Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e12 Episode Script

El penal de la torre

Why have you come to Tierra de Lobos?
To find the father of my child.
You told me you loved me.
You bastard!
- Calm down.
You were only after
my father's money.
I never saw her
before in my life.
Please leave.
To the gallows!
He's been arrested.
How do they know it was him?
- They heard them arguing.
What kind of trap have you set for Cesar?
You couldn't let us be happy?
Don't kid yourself.
I don't like anything about you.
And as far as I'm concerned,
you have no future here.
They found me soaked in her blood.
Cesar, you didn't do anything.
I'm getting you out of here.
With the eldest Bravo in jail,
the younger one won't last long.
And La Quebrada will
remain empty once again.
Fernando must be
turning over in his grave.
Tell Anibal to make
me his right hand man.
If you don't, I'll tell
your father what I know.
How could Lobo do that, Roman?
So Lobo isn't a murderer
but my brother is?
Cesar Bravo isn't the
man you think he is.
He's a premeditated murderer.
Roman, what are you going to do?
I'm going to save Cesar.
That's crazy and you know it,
they'll kill you.
If you ever try to
fuck with me again
I swear, you'll wish
you had died here today.
I have a task for you.
It's important.
They're going to release Cesar Bravo.
- They're going to free that murderer?
I'm not going to stand idly.
If they can't do justice.
We will.
I'm innocent!
Thanks for making my job easier.
A mob tried to lynch him.
Did they kill him?
- No.
His brother managed to free him.
They fled.
Wait for me on the crossroad.
- Cesar!
I didn't kill that woman.
I swear it.
- I know you didn't do it.
(Gun cocks)
I knew you'd come
back for her.
I'm turning you in
to the Prison Tower.
Cesar Bravo.
For the crime of murder you are hereby
sentenced to death by "garrote vil".
You will spend your last days
in the Prison Tower
until execution.
Don't stop!
Get in there.
love you.
Ay, ay, ay!
You're so strong.
What are you doing?
- I'm going to the Prison Tower.
No one can visit Cesar.
I'm not visiting.
I'm getting him out of there.
I won't let them kill him.
How, by force?
- We'll see.
Listen, there's only one way
to get him out of there.
We have to prove that Cesar
couldn't have killed that woman.
They'll have to let him go.
- How do you plan to do that?
With your help,
ingenuity and science.
They're going to execute my
brother the day after tomorrow.
We must return to the crime scene.
Roman, trust me.
Keep walking, murderer!
Go on!
- I'm not a murderer.
Get in!
Murderer of women!
So, you're not a murderer.
We're all innocent in here.
Aren't we, boys?
Come on!
You must get up, Almudena.
They sentenced him
to death, Tata.
Get up already. Don't you see
if father comes it'll be worse?
Is it really worth it?
You saw what he did.
Leave me alone.
What makes you so sad?
That someone innocent is dead
or that a murderer is in jail?
Let her stay in bed
- This doesn't concern you.
Cesar didn't harm anyone.
And they're going to kill him.
- That's not what the judge said.
I don't care, what the judge said.
I know he's innocent.
Are you getting up?
Or do I have to drag you
out of bed by force?
- Father.
Come on!
Come on, come on.
Come on!
Do you think this will work?
- A crime, always leaves traces.
Objects are like a map of the past.
I don't understand a thing.
Come on, let's go.
What are you doing here?
Have you no shame?
We need to see the room
where the woman was killed.
Go, leave already.
Don't get upset.
It will only take a moment.
Let us see the room.
No one will go in there.
If you only knew what it's taken me to
clean all that blood. I still have nausea.
You fool.
That was the evidence.
What evidence!
Get out.
After what Cesar did,
you ought to leave this town.
- Roman.
It was all a trap.
Cesar would never harm a woman.
- You didn't see what I saw.
When I went in there, it seemed like
the devil himself had been in that room.
Get out!
Or I'll call the Civil Guard!
(Lashes and screaming)
That's my spot.
That is also my spot.
