The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Stab him, you motherfucker!
God damn it.
You know what?
When Yongdae was here for Boss' errand,
that bastard already knew
and was waiting here.
And apparently, God damn it,
when you were discharged
from the hospital, he was also there.
What's going on with you two?
Chief Seo.
He has nothing to do with me.
I really don't know anything. Okay?
So it doesn't matter if he dies then.
Fucking asshole.
You son of a bitch!
You son of a bitch.
It was you. You were the traitor.
You motherfucker!
On three. One, two, three.
- You motherfucker.
- You son of a bitch.
- Get up!
- Let go, you bastard.
- Seo Jongryeol, you motherfucker!
- Let go, you fucks!
No! Drop it!
- Get the fuck out of my way!
- You motherfucker!
- Let me fucking go!
- Stop it! God damn it!
- Take him away!
- Let go of me!
- Kwon Seungho! You motherfucker!
- You bastard!
Dohyung, are you okay?
Dohyung! No!
Call a fucking ambulance! Now!
You're a cop.
Never forget that.
Okay, fine. Now let's get you
to a hospital.
Put him on my back!
Come on. Stay with us. Hang in there!
"Sports facility."
"Marine Tourism Complex."
"Urban green space park."
"High-tech industry district."
Choi Jungbae, you motherfucker.
"Investment pitch."
"CEO Jung Gicheul."
So you're going to start anew
by yourself as a clean businessman?
We can't live like this forever.
We need to live
like decent human beings too.
I said there is no "we,"
you fucking bastard.
Are "we" included in this plan too?
Do you even know our boys' names?
Hmm? Do you know all of their names?
Hey, Kwangryul.
You said your dream was
to open a barbecue restaurant, right?
It's too bad though.
If I die today, I won't be able to help.
Congratulations on your sister's wedding.
I'm sorry my gift was a bit modest.
Kyuhyung, you said
your father had diabetes.
I bought some medicine for him.
Go ahead and take it.
Shoot. That's what Jung Gicheul would do.
Listen, fucker. Whether clean or dirty,
a rag will still be a rag.
You fucking son of a bitch.
Kill me. If I'm going to die anyway,
I might as well be killed by you.
It's all over.
If it weren't for me,
you wouldn't have come this far.
If it weren't for me
you wouldn't have been able
to live like this.
You didn't do this alone.
We all risked our lives
to make this happen.
You selfish bastard!
We're all friends.
Let's stop this here.
Nice catch!
You see, I'm here
after receiving
a serious report of someone
aiding and abetting
a conspiracy to murder.
Who reported it?
Are they here?
Well, I can see
it's a pretty heated confrontation
you're having.
So this is how it ends.
What a disastrous ending to this novel.
Goodness. Possession
of an illegal firearm too?
This story's jumped the shark.
What are you up to?
Are you playing spies
right in front of the police now?
This is a huge deal,
so we've been playing it safe.
It's 30kg of meth.
What the fuck is this about?
I have a friend in the Jaegeon Group,
so I asked him about what kind
of person you were.
And I learned it was safe
to reach out to you.
So I contacted you.
So what?
What is it you want to say?
Just take care of Jung Gicheul for us.
Make him rot in jail for life.
Hey, come here.
Come closer, you bastards.
We can get you all the evidence.
Think of it as locking up a criminal
to help out this chaotic world.
From now on, we'll have you covered
with plenty of compensation.
Right. One more thing.
What? There's more?
Jaegeon Group is in shambles,
so cover for us instead of them.
Ah! This is crazy.
Allow me to create a big-picture plan.
I can't believe this.
How big?
We should at least get you a building
as big as Gangnam Police Station.
This is life.
In the end, you're alone.
This is Yu Euijeong.
I'm following Hwang Mingoo's car now.
Captain Seok will be all right.
So don't worry.
Inspector Yu just called me and said
Hwang Mingoo arrested Jung Gicheul,
and he's taking him to the station.
Hwang Mingoo? Why him?
It looks like the members
of Gangnam Union have revolted.
Why the fuck are you telling me
Why are you telling me that now?
You know once Jung Gicheul is arrested,
our investigation is over, right?
- Hey, Detective Ko.
- Yes, sir?
How much do you think this goes for?
About ten million won?
You'll never be able to
afford this in your lifetime.
Ten million, my foot.
Right, Mr. Jung?
I told you I'd lock you up.
But at least it's not for adultery,
so don't be too embarrassed.
This is why you should've listened to me.
How did it go?
How's Dohyung?
He's recovering,
so don't worry too much.
How's Jung Gicheul?
I managed to extract him all right.
I think he's okay.
