The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) s01e12 Episode Script

The Ghostly Creep from the Deep

Today, Scooby-Doo
meets the Globetrotters.
Well, guys, after checking our compass
and the map, l've come to a conclusion--
-What's that, Velma?
-We're hopelessly lost.
Shaggy, you and Scooby
look for a road sign.
Like, you gotta be kidding, Daphne.
-ln this fog, we can hardly see the road.
What is it, Scoob?
Yikes, it's a swamp monster!
-Will you two get hold of each other!
-We are.
-You're just seeing things.
-Take another look out the back.
But l may be sorry.
Yep, l'm sorry.
The swamp monster's after us.
Fred, my woman's intuition tells me
that something is after us.
My side mirror tells me the same thing.
Hang on, gang. We're moving out.
Hey, Meadowlark, this place sure doesn't
look anything like Miami Beach.
You're right, Pabs.
Thanks to old Columbus Meadowlark's
fantastic navigation.
Yeah, his shortcut turned out to be
the longest cut in history.
Cool it, group. l'll lead us out of here.
-Simple, Geese.
All Curly has to do is follow
that car ahead of us.
Good idea, unless they lost too.
Now, why should anybody
be dumb enough. . .
. . .to get themselves lost
in a place like this?
Who or whatever is after us
is gaining, Fred.
Don't worry. l'll lose them.
Well, we lost that so-called
swamp monster. . .
. . .so l guess we're in the clear now.
We sure are clear.
Clear up to our axles in mud.
Oh, no. Speaking of ghosts. . . .
-Who's speaking of ghosts?
A ghost pirate ship.
Did l see what l thought l saw?
lf you mean that ghost pirate ship,
l'm not sure.
Anyway, whatever we saw is gone.
Gosh. What else can happen?
Like, you had to ask.
Easy, group. This might mean trouble.
Hey, you guys.
What are you gonna do?
l'll tell you one thing
we're not gonna do. . .
. . .that's follow you
anyplace anymore.
Hey, they're not swamp monsters.
Wow, no!
They're the famous Globetrotters.
ln person!
Now, what's this about
a swamp monster?
That swamp monster.
Well, kids, there's your
old swamp monster.
Oh, swell. But what do we do now?
There's nothing we can do
until the fog lifts.
-Something's lifting.
-l've got a feeling. . .
-. . .there's one thing we can do.
Hold it. Hold it.
This is no time to hold it, man.
There's an alligator after us.
Nothing's after you. See?
lt's gone.
Anyway, let's don't stay
in this creepy place.
Right on.
Hey, look. lt's an old inn.
Who cares if it's old?
Let's go in the inn.
Wait. lt might be haunted.
Okay, Shaggy, you stay here,
and we'll check it out.
But give a yell if you see any ghosts.
lf? Now what did she mean by ''if''?
Look. Look.
That's just that old pirate ship.
-Sure, Scoob.
And nobody was even sailing it.
Which means ghost pirates.
We're almost there.
Stop. Go back, or we're all sunk.
Easy, fellow. Who or what's
gonna sink us?
That ghost pirate ship we saw.
That's who and what.
Nonsense, and for two
very good reasons.
Tell them, Meadowlark. Please.
Number one, there's
no such things as ghosts.
Number two, pirate ships
are a thing of the past.
Meadowlark's right.
And even though l saw the ghost
pirate ship, l still don't believe it.
Naturally, Curly. That's because there's
nothing out there. See?
Where did it go?
lf everyone's through seeing things,
let's go see about that inn.
And hurry, before the fog takes
all the curl out of my hair.
Me too.
l bet if Granny were here,
we wouldn't be in this mess.
Are you kidding?
lf we'd gone to Chicago with her
for Dribble's K-9 contest. . .
-. . .we'd be in a worse mess.
-How do you figure that, man?
-Simple. We'd have all gone to the dogs.
-Oh, boy.
l just hope our machine
isn't stuck in quicksand, Fred.
lf it is, it's probably sunk by now.
Stop the parade.
lf our bus sinks, l'm sunk.
-l don't get it.
-lt's his lucky basketball.
Meadowlark thinks if he loses it,
we'll lose tomorrow's game.
Meadowlark, that's just
being superstitious.
You know it. l know it.
But my hands don't.
Who will volunteer to go back
to the bus with me?
