Thirty Nine (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

Samseong-dong, Hyochang-dong and Gocheok-dong

I forgot this.
Nice. I needed money
to go to a karaoke room.
I need you to come with me.
I'm sorry, but I need her.
-But I have plans.
-Follow me.
Sorry, guys.
This is on the house.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
You guys look even prettier in uniforms.
I guess you go to different schools.
-I see.
What brought you here today?
We just came to eat tteokbokki.
No snack bar in your neighborhood?
Anything more?
-I'm full.
-Dumplings, please.
Hey, sweetheart.
I told you, we're the same age.
We're going to a karaoke room.
Why don't you join us?
No, I'm a horrible singer.
So am I.
What does that matter?
It's about having fun.
But I have to go to an academy.
I skipped a private lesson too.
It was a brave move for someone like her.
Why should I go with you guys?
I mean, it's just weird.
Don't you like us?
Hey, don't be too straightforward.
You'll scare her off.
I like you.
My gosh, this is so cringey.
Just come with us already.
We won't get a discount if we're late.
Come on.
Are you going to go to your academy?
I know a place.
Let's go there.
Where do you guys live?
You came all the way
to Gocheok-dong to sing?
We came for tteokbokki.
Hey, does that place give you
a lot of additional time?
Yes, I'm close with the owner.
You must go there really often.
Time was not on our side.
It passed quickly
and took us
to the middle of winter.
A cold winter that reminded us every day
that we couldn't
keep Chan-young by our side.
Mom, you should sit down.
We finally reached a moment
where we could no longer act
like everything was okay.
You should start getting ready.
Is it that bad?
This is going to happen pretty often now.
She should get hospitalized.
I'll discuss it with her.
Can we go get some air?
It's suffocating in here.
I want to go home.
You've only been here for two days.
Just stay for a bit longer.
Is it because it's boring here?
We'll come every day.
No. I want to hang out
where it's comfortable.
I really feel uncomfortable here.
Then let's look for a place
with a nice facility.
You mean hospice care?
Gosh, that's even worse.
Just let me go home.
I want to go home and be with my parents.
But what if…
If it starts hurting again,
I'll come back.
I'll look into it
and see if you could get treated at home.
-Aren't you cold?
-I'm okay.
Let's go. It's cold.
Hey. What is it? Do you need something?
No. I'm going to take a walk in the lobby.
Okay. I'll go with you.
No, it's okay. I'll just be out front.
I won't be long.
Excuse me. Can I help you?
Oh, I'm…
I must've come to the wrong place.
Jin-seok is being such a pain.
He's still going on about getting married.
He's been calling me day and night
to ask me to talk you into it.
Just don't pick up.
Are you refusing
because you're worried about him?
does it make you uncomfortable?
It'll taint my love.
You're right.
You stayed with him
even when he was married.
A marriage certificate is nothing.
I wish Jin-seok could get my point
just like you always do.
What is this?
People I want at my funeral.
A few days ago,
I went to the funeral hall.
I just found myself there.
Time passes by slowly
when you're lying on a hospital bed.
It makes you think of things.
It must be suffocating.
A bit.
I started to wonder.
"What would my funeral be like?"
I don't want everyone in my phonebook
to hear about my death.
You see, these days,
I think about you a lot.
"I wonder how she feels."
So many thoughts
go through my mind.
But I guess I'm not even close.
What do you mean?
I can't even imagine…
how it must've felt…
to put together this list
all by yourself.
I think about you a lot too.
The most, actually.
Mom, Dad, Jin-seok, and Joo-hee.
I think about them all.
But with you,
I feel both reassured and concerned.
I'm giving you that list
because I know I can rely on you,
but at the same time,
I also worry.
What do you worry about?
I worry if you'll be okay
without me.
You see,
I didn't…
I didn't know you were this dear to me.
"Dear" as in "Dear Ms. Jeong Chan-young"?
I'm starting to feel a bit distant.
What I'm saying is we're so close,
and you're precious to me.
That's a nice word.
Why is this so funny?
Hey. Don't even think about sticking
hair up her nose. It'll get noisy.
Hyeon-jun is here.
Have you eaten?
-What's with her?
-What was that?
Why would you ask him if he ate?
Go back to sleep.
When will you grow up? This isn't funny.
If you're mature, it means you're old.
Joo-hee, I won't be your friend anymore
if you ever mature.
-Same here.
-Stop talking nonsense.
Oh, my gosh.
You scared us!
-Don't you know how to knock?
As if you could hear it.
Jin-seok, have you eaten?
I can't believe she asked him that too.
-What's so funny?
Joo-hee, are you hungry?
Where are you going?
You should lie down.
-Why are you suddenly up?
-She asked if you ate.
-Did you?
-Obviously. It's almost nine.
-Of course, I ate. Move over.
