Trigun Stampede (2023) s01e12 Episode Script

High Noon at July

"Space immigrant pioneers?"
That's right, Vash.
We left the Earth 200 years
ago to find a new home.
Like those old stories?
The cowboy defends his friends
by shooting all the bad guys!
Bang bang!
I don't like that stuff.
Look over there, you two!
Project Seeds is a symbol of hope.
It means a future for humans and Plant.
How come we're the only ones
who can leave their container?
Here's what I think.
You two are destined to become
the bridge that connects Plant and humans.
A gift sent to us by God.
Like angels, huh?
Can we really get along with humans?
Don't worry.
No matter what happens, I'll protect you.
I promise.
We Independent will bring
a new order to the universe.
A "new world" has been born!
This is a breaking news report from
November Broadcasting's Satellite Feed.
A mysterious creature
has appeared in central July
and is growing at a shocking speed!
Feels like the end of the world.
Knives has passed
through the gate to the other side.
The other side?
The higher dimensional world
beyond our comprehension.
He can connect
to the Plant Core from there.
He'll artificially impregnate Plant
and give birth to new Independent.
Just like how he and Vash were born.
Then he'll exterminate the human race
and create a new world.
You mean everyone will be killed?
Mr. Vash! Please wake up!
I told you, he's no longer the Vash
the Stampede you knew.
Give up.
The gate has already opened,
with Vash as its hub.
To close it, you'd have to
destroy the gate itself,
meaning Vash will die too.
But that's
I've reached it!
I can feel it.
This is the power that sleeps inside you.
Come. Let's begin.
The third city of July is asking
the urban union for support.
-Please send aid immediately!
-What is this?
-What's going on?
-Where is it going?
It's without end!
Aren't you leaving?
At this rate, the twins will take
the whole planet with them.
It's rare to see you in such a panic.
Did your plan not go as you expected?
It's a shame.
If your race had a network too,
physical death would mean nothing.
Humans are not like Worms.
It's the end of the line for your kind.
Give me a break
The only one who can stop Knives Millions
He has been reborn
as Plant.
Human words will never reach him again.
But then, what exactly is he trying to do?
Leave now! You'll be devoured!
Don't give up yet!
Only you can stop Knives Millions
Mr. Vash!
-Can you hear me, Mr. Vash?
-She just won't give up.
These parasites that swarm my brethren
This power belongs to us.
We'll never give it to humans!
Mr. Vash!
Mr. Vash!
What song is that?
It just comes out of me.
I sing it to calm down when I'm anxious.
I feel like I've known it
for a long, long time.
Hey, Nai
Do you think we can
be friends with humans?
Don't worry. No matter
what happens, I'll protect you.
I'll protect you.
This is wrong! You're not
the one who said that!
The one who told me that was
You'll be happier if you stay here.
Don't leave! Don't go!
Vash, don't go!
Wait for me!
I'm sorry I left you all alone.
But I've lived on
inside of you this whole time.
Thank you for protecting
my dreams and hopes, Vash.
Mr. Vash!
Mr. Vash!
What's going on?
The power is reversing!
It rejected me.
What happened, Doctor?
The gate is closing.
The energy output from the higher
dimension is slowing down.
Mr. Vash!
Feeling proud of yourself?
You lowly human!
Thank you, Meryl.
I heard your voice.
Are you saying he can control
that giant mass all by himself?
Mr. Vash!
Your plan failed.
Let's end this.
Not yet! Don't even think
this is over yet!
Give that thing
to me, Vash!
Take me back!
Back to the higher dimension!
It's not that it's slowing down.
Rather, it's reducing itself
to the molecular level
and dividing into countless
particles smaller than air.
Has he made it crystallize?
But he can't hold it like that for long!
I have to take this somewhere far away!
Do you even know what that is, Vash?!
Mr. Vash!
I'm just returning the favor
for the cigarette I bummed.
Look out!
Are you really dumb enough
to take on Knives Millions?
We're no match for him.
We've gotta get out of here!
Do you understand now?
Our power is exceptional.
Do you really think those pathetic
humans will accept us?
