The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Tie, the Second Month

(Lee Se Young)
(Bae In Hyuk)
(Joo Hyun Young, Yoo Seon Ho)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
(All characters, places, groups, and organizations)
(are purely fictional.)
Young Master.
Young Master.
Young Master.
Did you not take the antidote?
No, Young Master.
Hey. Is anyone out there?
Do not worry.
Everything will be fine.
Do not worry and
Stay with me.
Is anyone out there?
It can be anyone. Please
Young Master, no.
You cannot die like this.
Please wake up.
Young Master.
Why is this happening again?
Yeon Woo.
(Chapter 12: Tie, the Second Month)
This is the operating plan.
I see.
Yeon Woo will walk this way.
- That's not bad. - Hello!
Sa Wol.
What brought you here?
I heard you were working late, so I made some cookies for you!
- They are on us - Thank you.
so that you can work hard for Ms. Yeon Woo.
You are both so caring.
Sa Wol, what's the recipe for this?
Gosh. You should open a cookie shop.
Help yourselves. I will bake them often for you.
- Yes. - By the way,
did Yeon Woo arrive in Milan safely?
It has been a week since she left, right?
How is she doing?
She must be doing great.
That is my Yeon Woo.
(Park Yeon Woo)
(Park Yeon Woo)
Do not touch the exhibit.
CEO Kang.
Why are you being all sentimental? It doesn't look good.
What are you doing here, Tae Min?
I came to work. To check the garments.
If you miss your wife, call her.
Why the long face as if you are never going to see her again?
You are working hard until late.
I'm not smart like you,
so I have to work hard physically.
I told you I'd get promoted and take over SH.
I look forward to it. Good luck.
Did you just laugh?
Did you just belittle me?
You are high-hearted since I've been easy on you.
How dare you?
Gosh. It hurts.
(Designer Park Yeon Woo, SH and Midam)
I still have it. Do you know that?
- Have what? - Gosh. Stop it.
You witch!
What are you doing?
Let go of me!
How dare you?
We are still in mourning. Keep your dignity.
What? Keep my dignity?
Lady Yoon!
Stop it.
How badly did you raise her?
As if taking her husband's life was not enough,
she is treating me immorally.
Immoral? You are going too far.
Can I not say that much
when my precious son died?
I got it.
I am going to fulfill my duty for your precious son.
Please stop right there.
I will see how faithful you are to your duty.
Yeon Woo.
I am all right.
I have a favor to ask.
Stop right there!
That guy
You! Put her down at once!
Hurry and get him!
- Do not come close. - Yeon Woo!
- Gosh. - Do not come near me.
- Yeon Woo. - Get him!
Get him!
Are you all right? Are you hurt?
No. I am all right.
My lord, he has run away on horseback.
Yeon Woo.
Where are you going?
Take one more step,
and this arrow will pierce your heart.
He is over there!
- Get him! - Get him!
Get him!
Do not move!
- Stay still. - Let go of me.
Let go of me.
What did I do for you to treat me like this?
- Let go, I said! - Mother!
Clear the way. Mother!
Save me, Father!
Let go of me.
Let go.
You know the sin you committed!
It is not true.
Me killing my son?
I am certain
that she is putting the blame on me
after killing her husband.
Are you telling me you do not know that guy, Duk Gu?
He is your family's servant.
That is true, but it has nothing to do with me.
What kind of a mother on earth would kill her son?
I have no reason to do so!
It is because of the memorial stone for the virtuous woman.
The virtuous woman's memorial stone?
The virtuous woman's memorial stone?
After poisoning my husband to death,
she ordered him to drop me into the well
to make me a virtuous woman
so that they can earn a position in the government.
You witch!
How dare you shoot your mouth off like that?
Do you have proof that I killed him?
Show it to us if you have one.
Here is the proof.
It is I
who drank the herbal decoctions.
(The person himself)
My husband.
Are you the eldest son of Kang's family?
So you were not dead.
I faked my own death.
To reveal
Mother's sin.
This is the antidote.
How much do I need to take it so that I can be
detoxified enough to avoid death?
Do you want to leave poison in your system?
No. You might die if it goes wrong.
I will take care of it.
Just tell me how much.
You took just enough antidote that would keep you alive.
- On purpose. - Because that was
the only way to reveal the whole story behind it.
No. It is not true.
This is unfair.
I truly do not know anything about it.
Say something.
Tell them I did not do it.
It is true
that she ordered me to do it.
What are you doing?
Tie them with ropes
and put them in jail at once!
- Yes, my lord. - Yes, my lord.
