Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e12 Episode Script

What's Most Important to Me Is...

Manabu? Or not.
I'll serve as MC for this special
edition of Tomodachi Game.
The name's Kuroki.
parent and child crooks
All right, I'll explain the rules
of the Weak Win Game one more time.
Episode 12: What's Most Important to Me Is
Episode 12: What's Most Important to Me Is
Hold it! I'm not going to listen to a thing
you say until you let Kokorogi go!
Is that so?
You piece of—
Hey, now. Do you understand
the position you're in right now?
If you want, I could expose that secret
of yours that you've never told anyone.
You think
you know that much about me?
Huh? You want me to spill, for real?
If Yutori-chan hears about it, saving her
will be the least of your worries.
Are you listening now, Katagiri Yuichi-kun?
Yuichi-kun will be subjected to
three rounds of physical pain.
If he can endure the pain,
we'll let him and his friend both go.
But a game doesn't test their friendship
wouldn't be much of a
Tomodachi Game, would it?
So, there's one way for Yuichi-kun
to escape the violence.
It's you.
You can take the pain instead of Yuichi.
Yutori-chan gets to choose
which one of them suffers.
The point here is that
if Yutori-chan chooses herself,
her pain will be lighter than Yuichi-kun's.
Hey, Kokorogi—
Ah, but Yuichi-kun isn't allowed to talk.
If Yuichi-kun speaks while she's
deciding, they both suffer.
Ultimately, Yutori-chan is the one
who'll decide who gets hurt.
Basically, it's a question of whether or not
she's selfless enough to protect Yuichi-kun.
Okay, let's go ahead with
the first round of pain.
You'll get punched by our very
own Hercules, Goriki-kun. Yeah.
If Yutori-chan chooses herself,
she gets one hit.
If she chooses Yuichi-kun,
he gets three hits.
By the way, Goriki-kun
is just as strong as he seems.
For a little girl like you, even
one punch could rearrange your face.
You have five seconds to choose.
If you don't choose in that time,
Yuichi-kun will be selected automatically.
Okay, five, four, three
two, one.
Aw, I should've said you can't move, either.
But, oh well.
In honor of Yuichi-kun's beautiful
self-sacrifice this first round,
I'll let you have it.
Yutori-chan, take a close look.
What happens next is
the result of your actions.
First hit!
Second hit!
Last one!
Man, I keep getting beat up these days.
At least this guy didn't hit
as hard as that gorilla Captain.
Are you okay, Yuichi?
I'm I mean um
I can take the next one.
I'm so sorry, Yuichi.
There you go! Now that's
what I call friendship!
So we're going with Yutori-chan
for the next round of pain, right?
Okay. Put your hand right here.
The pain this time is
fingernail removal. Yeah.
You think you can handle it, Yutori-chan?
Oh, right.
This time I'll give you the chance
to switch to Yuichi-kun, if you want.
If Yuichi-kun does it,
he'll lose three fingernails.
He'd get three times
the pain you would.
So? Which one will it be?
All right, here we go.
W-What should I do, Yuichi?!
It hurts! It really, really hurts!
You heard her, Yuichi-kun.
Oh? You mad, Yuichi-kun?
Or maybe just a little scared, huh?
Stop talking. Shut up and do it.
Sounds good! As requested sir,
I'll pull them all at once!
How was that?
Yuichi-kun, how you feelin', buddy?
How you feelin', Yutori-chan?
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry
Hey, you guys
Why is this piece of shit your leader?
Do you see anything good in him at all?
Any way you look at it,
Goriki-kun is a stronger fighter.
As for this perverted, sadistic ass,
even his face looks like a nasty snake.
You don't get it at all, do you?
The most important thing
for a leader isn't strength.
It's this. This! I'm the
smartest guy in the room.
You can't raise a finger
against me now, right?
I'm the only one here who can pull that off.
And I've got guts. No matter
what happens, nothing shakes me.
Last of all, and this is the most important,
I never sell my friends out.
So you have brains, you have guts,
and you don't betray your friends,
and that qualifies you to be leader. Right?
Yeah, that's right.
Let's get back to the game, then.
But before that, let's mix
things up for the last one.
If Yutori-chan chooses herself,
well make her dance totally naked!
I guess it's more like
emotional pain this time.
It'd be damn humiliating to have this many
guys drooling over every inch of your body.
But no one here wants to see
Yuichi-kun naked, so if he gets picked,
I'll gouge his hand with this
three times instead.
I'll give you a minute this time.
You should talk it over.
Ain't much to talk about, though.
It's either the girl gettin' humiliated,
or the guy gettin' hurt real
bad three times over.
Is there really any room for discussion?
You You can decide, Yuichi.
Holy shit! You serious, Yutori-chan?!
Shouldn't you volunteer this round?!
Kokorogi, tell me how you honestly feel.
B-But, I I know I should
do it this time, I know that
but I can't decide.
I can't get the words out!
Five seconds left!
So, y-you decide, Yuichi!
Four, three,
I promise to do whatever you say!
two, one
I'll do it.
Oh, you're bad!
You're the worst, Yutori-chan!