We found traces of meth
in Hwang Mingoo's car.
It seems Choi Jungbae
and Hwang Mingoo made a deal.
How do you feel?
What happened?
Choi Jungbae and Hwang Mingoo.
Those bastards joined forces.
And all the boys
turned against me.
But does Choi Jungbae know
who our business partner in Japan is?
Only I know that.
We have to get our stuff back first.
How can we? He's with the cops now.
You have ideas?
From now on, our main focus is
to pressure Gangnam Union
as much as we can.
Let's make sure
Captain Seok's death wasn't in vain.
Do you think catching those guys
will pressure Gangnam Union though?
We're not trying to kill Gangnam Union.
We want to narrow down
their potential partners to just one.
Air Meth Jordan, it's been a while.
Mr. Lee Hokwang.
You're under arrest
for violating the Narcotics Control Act.
Damn it!
You bastard!
- Damn it.
- Just come with us quietly.
Hello, sir.
What's up?
I think we're screwed.
What are you talking about?
Those who were supposed to buy our stuff
have all suddenly disappeared.
What the hell are you saying?
All our client sources have dried up.
God damn it
We got rid of all the dealers
Choi Jungbae could've worked with.
With only one business partner left now,
we just need them
to successfully close the deal.
Both Japan and China
are ready to arrest them.
Everything is in your hands now,
Detective Park.
By the way
how's Dohyung doing now?
He was moved to a general ward.
He's getting better.
Where are you going?
To get our stuff back.
No, you shouldn't.
The police must have put out
an APB on you. It's dangerous.
Both you and I
have put everything on the line.
We can't sit here
and waste time like this.
Just as you said
I've also put everything on the line.
Remember when you once told me
that I should stop if things get too hard?
Why didn't you stop?
Because I wanted a normal life.
Let's be honest.
For motherfuckers like us,
living normal lives
Isn't that asking for too much?
"If I could go back in time
"I'd live the most normal life I could."
Haven't you ever had this thought?
I'm not sure.
Becoming normal
I've come too fucking far for that.
This is it? What about his lackey?
I told you to put an APB on all three
of them, including the blind man.
I did look into it,
and that bastard Seo Jongryeol
is under custodial interrogation
at SMPA as a murder suspect.
All of a sudden, he's in custody?
Fuck, that bastard
can't get arrested right now.
What about the other lackey, Kwon Seungho?
I tried to put that bastard
on the wanted list,
but it didn't work.
God damn it. What didn't work?
In the police intranet, I entered
Kwon Seungho's name, but it didn't work.
Maybe it was deleted.
That makes no sense.
It's not like he's fucking dead.
Why won't it work?
Put the APB on hold.
Put it on hold?
Who are you?
What's with the fucking staring?
Hey, wait.
You must be the Chinese boss.
You took our stuff,
so you have to pay for it.
Go and ask Jung Gicheul for that money.
You made the deal with him, not me.
Is that so?
Then according to your logic,
I can take back our product
in the way you took it from Mr. Jung.
You motherfucker. You want to die?
Stop. He's just being playful.
It's okay.
Let me meet with Ms. Lee Haeryun.
I have something to tell her.
You can say it to me.
Having the stuff flow
in the market benefits you too, right?
We got rid of both Jung Gicheul
and Jaegeon Group.
And we have a fat-ass cop
who has our back.
So why don't you work with us from now on?
We'd like you to connect us with Japan.
Only then can we do the trade.
Did you really
have to go this far, sir?
He'll at least be buried
in the National Cemetery.
Nothing good happens without sacrifice.
Please don't tell
Detective Park about this.
He's already having a hard time.
You don't want to make it
harder for him, right?
Hey, Euijeong. It's me.
Hi, Gicheul.
Why didn't you answer my calls?
I was worried about you.
I'm sorry.
Something came up.
Are you okay?
Of course, I am.
Are you with Seungho?
Are you both safe?
After I wrap this up,
I'll come back to you.
So just wait a little bit.
I'll call you next time.
That bastard Kwon Seungho.
What's his deal?
We can't check his background.
How did he first join you guys?
Jung Gicheul's girlfriend,
that fucking cop.
He said he's known her
since he was little.
You fucking morons!
Why are you telling me this now?
I think I know the way
to catch both Kwon Seungho
and Jung Gicheul.
Yu Euijeong and Lee Haeryun.
Have your men tail both of them.
If you tail those two, I'm sure
Jung Gicheul and Kwon Seungho will follow.
Kwon Seungho and Lee Haeryun.
Jung Gicheul and Yu Euijeong.
They've coupled up like that.
They're just no good.
We have to catch them.
You guys can be smart too sometimes.