I don't want any trouble.
Then, don't sit on my spot.
Boys,today we eat meat!
You will see what we
do to the new ones.
Come on.
- Kill him!
Kill him!
Leave him to me!
The new guy is mine.
Come on!
Out of the way.
How should we settle this?
Come here, you bastard.
Can you do me a favor
and eat a little?
Answer, when you're spoken to.
- I'm not eating.
You can't help anyone this way.
You'll only make yourself sick.
I won't punish you for earlier,
let's forget it.
You've had bad luck,
I know it.
Bad luck?
I lost Cesar because of you.
You didn't lose anything.
You have your whole life ahead of you.
Don't waste it.
You should take care of yourself.
I will not marry Felix.
No one is to blame for what happened.
Take me to a convent,
if you want.
Beat me.
I don't care. Nothing you
can do to me can force me.
I've given my word, and you'll
marry him one way or the other.
You have no word.
I'm not afraid of you anymore.
Don't take your eyes off of her.
I fear she might do
something crazy.
It still smells like blood.
Don't touch anything.
Watch the door,
so no one comes in.
It's bitter.
I wish I had a laboratory!
Possible remains of a narcotic substance.
- Those bastards!
A feather.
Possibly belonged to the victim.
But this proves nothing.
- Don't touch it.
What is this?
Looks like a spur tip.
There's dried blood on the tip.
When it got stuck,
there was already blood on the floor.
There's also blood on top of it.
This can only mean one thing.
I don't know,
but tell me already.
It broke during the crime. Don't you see?.
- No, I don't see it.
Does Cesar wear spurs?
- No.
I would bet my life that this
belongs to the real murderer.
(Door opens)
What are you doing here?
Calm down!
Don't talk at once!
This belongs to the murderer.
My brother doesn't wear spurs!
Don't yell at me.
And no more hassles.
If it only had blood
it would've gotten
stuck after the crime.
If it had it above,
then before the crime.
But it has blood above
and underneath.
Which indicates that it
got broken during the crime.
Don't you see?
He doesn't see it.
I'll explain it.
You woke me up from
my nap for this?
Someone in this town is
missing the tip of a spur.
And that someone is the murderer.
- That's insane!
The thing is that these two came
into my house through the window.
Is that true?
- Yes.
To prove my brother's innocence.
With this? Come on!
They're killing an innocent man.
and you don't give a shit, right?
The fate of your
brother has been cast.
Better get used to the idea.
Now get out of here.
You're lucky not to sleep
in the dungeon! Get out!
This is absurd.
Completely absurd!
You're not doing anything?
- Herminia, please.
They killed Manuel in Portugal.
And Raul.
Roman and I were
the only ones left.
So I decided to sit
still for a while.
Not too still.
They sentenced you to death.
I'm innocent.
I was arrested in the Monegros.
I've been here for three years
without seeing my daughter.
Are you here for robbery?
I'm guilty. But I swear,
that bastard deserved it.
We have to get out of here.
No, forget about getting out.
Get that out of your head.
No one gets out of here.
You don't get it.
- Of course I get it.
You don't know what it's like
to have a daughter out there.
I'd give up my life
to see her again.
But I have to forget her.
To survive in here, one must forget.
I can't forget.
The only way to get
out of here
is dead.
What's wrong?
I need your help.
I have no one else.
Who calls at this hour?
It's ok, father.
Go back to sleep.
Come in.
What do you want?
We found the tip of a
spur from the killer.
What are you talking about?
- Proof.
Cesar didn't kill her.
It's nice that you want to help your
brother, but you have to leave it alone.
No, Lobo set him up.
Lobo may be a lot of things,
but he isn't a murderer of women.
Very well.
Then help me find out.
What do I have to do?
Look for a broken
spur in Lobo's house.
No, no, you're crazy.
I'm not going there.
Do you know what
you're asking of me?
Elena, please.
You have to help me.
I can't ask anyone else.
They all hate us in this town.
And if I set foot in that
house, they'll kill me.
