Tunnel (2017) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Prisoner 478, you've got a visitor.
Do you know me?
I heard you are the witness
of the incident that happened 30 years ago.
I'm not.
Are you a reporter?
What do you want to know?
Did you come to ask me how I killed them?
Yes. How did you kill them?
First, I gagged them.
You didn't like them making noises.
And then?
I tied up their hands and legs.
With stockings.
You know well enough.
It's resilient, so it can be stretched well.
I strangled them with the stockings.
I chocked them once, twice, and thrice.
Again and again.
They were chocked at once.
Yes, it was done once.
Subtitle ripped and resynced by redixion
It was you.
Hide well and deep. I can see you.
Who will recognize whom first?
And who will catch whom first?
Gosh, I'm really curious.
Let me tell you a funny story.
A funny story?
were arrested for having murdered seven women.
Even if you deny the charges,
even if the prosecutors can't prove that you were the murderer,
you'll be charged with at least 1 or 2 murders.
Then would the sentence be 25 years?
30 years?
No. You'll be locked here forever.
That means you have to be locked up,
just like when you were in the mental hospital.
You will be locked up
in the solitary confinement that's as tiny as 3m².
In that tiny room, you'll be eating,
eating, and then sleeping again.
You won't be able to escape that room
even when you close your eyes
or when you are in your dreams.
Who are you?
To make you a human,
I put you in the mental hospital. You should have lived there quietly.
It's all right. It's all right.
Did it hit you yet?
Will you be able to stand it?
You committed sins, so pay for them.
Our Father, who art in the sky. Hallowed be thy name.
How can she do this to her only son?
You will never be able to get out of the solitary confinement
where you can't feel the sun nor the wind.
Don't come out until you die in here.
Please open the door.
Please open the door.
Is anyone there?
You can get out of here after you die.
I can't leave just one present.
The game needs to be fair.
The serial killer Jung Ho Young committed suicide in his cell.
He committed suicide while he was held in solitary confinement
at the Soojeong Prison at 9:20pm today.
A worker at the prison on patrol found him
and tried CPR to save him.
He was sent to the hospital, but died within 30 minutes.
He didn't leave any will,
but it seems likely that he was under pressure
before the interrogation by the prosecution and committed suicide.
The police are looking into the exact cause of death.
What happened?
Professor Shin, why are you here?
Are you feeling better?
I'm sorry I couldn't visit you at the hospital.
I'm relieved to see you are well.
What do we know?
- Are you sure it was a suicide? - Yes, it was a suicide.
The cause of death was lack of oxygen and heart shock.
For more detailed analysis,
the body will be sent to the NISI to conduct an autopsy.
Did something happen in the prison?
He had no reason to commit suicide.
He was held in solitary confinement.
What could have possibly happened?
I heard he didn't leave a will. Did he not leave any notes as well?
Right. I was going to make a call.
Who is Detective Park Kwang Ho?
It's me. Why?
Jung Ho Young left a letter addressed to you.
Pardon? A letter?
Why would he leave a letter to Corporal Park?
According to the worker who found him,
he was holding it in his hands tightly.
What is this?
Excuse me. Hold on a second.
Darn it.
You seem like you are in a good mood.
Yes. It's because the weather is nice.
What brings you here this early?
Because Jung Ho Young committed suicide out of the blue,
there's no way I can find out what he witnessed.
There's a chance that he might have seen the killer's face.
That's true. It's disappointing.
Anyway, how did you figure out Jung Ho Young is a witness?
Did he brag around that he was?
Jung Ho Young insisted that he was the killer until the end.
I am not a witness.
The person who figured out that he was a witness
is Kwang Ho.
It was Corporal Park?
He said that the real killer smoked a cigarette in the tunnel,
but Jung Ho Young never had a cigarette in his entire life.
That's how he figured out that Jung Ho Young was not the real killer.
How does Corporal Park know that the real killer
smoked a cigarette in the tunnel?
It happened 30 years ago.
Only that detective and I know that.
Hide well and deep. I can see you.
Who will recognize whom first?
And who will catch whom first?
I am really curious.
"Who will recognize whom first?"
Hey, Sun Jae. I need to talk to you.
Hey, you jerk!
Was it you?
Are you that detective of 30 years ago?
How can this happen?
What is it? Do you have something to say?
No, I don't.
- I'll get going, Professor. - All right.
Did you tell Professor Mok that I came from the past?
