Thunderbirds (1965) s01e12 Episode Script

Operation Crash-Dive

'Thunderbirds are go! ' 'Attention.
Solar control to all personnel.
'19 minutes to lift off.
Clear launch area.
Clear launch area.
' Well, viewers, excitement is mounting here at Cape Kennedy, as the most daring rocket launch of all time counts down.
Launch site clear in 15 seconds.
Start thrust checks at lift-off minus 15 minutes.
Thrust checks minus ten seconds.
Sounding amber alert.
(Siren) 'Thrust checks minus five 'four, three ' two, one Ignition go.
Thrust checks green.
This new launch technique is made possible due to a new fuel, the manufacture of which is top secret.
Only about eight minutes to lift-off.
Gantry retraction green.
Rocket fuel from water.
It hardly seems possible, Borinder.
If anyone could hear you, and I'm glad they can't, they would think that you had nothing to do with this process.
Professor, you would have succeeded without me.
Sir Jeremy, I worked on this project for ten years without success before you joined me.
Remember? One minute, ten seconds to lift-off.
'60 seconds to lift-off.
Stand by to release fuel injection.
' In just a few minutes, viewers, we'll see the lift-off of Sun Probe, so named because its enormous power will enable it to fly into the sun on full power.
History is indeed in the making.
- Good luck, old man.
- This is it, Sir Jeremy.
This is it.
Stand by, solar module.
13 seconds.
Commencing final countdown.
Ten nine, eight seven six, five four, three Lift-off, A-0K.
She looks good.
She looks good all right! It was known that the biggest risk was at lift-off.
'But the lift-off was pretty.
Very pretty indeed.
' This success could not be better timed, coming as it does before the Paris International Conference.
Paris is now 20km away, m'lady.
Where do you desire to go when we get there? The Café Atalante, Parker.
I'm meeting Sir Jeremy Hodge there.
- He seems to be in some trouble.
- Sir Jeremy Hodge? Isn't he the scientist who 'elped to form our horganisation? Yes.
He helped us to get components that were manufactured secretly in Europe.
So, 'e's one of hus, then, m'lady? Yes, Parker.
He's one of us.
(Faint accordion music) Ah, Paris in the spring! What could be more romantic? It's dashed decent of you to come here to see me.
- I obey the call of friendship.
- Let's drink to that.
In Paris, I always drink Pernod.
- A Pernod and a whisky and soda.
- Yes, Monsieur.
Now, you didn't bring me over here for nothing.
Why this mysterious midnight rendezvous? Did anyone see you come here? No.
Apart from Parker, nobody knows I'm in Paris.
This is for your ears only.
You know my friend, Prof.
Borinder? Your colleague at International Research Laboratories.
After the Paris conference, I saw him off by train to Anderbad.
When the train reached Anderbad, he was simply not on it.
Ah, well.
Down the hatch! I beg your pardon, m'lady, but the drink was drugged.
I'm so sorry, Madame.
I had no idea.
The gentleman asked for a light.
He put something in your glass.
I was distracted by the flame.
It looked such a pretty Pernod, too.
- Any sign of him? - Not a dashed thing.
I'm afraid he gave us the slip, m'lady.
It looks as if he's left something behind.
I don't think I recognise the crest.
Do you, Sir Jeremy? Afraid not.
But we could go to the heraldic archives and look it up.
Yes, we can go in the morning.
Sir Jeremy, you can escort me back to my hotel, and tell me what this is all about.
You're certain that Prof.
Borinder travelled on that train? Absolutely.
I saw him go.
But the attendant on the train says that nobody of that name travelled.
Why would the professor disappear suddenly? For the past year, he and I have been experimenting with sea water.
We've perfected a method of converting sea water to fuel.
It's a delicate process and can only be achieved with equipment we have devised.
Used wrongly, it can contaminate the oceans.
And the consequences could be terrifying.
Now I understand your precautions.
I don't think you do.
You remember last week's launch of the Sun Probe? Did that use your new fuel? Yes.
It's possible the discovery could upset the balance of power and start a world war.
International Rescue is in your debt, Sir Jeremy.
We are at your service.
