Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

Goodbye, Best Friend

"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"Farewell, Bestie"
"School Festival"
Can't wait for Tomo's play.
Yes. I'm happy to meet
Tomo–chan and Misuzu–chan's mums.
I don't think I can contain myself on my own.
Please hold me back.
Hold back?
Fancy seeing you here.
Couldn't resist seeing
your daughter being adorable?
She told me that there was
no festival this year.
Why'd she lie like that?
She must really not want me to see this.
Which is why I'm here to film everything.
She'll learn not to lie to her mother.
Would it kill her to just say she
wants to film her daughter on stage?
Once upon a time,
in a certain land, there was a girl.
Her name was Cinderella.
She was bullied by her
stepmother and stepsisters,
and forced to work every day without rest.
Oh, poor, pitiful Cinderella!
Sob sob, sob sob, sob sob.
That's not pitiful
She wants revenge.
Have you finished cleaning, Cinderella?
So this is what she meant.
Oh, how I wish to attend the ball.
I want to wear a pretty dress and
dance, just like my mother and sisters.
No one notices he's there.
He hid himself and blended
with the background.
He has become one with the tree!
Thank you everyone,
I appreciate you being here for me!
Such beauty you have.
Will you dance with me?
I knew it,
you're a prince through and through.
But I bet you'd like to be
the princess every now and then.
Geez, think about
what it's like dealing with you.
The thought that you're better as a princess
was simply a value I forced on you.
That's not what you really want.
These are all the things
that make you who you are.
I finally found you,
the girl with the glass slipper.
Won't you take my hand in marriage?
Congratulations, Cinderella!
I hate this, but congratulations!
You're supposed to be frustrated here.
Congratulations, Cinderella!
We wish you happiness!
What is this
This is fine too.
Lots of stuff happened, but we had fun.
That's true.
This wasn't such a bad penalty.
"1–A Unhinged"
Yay! I made it!
Good job, Tomo.
Wanna have a look around
the festival with me?
Sure, I'm game
But how about you take that off first?
W–Welcome, Master!
H–Here's our recommended cake.
Our treat!
Lucky you, Tomo.
Here's your damn coffee.
Finish it and like, piss off.
"Haunted House"
Relax! The ghost is gone!
Can't believe I lost all three rounds!
Try again in a decade!
We're doing this again after we eat!
I won't lose this time!
Fine by me! Let's see you try!
Being with this dude is always a fun time.
I'm going to end this relationship.
Do I really want to do that?
Isn't this fun, Ko–chan?
Aizawa–san! Dance with me.
I go next, yeah?
Me too! Me too!
Tomo, will you dance with me?
S–Sure, I–I don't mind.
Hey, what's with the clapping!?
What on Earth was I expecting
to happen by standing here?
So, Misuzu–chan!
Would you care to dance with me?
Huh? Did you not catch that?
They already have each other
to spend the rest of the day with.
There's no time or place for me
Sorry, did you wait long?
I suppose I should be grateful, so thanks.
Huh? What for?
Did I do something?
Drop the act.
Didn't you put me forward as Cinderella
so that I could make up with Tomo?
Were you fighting?
This was what I was after.
Give me that, I'll delete it.
No way!
T–This is kinda embarrassing.
Didn't expect you to ask me out for a dance.
I know you did it as a friend,
but doing it in front of
everybody would, you know.
Give them the wrong idea.
It's not the wrong idea.
It's not the wrong idea.
Huh, Tomo–chan?
Mornin', Jun!
Don't shrivel up over a little cold weather!
Let's keep those spirits up!
Tomo's been like this since then.
While she seems to be just hyper.
Then Misuzu was
Hey, Tomo.
About the festival night
I just remembered
I have to be at school early.
Do I take this as a rejection?
Morning! Misuzu–chan!
Lookie here, Tomo–chan!
She's not mad at me for hugging her!
It's a miracle!
Misuzu can't stand the cold.
She probably wants to keep warm.
I wish every day would be winter!
Oh, where's Jun–kun?
Didn't you come together?
Huh! O–Oh
We were together halfway,
then stuff came up.
Say, Tomo–chan. Did something happen
with Jun–kun during the festival?
Me and him!?
N–Nothing happened!
In fact, not a single thing happened.
Can you believe that?
So something did happen.
I knew it.
It's possible that he told her
something akin to a confession
and she opted to run away.
Why'd she run if the feeling's mutual?
Do you have to ask?
Morning, Jun–kun!
Is something wrong?
The truth is, there's someone I like.
Could she be
What was that for?
S–Sorry! I was just so happy that I
So, what should I do?
Let's see
If I said there was a good way
to handle this, would you do it?
Simply coming clean about
loving her is the best way to go.
I think that approach suits
you and Aizawa–san.
Did I sound a little cocky?
Thank you for the advice.
It wasn't much.
Honestly, I'm hardly in a position
to be giving out love pointers.
The reason I'm with Carol now is
because someone laid the groundwork.
I didn't do a thing.