He's the one who did the autopsy for the dead Park Kwang Ho.
What did you tell him?
I told him that I will tell him everything later.
Did he believe you?
You don't have to worry about him.
Let's go. We might be late for the meeting.
I thought he died that time.
(Hyundae Photo Studio)
("Large Replacement of Personnel at Hwayang Police Station")
What on earth
Is that why Lieutenant Kim didn't tell me who Corporal Park was?
It's nice to meet you again.
Has it been 30 years?
(Hwayang University)
Jung Ho Young was the witness?
Yes, that's the point I missed.
That's why the victims were in the same group.
That explains why his tools were the same.
The reason Jung Ho Young was obsessed with skirts
and used stockings as his tool was that
they were the traits of the murder he witnessed.
Jung Ho Young's suppressed, violent disposition as an 18-year-old
was probably aroused at that time.
I bet that murder was a crucial moment for Jung Ho Young.
Witnessing a murder lit the fuse?
He was a kind of copycat.
Your conjecture that there may be
another killer was correct.
- But something is off. - What is it?
He wasn't the type of criminal that is prone to commit suicide.
Even if he was planning to end his life voluntarily,
he would have done it before he was arrested.
But he committed suicide after the police investigation
where they found out that he was a witness.
What could be the reason for this?
Could he be playing games until the end?
He committed suicide without telling us anything.
If that's the case, he shouldn't have left us anything.
But he left a memo.
Why on earth did he leave behind a memo?
And why did he leave it to Corporal Park?
Why do you suppose Jung Ho Young committed suicide?
I'm not sure, but I heard this from a lawyer
who often visits prison.
Some inmates in prison
can't stand being locked up in a cell.
Those inmates beg their lawyers
and plead to get them out of the cell quickly.
Some even hurt themselves.
I suppose he is one of those inmates.
According to the record,
he's been locked up in a mental institution.
The moment he walked into prison,
he might have been reminded of that memory.
He can only get out when he dies.
He couldn't stand being locked up.
That's why he ended his life with his own hands.
Sometimes, memories can gobble up a person.
This has never happened to you, Professor Shin?
I wish I had memories to start with.
I don't have any memories from my childhood.
I was adopted when I was six and left Korea.
I heard someone is looking for me.
If I had my memories,
I could have figured out who is looking for me.
I don't have the faintest idea who that might be.
Don't try so hard.
You don't have to do that
because they will come to you when the time is right.
Will they?
(Hwayang Police Station)
(The last message Jung Ho Young left to Corporal Park, Noel)
(Murderer: Jung Ho Young, committed suicide in Soojeong Prison)
Since the suspect committed suicide,
the prosecutor will dismiss the seven cases
as there is no right of arraignment.
The real criminal of Yoon Da Young and Nam Ju Hee's case
hasn't been caught yet.
We have to start again.
The investigation squad for the cases has already been dismantled.
So what? Are you implying that we quit?
I'm implying that we should lead this investigation secretly.
Everyone, be careful not to let our superiors find out. Understood?
This is the case that innocent women have been killed for 30 years.
We ought to put an end to this.
We have to solve this case
for everyone to go back to his or her places.
We have the witness and victims,
but we don't have the criminal.
What should we start with?
(Hwayang-ri Tunnel)
First, we have to study the past cases thoroughly.
That's how we will grasp what kind of person he is
and find the similarities with the recent cases.
Kiddo is briefing this, not you, Chief?
Kiddo said that he heard this from the chief the other day.
This is what Jung Ho Young said.
"This is the case that no one knows of"
"and has no record of."
Tell him not to cut the nonsense.
The victims, the families,
and the chief knows. And so do I.
We are definitely going to catch the scumbag this time.
In 1985, the first victim was found
on Soojeong-ri, Bangjoo Road, Hwayang-eup.
Lee Jung Sook. She was a factory worker at Donghae Textiles.
She was murdered on her way home.
The 2nd murder took place after less than 15 days passed.
Kim Kyung Soon. She was 20 years old.
She went missing when she was coming back from Seoul.
She was discovered the next day.
Just like Lee Jung Sook, she was strangled with stockings.
Her hands and feet were tied.
Hwang Choon Hee is the third victim.
Hwang Choon Hee?
She was an employee at Rose Cafe.
She disappeared on her way from her delivery.
The next day, her body was found in the field of reeds.
The crime method was the same.
