The World of the Married (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

It looks like things aren't
going to go as planned, Dr. Ji.
I doubt this is what you had in mind.
I know.
My hard work was all for nothing
and now things are getting interesting.
What now though?
At this rate,
your son-in-law
might end up becoming a convicted killer.
I'm sorry,
but I don't care about Tae-oh's future.
What matters to me…
is my daughter.
Your daughter can get a divorce
and be done with it,
but what about your granddaughter?
"The daughter of a murderer."
That is who she'll be known as
for the rest of her life.
In that sense,
you and I are in the same boat
even though you'd hate to admit it.
So what now?
But you're also
still a suspect in this case.
I'm sure you haven't forgotten that.
There's no need to worry about me.
Will you or will you not
save your son-in-law?
That's all you need to decide on.
I know this is uncomfortable.
I understand,
but we couldn't ignore
the tip we received.
Just tell us where you were that night.
You need to at least say something.
Not answering any of my questions
will put you in trouble.
Why isn't he saying anything?
Could he actually be guilty?
That's what it seems like, right?
How can we know
if he doesn't say anything?
What brings you by?
We don't actually need
a statement from you.
Ms. Min already told us
that she dropped your scarf at the scene.
I'm here for Mr. Lee Tae-oh.
That night,
around the time Park In-gyu died,
he was with me.
Tae-oh and I…
were together.
At Gosan Station parking lot,
in my car.
That's not what Ms. Min said.
She's lying.
At that time, Mr. Lee Tae-oh was with me
by the emergency exit staircase.
In-gyu fell moments after
Mr. Lee Tae-oh went up to the roof.
That he traveled up the stairs
is only what Ms. Min is claiming.
An assumption or a claim
isn't enough to prove murder.
Aren't I right, Detective?
Yes, of course.
However, since we now have an eyewitness,
we must verify her statement.
He was with me around that time.
Can you prove that?
It's Tae-oh's wedding ring.
He dropped it in my car.
his alibi.
Are we good here?
His ring?
Why are you asking about it?
I'm afraid I can't discuss the details
of an ongoing investigation.
Telling us the truth would be
in your husband's best interest though.
So about your husband's wedding band.
Do you remember when you last saw it?
Yes, it's been missing since that day.
I don't know where it is though.
Thank you for your confirmation.
We need to talk.
Before coming here,
I met with Chairman Yeo.
I now know
how little you're worth in that family.
Just to receive that level of treatment…
is why you left me and Jun-yeong?
I thought you were going to handle it.
But why must I receive a call like that?
It won't happen again.
Are you no longer…
a suspect?
thanks to Seon-u.
Hilarious, right?
No? This whole situation is full of shit.
The person who came to save me
was Ji Seon-u of all people.
You said she could be the killer.
I know.
Even though it could make her seem guilty,
she took the risk of coming to my aid.
What for?
Because she still has feelings for you?
For Jun-yeong!
Because I'm Jun-yeong's dad!
But Da-kyung,
I'm also Jenny's dad.
Am I not?
It'd be great
if you could end it that easily.
You'd better brace yourself.
It won't be that easy
to end your marriage.
At least that's how it was for me.
Good morning.
What is it?
You don't have an appetite?
Hold on. I'll quickly make you some toast.
It's fine.
It won't take long.
I said it's fine.
The death of Park In-gyu?
The case was concluded as suicide.
"A suicide"?
The autopsy backs it up
and based on the circumstances,
his family doesn't suspect foul play.
The case will probably
be wrapped up as is.
I see.
I know it must've worried you,
but you can be at ease now.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Why did you do it?
I told you to trust me.
It's like I said.
I didn't want to cause you any trouble.
I was making sure
that the case won't hurt any of us.
If you hadn't taken action,
it would've been wrapped up even easier.
And so it was concluded…
as a suicide?
Because I broke up with him?
He killed himself because of me then.
There's no need to blame yourself.
This was Park In-gyu's own choice.
It's all over now.
Got it?
It's over for me,
but what about you?
What do you plan on doing next?
just worry about your life, okay?
Do you know why I couldn't break free
from In-gyu?
It's because I felt sorry for him.
He was a bastard and the worst,
but I pitied him too much
to kick him to the curb.
It's how I ended up this way.
That's what I saw in your eyes yesterday.
Even though you knew it was wrong,
just like how I covered for In-gyu
back in the day,
you were doing the same
for Lee Tae-oh.
So be careful.