Can't handle anything,
can't make up your damn mind
You're the weakest of the weak, Yutori-chan.
But thanks to all that, you got
away without a scratch.
The weak really do win, Yutori-chan!
Let's get started.
I won't even tie your hand down.
Show us what you're made of!
Even tough guy Yuichi-kun
screamed that time!
Are you hearing this, Yutori-chan?
Last one!
Nice work! And that concludes our
special edition of the Tomodachi Game.
You're free to go home.
Though I doubt you'll feel like
leaving together after this.
Yeah, I'm definitely pissed.
I seriously snapped.
I haven't been this angry in a long time.
I know, right? Yutori-chan
really is a piece of shit.
Hey now, don't get it twisted.
This stupid child's play won't
make me forget who's to blame.
My anger is all for you, asshole! Kuroki!
Don't worry, Kokorogi.
I'm not mad at you at all.
This is a play that kidnappers often use.
They say, "If you don't accept my demands,
the hostages will get hurt."
Then the kidnappers manipulate
the people who refuse their demands
into doing something bad.
But if you think about it, the real bad guys
are the kidnappers
who started the whole thing.
Like these jerks here.
You're only a victim. There's no
reason for you to feel guilty.
It's basically my fault you were
targeted in the first place.
I'm sorry, Kokorogi.
I'm so sorry, Yuichi! I I
You aren't scared of me anymore?
I don't know what you were like in the past,
but you've been really, really kind to me,
so I'm I'm going to trust
the Yuichi I know. I trust you!
All right. Thanks, Kokorogi.
Tomodachi Game
Can you get back by yourself?
I have unfinished business here.
Then I'll stay, too.
You sure?
You'll end up seeing something scary.
It's okay. I've made up my mind
to trust you, Yuichi.
All right. I'll get started, then.
Hey, Kuroki-kun.
You wanna play another game with me?
A game?
Are you kidding?
What would I get out of that?
10 million yen.
10 Million Yen
If you win, I'll give you
10 million yen in cash.
10 million?!
Then let me play!
C'mon, man. I doubt you have
that much in the first place.
Huh? You said you knew about my past, right?
Then you must know I have more
than that in loose change.
Ah, yeah, sure.
Fine, then. Tell me about this game.
It's simple. Rock Paper Scissors.
Rock Paper Scissors?
One round of Rock Paper Scissors.
If you win, you get 10 million yen.
If you lose, how about
I cut off your fingers.
If you throw paper and lose,
I'll cut off all five.
If you throw scissors and lose,
I'll cut off two.
If you throw rock, I won't cut off any.
So you risk nothing.
Let's call it Rock Paper Fingers.
Rock Paper Fingers
Rock Paper Fingers
Rock Paper Fingers
Doesn't that sound like fun?
Ah, but you can relax.
You've got a huge advantage.
'Cause I can only throw rock
or paper with this hand.
Let's do it.
First one is rock—
Just wait a second!
I didn't say I was gonna—
Even with that massive advantage,
you aren't gonna play?
No way. Oh man, don't tell me
you're scared?
Fine! If Kuroki wins,
I'll give everyone here one
million yen each. As a bonus!
One million each!
This game gives Kuroki a massive advantage!
Would someone with brains
and guts really turn this down?!
Let's give your loyal leader
a little support, here!
Yeah! All right!
Do it! Do it!
Getting interesting, huh, Kuroki?
You little shit.
I'll play your damn game! Bleh!
Yeah, I'll play your game.
There's no way I can lose.
High Risk
No Risk
Medium Risk
If you lay out the moves,
this is what you get.
To win against the low-risk rock,
you need to use the high-risk paper.
It's a surprisingly smart game.
But here's the main point:
He can only throw rock or paper.
If I throw paper, there's no way I'll lose.
At the very worst, it'll be a tie.
Hey. What happens if we tie?
Tie? I really doubt that'll ever happen.
But if it does, we'll just end
the game with no penalty.
No penalty? Is he hoping for a tie?
He must know I'll throw paper.
Since he can only throw rock or paper,
his only choice is paper
So if I throw scissors, I'll win?!
Is that what you expected
me to think, idiot?
Scissors do have a good chance of winning,
but there's also a chance they might lose.
I can't reach out and grab
the prize dangling in front of me
if there's even a 0.1% chance of losing!
You're planning to throw paper, aren't you?
So what if I was?
I don't really care. It's just
that would show us exactly
how pathetic you are.
You tryin' to taunt me?
You ain't gonna make me change my throw!
Your only choice is to throw paper anyway!
Nope, I'm not going to throw paper.
Let's do this!
First one is rock,
Don't be fooled! If he really doesn't
throw paper, all he's got is rock!
Rock, paper
So I've gotta throw paper!
Paper, paper, paper!
His left hand?!
You lying piece of shit!
That isn't what we agreed!
The hell it isn't!
I told you I wouldn't throw paper.
That's not what I mean!
You said you could only use rock or paper!
Yeah, with my right hand.
But no one said I couldn't use my left.
You think I'm gonna fall
for that bullshit excuse?!
Guys! Teach this guy a lesson!