Despite that she accepted me for who I am,
so I decided to make sure
she knows how I feel,
every word I kept to myself.
It's hard to let your feelings
get through to the one you love.
Frightening, in fact.
Let's do our best!
I know what I have to do.
I'll tackle her head–on with my feelings.
But first, there's a hurdle I have to pass.
Are you free to talk, Gundo?
Sorry, but I love Tomo.
What does that have to do with me?
That's why I'm sorry.
For what reason?
I probably loved her when we dated.
Way before that, even.
So it's pretty selfish of me
to say I love her now.
Don't tell me
Is that the reason why
you never pursued her romantically?
That's not the only reason.
You mean he's been
considerate towards me until now?
I can't believe this guy.
Hey, you okay?
Does your head hurt?
Deflate that big head of yours.
Did you really think I went out
with you because you asked?
It was me who agreed
and also me who dumped you!
It's my failure!
And what a disaster it was.
If you're that concerned about me
then forget it ever happened.
Are we clear?
I've done nothing to earn your thanks.
Not just for today.
You've always been looking out for us.
It's just a hunch, but I probably
made it this far because of you.
Am I right?
Both of them astonish me.
Dream on.
Thanks for hearing what I had to say.
Let's go back.
Wait. Just one more thing
Was I your first love?
You weren't my f–first
Right, so it wasn't me?
By the way, I've never felt love.
Is that so!
I really do hate you!
What's this?
"Tomo Aizawa, I challenge you to a duel.
I'll be on the roof after school."
Someone's challenging me!?
Who's the fool pickin' a fight with me!?
J–Jun! You tricked me!
Yeah, but I didn't
think you'd actually fall for it.
I'm done for. There's no way out!
I want you to hit me!
Why am I supposed to hit you!?
Because I deserve it.
What's this about!?
I don't have any reason to hit you.
Right after we got into high school,
you told me that you love me
under the cherry blossoms.
I love you, Jun!
You didn't mean that as a friend, right?
Did you catch on to what I tried to say?
You knew how I felt?
I did.
Does that mean you've been ignoring
all my efforts to become girlier for you!?
That was for me?
S–Sorry, I didn't realise th
I socked him.
Even though I had no right to.
I know how it feels to
want to run away so badly.
I'm sure that Jun was just as afraid.
But now he's confronting me without budging.
It's me who's trying to escape right now!
Hold up.
You may not feel the same way anymore.
Even so, I
I love you!
Zip it, dickhead!
Dick head?
I blew it!
So, you called him a dickhead and ran?
I couldn't help it, I was shocked.
Dickhead was too much.
Stop making me feel worse!
Why not start dating
now that you know it's mutual?
What does that even mean?
How is it different from what we are now?
What are we supposed to do?
Can this work out when I don't know a thing?
What if I fail?
Tomo, you've always
called me your best friend.
But today is the first time
we'll talk heart–to–heart.
Tomo, I want you to listen
carefully to what I have to say.
I don't think I'll ever repeat myself.
I'm sorry.
The reason why you and
Junichiro are in this mess
is all because of me.
No way, you're the one who helped me.
You're wrong. You never needed
to force yourself to be feminine.
You're fine the way you are.
Nobody wishes for you to change yourself.
Y–Y–You're crying!?
I am not.
Forgive me, Misuzu.
Looks like I drove you into a corner.
I did that to myself.
But nevermind me.
Go settle your score.
Do it your own way, okay?
I'm so glad to have you as my best friend!
Sure, sure.
Love sure is great.
You can be stubborn, cry and make
a fuss, yet they'll still understand you.
My feelings are abstruse,
I'll never be understood.
Love or friendship doesn't matter!
Love is great because it has many forms.
We may be friends,
but I still want to lock lips.
Not so close.
Sorry about earlier!
I won't run again,
so do it again. One more time.
Give me another chance!
Just so we're on the same page.
Do you really l–love me?
You bet I do!
You mean it!?
For real!?
The realest!
Jun really does love me!
The way a man loves a woman!
I never thought this day would come.
I must be dreaming.
But this also means
Are you sure about this?
We'll probably stop being best buds today.
Are you prepared for it?
Stop being best buds? Why?
Does that mean you don't wanna
go out with me!?
That's not it!
Then we can't stay as best friends!
I'm not giving that up either!
You stubborn ass!
What kinda relationship do you want!?
How about
Hold it, dammit!
Looks like I still can't win!
Why did you do that
This is what I mean.
This is how I'd like us to be.
To me, it doesn't matter if we start dating,
I want to continue competing
like we've always been.
Sure, I enjoy doing this with you too,
but is this what it means for a boy
and girl to be seeing each other?
It may not be as simple as it sounds.
Even so, I want to cherish
all the times we've had until now.
You're my childhood friend,
my bestie, my rival,
and now
you're the one I love.
Isn't that good enough?
Besties, rivals and lovers.
The heck's that?
But if it's okay to be this selfish
Me too.
I love you!
Whoa, Jun!
Answer me! Are you breathing!?
What now!?
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