Where were you?
Around, thinking.
Where's my stud?
I think you had something to do
with my stud's disappearance.
Who told you that?
It doesn't matter who.
Did you steal my stud.
I did.
I have served you well.
Why did you do this to me?
Because I can't understand that
idea of becoming independent.
I spent all my savings
on that animal.
I won't allow you to waste your
time trying to be a little rancher.
There are more important things.
I'll be the one to decide that!
How many times have I told you
that you're like a son to me?
Someday you'll be in
charge of all this.
I can't believe you're
unable to see that yet.
I need you, Anibal.
You could've told
me that before.
And I wouldn't have
bought the animal.
Well, now you know.
(Door squeaking)
What are you doing here?
You invited me to come
whenever I wanted, right?
And, the truth is,
that I was a bit rude.
I came to thank you for what
you've done for Miguelito.
But now I feel embarrassed.
Don't worry, you don't
have to thank me.
I'm sorry, I don't know
what wrong with me.
I do.
Come to dinner tomorrow.
I can't.
Day after tomorrow?
I'm not sure if this
- Don't worry.
My daughters will be there.
And when you come
try making it to
the dining room.
Take the young
lady back to town.
If you'll please
Good morning, Mr. Mayor.
- Mr. Lobo.
Good morning, father.
- Mr. Lobo.
This way, please.
Anything new in town?
Fortunately, all is in order.
The water finally returns to normal.
Now we only have to set
a date for the wedding.
Because there will be a wedding, right?
- Of course.
But we'll wait until
after the execution.
You didn't know?
Cesar Bravo will be executed tomorrow.
- Poor devil.
It's me, Elena.
What happened?
Did they see you?
- No.
They didn't see me.
And Lobo was
very nice to me.
I have to have dinner with him.
- With him?
Yes, with him.
Everything has a price.
You wanted information
and I'm giving it to you.
Or, are you no
longer interested?
Promise me you will remain calm.
I promise.
It's Anibal.
I knew it was one of them!
You promised me.
Calmly. Very calmly
I'm shooting him seven
times in his fucking face.
You can't!
Is that revenge for your brother?
- Move.
Only Anibal knows the truth. If he dies then
- Ok, very well.
Then, I'll cut off his fingers until he talks.
- I'm leaving.
You won't achieve
anything that way.
He must confess without realizing it.
Everything is here.
Cesar, stop thinking about it.
Don't torture yourself.
I'm getting out of here.
What did I say?
There are more then 20 guards.
And even if you
make it outside
you'd never reach town alive.
We all have to die, somehow.
- Chow!
We all have die.
Quick, he's escaping!
Get him off!
Get him off of me!
Stop or I'll shoot!
Don't move!
I see you finally
got out of bed.
You wanted something?
I want you to prevent them,
from killing Cesar.
Why would I do such a thing?
Because I'm going
to marry Felix.
You'll marry him,
like it or not.
How many times do I
have to tell you?
That's if I live to
see the wedding.
Enough of talking nonsense.
You know that I'm serious.
You won't be able to stop me.
If you save him,
I'll forget Cesar forever.
You'll have a perfect
daughter again.
I'll be the most radiant bride.
You could invite the entire town.
- I'm not a judge.
How do you expect me
to stop the execution?
Don't make me laugh, father.
You have contacts,
people owe you favors.
You've made far more
difficult things happen.
You'll have to make an effort.
I'll do nothing of a kind.
Then, instead of a wedding,
start preparing a funeral.
What did you do to my brother?
Who was it? Who killed her?
Look me in eye and tell me you
had nothing to do with it.
Turn around and leave
the way you came.
They're killing your brother.
You want to die too?
Anibal, let him go.
You've had enough.
You should've left when
you had the chance.
His death will weigh on your
conscience, I swear it!
Take him to the Civil Guard!
Sons of bitches!
(Door opens)
I'll kill anyone who moves!
I bring dinner.
That's what you call dinner?
- Shut up, Trujillo.
