Three-Body (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

(Ye Wenjie
(Professor of Tsinghua University))
What does this mean?
Ye Wenjie was hurt, but she didn't hate
the man who hurt her.
What else did she mention?
She thought she was screwed,
but then she went to a place.
What place?
Don't ask me. Find it out yourself.
Why are you looking at me?
Go find it out.
Seeing that everyone is busy
without gaining anything, how do you feel?
If you're too depressed,
you can play that game too.
The combat zones have recently found
that many high-level intellectuals
are also playing the Three-Body game.
Isn't it a significant finding?
It seems that our team is valuable.
So have you got more valuable information?
I'm waiting for the files.
Ye Wenjie's files?
Why do you have to dig into her?
I wasn't interested in the old lady at all
in the beginning.
But now, I have to be interested in her.
Yang Dong committed suicide,
and she's Yang Dong's mother.
In the Frontiers of Science,
she has contact with Shen Yufei.
When I dig into the game
and the universe flicker
What's that?
That's astrophysics.
I find that she's an astrophysicist.
As an astrophysicist,
she unexpectedly believes that
physics doesn't exist.
Physics does exist,
only that the physics we believe
doesn't exist.
Many seemingly unrelated clues
meet at one point.
So, Chang, I must dig into the point.
A part of her files isn't declassified.
That's exactly what I asked you
to deal with.
Be patient.
Everything has to
go through a process.
It's been dozens of years.
What's there in that era
worth keeping secret?
Use your connections to get the files.
We found that many years ago,
she participated in a major
national defense project
of which the applicant
was Red Coast Base.
For military purpose?
Not necessarily.
And at that base, there was
an unprecedented huge antenna.
I guess it was
used for information interference
against the West.
Information warfare?
Chang, find a way to get the files.
It's urgent.
Don't urge me.
Who else can I urge?
You have many people around here.
How many do I have?
Don't you know I only have
11 staff quota?
Don't you know?
Countdown counter ♪
Hidden in eyes ♪
Explore deep dreams in the dark ♪
What is waiting for me at the end
of the mysterious space-time ♪
Don't break the hope
given to the world ♪
The sun still sets every day ♪
=Episode 12=
(Now, preparations for the Olympic Games
are in full swing.)
(The Official website of
the Beijing Olympic Games)
- I'll eat more and reach this line.
- 180 cm?
Then you'll be as tall as Dad.
Mom will be worried
if you grow to 180 cm.
OK, come down.
Wash your hands and have dinner.
- Come. Wash your hands.
- Time for dinner.
I want ice cream.
I was measuring Doudou's height.
She's grown 2 cm in three months.
So what?
My mother said that
I had grown 5 cm in less than
two months after I was born.
Isn't that normal?
What I mean is you can only realize
the change in height by comparison,
so is the Three-Body game.
When I first logged in,
King Wen of Zhou
tried to deduce by divination
when the Stable Era
would possibly arrive.
During each civilization after that,
many people were studying
the laws governing the sun's motion.
We may advance the game
if we find the law.
Then you must find the law.
You can do it.
Don't worry. I'll be there for you.
It requires a lot of
professional knowledge to play the game.
It's the best if a scientist working
in this field would play with me.
Bro, you're asking for a scientist
who has time to play games.
Where can I find him?
Do you think everyone can see
the countdown like you do?
Is the food ready?
Right away.
There is really a chosen one.
Who is it?
Please enjoy.
Forget about the food. Let's go.
I'm used to it.
These days,
I've been living in the flicker.
Are you the chosen one?
I'm the chosen one.
What's this?
The model I made based on
the principle of the universe flicker.
Next, we'll expand it into a light belt
with a length of 300,000 km,
and then launch it into the universe.
In this way,
we can reproduce the universe flicker
on that day.
Who are you?
Did I give you permission?
I'm Shi Qiang.
Who is Shi Qiang?
A cop.
Well, the cops came that day.
I told them everything.