What do you have against me that you are doing this?
How ungrateful of you!
I am the mother who raised you!
Let go of me.
Let go!
This is a set-up.
You should arrest them, not me!
Let go.
Everything is over now.
- Yeon Woo. - Yeon Woo.
- My lady. - Yeon Woo.
- My lady! - Yeon Woo.
Yeon Woo!
Mr. Kang,
the journal of Yeon Woo's mother has returned to what it used to be.
It is gone.
The memorial stone is gone.
It has really vanished.
I guess Yeon Woo no longer feels wronged.
My lady,
well done.
Well done, indeed.
Stop crying.
You are making me sad too.
Mr. Hong.
Will you go and get what I've prepared?
All right.
Why the flowers?
Remember how Yeon Woo liked butterflies?
I guess he wants her to fly here anytime like a butterfly.
Tae Ha.
Are you awake now?
It is you, Young Master.
why am I here?
I took you here after you fainted at the government office.
It has been two days already.
Were you here the whole time?
Of course.
Where would I go when my wife is here?
Is it uncomfortable
that I called you my wife?
What happened to Lady Yoon?
Listen, criminal Hwang Duk Gu.
Even though you committed a sin under your master's order,
we cannot take it lightly as you tried to kill an aristocrat.
I sentence you to death.
Gosh. To death?
I only did what I was told to do!
Please spare my life. This is unfair.
This is unfair, sir!
I only followed the order I got.
- My lord! - Criminal Yoon.
You broke the moral laws of a family for your wicked desire.
But you refuse to admit it without repenting your sin.
How incredibly malicious!
I order you
to get flogged 50 times and to exile you to Gyodong.
Why are you here?
Did you want to watch how I ended up?
I came to watch.
- You witch! - You are so cowardly.
You broke the moral laws of a family for the mere government position.
But why are you trying to run away from your sin?
Your faulty greed almost killed a person.
Apologize sincerely
to me, my parents, and my husband.
That is the least you can do as a human.
What did I do so wrong?
I just
lived for Kang's family as I was told to.
That mouth!
If you had done your job right,
Tae Ha and Tae Min would have passed the state exam a long time ago
and saved the Kang family hundreds of times!
My husband was sick, and the sons could not succeed.
And I was solely to blame for them. So, what could I do?
I should do whatever it takes to save the family.
Do you really think you are to blame?
For everything?
That is how I was taught
and how I lived.
That must be true.
Is that why you tried to kill the son you raised?
You could have chosen not to do what was not right.
Once my mother is exiled,
I will move out too.
Pardon me?
What do you mean?
I cannot forgive my grandfather for what he did.
I wish to be with you
without feeling ashamed.
I am aware that you suffered a lot because of my family,
but if you would allow me,
I wish to stay married to you.
cannot do that.
Yeon Woo.
I suppose you have truly forgotten all about me.
I have never once forgotten about you.
Since the day
I first saw you in that forest.
Give it back.
You should never limit yourself either.
Look. It is okay to run around.
That boy
was you?
Whenever I was in pain because of my heart condition
Lady Yeon Woo!
I told you that I did not want to study!
Thinking of you helped me tolerate the pain.
You were always cheerful and radiant.
Always full of dreams.
I envied and adored you.
I hesitated upon finding out that you would be my wife
because of my sick heart.
However, I could not give up.
Even for just a short while,
I wanted to be with you.
So please stay with me
I am sorry.
I must go.
Lady Yeon Woo.
Yeon Woo.
Are you worried about something?
You seem gloomy.
No, everything is fine.
I heard you met Lady Yoon.
Why did you go there?
To hear her excuses?
The person who wanted me dead
was Lord Kang, not Lady Yoon.
But someone else is taking the fall for his sin.
For the family and for her husband.
I suppose that is the fate of Joseon women.
I understand how you must be feeling now,
but what can you do?
That is
I refuse to live like that.
If that is my fate, I refuse it even more.
(Seoyeon University Hospital)
Are you an alien?
No, a zombie?
No. Who are you?
What now?
It looks totally fine now.
No. I mean, it looks perfectly healthy.
Up until a few days ago,
you were on the verge of death because of your heart.
But you're totally fine now.
I'm glad to hear that.
You're glad? Just "glad?"
This is huge!
Hey, I need to study your case
and write a paper on it.
Seriously, what did you do?
Nothing much.
I just loved.
Your heart is okay now, but your head isn't.
Hey, are you all right? Look at me.
Hyun Wook, stop it!
No, you're acting weird.
