The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

(Cheong Ah Music School)
You'll try to stop me
with that dirty move?
Oh, is that all you learned
from your mom?
What did you just say?
I won't let you have your way twice.
did you just say?
You have another daughter.
Who are you?
Do you want to know who I am?
I know you're Min Seol Ah's mother.
Who on earth are you?
Ms. Cheon
(Episode 12)
Luckily, I don't think
anyone saw it.
What are you doing?
The final audition is around
the corner. What is this mess?
I did nothing wrong.
Eun Byeol started it.
She tried to stab me
with her hairpin.
I'm going to report her
for school violence.
- Did anyone see it?
- What?
Do you have proof to back up
your claim?
If there are no witnesses,
you might be making it up.
Since you were always jealous
of Eun Byeol.
It's obvious
that you seem to be the assailant
in this situation.
Seeing how you are right now,
I understand
how lonely, victimized, and
frustrated my mom must've felt
25 years ago.
If you were a person
who felt sorry for what you did
and apologized at least once,
your daughter would've
grown up properly!
What did you say?
You rude brat,
how dare you glare at her?
Watch your mouth.
I'm the head of the art department.
I can get you suspended
for what happened today.
You better not forget that.
Let's go, Eun Byeol.
Don't run away and tell me.
Who are you?
How do you know Seol Ah?
No, how do you know
she was my daughter?
Take your dirty hands off me, lady.
How could you be so brazen?
Was it okay for the whole world
to know?
Then why did you hide it
all this time?
I don't care who you are.
But don't even think
of getting in my way.
If you say anything about Seol Ah,
I'll make you pay for it.
What will you do?
Will you get rid of everyone
who knows your true identity?
Just like what you did to
Congressman Cho and Director Min?
Do you think I'll let you
have your way like those fools?
Instead, I'll give you a chance.
A chance to reveal the truth
Reveal the fact that Min Seol Ah is
your daughter.
To your beloved husband
and children.
This isn't any of your business.
She's my daughter,
and I'll take care of it.
How interesting.
You don't want to ruin
your happy family?
How about this then?
Will this change your mind?
Hey. You promised to help me
find my mom, right?
I hope you keep that promise.
Why do you want to find your mom?
She abandoned you.
Because I want to check something.
I want to see how she's doing.
How do you want her to be doing?
I want her to be unhappy
just like me.
I want her to be unhappy
just like me.
I want her to be unhappy
just like me.
Do you get it now?
Do you see how much Seol Ah
hated you all her life?
Seol Ah
looked for me?
She looked for you like crazy!
She didn't even know the mom
who abandoned her
was right in front of her
and looked for her again and again!
Yet, you didn't even recognize
your own daughter.
You don't have the right
to be a mom.
I'm going to make Seol Ah's
last wish come true.
I'll chase you
to the end of the world
and make your life miserable.
So you'll never
be able to smile again.
I'll give you exactly 10 days.
Go tell your family the truth.
That's more than enough time
for you to think about it.
If not,
I'll have to step up instead.
Seol Ah
Logan, this is Anna.
Hi, Logan.
Aren't they pretty?
I brought this for you.
It's delicious.
I don't need it.
You're not scary at all.
2.5ml of medication.
Check her respiration.
Logan, it didn't hurt at all.
I'll get better soon
so we can go home together.
I didn't steal anything!
- I was set up! I didn't steal it!
- Shut up!
Logan! Say something!
No, wait!
You said Anna stole this.
We had no choice.
Anna will just get in the way
of your future.
She might cause trouble
when you inherit our money.
Still, how could you do this?
How could you do this to Anna?
How could a person do such a thing?
Seol Ah, I will never tolerate
with seeing your mom being happy.
(Parking for Cheong Ah Arts
Middle and High Schools)
(Cheong Ah Arts School)
(Parking for Cheong Ah Arts
Middle and High Schools)
Look into someone for me.
His name is Gu Ho Dong.
He teaches PE at Cheong Ah Arts High.
He rides a sports motorcycle
and could be from Hope Orphanage.
The sooner you get something,
the more I'll pay you.
I must hurry.
It'll all be in vain
if Gu Ho Dong exposes me first.
Seol Ah killed herself?
No way!
Seol Ah would never
She'd never take her own life.
Gu Ho Dong hit Seok Hoon? Why?