I'm finally home.
I turned on the heater earlier.
It's warm, right?
Gosh, it's like a dry sauna in here.
Honey, let's open the window.
-Is it too hot?
-Do you want warm water?
Iced Americano.
Do you want to go back to the hospital?
If that's the case, then I won't have it.
I'm suddenly starting to crave one too.
No way. Don't be a traitor.
Are you home?
You're finally free. I'll be right there.
Okay, I'll call Joo-hee. Bye.
Is there some good news, Director?
Chan-young got sent home. I'm leaving.
Really? Let me go too.
You should stay and treat patients.
Let me go with you.
See you tomorrow.
Go back inside, ma'am.
It's cold. I'll be off now.
Chan-young's dad and I are thinking
of going back to Yangpyeong.
Because of your restaurant?
No, it's not that.
I was hoping
that you could stay with Chan-young.
Thank you.
I should be thanking you.
We'll visit once every week.
It just seems Chan-young…
might feel more comfortable
with you alone.
I'm so sorry.
Chan-young refuses to get married.
What does that matter?
You don't need to be sorry.
You're both so much in love.
Stay still.
I'm not moving.
You're the one who's shaking.
Hey, just… Will you just relax?
Relax your fingers so I can do my job.
You were only going to do one!
You're getting this for free.
Don't give me an attitude!
Did you really get a license?
You saw it for yourself.
What's your problem?
Guys, be careful.
I'm worried you might cut her skin.
This is driving me crazy.
Miss, you were already
crazy to begin with.
Do you see her hand trembling?
My gosh, it's because
you're not relaxing your hand.
-Gosh, look at them.
-Stop it.
How do you perform surgeries?
-I don't, you dummy.
-Some days were clear and sunny,
while some days were very overcast.
Chan-young is weird.
She's weird today. What should I do?
She's not leaving us yet.
I'm sure of it.
Days like these took turns
coming and going.
Electric heaters are nice and warm too.
It's cozier than it is at home.
Maybe it's because
our daughter made it for us.
It gives me strength.
So what is this list based on?
It's a list of people
I'd gladly say yes to
if they called
and asked me to eat with them.
Here. If you choose the left one,
I'll take the right one.
Or it can be the other way around.
You can pick first.
I need to know
what this list is about first.
Is it the list of people
who owe you money?
Chan-young gave it to me.
It's the people she wants at her funeral.
My gosh.
Why are we doing this already?
Let's just do it later
when the time comes.
No, not later.
Let's do it now.
-You think that's funny?
Jin-seok, I'm a bit chilly.
Are you upset
because I refuse to get married?
Gosh, that was fast.
You're making me feel bad.
I'll be honest with you. I'm really upset.
But we're living together now,
so I'll let you off the hook.
Thank you.
Should we go see my mom tomorrow?
I want to go to Yangpyeong.
Let's go after lunch.
You want to go
to a restaurant after eating?
I've been craving brunch lately.
Sure. You must be sick of Korean food.
No, that's not what I meant.
Porridge is Korean food too.
Fine. Let's try Western porridge.
They have soup, right?
-"Western porridge"?
That's funny.
Hey, did we pick pastel colors?
Yes, there were two.
The one with lots of roses.
Yes, that's the one.
The one that's pink with roses.
Yes, that's right.
See you tomorrow.
Don't be late. Good night.
Okay, good night.
Okay, bye.
Have some rosemary tea.
Okay, thank you.
You must be tired. Come here.
Gosh, your shoulders are stiff.
Doesn't this hurt?
It does. It's nice though.
Put some more strength into it.
-More strength?
Oh, gosh.
That wasn't what I meant.
You practically pinched me.
You did it on purpose.
No, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.
Do you need my help?
No, don't touch them.
This is done.
This is done too.
-No, it's not.
-Is it not?
I guess a lot of people
have outdoor weddings here.
-Should we just--
-Who were you married to?
-No, I meant…
-Who are you?
They have a lot of good menus here.
Order everything you want.
Okay. What are you having?
I'll have clam chowder soup.
Will that do?
Of course. Western porridge will do.
-What will you have?
Gosh, this is nice.
-Hey, Gi-yeong!
-Fancy meeting you here.
-I know.
I'm getting goosebumps.
It's been ages.
I know, right?
I missed you, Chan-young.
But don't you live in Daebang-dong?
What are you doing here?
So you guys met up here?
It's nice to meet you.
-I can't believe I ran into you guys here.
-I know.
Do you still do theater?
No, I'm a full-time mom now.
Right. You have a daughter.
Four years old, right?
She's six now.
Sorry. Already?
What is this? What's going on?
It's so good to see you.
What are you all doing here?
Have you been well?
Hey, it's good to see you.
Gosh, I shouldn't cry.
Come here.
It's all right.
