The Unit s01e12 Episode Script

Morale, Welfare and Recreation

We're here to look at the executive wash room.
Got our hands full.
What do you need? I left my cell phone on 17.
Lady, i can't be any clearer.
My purse is in my office.
I need my i.
And checkbook.
No elevator service above the 15th floor.
Clearance for snake doctor and associates? No one leaves the building or goes up the elevator, so make yourself comfortable.
Call upstairs, ask your boss, special agent bluman.
Tell him snake doctor's here.
You have any i.
? Man: Everybody else stay back! Woman: Why do they get to go up? Stay back.
Stay back.
Agent bluman.
Blue, mr.
Green, and mr.
That's bank ceo van walcott.
Comes in this morning for the weekly executive meeting.
Taped to the door was this.
Then he opens the door, finds that.
Bomb disarmament 101: Freeze the parts, stop the detonator.
I'm aware of the technique.
Any idea what the second note says? Already doesn't want us to let anyone out or he'll set it off.
My guess is it's uphill from there.
What do you think? I think this is a bank which makes it federal which puts you in charge.
And i think i should be on vacation.
But if you weren't and you were brought here to observe and advise need to see the other note.
Then how many folks in the building? We got to hose them all out of here.
Grey: Smells like 1980.
Lake tahoe, harvey casino's renovation.
Well, god help us if you're right, but we're here to advise and assist.
We're not calling this one.
Don't let 'em freeze it.
Tell me.
I built something that good-looking, first thing i'd expect is the bomb squad would try and turn it into an ice cube.
What's the call? Find out if there's really a timer, then how much juice it's got.
Who are these men? Bluman: Pros from dover.
Stop the freeze.
What? Mr.
White thinks there might be a mercury switch.
Cool it down, mercury sets it off.
Man: We checked the x-rays.
Grey: What about all the blind spots? What blind spots? What's he saying? You're punting on first down.
Show me.
Can you get a little tighter with the talon? I've got two visuals, but stationary.
He's got mobility.
Can i see the rest of those? Woman: We want these guys here? Bluman: If this goes bad, nobody knows who they are and they got no paper trail.
Any more questions? I got to take a leak.
Not that way.
No way.
Dude's not even wearing a bomb suit.
Jonas: If this is the real deal and the bomb goes, suit wouldn't do him any good, in which case, i got bad news for the rest of us.
Grey: Someone looking for five million.
Jonas: At least we know it's not terrorists.
How's that? We wouldn't be having a conversation in the building.
It'd be gone already.
Man: What's he doing now? He's gone to a blind spot.
What does he want? He's looking for the mercury switch.
Little fella looks like this.
Freeze the bomb, the mercury will make it go pop.
Pull in and see if you can't zoom in on his hand.
What's he doing? Showing us the mercury.
Stop the freeze.
No need.
Your guy already did it.
[Jonas sighs.]
I know we're merely here as advisors, but can we all agree that the goal is not to blow up everyone in this building? Cync by xxy You realize how many regulations of safety your man just violated? How many? Never mind superseding my authority.
No, i won't mind, because at the moment you have bigger fish to fry 650 of them.
Talk to me.
We got to get busy.
Could be a kit car, but on the outside looks like a ferrari.
Lake tahoe was the opposite.
Gremlin on the outside, ferrari inside.
Bluman: Lake tahoe? Boom.
Grey: I'm all right.
Your man is talking to himself.
Standard o.
We have to send our every move back home.
Things go pop, someone knows why.
[Birds squawking.]
But what was wrong with the old room? The old room had an ocean view.
It was a smoking room, and i specifically asked for a non-smoking room.
It smelled like cigarette smoke.
Cigarette smoke? It smelled stale.
Could you have at least told me? Well, you were out shopping.
Is it important? No, you're right.
Thank you.
The hard part's changing gears.
Changing gears.
That's the whole thing, baby.
Gearing down and decompressing.
And i got to get out of my mama bag, and let's be on vacation.
And i'm sorry and i beg your pardon.
For what? For carping at you like you forgot to clear the table.
And i'll fix up the new room.
Man: You must be the new neighbors.
This here's my husband, bob, and he's got an 11 handicap.