To get back at him
for beating up An Eun Woo.
How dare he?
After taking my money?
I think there's something about him.
He makes us run for nothing
and gives us penalty points.
And he's extra nasty to Seok Hoon.
It's as if he has a grudge.
Fire him right away.
He gets on my nerves.
I'll deal with it.
Mr. Gu, it's me.
Are you free right now?
My gosh
Do you like baseball?
A friend of mine and I
are about to exercise here.
It would be fun if you joined in.
I can tell from the bats alone
that you're experts.
My goodness.
It's pretty obvious that
you're the youngest here.
- You have an advantage.
- You teach PE,
so you must be very fit.
We'll hit three balls each,
and the one to get
most base hits wins.
Are we betting something?
The winner gets a wish.
How about that?
I want a blank check.
Well, I'm not exactly
a fan of ball games.
Who will pitch?
Who is that?
BK? Isn't that Kim Byung Hyun?
Him and Chairman Joo
are practically brothers.
Kim Byung Hyun, the legendary,
nuclear-submarine pitcher?
My gosh, brother,
it's good to meet you!
(Gu Ho Dong, Joo Dan Tae,
Lee Kyu Jin)
(Lee Kyu Jin)
(Gu Ho Dong versus Joo Dan Tae)
Go lightly on him!
(Gu Ho Dong versus Joo Dan Tae)
Wow, nice!
(Joo Dan Tae: 1 fail, 2 base hits)
Oh, dear.
(Gu Ho Dong: 1 fail)
Oh, dear. My goodness.
You could get sent off for that!
(Gu Ho Dong: 2 fails)
(Gu Ho Dong versus Joo Dan Tae)
What's that?
That's a home run!
Well, I'm sorry about that.
I won.
Mr. Gu, did you dupe us?
You're almost a professional.
The ball seemed oddly larger today.
Chairman Joo, I'm disappointed.
Is that the best you can do?
Whatever. Name your wish.
I just sent a text. To you too.
- Hey, this is
- What
What are you playing at?
You said you deleted the video!
- It was a fib.
- A fib?
My wish is for this video
to be seen by the world.
You dare take my money
and not do what I said?
Money? What money?
Oh, are you talking about
the gold toads?
I put the box under
one of your couch cushions.
You haven't found it yet?
- Gosh.
- How dare you toy with me?
Don't you think you have
too fiery of a temper, brother?
Why am I your "brother"?
Anyway, a bet's a bet.
Keep your word.
I have a class tomorrow morning
and should get going.
- How dare you
- Hey. Hey, you!
Are you sure
he's an ordinary teacher?
He's a complete psycho!
That arrogant prat.
I should've
gotten rid of him sooner.
Darn it.
How do I look, darling? Am I pretty?
Don't look at me like that.
It's embarrassing.
Your stubble is so prickly, Dan Tae.
Honey, stop it.
This product is highly stable,
but it doesn't guarantee
a high return.
It's more like
a regular bank account.
I don't have an income right now,
and would like to make some money.
Have you heard the phrase
"high risk, high return"?
This is a stock only we know about.
If you're lucky, it will be huge.
It'll be huge?
Dr. BioGen.
It's the first company
in Korea to develop
a genetic cure
for respiratory illnesses.
If you look here
The audition's tomorrow,
so why aren't you practicing?
Mom. What if Ro Na
does better than me?
Ro Na has better diction than me,
she's pretty,
and she doesn't easily get nervous.
I shudder whenever
I stand in front of people,
and I feel like
my heart will explode.
Is that why you did that to Ro Na?
You attacked her with your hairpin.
What if things had
gotten out of hand?
She keeps getting on my nerves!
I can't spend
another day around her.
I hate that
she lives in Hera Palace,
and I despise that we go
to the same school!
You saw how she talked back at you.
I want Bae Ro Na
to disappear forever!
You can't become a great singer
with such a feeble mindset.
To perform in Europe, you must
stand tall in front of thousands.
Is this the best my daughter can do?
I'm scared.
What if I mess up
in front of the judges tomorrow?
They're all famous
former announcers.
I really don't want to lose
to Ro Na.
Read that.
What is this?
The script for the audition.
Where did you get this?
You said you'd release it
right before the audition tomorrow.
(2020 Cheong Ah Ambassador
Audition Script)
I really shouldn't do this.
