ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Working Grrrl

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped
face and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra,
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Ready. Set. Go!
[crowd cheering]
We love you, Cheetara.
[whoops] Go, Cheetara!
- What is this? What are we watching?
- The race.
What race? It's one person
running in circles.
After this race, Cheetara will be
declared mayor of our village.
Bolkin law is determined
by speed,
because we are so slow.
She'll be your mayor?
[announcer] And the winner
is Mayor Cheetara.
Of course she won. She was
the only one on the track.
Can I have your autograph?
You got it.
Anything for my fans.
Excuse me! Cheetara,
I was wondering,
how can I be as fast as you?
You're rocking that t-shirt, girl.
- What's your name?
- JanJan.
Well, I'll tell you
a secret, JanJan.
If you work really, really hard
and train every single day
for a really long time
It won't matter. You will
never be as fast as me.
I am the best
at being fast.
- Aw
- But that's okay.
You don't have to be
the fastest to be like me.
You just have to be the best
at something.
But what can I be the best at?
Hmm You could be the best
Cheetara fan ever.
Oh, yeah! This is my
entire identity now!
- Yeah, it is.
- Whoa, Cheetara.
Your words really inspired me.
What thing can I be best at?
Uh, being Lord
of the ThunderCats?
Oh, yeah, I am great at that.
Please. Mayor Cheetara
must now run victory laps.
Or how about you run
for re-election?
It's Monkian.
ThunderCats, get him!
I don't think
he wants to fight.
I think this slowpoke
is challenging me to a race.
That's right. I am so much
faster than Cheetara.
I should be Bolkin Mayor.
That's a challenge, folks.
The race for mayor is on.
Here, hold this.
[all] Yay! Cheetara!
I don't know what you think you're
accomplishing here, Monkian,
but I'll be happy
to trounce you in a
[Monkian] Eat my dust!
Wow. He's fast.
Finally, some competition.
Coming through. Not bad,
but you'll never [gasps]
Oh, no, you don't.
Wow. Races are more
exciting with two people.
When did Monkian get so fast?
Keep it up.
But you'll never get me.
That's it.
No more holding back.
Time for sonic speed.
Oh! [laughs]
[all] Ah!
But I am supposed
to be the fastest.
Oh, yeah!
Looks like this town's
got a new mayor. [kisses]
Not if we can help it.
ThunderCats HO!
[all] Ow.
Leave Monkian alone.
He's a bad guy.
How dare you speak ill
of our beloved Monkian.
That's more like it.
Now, for my first
official act
as mayor
of the Bolkin village,
I hereby decree
no stinking ThunderCats
[all jeering]
I am supposed to be
the fastest.
[Monkian laughing]
Ah, man,
this is awful.
Monkian is a terrible mayor.
Move those rocks!
Move those bears.
Move those bricks.
Move those me.
Yeah, but the Bolkin's
picked him.
We can't just go around
forcing our will on people
'cause we think we know
what's best for them.
Sure, but can't we?
I'll tell you what we can do.
"Push it."
[music playing]
If Cheetara wants to win
the big rematch with Monkian
she's got to push it
to the extreme.
She's got to push it
to the max ♪
- Push it ♪
- Oh, yeah! ♪
Push it, push it ♪
She's got to push
it to the
Thanks, but no thanks
on the training montage, guys,
I don't run anymore.
Wait. What about all the stuff
you told to the Bolkins?
"It doesn't matter if you're
the fastest" Remember?
I also said it matters
that you're best at something.
If I can't be the best
at being fast,
I have to be the best
at something else.
- Here we go.
- [beeps]
- Are you a business-minded young person?
- [man] Business.
Then come join the exciting
world of business.
[man] Business.
Hmm, business. I could
be good at business.
In fact, I will be
good at business.
Okay, it's decided.
I am leaving to begin
my new life
as the best business person ever.
Catch you later.
That's my computer.
So anyways, what made you wanna
come to work at Business Corp?
Because, sir, I am
a business person now.
And this is a business.
Cool. So you'll start down
here in the mail room.
If you do a good job,
you'll get a promotion.
[woman] Welcome to the Thunderian
Business Academy on
[tape fast forwarding]
Congratulations, today, you
truly are a business person.
I know how to business now.
You! Start moving
into free-standing form modules.
You, start separating packages
based on size, weight
and date.
You, get me a latte.
On it.
- Wow, do you just want my job?
- Yes.
Oh, man, who would've
ever guessed,
me, Cheetara, working
9:00 to 5:00.
Actually, our typical
workday's 10:00 to 6:00.
Working 10:00 to 6:00 ♪
That's the hours
That I'm working ♪
Doing business things ♪
I'm the greatest
business person ♪
Making business graphs for
my business presentations ♪
Got a brand-new desk 'cause I'm
business world's sensation ♪
I wonder how Cheetara is doing on
her first day as a business person.