Uh? Huh?
What about the game?
It doesn't count!
I told you to get him!
Stop right there!
Restrain them all!
Like hell, you bitch!
Ow, ow, ow!
The Tomodachi Game management
will be taking over from here!
That was miraculous timing, Tenji.
Sorry. I got here a little while ago,
but they wouldn't let me barge in.
You're the leader of this group, correct?
And the man impersonating
the Tomodachi Game?
I followed Yuichi's instructions
and called the real ones.
Unknown Caller
In Call
Yuichi got a bad feeling
about that first call.
Even though you tried to act like Manabu,
Bessatsu Shonen
you sounded a lot trashier
than the real one.
So I contacted the real ones and
gave them the location you told us.
Now you're coming with me.
I'll show you what happens to
someone who impersonates us.
Hold on. I can't let you snatch my prize.
I've still got important
business with this guy.
So, Kuroki-kun, you haven't forgotten
about your promise to me, right?
You threw paper and lost.
You owe me five fingers!
I I said I wasn't buying that!
This is bullshit!
Would you mind hurrying it up, then?
We're busy too, you know.
Make up your mind, Kuroki.
Shit! Get your shoe off me!
So, which finger goes first?
Hey! Someone stop this psycho asshole!
Oh, c'mon.
If you won't choose,
how about I pick for you?
Which finger should go first?
Please stop!
Oh. That's right.
I can stop if you want.
Y-You can?
As long as you pick one
of your friends to take your place.
But I'll only cut off one of their fingers.
H-Hey! You guys hear that?
If it isn't me, you'll get off
with one-fifth the injury!
Yeah, someone come take my place!
Hey, c'mon. We're all pals, right?
Someone step up and take it! Now! C'mon!
Sons of bitches! You dumb
assholes won't follow my orders?!
It's five fingers! Five!
That's worth more than one
of your shitty fingers!
What the hell, you freakin' cowards?!
You gonna cry over one
goddamn finger?! Huh?!
I won't forget this, you assholes—
I-I'm sorry! Please forgive me this time!
I'll never impersonate the
Tomodachi Game again!
Don't worry. The game has already ended.
Katagiri Yuichi has passed out.
Yuichi! Yuichi!
God damn it! I still don't buy it.
Pretending he won after
that childish trick
Childish? You don't have a clue, do you?
Under the rules for Rock Paper Fingers,
what hand did you think was superior?
Obviously either paper, which couldn't lose,
or scissors, which had a good chance to win.
Right. Because of what he said.
'Cause I can only throw rock
or paper with this hand.
But that was exactly Katagiri Yuichi's plan.
He intended to use scissors from the start.
Given that, how could he make absolutely
sure not to end in a tie or lose?
To make me think rock wasn't an option
Yes. What he, what Katagiri Yuichi did,
was use a truly cold and calculating
method that ensured he wouldn't lose.
Even, even if that's true,
he ran out of strength
and I got away with all my fingers
and didn't lose a thing!
You really are a complete idiot.
The game revealed three facts about you,
and made you lose one very big thing.
It revealed that you have
no brains, have no guts,
and that you easily betray your friends.
As expected, when I talked to the other
members about dealing with you,
they said, "That guy means
nothing to us anymore."
"Do whatever you want with him."
In just one game of Rock Paper Scissors,
he destroyed all of your
connections to other people.
Yuichi! Are you okay? Hang on!
Yuichi! Yuichi!
Yuichi! Yuichi!
Who are you, exactly?
I'm the girl Yuichi took for a fling.
Move over!
What's happened here?
It's amazing he stayed conscious
after losing this much blood.
Emergency transport! Stretcher! Hurry!
Are you going to save him?
Don't get the wrong idea!
During the game, you're our products.
We can't let him die
a boring death like this.
As long as you save him, I don't care!
We'll stay by his side!
Wow, Tenji. You guys sure are good to him.
Of course we are! Yuichi's our friend!
In that case, don't you have another friend
who needs you even more right now?
That's right. Shibe Makoto, the murderer.
If you participate in the next game,
you might be able to save Shibe!
Really? In that case—
However, you'll get saddled
with another 500 million in debt.
F-Five hundred million?!
Poor Shibe got stuck with
a 500 million yen debt
that was left when his father died.
So, what will you choose?
Your money or your friend?
You've got to go!
Are we going to leave the game like this,
before we find out the truth?
The most important thing
to me isn't money, anyway.
Yuichi! Yuichi!
Looks like he won't be able to participate.
Take him away.
Yes, ma'am.
Tomodachi Game
It's all right, Yuichi.
I promise to bring Shibe home.
Me, too.
I'm still scared and hurt
and I wish I could run away,
but I'm done being a stranger!
There was so much going on,
I didn't really know who I could trust,
but Yuichi risked his life to protect me,
so I decided that I would only trust him.
So So that's why
Since I know Yuichi has faith in you,
I'll go with you, Mikasa-kun.
Silence! Silence!
Bring the defendant Shibe Makoto
into the courtroom.
The charge is patricide.
I hereby begin the fourth game,
Friendship Guilt Court!
Friendship Guilt Courthouse
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