It's your last supper.
Death awaits you.
Dine well, because tomorrow
you'll have breakfast in hell.
Let's go.
Ahem, what do you want?
Release the youngest Bravo.
- He didn't do anything.
He was disorderly and assaulted
the customers. Is that nothing?
Because he's desperate.
Elena, why do you insist
in complicating your life?
It's a personal favor.
A personal favor?
Ah, of course.
There's something between
you and the kid.
I didn't say that.
- But I understand.
You're very lonely.
The winter is long and hard.
You need someone to
keep you warmin bed.
Why would I release that wretch?
He has to go get his brother's
body at the prison.
The fine for public
disorder is 2 pesetas.
I hope I don't regret this.
- I'll see to it that you don't.
Choose your friends
more carefully.
You're free to go.
- It's a warning.
Let's go.
Thank you, Chief.
Eat something.
My father always told me:
"Cesar, never stop fighting
for what you believe in".
We have to get out of here.
Where are you headed?
- Good day, Sir.
We come for the
execution of Cesar Bravo.
Oh my God!
I'm Roman Bravo, his brother.
Search him.
He's clean.
- Let him in.
Get back, you can't stay here.
Be brave, Cesar. What awaits
you can't be worse than this!
Shut up!
Bravo walking.
(Clock ticking)
(Wolf howling)
(Crow cawing)
"A Bravo can't be hunted"
"What if I don't help and
leave you there all night?"
"We have a spring, Roman!"
"Our own spring!"
"I love you, brother"
"Almudena Lobo,
will you marry me?".
I'm staying here.
Don't even think of
doing something stupid.
What are you doing here?
Has something happened?
- Don't get any closer.
You must forget about me.
They're going to execute me.
You'll spend 25 years
doing hard labor.
Then, you will be free.
Everything will be ok.
You'll see.
They'll let me go.
If they don't let me go, I'll escape
and I'll come get you.
Promise me that you'll
forget about me.
That you won't come looking
for me when you get out.
You can't do this to me.
Look at me.
Look at me!
And tell me that
you don't love me.
Goodbye, Cesar.
Let's go!
Come on!
Take care of yourself.
Get him up.
Let's go.
Your brother's problems are over.
He rests in peace.
- He's alive.
He's delirious.
It's been too hard for him.
Let go of me.
They didn't execute him.
They commuted his sentence.
- What?
They commuted his sentence?
- They're letting him go?
Well, no but
He's doing hard labor.
Better than being dead.
They commuted his sentence!
- Did you see him?
They didn't let me.
The important thing is
that we have time.
Let's analyze the evidence.
We have the spur.
Andand the feather.
Let me see.
Lola, please, we're thinking.
We don't know who the feather belongs to.
Oh, a blue feather.
- That's funny!
The thing about the feather
I used to wear a feather like that,
at "The Blue Goose".
All the girls did.
At a brothel in Villaconejos.
I love you!
How do you feel?
If you want, we can go for a walk
to get some fresh air.
No, perhaps in a while.
You did what you had to.
If you had seen his face
when I told him to forget me
I broke him.
I couldn't even hold
him one last time.
Think about how he's alive,
thanks to you.
If not, he'd be in a mass grave.
I won't be able
to see him again.
Nor touch him.
Nor hear his voice, never.
Never, in my life.
I want to die.
We'll be with you.
You have to move forward.
Life's very long.
And anything can happen.
Everything was so strange.
There was something
strange in her eyes.
I didn't know what to tell her.
I have to get out of here.
They'll be watching us.
Let some time pass.
I don't have time.
Come on, Cesar, you've
always been a patient man.
I don't understand why
they didn't kill me.
The woman I was going to marry
comes to tell me she doesn't love me.
I have to get out of here
as soon as possible.
You'd be capable of anything
to get out of here, right?
Of anything.
What about you?
For my daughter, yes.
(Distant groans)
Tell me that you didn't intervene to
save Bravo from his execution.
I don't have to give you explanations.