I didn't do it, though I really want to.
Dr. Sha, let me explain.
The reason why we're here today
is to offer a new breakthrough point
for you to know the entire thing.
What point?
It's a game.
I know well about games.
Professional player.
Have you played the game?
I've played it for a couple of days,
getting nowhere.
Don't worry.
With my help, you'll pass it soon.
The game is a little special.
You have to wear a V-suit to play it.
We'll give you the V-suit.
Then give me 40 sets first.
40 sets.
Are you insane?
I have to take enough partners
when I load down instance zones.
Do you know how much a set costs?
Do you know how complicated
the approval process is?
Do you think the Finance
will approve 40 sets?
How did you blurt it out?
What about eight sets?
Five sets at most.
That will do.
I'll farm an average instance first
and raid progression.
(The harm of Science and Technology
to the Environment)
With these clues,
I'll find out everything else.
But there are several questions
(Explosion Vibration Caused Collapse
of Nearby Buildings) I have to ask.
I suggest you not to
ask unnecessary questions.
How did you get such information?
I told you before that
when numerous people
like you and me were united,
they couldn't cover up many things.
What exactly do you want to do?
Tell more people about the truth.
Before I read the files,
I didn't even know that
technology could do such great harm
to the environment.
Are you not worried that
the public would resist technology
after seeing the report?
What people resist is the harm
that comes with technology
instead of technology itself.
We just presented the truth.
We didn't force anyone
to choose or judge.
Who are you?
You don't have to ask that
when you replace "you" with "we".
Wang Miao, I have an emergency case.
You'll have to pick up Doudou.
OK, got it.
No, I can't play it now.
Li Yao has an emergency case.
I'll have to pick up my daughter.
Don't leave.
The game is important.
I'll pick her up.
But I have to take her to dinner.
I'll take her to dinner.
Drive my car.
Don't smoke in front of my daughter.
Ah? What did you say?
I asked you
I asked you not to
smoke in front of my daughter.
Got it.
(Welcome back to Three-Body.)
(The soil color changes again.)
(It's the change in composition
under new climatic conditions.)
(How many years have passed?)
(The pyramid and the dehydratories
have changed greatly, too.)
You know me?
I'm Qin Guli.
Last time I came here,
the pyramid was Egyptian in style.
Now it resembles an Aztec one.
That's because this is
a completely different civilization.
Are you going to the apex?
- Yes, I am.
- I want to have a look.
There are too many conjectures
about the secrets of the world.
The instruments at the apex
may be helpful to you.
(There are so many telescopes.)
(It looks like an observatory.)
I'm Mozi.
Hello, I'm Hairen.
I know you.
You were a follower of King Wen, right?
I did follow him here,
but I wasn't his follower.
Because I never believed his theories.
You were right.
Have you found the laws
governing the sun's motion?
Let me show you the efforts
of the last civilization.
From Civilization No. 137
of King Wen to now,
civilization has been reborn
four more times.
The shortest-lived one got only
halfway through the Stone Age,
but Civilization No. 139 broke a record
and developed all the way
to the Steam Age.
What's that?
That's Confucius.
As expected, in the game,
time and space and names
are all disordered.
They're just some symbols.
He believed that everything had to
fit order and propriety,
and nothing in the universe
could be exempt.
He created a system of rites
for the universe.
I can imagine the result.
Right you are.
He calculated when the sun
would follow the rites,
and predicted a five-year Stable Era.
You know what?
There was indeed a Stable Era
lasting a month.
And then one day,
the sun just didn't come out?
No, the sun rose that day as well.
It rose to the middle of the sky,
and then went out.
Went out?
It gradually dimmed,
became smaller,
and then went out all of a sudden.
Night fell.
Oh, the cold.
Confucius stood there and
froze into a column of ice.
And there he remains.
Was there nothing remaining
after the sun went out?
A flying star appeared in that location,
like a soul left behind
after the sun died.
