The Longest Promise (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 12=
Greetings to Priest.
Whose bracelet is it
on the Priest's hand?
I have no idea.
Is it yours?
I don't know.
It looks alike.
Whose bracelet is it?
Red light.
A red light?
How could it be hers?
It looks like the bracelet
Zhu Yan woven.
You're kidding me.
No way.
Look, Yan.
Priest used your grass bracelet
to do a demonstration.
It really is Zhu Yan's.
It really is in red.
You've witnessed
the function of Spirituality Grass
enhancing mental focus.
Speaking of determination,
there's no one in Jiuyi Mountain
as strong-willed as the Priest.
Is there anyone willing
to challenge him?
Let me do it.
What is he doing?
Anyone else?
Go, Yan.
Forget it, I'm not going.
What a cheap trick.
The Priest won't be swayed so easily.
Students with stronger power
can practice with each other.
Let's get started.
Come on, let's give it a try.
Sure, let's go.
As expected from Qing Gang.
He is strong-willed as well.
Qing Gang's bracelet
doesn't move a bit either.
General Qing.
It's starting to move, isn't it?
It's moving.
It's moving.
It's moving.
It's spinning.
Princess Xuelu is amazing.
It's starting to spin.
I knew it.
General Qing must've liked Xuelu.
General Qing, why are you blushing?
General Qing.
You've got to learn more
from the Priest.
Why are you leaving, General Qing?
General Qing?
I'm impressed.
His brilliant reputation is destroyed
in an instant.
Come on, give it a try.
Try it.
It's moving.
It's moving.
I'm impressed.
It moves. Stay still.
Give it a try.
It's moving.
Look at mine.
thanks for choosing the bracelet I made
despite its shabbiness.
Here comes another one.
Push it in.
Get in.
Mine is moving as well.
Why isn't yours moving?
Quick, try it.
Like this.
Like this?
(I'll give him a good scare.)
why are you staring at me like this?
Do you
like me?
(This can't scare you either.)
It's thundering.
There's thunder.
Why is it thundering all of a sudden?
Guys, there's thunder in the mountain.
I'm afraid there'll be heavy rainfall.
Let's call it a day.
Please go back and study harder.
Gathering spirituality
is the foundation
of all magic techniques.
Thank you, Priest.
Come on, let's go.
Try it again.
Let's go, Xueying.
Okay, sure.
I don't know what she's said
that aroused the thunder.
Not to mention she's the cursed lady.
Even if she's not,
she'll also be
an obstacle in his future.
Ying. Luckily, I'm a man of foresight.
So I fed you Red Fruit.
What's going on?
I learned it from the sutra.
But why can't I calm my mind?
You can't calm down
because you got too many
distracting thoughts in your mind.
For practitioners,
it's taboo
to have distracting thoughts.
Let's work hard together.
Priest, why are you here?
This is
the place where I meditate.
I'll return this seat to you.
This place is spacious.
It won't hurt to accommodate me here.
Maybe this Spirituality Grass Bracelet
will stop moving once I imitate
the pose when you cast a spell.
Stop being so talkative.
Do you know that the Spirituality Spell
is the most basic magic technique?
The others have already mastered it.
Well, once again, I'm the last
to learn it.
But I'm sure I can master it.
(Don't move, get a grip.)
What's the matter, Priest?
It's distracting me
when you sit next to me.
It's odd.
What's wrong with the weather?
Since it's raining now,
why don't you learn
to scurry across the rain
with spirituality?
That'd be great.
Scurry across the rain
with spirituality?
I once heard
that as long as we're quick enough,
we'll be able to pass
through the gaps between the raindrops
without getting soaked.
It's easy.
You can do it too.
Priest, don't mock me.
Staying focused is the foundation,
I can't even do that.
How could I pass through
the gaps between the raindrops?
You stay focused
and let your consciousness
follow this grass bracelet
to walk between the raindrops.
Remember this,
even if the sky collapses,
just ignore it.
This grass bracelet is
the only thing on your mind.
(Even if the sky collapses,)
(just ignore it.)
(This grass bracelet is)
(the only thing on your mind.)
I actually made it.
You're the last to learn it.
But still, congratulations.
Thank you, Priest.
is it you?
I caught you.
(Let go of me.)
You're so cute.
(What are you doing?)
Let me tickle you.
(Don't be rude.)
(Don't touch me.)
(Zhu Yan, let go, let me go.)
Don't go, Priest.
Stop there.
I'm coming for you.
Where are you going?
What is this?
You Don't come near me.
I'm allergic to your fur.
How dare you eat my walnut?
It's you.
(Is the curse of the Red Fruit)
(taking effect?)