What should we do? Help me find the professor.
Of course.
We are up against men who will stop at nothing.
'I need to know about Prof.
Borinder and the Paris conference.
'Sir Jeremy and I will take the Anderbad train.
' - Will you need help? - 'Not until we reach Anderbad.
'We'll make enquiries on the train.
- 'We'll be playing it cool.
' - I bet.
'0K, Penny.
I'll send Virgil with the equipment you might need.
'He'll meet you at Anderbad.
' Very well, Jeff.
0ver and out.
(Knock on door) - Come in.
- Will you be wanting hanything else? Have you made reservations on the train to Anderbad? Yus.
I have secured compartments for yourself and Sir Jeremy.
- Excellent.
- Good night, m'lady.
- 0h, Parker.
- Yus, m'lady? That was good shooting tonight.
Thank you.
Good night, m'lady.
Well, another rescue is under way.
I'm sure the boys are sorry they're not joining Penelope in Paris.
- And I can't blame them.
- They can go sight-seeing later.
Right now, they're needed in Anderbad.
- Here we go again.
- Yup.
Good luck, boys.
Keep in touch.
Ah, yes.
A most interesting heraldic device.
I think you've come to the right place.
If you go down to our lower vaults, you'll find what you need.
- Capital! Where are they? - Down these steps, Monsieur.
- Where do we start? - Let's try over there.
- Someone's been here recently.
- Found something? This one's had the cobwebs wiped off lately.
I wonder if we're on to something.
These crests are very similar.
(Sir Jeremy) Right.
Turn the page.
You should find what we need.
It looks as if someone was expecting us.
What the? Not very friendly, what? Hush.
Listen! (Hissing) By Jove! It's gas! And not a window in the place.
- A clever way of disposing of us.
- Hmph! We'll see about that! Hey, you out there! 0pen this door! Do you hear? 0pen it at once! I thought that librarian looked phoney.
He must be the stranger who tried to poison me.
He must have remembered leaving the matches behind.
The gas is just pouring in.
Never mind, Sir Jeremy.
Parker will have us out of here in no time.
Open this door at once! We're British! - Come in, Parker.
Can you hear me? - Loud and clear.
Look out for a stranger leaving the building - probably wearing a green jacket.
Yus, m'lady.
He's leaving the building.
Going in pursuit, now.
(Coughing) 'No! No, Parker.
' Come and get us out of here first.
(Coughs) It's no use.
We're well and truly trapped.
Just in time! Are you all right, Penelope? Yes.
I knew Parker wouldn't let us down.
Sorry to keep you waiting, m'lady.
The next step is to get to Anderbad.
Come, Sir Jeremy, you and I have a train to catch.
(Train whistle) I have told you before, Monsieur, I had no professor on this train.
I'm telling you that you did! I saw him off at the station.
- Perhaps you were mistaken.
- No! Excuse me, please.
I must go.
Perhaps I'M mistaken.
Perhaps I imagined the whole thing.
That attendant is clearly hiding something.
Now, Sir Jeremy, it's cocktail time.
No one will deprive me of my Pernod this time.
I told them nothing.
- How do I know that's true? - Believe me! Those fools will be sorry they set foot on the train.
Twice in Paris they outwitted me, but I am setting a trap that not even Lady Penelope can escape from.
OK, Father.
And when you get to Anderbad, land on hill GF/0.
From there you should see Penelope's train as it emerges from the tunnel.
Say, that's some length of tunnel.
Must be lonely inside that mountain.
- 'Any news from Penelope? ' - No.
She'll be enjoying the trip.
Later on, I'll have another word with that attendant.
Very well, Sir Jeremy.
But for now, let's forget it and drink our coffee.
Oh, I say! What's this? (Groans) - 'Parker, how are you progressing? ' - Very well, m'lady.
I'm on schedule.
I saw your train from the summit of the 'ighway ten minutes ago.
'We spoke to the attendant, but he's too frightened to tell us anything.
'Anyway, he has disappeared now.
I'm retiring for the night, now.
' Very good, m'lady.
I trust you have everything you need? 'I do miss my usual cup of cocoa.
