The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e12 Episode Script

Creeping Unknown

[theme music]
[fire crackling]
[engine revving]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[birds chirping]
Why are we heading this far away from town, Michael?
Can't you tell, Liza? I wanted to be alone with you.
[chuckles] Good reason.
What's that?
Uh, I-I don't know
but, um, maybe we better head back to town.
[birds chirping]
[sighs] I-I'll feel a lot better
when we get out of this swamp area.
Yeah, so will I.
[both screaming]
[intense music]
[birds chirping]
This rare bayou snake will be a welcome addition to our zoo.
It should fit in perfectly with the rest of our
[both screaming]
Good Lord!
[intense music]
[birds chirping]
This is all uncharted area.
We're the first humans to ever make it this far into the swamp.
Who knows what new forms of plant life we may discover.
If we do discover a new species of plant life
what should we name it?
That's a strange name.
Look! Ahead of us!
It's some sort of a giant plant monster.
And it's heading straight for us!
[music continues]
[birds chirping]
(Race) 'Looks like this is the place,
Dr. Quest.'
Yes, alligators and other forms of wildlife
have been disappearing from this area.
I hope we can discover what's making the creatures flee.
(Hadji) 'Jonny, what are you doing?'
What does it look like I'm doing, Hadji?
- I'm sunning myself. - With tanning lamps?
Why don't you just use the sunlight?
Because the sun's rays don't come directly into the
They're blocked by the overhanging vines.
[laughs] Looks like you're not
the only one who likes
'to sun himself, Jonny.'
Do you think we'll find anything, Dr. Quest?
That remains to been seen, Hard Rock.
(Benton) 'But since most of the wildlife
has disappeared'
you can be certain something has disturbed
the creatures in this area.
There's something up ahead.
[engine revving]
Perhaps that man knows what's going on around here.
[engine revving]
It's some sort of plant monster.
Quickly, the laser devolatizer.
That creature must be responsible
for the wildlife's disappearance.
pew pew
We've got him on the run!
Hold your fire. He's gone!
[intense music]
Let me help you aboard.
- Uh, uh, thank you. - Are you alright?
I'm fine, but I've got to be getting back to my home.
- Uh, we'll take you there. - Please.
I don't want to be any trouble.
No trouble at all. Your craft has been damaged.
And, besides, that monster may still be close by.
[dramatic music]
[engine revving]
This place looks deserted. Does anybody live here?
People used to, until they were scared off
by that plant monster.
And what made you stay?
I was determined not to be chased away from my home.
[music continues]
[birds chirping]
This is a completely stocked laboratory.
- You're a botanist? - Yes, I am.
Then maybe we can help you find a way to stop that monster.
Look, that, uh, that won't be necessary.
- I don't want to burden you. - Nonsense!
There's no reason for you to have to tackle that thing alone.
Please, uh, I-I can handle it.
Well, at least let me aid you in your tests.
(Benton) 'I have sophisticated
data-gathering equipment'
aboard Sea Quester that might be of use.
Well, if you insist.
Dad, can Hadji and I go out
and search for the creature's trail?
If you promise to report back at the first sign of trouble.
Don't worry, we'll be careful.
This raft must belong to Mr. Trudge.
I'm sure he won't mind us borrowing it.
[birds chirping]
This place sure looks creepy.
Yes, I hope we don't meet up with any snakes.
[laughs] Don't worry, Bandit.
We'll protect you from any snakes.
I d-don't think it's snakes that Bandit's worried about.
[intense music]
Look, Hadji, a snake. Looks like a big one.
That is a big one.
In fact, I think I know. It's an alligator!
Let's get out of here!
[music continues]
Turnabout is not fair play.
You mean three against three?
Let's take one at a time.
- Look at.. - Look at those teeth!
Open wider, alligator breath.
(Hadji) 'Jonny, you'd make
a good dentist for alligators.'
What's the saying? "Two is company, three is a crowd."
Look at that!
Well, do you still want to look for that monster?
I'm game if you are.
You mean game for those alligators, Jonny?
[Bandit barking]
I don't think Bandit's worried
about snakes or alligators this time.
[intense music]
Oh, not alligators again.
No. As you would say, it looks pretty hairy to me.
[music continues]
Okay, Hadji, looks like it's your turn.
I've got my hands full.
Sim sim salabim!
Good going, Hadji. I knew you could do it.
Yes, but I think a quick decision is at hand, Jonny.
It looks like we're in for a swinging time.
Let's go, Hadji!
[Jonny ululating]
Whose stupid idea was it to look for that creature?
You don't have to be so quick
to agree with me.
It's still coming!
We can seal ourselves up in that shack.
[door shuts]
At least we're safe in here
until the monster leaves.
What's that?
The monster's trying to get in here.
It is coming in here and we've got no way out!
[intense music]
- What is it, Bandit? - He's pointing at the floor.
Of course, the floor!
Help me get these out.
Just a little further.
[both grunting]
(Hadji) 'We've got to hurry.'
Now, to leap down to the swamp.
Come on, Bandit, it's the only way.
'Or would ya rather stay and get better acquainted with that?'
I kinda thought he'd see things my way.
- Now it's our turn. - Look out belo-o-w!
[intense music]
Okay, now what are we going to do?
I was hoping you'd think of something.
Unh! At least things can't get any worse.
[Bandit barking]
I wouldn't bet on that.
And something tells me they're not vegetarians.
The trick is not to alert them to our presence.
[whispering] And what happens
when that fails?
That's easy. We panic!
Let's get out of here!
[panting] I think we've lost them.
