The Winchesters (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

The Tears of a Clown

You really think we should be here?
What if we get caught?
Look when it's your
last night in town,
you can do whatever you want, all right?
You can play tiddlywinks for all I care.
But me?
I want to have a night I can remember.
You really think Tacoma's
gonna be that bad?
Look, I didn't come here to talk!
Okay? I came here to have fun.
So can we have a good time?
Hey, do you hear that?
Hear what?
Check out, Bozo.
That clown over there in that tent.
What tent?
Hee hee.
Who's there?
- Carnival's closed!
- Security guard's coming.
- Hide!
- Hey!
Hey, kid, come back here!
Who's there?
Hunting's a dishonest business.
You gotta lie all the time
about who you are and what you do.
But the hardest lies
aren't the ones you tell other people.
They're the ones you tell yourself.
Another day looking for this
mystery man and still nothing.
It's like this guy's a ghost.
At least we did find
some killer sandwiches.
Well, if sandwiches
could kill the Akrida queen,
then we'd be all set.
I'm just saying, I don't think
Lata and Carlos are eating like this.
Besides, we're gonna
find that guy I know it.
Oh, my God.
I appreciate the positivity.
But are you sure you're all right?
I mean, you were pretty aggressive
with the bartender back there.
I just thought he was
holding out on us, that's all.
Seriously, though, you gotta try this.
No, and the gas station
attendant from before.
Are you sure you're all right
with everything that
happened in Lawrence?
Yeah, I will be, okay?
All right? Once my mom and Betty
find evidence to clear my name, uh
be able to put all this in the rearview.
It's like you're pretending
nothing ever happened.
Hey, look, I am sorry
if you're upset that I don't
feel worse about this, okay?
Maybe it's the fact that
we left Lawrence or that
I don't know we get to
spend a moment alone together.
- Yeah, but John
- Hey, Mary, can you please
just accept that I'm okay?
Did we interrupt something?
I'd like to say the answer is yes, Lata,
but thank you for making
things more awkward.
So what's up?
Did you guys find anything
on the mystery man?
Nope. But we did find a new mystery.
Wally Gorman, last seen two nights ago
at a traveling carnival in town.
Apparently, he was with a friend
trespassing after hours
when he vanished.
People run away with
the carnival all the time.
I mean, what makes you
think this is a case?
Two words creepy clown.
And, according to that news report,
Wally was the only one to see it.
I say we check it out.
At least we can do
some good before we go.
So that's it? You just
- you just wanna give up?
- No one's giving up.
My dad and Ada are still
looking for magic
to kill the Akrida queen.
And last we spoke, they split up,
but Ada said she was close.
So I think in the meantime,
this kid could use our help.
Okay, well, then I guess
I'll just go easy
on the sword-swallower and tattooed man.
Try not to cry
in your cauldrons, ladies.
Full house pentacles and swords.
- Ha ha ha ha.
- Sorry,
but that's all the adder's
fork I can part with.
- Aw!
- This witch is out.
Oh, sure, fly away on your broomstick
just when it's getting interesting.
If you need another
player, I'm happy to join.
This game is for
professional purveyors of magic only,
not amateurs who used to
moonlight as bookstore owners.
You know who I am?
Ada Monroe,
associate of Men of Letters
and witch with the green thumb
who prefers pruning her demons
instead of sending them
straight back to Hell
where they belong.
If you're saying
my magic is no good here,
- then I can just go.
- I guess that depends
on what it is.
Seed of Nightshade,
tended under the full moon.
More earth magic. how quaint.
But I do like to keep
things interesting.
Everybody loves a clown ♪
So why don't you? ♪
Everybody laughs at the
things that I say and do ♪
Don't you just love carnivals?
Which part?
Being surrounded by screaming kids
or adults trying to fix
whatever problems
they have in their life
by winning a stuffed giraffe?
What about you two?
I mean, any thoughts on all this fun?
Wally saw a clown, right?
Could be a good place to start.
Hi, excuse me?
We're interns
at the "Fort Wayne Examiner"
and our boss told us to do
a follow-up story
on the kid who went missing
the other night.
I already told the paper and
the cops everything I know.
Most importantly, I was
nowhere near that kid
when he went missing.
And I got a bar full of people
I was passed out
in front of to prove it.
Well, there must be something
that you could tell us,
like if you or any of your carny friends
have any theories.