No one can guarantee
that you won't end up…
like me.
Was everything solved
like it was supposed to?
It depends on how you see it.
I'm sure the police conducted
a thorough investigation. Right?
I couldn't let Jun-yeong
become the son of a murderer.
Besides, Tae-oh wouldn't do such a thing.
I'm a selfish human being
just like everyone else.
That depends on how you see it.
Be careful with Chairman Yeo though.
He'll only see things
the way he wants to as well.
I'm sorry for troubling you
with such an unpleasant matter.
Hitting a good shot
requires you to clear your mind.
Distracting thoughts never go away though,
so it's up to how we control them.
Anyway, what is it that
you plan on doing next?
An investor has shown interest
in the scenario I've been developing
and we've been meeting up.
Ji Seon-u.
That's who I'm asking you about.
I thought you promised to deal with her.
Is this it though?
I won't interact with her anymore
whether she lives in Gosan or not.
Every time we cross paths,
unnecessary misunderstandings
form between Da-kyung and I.
You'll use my daughter as an excuse
to keep Ji Seon-u here by your side?
Doing what I could
to drive her out of Gosan
led me to become a murder suspect.
How far must I go for you to trust me?
Park In-gyu fell to the ground
at 23:12:45.
If you look at the time stamp,
you'll see that Mr. Lee entered the
emergency exit staircase at 23:13:38.
That's after Park In-gyu had fallen.
Are you free on the weekend?
You and Da-kyung should join me for golf.
I'm sorry,
but I won't have the time.
My mom said
that the guy died
because Jun-yeong's mom dumped him.
Were they really lovers?
No way.
Who would commit suicide
just because they got dumped?
I just don't get it.
Are you sure it was a suicide though?
It sounds like you're talking about
my mom.
-I'm curious, too.
If it's about my mom,
say it so that I can hear it.
Leave it.
Tell me. I didn't hear you the first time.
Why are you insisting that I tell you?
You saw the news, right?
What you said
wasn't on the news.
He jumped off the rooftop
because his girlfriend dumped him
and that girlfriend is your mom.
-Says who?
-My mom. So what?
All the moms know about it.
He was my mom's patient.
Tell her to not gossip about things
she doesn't know about.
-Your mom
is an expert when it comes to gossiping.
She makes up stuff all the time.
Do you have a death wish, you asshole?
Hit me, you jerk.
What's wrong? Are you chicken?
Hit me!
What's going on?
Get away from each other!
What are you doing here?
Didn't you go to the academy?
Are you sick?
What's going on?
How can I know if you won't tell me?
So what if I skip it for one day?
I don't need a reason not to go.
Will a day do the trick?
Will you be okay by tomorrow then?
How long will this last?
I don't know. Just leave me alone.
My gosh. This is why
you shouldn't be late.
But I made sure to be on time today.
Anyway, it's late. You should get going.
Don't forget to eat dinner.
All right. I'll see you at home.
-Get home safely.
-See you.
It's been a while.
Ms. Ji, it's good to see you.
No-eul, are you headed home?
-That's great. I was too.
I'd like to give her a ride home.
Is that okay?
No, it's all right. You don't have to.
It's on the way anyway.
Would that be okay, No-eul?
Thank you for the ride home.
I just love how sweet you are
to your mother.
That's because we only have each other.
If only Jun-yeong
was as sweet as you are with his mom.
He must be upset with me in a lot of ways.
I can barely get a word out of him.
How is he at school?
Are there any problems?
He even skipped his academy today
and stayed home sulking.
I can't lift his mood
unless I know what's troubling him,
but how can I know
when he won't say anything?
I see you don't want to talk either.
You know how childish boys can be.
The guys kept saying awful things.
Like what?
It's about the man
who died at Gosan Station.
They're saying that he was your boyfriend.
That's what the kids are saying.
Who said that?
Gosh, Director Ji.
Oh, I shouldn't call you that now.
I forgot you stepped down.
Anyway, this is a surprise.
I didn't expect you to call me.
It was out of the blue.
I hear you're curious about my boyfriend.
Who are you to talk shit
in front of your kid?
Did you see me with
this so-called boyfriend?
What is this?
-Are you insane?
-You picked the wrong person to mess with.
I thought your husband
was thinking about going into politics.
How about I come at you
with defamation charges?
Do you want to handle a dirty scandal?
I have more than enough ways
to end your husband's career.
What do you say? Sounds fun, right?