It won't be a problem, will it?
Don't you worry.
I admired you ever since
you were a student abroad.
You're still beautiful even after
you quit being an announcer.
The great Cheon Seo Jin knows
such brown-nosing phrases?
They say even Buddha
would favor his children.
Your kid must mean a lot to you.
It's not because she's lacking.
I just want to be clear with things.
You recommended me as a judge
because you have plans, right?
I'll see to it that you host
all of Cheong Ah Foundation's
sponsorship events this year.
I think that's
a good enough payment.
(2020 Cheong Ah Ambassador
Audition Script)
The test is in English?
Everyone's busy polishing
their Korean pronunciation.
English is key.
That's most important.
Your English is good, right?
Yes. I won't lose
to Seok Kyung either.
Even more so to that darn Bae Ro Na.
Your grandfather is
the foundation director.
Who would dare take your spot?
When's a good time
to set up a meeting?
I can meet you
at any time you please.
Okay, then. How about we meet at
the hotel coffee shop around four?
Fantastic. Okay. Have a good night.
Have some tea.
Did something work out?
A problem I had
for a few days might go away.
How's your work?
I'm slowly getting used to it.
It's good to see you're happy.
Let's meet at the lesson room now.
(Dr. BioGen Investment Analysis)
Something just came up.
I have to go out.
I might be late.
Don't wait up for me.
Are you still upset about
Oh Yoon Hee?
You said we could kick her out.
But look at us now.
Even the board vote
didn't go our way.
I didn't expect
some random traitors.
You can't be so relaxed about it.
Yoon Hee and her daughter
are driving me crazy.
I really can't live like this.
Don't worry. I prepared
something for you.
This time, even the heavens
can't help Oh Yoon Hee.
- Are you sure?
- Don't you trust me?
I do.
That's why
I plan to get divorced soon.
What? Why are you
giving me that look?
Isn't it better for you too
if I become free?
I don't expect to become your wife
right away, so don't be shocked.
You said Dr. Ha's at a conference,
but he's not, is he?
Once I become
the foundation director,
we'll sign the papers.
Ha Yoon Chul is just a burden
I'm too busy to bother
getting divorced right now.
I don't want to get stressed out
living with him anymore.
I've done enough.
It must've been so hard on you.
Your skin has gotten quite rough.
I'll make sure
to serve you well tonight.
(Cheong Ah Ambassador Speech Contest)
Thank you for sparing time
out of your busy schedules.
I ask that
you judge the students
especially fairly this time.
You cannot give in to any
outside pressure or corruption.
Everything was as secure as
a college entrance exam.
Don't worry at all, Ms. Cheon.
The most efficient procedure is
We'll start the Cheong Ah
Ambassador audition.
I'll call each of you in turn.
Read the script on the teleprompter.
Yoo Jenny, to the audition hall.
- I'm up first?
- Yes.
Oh, no. I'm so nervous.
Good luck.
(Cheong Ah Arts High School
Ambassador Audition)
Hello. I'm Yoo Jenny.
10th grade of Music Class 1.
(Cheong Ah Arts High Ambassador
Speech Test)
The schools that take take
take the lead
and the schools that
Shoot. What is this?
She can't just
Hey. How was it?
Was it hard?
I ruined it.
I totally ruined my chance.
The script is in English!
In English?
In English?
The speech script
was never in English.
Does it matter?
So what if it's in English?
Next up is Bae Ro Na.
To the audition hall.
I'm Bae Ro Na.
10th grade of Music Class 1.
Read what's on the teleprompter.
(Cheong Ah Arts High Ambassador
Speech Test)
I can't do this.
What? You can't do it?
Too bad. You can leave, then.
I'm not saying I give up.
I'm saying I won't attend
such an unfair audition.
The script has been leaked.
I clearly heard
someone practicing
with this exact script.
- Oh, my.
- Is that possible?
- What on earth?
- How could the school do that?
Cheong Ah Arts High School is
training creative artists
by systematically executing
progressive art education.
On the one hand, we increase
students' musicality with
practical lessons
and tailored professional
It's okay, Ha Eun Byeol.
You can do this.
I will crush Bae Ro Na.
She was definitely practicing it
in English.
If the script
wasn't leaked beforehand,
she'd have no reason
to be practicing in English.
Who are you saying
leaked the script?
We just received the script
right before the audition.