He didn't leave behind a single trace.
the fourth victim was Seo Yi Soo.
She was a 26-year-old housewife.
Jung Ho Young was a witness of this incident.
She was killed with the same crime method,
that's why we thought the culprit was Jung Ho Young.
The fifth victim and survivor was Kim Young Ja.
What's this?
She was an 18-year-old high school student.
Lastly, there's Jin Seon Mi, the sixth victim
who was found in the tunnel.
She was 19 years old.
That's when we knew that they were all committed by the same culprit.
To be honest, the investigation was a complete failure.
It was too late when we realized
that it was a serial murder case.
Searching for criminals in the neighborhood
and acquaintances of the victims was not enough.
We may be a bit late,
but we can still catch him.
What do the victims have in common?
They were either teenagers or women in their 20s.
They were all strangled with stockings.
And they all had dots on their ankles.
The estimated time of the murders is around 9:00pm.
We always went to the crime site again
at the estimated time with a flash light.
You went to the site?
What he means is that the chief went there.
- I see. - Concentrate.
And 30 years later,
Yoon Da Young became the seventh victim.
Nam Ju Hee became the eighth.
They all coincide with the past murders.
Even the fact that he didn't bury the bodies.
Now that I think about it,
both the bodies of victims 7 and 8 were found far from the road,
which is different from Jung Ho Young's crime method.
That means the culprit must've walked
to find the victims.
That's exactly the same as 30 years ago.
We need to find out where Yoon Da Young and Nam Ju Hee were
on the day of the incident.
We need to figure out
where they were spotted by the culprit.
(Lee Jung Sook, Kim Kyung Soon, Hwang Choon Hee, Seo Yi Soo)
They were all on their way back home.
They all should've gone home safely.
But why do you think
he started committing murder again after 30 years?
Isn't it weird? The statute of limitations have expired.
He could've just stayed quiet. But why risk getting caught again?
This jerk must've encountered something to change his mind.
A trigger.
Something must've triggered the culprit.
Otherwise, there's no way he would appear after hiding for 30 years.
Is it because of the dead Park Kwang Ho?
What? Who died?
First, let's focus on the concrete clues.
There's the memo "Noel" left by Jung Ho Young, the witness.
we know that the ink used to mark the dots on the victims
was made by Shinhae Chemicals.
Lastly, we need to find out where Yoon Da Young and Na Ju Hee were
on the day of the incident.
Tae Hee and Min Ha.
Go and visit Yoon Da Young and Nam Ju Hee's family.
Ask them if they know where they were.
Sun Jae and Kwang Ho. You two should focus on
figuring out the meaning of "Noel".
I'll look into the ink made by Shinhae Chemicals.
I'm sure it has something to do with his crime tool.
I'm going to catch him no matter what this time.
Let's get going.
- I need to talk to you two. - Pardon?
What's wrong, sir?
I think it's because of the other Park Kwang Ho who died.
What do you mean?
The reason why the culprit started murdering people again.
I thought he was the one who killed the other Park Kwang Ho.
It doesn't make sense.
He got rid of what bothered him. Why would he start murdering again?
He's right.
I think something triggered the murderer.
If we know what that is, we'll be able to estimate his personality.
We can ask Professor Shin.
What? No way. I won't allow that.
Why won't you allow that?
- Chief. - Yes?
- Professor Shin is - What about her?
I thought nothing else could surprise me.
Professor Shin is
Yeon Ho?
That's why I won't allow it.
Come to think of it,
she does seem to look like you.
But then again, she doesn't.
But we still need Professor Shin's help.
You little
- Kwang Ho. - Did you not hear me?
For unresolved cases like these where we don't have any evidence,
it's crucial that we estimate his personality correctly.
The faster you catch him, the faster you'll go back home.
Until when will you stay here?
You little jerk.
Let's listen to him, Kwang Ho.
Sun Jae. What's wrong with you?
My gosh.
You want me to do a criminal profiling.
There aren't any records of what happened in the past.
All I can give you is what I wrote in the email.
You'll need to use the newspaper article you found as reference.
(Hwayang Police Station)
(The victim was found in a tunnel.)
There's one more thing.
I heard that the chief took part in
investigating the cases 30 years ago.
Can I get more specific information on the victims?
- The victims? - Yes.
I have a lot of experience in criminal profiling.
I'd like to see the victims' profiles while I'm at it.