- Why not? I'm the mayor!
This is a matter of public safety.
And you! You
Think about what you are going
to say before finishing that sentence.
Is everything okay?
Yes, everything is fine.
But stay, and pour us a drink.
The heat of the conversation
has led the mayor to raise his voice.
In this house,
we don't like shouting.
The animals get nervous.
And no one knows what could happen.
- Yes, I get the message.
But it isn't me whom
you should intimidate.
Can you calm down and
stop worrying about that man?
That man is still alive,
thanks to you.
He's in jail.
- Right.
You still don't know the Bravos.
He'll end up escaping
and coming back.
Listen to what I'm saying.
- Calm down.
Cesar Bravo won't get
out of that prison alive.
(Sheep baaing)
With a bit of luck, we'll
arrive in two hours.
Now all we have to do is
find that brothel. Huh, Lola?
Holy mother!
What's wrong?
I think I screwed up.
Define "screwed up".
- I think it's not in that town.
It's just that I remember them
calling it Villaconejos
but for another reason.
Let me think.
Lets see when they threw
us out of Villaluengo
we went to Loma.
And from Loma, we went to Soto.
So it must be in
That's it, it's in Arganda.
Arganda? That's in
the opposite direction.
We've wasted the day.
Well, so what?
I have a bad memory.
That's why I'm a prostitute.
If I had a good memory,
I'd be a pharmacist or an attorney.
But no
This is what you get.
If you want to go alone,
I can get off.
Come on, now.
- No.
Dress warmly, father,
this weather is treacherous.
Don't worry,
the lord protects me.
Here, father.
What's this?
You're the only one I can trust.
- Of course.
If something happens
to me, open it.
What could happen
to you, my child?
Do it, father.
Strange things have been
happening in this town.
You read my mind.
Does it seem normal that Cesar murders a
woman who was supposedly pregnant by him.
The body never appears,
and he's convicted.
And out of the blue,
they pardon him.
I see you're very talkative.
Hello, mother.
What were you talking about?
This is for you, Elena.
Thank you.
"Dear Elena, tonight you are
invited to have dinner with me".
"I will send a carriage
to fetch you at nine".
"Yours, Antonio Lobo".
What's that?
You see, Herminia.
What strange things happen.
Hello, father.
What brings you here?
Please, sit down.
There's an issue that I
can't get out of my mind.
What is it?
Tata, well, Miss Lidia
has spoken to me.
That's no news,
she visits the church often.
The truth is, she helps out a lot.
If it wasn't for her
I'll get to the point.
I get carried away and one
thing leads me to another.
I get lost and
To the point.
What have you come to tell me?
I thought you wanted
to ask me something.
I'll start.
Tata, well, Miss Lidia,
has spoken to me.
Do you think you can get past
that sentence before lunch?
She wants me to
hold on to this letter
to be read if something
happens to her.
And I thought that you
should know of its existence.
Have you read it?
Of course not.
What opinion do you have of me?
Give it to me.
How nice to see you.
- My best parishioner.
If only there were
more women like you.
May I
offer you a chocolate?
Two, Lidia.
Make that two chocolates.
What are you doing?
You have no right to search my room.
What would happen if I
threw you out of this house?
If I told you to leave
this very night?
You would live out of charity.
Where is the picture?
What picture?
Why did you give the priest
a letter filled with old stories
that no longer interest anyone?
I should've known,
he'd give it to you.
Where is the picture?
We've always gotten along.
Don't provoke me,
because you'll make me angry.
I said it very clearly.
You said Arganda
and we're in Arganda.
Nonsense, how can I name a
place that I didn't know existed?
I said Aranda.
Didn't I, Jean Marie?
- I don't know Aranda?
They sound the same.
I'm not a Spaniard.
Clearly not.
If you were a Spaniard,
you'd defend me in front of this boy.
Because the French;
much "parfum", much "toillete"
But no guts.
- "Sacrebleu!" I'm swiss!
I've told you a thousand times!
I don't know what I'm doing here
in the middle of nowhere.