Don't everybody rush.
Just step up one at a time.
Leave this place!
Let's go, Scoob.
How about that. Two volunteers.
Come on, Meadowlark.
Don't just sit here.
Let's do what the ghost said
and leave.
Take it easy, Shaggy.
We were probably just
hearing something.
Well, that sure sounded
like somebody.
So let's find that somebody and ask
how to get out of this swamp.
Good plan. You go find him,
and we'll go find my ball.
l'm sure not staying here.
Me either.
lf everything goes okay,
we'll meet here at the old inn.
Like, it won't be okay
if you meet any ghosts or monsters.
For the last time, Shaggy,
there's nobody here but us.
And me.
Great. Our buses are okay.
But somebody might be inside.
Well, l'll get my basketball.
And you two can watch things
out here.
lt was just a bird.
Scooby, is that what l think it is?
Scoob, wait for me.
Hey, guys, l got it.
What's that?
lt must be the swamp monster.
lt must have got Shag and Scooby.
Now it's coming for me.
Wait. Meadowlark.
lt even knows my name.
Meadowlark wouldn't run
away from us. Unless--
-Something's after him.
-l don't know.
But let's don't hang around
and find out.
No luck. We might as well give up.
Yes, whoever it was that warned us away
must have split.
Let's go check in the inn.
Sure. Who's gonna stop us?
Red Beard the Pirate's ghost
will stop you.
Go away. Now.
Hey, man. Are you trying to scare us?
Yes. And for your own good.
Look, pal. No ghost-pirate story
is gonna scare us away.
lt's not just a story.
ln fact, it sounds like you may
meet him soon.
Heck, he's no ghost. He's our leader.
Well, he may not be a ghost,
but he sure looks like he's seen one.
Worse than that.
lt's a hot-dog-shaped
two-headed monster. . .
. . .and it's coming after us right now.
Meadowlark, you have to be kidding.
Does it sound like l'm kidding?
We're out of control.
Quick, inside the log.
Meadowlark's right.
lt is coming for us.
Move out, everyone.
That's the fastest swamp monster
l ever saw.
That's the only one l ever saw.
What happened?
Well, we made it.
Except l'm not sure we're okay.
What happened to poor
Shag and Scooby?
And the swamp monster?
There's the answer
to both our questions.
Hey. Look, Scooby. lt's Fred.
All three of him.
Okay, everybody. Let's go inside.
We can't. The door's boarded up.
Stand back, kids.
l'll take care of that.
Curly, knock it down.
Me? l'm brainy, not brawny.
Okay, use your head.
Good idea. Gip, do your stuff.
One door going down.
What a mess.
Maybe we should have tried
the back door.
Maybe it doesn't have a back door.
lt does now.
Hello? Anybody home?
Nobody but us chickens.
That wasn't funny, Shaggy.
Somebody else thinks it was.
Okay, who's laughing?
-Not me.
-Me neither.
l forgot. Did l?
No. And neither did l.
Like, that was a ghost laugh
if l ever heard one.
You never heard one.
Besides, that was just--
Well, a scary noise.
Well, scary noises scare me.
Me too. Because there has to be
a scarer to make us the scaree.
Come on, Curly-boy.
That was just your imagination.
Meadowlark, can l ask you
just one question?
Did you ever hear your
imagination walking?
No. And l don't want to see it either.
Me either.
That makes it unanimous.
That ought to do it.
Does anybody hear anything now?
No. l don't think so.
Naturally. That's because there's nobody
here to hear but ourselves.
Oh, yeah?
Then one of us sure has
some noisy bones.
Noisy bone?
That has to be a skeleton.
lt's getting louder and louder.
lt's after me.
lt's got me.
Scooby, will you stop
imitating a flamenco dancer?
Honestly. Some skeleton. You see?
We were all just hearing scary noises.
Velma's right. But l know how to get
rid of all those scary noises.
That's easy to take care of. All we have
to do is drown out the scary noises.
With fun noises.
Say with a basketball game.
Basketball? At a time like this?
This, or anytime.
Us against you Globetrotters? No way.
How about if we play you to 1 0
and spot you eight points?
Far out. lt's a deal.
Like, what will we do for baskets?
Our basket.
And your basket.
Any other questions?
Just one. How about
a little practice first?
Groovy idea, Fred.