Seriously? Coffee at a time like this?
My goodness.
Hello. It's so nice to meet you.
We've heard a lot about you.
You're more beautiful than I thought.
You're funny.
Yes, I'm quite funny.
Where's the stuff?
Before that,
we'd like to introduce ourselves first.
You seem pretty suspicious.
I don't think someone who betrayed
his own boss has a right to say that.
What do you mean "betrayed"?
Those who are weak
are supposed to fall off.
That's the way it is in our business.
Let's have those
who are strong like us join forces.
You're pretty bold.
We are bold indeed.
It was actually my suggestion
that we receive 30kg too.
We'll have to act swiftly
to make amends with the Japanese.
And the location.
You know where, right?
I know the general area.
But I drank a lot yesterday,
so not the exact location.
Where was it?
Go to this place
and deliver the stuff on time.
Don't fool around, and send us the money
as soon as you get it from Japan.
Oh, here.
There won't be any setbacks
like there were with Mr. Jung, right?
That guy caused so many problems
when he was around, right?
I was the one
who always cleaned up his messes.
Let's get this done.
Let's do that.
You don't know them very well.
So why were you
so agreeable to them?
Seungho, I did as you said.
The deal is tomorrow in Pohang.
Thank you so much, Haeryun.
But we don't know what scheme
Choi Jungbae might have,
so be careful.
They know you're close with her.
Do you think they'll trust her?
With a huge fortune
waiting right in front of them,
those fools can't think clearly
to figure it out.
Choi Jungbae will send the stuff
to the Japanese in Pohang tomorrow.
And Jung Gicheul
is looking to take the money
Choi Jungbae receives.
If the boat departs tomorrow,
Oyama will receive it in two days.
I guess so.
I'll put China and Japan on standby.
Let's make this happen this time.
By the way,
why can't I reach Dohyung?
Are you sure he's all right?
Don't worry.
Since he's injured, I told him to rest up.
We're almost there now.
Let's just focus on the deal now.
I'm from Gangnam Police Station
and have a few questions.
Are you the wife of the departed
What's the name of the departed?
Seok Dohyung.
What is this about?
Do you know Detective Park Junmo?
Tomorrow, they'll try again
to meet the Japanese in Pohang.
Go to Pohang.
If by any chance,
this deal falls apart too,
your father won't just sit back and watch.
Don't worry.
He calls himself my father as he uses me,
but I trust Kwon Seungho more.
Hey, what's up?
I'm on the 12th floor.
Are you here now?
Why did you come all the way here?
It's like as you said. We hit the jackpot.
What do you mean?
What's this about?
Excuse me.
Can we talk?
I know you're in there.
Let's talk about Kwon Seungho.
It won't take long.
We're both busy,
so I'll get straight to the point.
Where are Jung Gicheul
and Kwon Seungho now?
That's what I want to know.
You know this woman, right?
Mr. Jung's girlfriend.
More like a lover.
She's actually married though.
To a man named Park Junmo.
What a mess she is.
She's married?
And he's a cop too?
But do you know
what's even more surprising?
This man isn't this man.
Do you get it?
What are you talking about?
Park Junmo is not Park Junmo.
The Kwon Seungho you know.
Kwon Seungho. That bastard is Park Junmo.
Senior Police Officer Park Junmo
from Eumseong Police Station.
You've been fooled this whole time.
Just tell me where Kwon Seungho is.
I'll go and put him
in handcuffs right away.
So come on and tell me.
We're on the same side, you know.
Even though he's a cop,
what he's done while undercover is enough
to make him rot in prison for life.
Do you want to wait in China?
The situation
in Korea doesn't seem that good.
While looking for the stuff,
who knows what will happen.
If by any chance
this deal falls apart too,
your father won't just sit back and watch.
It's me, Haeryun.
Hi, Haeryun.
I was just about to call you actually.
We're leaving now.
Don't worry too much.
It'll be all right.
Can I ask you something?
You've been kind to me this whole time.
Did you mean it?
That's such a random
Answer me. Did you mean it?
Mmm. Mmm.
So? Did you think about it?
If I tell you where Kwon Seungho is,
will you really do as you said?
Come on! Of course, I will.
You see,
Kwon Seungho No, Park Junmo.
I'll take care of it
before he even finds out.
So don't worry.
You know what?
I'm getting sick of this business too.
My father called me.
He wants me to come back.
What should I do?
Should I go back to Changchun?
Or should I stay in Korea?
You see,
Don't stay in Korea or China.
Until this whole thing ends,
I think you should stay in Hong Kong.
What happened?
Why did you do this?
There's someone
I want to protect in my heart.
This is our last chance.