You look beautiful.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't cry.
Mom, I can't stop crying.
I don't know what to say to you guys.
I really don't know.
It looks like…
you're all aware of my condition.
The thing is, I gave my friend a list
with all your names on it.
I asked her to call you guys
and tell you the news
once I was gone.
But my friends turned that list
into a brunch invitation list.
I would've prepared a nice speech
if they had given me a heads up.
Or maybe not.
No, maybe not.
If I had known,
I still wouldn't have known what to say.
But first and foremost,
I want to tell you guys
to always get medical checkups.
That's right.
Gosh, I really don't know what to say.
I just want to say…
that it was more than enough.
I'll probably…
only get to live half the amount
most people get to live.
But it's quality over quantity.
It was more than enough for me.
I was loved by my parents.
I was cared for by the man I loved.
And my friends…
I received so much love from my friends.
More than enough.
And I still am.
Thanks to you guys,
my life couldn't have been better.
Thank you.
I thank you so much
from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you.
It's snowing.
None of us cried.
We never promised not to cry…
but we all had smiles on our faces.
The flowers have bloomed.
It's spring.
Yes, it is.
Chan-young welcomed
the next spring with us.
A small store.
-And we all carried on with our lives.
-For nail art.
Dr. Cha, the next patient is in Room One.
Feeling anxious every time
my phone had a notification,
I got through the spring.
And from a certain point,
I couldn't sleep with the lights off.
I was scared
I might miss something important
if I was fast asleep.
Are you asleep?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Can you visit my parents
on their birthdays every year?
What should I get them?
Something expensive.
How much is expensive?
I'll get them the most expensive gifts.
You're making good progress.
I'll write you a prescription.
Don't forget to apply
the ointment twice a day.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you. Bye.
Have my parents get medical checkups.
The one that I got.
The most expensive one.
I told you to just eat
what you want to eat.
I like porridge.
Is it good?
Have pork belly and soju
with Jin-seok at least once every week.
Once a week?
Come on.
Once a week is too often.
I don't even see my parents that often.
Once every two weeks.
Let's make it three.
Forget it.
Okay. Two weeks.
Whether it was
early in the morning or late at night,
I felt relieved whenever I got
a text from Chan-young.
And one night,
when I was feeling worried
that it might end at any moment…
What? What's wrong?
Goodness. Oh, dear.
That day,
in the dead of one spring night,
left us.
But we didn't cry
as much as we thought we would.
And we moved on with our lives
more quickly than we expected.
Then winter came again.
-Let me show you to your table.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Just a moment.
-Do you need anything?
Excuse me.
Mom, you can't cancel.
I purposely made a reservation
on the day you close your restaurant.
You have to come, okay?
I'll go pick you up.
There's no need.
We'll just drive there ourselves.
It's early in the morning,
so I'm worried the road might be icy.
Or we could go to Seoul
the day before after we close up
and sleep at Chan-young's place.
Oh, that's a good idea.
Anyway, I'll visit you next week.
We can talk about it then.
Next week? Why are you coming next week?
What's with you?
I told you to put it in the backseat.
No, you drive too rough.
You might ruin the cake.
Hey, you're the reckless driver.
Did you season the seaweed soup well?
You bought it, didn't you?
I tried really hard to cook it myself,
but it wasn't edible.
Gosh, that's why I said I'd do it.
I'll let you do it for her dad's birthday.
My gosh, you never listen.
Hey, where are you?
-Damn it.
Gosh, just a second.
My gosh, Mi-jo is losing it right now.
What? No, I said she's losing it!
This looks familiar.
Isn't this from that cake shop?
What? You brought a cake too?
Mom, who got you this?
The cake shop owner.
Chan-young asked her to do this.
What about those flowers?
Ma'am, I'm done washing the dishes.
Is there anything else…
Hey, guys.
Chan-young really prepared everything.
Mom, here's your gift.
My gosh, why do you keep bringing stuff?
I'm grateful enough
that you made time to come here.
What is it? Is it something delicious?
It's something expensive.
Come on.
When are you leaving?
There's still some time left
until the semester starts,
but I'm going to go
ahead of time to adjust.
Are you staying there until you graduate?
I'll come for your wedding.
Oh, right.
I heard Father's coming early this year.
He has plans here.
While he's here,
he's going to meet Mi-jo's parents.
I think that's
the main reason he's coming.
If he has time, it'd be nice
if he could come to the recital.
Can I bring him?
Do you think he'll come?
He'll love it.
I think I'm going to get married soon.
So I'm planning to move to a bigger place.
So I came to ask you something.
How should we decorate your room?
Can we have
another bottle of soju, please?
Next time, let's have Chinese.
I'm an expert.
What do you say?
So we can't.
Why do you ask every time?
Just in case.
Can we please have
three more servings of pork belly?