Really? An 11? Where do you play, bob? Kim: Every course around fort griffith.
You down here on a military discount? Yeah, you too? Joel bowman.
Air force research, kirtland.
Bob brown.
Army, logistics.
I hate to think what the civilians have to pay for this place.
Bring your clubs? Well, my wife and i were, um i wouldn't want to impose.
You bring your clubs? Well, yeah, i did.
Note says it's set to go off in 24 hours.
Be nice to know Wouldn't it? Mr.
White, you want to work your magic? It's messing with us all these blind spots, some really hiding something, others just a blind alley.
Yeah, like hide-and-seek.
Why don't you read me some more of those blind spots, tell me what you see.
Let me know when you're ready.
Gentlemen, i'm going in.
Okay, boss, there you go.
Jonas: All right, here goes.
Bottom middle by six inches.
Top box, underneath the seven switch.
Lower motor, all around.
Tabletop to 10 inches.
You push the gas, i'll steer.
Go back, less than one.
Got a whirling sound like a humming bird.
It's armed and dangerous.
Don't know when, but this thing's primed to blow.
Green, you guys stay on the timer.
Make it stop.
White, how much horsepower? Grey: You looking at the x-ray? I am now.
Can you see this from here to here? Affirmative.
Thinking 35 to Jonas: Copy.
What are you doing? Gonna get personal with it.
Careful, she bites.
Woman: You're lucky.
You got here only yesterday.
It was raining the two days before that.
Must be nice, traveling with a built-in baby-sitter.
Evelyn's wonderful.
We got my mom to watch our serena.
They're back at her place in texas.
So this a last little getaway before uh-huh.
So i assume you're not a smoker? No.
People before you in that room, they smoked like chimneys.
We could smell it through the walls.
You mean in our room? Hmm, i didn't smell anything.
Hotel must've aired it out.
Anyway, i'm glad they're gone.
They weren't friendly like you either.
Man: Where do you play jal-alai? Believe it or not i actually used to work at the riviera.
Did you really? Look at that.
How did you dohoney? This guy, you should see his swing.
You sure you don't want one? I thought that was a victory cigar.
You let me win.
What i was doing is called losing.
We're gonna go get a sandwich, okay? When? Right now.
What? We're supposed to call serena in 15 minutes.
Ah, would you do it? Okay, thanks.
Let's go.
Hi, baby boo-boo.
Say hello to daddy.
Well, they don't always leave with the ones they came in with.
[Nervous chuckle.]
Man: Excuse me, mrs.
Brown? I hope you're enjoying your stay.
Thanks, yes.
You've got a very romantic husband, mrs.
I do? He's willing to pay a lot a lot to get his wife the same suite you had on your honeymoon.
Excuse me? I'm just saying, a lot of husbands i see here aren't so considerate.
Have a good day.
Oh, hey, babe.
Called serena.
Yeah? Good.
It was beeping.
Thank you.
Amy seems nice.
Yeah, she does.
She wants to know if the four of us can all go to dinner together.
No, i don't think that's gonna work.
Bob, can i ask you something? Of course.
What is going on? You skipped out on talking to your daughter to hang out with joel, but you don't want to see his wife.
I find out you bribed somebody to get into this room, which not only isn't a non-smoking room, but it's also where you seem to think we spent our honeymoon.
You brought your unit-issue satellite phone, and it wants to talk to you on our vacation.
I know what guilty knowledge looks like.
Now, what is going on? Oh, all right.
So it has to do with work.
Does it have to do with work? It has to do with work.
Look, someone has been downloading top-secret data from air force labs in kirtland.
They've been passing it on to the chinese.
This material would give the chinese parity in aerospace.
They think it's our friends in the next room.
My job is to observe, get close to the man, see if i can catch him out making a drop.
And this is my getaway vacation.
You brought me on a mission? Mr.
Green, report.
Williams: It's not from the bargain bin.
More like the finest swiss watch factory.
Jonas: Can you guys defeat it? We had another week.
It's gonna be harder to put it back than remove it.
Can you do it? Like going up a dry hill backwards on cross-country skis.
Go on then.
White, what do you see? It's definitely a launch tube.
Military? Looks like it.
Jonas: What's the security camera situation in this building? System was disabled last night, so we got no pictures of who brought this here.