If my son ever hears
any of your bullshit again,
I will ruin…
you and your husband.
Have you decided not to wear this?
-Here's your dry cleaning.
-Right. Thank you.
-Have a good day.
Pick up your things, will you?
Thank you.
Just a second. Yes, I live here.
I'm in luck.
I was a little hungry.
Did you order it knowing I'd come by?
You should've ordered some draft beer too.
Shouldn't you be at work?
I'll consider
what you don't take with you today
as trash,
so do as you wish.
are you suffering from depression?
No, I'm sort of on vacation.
Don't tell me you've been
living on delivery food.
What I eat is none of your business.
Have you been sleeping well?
Should I book you a session with Dr. Kim?
We can go together. Okay?
Enough with the bullshit.
Just take your things and leave.
You've never been one to nag,
so why start now?
Did you talk to Hae-gang's mom?
What did you say to her?
It's between the grown-ups.
Don't be bothered by it.
Mom, please!
What's wrong should
be immediately corrected.
Why would you keep it bottled inside?
Don't let it happen again.
They'll only look down on you.
Got it?
-I'll do it right away.
Jun-yeong, were you here to see your mom?
Juggling her work while taking care of you
must make her a busy woman.
What about dinner?
I already ate.
My mom suggested that
we take a trip as a family.
When do you think you'll be free?
I'll be busy for quite some time.
I put back the blanket that was here.
You should sleep on our bed from now on.
You should bring it back.
I'll be pulling an all-nighter.
Until when--
Hey, Jun-yeong.
Have you been well?
Me? Of course, I'm home from work.
Is that so? That's great.
Sure, I'd love that.
Please enjoy.
It's been hard, hasn't it?
Your dad told me,
so I'm aware of what happened.
What do you mean?
Your mom.
That rumor.
It's all bullshit.
That's right.
It's bullshit.
What's worse is that
people believe it's true.
But Jun-yeong,
just as hard as this is for you,
it's hard on your mom too.
You're the last person
I want to talk about my mom with.
I have no hard feelings toward you
or your mother.
Actually, I want nothing more
than for you two to have a good life.
It's unfortunate
how these things keep happening.
To be honest,
I would've just left this town
if I were your mother.
Even though they're false rumors,
it's hard to cope with the gossip.
But there's only one reason she's staying.
You, Jun-yeong.
She's enduring everything because of you.
Because she's a mother.
Because she's your mother.
Being one made me realize it.
That's how mothers are.
So that being said,
how about you come to live with your dad?
Your mom's an accomplished doctor.
She can have a good career
practically anywhere in this country.
I'm sure you know that.
Are you telling me
to choose my dad over my mom?
I'm suggesting that you think about
what's good for you
and what's good for your mom.
You're in middle school now
and mature enough to consider that.
Besides, your father
wants to live with you,
and I'll be more than happy
to have you over.
Got it?
Good for you.
She needed to be put in her place.
I bet you made her freeze.
You probably scared her.
It wasn't something
to let her get away with
which is why I gave her a strong warning.
Jun-yeong was appalled though.
He even yelled at me.
Maybe it's because he's a boy,
but he has become harder to manage.
Growing up without his dad
must be talking a toll on him.
You should be glad you're childless.
But you still wouldn't
change him for the world,
so I know you're secretly bragging.
Was it that obvious?
What is it?
Where are you?
I think you should come home right now.
What the hell?
There's no need to be alarmed.
This isn't something new.
What are you doing?
I broke out in a sweat while cleaning,
so I took a shower.
I never asked you to do that.
Now that you're done, just leave.
Oh, no!
-What do I do?
What is it?
Can you find me some clean underwear?
I thought it was rude to take him
while you were out.
What are you talking about?
What is all this?
I'm done packing.
Are we good to go?
We will if that's what you want.
Still, you should tell your mom first.
Are you…
moving in with your father?
I thought about it,
and I feel like
I'm only making your life harder.
That's absurd.
You're the center of my life.
Don't let me be.
You're only suffocating me.
Living with Dad…
seems like the best idea.
For us both.
Did you talk him into this?
I saved your ass
and this is how you repay me?
Jun-yeong's the one who called me.
He asked if he could move in.
I'll try and talk some sense into him
over the next few days.
Don't worry about it too much.
Your briefcase.
I'll come by often.
Can we talk a little before you go?
Please look at me, will you?
You should at least say goodbye.
I'm good. Let's just get out of here.
Come on in.