Why aren't you surprised
to see me turning into an animal?
As if
you expected it.
Who said I'm not surprised?
you're back to your normal self.
That's great
as long as you're back to yourself.
there will be rashes
all over my body due to allergies.
It'll affect my appearance.
Why do I feel like
you don't worry about me?
Who said I'm not worried about you?
It's impossible.
What did she do to you?
She? Who is she?
Why do I feel like you know
way more than I do?
What else have you hidden from me?
You'd better tell me everything
before I get mad.
On my count of three.
You're so close
to the Crimson Clan's Princess recently.
I'm very worried.
So I rummaged through
the Hall of Books.
I finally found a panacea.
You turned me into an animal.
Is this a panacea?
The book only stated
that it could restrain the practitioner
from the temptation of females.
I didn't expect it
to be a curse like this.
You can't have intimate contact
with females
when you turn into an animal.
I got it.
You'll be back
to your normal self
after 15 minutes.
You look completely fine.
It's innocuous.
Why don't you try it?
It's not necessary. I'll do it myself.
Look, a person with a pretty face
will still look beautiful
even in animal form.
Don't worry.
You looked cute when you were
in an animal form.
That's not my question. I
I want to know how to lift the curse.
Well, will you believe me
if I tell you that?
It's said to be
If it doesn't work,
I'll return to my original form
to accompany you
when you turn into an animal.
what's wrong with being an animal?
I've been a bird for ten thousand years.
And I'm still well and alive.
have you been
looking down upon me?
You You
Lords, sorry to interrupt you.
Frankly speaking,
she's responsible for this.
I've brought you something good.
Here it is.
I brought this over
from Extreme Wind City.
It's a hearty meal I prepared for you.
No wonder you always
look like you've been through
a lot of hardships.
It's because you haven't found
the food that's suitable for yourself.
Take your stuff and leave.
And do not tell anyone
about what you saw
and heard today.
But there's a lot of homework
I come to you
for advice about.
For example
It's delicious, take a bite.
This is silly.
If you have nothing to ask,
please leave now.
I do have questions.
Actually, what I'd like to ask is that
it must be common for the spirits
to turn into human form
in a wonderful place
like Jiuyi Mountain, right?
For example, he
needs thousands of years
of cultivation base
to form a pretty look
like this, right?
Of course.
My human form is
the most gorgeous one
among all the divine beasts.
Don't you think?
You're right.
What about the white beast of Priest?
How many delicacies does it need
to turn into a human form?
I guess you'll need the amount
as high as Qianyue Peak, right?
Yes, that's right.
My original form is an animal.
But my favorite food is
not fruits but human souls.
If you don't leave now,
you'll be my food.
So you were the cutie
I saw today.
Master White,
today is not the first day
or the fifteenth day of the lunar month.
Why do you return to your original form?
So from now on,
you're not allowed to touch him.
Not even with a finger.
Got it?
was it because of that hug?
You actually let her hug you?
I'll explain to you later.
Why aren't you leaving?
But there's one more thing
I'd like to ask you.
Shoot it.
I'd like to know
what happened to Master White's tail
That's impressive.
One more time, Priest.
Do you really think
that I'm transformed
by the spirit in the mountain?
What do you think?
(After all the fuss,)
(you won't feel awkward)
(when you see me afterward.)
See you tomorrow, Master White.
(Zhi Yuan,)
(I'll wait for you at Cangwu Abyss.)
It's already been two weeks
since you entered Jiuyi Mountain.
Your credit has been recorded
in your grade book.
I guess you're well aware
that there will be
a theory exam tomorrow.
I hope that you'll learn new things
from your revision.
Bai Xuelu, you got a score of 59.
(Bai Xuelu, score of 59)
You're ranked first.
Qing Gang, you got a score of 58.
You're ranked second.
Zhu Yan, you got a score of 20.
You're ranked last.
What's going on?
General Qing is just one point
behind Princess Xuelu.
this is the end of the class for today.
If there's anything
you don't understand,
feel free to come and ask me.
Take a look at this.
Look at this.
About Wind-manipulating Spell,
there's one thing I don't understand.
Eat more nuts.
Let's go.
Let's eat together.
Both of us need
to boost our brainpower.
Thank you, Yan.
Look at this.
This is the crucial part of the spell.
They look like
a couple in this picture.
You're right.
You must always remember this.
I've told you
that spirituality is
the basis of all magic techniques.
Besides the things above,
you must practice harder
when you go back.
do you eat nuts?
It's crispy and delicious.
Why would Priest eat
this kind of thing?
You never know the happiness
of a fish as you're not it.
You're not the Priest,
how would you know
that he doesn't eat nuts?