We kept the system off in case he wired it to watch us.
Flag the following: Navy seals, rangers, army ordinance disposal, deltas, cia, special projects.
Look for any and all building personnel with military backgrounds.
Right now, please.
Still want to look at that tube.
Itabout eight inches across.
Not your standard pipe bomb.
Grey: It's a mortar top.
Tell me something i don't know.
I see something, but there's not enough light.
Man: Okay, let me.
Grey: Wait.
Just what he wants us to do.
Boss? Yes? He's put in a photo cell chip.
What's that mean? Means we can't look at what's inside.
Any artificial light with sufficient frequency how 'bout a low frequency? Sets it off.
How 'bout a low frequency? Chem lights the safe way to go.
Chem lights? Will that slow you down? Haste makes waste.
Do it then.
White, where you at? Grey: I just had a pretty thought.
Been wondering.
standard round.
Put it in this room so they could have a skylight.
In addition to blowing out the executive suite, it'll send an ordnance up through the glass into the sky over atlanta.
Disperse whatever's in that canister.
Double-arming mechanism? Yeah.
First the mortar fires, then the shell spins.
Probably set for when it reaches about 1,000 rpms.
[Machine clicking.]
X-ray can't see what's inside the shell 'cause the shell is lined with lead.
Here's the funny part.
You're not supposed to pick up any reading through the lead, right? Keep going.
Speak fast.
Why is sister geiger popping her lips like a tijuana stripper counting change? Spilled some plutonium getting it in the gas tank.
That's what i'm thinking.
Getting right back to you.
Listen up, people.
Just received critical information.
We are now in a hot zone.
I repeat: Hot.
This entire building is now under my jurisdiction.
I want a television set to watch local news channels.
We need to stay on top of any leaks to the press.
Agent bluman, i need a fresh cup of coffee and low-secured frequencies to my men.
You are now under my command.
But the i.
In question has nuclear capability.
You're in my house now.
long before i can watch the news? 45 seconds.
The money's ready.
Money? This is my building, my employees.
I'm gonna make the payment and end it.
You do understand that this bomb may be nuclear.
Well, yes, i do understand.
You read the note.
If i go by myself and pay the five million, he'll tell us how to disarm it.
You can't pay now.
One reason why not.
You pay now, what happens next week, next month when a bigger, better one shows up? Look, i need your help.
We got to get the occupants in this building out of here.
You can aid in the evacuation.
But but nothing.
You're under my authority, and this building belongs to me as long as that bomb's glowing.
Green, how's that evac plan coming? It is my life's work.
There's an old vault down in the basement.
Footing's adobe with wood.
Revamped 10 years ago to be hurricane-resistant.
You charge it right on this wall here, it'll melt like graham crackers in milk.
Oh, it'll be smooth.
There's only one way to leave this building: Unobserved.
And why is that? 'Cause the bomber could be watching.
And he's sitting out there, he sees the throngs pouring out of here, could get cranky and push the button.
Williams: He's watching us from where? Point? Only way he'd watch is from far away.
Otherwise, it's a suicide mission.
Have your people on the outside search for remote cameras.
Two-square-block radius around our location.
He's watching us from somewhere.
How we gonna fool him? We can make an exit.
Blow a hole in this basement wall.
Access us to underground atlanta, a whole second city carved out right beneath us.
Guarantee me zero vibration, or it's a no-go.
I want your team moving floor to floor preparing whoever's in this building for the quietest, most inconspicuous fire drill on record.
You got it.
What's in the basement? The old vault.
Any stuff in there you gonna need? You're gonna blow a hole in my building? Well, the roof is coming off.
We're gonna give you shoes to match the hat.
Look, you can't leave now.
No? No, it'll harm the operation.
That's what concerns you.
What about what harms your marriage, like you lying to me? It'll draw attention if you go.
Well, let me help you.
You can tell 'em your wife left you.
You can spend your vacation with joel.
Joel is committing treason.
How do you know? Because the intel says he had the means, he had the opportunity.
He has a chinese wife who he's traveled with numerous times over there, where they probably recruited him and her.
Look, i didn't make the call.
I'm just the one who has catch him.