A couple a ride boys who run
the Tilt-a-Whirl have an idea.
But I have a feeling
your boss at the paper
wouldn't have the guts to print it.
Why? What do they think happened?
They say that kid's
the latest victim of Limbo.
Limbo the Clown.
Um I'll probably regret
asking this later,
but, uh, who's that?
Limbo is a
carnival urban legend.
No one knows if there's
a man or a monster
under that greasepaint.
He goes from carnival to
carnival pitching his tent
Limbo's Hall of Happy
and luring folks inside.
And once he does,
no one ever sees you again.
Sorry to let things get out of hand
But I've gotta go make a living.
Okay. Granted, Limbo
the kidnapping clown
But could any of you
take that guy seriously?
- At least it's a start.
- I'll head back to the motel
and see if I can find
anything in the lore.
Okay. 'Losi, why don't
you go with Lata
Actually, I'm gonna go with Lata.
So why don't you stay with Mary?
I see your bones
and I raise you.
- All in.
- Ah.
That's too rich for this witch's blood.
I fold too.
I'll bite.
Let's see what the Fates have given you.
Full house.
Straight flush.
I tried to warn you
that our game was out of your league.
I just please, just let me
let me borrow some magic to
try to win some of it back.
I promise I'm good for it.
This isn't just about some more
seeds and bones, now is it?
I know this game attracts
powerful magic users.
And I need some of it.
I need it to stop the Akrida queen,
to defeat their invasion.
- The Akrida?
- Yes.
No one knows when that
invasion's gonna happen.
But when it does, it can't be stopped.
They're too powerful.
She's right.
Find a coven to join not
that anyone here is offering.
Enough dark magic users
should be able to protect each other
from the storm those bugs
are going to whip up.
I can't do that. I have
friends, I have family
that I have to think about. Please.
There has to be something
that can stop them.
you are powerful enough
to wield that kind of magic,
and maybe, perhaps, we'll let you stay.
Okay. How?
Make it grow.
No water, no dirt.
Just magic.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Amateur hour is over.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Don't let the warded door
hit you on the way out.
Ada Monroe?
I heard about what you're after,
and I can help for the right price.
Who are you?
I'm your new best pal.
My name is Rowena.
These are all from the library?
There aren't many holes
in my lore collection,
but I'm afraid carnival
lore is one of them.
"Folklore of the American Carnival".
"Clowning Around: A History
from Alfie to Zappo".
You really think there's gonna be
stuff about Limbo in here?
Before we see,
I wanted to check in
after everything that's happened.
Is this you checking?
Or did Mary put you up to this?
Whatever is going
on between the two of you
is none of my business.
I'm asking because you're my friend.
I'm good.
I see no sign of Limbo's
Hall of Happy anywhere.
So what now?
We get to the important stuff,
like you spilling on what
you and soldier boyfriend
were fighting about back at the motel.
Let's just say being accused of murder
hasn't exactly helped John
with his anger issues.
He's in total denial.
Everybody processes trauma differently.
At least, that's what Dr. Z says.
I just wish I knew how to help.
Well, timing's definitely not great.
If Ada finds that magic,
we'll definitely have an Akrida
fight on our hands soon.
I'm just so worried about him.
Everything's gonna be okay. All right?
- We're in this together.
- I know.
So just keep pretending like
you're comforting me anyways.
- Wait, what?
- Someone's following us.
Over my shoulder, 1:00.
Oh, damn it. He made me.
Oh, I think I found something.
Limbo's real name was Jerome Haskins,
and he was a part of
a carnival that traveled
the Midwest in the 1920s.
Says here he was one
of the main attractions.
Until the one-two punch of the Dust Bowl
and Depression hit, and the
entire carnival went under.
Well, they say every
clown has a sad story.
Now, we know his.
Except that wasn't the end of it.
According to legend,
Haskins searched out
a powerful occultist
and asked to trade
his soul for dark magic.
Let me guess. He wasn't asking for
a shiny new nose and clown shoes?
It was for a spell
to make him forget all of his problems
and freeze him like that,
so he could stay happy forever.
Who are you, and why
are you following us?
Because I wanted to know
what you found out about Limbo.
And I don't trust reporters.
From the "Fort Wayne
Examiner", remember?
Oh! Ha
Of course. Never mind.
So why do you care so much about Limbo?
Is it about Wally, the missing kid?
No, somebody else
my little brother Roger.