It's good to have you here.
I hope we get along.
You should get settled in.
Thank you for understanding.
At least call your mother
and say you got here safely.
She'll be worried.
It'll be easier for her without me.
She can now fight back
against those weird rumors about her.
"Weird rumors"?
-What do you mean?
-How can it only be a grown-up thing
when all the kids know about it too?
What's worse is that she doesn't
want me to make a big deal out of it.
Did you talk to Hae-gang's mom?
What did you say to her?
Mom, please!
It's me.
Did you talk to Jun-yeong?
He thinks you're not fighting back
against those rumors for his sake.
He said he'll be fine
with you moving out of Gosan
if that's what you want.
Did he really say
that he's okay with me leaving?
Why would he suddenly say that?
Did you say anything
to make him think that way?
Of course not.
I don't know why he's thinking this way,
but he said he'd be fine living with me.
That's all.
It's only for a few days.
Promise me that.
There's nothing we can do
if this is what he wants.
Cut the crap
and make sure
Councilman Cha doesn't gossip.
If you keep being friends with him
even after the pain he caused our son,
I'll be done letting you
be Jun-yeong's father.
Got it?
Good morning.
You should have breakfast.
The toast is almost ready.
I'm running late.
I'll just head to school.
Hold on. Let me drive you.
It's all right. I can go on my own.
But you said you were running late.
Let me drive you.
Are you sure about skipping breakfast?
I'm good.
But you'll be hungry until lunchtime.
You punk.
Grab a bite to eat on the way then.
Are you off to school?
Have you had breakfast?
What's with your voice?
Do you have a cold?
Call me from time to time, will you?
I'll forget your voice at this rate.
Are you well?
What about you?
I'm good, of course,
except for the fact that I miss you.
Mom, I need to go.
Sure. Pay attention in class
and have a good day.
By the way,
when will you be home?
I have to go. We'll talk later.
Sure. We'll talk again.
Dr. Seol, my wife asked
if anything is troubling you.
She says you haven't called in a while.
My chances at becoming
the associate director are long gone,
so what reason must I have to call her?
I never thought you were this snobby.
Of course, I am. I'm just like you.
Still, how could you tell others
about what we discussed
in a private setting?
I'm embarrassed to see the nurses now.
Exactly. You should have given it a lot
of thought before saying those things.
Dr. Seol!
Good morning, everyone.
Please know that I only suggest this
from a business standpoint.
Dr. Kim, what do you say we get married?
-To be acknowledged in this hospital,
you have to be married.
They never promote those that aren't.
Isn't that right, Director Gong?
What will it be, Director Gong?
Should we get married?
The nurses have also been complaining
which has been putting him on the spot.
I think you've teased him enough.
Whether it's to stop the teasing or not,
he needs to officially apologize
to every woman that works here.
Then I'll stick to being
a cheerleader on the side then.
What about the marriage?
What's on your mind?
It's nothing.
What about Jun-yeong?
Is he doing well?
He seems to be doing well.
Would you like to go see a movie?
It must get lonely now that you're alone.
Maybe some other time.
What are you doing in here?
For what reason
did you agree to him moving in?
Do you have any idea how hard it is
to raise another person's child?
It's not some other person.
He's Tae-oh's son.
I don't understand you,
but it's Dr. Ji
who boggles my mind the most.
How dare she send her son over here.
Don't be like that.
This was actually my idea.
Why though?
Why bring this on yourself?
Don't say it like that.
Why should he be blamed
for the mess the grown-ups made?
Besides, I'm responsible
for this mess as well.
I want to find a good path for him.
So please know that's what I want.
I know you're my daughter,
but you surprise me sometimes.
Yes, Tae-oh.
It's me.
I'll pick up Jun-yeong and head home.
You still seem like newlyweds.
Well, my son's staying with us as of now.
Good. A marriage can end,
but a father should still raise his son.
You're a decent father, you know.
Anyway, what did you come
all the way here to say?
My book concert is coming up.
I see you're getting ready
for the political big league.
That being said,
can you lead my supporters' association?
Out of all my friends,
you're the most well-known.
I can count on you, right?
I'm not sure.
I'm busy with my new movie
and Jun-yeong should be my priority.
I don't have much time to spare.
It won't take up too much of your time.
You'll only add your name to the list
and show your face briefly.
One should never
do anything half-heartedly.
It won't be of any help
if I don't seem invested.
I'd rather decline the position now
than to have you complain later.