Here. Catch.
Just a little practice.
Just a little practice.
Go ahead, Scoob. Try to sink a basket.
Like, try to get past my defense.
Unfair. What kind of basketball
are you playing?
Hold it. Cease. Desist.
-What's wrong, man?
-What's wrong?
l said let's warm up, not cool off.
Cool off? They look red hot to me.
Oh, brother. Now l know
what a basketball feels like. . .
. . .when the Trotters make a basket.
-Like, how's that?
Don't worry, gang. l have a plan.
Oh, well. ln that case, let's huddle.
Okay, gang, here's our plan.
No tricky stuff, guys.
Remember, they're only kids.
Sure, we'll play like we're playing.
Ready for the jump?
Here goes.
Don't use any tricks on the kids, huh?
lt looks like they have tricks
of their own.
Scooby. Come down here.
Go, go, Shaggy.
Oh, no. That's their basket.
Two points for our side.
You spotted us eight points.
So that makes the score 1 0 to nothing,
our favor.
There's still a chance for a tie.
Let's have the ball.
Start counting.
Two. Four. Six. Eight.
How about that! A tie.
-l don't hear anything.
That's what l mean.
No more scary noises.
Like, groovy. l'm not scared anymore.
Me neither.
-There's one thing that scares me.
-What's that?
Our big game in Miami tomorrow.
Oh, yeah?
lf Meadowlark doesn't get
his beauty sleep. . .
. . .he won't look good on the court.
Okay. Let's all turn in.
Right, but we better stand
guard duty just in case.
Okay, whoever volunteers to stand
the first watch say ''me. ''
Curly, will you stand the first watch?
-l'm proud of you, Curly.
You said ''me,''
so you stand the watch.
Red Beard's ghost.
Ahoy, Red Beard.
Somebody's at the inn.
Our unwelcome guests are going
to get the scare of their lives.
Sometimes l wish Meadowlark
would learn to keep my big mouth shut.
Wake up. Red Beard's ghost is coming.
-Did somebody say something?
-Hey, man. What's happening?
l must have been having a nightmare
about Red Beard's ghost coming here.
That's no nightmare.
He is coming,
and you're going to be sorry. . .
. . .if you don't skedaddle out
right now.
That old swamp rat's trying
to scare us away for some reason.
l don't know why he's trying to do it,
but he's doing a good job.
Somebody's down there.
Everybody out of sight.
Oh, man.
What's wrong? Do you see a ghost?
No, but l see ghosts.
Anybody here?
lf anyone was here,
they've gone now, Red Beard.
Oh, no. l hear them getting closer.
Now l feel them in back of me.
-There they are.
Give up, you two. You're surrounded.
You give up, Red Beard.
You're surrounded.
Who? By you?
-Yes, me.
-And me.
And us.
We're here too.
Mere mortals
against Red Beard's ghost.
Round them up.
Put them all in the brig.
Aye, aye, Red Beard.
They're as good as got.
Here. Have a seat.
l have these two.
Oh, yeah?
What hit me?
Hey, team, split up and scram.
l'll hold them off.
-With what?
Shag, Scooby, look out.
-l got you.
-Oh, yeah? Going up.
Pabs, it looks like we have company.
l'll go welcome him.
-Coming through.
-What hit me?
-l'll show them.
l'll get one in the net.
Thanks, fellas.
You can't escape me.
l better.
Gotcha. Any last words?
-Just two.
-What are they?
Happy landings.
Help, help!
Somebody stop me.
This way out, sir.
Watch your step.
l told him to watch his step.
Give up now, or l'll summon up
me full crew of ghost pirates.
You're bluffing, Red Beard.
Very well. You asked for it.
Hey, he wasn't kidding.
Wall-to-wall ghosts.
Quit now, or l'll have them take care
of you this instant.
We quit, we quit.
Just call off your creepy pals.
Very well.
So now what are you
gonna do with us?
How does walking the plank sound?
Corny. l mean, it just isn't done
in this day and age.
You forget, my day
was 300 years ago. . .
. . .before l became a ghost.
All right, me hearties.
Chain the prisoners until we can
make them ghosts too.
Oh, no. l'm too young
to become a ghost too.
Listen, fella.
lf you're an ectoplasmic apparition. . .
. . .how come you're not vanishing
with the dawn?