Limbo took him 30 years ago.
So you're not really reporters.
You're Monster Hunters?
It's something that we
don't like to advertise
- for obvious reasons.
- Could you tell us more about
what happened to your brother, Clarence?
I was 18
and Roger was 10
when our parents died in a car crash.
Growing up eight years apart,
we were never close,
so I didn't know what to do
how to help him through
his grief, you know?
So instead, a day after the funeral,
I took him to the carnival
to try and cheer him up.
It only made things worse.
And he ran off.
I looked everywhere.
But all I found was this little girl.
She said she'd seen Roger vanish,
like he just disappeared.
Did you try telling the police?
They thought the little
girl was seeing things
and eventually stopped
searching for Roger
and gave up. But I didn't.
That's when I heard of
the Legend of Limbo.
If only I'd helped him through his grief
instead of taking him
to that damn carnival,
he'd be here right now.
You were just a kid too.
I lost both of my parents to monsters.
I know how hard it is.
Maybe that's it. According to the paper,
Wally was upset because his
parents were getting divorced
and forcing him to move.
And now we know that
Roger was upset too.
So you think Limbo's
targeting his victims?
Searching for people who are
sad or dealing with grief
and luring them into his tent?
I think he's adding to his troupe.
Well, we're gonna find your brother.
You don't have much time.
The carnival starts
pulling up stakes tonight,
and once it's gone,
there's no telling where or when
Limbo will strike next.
Then we need to figure
out what kind of magic
- we're up against, stat.
- I'm on it.
I was able to identify the occultist
Limbo made a deal with.
Hopefully, digging into his lore
will lead to how to defeat Limbo.
I know I'm no Monster Hunter,
but have some research on Limbo,
things I've gathered
searching for Roger.
Okay. Great.
So Carlos, you go with Clarence
and grab everything he's got,
and then meet Lata back at the motel.
John and I are gonna
stay here and make sure
that Limbo doesn't snatch
anyone else up before he goes.
Here it is.
The grimoire you say the Men
of Letters stole from you.
Ah, yes!
My old grimoire.
Yes, which means it's now your turn
to fulfill your end of the bargain.
You promised me magic
powerful enough
to kill the Akrida queen.
That I did.
But there's just one teeny,
weeny, wee little problem.
This was never my grimoire.
I lied. Terrible of me, I know.
But I had to make sure
you let me through
that heavily warded door.
What do the Men of Letters
have here that you want?
Not the Men of Letters, Ada Monroe.
Those hags may have dismissed
your green-thumbed magic,
but not me.
I'm here for the demon
you trapped in a plant.
So now that you got me
alone, what's the plan?
Wanna grill me again?
Try to figure out why I'm not as upset
as you think I should be?
After investigating this
case, I think I know why.
Really? And why is that?
What if it's us?
What if our relationship is the problem?
Wanna tell me how Hunting an evil clown
suddenly makes you think we have issues?
Not hunting Limbo.
Talking to Clarence about
what happened to his brother.
Mary, that doesn't make any sense.
Clarence used the carnival as an escape
so his brother wouldn't
have to face his problems.
Don't you think it's possible
that you've been using our relationship
- in the same way?
- Okay, so our relationship
is a circus carnival in this metaphor.
No. It's something happy
to distract you from your issues.
And it's been working, because
ever since we left Lawrence,
you've been pretending that
we've been on vacation together
instead of on the run for Kyle's murder.
Either that, or you're
flying off the handle
because it's like you're
totally ignoring reality.
I'm ignoring reality?
You're honestly gonna stand here
and act like you're not
avoiding your issues, too?
Okay, what about life
after Hunting or us?
Well, I applied to college,
and I got in.
Great. And then what
have you done since?
Have you accepted the offer?
Have you enrolled for any classes?
Have you taken a second to think about
how any of this works
if I'm still Hunting?
Sorry I'm too busy
trying to save the world.
There it is, Mary, the eternal excuse.
I mean, admit it the second
your future got real,
you did what you always do.
You buried your head in the Hunting sand
so you wouldn't have
to think about college
- or our relationship.
- You know what?
Think what you want.
I don't have time for this.
And there you go, proving my point.
It's Limbo.
I think he's here.
Walkie if you see any
sign of him or the tent.
Don't you think
we should stick together?
Why bother?
I'm probably just sticking my head
in that Hunting sand, right?
John, I found Limbo's tent.