I wouldn't know who.
However, as long as
there are doubts,
shouldn't you change the script?
For a fair audition.
If you're not confident,
you should just give up.
How dare you make up
such an excuse?
Do you hear me?
Don't waste time and get out.
I think Ro Na is right.
The audition script has been posted
on the school website.
- Is that true?
- Really?
- What is going on?
- Check if it's true.
- This audition has been rigged.
- I can't believe it.
She knew everything
from the beginning.
(Audition Script for 2020
Cheong Ah Ambassador)
My gosh. It's true.
It's exactly the same
as the teleprompter.
Wait a minute. What is going on?
Ms. Cheon, did you know about this?
No. I had no idea.
Since the script has been leaked,
continuing the audition is nonsense.
In order to persuade
everyone in here,
you'll have to change
the audition script.
I guess there's no reason for you
to refuse
since you need to prove
you're innocent too.
(Audition Script for 2020
Cheong Ah Ambassador)
(Audition Script for 2020
Cheong Ah Ambassador)
That take the lead
and the school that
Shoot. What is this?
(Cheong Ah Arts High School
School Board)
(Your post has been uploaded.)
I'm Ha Eun Byeol.
10th grade of Music Class 1.
(Cheong Ah Arts High Ambassador
Speech Test)
(Cheong Ah Arts High Ambassador
Speech Test)
- What is going on?
- Is she sick?
- I think she's panicking.
- She must be nervous.
- What is wrong with her?
- What is she doing?
Cheong Ah Arts High
Did you panic?
I guess you didn't know
the script changed.
What is it you want to say?
I heard you
practicing in English
in the bathroom earlier.
It's you again? Are you enjoying
ruining my path?
Do you get it now?
Without your mom's favor,
you can do nothing
with your own talent.
All you can do is stutter
and run away from the stage crying.
That's all you can do.
Shut your mouth!
Say it. The one who put those
cigarettes in my pencil case
was you, right?
Were you that unsure of yourself?
Did you do such a dirty thing
to make me give up?
Say something if I'm wrong!
Bae Ro Na, it's your fault.
It's all your fault!
Are you messing around again?
No one will fall for it now.
- Eun Byeol.
- Eun Byeol!
- Eun Byeol!
- Eun Byeol!
- Eun Byeol!
- Are you okay?
- Eun Byeol!
- Eun Byeol!
- What's wrong?
- What do we do?
Eun Byeol, what's wrong with you?
Wake up.
Eun Byeol! Wake up!
(Cheong Ah, the School of Creativity,
Honesty, and Friendship)
- Come on, Mr. Ma.
- Move.
(Final Winners of the
Cheong Ah Ambassador Audition)
- It's Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung.
- I knew it.
Everyone, Seok Hoon
and Seok Kyung
are the first twins to be chosen
as ambassadors
since the school's establishment.
Let's give them a big hand!
Gosh, I guess this is thanks
to living in the penthouse.
It's rare for siblings
to both be so talented.
I hardly ever get jealous,
but I'm jealous of Seok Hoon
and Seok Kyung.
Thank you for congratulating us.
Why don't we throw a party
for Hera Club this weekend?
Welcome. It's this way.
What took you so long?
I waited so much for you.
Welcome, Ro Na.
Ro Na. I heard you did something
amazing today. Gosh.
Thank you. It's all thanks to you.
You made it with your own talent.
Congratulations, Seok Kyung.
You too, Seok Hoon.
Min Hyuk, what are you doing?
Give them their gifts.
Jenny, you too.
Since you guys have everything,
it was so hard to pick a gift.
Ta-da. This is for Seok Kyung.
- Thank you.
- This is the hottest perfume
among fashion leaders lately.
When are you going to give me that?
It's nothing expensive.
I like it.
Shall we go to the community room?
Let's go.
- Go and have fun.
- Have fun.
Yoon Hee, come sit here.
- Let's have a drink.
- Okay.
- It's so nice to see you here.
- My gosh.
When did you two become so close?
Wait a minute. Are you the one
who voted against her eviction?
What? What are you talking about?
I thought you were the one
who voted for me. Am I wrong?
Why would I vote for you?
You know how people tend to grow
on each other.
I thought you were fond of me.
Was I wrong?
Our kids have known each other
since middle school.
And since we're neighbors and all,
we should be friends.