In this country of illiterates.
With a crazy gunman
and a drunken prostitute!
Well, well, Jean Marie.
At least you have a bit of character.
- Calm down Frenchy.
We're tired and edgy.
So let's get some sleep, and
tomorrow we'll go to Aranda.
That's that.
Are you okay?
You're not going to shout?
Or get angry?
Or shoot your gun?
You're not even going to spit?
If it was up to me
I'd leave you both
tied to that tree.
But you're in luck.
I need you to help my brother.
Good night.
Let's sleep.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Why do we have to
get so dressed up?
Tuesday's like any other day.
We have few visitors.
When we do, it's an event.
I'm not to your stature.
I had nothing better to wear.
You're perfect.
Sit here, this is your place.
Thank you.
How nice, turkey!
- To what do we owe the pleasure?
Elena should've come
to eat with us long ago.
From now on,
she will do so, more often.
It's hard to find someone to have
a good conversation with.
And Elena is widely cultured.
Please, it's that your father
holds me in high esteem.
A virtue that would
be nice for you to learn.
Will we have the chance
to learn it from you?
You can learn many things from her.
Some very interesting.
Tell them gossip from Madrid.
They love that.
You shouldn't be here at this hour.
Have you noticed that in
Tierra de Lobos no one is happy?
Why do you say that?
We're all miserable here.
You shouldn't think that way.
Name one person who is happy.
Just one.
You see?
No one can have what they want, here.
And that's very sad.
You can get anything you want.
I assure you.
I miss you so much.
What are you doing?
Let's take Elena home.
Who goes there?
Relax, put that down.
You're Pedro, right?
I bring a message
from Tierra de Lobos.
It's a lot of money.
- So you won't fail.
Am I good or am I good?
Three wines.
To celebrate.
Someone must know Carmen.
They let pregnant women work here?
- Of course.
Some like it.
- It can't be true.
You're making that up.
To business. We must
have a drink with each girl.
Let's see if we can find out something.
This is the most absurd investigation.
Come on, guys.
(Distant groaning)
That dirty mother
What is it?
She's alive.
- Who?
The pregnant girl.
- No.
It's her, right?
You think?
Son of a
Looks like her, right?
Do you think?
- Yes.
She should take this every morning,
on an empty stomach.
What do you want?
Forgive me.
Forgive you?
For not loving you back.
How's everything?
My brother's in prison,
accused of your murder.
Did Lobo pay you?
Where's the belly you had
in Tierra de Lobos?
You're crazy.
Please, you have to come back with us,
so they can see that you're alive.
I'm not going anywhere.
You're coming,
if I have to drag you.
I haven't been anywhere.
I haven't left here in months.
You're confusing me.
You're coming with me, dammit!
Problem here?
They confused me
with someone else.
I wish you could feel something
similar to what I feel for you.
It's not easy being forced to
marry someone you don't know.
You told me that you
would make me love you.
Do it.
Make me love you.
- I've tried.
You didn't say you'd try,
you said you'd make it happen.
I'll do everything on my part.
I'll never have him.
I feel like an idiot.
You're not.
And if I tell you that I
want to be your wife
You will be the only
man in my life.
you no longer want to.
Then I'd
have no choice but to understand.
I only wish to make you happy.
But you've made it
very hard for me.
"Sa ga jera, Saga".
No, no, no!
"Saga" no.
I'll call you Carmen, huh?
No, no, no, no.
I said Carmen by chance.
Not because earlier
It's the only name
I could think of.
Come on, quick!
Good thing I was here.
You ask me for help.
And start complaining?
- Jean Marie!
Come on.
Come on, let's go.
Stop, stop!
- So, soy!
I think we should
get her out of there.
She isn't moving.
No way. If you get
distracted, she's gone.
But she won't be any
good to you dead.
No, she won't die.
All we had was a feather
and I solved the mystery.
I'm like a British inspector.
You have nothing to say?
"Lola, you're more
than a beautiful body".