Things will go well, right?
It'll be all right.
Never mind.
I'll drive.
There's a cop outside.
Did you forget cops always work in pairs?
I'll take care of this.
You should leave.
I'll lure him away.
Run before their backup arrives.
Lee Haeryun, get it together.
Listen to me.
Don't go to China.
Once they find out you messed this up,
you won't be safe.
This is who we are.
You must survive, no matter what.
And then,
go to the man
that you trust.
You bastard.
Fucking bastard.
Let's go.
Here's the stuff.
The product has been delivered.
Boat name is "Blue Dragon".
I repeat, "Blue Dragon".
This is Korea. The cargo
ship "Blue Dragon" has left Pohang Port.
Yes, the captain is the carrier.
Let's go now.
I think you should just stay here.
What are you talking about?
I'll take care of
those guys myself.
You can't do it alone, you fool.
I know.
Jung Gicheul.
Let's stop this.
What are you doing?
Kwon Seungho.
It's all over, you bastard.
What the hell are you doing?
Look, Jung Gicheul.
You said you wanted a normal life,
but you didn't have a chance.
That's not true.
That's just an excuse.
I hope
you'll end up paying
for everything you did.
Kwon Seungho.
Let's stop this here.
Hey, Choi Jungbae.
Why are you alone? Where's Jung Gicheul?
You didn't even come with other people?
Let's stop all of this, okay?
It's all over now.
I think he really did come alone.
What the hell
is this fucking moron saying?
Are you bluffing?
You motherfucker. Come here.
God damn.
What are you going to do by yourself?
I mean, fuck.
Are you going to fight
all three of us by yourself?
What the fuck?
Let's get out of here.
Let's run.
You were a cop?
You fucking motherfucker.
You could've been anybody else but a cop!
God damn it!
Hey, drop the knife.
Put them down!
Drop the knife!
Arrest them.
On the ground!
Get on the ground!
All right, you motherfucker!
Kwon Seungho, you motherfucker.
Kwon Seungho, you son of a bitch!
All right, for fuck's sake.
Kwon Seungho, you motherfucker!
All right!
If anyone doesn't listen,
give them a smack.
Get them in.
Please make way.
We got a message from Korea
saying we can start the operation.
Captain, Donghobang's boss
Lee Oson is inside.
They may put up a fierce resistance.
If the law fears the underworld,
our children
will have to live in barbaric times.
We'll swiftly surround their hideout.
Remember. This operation
is to absolutely eradicate Donghobang.
Drop your weapons and surrender now!
If you resist,
you will be killed.
Father, please save me.
Yoon Wongil?
Well done.
Thank you, sir.
Now you have something to tell the gang.
You're supposed to be
a drug dealer, not a murderer.
Call your family now and tell them
you're never coming back home.
The authorities
of Korea, Japan, and China
have successfully carried out
the first joint international
investigation on drugs.
The bosses of Gangnam Union,
a gang based in Seoul,
Choi Jungbae and Hong Heesung,
sent meth production expert Yoon Wongil,
also known as Professor Yoon,
to Changchun in Jilin, China.
And with the assistance
of a local gang named Donghobang,
they set up a drug factory.
They reached out to Yoshioka-gumi,
a yakuza gang
based in Yokohama, Japan,
and its underboss,
a Korean-Japanese named Oyama Tsuyoshi
with the Korean name Oh Chunseok.
They made a deal worth
10 million yen per kilogram of meth,
which is equivalent
to 80 million Korean won
would be so proud of you.
happened during the investigation.
Do you think
we can go back to who we were?
You two look great together.
Put the gun down.
Drop the gun.
Don't make any more wrong decisions.
Wrong decisions?
To protect the two of you,
I let go of everyone who were with me.
That one really was a wrong decision.
Jung Gicheul.
That's not true.
All the decisions you made
were just wrong decisions.
So drop the gun.
Drop the gun now!
Let me ask you one thing.
Why did you let me go?
What about you, Euijeong?
Were you ever genuine with me?
Did you use me
just for the investigation?
Whether I was genuine or not
doesn't change anything.
I thought the best I could do was
to stop you from committing
any more crimes.
I may be a sinner,
but you used my trust to deceive me.
Isn't that a sin too?
It is.
And we'll definitely have to pay for it.
If not while we are alive,
then after death.
You'll have to pay for it
while you're alive.
The rest of your lives
will never be happy.
Wake up, Gicheul.
Gicheul. Jung Gicheul.
- Hello, this is Park Junmo.
- Please, Gicheul.
Just now,
Jung Gicheul
has been caught.
Gicheul, no. Wait.
Jung Gicheul!
Well done.
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