Nurse! Can you come in here?
Quiet down. Go and sit on your chair, will you?
- Oh, my! - This looks amazing.
Hey, this is so pretty.
Today is the first day, and it's already a hit.
Yes, it's great.
Seok Ju.
The sulking boy concept does not suit you.
Stop it, okay?
I'm good at stuff like that too.
Sung Pyo, I love this. How do I look?
Oh, that's pretty!
Sung Pyo.
How do I look?
I thought you were a fairy for a second.
A fairy? Stop it.
- You should buy us these outfits. - Yes, you should.
All right, sure.
Sung Pyo, buy me this too.
All right.
If Yeon Woo were here, she'd be so happy now.
I'm sorry. I said that without even realizing it.
She would've been over the moon.
She must be doing well, right?
Yes, of course.
I'm sure she's doing great
as her happy, cheerful self, as she always is.
Make way
for His Majesty the King!
Make way
for His Majesty the King!
Your Majesty, please stop for a moment
and allow me to tell you about the unfair situation we are in.
Put it down.
The women of Joseon who are Your Majesty's subjects
are losing their lives when they did nothing wrong.
How dare you run your mouth like that before His Majesty?
Back off at once, or I will behead you.
If I must die anyway, I will die here.
Chief Guard, you are to sheathe your sword at once.
Your Majesty.
I wish to hear her out.
Would that be all right with you?
What is the story you wish to tell while risking your life?
I am Park Yeon Woo,
the daughter of Park Jae Won, the Minister of Personnel,
who nearly died recently for the sake of the Virtuous Woman title.
Park Yeon Woo?
You are that woman?
I heard everyone involved in that case had been punished.
So what is unfair?
There are some people who have not been punished yet.
Some people have not been punished yet?
Who are they?
People who are scheming
to produce fake Virtuous Women
for the sake of their families or money or to obtain higher ranks.
I am aware
of the virtues that we, Joseon women, must follow.
Such virtues
are precious to those who wish to follow them of their own accord,
but they could act as a shackle to others.
A shackle?
The Virtuous Woman title, for instance.
If you continue to reward those with the title,
your innocent subjects
will continue to get killed,
and more people will use it for their own selfish needs.
Please right the wrongs
so that no more innocent women would get killed.
Please help us.
Please help us.
Please help us.
- Please help us. - Please, Your Majesty.
- Help us. - Please have mercy on us.
Please help us.
- Please, Your Majesty. - Please help us.
What she said is very important.
She is right.
Women are your precious subjects too.
As your mother, I think
she is absolutely right.
What do you think?
Widow chastity
is a beautiful concept,
but more and more people are trying
to use the Virtuous Women title to fulfill their own selfish needs.
From now on,
we will use the law to carefully determine
who is truly worthy of the Virtuous Woman title,
so make sure
no more lives are wrongfully lost because of this.
- Yes, Your Majesty. - Yes, Your Majesty.
Must you always do whatever you want?
Are you all right?
What happened to your neck?
From now on, stay by my side
so I can keep my eyes on you at all times.
Stay right by my side
so I can keep my eyes on you at all times.
My lady.
What is the matter?
It is not because of you, so do not worry.
Is it because of that man?
The one with the same name as mine.
That man.
I knew
that I was not the one you fancied.
But I am fine with it
because I
love you.
I cannot be with you
for I already gave him my heart.
- My lady. - Please
let me go.
What do you mean?
You wish to leave Hanyang?
I wish to take it easy and recuperate.
Here, there is always a lot going on.
I feel uneasy here.
No, you cannot do that.
After what you went through,
I cannot let you move far away alone.
I will not allow it.
If that is what you wish to do,
you may go and stay at your uncle's place for a while.
My lord, what are you talking about?
It will start getting cold soon.
Do not worry, my dear.
Seeing how she had the courage to speak out in front of the King,
I trust that she will be fine.
Come back when you want to.
Thank you, Father.
(CEO Kang Tae Ha)
Why? Are you sad?
I always thought that the company was my everything,
so this feels a little weird.
But this means that you can now go to many different places.
Isn't it a good thing?
Is it?
What's the new CEO like?
Oh, I should thank you in advance for introducing me to him.
Of course. We'll do many projects with Midam, even going forward.
You're here, Mr. Park.
Yes. We meet again, Mr. Kang.
Oh, I told you about Ms. Lee Mi Dam from Midam.
I've heard a lot about you.
I'm Park Jae Won.
I'm Lee Mi Dam.
This is a building I own.
When you leave the company,
you can open a small store in the building.