And i'm like, what, the bait? "Oh, look, there's a nice couple.
They got kids.
" You were cover, a distraction good enough for me to do my job.
I'm cover? You were never meant to find out.
That is a long way from "i'd cut off my arm to spend another night with you.
" Look at it like this.
No, i don't want to look at it, because you lied to me.
Did you tell amy we were having dinner? No.
She asked.
Where's his mom gonna be? What's her name? Evelyn? She gonna be back in the room? She talked about taking the twins to find pizza someplace.
It's a perfect chance for us to get in that room, look for the data.
Call amy.
Tell her we'll be there.
That an order? It is for me.
Are you up to this? Kim: So, language school.
Amy: Yeah.
Joel was first in my class to learn to count to 10.
[Counting in chinese.]
That's good, darling.
Most americans, takes them almost a year to learn to differentiate between the tones.
Every time we go to taipel to visit my family he gets compliments on his accent.
Oh, honey, it's almost serena's bedtime.
We should call in.
It's all right.
I'll do it this time.
Won't take long.
You guys go ahead and start, all right? So, bob also has a thing for languages.
Really? Evelyn: Don't cry.
What's the matter? You gonna throw up? No, we had such a good time.
What's the matter? Come on, let's get your pjs on.
Well, new mexico is beautiful.
Albuquerque, it's a beautiful location.
Except we're being transferred.
What? We can talk about it.
Joel's not getting the postings he would like.
It's fine.
It's like he's bumping up against something.
Let's face it, with a wife foreign-born.
I'm sorry.
It's a vacation, right? Bob's missing a great meal.
It's not you that's holding me back.
Then what is? Hey, guys.
Well, serena misses you.
But she's fine.
She sends her love.
She doesn't, however, miss me.
But she wants me to bring her back a doll.
Which goes to show you how is it? Joel: Not bad.
Yeah? I want you to be the first person out of evac.
If we all die today, i want you to get this to someone who can make sense of it.
I have the governor on the line.
And? And i need to give him a good reason to tell tell the mayor to evacuate the city without him telling the press what's going on.
Pull up a weather report, please.
Give me the phone.
Best idea you had today.
Yes, sir.
I need the city of atlanta evacuated.
In the interest of security less than 4 hours, sir.
There's s storm coming.
In 2 hours.
And there's a massive chlorine leak.
My boss? My boss is the president of the united states, sir.
Now, you have those numbers, sir.
If you refer to plan starlight alpha one, that will i believe we have to take that risk, sir.
Sir, i have been placed here to take that responsibility.
And if i'm wrong, i'm confident i won't be around to answer for it.
Yes, sir.
Chlorine leak.
An hour may not be enough time, sir.
Thank you, sir.
You just lied to the governor of georgia.
Is that a sin or just a crime? Mr.
White? They got some theories.
We may have found a weak link.
Jonas: You can disarm it? Thomas: Like splitting a wishbone.
Jonas: Mr.
White, that true by you? I don't like the over-under, boss.
They work for us now.
Let's get 'em out of here.
We're not going anywhere.
White, we need all hands.
You got 20 minutes.
Enough time to answer a question i have.
Jonas: All right.
Get that camera in closer.
Let's get a better look.
Jonas: Closer still.
Pull it together, man.
I got a wife and kids.
Don't we all.
You'll collect pdas, cell phones, walkie-talkies.
What are we tell the the fire marshall wants clear channels.
Find and assist anyone with physical limitations.
Tell them they will be identified, tagged, and driven to a destination for debriefing.
Walcott, am i gonna have to have someone pin your ears to the wall? This is madness.
I'm paying him off.
No, sir, that is the wrong call.
My bank manages $12 billion.
We can play this game longer than anyone of us will be alive.
I've got kids looking forward to their next thanksgiving dinner with their mother and father.
If paying him might stop the explosion, that's what i'm gonna do.
Let him go.
Go with him assuming the explosion doesn't set the whole place off.
We need every able body to assist with the evacuation.
Have peterson and his men tail mr.
Walcott's car from a distance.
Green? Get your pop ready? The sooner you do your thing, the sooner i'll know if my wife's gonna be a widow and the sooner she can start dating.
Green, soft and easy.
You wanna count or should i? Forget it.