Are you sure that the sun
really disappeared suddenly,
and the flying star
appeared just as suddenly?
That did happen all of a sudden.
You can check the historical annals.
It was clearly recorded.
How can it be?
Just went out suddenly?
What level has the civilization
developed to?
It should be the Han Dynasty.
Forget about the Western Han
or the Eastern Han.
I have a mission, observing
the precise movements of the sun.
Unlike those shamans,
Legalists or Daoists,
who have no ability to do experiments
and are immersed in their mysticism,
I know how to make practical things.
Remember to tell Doudou to keep
a good habit of correcting errors.
Thank you.
I'm one of your dad's friends.
You can call me Uncle Shi.
None of Dad's friends smokes.
Where are my parents?
Your mom is working overtime.
Your dad is busy.
Come with me.
I'll treat you to delicious food.
I'll treat you to the food
that your parents wouldn't let you eat, OK?
(Pollution scandals of pharmaceutical
factories emerge continuously.)
(It's reported that)
(these are chemical wastes
discharged from)
(nearby pharmaceutical factories.)
(The toxic substances in the wastes)
(will contaminate the soil and crops.)
(After villagers' livestock
eat the wastes,)
(the toxin will remain permanently
in their body.)
(And the pollutants will eventually
get in human's body through food.)
(According to the hospitals' data,
in the villages nearby,)
(27 congenitally deformed babies
have been born.)
(Why has medical technology,
which is supposed to)
(improve people's health,
become a devil?)
(Is the development of technology)
(a sweet fruit or a tumor to human?)
(If there are
such news cues around you,)
(please call us on the number
at the bottom of the screen.)
Do you have any news cues
to share with us?
Hello, I want to speak to Mu Xing.
Do you have any information about
environmental pollution to share with us?
I want to talk to Mu Xing, the reporter.
Do you have any problems?
There are problems with you.
Be polite.
I want to talk to you.
The reporter, Mu Xing,
find out where she is.
Would you like
stewed assorted giblets later?
Is this one of your practical things?
I have theories, too,
but they're not mystical.
They're derived from a large number
of observations.
First, do you know what the universe is?
What is it?
The universe is a hollow sphere
floating in the middle
of a sea of fire.
On its surface are numerous tiny holes
and a large hole.
The light from the sea of fire
shines through these holes.
The tiny ones are stars,
and the large one is the sun.
We can see the stars moving around,
and the sun rising and setting,
because the sphere is rotating.
If all the holes are fixed in
the surface of the same sphere,
how can you explain the relative motion
between the sun and the stars?
That's why I've modified my model.
The universal sphere
is made of two spheres.
Come in.
Professor Wang, hello.
Is Captain Shi here?
Do you think he can be
in two place at once?
I thought Captain Shi and you
were both in the game,
so I came to report to him, not expecting
that you sent him on an errand.
I was in the game just now,
but I couldn't figure something out,
so I logged off.
After Mozi told me about
the theoretical structure
of his giant instrument,
I wanted to make a simple model
on the computer like this
to help me to understand.
Unfortunately, my ability is limited.
You're just in time.
This is the model.
As Mozi said,
the sky is the shell of the inner sphere
that has many small holes.
Next, let's create an outer sphere
that has one large hole.
Then add light.
Yes, that's it.
The light coming through the hole
is reflected and scattered,
filling the space between
the two spheres with light.
Then the light comes in through
the tiny holes
and that's how we see the stars.
The theory sounds great.
But what about the sun?
I asked Mozi about it.
He said, the sun is the result of
the large hole in the outer sphere
being projected onto the inner one.
The projection is so bright
that it penetrates the inner sphere
like the shell of an egg,
and that is how we see the sun.
Around the spot of light,
the bright reflected light rays
light up the inner shell.
That's the clear sky
we see during the day.
It's a bold hypothesis.
But there should be a force
that propels the two spheres
in irregular motion
to make it appropriate
to the circumstances.
According to Mozi, the force
is the sea of fire outside the universe.