My goodness.
Is that how you always coax people?
By acting cute next to them?
She's a guest who came
to congratulate us.
It's okay.
I'm quite a picky person myself.
I don't act cute to just anyone.
Chairman Joo, you crossed the line
this time.
He tends to be a bit blunt
and dull as well.
Oh, right.
What happened to Eun Byeol?
I heard she fainted.
Ms. Cheon is probably about to lose
her mind right now.
She's being suspected
of rigging the audition
and Eun Byeol didn't become
the ambassador.
And Dr. Ha even packed up
and left
He packed up and left? Why?
What happened?
- Honey, can you please tell them?
- What is it?
Why would you mention
something like that?
That family is truly spectacular.
How should I put it?
A rose, thorns,
pain, and tears.
I'm almost sure they'll become
my clients. And Dr. Ha!
Where is Eun Byeol?
She's sleeping. Talk to her later.
Eun Byeol, lie down properly.
Stop laughing! Stop laughing at me!
Eun Byeol, what's wrong?
This sound. My classmates
are laughing at me.
They're all laughing at me!
It's so loud. Please stop!
Eun Byeol, snap out of it.
What sound are you talking about?
Eun Byeol, look at me. Eun Byeol!
Dad. When did you come home?
Is the conference over?
Eun Byeol, are you okay?
What do you mean? I feel fine.
Dad, I didn't become the ambassador.
I'm sorry.
But don't worry. I'll come
first place in the midterm.
I'll even win
the Cheong Ah Art Festival trophy.
You won't hate me, right?
Why would I hate you?
You don't have to be in first place.
No, I won't accept that.
I'm so happy you're here.
Ha Eun Byeol. If you're awake,
start studying.
You need to make up for your mistake
through this midterm.
I set up everything for you,
yet you ruined everything?
You shouldn't have let
anyone hear you.
How could you embarrass me
like this?
Stop it.
She's unstable right now.
How could you say that
when she's in that condition?
How will she survive in this jungle
without working harder?
Eun Byeol, you need to rest.
Don't do anything.
No. I have to study.
I won't come in first place
if I rest like the others.
I'm okay, Dad.
Are you out of your mind?
She's sick right now!
She said some weird things
in her sleep just now.
That's just an excuse
for ruining the audition.
Do you know how humiliated I was
in front of all the parents?
If she disgraced her grandpa,
she should at least make up for it
through the midterm.
Does the darn midterm matter
in this situation?
Are you even worried
about Eun Byeol?
You have no right to say that
when you left without her.
I won't raise Eun Byeol
into a loser like you.
So don't interfere
with how I educate her.
How did you end up like this?
No. Cheon Seo Jin was always
like this.
Stop pretending
like you're sophisticated
and that you have a conscience.
You're such a hypocrite.
The moment you dumped
Oh Yoon Hee and chose me,
you were nothing but a man full of
desire, who was worse than me.
I don't care
if you treat me like a fool or not.
But I won't let you ruin
Eun Byeol's life.
So? You came back home?
You made the right choice.
If you're going to get divorced,
you need to gather proof first.
That's when you stab her
in the back.
Are you enjoying yourself?
My gosh, Dr. Ha
looks like a total mess. Oh, dear.
I think the lawsuit regarding
your accident
will be sorted out soon.
Your wife
I mean, Seo Jin
met the patients
and took care of everything.
Dr. Ha is lucky to have her.
My goodness.
What's the matter with you?
You're scaring me.
We should watch our mouths
in front of a man with a knife.
Did I say something wrong?
Shouldn't you be happy
if someone compliments your wife?
Why is it taking so long to settle
the Myeongdong deal?
If it's beyond your ability,
just tell me now.
You keep crossing the line.
I can't believe how hard it is
to stay together as Hera Club.
I've set a meeting with Logan
this afternoon.
Since we're on the subject,
as soon as the Myeongdong deal
is taken care of,
I'll withdraw from Hera Club.
I asked to meet today to share this.
So could you please do what
you do best and get things done?
That punk. How dare he act up
in front of me?
Calm down.
Dr. Ha is going through
some rough patches lately.
Is that my fault?
What is that attitude?
Why that little
- Come on, you should stay
- Darn you.
Why is he getting angry at me?
Also, it is your fault. You
My gosh. His cheekiness is
truly shocking to me.
