TrollsTopia (2020) s01e12 Episode Script

Extra Tootering - The Last Scrapbook

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
All by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun To share
this one with someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
[Hip-hop music]
Leggo. Uh. Tiny Diamond ♪
Come on. Yeah! ♪
I might be tiny
But, yo, I shine bright ♪
Glittery diamonds ♪
I be the highlight ♪
Of any party, any time
Or place that I go, okay ♪
Brighter than the sun
More glitter than gold ♪
I got the body
Lights up the party ♪
Fly like a flyer bug
Like my daddy ♪
No need
To rock gems or jewelry ♪
'Cause I drip with bling
And, baby, that's all me ♪
A diamond shinin'
In the light ♪
So tiny
But glitterin' so bright ♪
Tiny Diamond ♪
[Horns blaring]
[Audience cheering]
- Tiny Diamond!
- Tiny!
There it is.
The new single I'm workin' on.
Now, hit Tiny Diamond
with that constructive
criticism, and don't hold back.
Ain't nothin' but tough love.
I don't know. Maybe, just
end it with a glitter fart?
Uh! Oh, right.
You know what?
show us your shine, Tiny.
[Like a train] Chugga-chugga,
chugga-chugga, toot, toot!
Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga,
I, uh
[horns blaring]
No, Tiny! We said glitter,
not more air horns!
More air horns?
Comin' at ya!
[Horns blaring]
All right. Good feedback,
for real, everybody.
Bless up. One love.
Stay cool.
[Piano music]
Now, once you've given it
a moment to breathe,
lift it to your nose
and scratch the sticker.
[Horns blaring]
See ya around. Thinkin' about ya.
Peace out! Huh?
Tiny? What's wrong?
I can tell by the tone of your
air horn that you're very upset.
I'm an imposter, Daddy. A fraud! I'm
going to my room and never comin' out!
[Tiny crying]
Tiny, what's on your mind, Son?
[Sad music]
I, I can't glitter, Daddy.
Oh. Well, that's okay. You're
still a young Glitter Troll.
I was a late tooter, too.
But my friends think I can do it.
If they knew, I'm afraid
they'd think I was so weird.
I'm fragile, Daddy.
Tender for real.
Aw. Tiny,
there's nothing wrong
with being different.
Give it time, my boy.
After all, you can't put the
fart before the horse.
Yeah. Maybe you're right,
Daddy. It'll happen someday.
And until it does,
I'll just have to hide my true
self from everyone.
Playin' an endless
game of pretend.
Everywhere I go,
my dark secret hanging over me,
like a disco ball
that does not shine.
[Electronic voice] No!
[Back to normal]
I can't take it anymore!
If this is that important to you,
Tiny, your father will not rest
until we get that glitter out!
glitter is about celebration.
A shimmering exclamation point
on an exciting moment.
Like a beat drop
at a dance party.
[Electronic music]
So, when the time's right,
let fly!
You got it, Daddy.
[Electronic music]
- My bad. Let's go again.
- Again, DJ.
[Electronic music]
- Nope, go again.
- Again!
[Electronic music]
- Uh, rewind.
- Again!
[Smidge screams]
You can't build a beat
without dropping it.
I mean, I love you all,
but, oh, my God!
I'm sorry, Tiny. I really
thought that would work.
Now, hold on.
Don't give up, guys.
Yeah, this is Trollstopia.
If we all work together,
we can find a solution.
They're right, Tiny!
They're right!
[Country music]
Spicy foods
can get the glitter going.
And there's nothin' spicier
than the Country Western tribe's
five-alarm rainbow-bean chili!
[Poppy sighs]
[Classical music]
Sometimes I feel the greatest urge
at the least appropriate times.
And at a classical concert, any
sound is wildly inappropriate.
[Classical music]
[Fart passes]
[Everybody gasps]
- You did it!
- No, it was just my chair.
[Fart passing]
[everybody gasping]
I appreciate you, Daddy, Daddy's friends,
but rejection from my peers is inevitable.
A certitude, for real.
The problem is
[bats squeak]
You're playing it too safe.