Humans will never tolerate
a threat to their existence.
They will come to hunt us!
Give it to me!
Found him! It's the Humanoid Typhoon!
Military police?
It's dangerous here!
You all have to run!
Please do as I say!
It's dangerous here.
You all have to run.
It's dangerous for you here!
Don't run! Fire!
If not for you, countless lives
would have been spared.
How many towns do you have to destroy?
Humanoid Typhoon!
Please run Please!
Didn't I tell you?
Our powers are too strong.
Humans will never understand.
They are not family or our friends.
They are our enemies.
You're wrong.
I will We can understand each other!
Everything you do
is rife with hypocrisy!
I recognize the contradictions.
But that only means
I can't give up
until they believe in me!
I'll do whatever it takes!
Everything in my power!
I knew it.
Mr. Vash intends to release
the energy into outer space.
If he does that, his body
will be torn to shreds!
Release it to outer space?
I won't allow it!
Doctor, isolate the lab.
Release the others!
Let me go, Nai!
I can't hold it in any longer!
The whole planet
will be destroyed. Plant included!
What do you want to do, Knives?
The gate has closed.
You can't return it
to the higher dimension.
We'll push this energy back into Vash
and reopen the gate!
Vash! I told you to give it to me!
There's no time!
Listen to me, Vash!
This is war!
We'll muster our kind and free
ourselves from humans!
Let's build a paradise for
Independent like us!
It's the only way!
did we grow so far apart?
What are you saying?
You saw it too.
The murdered bodies
of our kind, drenched in red!
Do you think humans could ever
understand our desire for independence?
They've never treated us
as anything but slaves!
That's not true!
Wake up, Vash!
More than a hundred years
have passed. What changed?
You're wrong.
How long will you let
yourself be their prey?
If they come hunting for me,
I need only run!
I'll run, run, run
as far as it takes!
And when passions die down,
I'll quietly approach them again.
I'm Vash the Stampede.
You took over a century
to reach an answer like that?!
Let go! I'm losing control!
You'll die!
Quit spewing nonsense, Vash.
Nai died a long time ago.
It was you who killed him.
Give it to me!
One more time
Please stop this, Nai!
I promise
I will build it
A place without terror pain or shame
A peaceful world where we belong.
par adise.
It's been two years
since the events of July 21st.
Many family members of the deceased
have gathered near the ruins
of July to pay their respects.
Even now, after two years,
the pain of their loss remains strong.
The culprit suspected of killing
90 percent of the city's citizenry,
known as the Humanoid Typhoon,
is, to this day, still at large.
He, the devil who reduced an entire city
to a giant hole in the ground.
The despair of losing
our loved ones will never disappear.
The seven cities union announced today
that we are increasing the bounty
on Vash the Stampede
to the highest amount in
history, 60 billion dollars.
I'll never understand it.
Why do they think Vash
the Stampede is the bad guy?
You're that Worm
Those twins were responsible
for building a bridge to the great void.
I came all this way to warn you.
They will cross the wall of
light and arrive here soon.
From Earth, that is.
We'll always be watching you.
Wait. What do you mean?
Stryfe, where are you?
Um July.
Keep disobeying orders, and you'll get
kicked over to the insurance association.
The insurance association?
Anyway, come back to headquarters.
We're placing a rookie under you.
She asked for you personally.
What a weirdo.
A rookie
I think her name is Thom Thompson.
Milly Thompson or something.
Hey! Are you listening to me?
Hey, Stryfe?
Hey, rookie!
Did you remember anything?
Of course, forgetting is okay too.
It seems like you've been
through a lot, after all.
Don't worry. This place is safe.
Project "Pieces of Earth"
is now entering its second stage.
The drain gate has been deployed.
Putting in warp drive test unit.
Stopping countdown. Lock the main gear.
First to fourth sphere, cut output.
Shift the interface change to
axis Z. Amplify by 2,7 million
The gate is growing unstable.
Something arrived by
traveling through sub space.
Give me all the observation
records from the solar system.
Yes, right away,
Independent, Lieutenant Chronica.
The source of the noise is
It couldn't be Project Seeds?
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