Should I just
expose everything? Should I?
(To, Ms. Shim Su Ryeon)
I'll give you exactly 10 days.
Go tell your family the truth.
A family photo is missing
in the study. Did you see it?
Tell Ms. Yang to find it.
I like that photo.
I only have eight days.
I don't have time.
I must move fast.
Dr. BioGen? Do you mean
the cure for respiratory illnesses?
This is a stock only we know about.
It will be huge.
Dr. BioGen.
I must move fast before
the FDA approval.
I have no doubt since
this information is from you, sir.
I'll buy their stocks right away.
Thank you.
(Dr. BioGen Investment Analysis)
This is it. Dr. BioGen.
I want to withdraw everything.
With the money from my savings
and a mortgage loan, I can
gather about a million dollars.
That's all the money I have.
You're making an exceptional choice.
I'll treat you big time later.
He's staying at this hotel?
This is a 6-star luxury hotel.
On top of that,
he's staying at a suite
that costs thousands of bucks
a night.
His fellow teachers know him
as a cheapskate.
Is he stealing money from someone
or what?
Isn't he from Hope Orphanage?
No. There was no one named
Gu Ho Dong at Hope Orphanage.
Please dig deeper.
Gu Ho Dong may not be his real name.
Please do it as soon as possible.
Let's wrap up today's class.
Attention. Bow.
- Goodbye.
- Thank you.
I love you all.
Hi, guys.
How have you been?
(Min Seol Ah: How have you been?)
Seok Kyung. What is it?
Is something wrong?
It's nothing.
What is this message?
Did Min Seol Ah really send it?
What do you mean?
It's probably a prank.
Who would pull a prank
with a dead person like this?
It's creeping me out.
She keeps inviting us
even if we go out.
This is so terrifying.
(Voice Message from Min Seol Ah)
(Voice Message from Min Seol Ah)
Hey! Look over here.
I'll take a nice photo.
Nice pose. You look great.
Now, we're able to see the real
Min Seol Ah from Bosok Village.
This really suits you.
Why don't you use this chance
to choose a different path?
Look at her. How dare you act like
you're our teacher!
Turn it off!
Turn it off right now!
Didn't we delete this file?
Who in the world
Her cell phone Seol Ah probably
recorded it on her cell phone.
Then is she really alive?
Seol Ah isn't dead?
Stop being absurd.
She's dead.
Did you forget that she committed
suicide at Bosuk Village?
Someone who found her cell phone
is playing a prank on us.
Don't let this confuse you guys.
Leave the group chat
and block this ID.
And don't tell anyone.
Especially our parents.
What's the matter?
Come to think of it, you were
suspicious last time as well.
You know something about Seol Ah,
don't you?
No way. Did you kill her?
No, I don't know anything.
Eun Byeol.
Look at me and tell me the truth.
What is it that you know?
What do you know?
Hera Palace.
Seol Ah fell and died
at Hera Palace.
It wasn't at Bosuk Village.
She died at Hera Palace.
(Music Major Practice Room)
(Joo Seok Kyung left the chat room.)
(Lee Min Hyuk left the chat room.)
(Ha Eun Byeol left the chat room.)
(Yoo Jenny left the chat room.)
Do you think you guys can run away
from what you did?
(Joo Seok Hoon left the chat room.)
(My Brother)
Hey, Seol Ah. Long time no
Let me go! Let go of me!
What's going on?
(Seol Ah)
Seol Ah?
Who are you guys?
Stay still if you don't want
to get yourself in a mess.
How can you be so confident
even after what you've done?
Are you really the same age as us?
You took the GED,
and you live in Bosok Village?
On top of that, she's an orphan.
Seol Ah, where are you? Are you okay?
Yes, I'm okay.
Don't lie to me. I heard everything.
They're your students, right?
I swear I won't let them
get away with this.
How could they do that to you?
Those bastards.
I'm going to kill them all!
I feel so reassured
to hear you take my side.
I'm coming over
to Korea right now, okay?
So stay still.
I told you not to tutor those kids.
I offered to send you money.
Why didn't you listen to me
and get yourself in trouble?
I don't want your help, Logan.
It's your dad's money.
I'm sorry, Seol Ah. I shouldn't
I shouldn't have
let you leave like that.
You didn't know anything.
But I still don't regret it.