Val? Wait, are you saying
you have a solution
to our glitter problem?
When I go on stage,
and the crowd is like, "Yeah!"
And I'm like,
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
I have no choice
but to totally
[mimics electric guitar]
Get it?
Huh, I am both intrigued
and confused.
You gotta get
in front of your friends
and rock without a net.
When it really matters,
that's when you'll deliver.
Daddy, spread the word.
Because it's about to get
sparkly up in here!
Gather round, Trolls.
He's the boss with the gloss,
Mr. Rip van Twinkle himself
Tiny Diamond!
[Electronic music]
[Audience cheering]
[Audience gasps]
[Audience gasps]
It's glorious!
You're darn tootin'.
That's some darn tootin'!
[Audience cheering]
- Ha, Ha!
- DJ SUKI: Yay, woohoo!
You did it, Tiny!
I'm so proud of you!
Proud of you!
- Oh
- Tiny, Tiny!
[Piano music]
Thank you all for helping my
son. This calls for a toast.
To Tiny!
"To Daddy."
Oh, I'm Daddy.
TINY: Dear, Daddy. You
have been deceived.
Everyone has.
I wanted to glitter, Daddy.
But I lost my nerve.
[audience cheering]
So I came with a backup.
[sad music]
It was fake, Daddy.
These hips do lie.
So I'm running away
to live in the woods.
I'll be back one day,
when the glitter is real.
Bless up! Tiny.
Ah! My son has run away
[everybody gasps]
Into the dark heart
of the forest!
[Everybody gasps]
And there's a vicious
storm brewing!
[Thunder crashes]
Form a search party!
Tiny, come on and party!
I found him!
[Thunder crashes]
Oh! Tiny Glitzgerald Diamond!
You get down here, right now!
No, Daddy!
Not until I can glitter.
[Tiny screaming]
Oh, no. Tiny! Stand back!
I'm going to glitter-jet my way up.
Guy, no! You can't create
a blast strong enough
to propel you that high.
Hmm. You're right,
Poppy, I can't.
Not on my own.
But this is Trollstopia.
[Everybody cheering]
Holly, I'm ready for the chili!
- Woo-hoo!
- Dante, set an inappropriate mood.
[Classical music]
[Electronic music]
[Heroic music]
- Daddy?
- Tiny, please, we have to get out of here right now.
Don't you see, I love you
just the way you are. We all do.
But you're my daddy, Daddy.
You have to say that.
You're right, Tiny.
I guess because I'm your father,
in a way, I do have to say it.
But they don't.
Your dad told us everything, Tiny.
Sorry we put so much pressure
on you before.
We don't care if you can't glitter.
We're your friends.
You guys don't think I'm weird?
Of course not.
Every Troll has their quirks.
Yeah! One time I was sad,
for five whole minutes!
So, you're saying it's okay 'cause
we're all a little different?
[Tiny sniffs]
- That's what's up.
Yes, Tiny.
That is what's up.
[Thunder crashes]
[Everybody screaming]
Grab hold!
[Thunder crashes]
[Glitter shutting down]
Oh, no! I'm on empty!
[Guy screaming]
[Everybody screaming]
When it really matters,
that's when you'll deliver.
It's Diamond time.
The Tiny remix.
[Everybody screaming]
- Tiny!
- You ain't seen nothin' yet, Daddy!
[Everybody cheering]
You did it! Yeah!
Now, that's what I call
"rockin' without a net."
[Electronic voice]
[Back to normal]
You did it! You did it!
For the record, I'd still
love you if you couldn't.
But I'm glad to not be dead.
Me too, Daddy. For real.
Tiny, out!
[Horns blaring]
[Medieval music]
Imagine a world of magic,
a world of piñata giants!
And Lady Marigold,
a strong, kind-hearted heroine
on a quest to reclaim
the Party Hat of Destiny
from the evil Madame Maelstrom.
Plus, 270 characters,
52 realms
and a tangled web of backstorie
told out of chronological order
It's "The Glitterborn
Chronicles," the greatest serie
of Pop Troll fantasy scrapbooks
ever scissored!