It seems like the victims could be a big hint in finding this culprit.
Is it because of what happened to you last time?
I can't say that it has nothing to do with it.
I'm sorry. You just got out of the hospital.
If you're sorry, then don't ask.
I want to put this to an end.
- I'll hang up now. - Okay.
What did Yeon Ho say?
She wants specific information.
The smallest things will matter,
so write down everything you know and send it to Professor Shin.
(The last message Jung Ho Young left to Corporal Park, Noel)
(The last message Jung Ho Young left to Corporal Park, Noel)
Yes, sir.
I thought you guys caught the culprit.
We just need to check a few things.
The records say that Yoon Da Young
went to Haein River on the day of the incident.
Do you know why she went there?
Do you think she'd still be alive
if she didn't go there alone?
She used to go there whenever she felt frustrated.
It was mostly when she had to deal with rude customers.
She went there that night to take a walk.
She called me on her way home.
She said she wanted to quit.
That was the last time I talked to her.
We said goodbye fairly early that day.
We don't usually study,
but since we had to take exams the next day, we went home early.
Ju Hee said she was going to stay at the playground for a bit longer.
She didn't want to go home.
Did you happen to see
anyone strange around that area?
Yes. I used to work at Shinhae Chemicals.
But what brings you here?
This ink was made by Shinhae Chemicals 30 years ago.
Can we ask where was it used?
It's pigment ink.
We were the first ones to make this in Korea.
But this was the reason why the factory had to shut down.
It was used in paints, manicures,
tires, ballpoint pens, and fountain pens.
It was used in many different things.
Ballpoint pens and fountain pens?
Yes. Back then, you could easily find this ink in writing supplies.
(Christmas, Birth, Name)
(Name of Place: Noel Heights)
(The last message Jung Ho Young left to Corporal Park, Noel)
It says "Lucia" on this necklace. It was her baptismal name.
Wait. Hey.
- This is a baptismal name. - What?
This is a baptismal name, just like the one on Lee Seo Yeon's necklace.
Then does that mean Noel is
the baptismal name of the culprit?
Jung Ho Young knows who the culprit is.
How many cathedrals are there in Hwayang?
I'm talking about cathedrals that even existed in 1986.
There are only 5 cathedrals that existed in 1986.
The first one is Yeonji-dong Cathedral.
Father. We need to ask you a question.
Is there a believer named Noel in this cathedral?
He should be in his late 40s or in his early 50s.
Do you not know him?
Can you show us the list of everyone who comes here?
(List of Baptized Believers)
(Kim Byung Cheol, born in 1968)
Who are you?
Is this Kim Byung Cheol's house?
Yes. Is someone here?
(Kim Gyung Tae, born in 1968)
This is the last spot, right?
Subtitle ripped and resynced by redixion
- Thank you. - No problem.
Gosh, it's been so long since I heard my baptismal name.
I've forgotten about it since I was busy making a living.
You are from this neighborhood, right?
Yes. That's right. I was born and grew up here.
Then you must know about several murdered women 30 years ago.
What do you mean?
Do you smoke?
I do, but why do you ask?
Please provide an alibi for January 13 and April 24.
I don't ever leave the store.
Maybe it wasn't a baptismal name?
Why are you looking for a person with the baptismal name?
Thank you for your cooperation.
His baptismal name
was Noel.
There was another guy with the same name at the cathedral I went to.
You were the only one on the list. What is his name then?
It's been so long. His name was
I can't remember his name, but he was quite odd.
What was odd?
There was Mr. Cheon at my cathedral.
He was a soldier who fought in the Vietnam War.
He used to assemble the kids
and brag about how many people he had killed.
He said that he had to kill those filthy people.
He talked about how he cut their heads
and slit their throats.
He even showed us the tattoo on his leg.
He told us that the tattoo meant the number of people he killed.
- Tattoo? - Yes.
The thing is that he was the only one who listened to him.
Where can we meet Mr. Cheon?
You can't. He passed away long ago.
One day, he stopped coming to the cathedral.
I heard he passed away.
After Mr. Cheon passed away, that guy stopped coming to church.
Is there anyone who would know where that guy is?
Well It happened so long ago.
I don't think anyone knows.
That's why he had no records
or registered fingerprints.
Seo Yi Soo's son and the detective from 30 years ago.
I've never imagined that a game would be set up for me.
Thank you.
I will gladly play the game.