- I'm going in.
- Mary, wait for me.
I'll be right there.
At one moment, she's radioing me.
The next, she's vanishing into thin air.
There was no sign of Limbo
or his tent anywhere.
Just like with Wally and Roger.
Do you think Limbo was targeting her
the way he was targeting them?
Except for one detail that
doesn't make any sense.
I mean, Mary wasn't upset like
the others when it happened.
Unless she was.
Okay, look, we got into a fight.
But neither one of us realized
what it was going to lead to.
All right, we need to find her.
And we also need to
find a way to defeat Limbo
before the carnival goes
and he goes with it.
Okay. I think I might have some ideas
based on the information
I found on the occultist
that Limbo made a deal with.
Limbo's happiness
is the result of a mirror
that was given to him by the occultist
that's enchanted by dark magic.
And he can only maintain that happiness
by spreading it to others.
That must be why Limbo kidnaps people.
The good news is while
Limbo's happiness is absolute,
it's also very fragile because
if anyone from his troupe
were to be convinced to
embrace reality again,
then Limbo would be destroyed
and all of his victims set free.
Great. So we crash Limbo's happy party,
avoid looking into his
mirror, and we talk
- some sense into one of them.
- Yeah.
We just need to figure out how to find
a tent that we can't see.
Why don't we get Limbo
to target one of us?
I know I'm pretty upset with Jonathan
now that Mary's missing.
Playing into his hand
can't be a good idea.
There has to be another
way to gain admission.
When Mary went missing,
she found this ticket.
It's like it appeared
right after our fight.
Perhaps it's only
offered once a person has
been primed for Limbo's spell.
I think I may know where to find one.
Clarence had a bunch of
old Limbo memorabilia
along with all of his research.
Here, an old ticket to
Limbo's Hall of Happy.
You think it'll work?
It better, because
we don't have much time
until the carnival is gone.
So much evil in such a small package.
It practically radiates darkness.
I can feel it.
The demon wasn't part of our deal.
Why do you even want it?
Are you trying to play
both sides against the middle
here, like
Dinnae get your
knickers in a twist, hen.
This has nothing to do with
the Akrida, I can assure you.
You're potted little hellraiser here
has information about my son.
I have a son too.
But just give me the
magic you promised me,
and I will let you
take the plant and go.
Or what're you gonna do?
Maybe those witches were right.
Maybe you're not powerful
enough to stop the Akrida.
- Or me, for that matter.
- Don't.
I said, stop!
Now look who's trying to prove me wrong.
I hate being wrong.
That's where Mary disappeared.
The carnival's literally
pulling up stakes.
Then we all need to
grab Clarence's ticket
and see if it really works.
Just when you thought things
couldn't get any creepier.
I don't see any sign of Mary.
Or Limbo and his clown troupe.
- John?
- John?
- John!
- John!
Are you in here?
Don't look into a mirror
in a maze filled with them.
Fantastic. All right.
Hello, John.
You ready for some fun?
Where is she?
Come on, John. I can't tell you that.
That would spoil the show.
I said tell me where she is!
Or what?
You gonna hurt me, John?
Because I abhor violence.
I just want people to be
happy, even people like you.
See, I know that you
cheated your way in here.
But don't worry.
I won't hold it against you.
After all, you need me
as much as anyone.
Yeah, I don't need you.
And neither does Mary.
Mary? Are you in here?
Look at you.
What a smarty pants you are,
covering your eyes
so you don't look into
my special mirror.
But which one is it?
There's so many of them.
It's so hard to tell.
Mary, can you hear me?
Getting warmer, John.
Oh ho ho, warmer.
John, you're practically on fire now.
- Mary.
- You came to find me.
Of course. Okay, look,
we have to get out of here.
- John, we can't.
- What are you talking about?
We'll break our way outta
this maze if we have to.
No, you don't understand.
I wanna stay here.
And I want you to stay with me too.
- What?
- We can be together
where there aren't any problems.
And we never have to fight again
about my future or your anger.
We can be happy in Limbo's tent forever.
But none of it would be real.
It would all be a part of Limbo's spell.
Mary, there's a world out
there that we have to save.
Not if we stay.
Limbo can protect us
from all of that here.
All you have to do is look
in the mirror behind me.
We're leaving. Come on.
A bit of misdirection.
I'm sorry to have to trick you, John.
But I guess the joke's on you.