Sounds complicated.
It is! But don't worry,
author R. T. Plumegrass
wrote a dense companion
anthology to explain it all.
[Holly screams]
Though, R. T. Plumegrass
is just a pen name,
the author's actual identity
is a baffling mystery.
- Mm-hmm! Isn't that great?
- Y'all!
[lute music]
Oh, Lady Marigold.
[Lady chuckles]
What troubles you, Your Grace?
I really thought, with all these
new friends in Trollstopia,
I'd find someone
to share Glitterborn with.
I don't suppose you'd have a few
hours to talk about book five?
Ooh, Your Grace, well, I'm
not much of a fantasy reader.
But something tells me your
fortunes are about to change.
[Guitar riffs]
Someone left a scrapbook mark?
Of an electric guitar?
Val Thundershock likes
Glitterborn Chronicles!
Val Thundershock!
Pff! What?
No. I only like stuff that's hardcore.
I got this to
prop up my wobbly table.
I'm completely obsessed.
What? When?
How? Say things!
Ugh, I went looking for a book
to help get my head around a new
solo I'm working on.
I thought this said
"Guitar Brain Chronicles".
I was about to put it back
when something called out to me.
[Evil music]
I haven't stopped
reading it since.
Oh, Val,
don't you see what this means?
We can share our passion
for Glitterborn together.
I wanna squeal!
Do you wanna squeal?
I don't wanna squeal.
- What do you love most about GBC?
- Oh, that's easy.
The heroine,
Madame Maelstrom.
Uh! Madame Maelstrom?
No, Val, Lady Marigold.
She has the compassion, the bravery,
and she says the inspiring line:
"May the shimmer of glitter
brighten your day,
and the sparkle inside you
show you the way."
Madame Maelstrom's got the
cunning, the edge
and her dragons
keep the realm on its toes.
No, no, no!
I don't believe this!
I finally find someone
who reads Glitterborn
and you're rooting
for the villain?
- Hero! Hero!
- Villain! Villain!
Face it, Pop-squeak,
even when we like the same book
we can't get on the same page!
Now, I'm off to go check out
book seven. Alone.
Book seven?
But, Val, there is no book seven.
[Dramatic music]
- Say that again.
- The series, it has no ending.
R. T. Plumegrass
never wrote one.
Val? Val, you okay?
Excuse me one second.
[Val screams]
'Kay. Here's what's gonna happen. You
and me are gonna hunt down the author,
and find out once and for all who gets
to wear the Party Hat of Destiny!
But, Val, I've scoured
the books for clues.
None of them reveals
R. T. Plumegrass' real identity.
- Show me.
- POPPY: This is every Pop Troll in Trollstopia.
The author's someone
from my Dad's generation,
so that eliminates these.
And if you look
at these scissor cuts,
the angle and trajectory
suggest a left-handed scrapper.
And finally, a strand of the author's
hair trapped beneath the scrapbook tape.
But it's useless without sample
hairs to compare it to.
Leave that to me.
There. Hairbrushes from
the remaining suspects.
That'll give you
all the samples we need.
- Val! Did you steal these?
- No, I borrowed them.
Well, for the sake
of moving things forward,
I choose to believe that.
We've eliminated every Troll
but one.
Which means the author
is none other than
[both gasp]
Me? Rufus?
One a them hoity-toity book scrappers?
Can you imagine? Ol' Rufus
a-cuttin' and a -pastin' and a
A, a, a-cutting and a-pasting ♪
wouldn't that be somethin'.
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Sorry to bother you, Rufus.
Wait! Poppy, what are you doing?
He's our Troll.
I know my friends, Val,
and I've never seen Rufus take
interest in scrapbooking, ever.
So long, Rufus. "May the shimmer
of glitter brighten your day."
"And the sparkle inside you
help show you the way!"
I mean, have a
ding-dong-hootenanny humdinger
as the crow flies,
two in the bush
Gotta go!
- Ugh!
- Rufus?
You are
the alias R. T. Plumegrass?