I'm blowing it now.
Green? That was it.
We've got a new back door.
Very good.
Now help with the evacuation.
No rest for the weary.
What? That was it? We have our hole.
All right, everyone, go.
We gotta get a lot of folks out of here.
Jonas: All escorts proceed as planned.
Everyone should be safely out in 7 to 8 minutes.
Let's go.
White, status report.
Those guys are working on something equivalent to prove there's an easter bunny.
Are you a believer? Here's the deal.
Trembling switches, mercury gauges, levelers on all 4 corners, blind spots.
Top, this bomb was never built to be deactivated or disarmed.
It's meant to go off.
Why are we still here? What did you find? Tell me.
If i'm gonna be a part of this memory stick: Hidden inside a shampoo bottle.
Maybe 15 gigabytes.
And now? I need to find out where he makes the drop and who picks it up.
That's how i catch him and his contact.
Is his wife in on it? Bob? Guys! Joel's off on an errand.
You wanna come back to the room? I can show you those sweater patterns.
They're darling for a newborn.
Oh, gosh.
I'm sorry.
You guys want to be alone.
No, that's all right.
Forget it.
Kim: We'll find you tomorrow.
Except we leave tomorrow.
You're leaving? Yeah.
Joel got a call from work or some such anyways, stop by before then if you can.
He's making the drop.
It's happening now i need you to catch up with amy, find out, if y can, where her husband went.
How? No chances, no risk.
Just be your usual chatty self, ok? All right.
Off you go.
Kim, seriously, i didn't mean to take you away from your husband.
Oh, bob will be fine.
He's just watching the game on tv, which shows you where the romance goes.
You resent it? Is joel coming back what? Soon? 'Cause i mean you're leaving tomorrow.
You guys might want a little romance on your last night.
We having a little fight.
Did you guess? No.
He hates it when i talk about the fact he's unhappy.
But he is.
We've been thinking about making a change.
What kind of change? Getting out of the air force.
I don't know if it's where he wants to spend his whole career.
I really don't.
You don't need to hear this.
It's all right.
How about you guys? Is it oh, we have our ups and downs, god knows.
Is he on foot? Who? Joel.
He left his car keys.
He's running errands without he said he wanted to take a walk.
You should call him.
Is he on his cell? He wants to be alone.
I'm sorry.
I don't mean to meddle, i swear.
It's just it's just it's your last night here.
You shouldn't spend it fighting.
Can i use your bathroom? [Water running.]
I'm with amy.
Joel left his keys.
He's on foot.
You're in their room? Their bathroom.
Kim, get out of there.
I never told you to go in their room.
He's got it with him.
The memory stick.
He can't have gone far.
Look, i don't want you i'm here, so listen.
I saw a new box of cuban cigars, just opened.
One was missing.
That's great.
Now go say good-bye and get out of there.
Go back to the room and lock the door.
I'm sorry.
That's all right.
Cody spilled some juice.
Tv reporter: For the latest update the building is 80% vacant.
Time for y'all to leave.
You should take a look at this.
No known suspects at this time in the murder of walcott bank president van walcott who was found shot and killed on an abandoned horse ranch just outside of atlanta.
Walcott was a pillar of the community jonas: Looks like our bomber got his money.
What happened to our men following him? That's a question for later.
Right now, i need you to help with the final sweep.
They've been going at it for a while, so i just turned down the volume.
All right.
Pack it in.
Don't need me? No.
Get gone.
You, too.
White, report.
Our friends here want to set their plan in motion.
Well, if it's not them getting out of there in 10 seconds, it falls on deaf ears.
All the trigger switches are up here.
The relays, they go to this mechanism in lower box to c4.
We can outrun the electrical charge by detonating all of the triggering systems.
Wires will melt before the charge reaches its end.
White, confirm.
You got a copy of the x-ray? Go.
This top box? It has 3 blind spots.
It's worse than tossing a coin.
It's one by 3.
So it's one in 6 chance we get it right.
We can do this.
Can't authorize it with a nuclear ied.
Pack it in but we can out.
Join your team at the evac.
Jonas: Leave it.
White, you are getting on my last nerve.
I love this son of a gun.
I want you to see something.
Look what he's done.
It's not nuclear.