Now, put a smile on that face.
- John!
- Come on!
Oh, gross. No.
Still wanna stand by
your love of carnivals?
If we survive this,
I promise I'm never going
to eat cotton candy again.
- What are we supposed to do?
- Run!
Wait. The door.
There's no way out.
John? Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
This is not happening.
Looks like we have
more uninvited guests.
Let's give them a show anyway.
Make them die laughing.
Mary, please, all right.
You just need to listen.
John? All right.
Come back to reality. Don't do this.
Carlos, they're not listening.
We need to find someplace safe to hide.
They're going to rip us apart.
Clown car.
Shut the door. Shut the door!
Keys? Keys?
- Where are the keys?
- This was your idea.
What do you mean where are the ?
Oh, my God, we're going to
die in here, in a clown car!
Roger, I know you can hear me.
I know what it's like
to lose your parents
how painful and how chilling it all is
feeling like you're
all alone in the world.
And you just want that
feeling to go away.
But I promise you, you are not alone.
You have a family, just like I do,
that loves you and that misses you.
And your brother Clarence?
He's been looking for you
this whole time.
And he never gave up on you because
because he loves you.
No, no, no, no. Hey!
And he wants to be with you again.
You just have to want that, too.
Hey, cheer up in there, kid, huh?
I said, cheer up!
Roger, listen to me.
Do you want to see your brother again?
Yeah, I do.
No, no, no, no.
No, no!
Are you two okay?
Yeah. Other than my face hurting
from smiling so hard, I think so.
How about you two?
Well, other than our two best friends
almost ripping us apart,
yeah, pretty peachy keen.
You're awake.
Here, drink this.
It's a nice wee cup
of my own special brew
to help restore you after
all the magic you expended.
but I'll pass.
Why are you still here?
This was never just about that demon,
much as I'll enjoy torturing him.
It was also a test, one you just passed.
A test?
To see if you were powerful
enough to join my coven.
Those witches were
right about one thing.
The Akrida are so powerful,
even with the right magic,
stopping their invasion
may be impossible.
- And it's coming soon.
- Wait.
You know when the queen
is opening her portal?
Not exact details.
I mean, I know she needs help
something about an alignment
of five planets, or
I need the magic you promised me.
Here you are.
That's it?
That's supposed to kill the queen?
There is one more ingredient
that needs to be added.
The good news is you don't
have to go too far to get it.
The bad news is once you use it,
you'll never be quite the same.
And why is that?
Because the ingredient is right here,
It's a piece of your own soul.
If you survive this, Ada Monroe,
look me up.
You're more powerful than you know.
And I have so much to teach you.
Must be kinda weird
for both of them, right?
I mean, before it was just
8 years, and now it's 38.
I guess it's better than
never seeing him again.
Thank you for what you did
Saving us.
I kinda had no choice.
I have to ask.
Do the two of you remember it,
when you were clowns?
Yeah, all of it.
How terrifying.
Actually, it was kind of nice.
Uh, Lata, let's go check
on Roger and Clarence.
So do you really mean that?
Didn't it feel good to you,
not having to worry about
our problems for a second,
not to have to worry about us?
But it also made me realize
that you were right.
I have been ignoring things
because it's easier
than facing the truth.
I'm sorry for that.
I am also sorry for being
so angry with you.
I guess I got kind of angry myself,
you calling me a hypocrite and all.
But you were right too.
Thinking about the future is scary.
So are we good?
- Mom, what are you doing here?
- I thought you'd wanna
hear the good news.
Betty and I found a witness
who can attest that Kyle
arrived at the garage
after he made the 911 call
saying he was already there.
I talked to a lawyer.
He said it's enough to clear you.
Thank you.
It'll be good to have you home
after we stop by the clubhouse.
Ada's back said she's got
something on the Akrida.
- So what is all this stuff?
- Star charts.
I traded magic with a witch
who told me that five planets
have to be in alignment
in order for the queen
to open her portal.
But I can't make heads or tails of when
that's supposed to happen.
Maybe I can.
Well, there's still the
problem of how to stop her
and the entire Akrida army.
That's where the trade came in.
There's supposed to be
enough magic in this crystal
to kill the queen.
Well, way to bury the lede there, Ada.
That's incredible.
How do you know that little
crystal can do all that?
I guess I'm just that good.
And not a moment too soon.
According to this,
the planetary alignment
that the queen needs has already begun.
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