("A Skeleton Was Found at Mount Ojeong")
("A Corpse Assumed to Be a College Student Has Been Found")
(1st and 2nd victim)
(Yoon Da Young, Nam Ju Hee)
(Yoon Da Young was strangled to death.)
(Nam Ju Hee had 8 dots on her ankle.)
("A Serial Killer, Jung Ho Young Committed Suicide")
(Jung Ho Young, the witness)
Jung Ho Young's method of killing
was derived from the real killer.
The only thing different about it is the signature.
(There were dots on the ankles of the victims.)
Why did he mark dots on the victims?
(Hwayang Police Station)
So Noel is a baptismal name?
We searched every cathedral in Hwayang.
There was no one suspicious.
Hey, why did you leave out that guy the storekeeper told us?
What do you mean?
It's not in the record.
There was one person we couldn't meet.
Really? So who is it?
We have to find that out.
Did you find anything useful from Yoon Da Young
and Nam Ju Hee's routes on the day of the incident?
We did check the security footages one more time.
No one came up in both security footages.
As you all know from observing the scene,
there were no security cameras near Haein River and the playground.
The real killer must have followed them at some point.
He was watching for the exact moment when the victims were alone.
In a nutshell, you don't know when the killer started to follow them.
- That's correct. - My gosh.
By the way, Chief,
I don't think the killer followed them for a long time.
If he did, someone must have seen him.
Or he must've been in the footages, but there's no trace of him.
I don't know where he was hiding.
Are you guys doing something?
You didn't go home yet?
Knock next time.
Knock? You're fooling yourself.
Is there a door here?
Besides, everyone went out to round up the gambling syndicate.
Why are you guys here?
Just because you caught a serial killer,
do you think gambling isn't worth your time or what?
We have to rest too.
We deserve a vacation as a reward, not scolding from you.
The suspect died. What do you mean you deserve a vacation?
Anyway, go and back them up.
I told you.
Is it our fault that Jung Ho Young is dead?
We are frustrated the most because he's dead.
We have to at least look like we are helping.
Tae Hee and Min Ha. You will come with me for back up.
Oh, right. This.
Take a look at the list of products that used Shinhae Chemicals' ink.
(A list of products that used Shinhae Chemicals' ink)
Let me know if you get any lead.
Yes, sir.
Go when I tell you to.
- Why do we have to go? - Please just go.
- Go, just go! - Why can't you talk?
Please go.
I'm going.
I'm going home.
Don't follow me.
I told you not to.
I told you not to follow me.
You are so sly.
What brings you here?
I'm just stopping by.
Is there a new case?
We have to uncover the real killer from 30 years ago.
Besides, he started to kill again.
We really have to catch him this time.
But don't you lack evidence for the cases from 30 years
and the recent ones as well?
It's a secret for our investigation.
Please let me know if I can be of help.
I will get going now.
Good luck, Lieutenant Kim.
Why don't you have a cup of coffee?
I don't think he recognized me.
Was it his instinct?
Don't you think we should share the information and get some help?
Didn't you hear what the chief said?
I'm really going now.
Don't follow me. I mean it.
What's going on? The lights are on.
Did something happen to her?
Are you going to break the window again?
Why didn't you answer me if you were at home?
I was worried.
This necklace
Why are you wearing this?
Who are you? Answer me.
Corporal Park.
Do you recognize
that necklace?
- What? - When you saved me,
you asked me who I am because of the necklace.
No, I didn't.
You must have heard wrong.
- But you did. - I didn't.
Go to bed.
What can I
say to you now?
I'm sorry, Yeon Ho.
This is Soojeong Prison.
We are calling you to tell you that our investigation is over.
The autopsy proved that he committed suicide.
But there was someone who visited him
on the day of his death.
There was a visitor on the day of his death? Who is it?
This person.
(Mok Jin Woo)
Mok Jin Woo?
Why would the professor come here?
He didn't mention anything about this.
Yes, I went to meet him.
Why? Why did you meet him?
I was curious about something.
What was it?
Are you interrogating me?
I told you about this before.
Yoon Da Young who was found near Haein River
and Lee Seo Yeon who was found on the road
have one difference.
Lee Seo Yeon was chocked several times,
which caused congestion on her face.
Yoon Da Young was killed at once.
I went to ask him about that.
I wanted to know if I was right.
What did he say?