It's my wedding gift to you.
Gosh, don't do this.
This isn't necessary.
Thank you.
This is Let me see.
It is expensive, right?
Gosh, it's really okay.
Thank you for everything, my brother Sung Pyo.
- "Brother?" - Yes, brother.
What? What did he say?
"You're finally calling me your brother."
"I'm so touched. I'm over the moon." Said Sung Pyo.
He called me "brother."
Tae Ha!
You little brat.
I took care of you while you were studying abroad
I love you, brother-in-law.
Gosh, my little brother.
Hold on. I can't breathe.
My heart.
How about being friends,
if not a married couple?
Will you not go for a stroll with me?
I need
a friend too.
The moon is very bright tonight.
Shall we make a wish to the Jade Rabbit?
That is a pointless thing to do.
The Jade Rabbit does not live on the moon.
Pardon me?
No way. Why would you talk such nonsense?
On the moon, there is no grass to eat.
There is nothing but rocks,
so rabbits cannot live there.
In about 200 years from now,
we should be able to travel to the moon.
In a flying palanquin called a rocket.
Like this.
My lady.
I guess you are not feeling well.
Let me take you to the physician. We should hurry.
Would the physician still be at the clinic?
Why are you so surprised?
In 200 years from now, everyone's hair
would be this short.
And women will wear short skirts like this.
My lady, please stop.
And some men will wear skirts too.
What? Men will wear skirts?
Gosh, my goodness.
How could a man wear a skirt?
Thank you.
- Wait. - Yes? What is it?
Hey, it's okay. Wait over there.
- Go. - What's the matter with you?
We should take a picture together. All right.
- Goodness. - One, two, three.
Make a V!
Oh, I caught a fish.
I swear, I felt a fish
Did you prank me?
I am cold.
Some mushrooms are poisonous,
so you must examine them carefully before picking them.
Yes, I know.
Here they are.
Did you find one?
They are for you.
They are not edible but will delight your eyes.
That is alpine yarrow.
"Alpine yarrow?"
It is known for its wound healing ability.
You are bleeding. Hold on.
Are you all right?
Yes, I am fine.
Sorry. I did that without even realizing it.
It is okay.
We should head back now.
Wait up.
Tae Ha, you want to buy this hotel?
I figured it'd be better than having it sold
to someone else.
The crape myrtle flowers haven't wilted yet.
I believe it's because of Yeon Woo.
She promised me that she'd come back.
Yes, it's the right decision.
She will come back
because she promised she would.
Young Master Tae Ha.
What is the matter?
Is anybody there?
Come and help us!
Young Master Tae Ha.
He will not be able to hold out for much longer.
I suggest you prepare yourself mentally.
I cannot be with you
for I already gave him my heart.
(The Taste of Joseon)
Yes, that's right.
Sure, no problem.
All right.
Jinmichae with gochujang, grilled short ribs,
seasoned herbs, braised tofu, japchae, spicy stir-fried pork,
and the rice punch. That's it.
All right, let's see.
We're so busy now. What's with him?
Park Yeon A returned to Joseon,
while Kang Tae Ho remained in the new Joseon.
Should I make them meet again or not?
I don't know.
And how would they meet again if it were to happen?
They must meet again, no matter what.
What's it called? Yes, it needs a happy ending.
Right? The story should have a happy ending.
Give it a sad ending if you want to jerk some tears.
Global, money, a sad ending.
You think so?
If I want to make some money on a global scale,
- will it need a tragic ending? - Make it very sad.
You are here.
How are you feeling?
I slept well, so I feel much better now.
How about
we go on a picnic today?
A picnic?
The wind is quite cold. Will you be all right?
I want to go on a picnic before it gets colder.
Also, I wish to try on the clothes
you made for me.
What are you staring at?
I am just
admiring the beauty of everything I see now.
Those mountains, this wind,
and you.
It is getting late.
We should head back now.
Just today.
Would you let me borrow your shoulder for a few moments?
Did you know?
That I like your name.
"Yeon" means to adjoin,
and "Woo" means to encounter.
Hearing your name truly warms my heart.
I did not know.
I had a dream last night.
It was a place I had never seen before.
There, I
was standing as a man who looked just like me.
Every day, I stood under a crape myrtle tree
and waited for someone,
who never came.
Sorely missing the person I was waiting for,
I wept for a while.
You must also
sorely miss the man who resembles me.
I am sorry for breaking your heart.
You must have been reminded of him every time you saw me.
I knew that but still could not let you go
because of my love for you.
We should get going.