I'm glad that I helped you
become healthy again.
I really mean it.
I'll go meet you there.
I'll go there
and teach them a lesson.
So stay still, okay?
I'm coming over.
I hope you really do
teach them a lesson.
Keep that promise, okay?
Your lives will become
miserable now.
I hope you look forward to it.
It's time.
Make sure we're able
to sign a deal today.
Yes, sir.
Negotiations are
temporarily suspended.
Do you not do your work properly?
Why won't he show up?
Did you send him a proper proposal?
Yes, sir. We sent him
a perfect proposal
that included our investment plan
and future expectations.
If it was really perfect,
I'd be meeting Logan Lee already.
Mr. Kang, it looks like
you've turned worthless.
Please give me one more opportunity.
I've given you enough opportunities.
There are tons of people
who are more competent than you.
You'd better get ready to resign
if this deal goes down the drain.
Darn it.
Who played such a horrible prank?
Our housekeeper.
This is why you need to be careful
of whom you hire.
Can it be restored?
Don't worry.
I'll put your photo back in.
It'll be good as new.
Your kids are both
very handsome and pretty.
I know, right?
They all take after me.
Seok Kyung is going to become
a classical singer.
She has an amazing voice.
Seok Hoon is very smart.
He's always the top student
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
You must be proud of your kids.
It's all done.
Here you go, ma'am.
We're back to being
a perfect family.
My gosh, it really looks real.
Who are you?
You You are
This photo looks nice.
Ms. Yang.
The chairman will freak out
if he finds out about this.
You're his housekeeper
at the penthouse,
but when you're outside,
you act like you're his wife.
Please don't tell him, Mr. Gu.
I beg of you.
It doesn't seem like
this was your first time.
You've been working for that family
for almost 20 years.
Then you must No way.
Do you have feelings
for the chairman?
All I did was love him.
I didn't covet anything
that wasn't mine.
That outfit you're wearing
Doesn't it belong to Ms. Shim?
How can you say
you never coveted anything?
My goodness.
I'm sorry to tell you this,
but I'm really close
with the chairman.
I don't think
I can let you get away with this.
What do you want?
Tell me everything you know
about Joo Dan Tae
and Shim Su Ryeon.
I also want to know everything
about Min Seol Ah.
Or should I call her Anna?
How did Seol Ah die at Hera Palace?
It said on the news
that she committed suicide
at Bosuk Village.
If she really died at Hera Palace,
how was her body found
at Bosuk Village?
That means
someone took her body there.
That day when there was
a lighting ceremony by the fountain.
Do you remember what happened
last year on November 14?
I heard there was a lighting
ceremony by the fountain that night.
Yes, I remember.
It was the first anniversary
of Hera Palace.
So there were lots of guests.
And it was
a really extravagant party.
Can I see some photos?
Yes, of course. Sure.
Here you go.
I bought these sneakers for her.
Where are these sneakers now?
Gosh, what is that? It's so filthy.
Where did you get
this piece of trash?
This used to belong to Seol Ah.
I brought it from the lost and found
center at our apartment.
- What?
- It was found by the fountain
the day we held Hera Palace's
first-year anniversary party.
I took this photo
with my cell phone.
- Oh, my gosh.
- I remember now.
Seol Ah used to wear
these dirty sneakers.
I remember
they used to be really filthy.
Does that mean Seol Ah really died
at Hera Palace?
Let's report this to the cops.
This is a murder case.
Maybe the one who sent us that chat
knows who the culprit is.
We need to find who the culprit is.
Are you dumb?
The person who killed Seol Ah
is among our parents.
What kind of nonsense is that?
He's right. Seol Ah was killed
by someone who lives in Hera Palace.
there would be no reason
to move her body.
Schubert composed
a total of 1,200 pieces
including many instrumental
and classical music.
And his most characteristic works
were his secular vocal works
that consisted of over 620 pieces.
Those works were
modified versions of Singspiel,
which were German songs,
that were more unconventional
and unique.
That is all for today.
(F. P Schubert's Songs)
(Min Seol Ah:
I see you finally found my shoe.)
I see you finally found my shoe.
Who's doing this?
Who's playing a prank on us?
Show yourself!
This guy definitely is
someone near us.
This proves
that Seol Ah was killed
at Hera Palace.
Those who are suffering from
cardiovascular diseases will also
have to watch out for their health.