Red Beard, listen.
l'll let you meddlers go this time,
but if we meet again. . .
. . .you'll become ghosts
in a most unpleasant way.
Somebody turn on the lights.
l'm scared of the dark.
Relax, Shaggy. At least we can't see
those ghost pirates.
There aren't any ghosts. See?
Hey, they're gone.
Yeah. You said ghosts disappear
with the dawn.
And they did.
They didn't leave by the door.
lt's locked.
Well, how did they get out?
l don't know, but l think
l've found a clue.
Look, oil footprints.
Something tells me we have
another mystery to crack.
Something tells me
we should get cracking.
Curly's right. l think it's time
we vacate this creepy place.
Personally, l agree with you.
Let's go.
Come on, Scooby. There's no bones
under that wooden floor.
Here. How about
a Scooby Snack instead?
Now, what could be under there
more interesting than food?
l had to ask.
-What was that?
-Probably a log bumped us.
Shall l fire her up, Red Beard?
Aye, aye. They should be gone up there.
Make ready to cast off.
What are we waiting for?
Shaggy and Scooby are gone.
Shaggy, Scooby-Doo, where are you?
They wouldn't leave their Scooby Snacks
behind, unless--
lt's a trap door.
So that's how Red Beard
did his disappearing act.
Are they down there?
No, but l'll bet they were.
Red Beard must have them.
You're right. Except Red Beard
doesn't know it yet.
Any sign they're in trouble?
Just one. The sign that Scooby's
waving that says ''help. ''
Come on. We've got to save them
before it's too late.
Sorry, Scoob. Like, our necks are
more important than your tummy.
l just hope the guys pick up this trail.
This outboard motor just won't start.
Naturally. That's because it needs
a faster pull to create combustion.
She's usually right, Meadowlark.
Okay, you heard the little lady, Pabs.
One fast start coming up.
Hey, Meadowlark, look.
You didn't leave without us.
You know l wouldn't do that, pal.
Man. This is the first time
l ever water-skied on a wharf.
lt may be the last time,
if we meet up with old Red Beard.
Faster, Meadowlark,
while the trail is hot.
A hot water trail?
Well, it's the only one we've got.
Look at those cookies
floating on the water.
Cookies? Those are Scooby Snacks.
Quick! Follow those Scooby Snacks.
You mean catfish.
Methinks it's time for Red Beard's ghost
to disappear forever.
Like, we'll disappear too,
unless our trail is picked up.
Oh, no. The catfish are eating our trail.
Our only chance is
to swim ashore, Scoob.
No way. Look.
Are you sure you weren't followed?
Nobody would dare follow Red Beard.
l didn't sneeze.
Listen. lt came from the boat.
There's nobody there,
unless it's a ghost.
You'll give us away.
l'll give you away. To the sharks.
What be you doing here?
We're trying to get rid of his allergy.
What's he allergic to?
Stop them.
Well, l guess that's the way
the old ball bounces, Scoob.
Yeah, bounces.
Bounces? That's it, Scoob.
-Let's give it the old one-three.
So you want to play games, eh?
Faster, Scoob.
That bucket is gaining on us.
They don't call me Slippery Sam
for nothing.
Quick, Scoob. Down the hatch.
Hey, get me out of here.
lf you want something done,
you gotta do it yourself.
lt looks like we gave them
the slip, Scoob.
Yeah, yeah.
Maybe this is the way out.
-Hey, flag.
-A flag?
Oh, yeah. A pirate flag.
Of course it's only a flag.
Quit being such a chicken, Scoob.
Who, me?
Now, you go first, and l'll
protect you from behind.
Maybe that's the way out.
-Are you sure?
That's for sure.
Think you're gonna get away
from Red Beard, eh?
We can sure try. Come on, Scoob.
Which way did they go?
-That way.
You clumsy fool. After them!
Aye, aye, sir.
There's a way out.
Any porthole in a storm.
Do you have the feeling
this is where we came in?
Yeah, yeah. l do, l do.
End of the line, and no sign of them.
l think they were here. Look!
A Scooby Snack bag.
That alligator looks like
he just had lunch.
l just hope it wasn't
who l think it might be.
lf only it could talk.
Fred. Daphne. Velma.
Did it say what l thought it said?
No, that was Shaggy.
And he's back there.
