Thundercats (2011) s01e12 Episode Script

Into the Astral Plane

Thundercats Season 1 Episode 12 Into the Astral Plane Original air date November 18, 2011 Additional resyncing for WebDL by Zergrinch I'm excited we're going back to the elephant village.
I can't wait to see Aburn.
Like he'll even remember you.
What's so great about that place, anyways? I guess it just feels like home.
We'll be home when we get to El Darra.
So the Spirit Stone's been in that blasted hut all along? Not exactly.
It's in the Astral Plane.
And where on Third Earth are the Astral Planes? It's not on Third Earth at all, Panthro.
The Astral Plane is a Spirit Realm.
The hut is just a gateway in.
Is it in the village, or isn't it? It is, and it isn't.
It took a while, but I finally got the hang of this thing.
I knew you would.
There was a reason the Sword chose you.
It's probably the same reason she's going to choose me.
And just like the Sword, one more thing you don't deserve.
No running! Only cats with proper seals past this point.
Who goes there? Can you tell me where the clerics reside? I'm sorry.
I don't speak gibberish.
Never mind.
I'll find it myself.
You're fast.
You can talk.
Y-you're not supposed to be here without the proper seal of-- You going to turn me in? It's this way.
What do you want with the clerics, anyway? I'm here to join.
It's been my dream since I was a cub.
Don't get your hopes up.
They only take the best.
I mean, good luck.
Who seeks to enter this clerisy? State your name and clan.
My name is Cheetara of I don't have a clan.
Because I'm the fastest cat you'll ever meet.
Prove it.
If you can make it through these speed traps unscathed, we might consider your training.
You are, indeed, quick.
Perhaps too quick.
The final trap was a test of patience.
Speed is a state of body.
Patience is a state of mind.
You have great prowess in the former, but as for the latter Please! You can't! I've got nowhere else! No one else! I'm not leaving until you let me in.
You hear me? I'm staying right here.
By Thundera! The Elephant Village! What happened? Sword of Omens, give me Sight Beyond Sight.
We're too late.
The Lizards have found the hut.
You leather-eared pacifists said the Stone would be here.
Said what would be where? That fabled elephant memory.
The only thing in that hut was this broom.
The broom! We've been looking for that.
Give me what I came for.
And that would be The Stone! Oh, that.
Well, have you checked the hut? Perhaps you need a reminder of the Stone's importance.
Anything to say now? Why, yes.
Thank you.
Excuse me? You've really opened up the view.
Our garden will get more sunlight, too.
You have until the Third Moonrise to remember.
Then, I start culling the herd.
We need to go about this delicately.
He's got hostages.
Aburn? What are you thinking, Lion-O? Let's wait until nightfall.
Use stealth.
Are you kidding? We can't waste time waiting for the right window.
We should move in now.
I say we take the tank.
It's our only chance against their firepower.
Why do you have to challenge every command I make, Tygra? Because I was the one who actually studied military strategies with Father while you goofed off.
The tank can't make it.
Besides, I've always considered stealth to be your greatest strength.
No wonder I've always been invisible to you.
Have to hold on.
Please, go home.
You're wasting your time.
Still here? It seems you can show patience after all.
The clerics accept you, Cheetara of the Thundercats.
You may enter.
Ever since we were cubs, Tygra's fought me at every turn.
Tigers are known for their pride.
It goes deeper than that.
There's always been some kind of darkness in him.
Probably because he's been in his younger brother's shadow all his life.
It's time.
Let's move.
Still think we need the tank.
The Third Moon is rising.
Are you ready to talk? I love a good discussion.
Any topic in particular? Very well.
Since you have more than tried my patience Start with Aburn! Aburn! We have to do something! Kit, wait! No one touches my friend.
Hey, it's Kit! And look, you brought Linus and your friends.
Guess he does remember us.
Weapons on the ground, or the grass-eater gets it.
I assure you, I won't miss a target this big.
General? Traitor.
At last, the Sword falls into worthy hands.
Of course, it's not what I came here for.
Where is the Spirit Stone? Have you checked the hut? You may be prepared for your death, but are you prepared for theirs? I don't know where it is.
And yet, you came back to the village.
Wipe out the entire herd.
My turn, Lion-O.
I'll tell you.
If you say it's in the hut It's not in the hut, it's through it.
In the Astral Plane.
If the hut is just a doorway, then how do we open it? With a key.
And you know full well I'm the only one here who can use it.
Don't do anything foolish.
Ho! Incredible.
Prepare a party to enter.
But first, kill them all.
No! I don't believe it! Me, either.
Who said he could drive my tank? Thunder Thunder Thunder Thundercats, ho! You're mine, Grune.
Stop him.
Dragged myself out of a pit and nearly starved to death wandering the desert to get at you.
You think a few lizards are going to keep you safe? I'm afraid this will have to wait for another day.
I can see when the odds are not in my favor.
Finding the Stone will not be easy.
The Astral Plane is unlike anything you've ever encountered.
There, thought itself is formed into reality.
I can do this.
I believe in you.
I'm going with you.
This mission's too important for you to handle alone.
Thanks, but I don't need your help.
Funny, because I already saved your tail once today.
I sense a negative energy between you two.
Yeah, ever since we were cubs.
After you.
There is one thing I must tell you.
I see something a vision.
By evening bell tomorrow, you will know a betrayal from your brother like you have never known.
We don't always get along, but he wouldn't betray me.
Anet's visions are never wrong.
Never? March toward your death, Thundercats, for in the Astral Plane, Mumm-Ra is all-powerful.

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