"You are a genius".
Lola, you're a beautiful body
and a genius.
Come on.
Jean Marie.
It's your turn.
Um, you are a genius.
I can imagine Cesar's face!
And Mr. Lobo.
And all thanks to who?
To you, Lola.
Let's go.
- We can go now.
Son of a bitch!
What are you going to do?
What I should've
done a long ago.
I won't kill you out
of respect for your father.
But you're going
to learn a lesson.
Get up!
I came so you can take
me to see the calf.
Sure thing, princess.
What's wrong?
Come on.
I haven't done anything!
Sons of bitches!
Get down, big guy.
- Hold still!
- I haven't done anything!
Where are you taking me?
Come on!
- Where are you taking me?
Let go of me!
- Shut up!
Where are you taking me?
- Shut up!
What are you going to do to me?
- Shut up!
Stop screaming or I'll put my
fist in your mouth, you filth!
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
You hear me?
Where are you going?
You have a daughter, right, trash?
What happened to my girl?
Nothing yet.
She'll end up dead
or in a brothel, if she's lucky.
I'll do anything.
I'll give you an opportunity
to see her again.
Kill Cesar Bravo.
Think about it.
You don't have much time.
Come on!
(Woman crying)
Shut up.
You can't take me
to Tierra de Lobos.
You don't understand.
If you take me there,
I don't know what they'll do to me.
How sad.
How much did Lobo pay you
to destroy my brother's life?
How much?
A man told me he would
give me 100 pesetas.
100 pesetas?
I took the money and left.
I didn't know what
they'd do to him.
That son of a bitch!
I'm going to kill him!
They used you to
get rid of his brother.
They tortured him.
They almost killed him.
And now he's in
the Prison Tower.
For who knows how long.
And everything for falling
in love with Lobo's daughter.
Poor man.
I didn't know.
Untie her hands so she can eat.
- No.
Come on!
He'll kill him!
Come on! Come on!
I need to send a message to Roman.
- Impossible.
If only we could
find Cross-eyed.
He wouldn't have any problem
blowing up half the prison.
The whole thing.
But there's no way.
Nothing gets out of here.
I've robbed banks all my life
and never got caught.
Now I'm decent for three months,
and look at me.
The decent life is the downfall.
I'll think of something.
(All shouting)
The next one goes against me.
Jean Marie! Carmen is gone!
It can't be.
- I told you.
Not to untie her hands.
But no
No one listens to me.
- You fell asleep on guard?
Well, yes!
There's nothing left to do.
Let's look for her.
You're a good tracker, right?
We can catch her, come on!
- Stop.
She must be very far by now.
(Bell tolling)
Lets go!
Come on!
Son of a bitch!
No, Roman!
The woman they said
my brother killed, is alive.
Watch that tongue, boy.
And she's not pregnant.
We found her in a
brothel near Aranda.
Oh, yeah?
And where is she?
Why didn't you hand her
over to the Civil Guard?
She escaped.
This boy's lost his mind.
Anyone else see her alive?
Or is it just me?
Someone will have to
pay for all this bullshit.
Don't doubt it.
They must free your brother.
Tell them to release
my brother immediately.
Or there'll be some
real dead bodies here.
I already sent someone.
Mr. Lobo.
What did they promise you?
What did they offer
you to kill me?
My freedom.
Of course.
My daughter needs a father.
And do you dare?
Your brother is dead.
You can leave,
you've earned it.
Get your things, you're fired.
What are you trying to do?
You think you're better than me?
I don't need your help, leave.
The next time you challenge me,
it will be you who gets shot.
I loved him.
I am a friend of Antonio Lobo.
Anibal is the most noble
person in this house.
You won't stain your hands,
I'll take care of him.
Lobo wants us to pay
back all of our debt.
I only ask one thing,
that we live far from here.
Go find the man you love.
Don't end up like me.
Almudena Lobo
do you accept Felix Saavedra
as your lawful wedded husband
as mandated by the Holy Roman Catholic Church?
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