Hold on.
Do you need
your father-in-law's permission first?
I'll say this
since you're here as a friend.
You shouldn't have gossiped
in front of your son.
Aren't you aware
that he and Jun-yeong are friends?
Of course, Jun-yeong was bound to hear it.
Why would you drag
their business into this?
You should've been more careful
since this affects them too.
Don't you agree?
I'm not saying that
my ex-wife didn't do anything wrong,
but this ordeal upset me.
My son was hurt by this rumor.
Anyway, instead of bothering me,
set up a direct meeting with Chairman Yeo.
It's him you really want anyway, not me.
-Tae-oh, come on--
-Don't live your life like this…
especially when
you're trying to get into politics.
It's embarrassing.
How's Da-kyung?
I thought she'd be boiling with anger,
but she's actually doing fine.
She wants to be even nicer to the boy.
If you think about it,
this might be a better way
to sever ties with the boy's mother.
You should check in on her often
to see if she's really doing all right.
Despite what she may think,
it won't be easy to handle
a boy in middle school.
How about this?
Let me.
Gosh, you look amazing.
I mean,
it looks great on you.
It caught my eye the moment I saw it.
Doesn't your brother look cool?
What do you think? Do you like it?
I think it looks good too.
You look awesome.
Jun-yeong, we should've bought that.
It looked good on you.
Why didn't you want to buy it?
It probably wasn't his style.
I guess I didn't know.
Sorry about that.
I'll choose something you like next time.
You should try to get along with Da-kyung.
She's really trying.
Must we though?
Do I need to get on her good side
to stay here?
No, that's not what I'm saying.
We're family, right?
How can you think
that she and I are family?
That's far-fetched.
If you're not family,
what can you be?
It won't be easy for us to live together
if you keep acting this way.
Tell me if you don't want me here.
I can leave anytime.
Is it too late in the evening?
No, you're welcome at any time.
Come in.
Did you settle on a place to move?
I'm moving close to my parents.
I thought you said
they won't easily approve of your divorce.
But I guess they gave in since
they're your parents.
Their stupid girl did a stupid thing.
That's what they think.
Maybe I should leave too.
Does Jun-yeong wish to stay with his dad?
I saw him today.
He was never like that
when he lived with me.
But he somehow looked
really happy living with them.
He seemed comfortable too.
They looked like a real family.
That's something
I can't provide for him anymore.
I guess.
Jun-yeong's a big boy now.
He's at an age
where his wishes should be respected.
If he wants to stay, let him.
Truth be told,
this is a much-needed
vacation for you too.
You said before
that even after the divorce,
you felt like you were
still tied to Tae-oh.
From where I stand,
you guys were holding onto each other.
It's time you cut him off first.
The best way to accomplish that
is for one of you to leave Gosan.
I noticed that Je-hyuk…
has been around often.
I don't know
what's gotten into him.
He's been really annoying.
Doesn't it seem like
he wants a second chance?
What's your take on this?
what if we started dating again?
I'm not sure.
Dr. Ji, we should head out for lunch.
What were you looking at
with such concern?
If it's anything funny, do share.
What was it?
I was shopping online.
On which site exactly?
Dr. Kim, you should take
Dr. Seol out for lunch.
Aren't you coming?
A patient agreed to call,
so I'm going to eat later.
She's been depressed
ever since Jun-yeong went away.
How many times in a day
do you worry about Dr. Ji?
I worry about you too, you know.
You're just colleagues, is that it?
Am I supposed to believe that?
I doubt there's room for anything more.
What do you think?
Only Tae-oh can hold a place in her heart.
She may hate him,
but I still don't think there's room
in her heart for anyone else.
Not yet, I mean.
Maybe not now,
but who knows what the future holds?
Gosh, I'm hungry. What should we eat?
Come and eat your dinner.
Your father won't be home until late.
Ms. Yeo is also out running an errand.
I see.
I'm only asking because
I should already be off work.
You're fine washing the dishes, right?
See you tomorrow then.
Son, how was school?
What are you having for dinner?
Let's talk before you go to bed today.
Honey, can you wash up
and play with Jenny?
What's this?
What the hell is this?
Are you thinking about
sending Jun-yeong abroad?
Is that why you brought him
to live with us?
Why not?
It's not a bad choice
for Jun-yeong's future.
I brought him here
so that I can be with him.
He came here because
he wanted to live with me,
so why would I send him away?
Do you not care
about Jun-yeong's feelings?