With the ghosts.
We've got one chance
to pull a rescue: surprise.
So much for our chance. Look.
See who's warning them about us.
Why would a swamp rat radio a ghost?
Who knows? Maybe they're
on a ghost-to-ghost hookup.
l'll get you down. Fast.
Hark. l'll get them.
Look, Scoob. Belaying pins.
Just like in the pirate movies.
Scare them, Shaggy.
Avast there, matey, or l'll belay you
with this belaying pin.
No, no. Not that.
Scared you, huh? Well, we're getting
out of here with this.
What did l do? What did l do?
Duck, everybody. We're going through.
Red Beard, we gotta
clear out of here fast.
Nonsense. That kid and dog
can't bother us.
lt's not them.
lt's that swamp monster.
There be no such thing
as a swamp monster.
lt's coming for us.
l'm leaving.
All right, Red Beard.
We've got you now.
Who's got who?
All hands. Get them.
Jinkies! Make like a banana sundae
and split.
Okay, Trotters, start trotting.
Where do you think you're going?
-Now we've got them.
Don't let anybody get away.
Man, that's what l call nose dribbling.
Fred and Daphne are trapped.
We have to do something.
Like, we didn't have to do this.
Look out below.
Shag, Scooby.
So nice of you guys to drop in.
-Are you all right?
-Where does it hurt?
-What is it?
-Hunger pains.
He always gets them.
Yeah. l'm starving.
You won't even get a last meal
if we don't get moving. Split.
l'll net them all at once.
Stand back, or l'll let you have it.
Have what?
l forgot.
How about the old switcheroo?
Yeah. Let's go.
Hey, man. Thanks.
l'll show them.
All right, we've got you now.
Fred, we're trapped.
-lt's me, Swampy Pete.
-Yikes. lt's him!
Help. Help! He's got me.
l struck oil.
Run for cover. That's out-of-control oil,
and it's coming our way.
Everyone up on the barge.
Step on it, man.
Here they come again.
Stop, or l'll turn loose
my ghostly spirits on you.
Not those screaming meanies again.
Those floating creepies
will get us for sure.
Okay, you have us, Red Beard.
But can't we talk it over?
Yeah. Maybe we can
make a deal or something.
No deals.
Down into the hatch with you.
-What then?
-You'll merely be locked up. . .
. . .until we vanish into our. . .
. . .other world.
We can't trust him. There's no telling
what will happen to us down there.
But what else can we do?
Quick. Over the side.
Can we trust you?
Do you have a choice?
Since you put it that way. . . .
-This way, Scooby.
-No, this way.
Over we go.
You can't escape my spirit crew.
This way, Scoob.
Okay, okay.
Oh, no. They've done it again.
Out of my way.
We're trapped.
Congratulations. You captured Red Beard
and his whole gang.
Shaggy, you really use your head.
Oh, no, it was Scooby,
and he really used his feet.
What about those so-called spirits?
Just a trick. They came
from this spirit projector.
Great. But listen. What's coming now?
lt's a police helicopter l've had circling
until l could find Red Beard's hideout.
Something tells me you're not
really a swamp rat, Swampy Pete.
Something tells me
you're right, Velma.
l'm Lieutenant Pete Duggan,
of the Harbor Patrol.
And Red Beard wasn't a ghost either?
No, he's a crooked oilman who used the
Red Beard legend to keep people away. . .
. . .while he tapped those
offshore oil wells. . .
. . .loaded up his oil barge and piped it
into those tanker trucks.
Sort of an oil bootlegging
operation, huh?
Right, but he's out of business now,
thanks to you-all.
But they glowed like ghosts.
Another trick. Glow paint.
You can buy it at any joke store.
lt's no joke that we're gonna
miss our basketball game in Miami.
Relax. l'll call a taxi.
Okay, come on down.
Boy. Talk about service.
Watch out, Miami.
Here come the Globetrotters.
lt was nice of you to get us
to the game on time, Pete.
Well, that was nothing, kids.
Plus, you still have
a big reward coming.
Say, how about an advance on it?
Say a triple-decker hamburger?
One triple-decker, please.
Hey. That's my burger.
The gulping gourmets are at it again.
He's gotta be here someplace.
Scooby Doo, where are you?
Yoo-hoo. Up here.
Oh, no.
There goes my hamburger.
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