I was right. He told me that when he killed Lee Seo Yeon,
he chocked her repeatedly.
In conclusion, my assumption that there were other killers was right.
And he committed suicide right after your visit.
- Park Kwang Ho. - Why did you go there secretly?
That is a bit harsh, Corporal Park.
Do I have to report everything to you?
What do you want to say?
Why was it him that Jung Ho Young met
before he died?
We'll get going.
Let's go.
Let's go.
There is a criminal "A".
After 1986, he didn't kill any more.
For 30 years, he lived as a normal person.
But one day, he starts committing murder again.
Why would he do that?
Is there a possibility that he was in prison for 30 years?
He started killing as soon as he got out.
The professor just told us that he lived as a normal person.
I think it will differ on what kind of murderer he is.
There must have been a big reason for him
to start killing again after 30 years.
That's right. The reason.
Murderers aren't born overnight.
And they don't commit murder overnight without a reason.
There is an expression called murder without reason.
Some people think it's a characteristic of serial killing.
However, there are no murders without any reason.
If you meet murderers, they all have their reasons.
If they have reasons, can they kill people?
I said they had their reasons. I never said it was okay.
Murder without reason
is nonsense. They all have their reasons.
We just haven't found it out yet.
Why did he suddenly start killing after 30 years?
Why now?
(January 1, 2017)
(January 13, 2017)
After Kim Young Ja's leg parts were found,
Yoon Da Young was killed within two weeks.
The culprit didn't know
that Kim Young Ja was alive.
Could this have been a trigger for the culprit?
But if he knows that Kim Young Ja only died recently,
that means he is very near us.
(Lieutenant Kim)
(Hwayang Police Station)
You're here.
Why didn't you receive my calls? Where have you been?
What happened?
I think Professor Shin found out why he started killing again.
What is all this?
This is the list of the policemen involved in Kim Young Ja's case.
Professor Shin thinks that this case triggered the culprit.
Yoon Da Young was killed two weeks after
Kim Young Ja's leg was found.
What do you mean?
What if a culprit, who regularly put dots on the victims, found out
that Kim Young Ja, whom he thought had been killed, was alive?
You mean the culprit is one of them?
Only the police officers involved in the case
know that Kim Young Ja died recently.
The press never covered this fact.
Kim Sun Jae, we can't be sure of this.
Don't you know we can cause more problems
if we look into this without proof?
That's what I mean.
Why would a police officer kill someone?
He's talking nonsense.
Let's conduct a background investigation first.
He committed murder 30 years ago.
We can start with his age.
We can fit in the puzzles
with the evidence we have.
Lieutenant Kim is right, Chief.
We should at least try something.
Oh, my.
Don't try to confront them first.
Let's find out first if anyone matches our profile.
That's all.
Professor Mok autopsied Kim Young Ja's leg.
Rule out those in their 20s and their 30s.
Find out their legal domicile.
(Police Officer Personal Records Card)
- Find out when they came here. - All right.
Focus on the early and mid-80s.
(List of policemen involved)
(in the case of Kim Young Ja)
Chief, what should we do now?
(Kim Dong Won, 38 years old)
(Moon Hyeong Pyo, 52 years old)
We need to meet them.
What are you doing here in the middle of the night, Sung Shik?
Say hello.
- Hello. - Hello.
You want me to tell you where I was?
What is this, Lieutenant Kim?
Did Chief Jeon put you up to this?
There's no need to get upset. Just tell me where you were.
Why do I need to tell you that?
Jung Ho Young case has been closed for ages.
Noel. Noel.
(A list of products that used Shinhae Chemical’s ink)
(Used in fountain pen)
Fountain pen?
I will get going now.
Detective Kim. Can I ask you a favor?
He moved to Hwayang in 1980?
Did he live there in 1986?
What about in 1986?
I see. He lived in Hwayang?
It was that scum.
It could've been someone else.
Apparently, there were seven dots Yoon Da Young's ankle.
How do you suppose the suspect marked those dots?
Well, considering the size and shape,
I think the suspect might've used a needle used for tattoos.
It could have been an ordinary pen
or a fountain pen.
That scum was playing games with us.
He had an eye on our every move.
(Kim Young Ja)
(Yoon Da Young)
(Yoon Da Young)
(Nam Ju Hee)
Why did he mark dots on the victims' bodies?
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault.
Why did he say it's all his fault?
I wonder why he apologized.
I found the note.
