The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

The Enchanting Hut

(music playing)
(birds chirp in tune)
See the tropical creatures call
To the beating of a distant drum
Dancing jolly
On the rhythm, on the rhythm now
Dancing jolly
On the rhythm, on the rhythm
(thunder crashes)
(all scream)
(all scream)
Everybody stay here.
Minnie and I will build us a shelter.
I'll lay the foundation.
MINNIE: And I'll build the wall.
And we'll both build the roof.
-(both chuckle)
-All right, let's build!
(grunts) Oh! Ooh! Whoa, whoa!
(grunts) Whoa, whoa!
Huh? (yells)
-Uh, Minnie?
(Mickey grunts) Uh, Minnie Min
Min nie, Minnie!
-(birds chirp)
Fine, I'll lay the foundation
and you build the walls.
You stop that!
What has gotten into you?
-Oh, no.
(approaching stomps)
(strains, whimpers)
(cackles) Huh?
-(glass shatters)
-(thunder crashes)
We still need a roof!
Oh, yeah, right.
-(bird squawks)
(screams) Stop that! Stop! Stop it!
(screams) Stop, birdie! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop!
(birds squawk)
(sighs) Are they gone?
(birds screech)
(thunder crashes)
That's it!
No more horsing around.
We're running out of time.
Mickey and I are trying
to build us all a shelter.
(Mickey and Minnie scream)
(birds squawk)
They're not horsing around.
They're helping us.
(thunder crashes)
(grunts, groans)
-Start building!
(both grunt)
(upbeat music playing)
(thunder crashes)
(tools hammering)
-(thunder crashing)
-(both whimper)
(groans, strains)
-(music playing)
(birds chirp in tune)
See the tropical creatures call
To the beating of a distant drum
Dancing jolly
On the rhythm, on the rhythm now
Dancing jolly
On the rhythm now!
(theme music playing)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
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