If there is such a thing as a next life,
I promise you
that I will be born as that man.
So will you come to meet me again?
Then in our next life,
you will love me back.
Do not forget me. You must come and find me.
Because I met you,
I was hurt
and sad,
and I always longed for you,
but I am still glad
that I could be
a part of your time, even if it was a fleeting moment.
I was happy
to encounter you.
I am sorry.
Have you been well?
I stopped by on my way to take the state exam.
You are taking the state exam?
It is now my duty to care for my family.
I brought you something Tae Ha left behind.
I had it placed in your room.
Right. Thank you for that.
I will be on my way, then.
Always be well.
Who was
your brother to you?
To me,
he was the best older brother anyone could ask for.
I am glad to hear that.
How dare a girl talk back to a man?
One should apologize for pushing another.
Why you
You have no idea
how happy I was
to have protected you that day.
(The Yeon Woo I had kept in my eyes)
Whenever I missed you,
I painted you again and again.
I am Yeon Woo. Park Yeon Woo.
This painting is the reason
I kept you in our lives.
It was all you.
You protected me while growing up
and saved my life with this painting.
(SH Group Private Collection)
This painting.
The more I look at it, I see Yeon Woo in her.
I was surprised too when I first saw it.
It seemed like a portrait of Ms. Yeon Woo as a child.
Anyway, when will she be back?
It's been way over a year.
I just don't get it.
I'm sorry, Mr. Kang.
But what about this don't you get?
Ms. Han, didn't I tell you
that the MZ collectors make up
for about 41.7 percent of the art collectors these days?
For exhibitions like this one that tell a specific story,
the amount they purchase will reach 70 percent.
So how come there isn't
an app or QR code that provides more information?
I told you to have it prepared.
Gosh. So that's what you meant.
I'll check where we are on those.
We don't have much time, so hurry.
I'll get on it right away.
No way.
I thought I was listening to Kangdro.
Tell me about it. They couldn't be more alike.
He's just like his brother.
He's Kangborg in the flesh. Kang plus cyborg.
I know I can paint better.
Why do you say that?
Do you wish to study the art again?
Forget it.
I've been enjoying my work at the company these days.
I even have a nickname.
That's not exactly nice.
It makes you sound like Tae Ha. A knockoff version of him.
It's why I like it.
I'm hungry.
You said you'd take me to lunch.
Let's do that. What would you like?
What should I have?
Yeon Woo.
Duk Gu escaped?
Right before his execution,
he hurt the officer and escaped.
That being said,
I am here to take you home.
Your father is worried sick about you.
I apologize, Mother.
What is the reason?
Why are you wallowing in sorrow all by yourself?
What on earth is it?
It may be quite a long story.
Are you willing to hear it?
The journey you had in this new Joseon you describe.
I believe it.
you should forget.
You have a life here that you should continue to live.
I wish to return to you,
but I do not know of the way.
Do I have no choice
but to forget about you?
I should at least hear your last words.
How dare you? What is the meaning of this?
There is no point in fighting this.
You will only be accelerating your death.
What do you think you are doing?
Do you not fear the wrath of the sky?
The wrath of the sky?
I will gladly accept it
after taking your life.
I am only guilty for doing as told.
The brazen Lord Kang continues to live a good life.
It is why I will take the life of the woman
who ruined my life.
Do not resent me
and find the passage to eternity.
You only have yourself to blame for ruining your life.
You wench. Stop right there!
As if you could run away from me.
Come here.
I told you to come here.
Come on.
Come here.
hurry back to me.
I'll be waiting for you right here.
Yeon Woo.
Yeon Woo.
(Heart, Also, Moonlight, Flower, Cloud)
Mr. Swindler!
Mr. Swindler.
Look here, Mr. Swindler.
Because you, Mr. Swindler, are too dandy.
(I wish to be reborn as him and meet Yeon Woo.)
Are you
truly back?
I have returned.
I hope I did not make you wait too long.
It's all right.
I said I'd wait for you.
I heard
the endless longing you harbored for me.
And that longing
finally sculpted my fate.
It is now
our destiny.
(Special thanks to Song Ok Sook and Lee Min Woo)
(for their special appearance.)
Young Master?
Two people who were on two different paths
will now love each other constantly
and be together forever.
We vow that in this very moment.
Do not tell me
this is another scam.
That depends on my trouble-making lady.
Forget it.
With that seal, I pronounce you mine.
(Thank you for watching The Story of Park's Marriage Contract.)
(Wherever you are and whatever it is for,)
(you will be able to reach your desired destination.)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
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