' I did hanticipate that, m'lady, so I slipped a hot flask of your favourite brand into your 'atbox.
- 'Thank you, Parker.
Good night.
' - Good night, m'lady.
I must w-warn them! I must stop the train.
Got to stop the train! - Coming in to land, Father.
- 'Welcome home, Son.
' Sorry there's no party to meet you after your leave.
We have a rescue in hand.
I hope I'll be able to help, too.
You see, Scott, we're converging at Anderbad from three directions.
Virgil is going to land here.
He'll rendezvous with Parker, who's coming down highway Q44.
Penelope will reach Anderbad through the tunnel.
- When will Virgil get there? - He'll radio in to tell me that.
It looks well organised.
I'm sorry this happened when I was on vacation.
Don't worry, Son.
Gordon needed a change from underwater rescues.
(Bleep) - Go ahead, Virgil.
- 'All going to plan.
'We'll arrive after dawn and take up our position on hill G-F-zero.
'Parker is proceeding to Anderbad ahead of Penelope's train.
'He expects to arrive soon after us, and before Penelope.
' Good.
Well, nothing much can happen before that train gets to Anderbad.
- What's the matter? - Someone was listening at my door.
Come along quietly so that we don't wake anyone up.
Good evening, Madame.
Can I help you? Oh! Er we are looking for our attendant.
We haven't seen him since dinner.
I am your new attendant, Madame.
I'll be taking care of you for the rest of the journey.
Then what did you want with my suitcase? I was ascertaining which passengers would be getting off at Anderbad.
(Chuckles) Alfred was careless.
He forgot to leave a passenger list.
Well, Madame et Monsieur, if there are no more questions, I shall bid you a good night! Now, where have I heard that voice? Wait, Parker may be able to tell you.
'Leave your monitor on telecall.
Sir Jeremy will speak to the attendant.
'Tell me if this is the man you saw leaving the Paris archives.
' Very well.
- You rang, Monsieur? - Yes, that's right.
I'd like to order breakfast for the morning.
'I want orange juice, 'cereal with sugar, some eggs and bacon 'and coffee with cream.
Is that clear? ' 'Perfectly, Monsieur.
' - Well? - 'That's him, m'lady.
' That's a great view of the railroad.
There's the end of the tunnel.
- That's where the train will emerge.
- Look! Here comes Parker.
We're nearly at Anderbad.
We should be entering the tunnel soon.
The train is due, Parker.
You'd better go to the station.
Something is happening.
There must have been a power failure.
(Man) You are right, Lady Penelope.
There HAS been a power failure.
Now, come with me, please.
Quickly! - When do we start? - Relax, will you? We can't do anything until Lady Penelope gets here.
(Beep) Maybe that's Parker.
'Lady Penelope's train is going to be late.
- 'There's been a power failure.
' - That doesn't sound good.
Find out exactly where that train is and report back.
(Bleeping) Virgil? 'The train's had a breakdown in the tunnel.
' Right, Virgil.
- Stand by with the Monobright.
- 'Yes, Father.
' Penelope would radio in if there were trouble.
The tunnel is under the Alpine Belt.
Radio waves couldn't penetrate it.
'Father, the train reached Anderbad, 'but Lady Penelope and Sir Jeremy are not on it! ' - Not on it?! - Where did the break-down occur? - '17 miles from Anderbad.
' - You'd better go find them.
Now that you've got us here, what do you intend to do? Firstly, welcome to my subterranean headquarters.
From here, I control the traffic in the Anderbad tunnel.
My colleague has only to switch off the current and the Transcontinental Rocket is thrown out of action.
A useful trick, but dangerous if used too often.
I suppose this is how you kidnapped Prof.
When I saw that you suspected me, I was tempted to hurl you from the train, just as I disposed of that attendant, Alfred.
But you will be much more useful to me here.
Borinder! - Thank heaven you're safe! - Sir Jeremy! How did you find me? - Borinder, who is this blackguard? - Forgive me, Sir Jeremy.
I am Dr Godber.
You, have never heard of me, but I know much about you, and the amazing discovery you made, along with Prof.
He was present at the Paris conference last week and knows about our experiments.
