like to pay for these.
Sure. One minute, please.
I'm sorry, but could you hurry?
That's 10,000 won. The change--
The phone you have dialed is turned off…
Thank you for the meal.
-Thank you. Goodbye.
Where's Mom? I heard she was discharged.
She's resting at home. Have you eaten yet?
I want to drink instead.
Why did you do it?
We may have been poor.
But we were still a happy family
before that incident.
Mom worked really hard
while you were away working.
She worked at a restaurant
and sold insurance as well.
She worked her fingers to the bone.
So why did you do that to her?
Did you like that woman that much?
You didn't care about hurting others
or being criticized by them.
Were you that much in love?
It can't be stopped.
Once you start loving someone,
you can't stop.
You know it's wrong,
but you just can't stop.
Then why did you come back?
Because of regret.
If it were possible to turn back time,
that choice wouldn't be made.
Nobody would make that choice
if they knew how much they'd suffer later.
You weren't of any help to me back then…
and you're still of no help.
Su-yeong, is something going on?
I'm leaving.
Can we meet right now?
Has Ms. Ahn come to work yet?
She just went into the locker room.
I see.
Long time no see, Mr. Kim.
The advertisement pamphlets just came in.
-Good. Thanks in advance.
-My pleasure.
By the way, where is Mr. Jeong?
I'm not sure. Maybe he's running late.
You're here.
Why did you leave
all of a sudden yesterday?
Is it true?
-Let's talk outside.
-Answer me!
-I'm asking you a question!
Tell me.
You already know the answer.
What are you doing?
-Let me go!
-Mr. Jeong!
What? Is there something
between you and Su-yeong too?
Did you sleep with her too?
You scumbag. Why did you…
Did you have feelings for Gyeong-pil?
Is this funny to you?
-Watch your mouth.
-Sang-su got himself in trouble.
Sang-su and Su-yeong
can never be together now.
I'm just saying it's okay
to be happy about it.
Let me ask you one thing.
Did Sang-su mean anything to you?
Then why did you want to stay together?
You never loved me, did you?
Were you happy when you were with me?
I don't want you to hurt because of me.
I like Su-yeong.
What I'm afraid of the most…
is not seeing you, Su-yeong.
Subtitle translation by: Sooji Kim
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