There are many things you don't know.
you've been detoxified now,
I'm sure you won't stay
in the mountain
and be the first disciple of the Priest.
So it seems
that the Priest's first disciple
can't be anyone else but Bai Xuelu.
Actually, it's been tough for her.
Tough for her?
I've studied magic techniques for years.
I'm not as good as the Priest,
but I also can tell
if one is talented.
She's not an innate talent.
She earns this result
with her own efforts
as she practices hard for it.
She's worked so hard.
It really makes
Qing Gang,
in this case, you've been impressed
by Bai Xuelu, haven't you?
Do you
like her?
What are you talking about?
A word of advice.
You can tell if one is a talent.
But you're not a good judge
of character.
I know Bai Xuelu
very well.
She's a pretty lady
who's scheming and honey-lipped.
You have to protect yourself
and stay away from her.
Xuelu is just competitive.
She doesn't mean to hurt anyone.
You don't know her.
I think
you're really in love with her.
You're screwed, Qing Gang.
Try this first.
This pastry tastes good.
Actually, she came to me yesterday.
General Qing.
General Qing.
General Qing.
Are you avoiding me?
What I said to you
by Han Lake that day
was a joke.
Did you take it seriously?
A joke?
Then, why would Consort Qing
send you over?
It was a lie.
You lied to me?
I just wanted to figure out
your purpose for this trip.
I'd like to know more about you.
I meant no harm.
Look, I didn't tell anyone
about the Priest's identity.
Did I?
Why would you want to know me?
Because we're rivals.
General Qing, you got deceived again.
Didn't you
already give up
on your mission for this trip?
As you've got nothing to do
in Jiuyi Mountain,
Azure Clan will surely summon you back
to the army
to make contributions.
You'll eventually leave the mountain.
You certainly won't compete with me.
To be frank,
I admire
your character and ability.
I'd like to be friends with you.
Due to my outstanding appearance,
people around me are envious of me.
There are very few people
who are true to me.
And I'm not a legitimate daughter
like Xueying.
So I've got to do
everything on my own.
That's why I develop
a competitive personality
and defensive character.
I'm afraid if I don't fight for myself,
I'll be treated
as a pushover.
Over time,
I've forgotten what to do
to make friends with others.
actually, you don't have
to think so badly
of the people around you.
As long as you're true to them,
I'm sure you'll be able to make friends.
You're right.
My way of making friends
might've scared you.
I hereby
apologize to you.
You don't have to do this.
Thanks for your advice.
Please accept this, General Qing.
Don't tell me
this was from her.
She gave it to me.
I just want you
to feel her kindness.
It really is her kindness.
Zhu Yan.
(Qingyun Palace)
According to Qing Gang,
the Priest of Grand Preceptor
is not Shi Ying.
If he was
just someone unrelated,
why would High Priest of Grand Preceptor
work so hard for the sake of this man?
we can't let our guard down.
In this case,
there will be a lot of variables
before Yu ascends the throne.
We still have to continue
our alliance with Ice Clan.
If things got exposed,
Ice Clan
would be one of our retreats as well.
Wake up, Qing Gang.
Qing Gang.
We're going to be late.
The exam is over.
We've finished the exam.
We've finished the exam.
the top student in this exam
has got to be you.
The exam is over.
General Qing is the one
who I want to deal with this time.
You're really unlucky.
I already said
that I'll leave the mountain.
Why must you do this?
One's mind is unpredictable.
How would I know
if you'd change your mind?
I dare not guess what's on your mind.
I only want to take the position
of the first disciple
fair and square.
You called drugging someone
a fair approach?
Drugging someone?
I achieved my goal
with my own method.
It's fair and square.
So everything you said yesterday
was to gain my trust?
That's right.
Your magic technique is
way stronger than mine.
But you're indeed bad
at dealing with people.
We've only met several times.
I can't believe you tried
to influence me
with self-righteous speech.
It's really hilarious.
As you worry a lot about me,
is it because you like me?
But you
should know your place.
This is outrageous.
Are you alright?
Greetings to Priest.
You should keep quiet at Cunsi Hall.
What are you doing here?
Princess Zhu Yan missed the exam
and she took it out on me.
I wonder what you two did last night.
Both of you actually overslept
and missed
today's most important exam.
It's really ridiculous.
Firstly, you were absent from the exam.
Secondly, you disregarded the class.
Thirdly, you hurt your classmate.
Do you admit your fault?
What wrong have I done?
It was because of her.
Only children will make excuses.
A scholar only cares about the outcome.
You've made mistakes.
You should take responsibility
for your own behavior.
You don't have to feel upset.
Actually, whether you sit
for this exam or not,
it doesn't make any difference, does it?