You're a mother yourself.
How can you be this selfish?
I'm the selfish one?
It's because he's not your son.
Do you think his mother
will let him go that easily?
Have you forgotten what she did
to get custody?
How she told you
that she had killed Jun-yeong?
Do you honestly believe
it was to take custody of Jun-yeong?
It was to win the battle against you.
To drive you out of Gosan!
Until when must Jun-yeong be caught
in the middle of your war?
You know very well
how uncomfortable he is here.
These schools provide a better environment
and it'll be good for his future.
So how am I the selfish one?
You're saying this is all for Jun-yeong?
Rather than suffering from the pain
of getting tossed between two parents,
studying in a better environment
will benefit him.
Be objective of the matter
and think what's best for Jun-yeong.
I can't believe
I'm the only friend you can call.
I could say the same to you
since you actually showed up here.
I hear you got a divorce.
Do you still visit her at the house?
We're still going through
the adjustment period.
Your marriage has already
been cracked wide open.
It can't be glued back together.
I don't think I can live without her,
so what else can I do? I have to try.
It's more of a habit.
You've just gotten used to her,
that's all.
You're right. That's exactly what it is.
But finally losing her
made me learn my lesson.
I believed that love only came in
the form of physical attraction.
How stupid of me.
Like air and water.
Things you can't live without.
That's what love really is.
A mistake made me lose her,
but I'll win her back.
I don't want to live in regret like you.
Does it seem to you like I'm regretting?
You don't seem happy. That much, I know.
Come by the house when you can.
I packed up some of Jun-yeong's things.
Who is it? Your wife?
No, Seon-u.
By the way,
she's thinking about leaving Gosan.
I doubt he packed enough
being in the hurry he was.
Tell him…
to let me know if he needs anything else.
Are you really going to leave Gosan?
I'm thinking about it.
It's kind of sudden.
Isn't this what you wanted?
It is.
I'll talk to Jun-yeong and move
if that's what he wants.
Can I trust you to raise him well?
At first, I thought he was telling me
not to worry about him.
But I realized that maybe
he wants me to leave.
I'm a mom that is gossiped about
among his friends.
Of course, he's embarrassed.
He must be sick of me.
Giving him space
seems like the right choice.
If Jun-yeong wants to come back though,
I won't hesitate to take him.
Sure thing.
Do you want a glass?
How's your second marriage?
Are you still madly in love with her?
You tell me.
What was marriage to you?
What was love to you?
Marriage to me…
It was an illusion.
The fence surrounding me.
The stability that was provided in life.
I believed it was something
no one could ever take from me.
Love is what started the illusion
and what brought me the pain.
It could've been nothing but a fling.
If you had let it pass, I mean.
Are you still blaming me
for our ruined marriage?
I thought about it.
What if you had forgiven me that one time?
Where would we be right now?
It's late. You should go.
What if I tell you
that I regret marrying her?
That my so-called love
wasn't anything grand.
Is that what you want to hear?
What if I tell you that it became
all the same once we got married?
What if I tell you
that it's become dull and mundane?
If I tell you that,
then will you also tell me
how you really feel?
-Regarding what?
-That you regret how you handled things.
How you didn't forgive me.
How you pushed me away
and how you made me a monster!
Say that you regret it
and that you still have feelings for me.
You crazy bastard.
It doesn't add up.
If that's not the case,
why did you offer yourself up as my alibi?
Why did you lie for me that night?
So be careful.
No one can guarantee
that you won't end up…
like me.
You need to leave. You're drunk.
Haven't you been waiting
for me to come back to you?
To see me get on my knees
while I ask you for your forgiveness
and a second chance.
Isn't that what you've been wishing?
-You need to leave.
-That's why
you've been staying here
using Jun-yeong as an excuse.
Even at this very moment,
all you want to do…
is fall into my arms.
Am I wrong?
You crazy son of a bitch.
Are you sure about that?
I come back to you?
Don't ruin your second marriage.
This all began…
because of the divorce, right?
Did you have to ask him that now
when you're not even sure--
Do you seriously think he's just
going through a phase because of puberty?
Would it be possible to see my son?
It's over anyway, right?
You fought like there was no tomorrow.
So why are you talking
to each other again?
Settling things with the family
won't make the matter go away.
You know being a doctor yourself.
Kleptomania is an illness
that requires treatment.
There's no need to rush your move
out of Gosan.
Are you sure
you can raise him well without me?
Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park
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