The conversion of sea water into fuel - a brilliant achievement, gentlemen, and one which I intend to make use of.
You will NEVER get us to give you the formula! Never! With you, I have so far failed, Professor, But now that I have captured the lovely Lady Penelope, I can make you and Sir Jeremy talk.
- How far into the tunnel do we go? - 17 miles, so let's step on it.
- When is the express due? - Relax! We've got the place to ourselves.
I wish we knew where Penelope and Sir Jeremy are.
They can't have gone far.
Now, gentlemen, you see that I really mean business, perhaps you will tell me the details of your formula.
Never! Even if we told you, - what good would it do you? - A great deal of good.
It would make me the richest man in the world.
All right, Rouche, lower the ladder.
You barbaric fiend! All we have to do is wait for the express to pass.
It should be entering the tunnel in nine minutes.
Hey, there's another one.
There seem to be a lot of these ventilation shafts.
- Should we look in them? - No.
Listen, even if you had our formula, it would be useless without our equipment in Paris.
I'll worry about that later.
Our experiments are in the early stages.
I said this in Paris.
could pollute the seas.
It could have terrible consequences.
You're asking us to risk too much.
Enough! How long until the train enters the tunnel? - What does he mean about the seas? - Answer my question! Six minutes.
Hello, Father.
There's no sign of Virgil and Gordon.
- All right, Alan.
Be patient.
- I'll go up that tunnel.
No! You're needed where you are.
We can't risk any more lives.
I could fly there in a few hours.
But the express will be there in just minutes.
Express train approaching tunnel now.
Express now in the tunnel.
(Rumble of distant train) Godber, stop this train! Cut the power and we'll talk this over.
Certainly, Sir Jeremy.
Just tell me your formula, and I shall willingly cut the power.
Cut the engine! Can you hear anything? (Distant rumbling grows stronger) The express.
The echo makes it seem near.
(Gordon) How far have we come? (Virgil) 0ver 16 miles.
They must be here somewhere! I wonder how far away that is.
I wonder how far away that is.
Right, let's see what's around that bend.
(Rouche) Train now four minutes away.
(Dr Godber) Soon, I shall have to turn off the lights.
Nobody must see us from the train.
They may catch a glimpse of Lady Penelope, of course, but by then it will be too late to stop.
Listen to reason, Godber.
The fuel formula would be useless to you.
Cut the girl down and we'll explain it to you back in Paris.
Two minutes.
Godber! We implore you, spare this young girl! It's too late! My plan has failed.
I shall have to leave Lady Penelope to her fate.
(Gunshots) Rouche, stop the train! Stop the train! (Gunshots continue) That means we can't stop the train! Borinder! Get up.
Come over here with your back to me.
Move! OK, I'll give you ten seconds to throw your gun down and come out with your hands up.
Five seconds.
Hurry, or I'll push Borinder in front of the express.
Four! Three! Two! (Gunshot) (Sir Jeremy) Here she comes! Still nothing, Father.
'Nothing has left the tunnel except the express - 20 minutes ago.
- 'Looks like something went wrong.
' - What could have? - Five more - 'Hold it! ' I spoke too soon, Father.
'They're 0K.
'It looks like another rescue operation is successfully completed.
' (Distant violin music) (Alan) A fine thing! My first night in Paris, EVER, and I'm serenaded with geepsy museec! Now, that will do, Alan! I don't get it.
All the other fellas pushed off to the Folies.
Why not ME? You're too young.
Parker is going to take us to the best nightclub in town.
I hear he does a good rhumba.
(Car horn) Ah! Here's Parker.
Darling! You look wonderful! Tin Tin! How did Y0U get here? You father thought she deserved a vacation.
We'd better get going or we'll miss the floor show.
Penelope, you haven't touched your Pernod.
Y-yes, well The last time I had a Pernod here, I was just raising it to my lips, when "bang!" - Another adventure.
- Let's see what happens this time.
(Explosion) (Sir Jeremy) By Jove! (Alan) Tin Tin, look at that one! (Tin Tin) How beautiful! By Jove, Penelope! Did you see that one? 0h, I say! (Lady Penelope) How lovely! - 0h, look! - I've never seen anything like it!
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