It's unreasonable.
In the double-shell model,
if the sun is the projection of the hole
in the outer shell,
its size and brightness
ought to be fixed.
When I asked the question,
Mozi looked disdainful.
He said my conception
of this model was too simplistic.
As conditions in the sea of fire change,
the outer shell will shrink or expand.
This leads to changes in the size
and brightness of the sun.
That sounds reasonable.
Professor Wang, do you have
any other questions?
What about the flying stars?
Flying stars?
The model doesn't take
flying stars into consideration.
Excuse me.
Don't talk nonsense.
Though the game is different from
other games, it can't beat me.
I've found that the biggest difference
in the game is the sun.
But it's complicated to explain.
Ms. Xu, would you please come over?
Professor Wang,
I'm going to see Sha Ruishan.
I don't want to waste
the five sets of V-suits.
How do you like it? Is it tasty?
Where is Captain Shi?
Babysitting my daughter.
What else do you want to do? Tell Uncle.
Let's go skating, shall we?
Mom says skating is dangerous.
It isn't a good sport for my age.
Professor Wang, are you not worried?
Why is skating dangerous?
For your age
How old are you?
It isn't dangerous with me by your side.
Uncle, you're so cool.
Am I cool?
Actually, I'm not cool.
When my son was little,
I wouldn't let him go skating.
But I regret it now.
I shouldn't have stopped him.
Who knows what
will happen tomorrow, right?
Uncle, no smoking indoors.
Let's go skating.
Why do you care about the flying stars?
They're not important.
Just some dust flying about
the inside of the universal spheres.
the flying stars are important.
How does your model explain
the sudden extinguishing of the sun
during the time of Confucius?
That's a rare exception.
Maybe it was because
a dark spot or cloud in the sea of fire
happened to pass over the big hole
in the outer shell.
My universe model has proved that.
Is this model the machine
you built to replicate the universe?
Yes, exactly.
The light source
is made of the luminescent material
gathered from
hundreds of thousands of fireflies.
I used a cool light so that the clerk can
stay inside for a long time.
There's a person inside the sphere?
Sure, the clerk is important.
After we set up the model
to correspond to the current state
of the real universe,
the future state of the universe
will be accurately simulated.
Of course, the sun's motion
can be simulated, too.
The clerk will record everything.
What's this?
Your observation records?
The records are a precise calendar.
This is the dream of
hundreds of civilizations before us.
Hairen, you've come in time.
According to the model universe,
a four-year-long Stable Era
is about to begin.
Emperor Wu of Han has issued
the order to rehydrate
based on my prediction.
Let's wait and see.
You can open the interface
and speed up the time.
A Stable Era has begun.
Proper temperature,
the spring of civilization.
Do you not want to
join this wonderful life?
When women are revived,
they crave love.
There is no reason for you
to stay here any longer.
The game is over.
I am the winner.
Your model universe
is indeed incomparable.
But as for its predictions
May I use the telescope
to observe the sun?
Of course.
To observe the sun,
you need this smoked glass filter.
Look, the sun is an entity
with a small core in its middle.
The core is actually the sun.
Around it is the light
that it gives off.
Maybe it's just a visual error.
Let's speed it up again
for the good of observation.
It seems that
the sun will probably not rise again.
It's like the end
of Civilization No. 137.
My predictions cannot be wrong.
Look, the golden earth.
It isn't the horizon.
It's the sun!
It's about to end.
- Dehydrate!
- Dehydrate!
Mozi, we should dehydrate, too.
No need.
The Stable Era will continue!
The universe is a machine!
I created this machine!
(Civilization No. 141
fell into ruins in flames.)
(This civilization had advanced to
the Eastern Han Period.)
(The seed of civilization remains.)
(It will germinate
and again progress through)
(the unpredictable world of Three-Body.)
(We invite you to log in
to the game again.)
Flying stars.
Flying stars.
Who bought you the ice cream?
I-I only had one.