Because even if you sit for it,
you won't be able to be
the first disciple either.
You're no match for me.
I look down upon you, so what?
As Qing Gang has failed,
the position of the first disciple is
within my grasp now.
And you
are just a worthless person.
It's my fault for dragging you down.
Just ignore what she said.
you knew my sister.
Don't mind her.
Tell me.
What are my chances
of getting the position
of the first disciple against Bai Xuelu?
You're going to compete
for the position?
Why must we let a scheming person
like her to have her way?
The Priest's first disciple
must not be her.
She doesn't deserve it.
I insist on
fighting against her.
What do you think?
I know you're frustrated.
And I know you've worked hard.
But my sister gains
the top grade.
And you're still ranked last.
Unless you could gain
a complete victory over her
at the final contest.
Instead of
a narrow victory.
You've got to beat her
until she can't fight back.
Isn't it like defeating you?
It's easy.
I'm someone who mastered
Million Books Transmission
in six hours.
Yan, I believe that you can do it.
So do I.
Actually, I know
that you choose me
because we're friends.
You support me because
you think you've dragged me down.
In fact, all of you
don't think I can win the contest.
But who am I?
I am Zhu Yan.
I won't give up
until the last moment.
Well said.
Well said.
Among the three of us,
has made a wish
that shouldn't be made.
One has loved someone he shouldn't love.
One has messed with someone
who's hard to deal with.
All of us have picked
the most difficult paths in the world.
We're all idiots.
Here, to idiots.
Here, to idiots.
Here, to idiots.
Qing Gang.
To idiots.
One more.
All of you are lightweights.
Fine, I'm through with you.
I'm going to practice magic techniques.
What are you going to do with it?
Of course, it's to defeat Bai Xuelu
and become the Priest's first disciple.
You want to be my first disciple?
Why are you here?
Priest, you're here.
You must drink as well.
Why do you avoid me?
It makes me upset.
I got it.
You think
I can't defeat Bai Xuelu, right?
That I can't be your first disciple.
About the first disciple,
we got to make things clear.
Why are you avoiding me?
Do you think you won't have to talk
about it by avoiding me?
You got to get this straight.
I just can't understand
how I'm inferior to Bai Xuelu.
I'd like to be
the Priest's first disciple as well.
Just tell me.
How am I inferior to her?
You're hugging me.
You didn't transform.
Your tail has appeared.
Just drink up, Master White.
Transform, Master White.
You can do it.
Transform, come on, do it.
Quickly transform.
Priest, quickly transform.
- Quickly transform.
- Master White.
with your dance.
Why do you collapse again?
I'll stop drinking with you.
I'm going to practice magic techniques.
I'm going to Cultivating Hall.
What are you looking at?
Keep them company.
I'm going to practice magic techniques.
(Cultivating Hall)
Master White!
Over here.
Master White.
Come out.
Wake up, Master White.
You think
I can't find you as you hide here?
Master White.
Master White, come out.
Quick, come out.
Come on out.
Zhu Yan,
you should go back to your room.
Come out.
Tell me honestly.
Did you
hide my Master White?
Master White,
I know you're here.
Master White.
Why are you looking for Master White?
Why am I looking for Master White?
How would I know
why I'm looking for Master White?
I'm taking Master White
to Extreme Wind City
to meet a lot of people
and enjoy good food.
I want to take him
riding, hiking,
and doing anything fun.
I just won't take you.
Unless you take me
as your first disciple.
Am I right?
No, if I'm your first disciple,
I won't take you home.
Master White.
Do you really want
to be my first disciple?
Master White.
Master White.
Master White.
Master White.
Are you done?
It's your fault.
You hide
my Master White.
Let go.
What now?
I don't even have the right
to blow my nose now?
I feel a bit dizzy.
Master White,
you're here.
(Zhu Yan.)
You're the best.
(Don't come near me.)
(Stay back.)
(Zhu Yan.)
(This is ridiculous.)
Just let me sleep with you.
(Nonsense, let go of me.)
(Stop messing around.)
(Let go of me.)
(Let go.)
Master White,
you're the best.
(Let go, let go, Zhu Yan.)
High Priest,
I've surpassed Qing Gang
and achieved the top spot
in today's written exam.
And I'm able to use the Ice Soul
you bestowed on me freely.
I have total confidence in winning
the contest two weeks later.
I was right about you.
Very well.
After you become his first disciple,
you'll live on intimate terms with him.
You're young and pretty,
and you're sensible,
all he thinks about is
the practice of magic techniques,
but he's hot-blooded.
I hope that
you could reignite his passion
for the mortal world.
By then, you'll become
the Emperor and Empress of Kongsang.
Yes, I'll obey your order.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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