Well, shucks, you're half
right, Queen Poppy.
I did scrap
The Glitterborn Chronicles.
But the fact is,
it is Rufus who is the alias.
[Super hero music]
My real name is R. T. Plumegrass.
Well, you see, when I first
snipped Glitterborn,
I, R. T. Plumegrass,
was young and full of ideas.
But when it came time for an
ending, the scissors went still.
- Aww.
- And so I quit!
And left the world
of glitterature behind.
With a new name, a new voice,
and thus, Rufus was born.
Aw, there has to be something
we can do to help.
I'm afraid not. Not unless
you have an ending. Hmm?
- You, R. T. Plumegrass, want us
- To write the ending?
I wanna squeal.
Do you wanna squeal?
Let us never speak
of this again.
Luckily, I've given the ending
a lot of thought. Picture this.
Lady Marigold
meets Madame Maelstrom
on the Confetti Fields.
And just as Maelstrom readies
her dragon for an attack,
Lady Marigold draws forth
the Party Blower of Legend!
Its sound is so beautiful that
Maelstrom changes all her ways.
I change all my ways.
POPPY: And she willingly
gives Lady Marigold
the Party Hat of Destiny.
But of course,
that would be a terrible ending
Which is why,
it turns out, Madame Maelstrom was
just waiting for Lady Marigold
to let her guard down.
[Madame Maelstrom laughs]
And then we learn, the
Glitterborn will never return.
Because prophecy and destiny aren't real.
And life is hard. The end.
What? She can't win.
You're missing the whole point
of the series!
- But the edginess makes it fun!
- What about friendship?
Dragons don't lose, Poppy.
It's dragon science.
Enough! You see?
This frustration is precisely
why I left the books behind.
I suggest you do the same.
Now, if you'll excuse me
[back to Rufus]
I've got me a hoedown to get to.
[Rufus humming]
Guess you were right, Val.
You and I really can't get
on the same page.
Guess not.
[Sad music]
Oh, Lady Marigold.
- What troubles you, Your Grace?
- It's Val.
It really seemed like Glitterborn
was bringing us closer together.
But do you know what she wanted
to do with the ending?
She wanted
Madam Maelstrom to win.
- Madam Maelstrom? How intriguing.
- I know! I
Wait, what?
Such a bold
and unexpected turn of events.
Well, that's the kind of ending
that would get people talking.
You like Val's ending?
Oh, yes, Your Grace.
This Val sounds awfully creative.
You should definitely
listen to her.
We should do the
ending your way!
Ah! Poppy!
I know this sounds crazy,
but Lady Marigold visited me
in my imagination,
and showed me
that you appreciate Glitterborn
on a level that I never did
before and I am so sorry
- Poppy! I get it.
- You do?
Madame Maelstrom visited and
showed me the same thing about you.
So, I've got an idea.
We figured it out.
An outline for a whole new
ending to Glitterborn!
[Sophisticatedly] You're proposing
that Lady Marigold and Madame Maelstrom
join forces and work together?
- Stranger things have happened.
- This, it's heartfelt, but edgy.
The ending ambiguous,
yet satisfyingly complete.
I will begin
scrapbooking at once!
And now that you have an ending you
can go back to being R. T. Plumegrass.
Huh. That's true,
but I'm actually rather fond
of being Rufus. Now
[back to Rufus] I've got some
snippety-snip-snippin' to get to.
Whoo, doggy!
Cut-cut sticky-sticky,
look at me now, Ma!
So, Val,
I don't suppose you'd have
- a few hours to talk book five?
- No.
We gotta start at book one!
- Wait.
- Okay.
How about we talk
about chapter 113
[indiscernible conversation]
I might be tiny
But, yo, I shine bright ♪
Glittery diamonds
I be the highlight ♪
Of any party, any time
Or place that I go, okay ♪
Brighter than the sun
More glitter than gold ♪
I got the body
Lights up the party ♪
Fly like a flyer bug
Like my daddy ♪
A diamond shinin'
In the light ♪
So tiny
But glitterin' so bright ♪
Tiny Diamond ♪
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