She left the Cats' lair,
like, three-hours ago.
She probably hasn't even
filled out an application yet.
All right, ThunderCats. We're
nearing the Bolkin village.
[Panthro] Whoa!
Monkian really did
a number on this place.
Come on, if we wanna get by
the guard
we gotta play it cool.
Hey, hey, hey.
You guys ain't the
ThunderCats, are you?
- Who are they?
- Yes!
We are the ThunderCats.
Third Earth's mightiest
[all exclaim]
[all groaning]
Sorry if I'm proud
of who we are.
We need to get in there.
We need to figure out
how Monkian
got so fast
all of a sudden.
Psst. ThunderCats.
Over here!
Oh, no, little JanJan.
You've got Monkian-mania, too?
Nah-uh. I am still
the number one Cheetara fan.
[all cheering]
I can sneak you in.
But you're gonna need
Ooh, disguises.
Ugh, disguises.
Ladies and gentle-jerks.
Put your dumb hands together,
for the Monkian Speedstunt
Agh, too much
production value.
Quiet. We love Monkian.
We watch all his shows.
And not just because he
chains us to the seats
and shoots lasers in our eyes
so we never fall asleep.
Now, everyone,
look how fast I am.
[kisses and whoops]
You guys looking?
Hey, look at me.
Look, I am going through
fire hoops.
Come on, these shows don't last long.
Let's get to his trailer.
[whispering] Great.
Here we go.
[all exclaiming in disgust]
[WilyKit] How did he do that
to the ceiling?
Check it out. A safe.
Guys, I got to be honest.
This is starting to feel
a little invasive.
Is it really ethical to undermine
the Bolkin's choice of leader?
- Even if we don't
- Hey, Panthro,
it's cool if you are not strong
enough to bust the safe.
You shut your
dirty face, Tygra.
I am the strongest ever!
[gasps] Speed potion.
- Monkian is a cheater.
- [door opens]
I think I am losing
a little steam.
Better take
another swig of
Hey! What are you ThunderCats doing here?
Now, give me that potion.
[laughs] I got it.
No, I got it.
- No, you don't.
- Get off me.
Pretty slow. You could
probably use another sip.
That's what
I am trying to do.
Oh, come on, get it.
What's the matter?
[laughs] Yeah!
[laughs] Bolo whip,
never ceases to
No, you don't.
So close.
Nice catch, me.
I've had enough of this.
Hmm. I should probably move.
- Mine. [grunts]
- I'll take this.
- I'll get you.
- Oh, yeah?
Somebody catch it.
Here comes WilyKat
to save the day.
Now this is a show.
- Thanks.
- That's what being a ThunderCat is
Give it here.
[coughs] Hey,
where'd she go?
Whoa, slick move, WilyKat.
Oh, whoops, my bad.
Got you. Now,
hand it over.
- Hand what over?
- Sorry.
Hmm. Aah
Almost got it.
Oh, no, you don't.
- Mine. My face!
- Coming through.
Come hither.
- Got it. Hold on, WilyKat.
- [grunts]
Oh, man. I'm good.
This is fun and easy.
Wait. What do I do?
How about you give
that to me?
Oops. Put her down, Monkian.
Why would I do that?
She got my potion back for me.
She must be
my number one fan.
No way.
Cheetara forever!
Cheetara? Sorry, squirt.
She's old news.
[engine revving]
Attention. The Monkian
Speedstunt Spectacular
is now the exclusive property
of Cheetara Corp.
And we're shutting it down
to build a parking lot.
Cheetara, what are you
talking about?
What, no!
That can't be right.
When did I even sign this?
Hello, I am a business man.
Will you sign this contract
legally declaring you super-cool?
Yeah, of course.
Ha! I beat you
at business.
Because I'm the best
at business.
I knew you'd come back,
I couldn't forget about
my biggest fan.
That's bad business.
You even have a copyright
on my name?
I can't call myself
Monkian anymore?
That's right, Stinko,
which is now your legal name.
Hey, everyone.
Cheetara saved us.
And guess what,
it turns out Stinko
was cheating with magic.
Cheetara was always
the fastest.
Let's make her mayor again.
And as my first act as Mayor
No cheaters allowed.
[all] Yay! Cheetara.
[indistinct chatter]
Looks like you can say
goodbye to business now.
Nope, I am gonna be the fastest
and keep my company.
I'm the best
at two things now.
But I should get someone for
me to fill in at the office.
JanJan, do you want to be the
acting CEO of Cheetara Corp?
Yeah! This is
my entire identity now.
Yeah, it is.
[both whooping]
Working 10:00 to 6:00
For my business presentations ♪
Got a brand-new desk 'cause I'm
business world's sensation ♪
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