Good, now to get back and warn everyone
about the plant monster. We were lucky to escape.
(Hadji) 'The monster seems able to ooze
in and out of everything.'
That thing is much too dangerous to remain loose.
Let's tail after it in Sea Quester.
[engine revving]
Nothing can seep through the solar insulation
of this blanket.
If we can get it wrapped around
the plant creature, we should
be able to trap it.
Once I fasten this rope to the insulation blanket
we should be able to lasso the creature.
And I'm just the one to do it.
Looks like you're about to get your chance, Hard Rock
'cause there it is!
I always wanted to be in a rodeo.
You've got him, Hard Rock!
Unfortunately, I think maybe it's got me.
I can't stop it. Aah!
Watch out! You're going overboard!
Quick, throw him a line.
Ah! I can't pull myself free.
I'm, I'm stuck.
[intense music]
We'll have to pull him out using full reverse power.
[engine revving]
Good. I'm coming loose.
[engine revving]
Glad to have you back aboard, big fella.
Huh, it's just too bad the monster escaped
with us having nothing to show for it.
I wouldn't say nothing, we managed to retrieve
the solar insulation blanket that was covering the creature.
Hopefully, the tests we conduct on it
will show us a way to stop that thing. Right, Mr. Trudge?
Uh, right.
[engine revving]
Just as I suspected.
The plant monster is a mutated form of kudzu
which is a creeping vine-like vegetation.
Let me see the other samples,
Mr. Trudge.
[glass shatters]
I must have tripped.
And that was our last sample.
I never realized lab work was so boring.
It just takes time, Jonny.
[glass shattering]
Jonny, Hadji, please leave and take Bandit with you.
Yes, dad. Come on, Bandit.
Uh, Hard Rock, why don't you
tag along with the boys?
After all, they already had
one close call today.
More than happy to, Race.
[instrumental music]
Maybe we can find something
for Dr. Quest and Mr. Trudge to examine.
What's this?
This looks like the same kind of roots
that fell off the plant monster.
[gasps] There's a trail of the stuff.
Let's follow it!
[birds chirping]
It appears to lead directly to that greenhouse.
(Jonny) Let's check out what's inside.
No, it's too dangerous. We have to alert the others.
Come on, Hard Rock, we should at least see
what's inside before we report it.
Yes, to make sure it's not a false alarm.
Alright, but I'm going in with you.
I don't think that's possible.
Those glass doors aren't big enough for you to fit through.
But we'll report back at the first sign of trouble.
- Oh, my.. - I never dreamed..
(Jonny) 'There are people
in those tubes.'
And they're all being transformed into plants!
What is it, Bandit?
(Jonny) 'The plant monster!'
The plant monster is after us!
Don't worry. I'll hold it off.
Go warn the others!
Argh! Argh!
- Whoa! Whoa! - Whoa!
[dramatic music]
[panting] The plant monster..
- It'll be here any second. - We've got to seal up the lab.
I don't think that will be possible.
- What are you talking about? - Haven't you already guessed?
The plant creature and I are partners.
[instrumental music]
There's gotta be a way out of here.
There will be, after your transformation is complete.
(Trudge) 'Once infected
with the living vines'
you'll soon become one of us.
His hands! They've changed into branches!
Exactly, and so will yours
during the transformation process.
[intense music]
Huh? What?
[birds chirping]
- We've got to escape. - That's not very likely.
Your tubes are completely sealed.
No, it's not possible!
On the contrary, it's very possible.
The roots weren't able to seep through my granite body.
- Quickly, the others. - As good as done.
That was a little too close.
- You said it, Bandit. - 'Let's move it!'
(Jonny) You don't have to tell me twice.
[music continues]
They must be stopped!
[dramatic music]
- Uh! We've gotta keep going. - That might not be so easy.
Now what are you going to do?
- There they are. - Here they come.
And we are trapped!
Something's happening to the plant monster.
It's shrinking!
Stop! Where are you going? Uh, come back!
Seems like your creature's run out on you, Trudge.
Leaving you with a lot of explaining to do.
[engine revving]
I was just so afraid
if I didn't cooperate with the monster
it would have placed me in one of the containment tubes.
Even with all my precautions, I still was infected.
Did you create the creature?
No. I was merely assisting.
The botanist who created it
was also the monster's first victim.
You say the creature hates direct sunlight.
Yes. It avoids the sun's rays at all costs.
Then I may have found a way to stop it
and a way to reverse the process
so we can make you normal again.
Then you've got to let me help.
I only aided the monster out of fear.
But if you've got a way to stop it
I've got to be a part of it.
[intense music]
Hurry, I've recaptured the Quests.
Quickly, get back in the vat
to begin the transformation process.
Nice goin', Mr. Trudge. You really fooled it.
Now, to get rid of the re-generation fluid.
[intense music]
Ah! It's gone.
Using your tanning lamps to destroy the monster
worked out great, Jonny.
I guess it had sensitive skin.
Now let's hook up these lamps
to restore everyone else to normal.
With the proper dosage of heat, we can dehydrate
the plant part of their bodies leaving the people unhurt.
[instrumental music]
I never thought I'd see the day when I could shake hands again.
And I'm just glad we could reverse
the transformation process for all of you.
I will immediately destroy the data
dealing with the plant monster
to assure that this can never happen again.
I think that would be a great idea.
Yes, one plant monster in a lifetime is plenty.
[leaves rustling]
It's another plant monster!
[all gasping]
We've got to stop it!
- Bandit! - Heh-heh.
He must have rolled in the creature's roots.
[all laughing]
[theme music]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
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