Hey, Joo-hee.
You know it released today, right?
Should I buy the tickets?
Well, why don't you
watch it with Hyeon-jun first?
I have dinner plans tonight.
I could watch it with Seon-u.
Or I could watch it with you.
I don't mind watching it twice.
Should we buy popcorn?
It gets in between my teeth.
Do you want soda?
You need to cut down on sugary drinks.
Then let's at least have popcorn.
I'll be right back.
It's Chan-young.
You really are persistent.
Chan-young's voice.
This will cause us trouble.
Filming is illegal.
Oh, right.
I found it.
I found evidence,
so I'm going to publish an exclusive.
Are you really not going to meet Ji-yeon?
What's the point? All we ever do is fight.
Still, you should meet her.
She waited for you.
Is there something going on?
My daughter's so good.
Don't tell me…
The article will be out tomorrow.
I can't believe you did it.
You're insane.
The director will kill you
if he finds out.
You wrote the article?
So don't tell Ji-yeon that I'm here.
I'm leaving for the airport right away.
I want you to decorate
a Christmas tree every year.
Make sure it's pretty.
I'll come to see it every year.
And in spring,
plant flowers.
I'll come to see them every year.
I'll come visit you every season.
I miss her so much.
I miss you.
Why aren't you watching it?
I'm going to.
It became a hit.
It'll be in theaters for quite a while.
That's good.
Chan-young's movie became a hit.
Why can't you watch it?
I feel so sorry.
That's why.
We will casket
Ms. Jeong Chan-young's body.
Family members, please gather.
I just…
feel so sorry
that I couldn't see her off.
Package delivery!
Hey, Mi-jo. You must be surprised.
I hope Joo-hee surprised you with this.
I made sure she would.
Chan-young's handwriting.
This is for you.
And this is…
for Mi-jo.
What is this?
Give it to Mi-jo…
after I'm gone.
Give it to her when it seems
she's having a hard time.
Are you worried that Mi-jo
will keep hurting?
I am too.
Are you upset…
that I'm more worried about Mi-jo
than I am about you?
If I tell you that I am,
will you stay?
It's me.
Is this awkward?
I feel awkward too.
This is pretty cliché, right?
We see it all the time in movies.
But still, I had a feeling it would work.
Do you know that feeling?
You know…
When you're overwhelmingly grateful,
you find it so hard
to express your gratitude.
You turned my funeral guest list
into a brunch invitation list.
Thank you so much, Mi-jo.
Thanks to you,
I got to have
the happiest funeral in the world.
Remember that I told you
I've been thinking
about you a lot these days?
That when I thought of you,
I felt reassured
and concerned at the same time.
I hope you're eating well
and no longer taking sleeping pills.
You're doing fine, right?
I'm making this video just in case.
Just in case you might be struggling.
I'm not worried about Joo-hee.
But I am worried about you.
I guess I still can't forget
how nervous and sad you looked
the day we first met.
How are things
on the day you're watching this video?
Are things different now that you're 40?
Imagine how nice
it would've been for the three of us
to grow old together.
I really wanted that, you know.
But don't be sad
that I won't be here when you're 40.
Just think of me…
from time to time.
I miss you already.
Do you…
miss me too?
I miss you…
Mi-jo, you see…
To me, you are…
You're a very close friend…
and you're…
very precious to me.
What I mean is…
You are also…
very dear to me.
I miss you too.
I miss you so much.
I eat well.
And I still have trouble
sleeping sometimes,
but I don't take sleeping pills.
-It was you, wasn't it?
-I'm sorry.
I'm doing a lot better
than I thought I would.
No way.
Are you watching?
I had no idea.
How do I feel now that I'm 40?
I'm not sure.
Everything is the same.
The only difference is that you're gone.
And I'm still not used to the fact
that you're gone, Chan-young.
I'm not drunk at all.
I didn't drink that much.
Gosh, I'll just take a cab.
I'll see you tomorrow, Seon-u.
When I call your number,
someone else picks up.
I know that, but sometimes,
when I miss you like crazy
and get drunk,
I call that number.
Because it feels
like you might pick up.
Mi-jo fixed a wedding date.
She's catching the bouquet.
Will I be able to get married
in six months?
Just propose to him.
It's not easy
when you're older than the guy.
Help her out, Chan-young.
Or send her another guy.
Are you nuts?
Hyeon-jun and I are
in a serious relationship.
Why are you yelling at me?
Chan-young's watching.
You're the one who keeps teasing me.
When did I tease you?
Chan-young, see?
-She's so annoying these days.
-Are you serious?
-Her wedding preparations…
-Shut it.
At what age…
do you think
we'll get used to your absence?
I don't think…
that day will ever come.
We started out as three,
and now the two of us are left here…
missing you.
We miss you a lot.
Ripped and synced by
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