Dr. BioGen, the first company
in our country
that attempted to invent a treatment
for respiratory diseases,
turned out to have failed
their clinical trial.
Now, their stock prices
are plummeting.
The stock market stopped
all their transactions
and gathered a committee
- to delist the company
- I can't believe this.
The company got delisted?
The financial investors
Dr. BioGen
- The phone is turned off.
- Answer the phone.
- Leave a message after the beep.
- Why won't he pick up?
Pick up the phone, you jerk!
My money.
My money!
It just came on the news, sir.
Ms. Oh would've found out by now.
Did she think I'd let her get away
with taking my money?
I can't believe I got fooled
by a nobody like her.
I'm such an idiot. I'm a fool.
That's enough. Blaming yourself
won't change anything.
How much did you invest?
I invested the money I made
through the auction,
and I even took out a mortgage.
I invested everything I had.
I invested a million dollars,
and I'm about to lose all that.
Who recommended you
to invest in that?
The investment consultant
on Hera Palace's
community website.
Dr. BioGen? Do you mean
the cure for respiratory illnesses?
I must move fast before
the FDA approval.
I have no doubt since
this information is from you, sir.
Your husband
also got a call from someone
regarding that company.
That's what got me convinced
to invest my money.
(Dr. BioGen Investment Analysis)
Do you think he planned all this?
Do you also think so?
He fooled me on purpose, didn't he?
Those darn jerks.
I swear I won't forgive them.
What are you going to do?
You don't even have proof.
They'll treat you like you're nuts.
Are you telling me to stay still?
He purposely planned all this
to make me lose my money.
How do you expect me to stay still?
It was the first time I ever had
that much money in my entire life.
I'll help you take care of the mess.
- So calm down.
- That jerk.
That nasty jerk.
I know how you can get
your stolen money back
from my husband.
Will you give it a shot?
I don't have time.
So will you do something
on my behalf?
What's your idea?
I'll do anything you ask.
I'll do everything.
Just tell me what to do.
(The rich put things to action,
and the poor only think.)
It's sometimes used
in this situation too.
(You don't have much time left.)
(Mr. Gu Ho Dong)
You have seven more days.
You don't have much time left.
(4 months ago)
(Garbage bag)
It's because you were too conscious
of your ruby ring.
My gosh, I wonder
how much it must've cost?
"It's an honor to finally meet you
in person."
"Thank you for taking the time
to meet me."
- "My name is Yoon Hee Oh."
- That was great.
"Thank you for taking the time
to meet me."
(Personnel Information)
(Name: Logan Lee,
Date of Birth: December 1, 1989)
I promise I will find the person
who killed you.
It's time for me to take action.
You have two more days left.
Are you ready to spill the truth?
Seo Jin.
Do you have time?
I have something to tell you.
Yes, I'll meet you
in the lesson room in an hour.
It's time to interview the applicant
for the investment team.
Let the person in.
(J King Holdings Application Form)
(Name: Oh Yoon Hee)
(J King Holdings Application Form)
Hello, I'm Oh Yoon Hee.
You really have a way
in surprising people.
It's not very pleasant.
It's both my strength and weakness.
You'll get used to it.
I heard you're hiring
an experienced investor,
so I applied for the position.
I also don't like
how brazen you are.
I admire your courage,
but the interview will stop here.
I have no questions for you.
- Next.
- You'll regret it.
No, I won't.
I have no time for you right now.
So please get lost.
Come in, please.
At last, we finally meet, Mr. Joo.
I may be the Logan Lee
that you were looking for.
Logan Lee?
This arrived by express delivery.
Chairman Joo sent it.
Chairman Joo?
How pretty.
You look like a woman being loved.
Does it seem so?
It's always nice to receive flowers.
Have a seat. I wonder what it is
you want to talk about.
Open that first.
I think it's a present.
Shall I?
I knew it was you.
The one who killed my daughter.
(The Penthouse)
- Don't forget you need me.
- That crazy wench.
That's such a sharp ring.
She knows what we did.
Do you think the penthouse will be
yours forever?
They are the suspects
of Seol Ah's murder.
I'm thinking of throwing a party
for Hera Club.
Tell everyone that you're
Min Seol Ah's mom.
It's not nice to hide things
so secretly.
You wait and see. It'll be a party
you'll never forget.
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