It was the cop who was looking for you.
(Hwayang University)
I know who you are.
I believe you've found out who I am.
You were hiding so close to me. You scum.
Who would have thought you were the cop chasing me in the tunnel?
You and I have quite an interesting connection. Don't you think?
What? You find this interesting?
Is this interesting to you?
Calm down now.
I don't think you're in the position to yell at me like that.
You can't imagine how much I've been wanting to catch you.
Hey. Stop hiding like a little rat and come out.
Where are you?
Where are you, you scum?
Come to the tunnel right now.
- What? - We should settle things
where we first met, shouldn't we?
And if you don't want Lieutenant Kim
and Professor Shin who lives on the first floor to get hurt, come alone.
I wouldn't want to kill another person because of you.
If you lay a hand on either of the two,
I'll kill you.
I'll tear you into pieces.
That scumbag!
(We're always by our residents, Friendly Yeonju Police)
He was on the Missing Persons Team at Yeonju Police Station.
His name was Jung Jae Hyung.
I wonder who's looking for me.
Are you Ms. Shin Jae Yi?
Lieutenant Kim asked you to look for me?
Yes. You two knew each other?
I already told him. That's strange.
Why would Lieutenant Kim
To be exact, he asked me to look for Park Yeon Ho.
He said it didn't have to do with a case
and that it was just a personal favor.
I'll be going.
The number you are dialing is not available. You'll be
What on earth is Park Kwang Ho up to?
Yes, Chief.
How did things go over there?
I think we guessed wrong.
All right. Tomorrow will take care of itself.
Professor Shin.
Can we meet right now?
It's good to see you, Detective Park Kwang Ho.
I guess I'm happy to see you too, you scumbag.
Is this where you were hiding out?
That's what I would like to ask you.
How could you be here?
Could you have really traveled through time from the past?
That's right.
I came here to catch you, you jerk.
That's good news for me.
Since you're from the past,
you wouldn't be on record. Even if you died,
nothing would change.
People will just think the real Park Kwang Ho died.
Did you
call out the real Park Kwang Ho this way and kill him?
I clearly gave a warning.
I told him not to go any further.
Are you looking for someone?
I don't suppose you're here to just look around the office.
Why are you here?
You know an old man named Kim Pil Soo, don't you?
When you volunteered at the senior welfare center in Sungyoo-dong,
you examined him.
Hello. How can I help you?
We heard there was a free clinic here.
I remember him.
Mr. Kim Pil Soo passed away the next day.
I gave him a vitamin injection so that he would feel better.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Are you sure what you injected into him was a vitamin injection?
He was such a healthy man, but he passed away so suddenly.
So I was just curious.
You were curious?
You need a warrant for this.
I just need to check
what he brought to the voluntary service.
Is there a drug that suddenly went missing?
Whatever it is, you need to bring a warrant.
In this world,
there are some paths that you don't need to walk.
Kim Bok Soon, your grandmother who raised you.
Would it be okay for me to kill her?
You better come here alone.
That's the only way she'll live.
Hello? Hello?
Get off!
When I first saw you,
I was so surprised
that I almost burst into laughter.
Because I was sure
that I had killed Park Kwang Ho.
But then another Park Kwang Ho showed up.
You killed him,
and then you conducted an autopsy on him?
Don't get the wrong idea.
I could've manipulated the cause of his death.
But I didn't.
I'm not as nasty and cowardly as you think I am,
Detective Park.
Shut that mouth of yours, you piece of trash.
What did you want to say to me?
Why didn't you tell me?
You know about my real name, Park Yeon Ho.
I couldn't figure out why you were looking for me,
and how you knew about my real name.
Why were you looking for me? What do you know about
my past?
I don't think I should be the one to answer your question.
Then who should?
Come here, you scumbag.
I'm not done with you.
What are you talking about?
Why should I ask Corporal Park about this?
your father.
He told me that you can't find out.
But I guess I should tell you.
Kwang Ho
is your father.
What kind of nonsense is that?
Who's my father?
He's younger than I am. How can he be
Kwang Ho
came from the past.
Where did this jerk go?
Park Kwang Ho!
What's going on?
It can't be
Am I
back in the past?
Subtitle ripped and resynced by redixion
- Ta-da. - My goodness.
This looks great.
It'll taste great too.
Do you like it?
- You can't have any. - My gosh.
It's okay if you're late. Just make sure you come back home.
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