He only made it to look that way.
Why? To show off make sure he gets the cash.
Wanted to prove to us he can do it again, next time for real.
It's not hot? Bet your life on it? Here.
Why don't you pull this up on the mobile cam.
Pick it up? Found plutonium readings near the mortar, around the lead.
Keep it moving.
We're on borrowed time.
Why was i picking up a reading through the lead? That never made any sense.
And then i found these.
And? It's plutonium powder.
He spread it heavily around the mortar, but he didn't know he was gonna drop the residue on his way out.
Regular lights didn't pick it up.
Chem lights did.
Imagine that? And you didn't tell me sooner for which reason? I knew the moment we knew that it wasn't nuclear we lose the authority to tell our friends to get out.
They're convinced they can take it down.
And? Yeah no, it's only a theory and it's a leaky one at that.
Not our problem anymore.
End it.
Agent bluman, this is mr.
This is your baby now.
You have our recommendation to leave the bomb be.
The rest of us are evacuating now.
Meeks: Hold it! Last ones out get their picture in the paper.
Jonas: Bad idea, fellas.
New orders from the old boss.
Nothing we can do.
Agents in the field confirm walcott is dead, money's gone.
The man may have been a fool, but at least he was trying to help his people.
We tracked him to the first drop point.
It was a pay phone sending him to a second spot.
He shook our tail on the way there.
Works every time but once.
If i had the chance, i would have shot him and taken the loot.
My advice: Observation only.
Take this bomb out by remote.
They're convinced they can do it, so i'm gonna give 'em a shot.
This is new mexico.
Our backyard.
Joel's already put together the swing set.
That's nice.
I don't know why i'm showing you this.
We're not gonna see it again.
I'm not gonna see you again.
In times of stress in times of stress, sometimes we look backwards.
I should be going.
They're both asleep, finally.
Amy, would you do me a favor? I lost my room key again.
We're leaving tomorrow.
Yes, but if i have to go out at some point with the boys.
Would you mind terribly going down to the front desk and getting me another? Since the room's in you and joel's name.
Sure, but stay with me for a moment, will you? Isn't this nice? Joel got it for her.
It's very nice.
[Cell phone rings.]
Expensive, though.
Amy likes expensive things.
Is that amy's phone? No, mine.
Do you need to get it? [Ring.]
You ask a lot of questions, don't you? Sorry? Usually amy has a natural reluctance to talk about personal matters.
But you can't seem to leave personal things alone.
I didn't mean to be rude.
And here i know next to nothing about you.
Just an army wife.
Your husband's in something clerical? Yes.
I'd like you to leave now.
Was there before amy gets back.
She's kinda worked up.
Brown, and she needs her rest.
And i'd appreciate the privacy on our last night.
Ok, then.
Oh, god.
Bob? Something's wrong.
Evelyn, joe's mom what happened? She just kicked me out for asking too many questions.
What did you she suspects.
Oh, god, did i just hold on.
Look, i'll call you back.
[Cell phone rings.]
Don't answer that.
Why not? Look in my right hand.
I'm gonna wait with you back there see who comes to visit that bench.
Oh, god, kim amy.
Joel called from the airport.
He's being flown back now.
He's been arrested.
Oh, my gosh.
What happened? Evelyn's gone to be with joel.
For what reason she had to kim, what do i do? The charges against him the boys are asleep.
I can't amy amy, it's ok.
You're right.
The boys are the most important thing right now.
Now, you just get back there bu can you i'll come just just as soon as i can, ok? Everything's gonna be fine.
Kim, it's like it's like everything i'm sorry.
Now, can you take care of your boys? Yeah.
Ok, then.
I'm sorry.
I'll come just as soon as i can.
She didn't know.
Maybe? We don't know anything for certain.
Evelyn could have put him up to it.
She could see his career was going nowhere.
He needed the money.
My job is done.
Your job? Kim the job is over.
This is how it feels? Tv reporter: They say the explosion was caused by a natural gas leak.
Yeah, only 2, but they're both dead.
They almost convinced me to blow it with 'em.
Rest in peace.
Rest in peace.
Here's the lesson: Study up, friends, because one of them, one of these days, is gonna be hot.
Cync by xxy
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