Shi Qiang, You bought my daughter
an ice cream, didn't you?
I didn't smoke.
What did you have for dinner?
- Stewed assorted giblets.
- Steaks.
Stewed steaks?
I didn't smoke.
Uncle took me on roller skating.
Anyway, I didn't smoke.
I shouldn't have believed you.
Give me.
What are you doing?
Give me my car key.
Have you found anything new
in the game?
Let me send her home first.
You must have got something, right?
Yes. Let me think about it. Doudou.
Let's go.
What, what
What are the flying stars?
You just said that.
Your hands are so cold.
I can't believe that I witnessed
the destruction of Mozi's civilization.
What a great phenomena!
The game is so great!
How come?
I can't explain it to you now.
I recommend you to read
some books and papers in this field,
like 900 Million Suns,
Structure and Evolution of Stars, etc.
I'll make a list for you later.
By the way,
I asked them to express
the four sets of V-suits back to you.
If you told me
what the game was like early,
I wouldn't have let them team with me.
Those guys only know to kill mobs.
How could they play
such an advanced game?
Fortunately, I didn't log on earlier.
If I did, I might have been
killed by your partners.
Come on.
Get to the point.
You've been
playing this game for some time.
Our goal today is that
you tell me about it
and make sure every word
is understandable to me.
That will be enough, OK?
Come on.
In this game,
civilizations advance briefly
in Stable Eras,
while in Chaotic Eras,
they stop developing,
or even get destroyed.
So the players' task is to find
the appearance regularity
of the Stable Eras.
Just like the four seasons.
The ancient must sum up
the laws of seasonal changes
for the good of agricultural production.
The ancient calendar and solar terms
were their summaries of the laws
to help people to sow seeds in spring,
harvest in autumn,
store grains and live through winter.
But the sun's motion in the game
isn't as easy to master
as the changes in the seasons.
The alternation between the Stable Eras
and the Chaotic Eras is random.
Like earthquakes,
with today's science and technology,
we still can't predict them.
So, you'll pass the game
- as long as you can predict
the Stable Eras.
- Right.
Then do it.
All the players were doing it.
King Wen of Zhou
predicted the Stable Eras by divination.
The people of Civilization No. 139
traveled across the whole world
to observe the sun.
Confucius predicted them
by order and propriety.
Mozi tried to predict the Stable Eras with
the giant universe model he built.
All of them craved a precise calendar.
They worked hard,
but they didn't succeed.
How come?
Because the world of Three-Body
is different from ours.
What's the difference?
- The sun.
- The sun.
What's wrong with the sun this time?
It suddenly appeared in front of us, humongous.
I don't understand.
In other words,
as if in our world,
the sun just rose at dawn,
but one second later,
precisely one second later,
it jumped to the position of noon.
And according to Mozi,
in the time of Confucius,
the sun went out all of a sudden.
He still doesn't understand.
Hypothetically, this was the sun
in the time of Confucius.
It went out all of a sudden.
Does the sun have a switch?
That's impossible.
But the sun can move.
It can move away from
or close to us very fast,
as fast as if it is switched on or off.
In the time of Confucius,
the sun moved away very fast.
In the time of Mozi,
the sun came close very fast.
And Mozi disclosed
very important information.
In the time of Confucius,
after the sun went out suddenly,
a flying star appeared in the sky.
If it was true,
I think there is only one possibility.
After the sun went out,
the flying star that was originally
covered by the sun's rays became visible.
I don't understand.
- Do you have a flashlight?
- Yes.
Find me one.
That's the sun.
This is the flying star.
We can't see it.
The sun's light is so strong
that it overshadows the flying star.
But after the sun goes out, look,
the flying star appears.
There must be some connection.
But I haven't figured it out yet.
I need further observation
to figure it out.
Can the sun move that fast?
It's impossible.
In the world of Three-Body,
it's possible.
It makes me a bit uncomfortable
turning it off. Turn it on.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
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